Gryphon's Desire (Part 2)

Story by fizzymcbon on SoFurry

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#2 of Gryphon's Desire

Zan's pleasure-filled night with the dragon continues ...

Only an hour had gone by since the gryphon had first entered the cavern, but it felt like ages had passed. Zan had only been trying to seek shelter from a deadly storm; And a large, dark cave scratched into the mountain wall had looked like the perfect shelter at the time.

He soon realized that wasn't the case. He wasn't alone. Something already lived inside, and probably had been for hundreds of years. Something long thought extinct by the majority of creatures in the jungle. How wrong they had all been.

Dragons we're not extinct, because proof of their existence sat right in front of the young gryphon. He didn't know if the dragon he found himself with was friendly or not, because honestly, he still didn't know.

The one thing he did know however, was that ever since meeting the ancient, powerful creature. All he cared about was what it was going to do to him next.

It had all started with Zan's and the dragon's mutual affinities to Energy. The strange power that existed in very few creatures, and provided a wealth of abilities to the lucky few who happened to posses it's gifts. For Zan, it helped him survive. It made him stronger when he was weak, or faster when he was too slow. He could not call upon it's assistance at will like some, but it appeared during signs of danger. So far tonight, his Energies had shown themselves more times then he could ever possibly remember.

For the dragon, it was power in it's purest form. Zan had never seen such a creature wield Energy the way he did. It could crackle violently along his dark hide in angry, red sparks at will. And the things he did with it, and what Zan imagined he could do with it; Made him shudder in anticipation at the idea of such things.

The dragon had shown the gryphon what he was capable of: Reading minds, tearing memories from his mental grasp, making him feel pleasure he never knew existed . . . And when he had told him that he could earn this power too, even after all the suffering the dragon had caused him earlier . . . Zan found he couldn't resist.

For as much as he had despised the dragon, he loved every second he spent with him now. And he was ready to learn, even if it meant having to relive those past memories as he had done so already. It didn't matter, because he wanted anything and everything the creature could give him.

And sitting there, in the intensely hot cavern, Zan knew he would get his wish.

The scent - that sweet, spicy aroma that emanated from the dragon was so enticing, Zan didn't think he'd be able to stand it much longer. Even with only his small weak nostrils which rested above his curving yellow beak, he found hecouldn't ignore the overwhelming presence it had in the enclosed room. It made his soft, white furred body tremble with arousal, and his usually quick-witted mind seem fuzzy and slow.

Like all gryphon whelps, Zan was almost fully grown. His feathery fringe was fully developed, and swept from his forehead to all around his neck in an attractive mane of long, pointy white feathers. Further down, above his shoulders, he sported a pair of large of tightly folded wings. If one looked closely, they could still see the traces of fluffy down that clung to their edges; Giving away his young age.

The ancient dragon was his exact opposite. Instead of having a light, lean body, he was tall and muscular, almost twice as big as Zan. The gryphon knew though; That hidden under that thick, midnight black hide was a lightning quick dexterity that showed in the dragon's every movement - very predatory in it's nature. Like him, the dragon had two thick, leathery wings. He had yet to see their full length, but he knew they had to be huge to support such a creature. What bothered the young whelp so much however, was the dragon's blood red eyes; They always stared him down, and he knew the effect looking directly into their dark pupils had on him . . . Leaving his mind open for the dragon to pry at - to control him . . . It was a frightening experience, but it had showed him glimpses of what he could become . . .

As strong as the dragon.

He was a whelp. Becoming older and stronger was all he thought about pretty much. Well that, and eating and - mating too, he guessed. Was it so bad for him to accept the dragon's offering? His promises of making him more powerful? What had the dragon whispered into his mind earlier? He could barely remember. Something about 'feeding off him' and how it would benefit both of them.

'feeding off him.' What did that even mean? Zan didn't know, all of it was a blurry mess of spinning memories. But the dragon had clearly made it known that he was not going to make him his next meal. It was all so cryptic, but here he was; Eager for the dragon's next move. His warm body nearly begging for the same pleasure he had experienced only a few minutes ago.

A slight smile curved at the corner's of his beak, he washed all those bothersome thoughts aside. His usually friendly, bright blue eyes shining with a dark hunger.

The dragon was standing on four legs in front of him, his narrow face looking down on the young gryphon with a look of mild amusement - who in-turn, gazed back up with a look of total awe.

"Ready for more, whelp?" He purred seductively.

Zan nodded, his cheek ruffs shaking up and down in unrestrained excitement.

"I knew you would be."

The dragon raised a hind leg, and Zan felt the creature's powerful musk wash over him instantly. It's effects we're quick and debilitating; Making his body go pleasantly numb in a matter of seconds as that exotically mesmerizing odor wiped away any trace of fear or doubt he had left in his already muddled mind. There we're no words that could describe just how good the scent made him feel. His emotions, feelings, thoughts - everything, became a swirling mixture of simple, indescribable bliss.

The dragon smiled devilishly down at him as Zan's eyes glazed over; A dull grin on his face as he was overcome, once again, by the dragon's incredible pheromones. He looked up at the dragon expectantly, waiting for what was to come, and hoping it would soon - he felt as if he would faint from the sheer force of that untamed scent.

As if in slow motion, the dragon raised a clawed hand and placed it gently on the back of the gryphon's neck; His penetrating eyes never leaving the young whelp's innocent gaze. His massive, dark claws gently pushed through Zan's thick mane of feathers on the back of his neck.

For a second, Zan thought the dragon was going to grab him; And he instinctively tensed his muscles in fear. The dragon gave him a curious, almost gauging look, before his talons began lightly raking along the back of the his head, giving Zan a good scritch as his large digits ruffled and rumpled the younger creature's feathery fringe.

Zan closed his eyes and cooed happily at the pleasant massage. Reveling in the gentle pressure the dragon's sharp nails had on his skin. How did he know that was his favorite spot for a good scratch? Not since his parents had any creature ever performed such a caring act on him. Curiously, the pang of longing that he should have felt at the personal memory surprisingly - did not come. A brief look of concern flickered across the young gryphon's face; His beak frowning for a second as he futilely racked his brain for an explanation as to why he wasn't feeling any sadness . . .

The dragon growled softly. It was not a menacing noise, but rather a comforting purr that rolled out of his robust throat. Zan felt the beasts claws dig a little deeper into his mane; He knew what he was thinking, and his talons stroked the gryphon's head almost as if to soothe the young creature.

It worked perfectly. Zan sighed inwardly, scrunching his face up adorably as the dragon increased the pace of his petting. He forgot instantly about what was worrying him so much, and instead gave himself over to the dragon's ministrations. Simply content to let his body fall into the calming motions of the dragon's hand.

Gradually, it ended, And Zan eventually opened his eyes from the lazy hypnosis he had been snared in. It felt like he had just awoken from a long nap. Languidly, he raised his head. The dragon was quietly staring down at him with a knowing smile playing at the edges of his snout. Zan felt a twinge of suspicion deep inside his gizzard; what had the dragon been doing to him just now? Not physically - but mentally? It didn't matter, he felt okay. Better than okay - he felt great. Zan met the dragon's gaze with an almost loving look in his eyes. He was his now. It was as simple as that.

The dragon winked at him and Zan felt another emotion bubble up inside him. He couldn't quite place it - apprehension maybe? But it had a hungry edge to it, an almost burning eagerness that torched through his chest. He shook his head and tried to refocus on what the dragon was doing; Giving a small twitch of surprise when he felt the cold claws of the dragon re-place themselves unseen on the nape of his neck. Cautiously, unsure of the dragon's intentions, Zan raised his head slowly into his gaze.

He was still looking down at him with that curious look on his face, watching or studying the young gryphon's every move. Zan found it highly intimidating, and looked away. Blushing a little as he heard the soft hiss of laughter from the creature above him.

"Are you nervous little one?"

Zan jumped at the dragon's words as they cut through the gloom in which they stood. It had been so quiet - so peaceful, he realized for a few moments; With the only audible things in the room being the constant drip of water from the ceiling, and it's resulting echo around the large cavern. Now it was over, but he didn't feel as scared as he had when he first encountered the dragon. The complete opposite actually, he found himself quite interested in what was going to happen next.

He was just about to answer when he caught a glimpse of the underside of the dragon's body. Farther back, near his hips. He squinted . . . no, It couldn't be . . .

"See something interesting?" The dragon purred.

Zan didn't answer, he was in total shock. How was it possible? There wasn't anything - he had thought all along . . . He felt the dragon push him forward from the back of his neck, and Zan suddenly found himself scuttling to keep up as he was firmly shoved under the dragon's chest until he was underneath the creature's stomach.

The smell. It was mind-boggling how hard it was coming on now. Zan felt himself stagger as he struggled to remain upright in the face of it's raw intensity. His vision became blurry as his eyes watered up; The scent of spice and salt hanging heavily in the air. Whenever he breathed, he was breathing in that deliciously poignant odor; And in seconds, he found himself panting laboriously in an attempt to inhale oxygen; The smell, seemingly pushing all the air aside to make more room for itself.

As soon as he had somewhat adjusted to the dragon's extremely potent musk, Zan drunkenly raised his head to see if what he thought he had seen - or rather - what he had not seen - was actually there.

It wasn't, and his beak dropped in astonishment.

"You're a - a girl!?"

Above him, Zan heard the dragon give a wicked hiss of laughter.

"Oh, you wish."

There was a tiny moment of total, absolute confusion, where Zan tried to understand what the dragon had just said.

"But - but . . . You don't have a -"

He didn't get to finish, because the dragon's claws on the back of his neck suddenly pushed upwards - and Zan found his face buried in the dragon's dark, smooth slit.

It took him completely by surprise. He tried to pull back as soon as he found he couldn't breathe, but the dragon wouldn't let him. Weakly, Zan struggled against the steel grip holding him in place; Not even able to inhale from his nostrils which were pressed firmly into the dragon's soft cleft. His eyes began darkening at the edges. He was fainting. His body was telling him he needed oxygen even while his chest contracted futilely in it's desperate attempt to suck in a breath.

His mind began racing: 'Air, must find air!'. Fear struck him. He was truly panicking now, the dragon wasn't going to let him go!

Just when he thought he was going to pass out - the darkness - now almost all encompassing . . . He felt his head yanked back an inch, and he Immediately sucked in air through the first thing available: His small nostrils.

The dragon's slit. It was a few centimeters away from his face when he did so, and he unintentionally inhaled every particle of the dragon's primal musk straight from the source . . .

The only sound Zan gave was a small whimper right before he felt it rush straight into his head, and plunge his body into a boiling furnace of sexual desire. It raced through him like a powerful beast, his heart beginning to thump wildly in his lean chest; Pumping blood straight to his groin as he felt himself slip into a desirous stupor; His mind losing all restraint and falling into a state of primal lust.

For a second, his eyes fluttered as he consciously took in another lungful of the dragon's aroma; feeling it swell throughout his chest in waves of unimaginable comfort. It was like a drug to him, and Zan found he couldn't help himself from breathing in it's addicting effects over and over again. He couldn't stop; The dragon wasn't even bothering to hold him anymore as he pressed his beak up eagerly against the dragon's moist slit and sniffed deeply. Zan's already dizzy mind now simply buzzing from the incredible high it produced.

His brain begged for more but his body just couldn't handle it. Almost reluctantly, he pulled away from the dragon's groin; His head feeling lighter than air and his beak slightly wet. Slowly, Zan took a step backwards, nearly tripping over himself as his world spun giddily. Every movement made even his bones pulse with warmth . . . What in the world had happened to him? He didn't care the slightest. All that mattered was his quivering body that begged for something to touch it - to brush against his fur . . . He groaned in need; The sensation was overwhelming.

The dragon's head leveled with his own; His long, thick neck easily allowing him to gaze at the gryphon underneath him. He smiled gleefully as soon as he caught sight of the gryphon's lust-addled expression; his malevolent eyes glowing red.

"Enjoying yourself?"

Zan didn't have the brain-power to even formulate a simple word. He simply nodded, a dreamy look in his eye.

The dragon raised a horned eye-ridge in amusement and tilted his head towards his own groin. Zan followed his gesture and found himself staring back at the dark slit in the dragon's underside. Oh! He had completely forgotten! He looked back at the dragon with a look of utter confusion, totally bewildered as to whether the dragon was male or female. He spoke like a male, and he looked like a male . . . But - it just didn't make any sense.

The dragon answered his question almost immediately.

"It's called a slit little one." He whispered to Zan; With a tone like he was explaining something to a particularly dimwitted newborn.

"A - a what?"

"A slit," he repeated impatiently. "All dragon's have one instead of . . . well - whatever you call that thing," he gave a dismissive flick of his head towards Zan's groin.

Startled, Zan looked down at his own member; It hung loose out of it's white furred sheath; Soft and pink with small barbs covering the round head; It's length not yet engorged with blood.

"You mean . . . My sheath?"

The dragon nodded with a single, bob of his head.

"But yours doesn't - y'know, have anything . . ." He trailed off awkwardly.

The dragon smiled at his lack of knowledge

"That is because it is all hidden inside like yours is most of the time."

"So, your not a -"

"Female?" No, I am a male just like you."

Zan tried to puzzle it all together. His hazy mind putting the pieces together slowly. The dragon apparently had something like a sheath, except it was inside his body . . . It made sense he guessed, they we're different species after all. It was funny, he didn't know whether to be relieved or disappointed. As much as he was happy to know the true gender of the dragon, he was slightly upset that it was not female . . . Although it would be strange if it had been: A female talking like a male? That would be just too odd . . .

He shook the weird thought from his mind, returning his gaze towards the dragon peering at him from above; Wondering what to do next. He didn't have to wait long:

"I want you to lick me gryphon."

Zan was caught off-guard by the sudden command; And he looked around awkwardly as if someone else had overheard them.

"You mean like - with my tongue?"

The dragon nodded.

"Well - um, where do you want me too?"

"I think we both know the answer to that." He said. A smile curling on his snout.

"Oh - you mean, there?" Zan asked nervously. Casting a glance to the dragon's attractive slit.

The dragon nodded again, his smile widening.

Zan was surprised at how willingly his mind complied with the dragon's demand. But he couldn't deny himself how badly he wanted to see the dragon's own member . . . To taste whatever was producing that wonderful musk . . .

He reached out to it with his beak slowly - hesitantly; The dragon giving him an approving look.

Still, he couldn't shake away the tiny bit of fear in the back of his head. He was already so turned on by simply smelling the dragon - what happened if he was to actually taste it? He shuddered at the thought, momentarily halting a foot away from the dragon's slit, eying it nervously. He needed to think this through, maybe prepare himself a little more . . .

The dragon placed a front claw on the top of Zan's neck.

"Do not worry little one. I promise you will enjoy this."

Zan gulped anxiously at the dragon's words. Tentatively reaching out towards the slit, the beast's hand gently, but firmly guiding him onwards.

It was less than a few inches away from his beak now. The scent simply pouring from it and into his nose and mouth; Making his already intensely aroused body even hornier. Zan opened his beak, his flat, pink tongue slipping out and moving towards the dragon's groin; Moist with saliva. It stopped a hair's width away, the gryphon's already warped mind somehow finding some last reserve of restraint. Oh Guardians, he could almost taste it!

He caught the dragon's glare with his peripheral vision. He was staring at him expectantly.

"I'm not sure -"

Zan didn't get to finish, because the dragon's paw deliberately flicked his head forward; And unintentionally, the young whelp's tongue brushed against the slit . . .

Every. Single. Thought; Was wiped from his mind and replaced with a pure and uncontrollable urge to run his tongue over the dragon's dark gash as many times as possible. The taste . . . It was ungodly how amazing it was; Sweet, salty, spicy. It was all those things and much, much more; A devastating mixture of male pheromones and a lustful atmosphere. Zan couldn't stop himself. He pressed his tongue up and against the plush slit and began licking it furiously with his rough, catlike tongue; Pressing his beak eagerly against the dragon's pliable, leathery hide.

Zan heard the dragon give a grunt of satisfaction as the he lost all respect for himself and succumbed to his primal needs; Only concerned with satisfying his craving for the dragon's incredible smell.

His whole body pulsed with a dark pleasure, his limbs shaking with excitement as the dragon's taste took it's effect on him. His eyes rolled up as his tongue continued to lap wetly against the dragon's crotch needfully. It's surface now covered in a mixture of the beast's natural lubrication and the gryphon's own, hot saliva. Emotions ran crazily in his buzzing body, and he felt an explosion of lava-like euphoria rush towards his groin.

He whined as he felt the sensation tingle up his cock pleasantly. It's length growing long and hard all on it's own as his body quaked with desire; Thin red veins appearing all over it's peach colored surface as the barbs at the rounded tip became tense and unbearably sensitive, rubbing against the soft fur of his stomach.

Zan vigorously flicked his tongue in and out of the dragon's slit as if it would satisfy the burning hunger that now coursed through him. He needed the dragon's loving touch, his body and mind practically begged for it. The taste of the dragon's scent was driving him wild. It both satiated his quaking lust, but made it more pronounced at the same time, and he knew he wouldn't be able to keep up with it much longer. He could already feel the eroding effects the dragon's very essence was having on him; Almost smiling happily at the thought: Too simply give himself over to the dragon's will . . . To let him do as he pleased to his body and mind - would be endless bliss for sure. He could already feel himself slipping happily away from his very thoughts; A joyful feeling bursting inside him as he realized lazily, that very soon, he would be in a paradise of total heaven . . .

His tongue brushed against something stiff and hard, and he stopped licking momentarily in surprise. Something was just inside the dragon's moist slit . . .

He slipped his tongue in curiously, letting it drag across it's rubbery texture in a slow, investigative flick. He felt it push back against him firmly - and suddenly, Zan understood; reeling backwards as the dragon's member slid out of it's slit right in front his beak.

He stumbled away dizzily underneath the dragon stomach; The creature's length growing and growing before his very eyes. In no time at all, Zan found himself staring cross-eyed up in wonder at the full glory of the dragon's maleness right above his forehead.

He nearly collapsed in desire at the sight of it. Everything else around him didn't matter. His mind being solely focused on dragon's impressive tool.

It was awe-inspiring to look at. An almost violent shade of dark purple, and much larger than his own he realized with a slight twinge of jealously; At least twice as big in both length and girth. The entire surface was incredibly smooth-looking too; And Zan couldn't help but gawk as he noticed the thin gleam of moisture that made it shine beautifully; Showing off the pulsing black veins that spread out underneath it's rubbery texture. And the tip . . . It was so - foreign looking. Nothing like Zan's own rounded one, but taking on a distinct spade shape like a jungle palm; A clear, viscous string of pre steadily dripping from the peak of it, and trailing down the underside of it's length.

Zan's whole body trembled with yearning; His breaths coming in quick gasps as the dragon's musk intensified yet again. It couldn't get any better than this he thought bleakly. He felt as though he could stare at the dragon's cock forever, just simply admiring it's entire design for the rest of his life . . . Still, deep inside Zan there was a powerful curiosity boiling up inside him. He wanted more. And the sight of the dragon's tool made him feel incredibly aroused yet also slightly nervous at the same time. It was just so - aggressive looking. Much more so than his own pink, fleshy member that rubbed needfully against the fur of his stomach. It seemed to Zan that the dragon wanted to let him know that he was in no way in control of what might happen - and that Zan, was in total subservience to him.

He shivered at the thought, what had he gotten himself into?

It didn't matter, because his fears once again melted away as the dragon's scent spun itself into his very muscles and tendons; A heavenly comfort floating through his body and forcing him into a rapturous inertia. His eyelids felt very heavy all of a sudden; His eyes glazing over as he vaguely sensed the dragon slither into his thoughts greedily.

It didn't hurt at all, but Zan was completely aware as he felt the presence in his head twist his imagination craftily; His only motivation becoming to satiate the dragon's needs . . . And his own . . .

His eyes snapped open, a strange vitality expanding throughout his body. He felt very energized, and hungrily, he looked up at the dragon's cock curving along the beast's stomach. He pushed his head up to meet it, cooing happily like a newborn as he felt it's length brush along the side of his cheek. A delightful tingly feeling tickling the skin on his face as the beast's pre wet his furry tufts. How was he so sensitive to these things? If a simple, fleeting touch could produce such a reaction in him . . . 'What else could?' He wondered.

"You are very talented gryphon." The dragon whispered into his small pointed ear, his narrow head leveling alongside Zan's own.

Zan looked at him shyly. Unable to keep the nervous smile off his face at the unexpected praise.

"Not many creatures have the tenacity to arouse a dragon. But you . . . I knew there was something special about you when we first met. I could see it in your eyes."

Zan blushed at the comment, caught off guard but pleased all the same.

"I also understand - Especially concerning your display from earlier this evening - that you are very proficient at certain . . . Oral pleasures." The dragon hissed devilishly.

"Oral?" He was confused, he had never heard that word before. "What's that?"

The dragon grinned

"Oh but you already know whelp. You performed the act admirably on yourself earlier tonight, or do you not remember?"

Zan shook his head, in all honesty, he couldn't really think of anything at the moment with the way the dragon was seducing him with that voice of his . . .

"No? Perhaps I can refresh your memory."

"Wait - wha -"

Zan didn't get to finish, because the dragon abruptly pressed a heavy paw onto his back; One of his talons placed right along the young gryphon's spine . . .

Instantly, Zan's body became rigid like a board. Like he had been electrocuted by a surge of lightning. It was entirely painless though; And all he felt was a nauseating spinning sensation as his world disintegrated in front of his very eyes.

The last thing he saw before he blacked out was a pulsing red glow coming from the beast above him. That could only mean one thing: The dragon was using his Energies to manipulate his body . . . Zan didn't know whether to be excited or scared as consciousness faded: But whatever happened, one thing was certain:

He was under the dragon's control now.

He was floating through thin air: his body feeling lighter than a butterfly as he drifted through a bleak expanse of gray mist. Was he dead? No, that wasn't possible he reasoned. If this was eternity, then, well - eternity was really boring. It wasn't as if the floating was bothersome though, in fact, it was quite the opposite. There was a certain soothing calmness about drifting aimlessly through an endless expanse of swirling smoke . . . No pain, no thoughts . . . Just a plain and simple detachment from reality . . .

Who was he kidding, he had passed out, and now this was all just some strange dream he was having. It felt good to have the ability to reason in this world, when just a few minutes ago, he was completely at mercy to the dragon's will . . .

As soon as his mind brought up the image of the dragon, a silent, echoing voice whispered through the confines of his little haven. It was quieter than a snake's hiss, yet he heard every word it spoke with perfect clarity. It seemed to come from everywhere, but nowhere at the same time. It's exact location unknown.

Zan's feathers stood on end. He knew whose voice it was immediately.

"How do you feel, little one?"

The sound of the dragon's disembodied voice was a little frightening, but he managed to answer:

"I feel - good, I guess."

"Excellent," it whispered back happily. "There are always the risk of - 'problems' - arising when one taps into another creature's nervous system, but I am pleased to see that you are fine."

Zan swallowed nervously.

"What do you mean - 'problems?'"

"It is nothing that you should concern yourself with whelp. All that matters is that you are alive and well, and here with me now."

Zan wasn't altogether reassured by this, but he dropped the question.

"Where are we anyways?"

"This," The dragon's voice echoed all around, "Is your mind."

"My - my mind?" Said Zan in shock, looking around at the vast expanse of smokey clouds. "But it's - it's . . . So empty!"

He heard the dragon laugh softly through the thick veil of mist.

"To someone untrained in reading minds such as yourself; Maybe. But I can see everything about you. All your previous thoughts and memories, from as little as a few minutes ago, too back when you we're just a hatchling."

A pulse of fear coursed through Zan. He didn't doubt the dragon's claim at all; And for that reason, he didn't want the dragon to strip him of his memories like he had done earlier. It had been a painful experience.

"Please . . ." He started.

"You think that I am about to tear more thoughts from you?" The dragon asked questioningly. "No little one. I only did that earlier because you we're being a such a reluctant partner. I don't plan on doing it again . . . As long as you cooperate with me . . ." He added icily

"I will - I promise."


Zan pictured he could see the dragon smiling at the single word. He shivered.

"Now where we're we?" The dragon continued. "Ah yes, you we're wondering what those 'oral pleasures' we we're discussing were . . . Well, I believe you are going to enjoy this."

Zan remained quiet, floating through the gray clouds restlessly, waiting for the dragon to explain more.

Nothing, the dragon wasn't speaking. Zan felt a tingle across the nape of his neck. Something was about to happen . . .

Sure enough, after a minute of silence, Zan noticed the mist seemed to be speeding up slowly in it's movements. Swirling round and round him as wisps of it danced about his body. What was happening? He twisted futilely in midair to try and see what was going on, but was only greeted by the impenetrable fog of gray that occupied every part of his little realm. It was increasing in speed now, becoming a whirling tornado of smoke that spun crazily everywhere around him. He was in the middle of a deafening, blinding storm; Eyes wide with terror as he floated helplessly amongst it - unable to see, or move, or escape. He yelped in fear, but no sound came out of his beak.

Something was wrong. The gray was getting almost denser . . . More solid looking. Suddenly he realized he wasn't floating anymore - but rather laying on his upper back. He couldn't move in the slightly uncomfortable position, because something seemed to be resting firmly on his haunches that we're pushed up in the air. He ignored it, Looking about in awe as the mist seemed to settle slowly and take on shapes around him. A large, circular cavern . . . A round hole in the ceiling . . . White moonlight shining down around him . . . His mind vaguely processed that he was back in the cavern, but something still felt off . . .

A few seconds later, the last of the smoke disappeared to be replaced by the dragon's cave. It looked exactly like it did in reality, Zan realized in wonder. The smell, the heat - Everything was completely and exactly similar to how he remembered . . . And then he noticed why he couldn't move: The dragon was resting on his hips; His sharp claws wrapped firmly around Zan's furry thighs as the creature pushed his lower body forward and leaned on the gryphon's furry bum; A devilish glint in his glowing red eyes as he peered over Zan's rump and stared at him happily.

And suddenly, Zan knew.

This was all a memory, But it was was so real at the same time. The dragon was making him re-live his passionate moment with him from earlier!

Oh guardians. That could only mean one thing . . .

Almost instantly, Intense pleasure erupted through Zan's panting body as he lay there stunned. The dragon's tongue . . . It was buried inside his tight little rump. He could feel every pulse and flick of the wicked appendage inside him. It's large, purplish mass leaving him gasping and whimpering in ecstasy as it slathered his tailhole with it's burning hot saliva; Wriggling like a snake as it pushed in and out of him rapidly.

Zan could hardly think, his lust-addled mind swimming in erotic joy as his tongue hung out of his beak in rapture. He was feeling his own memory! It was impossible to fathom; Almost like some twisted fantasy brought to glorious existence. The dragon was frighteningly powerful with his psychic abilities. It seemed nothing was out of reach for him.

And than, Zan saw his own cock bouncing before his beak in time with the dragon's aggressive thrusts; Completely hard, and aching to be touched . . .

He already knew what was going to happen, because he had done so earlier. He stretched out to greet the barbed tip; A tiny bit of clear pre leaking out.

Zan whined as his moist tongue contacted his own, pink member; Running it ravenously across the sensitive head, and fleetingly licking the very peak with it's rough surface. He thought he would faint as he tasted his own flavor. Much sweeter and more innocent than the dragon's own dominating musk, but equally delicious.

The rest went by in fast-forward. Bucking his head against his throbbing cock eagerly, the tip of his beak mashing against his upside-down furred groin . . . The dragon's wet tongue exploring his rump . . . The incredibly powerful sense of euphoria as his cock erupted like a volcano inside of his mouth . . . The taste of that sticky, white substance as he swallowed it all hungrily, carelessly . . .

It was over in a moment. The whole scene melted back into that gray fog he had seen earlier. A sense of vertigo washed over him as he felt his body being yanked from the memory by unseen forces. He looked around lazily at the gray landscape for the last time; Before falling away from his dreamland at an incredible speed . . .

Zan opened his eyes, he was lying curled-up on the warm, stone floor of the cavern. It was as hot as ever inside, and his white fur clung stickily to his skin pressed against the dark rocks underneath. He looked up, a strange, relaxed arousal pulsing through his veins as he caught sight of the dragon looking down at him with those narrow, red eyes. Zan yawned, happily noticing he was still under the dragon's body too, and he smiled to himself as he realized just how much he liked being close to such an imposing creature.

He breathed in the a lungful of the dragon's heady musk. Sighing happily as he felt it's inebriating effects numb his body comfortably.

"So little whelp, do you know what you have to do for me now?"

Zan listened raptly to the dragon's words as he stood up shakily; His voice was growling sexily. He didn't even bother answering, because he knew the dragon could see the response in his own eyes. He felt a shiver of excitement course up his back as he lifted his gaze away from the dragon's stare, and directed it onto his exotic purplish shaft instead. A ferocious passion igniting a corrupt fire behind the gryphon's once innocent blue eyes.

Zan stared at it for a moment, feeling the dragon's fiery gaze burning into the back of his head. Guardians that member looked amazing! He felt a pang of desire at the sight of it. It looked so feral, so . . . menacing. It was all he could do to prevent himself from swooning just at the sight of it. And the fact that soon - so soon - he would be tasting it!

He whined at the thought. Succumbing to his primal needs and reaching up with his beak to let his tongue rove across it's shiny, dark-veined exterior. It felt only right that he should perform this act on the dragon, for he had done so much to him tonight - that it felt only natural to repay the favor. There was a brief moment . . . only a tiny millisecond of hesitation . . . where Zan experienced a minute tremble of uncertainty . . . Was this really a wise idea?

The dragon's thick cock gave a noticeable pulse. A sizable amount of viscous pre suddenly spurting out of it's pointed tip and running down the underside of the dragon's rubbery shaft.

Zan's beak dropped open, his eyes glazing over as he abandoned all restraint at such a magnificent sight. Whatever worries that were left had all been relegated to the back of his mind; Replaced by an almost instinctual desire to force as much cock into his mouth as physically possible.

His tongue eagerly touched the tip of the dragon's member; Lapping hungrily at the thick liquid that leaked out. He cooed at the overwhelmingly enjoyable taste it had in his mouth; His eyes rolling up as he reveled in the salty potency of it's flavor. He heard the dragon above him let out a grunt of surprised enjoyment as Zan finally gave into his pent-up desire, his mind breaking into a state of simple, crazed, lust.

He couldn't stop. Nothing could compare to the intoxicating effects of the dragon's pre as he licked the rigid cock-tip in an enthusiastic frenzy. His tongue - like his whole body - was tingling pleasantly as it glided over the shiny surface of the member; Slathering it in a thick coating of his own, warm saliva as the two fluids mixed noisily together - The smell twisting his thoughts mercilessly. He was losing his mind to it, and yet - he didn't care the slightest. A cozy glee settled through his furred body. This was heaven. He loved everything about the beast that teased his emotions in every pleasurable way imaginable. But he knew this meeting was far from over; And as he pushed his tongue aggressively around the dragon's firm tip - strings of drool and pre leaking to the ground - He felt the dragon's claws place themselves firmly on the back of his neck . . .

This was it.

The claws grabbed his mane of feathers lightly and pulled him gently away from the slippery cock. Ending his session of furious licking.

Zan gasped; His head spinning joyfully from the dragon's intoxicating musk. He had been holding his breath and he hungrily inhaled the dragon's overpowering scent again and again. Why did they stop? All he wanted was to keep flicking that wonderfully spade-shaped head forever. Wasn't that what the dragon wanted anyways? He strained against the iron grip holding him back, but it never let him get closer than a foot away from the member. Copious amounts of pre still leaking out of the tip.

He pulled harder, whining in complete need as he struggled to get to it . . . To stem the flow of that liquid . . . It was all being wasted! It didn't belong on the floor! It belonged inside his beak and on his tongue . . . It was all he could do to keep himself from pulling his feathered fringe out to get to that gorgeous cock.

"You like it don't you, whelp?" The dragon purred beside him softly.

Zan whined audibly, a quiet, desperate sound.

"What if I told you to stop? That I do not require your service anymore?"

Zan stopped pulling for a second, looking up at the dragon with a startled, almost - frightened look in his blue eyes. He shook his head side-to-side quickly. Not believing what he was hearing.

"Your good little one," the dragon whispered evilly in his ear before pausing and looking away, sighing dramatically.

"But, I'm not quite sure you are eager enough to continue . . ."

If Zan was in any rational state of mind, he would have realized the dragon was enticing him cruelly. Unfortunately, this was not the case.

"No!" He managed to cry out. His voice surprised himself, it sounded scared. He didn't care. "I - I want it . . . so bad."

"Truly? I am not so sure you do . . ."

Zan tried pulling back towards the dragon's thick member in vain. The dragon mockingly let him get within an inch of it again before yanking him back. Just enough for him to get a good look at it's smooth texture; Whetting his taste for more.

"Please," Zan whimpered. "I'll - I'll do anything," he begged

The dragon's eyes narrowed dangerously, and Zan felt the talons buried in his mane prick his skin tightly. A curl of a fiendish smile appeared on the creature's face.

"Prove it."

And with that, the dragon shoved Zan's head forward roughly; The young gryphon giving a moan of pleasure as his beak pressed hard against the dragon's moist shaft; Automatically opening wide to accept the tip of the pulsing hot maleness into his mouth.

His eyes widened a little in shock as it's large girth filled his mouth up; But they immediately drooped in rapture as he savored the taste the natural lubricants which covered it's length had on his tongue; A delightful buzz tingling through it's rough surface as he desperately lapped against every inch of the member in his beak. He pushed forward, hungry for more of it in his mouth. The dragon above him gave an approving growl as he managed to stuff another few inches inside; Now forced to breathe through his nostrils as there was simply no more room in his beak. He didn't care the slightest, and he bobbed forward again cravingly. The slick fluids of the dragon's incredibly warm cock had reduced him to a gurgling mess; A faint smile on his feathery face as the inside of his oral cavity was coated liberally with a mix of saliva and steaming draconic juices. The two liquids seemed to go perfectly with each other, and Zan sighed contentedly at the dizzying effects they had on his body. Every vertebrae on his back tingled with a burning passion that seeped through his trembling body's bloodstream. He felt his fully erect cock ache with a familiar need and he wondered idly whether the dragon would again bring him to that peak of extreme pleasure he had experienced earlier. He shivered at the thought and re-doubled his efforts to please the dragon, his ticklish tongue struggling to roam about the dragon's shaft that occupied so much of his cute beak.

The dragon couldn't help but grin slyly to himself as the young gryphon beneath him slaved away at his groin. His yellow beak desperately slurping at his impressive maleness. He also couldn't deny the little whelp was quite talented. Already, the small creature had brought him to a relatively high state of arousal - which, for a virgin - was very interesting. He wondered casually how far he should push his feathered friend tonight. It was their first time together, and he knew that was always the most dangerous. But he hadn't fed off a soul in decades . . . And the shy gryphon seemed awfully willing at the moment . . .

He glanced down, his long, powerful neck easily allowing him gaze at Zan's crouched form beneath his own impressive musculature. The gryphon's eyes we're closed as he was psychically enthralled by a destructive mixture of subtle hypnosis and mesmerizing pheromones; His beak twisting and sucking enthusiastically on only the first few inches of the dragon's majestic shaft.

The drake's smile broadened. A sense of fulfilling pride coursing through him. It had been a long time since he'd captured a suitable mate. Much too long in fact. He had forgotten all about the simple pleasure of causing a weaker creature to give into their primal needs to sate his own raging passions. There was nothing quite as satisfying as seeing prey lose all their restraint and willingly submit themselves to please him. He couldn't blame the young gryphon though. So inexperienced and untouched by the mysteries of adulthood. Only to have it forced upon him by a dragon.

A Dragon. The gryphon should consider himself lucky. They we're a dying race. Long since passed were the days when dragon's ruled the sky. And the few that remained had no experience at melding with another creature. No, only he knew the secrets of their once masterful race. The innate power that allowed them all to feed off another's very being, to tap into their bodies and minds and twist them to their liking. But the act required the receptive partner to posses Energies, or have an unusually strong willpower. And in this world nowadays, that was a dying thing just like his species. For the day when dragon's went extinct, so did Energy.

But now there was a hope.

And it all rested on this little gryphon's unknowing shoulders.

One thing was certain the dragon realized happily. The longer him and his new companion spent together - the more they mated, and the more he enticed the gryphon with knowledge, the stronger they would both become. As with all things however, that would take time.

But time was something the dragon had much of. And the gryphon would eventually learn the same. For if he didn't, then he would surely perish.

The dragon re-gripped the gryphon's soft mane firmly, looking down at the pathetic creature licking him mindlessly. There was no pity in his fiendish red eyes as he gave the gryphon a gauging look. Only a cold and brutal satisfaction as he prepared to teach him his first lesson.

Zan felt the dragon's claws on his neck push him forward deliberately down his pulsing shaft; his eyes widening in shock as he accepted yet another throbbing inch of dark-veined cock into his beak. It was getting significantly harder to breathe now, but he learned that if he kept his mouth relaxed and inhaled slowly, it wasn't so bad. In fact, he was quite amazed at his ability to take on this much of the dragon's length. He could feel every tingle it's moist surface had on the roof of his mouth as it slid deeper and deeper inside him; The soft tip of the member giving the young gryphon something to play against with his tongue.

The mysterious, steaming warmth of the dragon's cock made Zan's mouth feel unnaturally hot and sensitive. He knew it wasn't a normal feeling, but rather a dark and powerful fieriness that pulsed through every centimeter of his wet tongue. He thrust forward too quickly on the dragon's shaft in his eagerness for more of it's delicious heat inside him, and accidentally cocked back in surprise as the dragon's tip poked the back of his throat.

The dragon's claws caught him immediately and held him in-place, allowing him to recover but preventing him from pulling off the shaft completely.

"Easy now little one, you must be more careful." He warned. Giving the back of the gryphon's ear a reassuring scratch; Zan sighed in enjoyment, his mouth still full of dragon-cock.

"We will try that again. But this time let us use more caution. Understand whelp?"

He nodded. An action quite difficult in his current position.

"I will guide you through the motions. Just obey my directions."

Zan cooed happily in response. Completely under the dragon's spell.

He felt the claws begin to pull him slowly, inch-by-inch, back down the thick member. A pleasant tingle ran up his spine excitedly. And he realized with a start that the dragon was planning on seeing how much he was capable of taking. He shivered in nervous preparation; Meekly allowing the dragon to guide him further, and further, down his shaft.

It was agonizingly slow, and more than once Zan tried to push forward on his own accord; With each time the dragon restraining him instantly - preventing him from taking on more than he could handle. Oftentimes he voiced his protest at this in small whines, but the dragon simply smiled at his pleading gaze - teasing him with the occasional scratch behind the ear and egging him on further. Zan was in no state to argue, his mind was filled with impassioned ideas on what else he could do to please his lover. His tongue ached at being forced to weave around the dragon's large tool, but he tried his best; Slurping devotedly against it's wet exterior like he would a freshly cracked coconut. His mouth burned with a mixture of the dragon's arousing secretions and basic physical exertion. And it felt like it took an inordinate amount of effort to simply open wide and suck against it's tasty length. Even his usually sturdy legs trembled with fatigue at being forced to remain crouched for so long. He couldn't give in though, because to give up now meant the dragon would no longer need him. And that was not an option. He had to remain strong.

Once he had a little over half of the dragon's meaty member buried deep inside his oral cavity, Zan knew he would have no problems with swallowing the remaining inches.

The dragon seemed to realize the same; His eyes widening in surprised curiosity as he continuously eased more and more of his cock into his receptive partner's throat.

The little gryphon may not have known it, but having no teeth meant there was little need to chew food. He swallowed everything he caught in large gulps, and so - he was used to having large objects inside his maw from the day he was hatched; Even if one of those objects just happened to be the fifteen inch cock of a dragon.

The drake growled happily as he discovered this, the base of his cock disappearing at last inside the little creature's greedy mouth; Zan's large yellow beak pressed hard into the dragon's taught hide. He held him there for a moment, relishing in the intimate feeling of having his member surrounded by the gryphon's hot, wet insides; The muscles of his surprisingly capable gullet constricting from time-to-time around the invading bulk inside his body.

The dragon raised his head. Closing his eyes and letting a low purr roll out of his chest at the pleasurable oral stimulation of his cock. The whelp was working away exquisitely below him, his tongue rippling noisily against the rigid bulk resting heavily inside his soaking mouth. Wet slurping sounds echoed around the cavern as the two enticed each other, shattering the silence of mother nature.

Still, the gryphon was tiring. And decades of abstinence hadn't dulled the dragon's ability to sense weakness.

"That is enough," he commanded. Mildly surprised at his own reluctance to issue the order, but knowing it was necessary all the same.

Zan heard and felt the tug of the dragon, knowing full well it was time to let go. At this point, he was barely of sound mind. His cock throbbed with need, and this most recent session of play had made his natural desire to find sexual release nearly unbearable. But licking the dragon was his only solution - and what an arousing one it was at that. The more time that massive organ spent in his mouth, the more he longed for it. It was an addiction. And the only way he could satisfy the lust-fueled hunger that coursed throughout his body was to continue to please the dragon.

Very slowly, he pulled back against the dragon's throbbing meat. Whimpering softly as he felt it's mass retreat from his wide-open mouth. He stared in a mixed reaction of shock and disgust as he felt it drag against the inside of his throat on the way out. How had that all fit in his maw? It seemed to never end. Inch after purple inch of pulsing, dark-veined, dragon-cock kept sliding along his tongue until finally, the pointed tip was the only thing left inside. It's rigid peak gave him a complimentary spurt of spicy pre, as it too, made it's shameless exit into the cramped cavern.

Zan's head drooped close to the ground as soon as the member sprung free from his beak. A loud splash resonating around the room as a medley of the dragon's juices and his own saliva fell from his hanging mouth and pooled on the ground.

He ignored the small puddle of carnal fluid at his feet, and instead heaved for much needed oxygen; His lithe body panting heavily in the damp air around him. Appreciatively, the dragon allowed him to recover. His large body immobile like a stone as he stood directly above the young whelp's gasping body.

After a minute, Zan raised his head dizzily. Still suffering from the effects of the dragon's stench, that if anything - was even more powerful now that the big drake was fully aroused. Unsurprisingly, he caught the red eyes of the dragon staring at him intently from the side. He turned to meet their sinister gaze.

"Thanks," was all he managed in between huffs. Too exhausted to say anything else but sincerely glad the dragon had let him rest all the same.

The dragon grinned. Exposing his sharp white fangs. They glinted in the moonlight.

"Oh but the pleasure is all mine Zan," He said. "I never would have guessed you we're capable of such feats. Many creatures would have been unable to perform such an act on a dragon, but it seems I underestimated your talents once again. You are truly, a very . . . interesting specimen."

Zan managed a small, woozy smile. Drunk under the effects of the dragon's controlling pheromones.

"I-I don't know how I did it," He replied honestly. "But you - you taste . . . soo good"

The dragon stroked the side of his cheek affectionately, the back of his claws rubbing against Zan's soft ruffs.

"I know little one," he replied. "Everything about myself is designed to make you feel the utmost pleasure imaginable; From my scent, to the very taste of my body against your tongue. It is all designed to turn you into the aroused little creature that you are."

Zan head lolled happily. His eyes half-closed in relaxation as a combination of the dragon's tender massaging of his cheeks, and powerful words - brought him to a state of total elation.

"There is more however," The dragon continued. "We have only barely scratched the surface of the endless bliss I can provide you, little one. There are things I could perform that would drive you mad with desire, dark things - that would make you question whether what you were feeling, could ever - possibly - be real . . . Would you like me to show you what some of those things are?"

Zan didn't remember nodding or voicing his agreement; Only that the dragon's eyes suddenly blazed red, and he continued speaking:

"I know that is what you want," He hissed. "Because I can see it in those sparkling blue eyes of yours; A silent hunger, waiting to be fed."

Zan shivered with fervor. "And what happens if it is?" He asked.

The dragon's grin widened.

"Why don't we find out?"

They stared at each other for a brief moment. Zan's eyes locked in the dragon's glowing red gaze, their faces almost touching . . . He imagined dizzily that he saw something flicker in those penetrating depths . . . A raw intensity that seemed to draw him in . . . Almost instinctively, he felt himself leaning forward towards the dragon's snout. All to aware of his heart thumping crazily inside his chest . . .

His parted beak met the dragon's muzzle softly. He whimpered in marvel as he felt the dragon's thick, purple tongue slide wetly into his mouth; Thick and flexible, like a snake. His own pink one awakened to greet the welcome intruder, and they're surfaces touched; Sharing their blazing hot saliva between themselves. Zan closed his eyes in passion as the two organs entwined around each other lovingly. Delighting at the intimate sensation of feeling every inch of the beast's powerful muscle, pulse and throb inside him.

He nudged forward longingly. Eager for more. But the dragon suddenly pulled away from him. His dripping tongue making a hasty exit from the gryphon's beak and back into it's respective snout.

Zan groaned in dissent. His mouth on fire from the effects the dragon's saliva had on the inside of his mouth. He wanted more. But the dragon wouldn't let him. What didn't he understand?

He looked up in confusion back into those blazing crimson eyes. His gaze giving away the feral desire that burned within their depths.

"Why did you stop?" Zan asked needfully.

But the dragon didn't answer. Choosing simply to grin sinisterly at him, and place a clawed hand on the back of his mane.

Zan knew what was about to happen, and he gratefully opened his mouth to accept it. He felt every centimeter of the dragon's fiery maleness push unhesitatingly into his waiting maw. Stretching his beak wider and wider as that gorgeous member thickened slightly near the middle, before tapering off as it neared the base of the plush slit.

He smiled groggily as it glided smoothly down his gullet. Enjoying the feeling of it's satisfying girth push up and against the walls of his throat. It's exterior covered in that sweet moisture that made his head spin gleefully, and his body quiver with need. There was not an ounce of room inside his mouth now, but he remained calm. He knew he his avian lungs could hold him.

The dragon seemed very pleased that the initial penetration had gone so well; And made his agreement known by growling softly in contentedness. Zan shivered with mirth; So glad to know that he was capable of pleasing such a creature.

They stayed there for a minute. The dragon allowing the young whelp to drink in his powerful musk and savor the taste of his draconic juices that covered his cock. The gryphon was all too happy to oblige. His eyes were blurry and unfocused as the dragon's odor flowed through him like water. His tongue busy adding to his lust by lapping thirstily against the surface of the bulk buried inside him. Drool dripped from the corners of his beak as he sucked it's length like a tasty treat; Long strands of the stuff trickling to the floor to join the small puddle of mixed bodily fluids already there.

With no warning, the dragon suddenly began pulling back. Zan squirmed unhappily he realized the dragon was already finished with him, but his worries we're soon washed away as the beast above him scratched his ear reassuringly. Letting him know that they we're both very far from being done just yet.

He stopped resisting immediately at the comforting touch. Groaning a little as the moist cock inside him began retreating from his throat. Strangely enough, the discomfort he'd expected did not come. Instead, he found it rather enjoyable as he felt it's wet, pulsing mass rub erotically against his gullet. It's slippery surface providing absolutely no pain as inch-after-inch of purplish dragon-meat glided out.

Zan breathed in a fresh lungful of dragon-scented air as soon as it passed the mid-way point. Now positively reeling as more than half of the dragon's shaft still remained buried inside him.

Funny. The dragon hadn't yet fully departed from his beak. But instead preferred to leave the remainder of his long member interred inside him. What was happening?

Zan soon found out as the dragon eased forward again. Slowly but surely sliding himself deeper, and deeper into the gryphon's slimy depths. He crooned in delight. Reveling in the gentle pressure the dragon's demonic tool provided against the inside of his elastic throat. It didn't stop either, but kept descending until Zan's beak was soon pressed firmly into the dragon's delicious leathery groin. The rounded edge of his beak pushing lightly into the supple folds of the dragon's attractive slit.

He swore he could feel every vibration coursing through the beast's member inside him. It's fat, spade-shaped tip continuously dripping that love-inducing pre straight into his maw. Beads of it running down towards his stomach and leaving a fiery trail of pleasure in their wake. 'Oh Guardians!' He thought. This . . . This was unbelievable!

The dragon reared back again, his organ following suite. Zan once again moaned softly in rapture as it stopped and rested at the exact same spot as last time: Half of it inside, half of it out. And suddenly he knew:

The dragon was going to perform that whole cycle all over again. And who knows how many times he would repeat it. Zan's legs wobbled at the thought; Threatening to give away from just the simple mental image of him being assaulted by the creature. Silently, he prepared himself for the physical exertion that he was surely about to go through. A slight tingle of nervousness jolting through his body.

The dragon paused for a second, before leaning forward and gently plunging his shaft as far as it would go down the little creature's throat; Smiling in enjoyment as he listened to his quiet whimpers and moans of bliss below. In all honesty, he didn't know how the gryphon had it in him. The ability to take a fully grown male drake's cock? Unheard of. But here he was with it fully buried within the whelp's adorable yellow beak; And quite enjoyably at that. The way his flat, rough tongue slathered the exterior of his veined breeding tool with it's oozing saliva . . . And the sensation of having it constricted tightly - however unintentionally - by that maw of his was . . . Exquisite, to say the least.

He sighed quietly as he yanked the gryphon roughly off his shaft again. Indulging in the aching pleasure that coursed through his maleness at the abrupt motion. He looked down, His mast was positively soaking with a sublime mixture of saliva and his own secretions, dripping interestingly along the underside of it's length, and leaking down the gryphon's curving beak.

The whelp himself - was entirely lost in his own horny little world. He seemed to barely notice his own eagerness to take on the dragon's meat again. To think that he had been so unwilling and defensive from earlier . . . 'How far he has come,' the dragon thought with a smirk. He glanced down at the underside of the gryphon's pure white body. Eager to see the result of his enticements.

The dragon cringed. It was almost painful to see how turned-on the creature was. His rock-hard cock was simply throbbing with unimaginable need. The thin red veins on it's pink surface we're engorged with blood; And the round head was covered in dozens of tiny, sensitive-looking barbs that must be rubbing painfully along the glossy smooth fur of his belly.

But the peak was the worst. Instead of the usual peach-colored hue it took on, it was instead an unhealthy shade of blueish-purple; So desperate in it's need to spill it's seed.

In a way, he felt sorry for the gryphon. Completely unable to sate his own needs and only able to please those of his captor. Clinging on to the hope that the dragon would return the favor.

The drake smiled happily at the thought. Oh he would definitely return the favor. He couldn't wait for the opportunity to take that thick, juicy, gryphon-cock into his own warm snout and bring it's owner to the ultimate peak of pleasure. Zan would never forget the moment it happened.

His first time. With a dragon. He almost laughed at the thought. It was amazing the little thing hadn't lost his mind already.

First things first however. The gryphon wasn't the only one who wanted to climax in the room. He had needs too.

And as he shoved his burning cock down the gryphon's throat yet again; He made a mental note to go easy on the thrusting. No sense snapping the whelp's neck with a few careless, uncontrolled humps.

All Zan was aware of was the crippling sense of impending release that was building up inside him. His cock beat feebly against the fur of his stomach every time he bobbed forward - A warm, damp spot of pre smearing his fur each time it bounced against his empty tummy. It was driving him insane. What was the point of those barbs? To render him mad with desire? It was astonishing how hard and susceptible they we're to everything that touched them.

Then the dragon began humping his mouth. And all thoughts were driven from his mind.

They we're calm, calculating jabs. The dragon would pull Zan's head back by the mane and drive his cock deep down the gryphon's receptive throat to the very hilt, all in a single, powerful thrust of his hips. Zan's whole body shook with each push, the very marrow in his bones vibrating as he was firmly rooted to the spot and drilled by the dragon. His throat was on fire from the amount of cock being forced down his gullet. Yet, it was unholy how great it felt. The dragon's watery secretions made his mouth a haven of dark pleasures. Every nerve on his tongue and mouth radiated an unusual bliss that could not be natural. He didn't care the slightest, and instead submitted his body to the dragon's whims; Arching his back willingly and placing his chest low to the ground as the beast continued driving his manhood into the younger creature's mouth time and time again. The sloppy noise of the dragon's pulsing length mashing against his mouth filled the cavern with the loud, rough sounds of intimate oral sex.

His whole body trembled with the effort to remain crouched as the dragon took him greedily. The drake seemed hardly aware of the younger gryphon below him - only intent on satisfying his own selfish desires. Zan's eyes had rolled up into the back head from unrestrained passion, his beak aching from being forced wide and his tongue next to useless as it was pushed to the side by the tasty cock buried in his maw. The dragon was clearly an expert at this, his hips kept pumping in and out at a slow, constant pace; His natural lubricants providing a frighteningly easy - and not to mention messy - penetration; Deliberately keeping Zan in a state of total obedience.

There was little time to breathe; and he struggled to remain conscious amidst the dragon's aggressive pounding. The indescribable mixture of the beast's loving juices gurgling inside him was all that kept him bouncing doggedly against the pulsing shaft. A look of exhausted happiness painted on his feathered face as his own cock begged for contact.

The dragon was speeding up now, and Zan noticed the subtle increase in pace; His small, pale claws dug hard into the stony cavern floor as his body was rocked back and forth in time with the dragon's forceful thrusts. He could feel every texture the dragon's tool had inside him, every vein; And something told him they're session of intimacy was coming to a close. An almost shadowy sense of inevitability clinging to the very air he breathed.

The beast above him was rutting harder than ever against his face, and his jabs were beginning to feel far less refined from when he had started. It was oddly satisfying, and Zan felt a certain twisted joyfulness at the idea of being able to make such a creature feel pleasure so great.

The dragon could sense the little gryphon's confidence that the he would finish soon, and he grinned evilly upon seeing the thought float freely through the whelp's mind. How unprepared he was.

The beast didn't stop. He never did. For what seemed like hours the dragon mated with Zan's mouth - when in reality, it had only been a few minutes. Time was a senseless blur to the young gryphon; Replaced by a mixture of rampant feelings that now flew through his skull: desire, confusion, exhaustion, fear. What if the dragon never finished with him? Was he to remain in this devastated shell of lust forever? A simple tool for his captor to manipulate? Zan's eyes refocused at the thought; Snapping wide open as the dragon's cock sunk deep into his mouth again. A sudden fright overcame him as he realized he wanted this all to end soon.

He got his wish.

With a final push, the dragon plunged his dominating cock as far into the young gryphon's beak as physically possible - which was to say - all of it.

"Now feast on my seed, whelp."

With an almost silent, throbbing pulse, Zan felt the first gush of many from the dragon's load erupt down his maw. The taste of it, he realized - was heavenly. Nothing in the world could describe the feeling of all that thick, creamy dragon-spunk pouring down his throat in a seemingly endless deluge.

His dark pupils bloomed as he gave into his most basic primal desires. Now solely focused on swallowing as much of the dragon's burning hot cum being pumped into him. Every taste-bud on his tongue sang with pleasure as the corrupt seed flooded down his throat. The dragon's shaft was so far buried in his maw that there was no real reason to swallow; and he crouched there - stunned, as it just spurted gloriously straight into his stomach; Relishing in the highly enjoyable fiery sensation that followed it's wake each time another warm, sticky blast was unloaded inside him.

Within moments, Zan realized there was simply too much of it to handle. Each surge of the mighty organ made his whole body quake from the incendiary sperm being sprayed into his tummy. It tasted so good, but he couldn't even hope to keep up with the sheer amount of it cascading into him.

He was about to pull away when the dragon suddenly ripped him off his shaft. Zan felt every inch of the draconic member slide out of him, his eyes wide with surprise as a flood of white, salty cum poured from his open beak and splashed loudly all over the ground. There was so much of it.

And it wasn't even over.

As soon as the dragon's cock was free from his mouth, Zan flinched as his face was spattered with another copious blast from the throbbing cock-tip. He closed his eyes as it coated his feathers; Matting them together in a sticky mess as it washed all over his beak.

Again and again the dragon blew his massive load all across Zan's bowed head. The beast's claws making sure he could never shirk away as it spurted it's thick, steaming ropes of cum all over his defenseless form. All Zan could do was keep his head bent, his quivering body low, and try to catch his breath as every exposed inch of the front-half of his body was covered in the dragon's wonderful mating fluids. Nothing was spared from it's onslaught, and to his total amazement - he even felt it lance across the back of his neck, before landing heavily along the fur of his back. The dragon certainly knew how to put out.

The drake sighed happily as he finished releasing the last of his heated jizz onto the gryphon's cute little face, the remaining amount trickling slowly out the tip of his still achingly hard cock - before dripping leisurely down the whelp's beak. It had been a long time since he'd experienced that sort of feeling with another creature. A very long time indeed. And he could hardly believe how amazing it felt.

He held the panting whelp rigidly beneath him, scratching his neck soothingly. He could feel the blazing warmth of his own cum radiating off of the heaving mass of feather's below him, and a sense of ultimate satisfaction flowed through his body as he realized the gryphon had just experienced his first taste of another creature's passion. The little thing had survived the encounter too, and that meant he would survive the next one. He lowered his neck until it was under his own chest, intent on seeing Zan's state.

It was amusing to say the least. The gryphon's face, neck, and chest we're covered in a heavy layer of white spunk. His head hung low to the ground, his beak open as a thin tendril of mixed fluids trailed towards the ground to join the small puddle already there; It's white surface contrasting harshly with the dark, cavern floor, while the gryphon himself, took in deep, ragged gasps of air. His limbs trembling.

The dragon's grin widened with pride at the sight. He had been pent up for far too long, and it seemed like this was the reward for his patient waiting: A cum-soaked gryphon with a throbbing erection.

Already he could see the emotions and feelings running rampant in the young whelp's mind. The little thing was so confused and stunned by what had just happened that he couldn't even think straight. But there was no fear in him anymore. That had all been replaced by the all-consuming desire to understand what was going on, and how he could find release like that himself.

As if on cue, the gryphon looked up into the dragon's hypnotic red gaze. His large, blue eyes we're the only distinguishing feature on his otherwise messy face.

The drake glared back. He could see the exhaustion in their sparkling depths - the savage hunger for knowledge that was just beginning to emerge . . .

Zan opened his mouth to speak. But a loud groan was the only sound that came out. He felt so tired, so weary from what he had just gone through, and yet, at the same time, he felt intensely pleased. That thick, sticky fluid that had been spurted into and all over him - it was the exact same stuff he had seen erupt from his own member from earlier: A pure white liquid that tasted deliciously salty and sweet at the same time, and stirred about passionate feelings from deep inside him . . .

There was something different with the dragon's though. While his own fluid - from what he remembered, had been relatively warm; The dragon's load was positively burning. He could feel it deep inside his stomach from where the beast had ingloriously pumped it down his maw; A pulsing, fiery blaze that seemed to radiate from his tummy, and undulate in powerful waves of heat all throughout his body. It was so hot in it's intensity, that he could almost feel it sapping what little strength he had left; And he stood there, on shaking legs, as it hellishly burned away at his insides.

He looked up, and caught the dragon's gaze. The beast had his signature demonic smile painted on his snout, his red eyes flashing slyly. He alone knew what was happening to the young whelp.

Zan was about to ask what he was feeling but he didn't get the chance, and instead groaned again as another flash of warmth throbbed through his body. His stomach felt like it was on fire. The sinister, creamy jizz that had been squirted down his throat had ignited the spark of lust inside him, and had quickly turned it into a raging inferno that coursed through his muscles and joints. He felt full and slightly queasy with the amount of dragon-spunk sitting heavily in his belly, and couldn't decide whether he enjoyed the feeling or not. It numbed his mind and body, but he could hardly stand up with the buzzing warmth that it forced maliciously through him. Nothing he did could shake it's intoxicating effects. And within moments, he found himself practically begging for something to touch his needy cock, yet all he wanted to do was fall into a deep, dreamless sleep.

"Tell me gryphon," the dragon whispered seductively in his ear. "How does it feel to be filled with my seed?"

"It feels . . . So . . . So hot." He managed groggily.

"Do you feel it's burn melting inside your body?"


"I can tell. It makes you tired doesn't it? My seed is draining you of your strength, but it's making you want me more and more at the same time, is that not so?"

Zan whimpered again as the dragon's whispers brought about another twinge of fatiguing warmth.

"Wh-why do I f-feel this way?"

"Because little one, I am a predator, you are my prey, and this is how I weaken those I capture. My sperm robs you of your stamina and erodes your willpower, until finally - both crumble, and you can do nothing more but beg for me to pleasure you."

Zan cried out softly despite himself at the dragon's words. That was all he wanted, and at the realization, he felt a spurt of pre leak out of the tip of his aching cock.

"You see? It is already happening. All you want is for me is to fill your thirsting body with more of my loving cum

The whelp had no idea what 'seed' or 'cum' even was, but even his fragile mind told him it had something to do with the fluid inside him. And so, he nodded dizzily.

The dragon's eyes glinted dangerously, his smile re-appeared. Suddenly, his neck pulled back and his voice growled happily.

"Than surrender yourself to my whims," he hissed. "Tell me you would let me do anything to your body. Tell me you want nothing more than to have me mate with you forever, and that you need me to cum inside you again and again, until nothing else in this world matters anymore." He paused, letting his words fall on the gryphon's small, furred ears, and his gaze to burn into the whelp's mind. "Do this for me, and I will show you what it truly means to lose your mind to ecstasy."

Zan's eyes we're open-wide and locked with the dragon's. His whole body began trembling from beak to tail as soon as the creature spoke those words, and he knew, deep down inside, he was about to break. He couldn't think straight anymore. His thoughts we're all mixing together in a jumbled mess of strange, fervid ideas about what the dragon was going to do to him; And all he knew for sure, was that the flaming heat burning in his stomach was quickly leeching the remaining bit of logical clarity from his mind.

"Isn't eternal bliss all you want little one?"

"Yes," he whispered, his voice barely audible.

The dragon's eyes narrowed with zeal.

"Then submit." He said. "And I will let you have another taste of my power."

Zan crouched there, his limbs shivering, and his shining eyes quivering with uncertainty. Everything felt as if his entire life had led up to this moment in time. And by some mysterious premonition, he knew that what he answered now, would forever change his whole existence. The words came to him like water, and he spoke them with a tired, defeated voice. His spirits, finally broken.

"I . . . I am yours," he said, looking shamefully at the ground to escape the beast's glare. Everything was silent as his voice finished echoing about the cavern.

The dragon smiled.

Then something changed in the air around them. Zan couldn't see it, but he could feel it whispering throughout his feathers and twisting beautifully around his fur. It was hardly noticeable, nothing more than the smallest of breezes during a dark, summers night, but he knew, deep down inside, it was something that belonged to him personally. It Glided peacefully along the edge of his spine, tickling him lightly.

He knew the dragon could sense it too, and he slowly raised his gaze to meet the dragon's own.

They we're shining a pure, and blood-red glow. The beast's nostrils flared as he inhaled whatever was floating along the gryphon's body. Zan could feel it lifting gently off his fur, and he watched in horror, as the beast devoured whatever it was that so clearly belonged to him.

It was over in an instant, Immediately the tingling sensation along Zan's body stopped, and the dragon's eyes returned to their less startling shade of crimson. He looked down at the gryphon's vanquished form beneath him, a satisfied expression on his face.

"You belong to me now," he purred.

Zan stared up at him submissively, his neck craned and his beak frowned in confusion. He felt no different. Whatever the dragon had sucked out of him made him feel no stranger than he already did. He breathed a sigh of relief, perhaps it had all been his imagination.

The dragon smiled at him as his face relaxed and he sunk back into blissful ignorance; All these thoughts were bothersome. He would much rather have the dragon pump another load of that delicious, lust inducing seed straight inside him . . .

Oh no. How could he have forgotten? As soon as his mind pictured the beast ramming his thick, oily cock down his beak, the demonic sperm in his tummy sent a pulse of exploding warmth throughout his body.

He grunted as his front arms crumpled to the overwhelming burn that suddenly flushed all over. It was the most powerful one yet, and his head clouded over instantly with pictures of the dragon performing unimaginably glorious acts on him. Each one flickering rapidly through his brain faster than he could possibly comprehend.

His front legs stretched forwards as he collapsed flat along the ground, chest hitting the hard stone floor as his talons dug in deep. His hips rested high in the air as he unintentionally presented his tight, furry rump to the dragon; Back arched in a impressive display of flexibility.

He lay there, unmoving, and panting hard as he tried to ride through the passion flooding through his veins. His eight-inch cock still stiff and threatening to explode as the tip smeared pre all over his tummy, the barbs rubbing painfully against his fur at the sudden movement.

The dragon's eyes flicked down at Zan's rod maliciously. A frighting glint in them as the gryphon collapsed from pent-up lust.

"And finally, the gryphon breaks," he hissed happily. "I told you my seed would make you beg for it eventually."

Zan whimpered softly. Unable to reply amidst his rushing emotions

The beast laughed at the sight, before his smile suddenly disappeared. His expression becoming the same, sly, cunning one from earlier.

"Does it hurt having absolutely no sexual release?" He asked in a cruel, mocking voice. "Does your cock ache to spill it's seed? To flood the wet, luscious depths of a female gryphon in heat perhaps? Is that what you want little one? To have someone begging for you to plunge your thick, throbbing maleness into them as I am about to do to you?

Zan whined in desire as the dragon's words brought the image of a female into his mind. His eyes glazed over as his cock unleashed a spurt of pre from the purple tip. The bead rolling down the underside of his cock before dripping along his furry balls.

"Look at you," the dragon continued condescendingly. "Your so aroused I could make you orgasm with just my voice. Would you like that to happen?"

Zan twisted his head on the ground and looked up imploringly into the dragon's gaze, neck tilted sideways.

"Please, I do" he whispered. "I want to cum . . . So badly."

The dragon simply winked at him teasingly.

"I know. But where would be the fun in that? I think I may have a better idea. Do you want to know what it is?"

He nodded weakly. His beak rubbing along the ground pitifully.

"Let me show you."

The dragon stepped around Zan's bowed form, his eyes watching the young gryphon hungrily. For the first time in what felt like ages, Zan was free from the underside of the beast's frame, and he felt as if a weight had been lifted of his chest. It seemed the closer he was to his captor, the weaker he became.

It was a short lived relief however, and he was still all too aware of the incendiary cum constantly torching through his body; The sensation letting him know that he was as much the prey, as he was a few seconds ago.

Casually, the drake rounded around the gryphon's lean body like the predator he was. His shoulders hunched menacingly as he observed the gryphon before him. In a few strides, he was behind the whelp's exposed hindquarters which rested in the air tantalizingly. He licked his snout as he imagined what was about to do to the lucky thing.

Slowly, he walked forward until he was above the young creature yet again, except this time, they both faced the same direction, with the drake's front paws resting on the ground on each side of the gryphon's shoulders, and his powerful chest suspended above Zan's lean one. His large hips were aligned with the whelp's furry rump; The glistening, exotic shaft hanging a foot away from the gryphon's tight, pink pucker. Patiently waiting for the perfect moment.

Zan groaned again as he felt the invisible weight resettle between the crook of his arched back the moment the beast was over him.

"Wh-what are you d-doing?" He asked nervously, unable to see behind the dragon's large body poised above him.

The dragon didn't answer. But instead waved a front paw over the gryphon's face. There was a sudden burst of red electricity that flitted over Zan's skin. He flinched in surprise as an irritating prickle rolled across his head and beak, tickling the tips of his feathers.

He opened his eyes, all the cum that had been sprayed over him had mysteriously vanished. Disintegrated off his body by the dragon's strange Energies.

"How did you -"

"Remember when I ran my tongue in and out your little, virgin tailhole?" The dragon interrupted, his head leveling alongside Zan's own.

He blushed furiously, forgetting what he was saying.

"Y-yes". How could he forgot? It had been one of the most amazingly enjoyable things in his entire life.

"Well, Zan. What would you say if I were to do the same thing again, except this time, with my member?"


He nearly choked. The dragon's member!? He couldn't be serious, was his mind playing tricks on him?

"Your . . . Your cock? But, it's so . . . So Big!" He stammered. "How would it even fit?"

"You seemed to have no trouble taking my tongue inside you earlier." The dragon retorted gleefully.

Zan blushed even harder..

"But that was . . . y'know, wet, and . . . and squashy!"

The dragon laughed at his youthful comment, a claw reaching down to scratch the young whelp's head affectionately.

"Maybe so, but the two organs really have little difference in size. I'll admit, my cock is slightly larger and a bit - thicker, but I am quite sure with everything you have shown me tonight, that your body, is more than willing to give it a try."

Zan pictured the dragon mounting him aggressively, his impressive tool breeding him until his rump was filled with the beast's loving sperm. He shuddered in something other than fear at the thought. There was certainly a size difference between the two species, but in truth, the beast was only twice as big as him. That couldn't be so bad could it?.

The more he thought about it. The more frighteningly plausible the idea sounded. His body was still begging for something to pleasure him, and the dragon's tongue had certainly did just that very well, maybe his rigid cock could do the same . . .

But he couldn't bring himself to answer, his mind struggled to reason with the large beast mating passionately with him. Add to that, the fact the gooey contents of his stomach were still sending spasms of fire through his limbs; and he found himself completely unable to decide on whether or not this was a good plan.

The dragon suddenly spoke, his voice dripping with hypnosis:

"Or maybe, I simply do nothing. Just leave you to lie here and gasp as my seed ravages your body; Never truly giving you the release you so desire . . ."

That was all it took. The dragon's seductive threat took it's desired effect on the small gryphon; His eyes widening in desperation as the beast's words slithered into his head.

"No! Please . . . please! Don't do that! Your . . . your right . . . I'd lose my mind. All I want . . . All I want is for you to . . ." He flinched with shame.

"To m-ma -"

"Say it." The manipulative drake hissed.

" - Mate with me."

A smirk appeared at the side of the dragon's snout.

"I knew you would ask for it sooner or later."

Zan shivered as the wracking warmth pulsed through him again at the beast's words. He arched his back in exhausted pleasure, giving a small moan of lust and accidentally rubbing the bottom of his white, catlike tail against the dragon's groin.

The beast laughed at his pleading form; Adjusting his body above the young whelp. He made made sure he was right on top of the feathered creature, letting some of his weight lean on Zan's upraised hips. The gryphon grunted softly with stress at the sudden pressure, his legs threatening to collapse.

"Since this is your first time, I think we will go nice and slow, yes?"

Zan nodded weakly, his chest pushed hard into the ground.

The dragon purred happily, nudging his hips forward and pressing the round, pointed tip of his purple shaft against gryphon's small tailhole; Not yet penetrating his soft, pink sphincter, but smearing it's surface liberally with a juicy mix of his steaming pre.

Zan moaned in bliss as he felt the dragon's viscous fluids rubbed all over his bum, dripping down his rump in messy strands. Their path ran straight over the back of his aching balls right before drizzling to the floor; A highly enjoyable tingle following it's wake, and making him croon even louder. The dragon's shaft was so hot.

The drake froze there, his cock shining with the pre that covered it's pulsating length. He breathed deeply, letting his chest fill with the gryphon's sweet-smelling scent, and savoring the intimate feeling of finally having his cock touching the gryphon's tailhole. He wanted to remember the moment. The exact period in time right before he stripped away the young whelp's innocent virginity forever, and sent him into a world of sexual pleasure.

"Moan for me, gryphon," he commanded.

Zan did, his eyes shut in desire as his beak opened to vocalize the sound, clear strands of saliva connecting the two parts of his beak with thin tendrils, his pink tongue visible as he begged to be fucked.

The dragon was all too happy to comply, gently easing his lower body forwards and backwards against the gryphon's exposed bum; His large, fleshy cock lightly prodding the whelp's tailhole; Never entering, but rather - Testing it. Zan squirmed in pleasure from the simple act, a small cry escaping his beak as he listened to the beast's rumbles and growls of approval above him. With a creeping realization, he knew innately that he wanted this even more so than the dragon. The whole night had been leading up to this, and now, he was finally getting what he truly needed. A good pounding.

Perhaps it wouldn't be so bad after all. His buzzing body could hardly feel anything besides what the dragon was doing to him, and the bursts of warmth pulsing through his body were powerfully comfortable. He belonged to the dark creature that held him now, and there was a giddy, happy feeling at the thought.

Almost unnoticeably, the drake increased the strength of his exploratory prods, and soon, Zan found himself wincing slightly as his virgin tailhole was spread wider and wider to accommodate the dragon's spade-shaped tip. It was such a new and unusual feeling to the gryphon, that he felt a slight, tingle of nervousness run up his back as he realized at once, this would be a very tight squeeze.

He tensed as the bumps against his rump became a little more forceful, his front claws digging into the cavern floor. And then, with a final, small jerk forward, the dragon's lubricated cock-tip pierced his tailhole, and slipped into his smooth passageway.

Zan's eyes widened at once, and he tensed his sphincter as the tip rubbed harshly inside him; Whimpering with pain as his muscles instinctively squeezed the head of the dragon's shaft hard, a sudden panic flooding through him.

The dragon groaned in discomfort as his member was crushed by Zan's insides. But he had expected this.

"Relax whelp! You are only hurting yourself."

Zan wasn't listening, he wanted the cock out. It was too big. Too hard.

"I said, relax."

A tickle ran up through Zan's body as the dragon said 'relax'. For a second, his voice had been deeper and more powerful than usual, massively layered with Energy; And it's effect, was instantaneous: Almost at once, Zan's limbs we're like butter on a hot day. He cooed in total bliss as his muscles and tendons unwound heavenly. It felt like they we're melting along with the rest of his body, vertebrae by vertebrae, until he was nothing more then a senselessly gurgling heap of feathers on the ground, His figure, totally relaxed. Eyes fluttering in sheer coziness. No more pain.

The dragon sighed as his powers forced an oozing snugness through Zan; The gryphon's tailhole immediately unclenching from around his tip. There, now that, felt much better. He glanced down at the crumpled form beneath him. An amused look flashing across his muzzle. The little whelp was drooling all over, his pink tongue hanging out the corner of his beak in utter happiness. Perhaps he had overdone it a little bit with the use of his Energies, but neither of them we're complaining. Plus, the gryphon looked like he was going to enjoy this even more now.

Zan's mind felt fuzzy and slow, every little sensation, every glancing touch - felt multiplied by ten. His world swirled around him, shapes and forms blurring together so that everything had a soft, smooth glow to it. Whatever the dragon had done, it was not unwelcome at all. The pain in his rump was gone, but he could comfortably still feel the first few inches of the dragon's shaft buried inside him; A dull, but firm pressure coming from where it rested.

He curled his furry toes and groaned as the dragon pushed forward ever so slightly, sending more of his impressive maleness into Zan's inner depths. It felt amazing, like it deserved to be there all along, but it was also excruciatingly tight, and there was nothing he could do about that. His body was already at the peak of complete relaxation. It seemed the dragon's cock was forcing him to his natural limits.

The beast jabbed forward again and slipped deeper inside him, his cock sliding in surprisingly easily despite the gryphon's constricting, virgin tailhole. Blearily, Zan imagined it had to do something with all the delicious fluids covering it's purplish length. It was always so wet, perhaps it was like that for this very reason: To defile little creatures that we're smaller then it's owner. How lucky he was to be in that position.

Time began flying by very quickly. The dragon's constant purring and rumbling was lulling Zan into a hypnotic numbness as the beast eased more and more of his length inside him. The heat that came from it's surface was particularly intense, and the his beak was open wide in a yawn of pure, salacious joy; It seemed the more the dragon sunk into him, the more the pleasure of being stretched by his massive member increased. Every once and a while the dragon would push and stroke against some sensitive spot deep inside his hindquarters, and a flash of fierce, wracking pleasure would pulse through his entire, trembling body. It was a extraordinarily blissful experience, and more than once Zan cried out in total enjoyment at the feeling; His cock twitching in mutual delight. The dragon was masterful at this, and it showed in every gentle nudge of his hips.

Zan consciously arched his back lower to the ground, rubbing and grinding the top of his bum against the dragon's taught underside; Signaling he needed more. He didn't want this to end. It felt too good. He belonged to the dragon now, but it had been like that from the start. Every moment he spent with the creature, the more he desired to give himself up to him. He wouldn't care if he had to sacrifice every, single, bit of rational thought left in his mind; He would do anything, to remain with the dragon for eternity.

The pressure was now building powerfully in Zan's rear-end, a dominating sense of thickness filling his behind to it's limits. With amazed wonderment; He realized he had to have at least half of the dragon's throbbing maleness buried inside his pink pucker. It was a phenomenal sensation, he could feel every slick inch of the dragon's meaty cock penetrating him.

He gave another satisfied moan as the tip of the beast's organ spurt a glob of burning pre into his passageway, lubricating him further. He felt a bead of the dragon's natural fluids leak from his tailhole and glide down along his round, furry testicles; Increasing the sense of imminent release that was building up inside him. Zan felt his aching cock throb it's own pre all over it's swollen tip. His entire pink shaft was covered in his own juices just like the dragon's, begging to slip inside something wet.

Vaguely, he wondered if the creature currently breeding him was feeling similar pleasure. As tight as his little rump was, it had to have been nice and moist right before the dragon had started penetrating him. In the hour before they had started mating, his body had been sweating profusely from arousal, so maybe the dragon was enjoying this just as much as him. He hoped so. The familiar tingle of anticipation coursed through his spine at the thought of the beast emptying his gigantic load into his ass. Filling his bowels with gallons of thick, steaming ropes of draconic sperm, and sending those burning spasms of heat all over his body. He nearly came at the image. Cringing as his cock gave a single, painful pulse. But it wasn't time to spill his seed just yet. They had barely just started.

The dragon growled again as he dug his shaft into the little whelp. He was going as slow as possible, letting the gryphon get accommodated to his length before he pushed it all the way in. Gods it felt good. Every time he sunk his steamy breeding-tool into the gryphon, he reveled in the crushing tightness of his untainted insides. So soft and smooth, yet rigid and unyielding at the same time: The perfect combination.

He always knew the little avian would be able to take his length. Lust and a broken willpower we're devastating incentives, but even physically, the gryphon could be considered to be the perfect mate. He was smaller, but large enough to take his length; Albeit barely, and it seemed that gryphons as a species had unusually sensitive bodies. It probably had something to do with all that fur and feathers, but the dragon didn't care, he enjoyed the fact that whatever he did to his lover made him whimper, or gasp, or croon with happiness. And the fact his personality complimented this, was just too cute: A youthful mixture of naïve innocence and shyness, but with a desire to learn, and a hungry passion to mate.

He paused, his thick member half-buried inside the whelp's bum, The remaining length waiting to be shoved inside; It's surface glistening with his shiny, fiery fluids. Now was the time.

"Do you think you are ready to take my entire length gryphon?" He asked, his gaze burning into the gryphon's eyes, willing him to say 'yes'.

"Y-yeah, I think so." Came the gasping answer from below.

"I know you are, you have always been."

And with that, the dragon gently thrust his hips forward, the gryphon underneath giving an moan of desire as his pucker was stretched even wider to take the dragon's entire shaft.

And take it he did, inch after purplish inch of dragon cock was sunk into his tight little ass, Stuffing his lithe body full of it's girth and filling his insides with it's hot, slippery texture. He could hardly understand the euphoria it brought. Bursts of color erupted in-front of his vision, a kaleidoscopic swirl of sounds, feelings and emotions all wrapped up into one magnificently pleasurable feeling.

He gave a feral high-pitched, warbling whistle that only a gryphon could produce as the cock slipped inside and rubbed hard against his prostate. His toes curling, claws splayed. The dragon grunted and pushed deeper inside, intent on forcing the remaining few inches inside the gryphon's hungry little rump. Zan moaned again as the same pleasurable sensation exploded throughout his burning body, his eyes rolling into the back of his head, and his tongue hanging out in sheer rapture.

He knew the beast had succeeded when he felt the inside of his leathery thighs smack against his own, fuzzy bum. It was incredible, the dragon's entire shaft was finally buried inside him. He could feel it pulsing it's dark, corrupted warmth all throughout his innards, and spurting it's endless flow of lubricants inside him. The pressure it caused was unbelievable, and he could only lay there and take it as the dragon's mast was rammed further into his body.

"It is a good thing you are so . . . stretchy, little one," The beast rumbled above.

Zan could only gurgle incoherently in response like a newborn. His world swam and spun around him, every sense overloaded as he shivered and groaned against the dragon's breeding-tool resting inside him.

The dragon laughed, rearing back and dragging his steaming member with him, earning another lust-filled moan from the gryphon beneath as his little prostate was again meshed against roughly. The dragon landed a heavy paw between Zan's shoulder blades and held him in place against the ground, before rutting his hips forward and driving his maleness into the gryphon yet again. Showing him he was at his mercy.

Zan's mind buckled from the overwhelming pleasure that coursed along the length of his cock. All he could do was lay there and drool as the dragon romped against him. The beast's large hips thumped savagely against his rear-end, and sent tremors through his bones; Making him emit every possible noise imaginable. Groans, croons, gasps and moans all became one and the same as the dragon mated roughly with him, his shaft plunging in and out at an astonishing pace as Zan whimpered with happiness from below, his own shaft bouncing joyfully against his tummy in time with the dragon's humps, the fur there now positively soaking with his own pre.

On and on it went for nearly five whole minutes of endless, magnificent sex. Zan's whole body was shaking with bliss as a combination of the dragon's aggressive pounding, and his hypnotic musk, brought him to the peak of orgasm. His eyes fluttered as liquid fire raced through his groin and along his turgid length; Making him let out a series of strangled gasps as an unbearable pressure began to build at the base of his shaft. The numbed sensation of the dragon's flesh driving through him and crushing against his sensitive prostate only added to the feeling; And all he knew was of the incredible buzz that began to pulse in waves all along his spine, traveling up his shaft as he was humped senseless.

A minute later, which felt to Zan like an eternity, and after what seemed like an endless build-up towards his climax: Zan dizzily knew he was about to experience his long-awaited orgasm. The dragon was busy breeding him in long, forceful strokes, eliciting the most pleasure as possible from him, until finally, he couldn't handle it anymore. And his world melted into a paradise of warm, unending passion.

All his muscles clenched at once as if his body had been completely paralyzed. A sudden explosion of pleasure burst in his tailhole as the dragon's spade-tipped cock pushed him over the edge. The rainbow of sensations traveled instantly through his lower back in a shimmering wave of ecstasy, before scorching up his trembling member. All time was brought to a halt as Zan opened his mouth to whimper in absolute satisfaction, but no sound came out. His voice was cut short in a silent shout as his aching cock stiffened painfully for a brief second, before finally releasing it's pent-up seed all over the ground below.

His eyes fluttered in fervor as his member began clenching in a series of rapid contractions. Pleasure he never knew existed began tearing through his quaking body in wonderful pulses, every cell throbbing continuously as all the warmth permeating his body concentrated to his groin.

His cock began spraying it's load all over the rocky cave floor in long squirts. Copious amounts of white cum spurting from his barbed tip in thick, heavy ropes that coated the ground messily. His long awaited release had finally been delivered too him, and it couldn't have felt any better. He came extremely hard, beak hanging wide open and tongue lolling out as his needy balls emptied their sperm at last, strong jets of spunk spattering the fur on his belly as his cock twitched and throbbed in relief.

It continued for nearly a full minute of non-stop convulsions, Zan's talons digging into the floor as he rode out the endless ripples that pounded through his frame. The fur on his belly was matted with the sticky contents of his load, having cum so hard, it had managed to spray onto his tummy from sheer excitement. Some of love-juices still dripping in clinging strands to the ground.

His mind was in completely other world, unable to differentiate from reality and imagination as he experienced the ultimate form of sexual release he would ever know. Perhaps it had been like this because it was his first time, or maybe it had just been the dragon's manipulative handling that was so mesmerizing . . . In all honesty, he didn't even care. Tonight, he had went from a young, cocky whelp, to a cooing, groaning pile of sexual happiness. And too him, that was all that mattered.

"So soon? How adorable," The dragon purred above him. Clearly mocking his early release.

Throughout all of Zan's shattering orgasm the drake had not stopped thrusting into the gryphon's stretchy insides. He had felt the whelp's entire memorable experience through the creature's tailhole as it reflexively clamped down around his fiery shaft repeatedly. That, had felt particularly good.

He gave a demonic smile as he noticed how hard he had rocked the gryphon's world. The little thing was gasping in delirious love for his captor, blue eyes glazed and unfocused a dreamy glint in them.

He glanced downwards underneath Zan's lean, panting body. The mess there was significant, a bit stunning and impressive actually for a creature of his size.

The whelp's load had been spewed enthusiastically all along the ground in thick lines, and there was no shortage of the stuff either. Perhaps gryphon's in general we're just frisky, sexual beings by nature, because from the looks of things, they certainly knew how to put out. All over the underside of the gryphon's body was a soaking mess of his own, delicious, sweet cum. The little creature had obviously enjoyed himself because he was crooning with passion. Gasping and moaning as the dragon's exotic shaft continued thrusting into his little rump.

Slowly, the pulses of Zan's orgasm subsided. The tip of his cock still dribbling the remaining seed out and down along the bottom of his peach-colored shaft. The scent hanging in the room was now incredible, he could smell his own odor mingling with the dragon's, and the buzz it produced kept him subdued in his own relaxed, heavenly state. His body glowed with a supreme bliss that throbbed throughout him with every beat of his heart, and he was content to simply lay there, as the dragon worked away exquisitely at his behind. Whimpering softly.

It was truly amazing how much stamina the beast had. Throughout his entire climax, the dragon had not once stopped rutting against him, and he seemed to have no intention of ending any time soon. The beast's front paws lay planted beside Zan's shoulders, two muscular pillars keeping him suspended above the young whelp as his hips hammered against the younger creature; His magnificent cock slipping in and out of Zan's ass, and his burning load keeping the gryphon's body exhausted, and his mind numb from it's draining warmth.

Would it ever end? He hoped not, already he could feel the aching pressure return to his groin as the breeding-tool inside him kept oozing drops of devastatingly arousing pre all over his innards, making him feel warm and tingly. He gave a groan as he felt his own cock grow unbearably hard again, the barbs becoming tense and sensitive as the shaft swelled up with blood a second time; Reverting back to it's rock-hard state, almost as if nothing had occurred moments ago.

The dragon peered under the gryphon's body as soon as he heard the creature gave a tiny, miserable grunt.

The little avian was still turned-on. His throbbing member was the all-too-visible truth. It seemed he was right about gryphons being lustful things. Even though Zan's mind had already buckled from the sheer pleasure that he had been forced to endure, his body was still pleading for more.

The drake's eyes flashed happily, this kept getting more and more interesting. He couldn't wait to see the expression on the whelp's face as soon as he unleashed his own, massive orgasm inside the gryphon's cute, furry rump. It would be priceless.

Zan gave another cry as the dragon's speed increased. From what had been a somewhat gentle, leisurely pace, was now a frighteningly quick, yet elegant mating. He arched his back and pushed his hips into the beast for support, but received none as the dragon drove him harder into the ground with a mighty front paw, pinning his shoulders down and keeping him from squirming. All he could do was pant in rapture as he felt the large cock stretch his tailhole wide every time the beast humped forward brutally; Basking in the lewd shivers of pleasure that it brought as his prostate was rubbed against time and time again.

His eyes we're closed, but he felt the hot, rank breath of the dragon blow across the fur on his cheek, it smelled faintly of meat. He shivered.

"I am going to blow so much of my filthy load into your little ass whelp, that it will fill your insides with gallons of my thick, steaming dragon cum, until your tight rump can't handle it anymore, and it all spills out to the ground like a waterfall."

Zan was in no state to answer, and only let out a loud, erotic moan as the dragon's twisted words weaved themselves into his head.

"And then do you know what I am going to do to you? I will tell you what I am going to do," The drake hissed menacingly. "I am going to pull you to the ground, flip you onto your back, and suck your virgin cock until you cum in my muzzle, and your testicles empty every last ounce of seed you have down my throat. My wet tongue will slather your member with my hot saliva, and slide along your prick until you cannot even imagine how you ever lived without me."

Zan thought he would pass out as more colors burst before his eyes. The pressure in his groin was building to that peak it had been at last time, but now, it was much stronger. The dragon never stopped fucking him, and his pace only kept increasing until his hips were a blur; Slamming into Zan's tailhole at an impossibly fast speed. And causing the young whelp to whimper in hysteria. His cock beating feebly against his stomach, praying for release.

"And after we are finished together, you will be mine."

That was it. The dragon gave a loud growl, suddenly ramming his hips forward for the last time, and burying his demonic maleness deep into the gryphon's abused ass right to the hilt, his claws digging into the gryphon's back, keeping the young creature in place.

There was a brief moment of surprise that flickered across Zan's eyes as the dragon stopped mating him, their bodies pressed harshly together. It lasted only a second, and with the slightest tingle of fear, he knew what was about to happen.

A violent, incinerating warmth suddenly exploded inside Zan's rump. And he moaned in rapturous shock as he realized the dragon was shooting his steaming load inside him. He could feel the dragon's member pulse viciously against his inner confines, a massive wave of heated spunk erupting from it's spade-shaped tip all over his innards.

He gave a loud howl of passion, tongue hanging out, as another fiery blast was unloaded again almost instantly deeper in his body; Greatly filling him as the purple cock throbbed away unrelentingly, painting his insides white as spurt after spurt of loving, dragon-cum was dumped liberally inside him.

The sticky, burning fluids poured everywhere, and the sensation of having the dragon pumping his mating essence inside his subdued body wiped away all thoughts he had. He unhesitatingly gave himself over to the primal emotions that tore through him, raising his head into the air to let out a growl of pure passion, unable to contain himself amidst the flood of sperm spewing into him. Crying out again and again as his own cock twitched with desire.

His own orgasm was there, but it never came. The beast wouldn't allow it. Zan's legs nearly buckled with fatigue as the blazing cum started draining all the strength out of him. He couldn't do anything but whimper in, humiliated, yet weary joy as the beast held him still, solely intent on his devious task of stuffing as much spunk into his young captive as his little body could handle.

It dragged on forever; The beast's member pulsing nonstop. Zan's whole frame was roasting with it's sinister warmth, totally unable to move or do anything to escape the forceful jets of cum blasting into him.

Spunk gushed suddenly from around the edges of his stretched tail hole as his rear-end - simply overflowed with the dragon's breeding juices. Thick streams of the stuff squirted out to the ground, running down the back of his trembling legs, and splashing all over.

He whimpered, overcome by the sensation. The scalding contents of his insides still sloshing around noticeably. He felt fuller than he had ever been in his life.

Slowly, the throbs of the dragon's fleshy organ let up, until the flow of cum became nothing more than a small trickle.

The two of them lay there. Dragon on-top, gryphon beneath, as they both recovered. It was a strange, bizarre sight. Two completely different species of the same gender, bonded together in mating. The dragon looked hardly tired at all, his posture showing his dominance over the senseless, heaving whelp beneath him; the smaller creature's body wracked by the draining spasms of cruel warmth, that flooded through him at every opportunity.

The dragon's head leveled alongside Zan's own, red eyes blazing with Energies.

"You belong to me now"

The drake pulled back roughly, pushing the gryphon downward as his slimy cock dragged along Zan's inner walls, and making the young whelp whimper in ecstasy. The beast's now half-limp and rather soft cock slipped out into the cramped cavern, a veritable waterfall of heated, creamy dragon-spunk pouring from Zan's pink tailhole, before running messily down his legs and slopping to the floor in a puddle of white.

His whole body shuddered and quivered in surprise. So much cum was surging out of him; Seeping into his luxuriously smooth fur, and making his skin underneath prickle excitedly.

He couldn't move. Didn't want to move, as the beast unmounted him; Raising a muscular foreleg over his bowed head, and walking off to the side of the room, relieving the gryphon of his presence.

The drake rounded, staring at him hungrily. Watching as the whelp's body was sapped of it's strength from his own, enfeebling seed. Waiting patiently.

Waiting for what? Zan didn't know. But his brain didn't let him care. He was so close to orgasm, his own twitching cock aching with need.

Incredible pulses of warmth cascaded through him, from both his stomach, and his rump. Both had been receptacles for the dragon's load, and now, he was paying the price for his servitude. His muscles we're on fire, his mind reeling from the sheer power of the blinding inferno tearing through him. He groaned weakly as he felt his back legs finally give out from fatigue; Rolling meekly to his side as he tried to maintain his grasp on reality, panting hard.

The dragon purred happily at seeing him fall, his body stirring to life as he returned back the gryphon's limp, heaving form. His head loomed over Zan's, his cold, penetrating gaze meeting the gryphon's, wincing, supplicating one. He smiled, bending down and nuzzling the gryphon's neck affectionately, earning a croon of enjoyment from the broken creature underneath.

Calmly, lovingly, he placed his semi-dextrous forepaws on the gryphon's front biceps. Deliberately rolling the irrational gryphon onto his back.

It was slightly uncomfortable in the unnatural position. The beast's load bubbled ominously inside him at the sudden motion of being flipped over, threatening to make him faint in exhaustion, but it's searing hotness forced him to teeter on the brink of consciousness. Wherever he looked, there was a fuzzy, disorienting after-image blur that trailed behind, and he felt more than a little dazed as he tried to focus on the dragon's eyes blazing above.

The drake nestled his muzzle further into Zan's fur, caressing him lightly as his movements progressed toward Zan's lean chest in quick smooches, the whelp clearly shivering in enjoyment. He reached Zan's belly, eying the gryphon's standing pillar with obvious intent.

He caught the little creature's plaintiff look, and grinned evilly as he continued with his small pecks along the gryphon's cum-soaked stomach. It was amazing how ticklish the avian was, each touch emitted a tiny gasp from the horny thing like he had not expected it.

He paused when he reached the gryphon's groin, pulling his head back for a moment as he inspected it approvingly. Surrounding the base of the thick, pulsing shaft was a tousled, rumpled, mass of fur. It was a little darker than the rest of the gryphon's body, and quite a bit longer too. Compared to the rest of Zan's coat, it was thicker and lusher. Glossy smooth with plumes of feathers mixed in.

Without a moment's hesitation, the drake dipped his head forward, burying his snout in the tangled fluff, and breathing in deeply. He sighed, the gryphon smelt much stronger down here. An untamed, feral scent that no other creature could possibly hope to recreate. It belonged to Zan, and it was his, all his, to indulge in.

He pulled back, temporarily sated from the gryphon's arousing smell. He cocked an eye-ridge at Zan's apprehensive gaze, giving him a final, playful look, before ducking back down, and swallowing the creature's maleness into his wet snout all at once.

Zan screamed in pleasure, his vision tunneling dangerously as the dragon's soaking warm muzzle surrounded his cock. He arched his back against the ground, eyes closed almost painfully as he thrust his chest into the air. Nothing in the world could compare to the intense feeling the dragon's moist oral cavity besieging his length had on him. His furry thighs instinctively clamped down hard around the beast's narrow head, not sure whether if it was because he was afraid of what would happen if the creature pulled off, or rather if it had just been a simple reflex.

He didn't get to think much on it. The dragon's claws released their grip on his upper arms, and instead grabbed around his hamstrings. Wrenching them apart with a quick jerk, and nearly pinning them to the ground. The drake's head was once again uncovered, and he raised another eye-ridge at Zan nonchalantly, as if to say: "Do you really think you have any control?"

No, Zan never did. He was simply a toy for the dragon to toss around. Nothing more than a petty slave coerced into pleasing his draconic lover, hoping he would be rewarded in the same way. And now, that was finally happening.

He hardly had time to recover before the dragon bobbed upwards along the length of his shaft. Traveling indescribably from base to peak, before the tip of his snout rested on his glans. The pronged tip of the creature's tongue flicked out, stimulating the tiny barbs covering it's rounded top; and lathering them with it's slimy surface.

Zan's eyes snapped wide open, pupils dilated as he pealed out another incoherent shout. His spine slammed back to the ground, driven beyond rational thought by the insane sensitiveness it caused on his stiff little nubs. He thought he'd go crazy as the forked tongue slipped and glided all over the apex of his head, tickling each barb individually until Zan's world dissolved into a mindless whirl of delirious need.

The dragon did not want it any other way, and fiercely plunged back down on the gryphon's innocent shaft, the smooth, lubricated insides of his mouth pleasuring the gryphon in ways he had never even dreamed of. His muzzle mashed against Zan's groin, staying there for a moment as he enjoyed the whelp's helpless squirms and cries below, before rising back off and gliding to the very tip, eager on repeating.

And repeat he did. Again and again the dragon's mouth bounced against the gryphon's groin, his tongue only adding to the younger creature's delirium by slurping up and down along the belly of the gryphon's juicy cock. Heated saliva spilled out and pooled amongst the tangle of fur that surrounded the bottom of his member. The gryphon's throbbing meat literally covered with a burning layer of the drake's spittle, only turning him on further.

It continued for little more than a minute of deep, rapid thrusts. Zan's tongue once again hanging out the corner of his beak, and drooling all over his shoulder as his body went limp. His expression one of pure, surrendered ecstasy. The dragon gazed at him with his eyes looking upwards, glinting evilly as he took the gryphon's cock easily; Expertly flexing and tightening on the whelp's exposed length as if he had done this countless other times; Stimulating the gryphon until the little thing couldn't handle anymore . . .

The drake's voice spoke into Zan's fragile, weakened mind. Clear and seductive.

"Cum in my mouth, gryphon."

Zan did, body tensing as his testicles tightened against his sheath. Like a dam overflowing, Zan came in the dragon's mouth harder then he had ever done earlier. His body twitched as euphoric pulses of wonderful pleasure blasted through his entire frame, before traveling up his trembling shaft, and unleashing a stream of sticky, gooey sperm straight into the dragon's muzzle covering his length.

His hips jerked crazily in time with his eruptions, humping against the dragon's snout as he dumped his load desperately into the drake's receptive mouth. Creamy jizz gushed all over inside, the beast smiling happily as he tasted the gryphon's sweet, tasty seed at last; Not yet swallowing. But content to simply savor the moment.

Zan's thrusts against the dragon got weaker and weaker, until he was reduced to a huffing, puffing, state of complete sexual satisfaction. His orgasm still throbbed away enjoyably, spurting the remaining pulses of cum deep into the dragon's maw, as he whimpered in wonder. Body wracked by his powerful climax, and his balls feeling dull from exertion.

The dragon retreated off his member with a slurp; His mouth firmly shut. Zan didn't notice as the dragon skillfully glided up along his body silently; His lust-addled gaze directed at the dark ceiling instead of his captor's malevolent red eyes.

"Kiss me."

The command echoed in his head, and he instantly complied. Eyes widening a bit in surprise as he noticed the dragon laying low against his stomach, their bodies hardly touching, and his face right in front.

Zan's beak met snout, gaping open slightly to accept the dragon's intrusive tongue, but instead receiving more than a mouthful of his own spooge as the dragon released the contents of his maw into his own.

His eyes shot open in disgust, but he was prevented from pulling away by the dragon's vigorous embrace. A veritable flood of his own cum poured into his beak, and immediately spilled out a bit from around their weaving mouths; dribbling down his feathered mane.

As soon as his taste buds sparked to life however, Zan began swallowing it all thirstily. Loving every second of the taste as it filled his tummy even more full with mating essence. Unable to comprehend the satisfaction it brought.

Their messy kiss lasted a full thirty seconds, before the dragon raised himself off his heaving body, content that the gryphon had drank enough; He left the whelp to wallow in his erotic memories of their dirty experience.

Zan felt unbelievably full, having taken four loads tonight, he couldn't think of anything but drifting off to sleep amidst the burn plaguing his body . . . But just as he was about to, a sudden, crimson glow from about the room brought him back to wakefulness, and he sat up lazily. Rolling to his side.

The dragon stood a few meters away, his back turned so that all the gryphon saw we're his jagged, folded wings that rested against his scaled back. Large and menacing.

Zan's beak dropped in awe. Covering the dragon's hide were tiny sparks of red lightning that cast flickering shadows around the spherical cavern. He had seen them before, but the sight still mesmerized him. The display of Energy was frighteningly beautiful, he didn't know what to expect. So he laid there, defenseless, and waiting.

No words we're spoken as the drake turned to face the whelp. He watched impassively as the gryphon's expression turned from one of astonishment, to pure terror in seconds. His little body scuttling back along the ground to put as much distance from himself and the dragon as possible. He didn't bother moving to intercept him, the whelp's fate had been sealed the moment they had met.

If Zan could scream, he would have, but his voice was raw and soundless. The dragon's eyes blazed like twin suns, blindingly bright, and inexplicably terrifying to behold. They had no pupils, no iris, absolutely no discernible traits whatsoever. All of their features we're lost to the powerful glow that burned in their depths, sucking what little light there was in the room to feed their deadly fire within.

He scurried back until his head bumped against the wall, unable to escape the petrifying glare of the dragon. The beast himself was unmoving in the center of the cavern, staring at Zan hypnotically as the little gryphon cowered in fear. Cringing and shivering.

The dragon remained emotionless as his body pulsed with leaps of electricity; His wings stirring to life as they slowly unfolded in front of the gryphon's very eyes.

They we're massive, easily twenty feet in length at full stretch, small, obsidian spikes lining the bony appendage to which the leathery membrane was attached to; Ancient rips and tears covering it's surface, and giving them a ragged, ugly look.

But there was something very wrong with them, and Zan's eyes widened in amazed horror.

There we're stars inside them.

All over the pitch black film sparkled tiny, silvery pinpoints of light, thousands of them, painting their entire surface. They flickered and danced amidst the sea of blackness, twinkling faintly like fireflies during the evening.

Zan couldn't look away at the sheer magnitude of the sight. It was like staring into the heart of the midnight sky itself. Made even more mystifying by the moonlight shining down from above, and igniting the visible constellations within.

The edges of his vision blurred until all he could see was the dragon standing in the middle of the room, his fiery eyes focused on him. There was nowhere Zan could hide, nowhere for him to run. So he laid there scrunched against the wall; Frozen in terror as his body went limp from the inferno pulsing through him, and the fear coursing through his mind.

He slid to the ground and curled up in a ball, unable to rip his gaze away from the agonizingly beautiful sight before him, unable to think, or breathe, or hear. He wanted it to stop, to rewind time and make it so he never visited this dank, evil cave and met the sinister being that lived here. He was too young to possibly ever understand the implications of his actions tonight, and perhaps, he would never be old enough either.

But the creature before him didn't care for those trivial things. To him, Zan was his prey, and he was being taught a lesson he'd remember for the rest of his life.

Like a nightmare, the dragon approached his quivering body, staring down impassively at him, his eyes blazing red. There was not a trace of remorse detectable on his face, and Zan could only lay there and whimper as the beast draped his star-spangled wings over his crumpled body, covering him completely in their darkness, until not an inch of feather remained outside their muffling embrace.

It was as if all the breath had been sucked from his lungs. The darkness that fell around him was impenetrable and suffocating. No glimmer of light penetrated the twin black canvases wrapped tightly about his body, except for the shimmering array of stars that arched throughout their very fibers. Swirling magnificently before his eyes.

Cycles ago, Zan had flown above the clouds to try and reach the heavens of cosmos above. He was incredibly young at the time, and learned it was simply impossible to do. Gravity always painfully dragged him back down to earth, but that never stopped him from wondering what it would feel like to fly up there anyways.

It had to have been something like this. Only the frigid cold of that night was replaced with a sweaty, dank heat that he knew belonged to the dragon. The smell, like everything else about the beast, weakened him to the state of immobility, and he felt himself being dragged gently across the ground, closer and closer to the being's massive, rumbling body, until Zan bumped against what had to be the creature's chest.

And then he heard it, echoing dully through the constricting leathery wings wrapped around him:

The beat of the dragon's heart.

It was slow and deliberate, thudding powerfully in the creature's body, and sending faint tremors through Zan's bones. Faintly, close to unconsciousness, Zan felt his own pulse as well, much quicker and more frantic than the dragon's. Scared.

Then something strange happened.

Through the moist haze of warmth, and the continuous throb of the dragon's heart, Zan felt his own slow down to match it. An oozing calm suddenly swam through his veins as he listened to the intervals between pulses become longer and longer, until his, and the dragon's, thumped in perfect harmony, Together, so close to each other.

He was no longer afraid anymore. The dragon and him we're synchronized at last.

A flood of red light poured through into the tight space Zan was snuggled inside. It was the dragon's head, tucked under his own wings to pay him a visit. He felt the creature's breath tickle his ears, and he sighed in wonder as his own Energies sparked up; Thin tendrils of pale blue light flickering along his fur in faint ribbons, joining the dragon's own red, electric one's. Sharing their power between themselves.

The dragon's forehead touched against his temple and didn't pull away.

He murmured happily at the intimate act. In gryphon culture, this was a promise of trust and friendship. But the dragon didn't care for any of that. He had other plans.

An invisible bridge had been connected between their two minds, and Zan felt a faint prickle against the side of his head where the dragon's skull was pressed against his own, prying at his mind.

There was absolutely no pain though, only blissful, soaking warmth, as they mentally connected. They lay there together in the small cavern, wrapped in wings and nestled close, two beings joined as one.

And then it came, the flow of knowledge, memories, and thoughts from the dragon. All of them, like water, pouring from the creature's dark mind into his own like a sieve. Filtering and simplifying them naturally so he could understand their innate meaning.

He sighed as a euphoric pleasure burst in his skull, almost sexual in it's nature. The surge of the dragon's memories expanded gloriously in his head, finding tiny niches in his mind he did not know even existed, and filling them full with glorious information.

It never ended. For what seemed like hours the dragon donated years of his life experience straight into his own memory. Much of it was genuine, comprehensive knowledge on everything he thought he understood. Some of it was unknowable, strange images that he would never puzzle out anytime soon. Yet others were sinister, shadowy dreams that made him wonder in confusion; Not knowing what to think, but wanting to understand them just as much as the rest.

Those were always the most interesting. And he hungered for the power he knew they contained within.

Slowly, the stream of knowledge ended, and a woozy tiredness settled over Zan. The dragon's head disconnected from his temple, sending a chill through his body. It felt unnatural not being melded psychically to the dragon. As if he had never lived without it.

Still, sleep crept up faster than he ever knew possible.

"Thank you." He said quietly, before drifting off into a deep, dreamless slumber. The dragon whispering sweet nothings into his ear the entire time. Having rewarded the whelp at last.

"There is strength in the hunger you posses . . . and the will behind your power is a primal thing. It invigorates you as it devours others - your mere presence enthralls all around you, slowly, feeding.. You have already tasted it's potential, and it is simply a question of how eager you are to learn what remains to be uncovered."

Zan opened one eye, then the other. He groaned. Every muscle in his body ached with a dull pain. He looked around curiously, wincing at the strain in his neck. Where was he?

A cave, sitting in a puddle of water.

How did he get here? The answer sluggishly wound it's way to the front of his head.

A storm, this is where he had taken shelter from a thunderstorm. Simple enough.

Then why did he feel so tired and weak? It was obvious he had been sleeping for a while, because from what he remembered, the puddle he was squatting in had definitely not been this big. And why in the world was there a hole in the ceiling? This was a mountain for goodness sake. It was supposed to be dry inside.

But in fact, it was the complete opposite. It was warm and damp, with clouds of mist visibly drifting through the air and swirling around him; Making his matted fur even wetter.

He chirped. Annoyed. Shakily, he stood up out of the pool, his stomach fur dripping the remaining water that clung to himself back into the puddle loudly. 'So much for 'natural oils' and being 'water proof'', he thought with a sigh.

He walked over to the side of the room, limping as his tendons sang with protest. To make everything worse, he had one of the worst headaches he could ever recall. It rivaled the time when a coconut had dropped out of a tree and clocked him in the head. That had been no fun, and neither was this. It felt like his brain was going to explode. And with a twinge of fear, he realized he might be seriously injured.

He ruffled his wings, looking them over. Apart from them being a soaking mess, they looked and felt to be capable of flight. He was walking, so obviously his legs weren't broken, although they felt atrophied for whatever reason. His breathing was fine too, no broken wings or punctured lungs. It seemed he was completely okay.

Than why did he feel like this?

He caught sight of his sheath and gasped in surprise. Flopping to his side and twisting his upper body to get a better look at it.

His cock was hanging out a few inches, soft and red. It looked painful to touch, like it was worn out or something. It should have been tucked away neatly in his sheath, safe and secure.

But it wasn't.

He frowned, nudging it with his paw. Trying to get it to cooperate before flinching; It really did hurt to be rubbed.

There was no way he could go out into the jungle like this. He'd look way to weird. There was a certain code of etiquette out there in the world, and it said private parts we're for relieving oneself and mating. You couldn't just walk or fly around with your wang flopping about. Things just didn't work that way.

Was anything ever simple?

Something tickled the fur of his ears. The wind maybe?


He sat bolt upright, the voice had been spoken right next to him, and he looked around wildly for the source, eyes wide in panic.

He was all alone, breathing heavily and crouched defensively, his body not wishing for a fight.

And none came, after a minute of racing thoughts, a sudden chill descended on his body.

He recognized that voice.

Memories from the night came rushing back. All of them: The dragon, being captured, resisting him, being forced to experience his power, the pleasure that it had brought . . .

He nearly crumpled to the ground at the crazed rush of images. What had he done here? Had he actually mated with a male? And a dragon at that? He couldn't believe his own mind. It all seemed like some sort of twisted fantasy that he'd had, but he didn't know whether it was a dream or a nightmare.

The sense of shame and disappointment at his willingness to obey the dragon eventually overwhelmed him. The more he tried to forget about it, the more he came to terms with how much he had actually enjoyed their experience together. No matter what, there was no forgetting the amount of ecstasy he had endured tonight. Unwilling or not, the act had been performed, and nothing could be done to change that.

His body tensed in apprehension again. If this was all true - which it was - then where was the dragon? The creature wasn't with him now, so perhaps he had left?

Unlikely, but possible he reasoned. Perhaps he had simply been used for fun. Played with and discarded. Not worth the time.

Zan frowned again. It was a depressing thought. He had thought the dragon would make him stronger. Not weaker. All he was left with was a belly full of burning seed, a bruised body, and a crushed spirit. He felt worse than ever.

Still, he was alive. From what he had expected earlier, he was supposed to be a meal. Not a mate. At least he had that to be thankful for.

He looked at the exit from the cavern. It was a dark tunnel, leading upwards to the entrance to the cave itself. A couple minutes walk at most, but a cramped and nervous one. There was no escape once inside, it was too narrow to dodge around things. If he met the dragon, he realized unhappily, he would submit. It was his only option.

He took a few uneven steps to the tunnel entrance, pausing in hesitation, before walking into the darkness alone. Leaving the cavern behind.

It was dark, but sunlight filtered through small cracks in the roof in thin beams. He strode as quickly and quietly as his aching body allowed; Eyes wide with fear, shining blue orbs, cutting through the air.

The ground sloped upwards, jagged and rocky with stalactites and stalagmites rising everywhere.

He breathed deeply, it didn't smell so much like tasty spice anymore - which by now, was his most favorite scent whether he wanted it to be or not. Instead, the lush, dewy smell of the jungle could be just faintly detected. Earthy, sweet, and so very comforting.

His pace picked up at the aroma of nature, he was getting closer, and his fear was washing away. A small light could be seen at the end of the tunnel, coming closer with every step.

He stumbled out of the tunnel and into the cave entrance; Catching the sun itself in all it's glory. Just beginning to rise off in the distance. It was a startling blood red, illuminating the early morning sky in streaks of orange. He never would have thought to have seen such a beautiful sight. It was positively breathtaking after spending a night trapped in the dank cave below.

He walked to the edge of the mountain, catching his first clean breath of air. It swelled through his lungs magnificently, and he felt a glowing sense of a new day upon him. He prepped his legs and wings for take-off, still somewhat stiff after spending time in the cavern.

Something shifted behind him, he spun around.

The dragon seemingly melted out of the wall. He had seen the trick earlier, it was his hide. It matched the color of the cave walls perfectly.

The creature sat there calmly, tail wrapped about his legs, simply gazing at him. A leering smile painted on his snout as he stared down at Zan, displaying his sharp white fangs to the younger creature.

If Zan had to go, he would've peed himself right then and there, but he was even too terrified to do that. He was rooted to the spot, locked in place by the dragon's piercing red eyes. Unable to run.

The dragon didn't make a move. Zan would have rather liked to have the beast attack him than stand there in total silence. At least that would have been predictable. But instead, nothing happened. And the two creature's just stood there waiting as the breeze blew about them.

After a long minute, the dragon walked up to Zan, who shrunk down in fear. The creature's face was one of amusement, and his neck craned downwards to stare directly into the gryphon's petrified eyes. An inch away.

Zan caught another whiff of the dragon's hot breath. He didn't budge at all as the larger creature grabbed his lower beak with a paw and began scratching his chin with a black talon, forcing his head upwards to meet the dragon's glare.

"Slept well, I hope?"

Zan nodded slowly.

"I bet," the dragon hissed. "Now before you leave to return to your nest that was undoubtedly destroyed by the storm, I want to let you know one thing."

The gryphon's eyes glimmered with uncertainty at the request.

"As of now, you are my territory. You took shelter in my cave, and you survived - because I allowed it. I expect you to know your place is at my feet, and that you will eventually show me gratitude for sharing my knowledge with you."

Zan nodded furiously. Wanting nothing but to run away.

"In time," the drake continued "you will come to me again, and perhaps, if you show me you are worthy, I might just allow you to taste more of my myself. Do you understand?"

Another session of furious nodding.

"Good, because If you do not do this, I will find you. And I will kill you."

That was it. Zan whimpered as his bladder emptied all over his leg. Urine splashing on the ground as he blushed furiously with humiliation.

The dragon looked at him with a curious expression, a grin twisting at the edges of his mouth. He listened until Zan stopped wetting himself before continuing as if nothing happened, releasing the gryphon's lower beak from his grasp.

"Go now gryphon, clean yourself up in the pond which you do every morning, and continue living your meaningless existence for the next few weeks, until you return to me and we make things a little more . . . interesting."

Zan didn't hesitate. He caught the dragon's burning stare for the last time, before turning around instantly and launching himself off the ledge and into the warm air; An endless sea of green stretching out bellow him as he flew as fast as he could to his favorite pond. Wondering what on earth had he gotten himself into.

"I will be waiting."

He winced at the words echoing in his head. Knowing that despite the total fear coursing through him now, he would return later to the dragon's loving embrace.

He flew on. His future uncertain.