Newbie: An adventure tale in four parts

Story by kitncub on SoFurry

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#1 of Pink and Blue

Newbie: An adventure tale in four chapters


20 January 2009

[email protected]

This is a babyfur/AB/DL story that involves diapers and anthropomorphic furries generally not acting their age and getting aroused about it. 1) Be 18+ or skedaddle. 2) Don't like, don't read. See how much time that saves? Now you can finally learn Italian!

In brief: Rian, a young wolf who has never met up with other age players, steels himself to attend a local cub party for the first time. On the doorstep, he meets a mysterious stranger... one who needs his help on a special mission!

The four chapters are:

1.Taking Sides: A Fateful Encounter!

  1. No Boys Allowed!: The Enemy Discovered

  2. Infiltration: A Race against Absorbent Capacity!

  3. Sibling Rivalry!: The Explosive Conclusion

Newbie: An adventure tale in four chapters

  1. Taking Sides: A Fateful Encounter!

Rian hesitated on the doorstep. The wolf's paws hung heavily at his sides, weighed down by the rush of second thoughts overwhelming him.

Surely, he wouldn't really fit in; they would turn out to be strange and psychotic, at worst, or at best, he wouldn't be able to find anything to say. Maybe he was the only fur who would show up. It could even turn out to be a trap of some kind. How hard was it to fake IM conversations and phone calls? He would be pounced on, ridiculed, beaten, humiliated, arrested. This was all just a bad idea.

Rian couldn't believe, at that moment, in fact, that he had actually come across town for this, and was on the verge of turning tail and dashing back to the elevator when he felt a paw on his shoulder, and warm dog breath on his ear.

"So you're the new recruit! You're wearing blue! And my are you well... cushioned... I like that!"

Rian's pupils crept to the corner of his eyes as he strained to get a look at the speaker behind him without turning his head, snuffling the air to better discern his scent. A stocky black lab, light on his feet, wearing a leather jacket, who, Rian guessed from his breath, had had cold pizza for breakfast that morning, and was carrying a pharmacy bag with lots of apple sauce and a recently opened bottle of baby powder, among other things, in it.

Well, that clinched it. He couldn't very well run away now without making a scene. "Uh huh," Rian gulped air, and nodded nervously, not moving either to turn around or to enter. "I'm Rian. Then are you Cal..."

He heard the lab's gentle smile in his voice. "Nope! Roger! It'll get easier, I promise. You're lucky, you know! I got to you first, so I get dibs."

"Dibs?" The wolf mustered enough courage to turn and face his interlocutor curiously. "What do you mean by that? I can look after myself, if I have to."

The lab nodded and waved his paw dismissively. "Oh, not that. I mean I picked you for my team, which trust me, is way more fun than..." The lab's eyes darted around cautiously and he leaned forward to conclude his statement in a conspiratorial whisper. "Her team."

The lab gestured at the closed door, and the wolf followed his paw with his eyes, adopting his own wary look in imitation of the dog. He couldn't help but feel flattered; he had never been chosen for a team at any sort of game in his memory.

"Ookay," Rian's tail swished a couple times, betraying a crinkle. "I'll try anything once."

"That's the spirit!" Roger exclaimed. The lab set down his large pharmacy bag and bent over to search for something in it. Rian couldn't quite suppress a giggle at the sight of a plastic waistband peeking above the dog's jeans. Roger, noting the giggle, wagged his tail playfully, but continued his earnest search, standing up in a moment and handing the wolf a loaded water pistol, handle-first.

"Your weapon! Hold onto this! They are wily in there. There may only be one place you can hide it safely." Roger tugged at his waistband meaningfully. "Don't make any sudden moves," he added in a tone of grave warning.

Rian laughed out loud as he accepted the pistol. "I don't know... hee... if that's really necessary."

"Oh trust me, it is," the labrador nodded seriously. "If we weren't so shorthanded I'd never send a newbie on such a dangerous mission. But my ranks have been dangerously thinned out."

"Mission?" Rian's ears pricked, and he asked, a bit nervously, "I need to do something?"

"A great wrong must be made right," Roger said, nodding sententiously. "The balance of power must be restored, and there is no way I can do it on my own."

Moved by the apparent importance of his first assignment, Rian, suppressing a shiver, stuffed the cold water pistol down the front of his pants into his diaper and settled it in between his legs, resting between his thighs. "Ready for my orders, sir!" the wolf cadet said, and saluted.

"Okay, but be careful, young wolf," Roger put his arm around the lupine's shoulders and leaned close enough that his breath warmed Rian's whole muzzle as he spoke. "Many dangers lie ahead!"

  1. No Boys Allowed!: The Enemy Discovered

A mellifluous voice answered the doorbell from within. "Who is it?"

Rian cleared his throat. "It's me! I mean... it's Rian!"

He leaned close to the door and pricked his ear, imagining he heard giggling from within. After a moment, the voice answered him, "And who's Rian?"

"A wolf!" he offered tentatively, and then added, "A boy wolf! A newbie."

"A newbie?" The voice on the other side of the door seemed curious, and Rian nearly jumped back as he heard a metallic click and a giant eye appeared, staring at him through the peephole in the door.

"A newbie," the voice repeated in confirmation. "I guess you don't know the rules, Rian."

The eye didn't move, but a piece of construction paper covered with stencils and glitter slid out from beneath the door. Rian hesitantly bent over and picked it up, righting himself and reading it aloud tentatively. "No... boys..." He paused for a moment in puzzlement, not feeling very threatened by the sign.

"Uh... I ran out of room," the voice explained, and Rian turned the sign over to look at the back of it.

"Allowed-ed," he read the conclusion.

"You look like a boy to me," the sentry asked. "Are you a boy, Rian?"

"Oh yes!" Rian nodded, and then paused for a moment. "I mean, oh no! I mean... I guess I don't know for sure."

The wolf thought he heard more giggling. "Well..." he heard the click of a deadbolt retracting. "We can help you arrive at the right conclusion."

The door opened a crack, and a perfumed paw reached out and grabbed Rian's wrist, pulling him, gently but inexorably, forward through the door.

Rian's eyes adjusted to the bright sunlight streaming through the open window as the door slammed shut behind him. His nose twitched; the room smelled of baby powder and perfume.

Next to him at the door stood a fox... a boy fox, he thought... yes, he glanced, he thought surreptitiously, but it still provoked a giggle, at the front of the doorkeeper's diaper, and he was sure.

The fox was wearing a ballerina's leotard, ballet slippers, and a tiara. The advantage of this outfit, Rian could see, was that a tutu was an abnormally short kind of skirt, allowing the fox's diapers, which were pink, to remain on full display even when he... she... was clothed.

The fox held one side of her tutu with each paw and curtsied daintily. "Hello, Rian," she said, and batted her eyelashes.

Rian looked past the fox into the next room to see two other furs sitting on the floor around a low table, set with teacups, and a teapot, and stuffed animals in various states of undress. Already someone had risen from the table and was moving into the foyer to greet him.

"Princess Serafina," intoned the new arrival, a towering leopard, who was wearing a frillier party dress, with fairy wings on the back, and, in place of a tiara, a conical white cardboard cap with a veil streaming from the point of the cone to hang loosely about her shoulders. "I know you are of a fox's nature, but please consider your duties as a sentry to at times take precedence over your proclivities as a flirt."

"Yes, your most beauteous imperial majesty! Yes, Empress Calliope!" Serafina blurted, lowering her eyes and drooping her ears.

Rian had always wondered if he would be able to tell when a red fox was blushing. Well, he could. Serafina was blushing furiously, and remained quite silent as the imperious new arrival looked Rian over from head to toe, her nose twitching.

"You are wearing blue. I do not like that color." Calliope looked away from the young wolf and paced as she spoke to him. Although her dress was too puffy by far to admit of a view underneath, Rian's ears were sharp enough to pick up crinkling, as well as rustling, from her outfit. "Did you encounter anyone in the hallway? Speak truthfully to me, young man."

"I did... not," said Rian, gulping. His nose was quite overpowered, and Roger's secret instructions echoed in his headâ€"Have no fearâ€"they will not smell meâ€"the heavy fragrances they wear will keep their noses dull.

"I answered your invitation online," he mustered a feeble measure of indignation. "For a... a get-together. And I am... I am stunned to find a guest treated in this... inhospitable a fashion." Calliope stopped pacing and gazed at him cooly, prompting him to add, "By an Empress of such great renown for hospitality."

The leopardess inclined her head to look at his eyes directly and, through the force of her gaze, draw them back up from the floor. For the life of him, Rian couldn't determine underneath the frills whether she was biologically female or male... but, he supposed, that didn't matter in the slightest.

"You may have a point at that," Calliope said cautiously. "It is just that we have had... troubles in recent times. Not all our guests have been willing to respect their gracious hostess and pay imperial tribute, so I must be wary of... troublemakers. What is your full name, Rian?"

"Adrian," the wolf said, quivering.

Calliope smiled. "Ah, and you've shortened it. Perhaps the blue was misleading. Perhaps you would make a good lady-in-waiting... Lady Rianna... Then again..."

Before Rian could move more than an inch in reaction, Serafina, shedding her embarrassment, had yanked his paws behind his back and looped a large, tight, ribbon all the way around him, pulling it taut to bind his paws, one on top of the other, firmly to the small of his back, and, releasing her grip in one paw, stuffed a gag, a balled-up, lavender-scented washcloth, firmly into his muzzle. The wolf, his knees wobbly, made no move to resist, only staring up at Calliope with the most pathetic, beggarly eye expression he could muster.

"Then again, one can never be too careful," Calliope concluded, as the third member of the tea party appeared by her side, a clearly (biologically) male Newfoundland, wearing a plaid denim dress, with daisies about his ears. "Remove his pants, first from him, and then from my sight."

  1. Infiltration: A Race against Absorbent Capacity!

The wolf made no move to resist as the Newfoundland unbuckled his belt, unsnapped and unzipped his pants, and let them fall to the floor, revealing his two layers of bulky white diapering.

The large dog patted his rump with approval, and then bent over to unlace his shoes and remove each of them successively. Still, Rian made no move to resist, even obligingly lifting his feet off the floor when the shoes came off so that the big dog could scoop up his pants without effort.

"Cassandra?" Calliope asked, and the dog patted the front and back of Rian's diapers with the back of his large paw, and then leaned close to him, smelling his breath, and snuffling at his ears with his large nose.

"Clean," Cassie declared. Rian's shoulders slumped in relief. He honestly wasn't sure i he had wet himself under this kind of pressure.

Likely the Newfoundland had decided that, given the great thickness of his diapers, it simply wasn't worth the trouble of changing him and bundling him up that much again until absolutely necessary.

"Serafina, release his paws, remove his shirt," Calliope commanded, and the fox, her tail twitching eagerly, complied. Rian raised his arms submissively when the ribbon slackened and the pale blue shirt was instantly yanked off over his head.

"Oh please oh please oh please oh please can't I have him?" Serafina asked. She nipped at one of Rian's ears. "He'd be just the cutest little dolly wolf. He's gots the thickest diapers I've ever seen."

Calliope smiled gently. "The leaves will show what is written... as always... Princess Serafina."

"Humph." The fox pouted. "I'd make him the girliestest and you know it," she muttered under her breath, so low that Rian thought he was probably the only one who could hear it.

Rian made no move to spit the gag out of his mouth, something that Calliope clearly noted with approval. "Your name is now Lady Rianna," she said, gripping his muzzle only lightly, and yet, Rian could no more shake her grip than he could have a vice fitted to his nose. "Deal with it. You shall be assigned to the tutelage of one of these fine girls, to learn the ways of courtly life. Try not to embarrass yourself more than absolutely necessary. I will prepare the tea leaves to read your new destiny."

Calliope turned imperiously and went past the tea table, into the kitchen. Serafina clapped her paws. "Oh this is gonna be fun! I'm gonna make him a posable baby doll."

The wolf was fretting more and more as time passed. He had to make it without wetting... He had to make it without wetting... He knew he could do it. He just couldn't leak enough that they would inspect his diapers more thoroughly. He couldn't, or all would be lost.

Cassandra looked at the wolf with large, sympathetic brown eyes and said nothing. She only raised one of her giant paws to her muzzle, and began to suck, thoughtfully and noisily, on her thumb.

Calliope returned in a moment. "He is yours, Serafina. Do not forget your station. Now, all of you, come with me to the wardrobe, and we will see what outfits are available."

"Yess!" the fox exclaimed. The Newfoundland sat on the floor sullenly. Her eyes did not change, but somehow seemed to assume an expression of disappointment.

Serafina grabbed the wolf's paws in both of hers and facing him excitedly she pulled him along toward the bedroom. "You're a little baby dolly and I'm gonna put flowers on your ears and tie a bow around your tail and shove ice down your diapie to see you squirm and..."

"He's leaky," Cassie the Newfoundland said.

Calliope and Serafina paused and looked at the floor, and Rian fearfully looked backwards and downwards out of the corner of his eyes.... There was indeed a trail of dribbles appearing behind him on the carpet.

"I thought you found him dry," the Empress declared, flustered, and felt the front of his diaper with the back of her paw. Serafina, less delicate, reached down into the front of his diaper... Rian quailed and trembled... but she just reached down to his weewee, and stopped there, giving it a quick squeeze before withdrawing her paw.

"He is!" Serafina yipped. "And he doesn't smell wet."

Rian did his best to keep his cool and not start hyperventilating. This was badâ€"he'd hoped to have more time. Thank goodness the window was already open. He'd been supposed to get into the other room, and open it.

Calliope and Serafina yanked him through the tearoom, whisked him by the kitchen, and into the bedroom, hurling him down on the puffy, canopied bed. The wolf landed amid the pillows and perfumed stuffed animals with a soft thud and the gag popped out of his muzzle.

"Undiaper the little soon-to-be-lady, see what the problem is," Calliope commanded, and Serafina fiddled with his tapes, as Rian arched his back and tried to reach his paw surreptitiously down into the rear of his diaper.

"Stay still," the fox hissed, working quickly to undo the tapes on the top layer. "Jeez... your diapers are thick. Surprised anything could dribble out through here. You must be quite a wetter."

He had it! The squirt gun Rian had pressed in between his thighs, right along the soft, fleshy area beneath his tailbone, between his weewee and his bottom, had started leaking. Being close to the leg gathers, the water had dribbled out onto the carpet directly. It made walking awkward, but the wolfy's diapers were so thick and oversized, that it wouldn't show, and he would have been waddling no matter what. And with that many layers, a casual inspection that didn't go lower than his bottom or his weewee, wouldn't have discovered it.

There were so many pink pillows and stuffed animals on Calliope's bed, that he had been able to arch his back, clench and unclench his legs, and reach his paw down far enough behind him without it being apparent. With the girls' views so obstructed, he could get his hand onto the squirt gun with what passed for fidgeting.

And, just as his first diaper came off in Serafina's paws to reveal his second, Rian, his hands shaking, raised both paws to point the gun straight at princess Serafina's perfumed nose.

"Stop wight there!" he intoned dramatically. "Don't touch another tape!"

Serafina fell over onto the bed giggling without Rian needing to fire a shot, but he gritted his teeth, narrowed his eyes, and kept the pistol trained on her. Calliope responded to the threat more seriously. "Cassie!" she called. "It's him! Quick! The window..."

The placid Newfoundland appeared at the door. The pace of her thumb-sucking had slowed, and her large eyes telegraphed apology. "Cassie!" the leopardess cried, sounding for the first time slightly frantic. "Did you close the window? Quick! Close it! And check the other door!"

The Newfoundland continued trudging forward into the room, slumping down to sit placidly on the floor, revealing another black dog, standing behind her outside the door frame. Calliope gasped.

Roger stood behind Cassie with a wide grin on his face, tree twigs stuck behind his ear from climbing through the branches outside, wearing a navy blue tee-shirt with stars and rocket ships on it. His jeans were covered with grass stains, and he'd been moving around enough that the waistband of his diaper was mostly visible above them.

The Labrador's left paw was still held with the fingers in the shape of gun, as he had been prodding Cassie's back. But his right paw, raised high above his head, clutched a pulsing, squishy rubber globe.

Serafina sat straight up to see what was going on. "It's Rog! He's got a... he's got a... bomb!" the fox exclaimed, and immediately fell back on the bed in a mock swoon.

"Hiya, sis!" Roger addressed the imperial leopardess gleefully, jiggling the water balloon in his hand and raising his left fingers, still shaped like a gun, to point at Calliope's bed and her prize collection of girly plushies.

"How stylish could your party possibly beâ€"if no one wanted to crash it?"

  1. Sibling Rivalry!: The Explosive Conclusion

"This is an outrage!" Calliope smoothed her bunched-up skirts gently. "Roger, don't you dare throw that thing! Do you know how long it would take to dry out everything on that mattress?"

"No, but I'm positive you do," Roger answered. "You know what I'm here for, sis... sorry... Empress."

The leopardess glowered at him. "I was within my rights. You..." Calliope raised a finger and pointed it straight at the lab's wet barrel nose. "You read my diary. My privatest diary. In front of my friends."

Roger flicked his ears and assumed a deadly serious expression. "You tried to put me in a dress last time I asked for help with a change, little sister. I don't do skirts."

On the bed, among the unicorns, pegasi, and other girly plushies, Serafina leaned closer to Rian, who was still making an effort to train the water gun on the dangerous foxie. "Don't ever tell Callie," Serafina whispered to Rian, "cuz I know he's the enemy, but I think her big bro's dreamy."

As she spoke, Serafina leaned nearer to him, tracing a circle in the air in front of his nose with one finger, while she tried to inch her other paw into his diaper, where she would have a sure way to distract him into dropping the pistol.

"I'm wise to your tricks, fopsie," the wolf said, and pulled his fingers tighter on the trigger of his water pistol, scooting up onto his knees and using the gun it to hold the sissy fox's supine advances at bay.

Cassie the Newfoundland sat on the floor and sucked her thumb gloomily.

"Aww, kids!" Rog gestured at the bed with his free hand. "What do you think, sis? Like the sidekick? You turned a couple, but this one's got real potential. Well, ya gonna give us what we came for?"

Calliope waved at his nose imperiously. "Fine. Hand over the balloon."

Roger raised an eyebrow. "Do I look like I need diapers and a pacifier to you? Nice try, sweetheart. I see the goods, or things get splashy."

The leopardess rolled her eyes. "Why must boys be so insufferable? Yes, brother, yes..." she strode across the room and opened her wardrobe. The amount of pink and purple on view was almost enough to make Rian's eyes bleed, and he quivered, recalling how close he had come to Serafina stuffing him into one of those truly constricting outfits and having her way with him.

Reaching behind the row of dresses, Calliope took a false panel off the back of the wardrobe wall, and began pulling items out, then turned to face Roger.

"Your videogames," she said coldly. "Try to contain your excitement within your diapers."

Roger blushed as she handed him three of the boxes. The lab grabbed them eagerly and shook them in his hand, his eyes narrowing suspiciously. "You haven't replaced these with Sailor Moon DVDs have you?"

Calliope rolled her eyes and practically thrust the others at him. "Sailor Moon barely counts as girly, you idiot. Sleep over, sometime, and I'll enlighten you."

Roger stuck his tongue out and put the three discs under his arm, setting the balloon down for just a moment as he took the others. "No thanks. Come on, Rian. We've got what we came for. Let's play some games."

The wolf bounced to his feet, and, from his vantage point on the bed, saw an alarming sight. The balloon had rolled away from Roger when he had set it down to adjust how he was carrying the game boxes. Cassie, the taciturn Newfoundland princess, although facing away from Roger, had a glint in her eyes. She felt the water balloon roll against the back of her foot... and, just as the lab straightened up and looked to the wolf, Rian could see that the Newfoundland was about to kick the balloon up into Roger's face with her powerful back foot!

"Noooooooooooo!" cried Rian. "The games!" The world seemed to move in slow motion. Thinking quick, the wolf grabbed the first bulky diaper that Serafina had stripped off of him, spread it out as wide as he could, and leapt through the air. (The room, in reality, was quite small.)

The water balloon struck his open, super-absorbent diaper, and he squeezed the diaper shut as the balloon burst to contain the explosion!

Of course, there is no fully containing the destructive force of a water balloon.

The scattersplash caught Cassie's back, some of Calliope's skirt, and, mostly, Rian's fur. The wolf thudded against the wall and, losing his balance, slid down against it to the groundâ€"soaked.

"Rian!" Roger cried, dropping the games at once and attending to his protege. "Are you all right?"

"Cassandra!" Calliope's voice alone could deliver a sterner scold than a slap. "That was quite unnecessary, young lady! I had my brother completely under control."

Serafina sat up amid the plushies and crossed her arms. "Rog never liked me that much when I was his sidekick," the sissy fox pouted to no one in particular.

Rian looked up at Roger with wide eyes. The wolf was just realizing that he had completely released himself in his diaper in that burst of heroic excitement, and now he felt warm and squishy at both ends, and embarrassed all over. "Are the... are the games... all right?" Rian asked anxiously.

Roger sniffled and patted the wolf's head. "They'll be fine, little guy."

Rian raised his paw in the air above his head and made a thumbs-up sign to Roger. "Then... mission... accomplished!"

Roger teared up and knelt down to the floor, hugging Rian from behind and helping him to his feet. "This all happened..." he sobbed, addressing Calliope, "This happened... because of... our... our fight, sis."

"O for goodness' sake," Calliope snapped. "You ridiculous sentimentalist."

"Truce?" Roger, with one arm around the slight, soaked, soggy, and messy, wolf, extended an open paw to his sister.

The leopardess rolled her eyes and slapped the lab's open paw away. "Fine! Truce, if you'll stop blubbering already. Cassandra, unlock the other door." She produced a key from somewhere within her dress, handing it to the large seated dog in the plaid dress.

Rian was a bit too out of it to get a good look, but he could have sworn for a moment the Newfoundland's large brown eyes glittered with satisfaction as she trudged past. If he didn't know better, Rian thought dazedly, he'd think a truce is what Cassandra had intended to bring about, even if the games were ruined... No... That was too farfetched; the girls were one team, the boys another. The water and the embarrassment of discharging at both sides had gone to his head.

A click was heard in the other room. "Can we... umm..." Rian looked nervously up at Roger. "I don' wanna go outside... uh... smelling..."

Roger patted the wolf's head. "We don't have to, silly, we'll just go through the other door. It's open when there's a truce."

"Other door?" Rian looked up at Roger curiously and remembered something from the haze of battle... Calliope hadn't seemed concerned about her front door. It was the window and the "other door" that she had tried to warn Cassandra about.

"Yes, buddy," Roger explained, hugging his sidekick close. "When there's a truce, then Calliope and I can unseal the gate on either side..."

Serafina giggled from the bed. "There's not a truce often," she remarked.

The labrador glared at Serafina with narrow eyes. "No thanks to you, dirty traitor."

"Wha... what are you all talking about?" Rian looked up at his mentor appearing bewildered.

Calliope boxed one of the lab's ears. "You're confusing him, you stupid idiot! I am always the one who gets stuck hosting, so no one ever realizes this at first. Roger lives next door. Our apartments are connecting rooms."

The wolf stared up at the lab, dumbfounded. "Wha... what?"

"Oh," Roger was abashed, "Sorry! I guess I always assume people know. Why else did you think I was coming back here with my groceries?"

Rian was thrown. Here he had thought Roger came across town with secret mission supplies. Just when the wolf thought he had figured this strange new place out, it had become an order of magnitude stranger.

"We are family... after all!" said Roger. "Have to look out for each other. And for our friends."

Calliope hung her head. "Yes... you're right, I suppose." She clapped her paws. "Cassandra... Serafina... Given how things turned out... We ought to help my brother's little buddy out with a change."

Cassandra appeared at the door with a gleaming silver nursery cart, almost as though she had been waiting nearby with it.

Serafina leaped up from the bed and quickly procured a pink rubber changing mat from the open wardrobe, unrolling it on the floor.

"Dibs!" the fox princess giggled, biting her fingertip flirtatiously. "Time to finish wha' I started!"

Roger eyed the fox suspiciously as he walked Rian over to the mat. "We're in a truce, you sneak. No tricks. My little hero is not wearing any ribbons. As a matter of fact, I'm going to put a medal and a G. I. Joe helmet on him."

Serafina giggled as she untaped the wolf's wet and messy and diaper and lowered the front of it. "Oh, fine, fine." The sissy fox straddled Rian's legs and looked into the soaked little wolf's wide eyes hungrily, as one paw began to play with his weewee. "I can make him feel like a boy. Like the biggest, strongest boy ever."

In a matter of moments, Serafina was working with her tongue as well, and didn't seem to have any compunction about doing that without wiping him first. Rian stirred against the warm mess in the rear of his diaper, and quivered, more from excitement, than from cold or fear.

He was on the verge of spurting when Roger leaned over and whispered into his ear, "Great work today, l'il buddy."

Rian's whole body convulsed as he released into the fox's eagerly lapping maw, dribbling onto her face.

And it was just at that moment that Roger patted Rian's head and added, "And welcome to the family."


If you got here, hope you had a smooth ride!

Comments can be left here or sent me at [email protected]

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