Not Grimm - A Furry Tail

Story by SilverrFox on SoFurry

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#2 of Writing Prompt Group Submissions

This story was written for the Writing Prompt Group in response to Prompt 10, which asked us to write a story about a character in a high-stress situation who just up and walks away, and what subsequently happens to them. This is a collaborative story written by: SilverrFox Tanuskidoodle

We cast our fursonas as the protagonists, and our good friend:


As the villain.

"Once upon a time" really is a trite and overused phrase to begin a fairy tale - even a furry tail. What does the phrase mean anyway? Is it just another way of saying "at some time in the past" or "a very long time ago?" Perhaps it is meant to invoke a sense of the ancient past or even some mythical time that never existed. The expression is a bit wordy. To be more concise, one could shorten it to "previously" or "earlier"; the meaning is essentially the same. It would be even better, though, to be specific with phrases like "yesterday" or "four score and seven years ago", assuming of course the exact date on which the story started was known. This particular story that you are about to read is pure fantasy and never occurred in any time or in any universe of which I am aware. Therefore, it is appropriate to invoke a sense of the legendary past.

So, dear reader, please forgive me, as I open this story thusly: Once upon a time, there was king who ruled over the poor, landlocked kingdom of Furhalla. This kingdom had many unfriendly neighbors that often waged cruel war against this unfortunate land. The worst of these neighbors was the kingdom of Saxetch, which was ruled by a sorcerer named Kael of such immense evil that the touch of his hooves upon the ground caused crops to wither, forests to burn, and steams to run dry. His own subjects were corrupted by his wickedness and transformed into twisted parodies of their true forms. Demons and other evil spirits had free reign to roam about the land, creating mischief wherever they went. Armies of these demons and Kael's twisted subjects constantly invaded Furhalla.

The toll of near constant war was a burden that weighed heavily on the king and led to his early death. He was succeeded by his son, Alexander, who was a hybrid as a result of the marriage of his father, a tanuki, to his mother, a hybrid husky and labradoodle mix. Unlike his father, who dedicated his whole life and all of his energies trying to protect and rule his kingdom, Prince Alexander, did not wish to succeed his father as king. Becoming king meant that he had to marry a female so that she could bear him children to carry on the line of succession. The Prince already had a secret lover, a person that would not make a suitable queen, and not just because he was a commoner, but also because he was male. Silverr was his name. He was a fox twenty-five years the Prince's senior, and was the master weapons trainer for the knights of the King's guard. Though the Prince and the fox had never consummated their love, It was a pure and selfless affection that they shared.

In addition to the secret that was their love affair, the Prince and Silverr shared another secret. They were both changelings that could morph into their feral forms whenever they wanted. It was this magical ability that allowed them to escape often and be together without anyone being able to catch them.

Not long after the death of his father, the Prince was introduced to his future queen and told that they would marry within a fortnight. Alexander decided that he and Silverr should run away. Silver argued against this rash idea. The kingdom needed a king, and he was the only legitimate heir to the throne. He argued that they could still be secret lovers even if he did have to occasionally to lie with his queen. However, the Prince would hear none of it. He demanded that Silverr plan their escape to the magical land of Furvana where it was said that all furs could live with and love whoever they wanted. Being his loyal friend and lover, Silverr complied with the Prince's request. They were set to escape on the night of the Prince's wedding to his queen to be during the confusion of the festivities.

When the wedding day arrived, Silverr urged the Prince to wait until dark when they could best slip away unnoticed, but by mid-day the Prince could wait no longer. He abandoned caution and transformed into his feral pup form. Silverr could not stop him and had to transform also into his feral silver and black fox form to keep by his lover's side as the Prince raced heedlessly through the castle. Because of the Prince's impatience, they were seen leaving by one of the servants. The presence of a mixed breed pup and a fox in the castle was at first just a curiosity discussed only among the maids and cooks, but when the alarm was raised that the Prince was missing, the fox was assumed by all to have stolen the prince because he was an evil minion of the dreaded sorcerer Kael .

The royal huntsmen and their dogs were summoned to track and kill the fox and find the Prince. Alexander and Silverr had a head start but were unaware of the pursuit, so they changed back into their anthro forms and walked together happily towards freedom and the magical land of Furvana.

Soon the baying of the hounds could be heard behind them, and they were forced to change back into their feral forms to escape. They raced across the countryside using every trick the fox knew. They ran in streams. They swam across lakes. They rolled in dirt and mud to mask their scent. None of the tricks worked against the ever nearing barking of the pack and the blowing of horns of their pursuers.

So intent was Silverr on losing the hounds, he mistakenly took the Prince and himself to the pass that led to the evil kingdom of Saxetch. When he discovered his mistake, he was so distraught that he became paralyzed with fear, and the hounds gained on them. They were trapped and could not go forward for fear of the evil wizard Kael, nor back because of the dogs. Either choice meant death. Fortunately, the Prince spied a side canyon, pushed Silverr into it and bit at his heels to make him run. Guarding the narrow entrance, he prevented the hounds from following so that his lover could escape. The dogs were confused. They wanted the fox and not another dog that smelled like the Prince. Alexander was strong and brave because he was protecting his lover. The hounds could not get past him until the huntsmen on their horses arrived. Knowing he could do no more, he raced up the canyon with the dogs biting at his tail. Silverr had climbed to the top of a dangerous scree slope and turned into anthro form so that he could move a large boulder to send it rolling down the slope just after Alexander reached the top. The boulder caused the loose rock to become avalanche landslide that swept the hounds away and blocked the narrow canyon.

Alexander was injured from his fight with dogs, and Silverr tended his wounds as best he could once they were both in anthro form again. They continued up the narrow canyon having nowhere else to go. Silverr believed the canyon would lead them away from Saxetch, and their hopes were renewed.

The evil mage Kael, however learned of their presence from his winged spies who constantly patrolled his borders and were alerted by the noise of the hunting party and the rockslide that Silverr started. These spies were carrion birds who listened to the huntsmen talk of searching for the missing prince. The birds reported these tidings to their dark master. Using his wicked powers, Kael summoned a demon, who could change shape to appear fair and beguiling, and sent this foul creature to capture the Prince and his lover.

Climbing higher and higher up the mountain defile, the Prince became tired from his wounds and begged to rest. Silverr was prepared to carry him and offered to do so, but the Prince would not have it. So they rested, and soon were approached by the demon, who came before them in the form of a handsome wolf with a shiny golden coat. When the wolf shifted into anthro form, he was even more beautiful than he was as a feral wolf.

"Greetings, fellow shape shifters," said the wolf in a voice full of the promise of honey and cream. "I am Xanthes. I am your guide to the land of Furvana. Follow me to the promised land where all shape shifters are free to be and love whomever they want. There is a magical portal just around the corner that leads to Furvana. Please let me take you there."

Alexander clapped his hands together with glee. "Furvana, Silverr! We have made it. Let's go."

However, Silverr was not convinced. Being a fox, he better understood the ways of deceit. "We should be careful, my love. People are not always who they seem to be, and we are still in a land of evil and illusion."

But the Prince again would not listen to nor be swayed by his fox lover's arguments. "I am hurt and tired and don't want to walk to Furvana. I am your Prince. I order you to take me through this magical portal."

"As you wish, my Lord," replied the devoted fox. "I shall not abandon your side no matter where you order me to go, though I travel with great trepidation into possible peril."

Thus, the two lovers passed through the shinning portal, which turned into an oily black smudge on the rock face upon their passage through. The demon also turned into his true form, which was hideous beyond description, consisting of horribly connected pieces of different kinds of furs, scales and avians. His voice transformed from sweetness to rancid putridity, and he laughed a cruel laugh before returning to the hell that spawned him.

Alexander and Silverr knew immediately that they have been tricked when they found themselves in a dank and dark dungeon deep underground. Alexander begged his lover to forgive him for leading him to this folly. Silverr urged him to not give up hope, for at least they were still together and had their love. That in itself is a powerful magic that could protect them.

Soon they were dragged from their cell by more grotesque demons, who led them up many winding sets of stone stairs until they were led into a huge circular room with no windows. Blazing braziers set against the walls provided the light for this infernal scene of cavorting grotesques with spears and pikes.

The two lovers were chained kneeling to the floor and separated so they could not touch each other. A horrible black flame erupted from a pentagram chiseled into the exact middle of the room, and the sorcerer Kael' stepped out of that flame in a flowing red cape and robe. Despite the raw evil of his soul, he was fair to behold. His fur was light brown and his mane was long and shiny chestnut. His voice was brittle like the breaking of old bones and his words were sinister and mocking.

"You fools. In your selfish flight from your responsibilities you have been captured and delivered unto me. Now you, Prince, will be my slave and deliver unto me your kingdom. Ha! Ha! Ha ! Ha! Ha!". His laugh was so loud and filled with the hatred of hell that his own minions cowered before it.

"Never!" shouted the Prince. "I will not betray my people."

"Then I shall curse you both so that one of you always has to be in feral form while the other is locked in his anthro form. Never again can you be in the same form together." He waved his arms and chanted in a language so foul and black, the rats crawling about the floor of that dismal room died and turned to dust before their eyes.

Silverr whimpered as he was forced against his will into his feral fox form. Alexander tried to change along with him, but he couldn't.

"Fool. He shall remain feral and you anthro until you do my bidding, and you shall remain anthro so you can return to your kingdom and prepare the way for my ascendance to your throne."

"I said that I would never help you!"

"A brave statement," mocked the wizard. "But how would you feel if I told you that your fox lover will be tortured to death if you don't?"

Demons then came forth and began roughly prodding Silverr with the jagged tips of their wicked spears. The fox howled form the pain, and blood began to seep from many small but painful wounds. Kael laughed his cruel and vile laugh again, savoring the horrible choice that the poor Prince faced.

The prince looked upon his beloved fox as the feral was slowly tortured by the evil mage's demonic minions. He was wracked with pain and guilt, but he knew his duty to his people.

The hybrid also felt that his fox lover did not want him to give in for his sake. He saw all this in the pain-filled eyes of his lover and knew that the vulpine wanted the prince to steel his resolve.

With a heavy heart, the young royal stared the evil equine in the eyes and declared, "Nothing you do will ever make me hand over my people to your treacherous hooves."

The wizard developed a disturbing smile on his muzzle. "That answer makes my work even more fun," he began with a twisted laugh that marred the air of the room like the reek of a swamp. "It will be far more amusing for me to use force anyway." He clapped his hooves together, and a blinding, red flash emanated from the horse and engulfed Alexander.

The young prince awoke to find himself on his back, chained to a table, with his head hanging over the side. He looked to his lover to see that Silverr was locked in a cage surrounded by the pike wielding minions. Turning his gaze back to the sorcerer; the teen's eyes widened in fear as he watched the naked horse, his huge, equine cock fully erect, slowly approaching him.

When the horse was right in front of the Tanuskidoodle's face, he leered down at the supine young lad, and the evil glaring from those red eyes was like a tangible touch that burned at the Prince's soul. Without a word or further warning, the evil warlock slammed his entire shaft down the noble's throat. The boy had no time to protest or prepare. The horse's sizable manhood silenced the screams of pain the Prince tried to make. To his helpless fox lover's horror, the caster slowly raped the poor prince's face. As the speed of his thrusts increased and he built to his moment of release, he wrapped his hooves around the hybrid's head and pounded down to the hilt of his massive flesh staff.

The act was not just a cruel rape, but also an evil ritual that allowed Kael to transfer his own essence into the Prince's body. Alexander was forced to swallow the horse's entire supply of soul infused semen. The Prince felt himself fading from existence, his lover's frantic and sorrowful calls were the last thing he was conscious of before he the evil mage's being took control of his body. When the pup's eyes opened again, the wizard's red orbs had replaced the prince's brown ones.

The malicious mage's body fell lifeless to the floor. His foul, black magic was just as powerful in his newly acquired body, and he easily dispelled the chains that held it to the table. Laughing a deep and evil laugh, he gazed upon the vulpine's horrified feral face.

"Do not worry about your princely lover," the enchanter's voice sounded incongruously from the prince's muzzle. "Your mate is not dead. His soul is still alive and trapped in here with me. I'll take good care of this nubile body and use his imprisoned essence as my slave to torment for my pleasure. That is until I take the throne and all the resources and land that comes with it. Then I will have no more need for this body or for him. Until then you should worry about yourself instead, little fox, for I have no use for you now whatsoever."

As he spoke these words of dark menace, the wizard slowly approached the wounded and weakened fox. With the same spontaneous speed as before, his paws suddenly wrapped around the feral canid's throat. The dark one was in control of the Prince's body, and Alexander's fettered soul could only gaze on in helpless horror. The prince's muzzle twisted into a wicked smile as his arms wrung the living breath from the struggling fox.

Though he struggled for life, the vulpine soon stopped breathing, and his body sagged limply in the royal's paws. The fox's limp body fell to the bottom of the cage when the sorcerer released his throat.

The cruel caster stood up and raised his paws towards the unseen sky in victory, laughing wickedly at the thought of the evil machinations of his plan coming together. Inside of his new body the Prince's caged soul grieved for his dead lover with a yearning so pure and selfless that the power of love that Silverr had discussed earlier began to counter the warlock's evil energy. Kael's malevolent elation was stopped by the unexpected sensation of water trickling down his face.

Confused, the wizard swiped a digit beneath one eye and glanced in horror at his paw. "Are these...tears?" he asked. The wizard's new body suddenly fell to the floor in pain as a light glowed from deep within, clawing its way up from the bottom of a deep, murky well. Emotions of love, loyalty, affection, trust and devotion came with that light and burned his wicked soul. He grunted from the agony and the prince's body writhed on the floor as both souls struggled for control. "No!" screamed Kael's voice. "I have control of this body now...I've waited too long...My plans!...This can't be...NOOOOOOOOOO!" The mage's malice filled speech faded as his terrible, black soul was incinerated by the goodness and love that it had so long shunned and abhorred. When the Prince's body spoke again, it was Alexander's innocent and loving one.

"SILVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR!" The pain and anguish of the young royal's voice reverberated through the dungeon as a white light surged forth from his body. Kael's purely evil soul was dissolved out of existence by the virtuous, noble love of the hybrid for his elder fox. Along with the equine's infernal essence, all of his dark magics that he had cast upon the land, it's populous, and the castle vanished, leaving not a single trace.

In control of his body again, Alexander ran to his fallen beloved, clenched his eyes shut, and cradled the feral in his trembling arms. He apologized to his dead mate for his selfish and overeager behavior that led them to this end. He begged forgiveness from the vulpine's spirit for not being able to protected and repay him for all of the years he had spent being the prince's caretaker and lover. He declared how his life would never be whole again without the vulpine The young royal began to contemplate suicide, the only means by which he felt he could do any justice to the lost light of his life. All the while, he never stopped shedding the tears that destroyed Kael and that were born from the very foundation of his love.

His tears fell like a clear and sparkling, cascading mountain stream onto the fox's cold, motionless body and were absorbed by the departed feral. Infused with the last remnants of the departed mage's power, but turned wholly form evil to good, the tears began to have a wondrous effect. A soft murring sound began filling the empty room. The young Prince opened his eyes to see the fox slowly come back to life before his tear filled eyes. Alexander smiled with unbridled joy at seeing the vulpine alive and unscathed. The Prince embraced the revived canid in his arms and re-confessed his love and devotion to this cherished man, declaring that the laws of nature itself could not keep them from being together.

The Prince kissed his feral lover passionately, opening his muzzle allowing the feral fox free exploration of his mouth. Both lovers were frustrated by their seemingly incompatible forms, wanting desperately to consummate their love. The wizard's evil curse had somehow survived his demise, and neither could assume the same form as the other no matter how hard they tried. They attempted to both become anthro or both become feral, but they could only helplessly watch as the other became the opposite form. With the Prince in anthro form again, the fox broke their tender kiss and gently pawed at his younger lover's chest, prompting the royal to lie on his back. Silverr straddled the teen's chest and nuzzled the blushing, virgin Prince. The vulpine used his teeth to tear away the shirt of the anthro under him and teasingly licked the tanuskidoodle's exposed torso and belly. The new experience of the heat of passion caused the prince to murr and moan from the feeling of finally experiencing his beloved's erotic touch.

The fox then tore way the boy's pants, leaving the teen naked. The feral licked at the younger male's protruding, red princehood, prompting the stalk to grow to its full length. The fox lapped with his small fox tongue from the base to the tip of the hybrid's royal scepter. The Prince then confessed that this had always been his secret fantasy for the passionate relations he had imagined with the fox.

The fox continued to please his royal treasure, as the heat of their combined passion continued to grow within the lovers' bodies. Instantly, their forms switched; the fox became anthro and found himself licking his feral pup's royal, red staff. Suddenly clothed again, the fox tossed off his robes and positioned his own erect red foxhood over the pup. Silverr slowly ground the base of his shaft against the prince pup's privates as the feral under him licked and suckled the head of his canid member.

Moaning and breathing heavily, Silverr looked down at the eager pup and said, "My Prince, I shall always love you even if we are destined to be opposites for the rest of our natural lives."

The pup was so touched that he doubled his efforts to please his older soul mate. They both felt their heat grow stronger as the fox transformed again into a feral. So absorbed by their own love and affection neither noticed that they were now both feral. The vulpine used his nose to turn the prince pup onto his belly. He then took a mounting position behind his young mate and licked at the hybrid feral's exposed tailhole.

The Prince raised his butt into the air to signal his readiness to the full grown vulpine patiently waiting behind him. He whimpered as he experienced for the first time the thrust of another male deep into his virgin tailhole. The sensation was both shocking and wonderful, leaving the pup whimpering from the simultaneous discomfort and intense pleasure. The Prince was calmed by the reassuring murrs and gentleness of the older male.

After his cherished had accommodated himself to the position, and barked his readiness to proceed, the fox began to thrust in and out of the smaller canid. Their combined sounds of pleasure reverberated around the room as the heat of their love grew ever hotter in their bodies. With one final push, the fox knotted the tanuskidoodle, and the resulting pleasure of their love transformed them both into their anthro forms mid-orgasm. Silverr shot his seed inside his now anthro Prince lover, who simultaneously spilled his semen upon the floor.

So pure was their lovemaking and the resultant joy at realizing that Kael's evil curse had been lifted that the body of Kael began to stir from the floor. At first, the two lovers were horrified that the evil mage was returning to torment them further, but when Kael rose and spoke to them, none of the malicious, hell spawned evil of the wizard's voice was left in him. They discovered that Kael had been possessed by a demon from the underworld. When exposed to Alexander's pure love for Silverr, the demon was destroyed and Kael's spirit was freed.

Kael was the rightful ruler of Saxetch, and his gratitude for having his soul unchained from its tiny dungeon within his own body was so great that he pledged everlasting friendship between their kingdoms. He begged Alexander and Silverr to allow him to grant them any boon than was within his power. The Prince asked to be led to Furvana, but Kael replied that no such kingdom bordered his lands, and his finest scholars had long argued such a place did not exist on this earth. The Prince was distraught at this news and cried, for he did not wish to return to his own kingdom to rule and be separated from Silverr. He was inconsolable; even Silverr's affectionate murrs and skritches could not stay the Prince's tears.

Kael, who was in truth a kind and generous king, could not bear to see his newfound friend so distraught. The horse king began to cry himself as he hugged the Prince, and as their tears comingled, they discovered a wondrous thing. The lingering power of the demon that had possessed them both allowed their souls to switch bodies at will when they touched. To the Prince and Kael, this was a confusing curiosity, but to Silverr, who truly was a clever fox, it was the answer to all of their problems.

Silverr proposed that Alexander marry as the rules of Furhalla required to produce heirs to the throne. To overcome his repulsion to sex with a female, Kael and Alexander would switch bodies on a regular basis so that Kale could pleasure the queen using Alexander's body. Alexander and Silverr, using their abilities to turn into feral form, would be allowed to escape whenever they wanted to be alone and make love together. Being a great lover of women, Kael agreed that he would gladly grant this boon as part of their deal, and they all lived happily ever after.