Commission: Meeting the Clan

Story by Mech on SoFurry

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Another gargolyes commission for LoneWolf669 took longer than I would have liked to write, but had fun now that it's done.

Revisiting Chris, a human who decided to track down the mythical gargoyles his grandfather talked about so much, as Griff takes him to meet the London clan.

Chris cradled his mug as he looked out the cafe's window. He'd only just woke up a few minutes before, having just barely made it back to his hotel room before passing out. After last night, he'd slept like a baby up in his room despite the gray light that leaked past the heavy curtains. Naturally, he was a little sore when he woke up, not that he'd ever complain about it. Just thinking about going back to meet with Griff again tonight brought a flush to his cheeks. He hoped that the night before hadn't been just a fluke. Even that brief time he'd spent with the gargoyle had been one of the best moments in his life. Those powerful hands running over his body, the soft furred body pushing against his, Griff's...

He changed his train of thought quickly, before things got too awkward. Taking a sip of his coffee, he breathed out a soft chuckle. At least this would explain that dreamy look Grandpa got on his face when talking about the gargoyles. He'd only spent a little time with Griff and he was already becoming enthralled by the handsome male. Breathing in the scent of his drink, he looked out the window again. Until last night, the gargoyles had largely been a fantasy, a bit of a crazy story cooked up by an old man. Hardly a story now, not with the way his body was still tingling from the male's affections. A shiver raced through his body as his mind began to wonder what it'd feel like to have the male's fat bulge slide into his rear and locking them together as Griff filled him nice and full.

Chris breathed a laugh out into his mug, hiding his face behind it. Seems like he just couldn't keep his mind off those things. Who could blame him though? Over the very short time he'd known the male, a significant period of time had been dedicated to just that. Night fall was just a short while away. Tonight he'd spend more time learning about the gargoyle and sorting fact form fiction. Probably. Maybe. Well, it was certainly a possibility. Pulling out his laptop, he sat it on the table and started to read over some things while sipping his tea.

He stayed at the cafe for a few hours, getting a little bit of food drinking his fair share of tea. He'd read over plenty of websites and texts. History, fantasy, and social blogs, there was plenty of information on the subject of gargoyles. There were dozens, if not hundreds of websites that were both for and against gargoyles, offering all kinds of theories about their origins. Theories ranged from aliens to genetic experiments to demonic forces. Then there were the fan sites. Places filled with artwork, stories, costumes, and all kinds of things that were hardly safe for public viewing.

A couple of which he bookmarked to show to Griff later on.

His eyes were getting sore by the time that night was starting to fall. Packing up his stuff, he paid for his bill and left a nice tip for the waitress before heading out. The streets were quiet at the moment. Just after people got off of work, but before they headed out for the evening. He enjoyed a nice leisurely walk back to the park, even stopping off to pick up a little something for his friend on the way back. By the time he got to the clock tower, the skyline was just starting to go red. Pausing, he looked around before slipping into the building and mounting the stairs once again. Chris paused at the top of the stairs as the last of the daylight faded away. A cry sounded from the other side of the door followed by the sound of rock pinging off the metal door and stone. He waited a second before opening the door and peeking outside.

Griff was rolling his shoulders and brushing some last stone chips off his body, eyes scanning the horizon. His head twisted around at a nearly unnatural angle as the door open, corners of his beak turning up in a smile. "Ah there you are, chap. Was wondering where you had gotten off to."

Chris couldn't keep the smile off his face as he approached the gargoyle and stepped forward to offer his purchases. "Had to go get some sleep while you rested."

He had to bite back a laugh as the gryphon-type let out a happy squeal and took the offered pastry and cup of tea. "For me? You shouldn't have." Holding the pastry in his beak, he popped the lid added a few things to the brew before rolling the cup to mix it all.

Leaning back against the low stone wall, he looked over the British gargoyle as the male nibbled on his meal. Griff was still bare from their fun from that morning. Chris's cheeks flushed as he looked at the male's mostly erect length, which bobbed as he snacked. "Um, do you dream while you're all stoned up like that?"

Eartuffs perk as the gargoyle looked at him, half the pasty stuffed into his beak. Sharp eyes followed his gaze before lighting on his manhood. "Ah." He chuckled and narrowed his eyes a bit, leaning his back against the wall as his leonine tail flicked behind him. "We have half-dreams during the day. A mix of dreaming and having a muted awareness of our surroundings." Stuffing the rest of his pastry into his mouth, he swallowed it down with a low purr. Reaching a hand down, he poked his hard cock with a finger. "Between last night with you, some very sensual dreams, a pigeon, and a pair of lovely tourists that took some very interesting pictures this might be sticking around for a while."

Chris's cheeks flushed as he coughed nervously. "Want me to..."

"Suck me off while I finish my tea?" Griff purred and narrowed his eyes as he sipped his drink. "As lovely as that would be, if we start playing up here then we'd probably stay up here all night long. I've got some places I'd rather be than the top of this clock tower for another night."

He felt his heart drop a bit, "Oh, yeah. There's a lot of better places to be than up here."

Griff stuffed the trash from his meal into the cup before holding it into his beak as he stepped forward. He scooped Chris up in his arms and smirked. "Of course you're welcome to come along if you want." The corners of the gargoyle's eyes turned up in a smile as he winked and took a couple steps towards the edge of the deck. "Might wanna hold onto my neck. There's a lad." Chris wrapped his arms tight around Griff's neck and held on as the male tipped over the edge of the platform. His heart sprang into his throat as they plummeted for an instant before those powerful wings snapped open. The poor human tried to swallow around the nervous lump in his throat as they were borne upwards. Raptorial head twisted and tuned, eyes scanning the park for something. Spotting his target, Griff angled his body just enough to bank them. He tossed the cup with a flick of his head, Chris following the garbage as it tumbled through the air. He could feel the gargoyle tense against him as it bounced off the rim of a trash bin below them. Eartuffs perked as the male clicked his beak proudly when it tumbled inside. "Bully!"

Chris laughed and leaned in, nuzzling into the the male's feathers. "What would you have done if you had missed the bin?"

"Simple really, would've made you go get it."

He tensed with unease at the casual tone. "You mean you would have landed and gotten it, right?" His friend wouldn't have dropped him just to get a bit of trash. Right?

The green feathered head tilted just a bit as he hummed, "Well, I would have slowed down first. Tuck and roll, M'laddo. Tuck and roll."

The trip across London was one that Chris would never forget. Griff had touched down just long enough to move his passenger onto his back. Chris had done his best to stay balanced on the powerful male, keeping clear of the wings. Doing so had meant that his groin was pressed right against those toned ass cheeks. He was pretty certain that an ass did not need to move that much while flying. Climbing maybe, but certainly not the gryphon's trademark gliding. By the time they settled down on the roof of a building, he was embarrassingly stiff. Griff twisted his head, smiling back at him. "End of the line." Feeling more than a little stiff, in more ways than one, he slid off the male's back. His legs wobbled for a moment before he managed to steady himself. In that instant, his friend moved in. Chris gasped, arching his body as the powerful hand cupped his groin. Griff's beak rubbed against his lips as the male purred, "Thought I felt something poking me in the ass."

Griff teased him with that powerful beak, nibbling at his lips and sliding his pointed avian tongue into his gasping mouth. He abandoned Chris swiftly enough, stepping away. It took Chris a moment to gather himself, swaying there as he panted, a bit more worked up than he thought he had been. There was a playful tilt to the gargoyle's head before he nodded at a door. "Let's get out of the chill air." The powerful male approached the door and sketched something by the lock with his talon before pushing it open. He held the portal open until Chris made it through. As he shut it, the door locked itself behind them.

Feeling more than a couple butterflies fluttering in his belly as he followed close behind. Griff's tail flicked up, teasing over his thigh. Laughing, he batted at it and was rewarded with a tail tuft flicking against his face, making him splutter. Griff chuckled at him and opened a door. "Una," he called out in a sing-song voice, "I have a guest for us, Sister dear."

Una? Grandfather talked about her almost as fondly as he did Griff, and a couple of the pictures he had of her...

Did her no justice.

He stood there, jaw dropping as the unicorn gargoyle stepped into the room. "Griff, what are you shouting about?" Blue eyes pierced right through him, punching straight to his core with just a glance. She let out a sigh, lips fluttering with annoyance. "What have I told you about bringing home strays?"

The gryphon almost pranced over to the mare, whistling out a chirp. "Ah, but he's not a stray. He's the grandchild of a long lost friend of ours." She freed Chris from her gaze just long enough to shoot her rookery brother a questioning look. Leaning in, he whispered something to her, a hand sliding under her robe. Creamy white cheeks flushed pink as she bit her bottom lip, eyes darting back to Chris once more.

She huffed and swatted at the male's hand, stepping away from him. "Are you sure?" Eyes snapped wide as Griff swatted her ass.

"Your nose is better than mine, Una dear. Go get a good whiff of him if you doubt me."

The mare adjusted her robe, cheeks still bearing a rosy color. "I shall, and if you are wrong then we shall have to have a chat." Her hooves chimed on the floorboards as she approached Chris. Worry fluttered in his stomach as she strode up to him. His skin tingled as he held his ground, head tilting to the side as she leaned in. Warm breath puffed against his neck as she inhaled his scent. Velvet lips fluttered ever so slightly as she muttered to herself before taking a deeper breath.

"Well?" Griff couldn't have looked more smug if he had tried, eartuffs standing proudly as he stood there with hands on hips.

She shot her sibling a withering look before curling her arms around Chris's body, pulling him in closer. The mare lipped at his cheek before tousling his hair with her nose. "So you are Tommy boy's grandchild. It has been a while since I breathed that sweet scent of his."

Griff was almost prancing as he strutted towards the pair. "I believe you owe me something, Una dear."

Reaching up, she brushed blonde hair from her face as she smiled at Chris. "I do, brother. I will let you watch as I greet," those blue eyes penetrated his being once again. He worked dry lips and managed to gasp out his name. Ears perked as she smiled at him, eyes softening. "Chris, lovely name." Arms draped over his shoulders as she leaned in, lips brushing his as she spoke. "I will let you watch as I give Chris a proper greeting." The gargoyle male drooped a bit with a huff. "Be a dear and tell Leo that we will be busy for the rest of the night." A huff came from the male, but Una ignored him, sweeping an arm around Chris's body as she turned, guiding him towards another door.

He was led through a maze of hallways, head reeling from the mare's electric presence at his side. If it hadn't been for the gentle pressure of her hand on his back, he would have just stood there all night and enjoyed the feel of her against him. Before he knew where they were, he felt himself propelled forward with a gentle shove to his back. "Sorry for the grand tour of the place. Wanted to give Griff a challenge so he didn't find us right away."

Cheeks flushed as he looked at the large canopy bed that seemed to dominate the room. The rustle of cloth made him turn, eyes going wide as Una shed her robe. She wore a lovely pink dress that had been pushed down enough to reveal one of her milky breasts, peach colored nipple standing proud against the short fur. Her cheeks were a lovely rose color as she smiled at him. "As I'm sure you've discovered, he can get rather... savage when it comes to sexual acts."

He pried his eyes away form her lovely breast, his pucker throbbing at the mere memory of the previous night. "He is rather enthusiastic."

Una's eyes glowed with an inner light, "And he's not the only one." Her voice dropped, taking on a huskier tone as she intoned, "Discedite vestimenta tempus ludere." With a wave of her hand, static washed over his body, making him gasp as his clothing literally jumped off his body. Chris staggered backwards as his shoes twisted and wrestled themselves off his feet. He tumbled backwards, landing on the edge of the bed. She whickered out a laugh before waving her hand at her own body. The dress slithered off her form, it and her robe joining his clothes as they danced together. The linens twirled and twisted around one another before neatly folding themselves and laying on top of a dresser, his messenger bag scuttling over to join them. "Girl has to keep in practice."

Chris let out a nervous laugh, heart fluttering after witnessing his first bit of real magic. "I would say that you are well practiced."

She smiled, eyes lidding as she approached him. Hands ran over his thighs as she knelt in front of him with a soft hurring noise. "Why don't I show you how well practiced I am?" His member had barely wilted since the ride with Griff, but when she lipped at his crown he was certain that he was going to pass out as all the blood rushed to his loins. Blue eyes sparkled like gemstones as she looked up at him, warm breath puffing over his cock as she nuzzled his shaft. The mare nuzzled his balls with a whuffle, breathing in his musk with a soft moan. Rolling her head, she lifted his length up before taking his tip into her waiting mouth.

Any thoughts he might have had left his mind as she lowered her long muzzle over his length. Flat teeth gently pushed against his flesh, providing a contrast that had him moaning within seconds. Lips fluttered over his shaft as she bobbed her head, slurping loudly around his cock. Chris gasped and arched against her mouth, feeling her nose bump his groin each time she lowered her head. The mare's moans vibrated around his cock. A hand lifted, fingers tickling his balls before sliding down his taint. Her tongue rolled his shaft around, pressing him against her cheek before swapping so he was pinned against the roof of her mouth. Her fingers pressed against his taint, massaging him in a way that made him squirm, cheeks flushing as he cried out.

Una stilled, lips sealing tight around his base as she rolled her tongue against his cock, rubbing him gently against the different areas inside of her mouth. A low moan came from her as she swallowed down his thick treat, cheeks flushed. Her eyes were mostly closed as she savored the taste of him, not having sampled a human male in many years.

Chris's arms shook as he sat up slowly, looking down at the beautiful female. "I'm sorry, just couldn't..."

He fell silent as her finger touched his lips, "Shh." Laying her head on his thigh, she smiled up at him. "Few males can last long when I start going." Standing up, she moved onto the bed with him, legs framing his body as she ran her fingers over his cheeks. Her warm body pressed against his, prompting a moan from the poor human. Arms draped over his shoulders again as she settled on him, silken folds resting against his privates. "Not even Leo or Griff can last more than a minute when I go down on them. Scoot back would you, Love?"

Bracing his hands on the feather bed, he began to scoot back, the gargoyle female moving with him. "Is-isn't Griff your brother?" He let out a moan as he felt her pussy twitch against him, the mare's vulva winking on his privates. Nearing the headboard, he lay back on the mound of pillows. Her body shifted enough, giving him the barest glimpse of her privates as she winked again, juices dripping onto his balls.

"No he's not... well... let's just say that gargoyle family trees get complicated and leave it at that." He was more than glad to drop the subject as her hips rolled against him. She pinned his cock between her burning lips and his belly. If he had softened at all, the feel of her soft lips against his underside brought him back to life. Una leaned over him, lips brushing over his in a gentle kiss. Some instinct whispered to Chris, prompting him to cup the back of her head and pull her into a deeper kiss. Una moaned into his mouth, her flat tongue responding to his probing muscle with a playful wrestling twist. The winged unicorn moved just enough to bring her twitching lips against his tip. Reaching between their bodies, Chris lifted his cock just enough so his tip popped into her folds.

Una slammed her hips down, taking him to the root inside of her warm pussy. He broke the kiss with a gasp, eyes rolling back in his head. He'd never felt anything like this before in his entire life! The way her insides held onto him and rolled against his flesh as she began to bounce on his lap. Hot, wet muscles wrapped around his flesh and milked him, her body begging for his seed. Without thinking, he slapped her ass, making the unicorn squeal and buck into his lap. Fingers clench at her rear, kneading the muscles as they twitch and tense with each firm bounce.

Arms wrapped around his neck, pulling his head into her chest. Chris moaned, panting into the mare's chest fur. Her scent, an intoxicating mix of old books and herbs, was quickly picking up a stronger note as sweat started to foam along her sides. He could feel her juices running down his cock and soaking his crotch and balls with each bounce. And the smell of that nectar... he couldn't begin to think of a way to describe it. Musky and sweet, subtle and strong, the very essence of which seemed to reach deep into his brain and trigger some primal response in his body. Nuzzling into her feathery soft breasts, his lips homed right in on her teat, lips sealing around the pink nub. Fingers twined into his hair, pulling as she threw her head back with a throaty moan. Una pushed her body tight against his and gyrated her hips, grinding his cock deep inside of her tunnel as the hot muscles rippled and rolled around him.

Chris groaned, biting down on the nipple as he felt his body tensing under her. A louder squeal sounded from the mare, her hips jerking and bucking into his lap as her honey ran down his privates. His eyes rolled back as he pushed up into her. Chris's tongue flicked against her nipple, tasting her sweet flesh as he lost it, pumping his load deep into her. Thighs squeezed at his as she let out a soft moan. Soft nose nuzzled into his hair as she panted at him. "Forgot what it was like to be with a human. No barbs, no knots, just a nice smooth shaft to ride."

He broke the hold on her nipple and gave her a crooked smile, "Thank you."

Una rolled her body over him before drawing off him, whuffling as he slipped out of her body. The gargoyle moved onto the bed next to him, lowering herself down onto all fours. She at him and smiled, wiggling her rear, "Do you think that you're ready for another round?"

"Already?" He panted, head still reeling from the climax he had mere moments before. Even with that still humming through his body, he scooted down the bed and looked at her rump. The unicorn mare hiked her tail up and pushed her hips back. Pale, blushing folds winked, flashing her creamed insides at him. He bit his bottom lip as he watched his spunk drip out of her pussy. His cock lifted up, seemingly ready for another go. "Just so you know, if I die tonight I'll be happy." Moving behind her, he rested one hand on her rear, sliding his cock up and down her slit.

She bucked back, pussy winking against his tip as a mix of her juices and his cum leaked over his tip. "Your grandfather said the same thing. Don't worry, we know when to stop." Una gave him the sweetest smile as she laid her head on an arm, reaching back to spread her rear for him. How could he resist an invitation like that? Driving in hard, the pair shared a primal groan as his hips smacked against hers. She bucked into him and winked again, the cocktail dripping down his balls and onto the bed. Digging his fingers into her soft rump, he held tight as she began to buck back into him with each of his thrusts.

"Gotta really dig in harder if you want her to really squeal your name, Kiddo." The voice in his ear made Chris jump, slamming hard into the female. Griff chortled and slipped onto the bed, wood creaking under him as he maneuvered behind the human. "Let me give you a lesson on how to make her squirm."

"H-how?" he panted, cheeks flushing hot as the gryphon answered his question without a word. The hard, hot cock slipped up between his ass cheeks. His flesh was slick with lube, the slippery stuff smearing along his cheeks. With just a simple roll of his hips, Griff lined up and drove his thick length right into Chris's back door. Taloned hands drew him back into the thrust, pulling him away from Una's hot tunnel. The sharp beak nibbled at his ear as those strong hands ran over his arms and down to his hands. Griff's fingers linked with his with a deep purr. "Now, you gotta gt a good grip on her hips and..." tightening his hold, he slammed forward, driving Chris deep into Una; "shove every inch into her! Then back." He pulled back, his cock slipping out of the human's tight ass. Without thinking, Chris followed the motion. "Smack her ass," Guiding his hand away, the gryphon made him smack the mare's rear with a firm swat, making her moan into the pillow as her hips pushed back against him. "And in again." Another hard drive followed by two impacts. Chris's hips smacked against Una's ass before Griff's body slammed into his, driving him deeper into the unicorn.

He was lost in the moment as he was driven back and forth between the two gargoyles. There wasn't a chance in any way that he could begin to think about anything or start to hold back. He was being driven by instinct and Griff's panted whispers into his ear. Harder, faster, smack her ass, scratch her cheeks. Una's hips were driving back hard into him, her folds winking harder as she squealed and panted into the pillow. She trembled under him, driving back as she peaked, juices squirting out of her pussy and leaking down his thighs and onto the bed. He groaned, leaning back into Griff's strong body as he was bounced between the two. The strong beak nipped at his neck and ear, "About to cum?" He nodded, eyes closed as he moaned, completely lost. "Good! Bite her shoulder!"

Without thinking, he followed the command, almost throwing himself across her back. Una spread her wings out wide and pushed up against him. His teeth clamped down on her shoulder an instant before he fired a second load into her. Una threw her head back and let out a scream, "YES, CHRIS!" Griff drove forward and slammed against his backside, his heavy knot throbbing and pressing against his prostate. Chris's eyes rolled back as he let out a moan, cumming even harder into the sweet mare. Griff's hips drive against his hard and fast, balls smacking against Chris's taint as he groaned, pressing his beak into his friend's neck. Hot cum blasted into his ass, that heavy knot pulsing in his tight rear. He shuddered and collapsed against Una's back, unable to support himself anymore.

A soft laugh came from under him as Una rolled her hips back into his lap. "I think you were perhaps a tad too eager."

Griff chuckled over him and ran his fingers over Chris's hips. "You haven't felt hot good it feels to have him under you. Well, not how good it feels as a male." Their voices fell into a low drone as Chris drifted off for a short nap.

He wasn't sure how long he was out for, but when he woke up, Griff had managed to slip out of his rear. The pair were on the bed next to him, both on their sides, and still going at it. They had shifted into move of a sixty-nine. Griff had his back to Chris, wings fluttering as he worked fingers and tongue against Una's pussy. The mare had her eyes half closed, mouth wrapped around his thick post, bobbing her head slowly as she slurped wetly. Pulling back, her eyes opened and crinkled with a smile as she saw Chris watching. She winked and drove her head back down, nuzzling Griff's base as her fingers roamed over his thighs and up along his taint. "Going for back there, Sister?" He purred louder as he lifted a leg and flicked his tail up, giving her full access. Una winked and slipped a finger back, toying with the male's backdoor suggestively. Even with all the blood abandoning one head for another, Chris managed to catch her meaning.

But first he had to get something. Rolling over very slowly, Chris lifted his bag from where it had been set by the mare's magic. It only took a second for him to grab what he was looking for. His camcorder. With a grin, he rolled over and held it up, Una's eyebrows raising curiously as he switched it on, thankful that he'd disabled to power on chimes.

Moving as sneakily as he could on the feather bed, he slipped up behind Griff. Una kneaded her brood-sibling's ass, spreading the cheeks apart a bit as she continued to bob her head. He stopped a second to look for some lube, but she motioned with her fingers before pushing her finger into his rear. Griff moaned into her pussy as the digit penetrated easily before slipping back out. Catching on quickly enough, he slipped up behind the male and rested his hand on the green hip. Griff's eartuffs perked up and he began to look back as Chris moved in quickly. The male arched, feathers ruffling as his ass was stretched by the human's length.

Griff stopped eating out the mare and looked back with a grin. "Ahh, attacked on two fronts! How will I managed to withstand such an assault?" Powerful ass muscles clenched, pucker clenching around his cock. Chris ground his teeth and slammed forward in response, keeping the male's wonderful ass in frame. Griff moaned and wiggled his hips back as Una slurped lewdly around his cock. Her head bobbed up and down faster as Chris wrapped his arm around Griff's leg, holding onto it as he started to thrust harder into his friend's backside. The male laid his head on the bed and looked back at Chris, eyes shutting a bit as he huffed and chuffed. "There you go, just like... mmf."

Griff abandoned any attempts to get Una to squirt as she slurped around his knot, fingers kneading at that thick flesh. The skilled mare pushed her head down all the way, nuzzling into his sheath as she swallowed around his cock, fingers rolling his balls. She pushed her hair back and smiled at the camera as she worked over her brood-sibling's cock. His pucker clenched and squeezed at Chris's cock as he began to rock his hips between the two. Una pushed at his hips, rolling the gryphon onto his back. She shifted with him, Chris taking the hint and swinging Griff's leg around. With the gargoyle male on his back, Chris was able to grip both of his thighs and thrust even harder now. Powerful feline legs curled around his waist, pulling him forward with each thrust. Una leaned over her clan mate, head bobbing as she tended to his balls, lips fluttering at his knot. Griff's hands grabbed at her rear and the bed, moving around wildly as he lifted up. The gryphon's pants and moans became louder and more frantic as his body arched and trembled.

Una pulled back suddenly, fingers curling around Griff's fat knot and squeezing it. He arched and let out a loud screech as he came, painting his belly with stripes of his thick seed. Chris ground his teeth and moaned as his cock was squeezed by the tight hole. He nearly dropped the camcorder as the powerful legs curled around his waist and pulled him tighter against the gryphon, ass clenching painfully tight around his cock. Griff's hips lifted and twitched as Una took his balls into her mouth and suckled on them, fingers skillfully kneading his knot to keep the green male spurting. Finally, unable to stand it anymore, Chris buried himself inside of the gargoyle and let loose his own snarl. Griff arched and let out a coo as Chris's warmth was pumped into his rear. Una pulled back with a smile, sitting on her haunches to watch their new friend fill her brother.

Griff's legs unwound from his waist slowly as the larger male let out a low purr. "Want something good for your little camcorder there? Pull out." Nodding, his head still reeling a little, Chris did just that. Griff's purring grew louder as he lifted his hips, making it easier for his friend. Pushing away, Griff rolled onto his side and smiled, looking down his gorgeous body at the human. Reaching down, the powerful gryphon spread his cheeks apart, exposing his tailhole to the camera. Chris zoomed in and bit his bottom lip as he watched some of his seed leak out slowly. "Looks good, doesn't it?" The beak clicked in with a low churr. "How many more cream fillings do you want to give us?"

He licked his suddenly dry lips, cock starting to lift again, "As many as possible."

Una's silken hand curled around his shaft, pumping it slowly as her eyes began to glow. "Then we shall be gracious hosts and abide by our guest's wishes."

Griff's eyes glowed with a hungry light as he turned, looking very predatory as he advanced. "Most gracious and eager hosts."

There was something about the predatory, hungry light that shone from the gargoyles' eyes that both excited and frightened him. He moved back until his back was pressed against the padded headboard. The two gargoyles moved as one, gently pulling his legs out from under him so they could each lay against one. Una moved in first, her velvet soft lips brushing over his balls and shaft. She planted soft kisses over his privates, working her way up to his tip. His arm shook, camera dipping just a bit. "Keep that up, want to get some good video, eh lad?" Griff grinned as the camcorder snapped back up, catching the mare right as she lowered her long muzzle around his cock and began to swallow. "There's a good chap."

She only stayed down for a breath before coming back up. Heated kisses were planted along his shaft and down to his balls before she took them into her maw, lapping at them with powerful tongue as she suckled on his orbs. Griff moved in to his freed length, agile tongue darting around the head and holding it in position as his beak opened wide. A tremor of fear raced up his spine as that dangerously sharp mouth was lowered over his vulnerable flesh. Without lips to form a seal, Griff's oral antics were far different, but no less pleasurable, than his sister's had been. His tongue darted around Chris's length, sometimes even managing to curl fully around his shaft and stroke it. All while his powerful throat muscles closed around the human's tip, milking his flesh as he swallowed.

Griff kept his head buried in Chris's lap, swallowing and sucking noisily as Una pulled away from his swollen, needy balls. More kisses rained down on him as the mare worked her way down his body, brushing lips over his taint. His lovers, far stronger than any mere human, had little trouble with shifting him down, making his legs spread further as they continued to pleasure him. The mare's powerful, thick tongue probed his back door, twice rutted by the gryphon. The blunt muscle eased his passage open, tending to the sore muscles and soothing them with gentle laps before pushing deeper. Chris's hands shook, the college student having to grab the camcorder with both hands to keep from dropping it.

The pair continued to work together, Griff abandoning his shaft long enough to lift his rear. Una pulled her tongue from his rear just long enough to slide in between his legs, allowing them to rest on her shoulders before her tongue drove into him again. Griff angled his head and smirked, cheek feathers tickling Chris's tip. "Getting a little shaky, Chap? Let me take that." He plucked the camcorder from the trembling hands. Bringing it down, he centered the frame on Una as the mare nuzzled and buried her muzzle between the human's cheeks. Her thick tongue drove into his rear again, more soothing and more exciting than he thought it would have been. Griff churred t his sister before swinging the camera around, keeping an eye on the small screen as he took the cock back into his crop, swallowing around it with deep gulps.

Loud moans sounded from the poor human as his head fell back, unable to more than simply buck his hips between the pair. Arching off the bed, he let out a deep groan as he blew his load into the gryphon's crop. Griff's beak trembled against his groin as the male purred happily, taking the spunk into his crop. Una's muzzle moved upwards, tongue being replaced with a finger. "Don't be rude and hog it all."

Griff came off with a pop, crop tightening around Chris's cock, "Wouldn't dream of it." It was Una's turn to purr as she slipped her long muzzle over the cock, fingers pressing against Chris's prostate. They pressed expertly against that gland, massaging and milking a longer climax from him. She held just his tip in her mouth, lips open enough for the gryphon to catch the sight of the thick cream splashing across her tongue, recording it forever with the trusty camcorder. Just when he thought he wouldn't be able to go on, Chris was allowed to relax as the finger abandoned his rear.

Una smiled and laid her silken cheek on his thigh, cock resting against her muzzle. "Delicious. Humans taste far different from a gargoyle male."

The green male nodded, throat rolling as he brought some of the seed up to sample for himself. "A more subtle flavor." He gave Una a sideways grin, "No where near as salty as Leo's, for example."

She snorted, "I have been trying to get him to cut back on the heavy meals."

Hearing an unfamiliar name, Chris lifted his head, watching as the mare moved over him. "Leo? Who is Leo?" And should he be worried about another male gargoyle joining their tryst?

Fur as soft as clouds rubbed over his bare skin as she straddled his hips once again. "Leo is my mate. While he isn't terribly fond of humans, he won't object to our having a bit of fun." Despite having cum twice in a very short time, his body couldn't resist the feel of the sexy female as she pressed against him.

Griff grinned and smacked his sister on the ass nice and hard, making her squeal and jerk forward, soaked slit grinding over Chris's flesh. "By that she means that come tomorrow, the clan home will be reverberating with the sound of Leo reasserting his claim on my dear sister. Thrilling to hear, even more so to watch."

Una whuffled at the gryphon. "I doubt he would let the pair of you watch." Her ears laid back, cheeks coloring in a way that suggested she might wish that he would.

Gentle talons curled around the hard flesh, guiding it up towards the folds as the other held the camera steady. "All the more reason to have our fun this evening." He winked at Chris, "Although by morning, you might be needing a day or two of rest before the fun can continue."

Chris gave a shaking smile and reached down, smacking Una's heart shaped ass, fingers digging into her flesh as he pulled her up. "Then why waste time? I can keep up with the two of you all night." The pair shared a look that said they doubted, but were more than happy to continue the game until he was too tired to go on. Burning folds winked against his tip, the camera catching the twitch before the petals wrapped around his post.

She let out a throaty moan, fingers curling around Chris's shoulders and scratching his back as he held tight to her rear, pushing her down to meet his thrusts. His balls, four times drained but eager to plant more seed, slapped wetly against her petals as the bed creaked under the lovers.

Griff purred as his brood-sibling rode their friend so hard, eyes darting from the camcorder to their writhing bodies. His own length was standing tall, clear precum making his flesh glisten in the bedroom light. A smile twitched at his beak, feathers ruffling just so. Moving behind the pair, he lifted Una's tail higher, showing off her tight pucker to the device. She looked back at him with a needful gasp, rolling her hips back and flicking her tail up higher for the male. Sliding up behind her, he pressed his slick tip against her back passage. More precum ran from his tip, making the ring sparkle before he plunged in. The mare tensed, mouth hanging open as she voiced a lustful scream, driving her hips back with wanton need as she was claimed by two strong males at the same time. Chris spread her cheeks apart as he thrust into her, fingers kneading her rear. Griff held himself up with one hand, the other moving the camera around to get a good shot of what was going on. It panned between her panting face, swinging breasts, and down to where both her holes were being stretched by the two lusty males.

Chris gritted his teeth as Griff pushed himself deep into Una's back door. He could feel the male's thick cock sliding over his, separated by a sliver of flesh. He was already getting pretty sensitive down there after all the finishes he'd had that night. To be truthful, he was surprised that he was still able to get it up, much less feel another orgasm building in his gut. Building far too quickly if you asked him. Between Una's frantic gyrations, her incredibly tight tunnel that was trying to milk him dry, and Griff's cock sawing against him with each thrust; he wouldn't last much longer. Panting, sweat running down his body, he buried his face in between Una's tits. She arched against him, silky pelt rubbing against him as he cloud-soft breasts pillowed against his cheeks. Eyes closed most of the way as he simply allowed his body to move on its own. Hips lifting against hers in a primal beat as Griff and his balls beat a primal rhythm on her body. He caught a glimpse of that powerful beak as it closed on her shoulder, prompting a breathless squeal from the mare. She jerked under the bite, body shoving back against his powerful chest. The motion pulled her chest away from Chris, his eyes zeroing in on her lovely breasts and firm, pink nipples. His head snapped forward, teeth clamping down on the teat, alternating between biting and sucking on it.

Una jerked between the two males, eyes rolling back as she peaked. Inner muscles clamped down hard around Chris's cock, her juices squirting from her body and pouring over his lap and balls. Moving as one, the two males buried themselves deep inside of the mare, balls against each other as they drew up before releasing their loads. Twin lustful snarls were muffled into her body as they gave her everything they had. Chris was the first to start coming down, body trembling as he tried to hold himself up. Falling back to the bed, he gasped for air as his head reeled. Una followed him, the mare collapsing on top of him as her orgasm continued to shudder through her body.

Griff shook out as he began to wind down, feathers ruffling proudly as he looked over his exhausted partners. He smirked and looked down, fat knot pressed tight against his sibling's ass. Picking up the camcorder from where he'd dropped it, he aimed it at her backside as he began to draw out slowly. Una breathed out a tired moan and looked back, a shaky hand reaching back to hold her cheeks open as he popped out. A shift of her hips let Chris's softening length slide out as well. She blushed cutely as she huffed, ears pinning back in her messy mane as the two males' seed leaked out of her holes, mingling together before dripping down to the bed. He let out a low whistle and winked at her. Eyes darted to their friend, eartuffs perking when he noticed that Chris had apparently drifted off to sleep. "Think that's enough for now?" he asked in a hushed whisper. Una nodded, arms and legs shaking as she moved to lay alongside their new friend. He chuckled and looked at the camcorder, rolling it around in his hands. "Now how do you turn this bloody thing off?"

Una plucked it from his fingers, "Silly boy, still having to learn such simple things." Deft fingers switched it off before laying it on the nightstand.

The gryphon moved to lay on Chris's other side, feathers ruffling for a second as he got comfortable. "I'm doing good, haven't burned any popcorn in an age when using the radar range."

She wiggled down into the pillows, smiling as Chris snuggled up and rested his cheek against her breast. "Only because Leo threatened to ban you from using it if you burned another bag." Her eyes began to drift closed as she breathed out a soft yawn, cheeks still flushed as she felt the thick cream running down her thighs. Fingers waved, snuffing out the lights in the room.

Chris slept for a while, he wasn't sure how long really, but he did recall some very vivid dreams. Dreams which, even as they faded from his waking mind, left their mark on his body. He woke up slowly, blinking against the darkness. It took him several seconds to remember where he was and who was pressed against him. The scent of sex still hung heavy in the air, their bodies so warm and soft against his body. He bit his bottom lip and reached down, fingers tracing over his own rock hard cock. Griff shifted with a low thrum, the gargoyle's hard length falling against his thigh. Abandoning his own erection, he let his fingers curl around that lovely cock, feeling the shape and weight of it.

"Mm, good morning to you too." Griff's eyes opened slowly, glowing in the darkness. The larger male shifted, beak tapping the human's lips.

"Morning, what time is it?" he breathed out, returning the kiss.

The bed creaked as the gargoyle male moved, powerfully toned legs sliding over his as he shifted to straddle Chris's body. The luminous eyes swept the room before peering at the glowing dials of a clock. "The sun's up, can feel it. Looks to be... about eight in the morning."

Chris bit his bottom lip with a moan as the taloned hand curled around both cocks, stroking them at the same time. "W-wait, the sun is up? How come you're not all..." he moaned as he couldn't think of a good word.

"Rock hard?" Griff chuckled as he leaned forward, hand pumping faster as he spread precum over the two cocks. "Weird quirk, sun doesn't hit us, we don't change." He angled his head with a purr, eyes glowing lustily. "Will have to change later to get some good rest though."

Arching up, Chris huffed as the hand began to work faster, fingers sliding between the two pillars as Griff changed his grip. "Good, might get some rest then."

Fingers snapped, bringing the lights up slowly. "You're not the only one." Una smiled as she rolled her form in a slow stretch before retrieving the camcorder. "I will play cameraman for you two before I go and get some breakfast."

A deep purr, nearly a growl, sounded from the gryphon as he smirked, heavy balls rolling against Chris's as he thrust into his hands. "Then we should put on a good show, shouldn't we?" Chris could only moan an answer as those skilled fingers slipped around his tip, teasing the swollen crown. A deep purr sounded from Griff as he rolled his hips, precum rolling from his pointed tip to drip onto the other cock. Spreading it over the spears, he began to stroke and thrust, heavy furred balls rubbing against Chris's drained orbs. The sheer size of them amazed Chris, he was shocked that Griff still had that much in reserve. Leaning forward, his beak tapped against Chris's lips with a low purr, head tilting to take his partner into a kiss. Soft lips pressed against hard beak, tongue gliding over the dangerous edge. Chris let out a moan, body arching and pushing his hips up into the stroking hand. The feel of the gryphon's hard, smooth curves against his member just felt so good.

He moaned into the kiss and arched, bucking his hips against the rough, firm grip. Griff's fingers worked faster over the cocks as he let out a low hiss into the kiss, wings mantling overhead. Chris broke the kiss with a call, body pushing up as hot cum splashed against his belly. A low purr came from the two gargoyles as Griff leaned back to watch as he gently rolled his fingers, spreading the creamy goodness over his own length. "That's one."

"O-one what?" panted Chris as he lay there, head lifting as the gryphon slipped down his body. Biting his lip, he let out a deeper moan as that slick, rock hard length slipped over his twitching pole and down between his balls. The pointed tip poked at his taint as it slipped further down his body before nudging against his pucker. Pushing forward just a little, Griff used pressure to keep his cock pinned there as his hands curled under Chris's thighs, lifting them over his furred legs. He pulled on Chris's legs at the same time as he pushed forward, driving his slick post into the tight pucker. Legs curled around Griff's waist, tightening their hold on the male as a lustful cry was forced from his throat. Pleasure surged through his body as he was gently spread. The last couple times he'd had the gryphon in his ass, it had been too fast to really feel it. But now, he could feel every curve and sweep of the cock, every beat of the male's heart as his cock throbbed inside of his tight rear.

They forgot about Una and the camera as Griff leaned over him, knees digging into the mattress. The thrusts started slow and shallow, cum, both pre and the real deal, easing his thrusts. Heavy balls smacked against Chris's ass as the thrusts became longer and faster. Didn't take too long before Chris's legs began to relax, giving the gryphon more room to move. Hands curl under the shaking legs, lifting them up. Griff rested them against his shoulders, giving him more room to work and making his length seem even larger as he pushed the legs together. Thrusts rained down on the poor ass faster and harder. Feathers mantled as hips rolled, grinding against the human's prostate.

Groans and heavy pants filled the air as the pair moved towards their climax. Griff's knot slapped against the waiting pucker with heavy thumps. Reaching down with a shaking hand, Chris bit his lip as he felt how large that was getting. "In or out?" came the huffed question as Griff leaned over him. It felt like it was huge already, and it was getting bigger the longer he kept his fingers against it. Before he could stop himself, Chris moved his fingers behind the knot, pulling it towards his ass. Didn't take much more than that for Griff to get the hint. The heavy bulge pressed tight against the pucker, grinding with his increasingly frantic thrusts. Rolling and pushing, he let out deep groans as the tight ass slowly spread open around his heavy knot. Chris arched with a cry as it popped in, making him twitch under his lover. He grabbed at Griff's arms, nails digging in as he started to paint his belly with his seed. The pulsing of that fat bulge against his prostate milked the last of his reserves out, leaving his cock twitching dryly as he fell back into the soft bed.

Griff let his partner's legs slide down his side as he leaned over, hammering with faster thrusts as his cock grew inside of that sweet backdoor. Chris could only hold on tight, eyes rolling back in his head as he cried out lustily. Pushing up into the savage beast over him, he trembled again as his body shook. Shoving him into the bed, Griff threw his head back and let out a screech as he emptied his balls into his partner.

Una's cheeks flushed hotly as she breathed out a soft hurring noise, pulling her fingers from her pussy to lick them clean. Switching off the camera, she smiled and laid it on the bed. The mare gave Griff's ass a hard slap, making him jerk forward into Chris. "I'll go see about breakfast then get some real sleep. Don't break our friend too badly, you naughty boy."

Griff purred as he snuggled down on Chris, pulling the human with him as he rolled onto his side. "I'll see he gets some good rest after breakfast." Chris blushed and smiled as he curled up against the larger male, burying his head into the feathers. A low purr came from the gryphon as he leaned in, gently tousling hair with his beak. "That was three."

Commission: UnSuitable

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