Different Perspectives

Story by jukesman54 on SoFurry

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Greetings all! Again, I get that my productivity has been way, way off. But truthfully, I was really busy the last few months. However, I was able to finish this commission I did for Anonymless from FA. This was definitely another interesting request from him, but I think we both agree it worked well. Enjoy!

Story contains Male Human x Female Linoone, then Female Human x Male Linoone

It was a blustery winter afternoon in the Sinnoh region. Walking along one of the smaller paths near Lake Acuity was a young trainer by the name of Jamie. Besides lugging his backpack, he was dressed heavily in his winter attire, consisted of a heavy coat, snow pants, and boots. The snow was crunching beneath his feet as he trudged along, scanning the scene under his hat for his destination.

"Geez...," Jamie whispered under his breath. "I hope I find it soon..."

A small moan came from under his coat. Jamie looked down, smiling as he found his trusted companion huddled against him. "Don't worry, it shouldn't be too much longer."

"Nooonne," the Pokemon replied, holding onto him tighter. Jamie's partner was a female Linoone by the name of Tori. Unlike normal Pokemon, Jamie found that she preferred to stay outside of her Poke Ball in order to keep him company. Under more regular circumstances, this was no problem to either side. However, due to the weather, Tori wanted to make sure that Jamie stayed warm while he traveled. Due to her thick fur and warm body, she was able to do just that and then some.

Jamie kept going for about ten more minutes along the path before he smiled wide, finding what he was looking for. "Ah...here we are..." He walked up to a small wood cabin, barely larger than a trailer home. He reached towards the door, his hand shivering as he used the key to unlock it and get them both inside. Jamie slammed the door shut behind him, keeping the cold wind out as best as he could.

Jamie let out a low whistle as he and Tori scanned the surroundings. The cabin contained everything they would need for their stay. This included a well kept fireplace, a wooden stove, and a large queen-sized bed with added comforter among other things.

Jamie sighed, looking down at the Linoone. "Well, it's not much, but I think we can make it work out. Don't you?"

"Li," Tori replied with an eager nod. She then let herself off Jamie, gliding to the floor and stretching out her limbs. She was a long and slender Pokemon with pearly white fur, having been well groomed and raised during her time with her trainer. She then went out and about exploring the cabin for a bit as Jamie took off his pack and heavy clothing.

Jamie was a decent looking 17 year old trainer. He had sky blue eyes and thick, chocolate colored hair that was beginning to craw past his ears. He wasn't the most fit trainer, but all the time on the road had kept him in shape for the most part. Jaime then did the same as his Linoone and stretched out for a little bit. As tempted as he was to take a rest on the cozy looking bed, he knew better.

"Alright, better get to work, huh?" Jamie exclaimed. He then proceeded to empty his pack on the counter, revealing all the food and equipment he'd brought along that would last he and Tori for at least a few days or so.

"Liiiiii," Tori yawned after she jumped on the bed, laying down on the comfy sheets.

Jamie sighed. "I don't blame you, Tori. It was a long trip. You just relax for a little bit and I'll get supper ready."

Tori's ears perked at the mention of food, making her peek up and smile. She loved Jamie's cooking, having grown quite attached to it over the time they'd been together. Even better, he promised that she wouldn't have to eat any Pokemon food while they were out here together.

Tori then waited patiently while laying down as Jamie got to work. He first used the stocked wood pile outside to get the fireplace roaring and going. Afterwards, he used the stove and the first of his rations to start making a nice stew for the two of them.

"Li...nooonneeee," Tori smiled, her nose picking up the aroma of the meal quite easily.

Jamie laughed a little as he continued to stir. "I know. It smells pretty good if I do say so myself." After about another fifteen minutes or so, he finally called it done and poured them both a bowl. Tori cried out happily as she bounded over and jumped onto the table with him. She went over, licking his face in thanks.

"You're welcome, Tori," he replied, accepting his usual way of thanking him. Afterwards, the two dug into their feast. The warm food did it's job well, warming up their bodies and souls easily as they ate. It almost felt like they hadn't even been in the freezing cold weather for several hours previously. They each ate heartedly, having a second helping each before finally feeling content and full.

"Linoone!!!" Tori cheered as she was finished, cleaning herself off and going over to the fire before laying down in front of it. Jamie chuckled, taking their dishes and setting them aside for later. He yawned again, stretching out and patting his full belly before going over and joining her, a nice comfy recliner having been left for them as well. He then motioned Tori over, the Linoone quickly jumping back and into his arms. She snuggled against him eagerly, her head rested underneath his chin.

Jamie sighed, putting his arms around his loving Pokemon. He smiled, kissing her head. "You remember what today is right?"

"Li...?" Tori asked, looking up at him and tilting her head.

"Today...is the day we meet. You remember that, don't you?" Jamie asked.

Tori nodded. Around five years ago, she had been with another trainer as a Zigzagoon. However, this particular trainer had only caught her to be a training partner for his other more prized Pokemon. Though he did take decent care of her, Tori clearly wasn't happy with her role and started to disobey him.

Clearly frustrated, her former trainer decided to look around to see if he could get a trade of her to another trainer. However, being in the Hoenn region, Zigzagoon were one of the most common Pokemon around, making it more difficult for him to get rid of her. Eventually, it got to the point to where she overhead him saying he just might have to abandon her if no one would take her.

Luckily, her former trainer had been traveling through Mossdeep City, where she had finally been found a suitor. Back then, Jamie was a young, eager trainer looking for any Pokemon that could help him out. One conversation led to another, and Tori eventually ended up in Jamie's care.

With Jamie, Tori was given much more of her trainer's time and energy. Jamie had been raised to take care of each and every one of his Pokemon well and with respect. It didn't take long for him to recognize that all Tori wanted was attention and to be given the chance to try and battle. While traveling throughout Hoenn, Tori was one of Jamie's most trusted Pokemon, and she rewarded his trust by becoming a more than competent battler.

Tori had eventually evolved into the strong, healthy Linoone that now sat in his lap. Jamie pulled her close, stroking her fur affectionately. "Yep...our five year anniversary. You know what, they've been some of the best of my life."

"Li, Linoone," Tori replied, nodding with him. She snuggled even closer, nuzzling his neck.

What most people didn't know was just how close the two had gotten over the years. When she had evolved was around the time that puberty had hit Jamie like a freight train. He'd grown interested in females...though it wasn't only to regular girls. Like most curious teens, he'd come across the practice of pokephila while surfing the web. He was surprised to find it hot and exciting, and eventually grew to have his own fantasies.

Tori on the other hand, was having fantasies of her own at the time...and they were those that contained a certain trainer named Jamie.

Eventually, one thing led to another to where both of them were alone together on a warm summer night in the woods. Tori had come to him first, and that was the night they'd started their new relationship...

Tori looked up at Jamie now, still amazed to see how handsome he'd grown over the years. She leaned up, licking his face softly. Jamie sighed, rubbing and massaging along her back and tail.

"Li...?" Tori asked, her blue eyes staring deep into his own.

Jamie smiled, nodding intently. "Well...this trip was for us to have quality time together." He then kissed her firmly on the forehead again before letting Tori wrap her paws around his neck. He stood up softly, taking her with him over towards the bed. He sat down on it, swinging his legs up and around sitting up against the large pillows behind him.

Tori purred happily as she nuzzled him harder and harder. Her body was shivering, but it wasn't from the cold. He then touched foreheads with her before softly leaning in and placing a small and firm kiss against her lips. Tori cooed, accepting eagerly. They went slowly at first before Jamie was comfortable enough to allow her inside his mouth. Tori played with him, teasing him as she showed her affection for him. He groaned as he layed back, enjoying this passionate moment with his beloved Linoone.

Tori then giggled, lowering her hind end down and beginning to nudge against his own groin. Jamie groaned a little, pulling back from their kissing. "It is getting a little warm in here, huh?" He then proceeded to take off his long sleeved shirt slowly, throwing it to the floor and revealing a small line of sweat running down his body. Tori cooed happily as she then rubbed her body against Jamie's bare chest, loving whenever they could put her nude body against his.

The rubbing of their bodies caused Tori to feel a familiar bump against her rear. She climbed up his chest, allowing Jamie to lean down and unzip his snow pants. He then used one hand to pull down his underwear down his legs, his cock springing free into the warm air. It throbbed eagerly, a full eight inches in length.

Tori giggled, licking him one more time before sliding down again. She then started rubbing her body against his member, which made Jamie sigh happily. Tori decided to tease him further, reaching down and licking his warm member again and again. Jamie leaned back against the pillow, more than content to let Tori have his way. He'd come to trust his girl over time, as she had learned his favorite spots quickly.

Tori kept up her licking before she pulled off. She looked at Jamie, opening her mouth wide and holding it while waiting for permission. Jamie nodded back before she then wrapped her mouth around his cock tip. Jamie gasped a little, looking down and breathing a little hard. It always turned him on to watch Tori pleasure him this way, one of his ultimate fantasies realized.

Tori continued to suck eagerly, pretending it was her favorite piece of candy, Jamie's happy sighs and moans driving her onwards. It did so much, that Tori began to feel herself wetten in her nether regions. Though his nose wasn't as strong as a regular Pokemon's, Jamie was still able to pick up on her spicy aroma. He chuckled, reaching around and picking her up without disturbing her work too much. He then reached down, rubbing her rear before he ran his fingers along her swelling lips, feeling her essence drip onto him. Tori squealed at his touch, making her want to suck even harder on him.

The two pleased each other for a couple more minutes before Jamie stopped and tapped Tori's head lightly, meaning he wanted her to stop. She did so reluctantly, letting go of his swollen member. She gasped as her saliva coated him from base to tip, which was what Jamie was hoping for.

Jamie carefully worked it so she layed against his chest again, reaching down and rubbing his tip against her entrance. Tori shivered, holding on close as she knew what was coming next. "Ready?" he asked her softly. After a nod from her along with a lick of insurance, Jamie carefully inserted himself inside her, penetrating her folds.

Tori cried out, her claws gripping Jamie's body tightly as his cock spread her slowly but steadily. He panted hard, the added lubricant aiding his entry as Tori's tight walls surrounding his member. Eventually, he was hilted inside his female all the way, causing her to pant heavily. Though she was used to his large girth, Jamie never rushed it so as to hurt Tori in any way seeing in their size difference.

Jamie leaned down, petting Tori affectionately as their sexes adjusted to one another. He ran his fingers through her fur, massaging her from head to tail. Slowly, but surely Tori cooed as she was able to feel the great pleasure of being filled with his maleness. Sensing it, Jamie began to softly grind into Tori's body, both of them sighing as their sexes began to dance in pleasure.

Jamie eased her up and down on his cock for several minutes, spreading her wide with each push. Tori held on to him tightly, licking his neck as he mated her. Oh, if only she could talk to him clearly. Instead, she motioned him down again to show him what she felt. He chuckled, leaning down and kissing her again to show her back.

After a minute or so of making out, Jamie pulled back again and stopped thrusting momentarily. Tori was confused for a minute, but not before he carefully turned her around so that her back was against him. Laying back against the bed, Jamie began to thrust again, pulling his knees in and thrusting a little more rapidly into her wet sex. Tori closed her eyes and moaned loudly as Jamie's hands crawled over her body more, massaging her tummy and chest. He leaned in, kissing along her neck.

"Nooonneee...nooonnnee!" Tori cried, losing herself in their passionate romp.

"Tori!" Jamie cried back, holding her closer. He pummeled up into her for some time, their body temperatures raising even higher as the sweat poured off of them and onto the sheets below.

Jamie then felt himself straining a little bit. He then stopped momentarily, a panting Tori beneath him who cried for him not to stop. The trainer grinned, deciding to go for something even better to finish them both off. He carefully flipped them both over, with Tori laying on the bed with Jamie on top of her but not holding her down. Tori cooed loud, knowing just what he was planning to do, and all but too eager to let him. She eagerly started humping back against him, her body wanting her male to keep going.

Jamie then did just that, his hands firmly around Tori's rear as he began thrusting again. He went at it powerfully, but not enough to hurt her in anyway. He groaned as he made love to her, his hips working rhythm against her own. Tori squealed loudly, her claws nearly ripping away at the sheets below her, completely losing herself to this immense feeling. She screamed his name in her language, wishing desperately he could know how amazing this felt to her.

Jamie kept it up as long as he could, but the inevitable end hit him quickly. He thrust rapidly several more times before he hilted as deep as he could go inside his lover, yelling loudly as his warm seed cascaded out of his tip and into her waiting womb. Tori's eyes went wide as she felt herself getting filled, howling loudly as it was enough to trigger an orgasm of her own. She clenched down on her lover, getting as much of his warm seed into him as possible despite knowing no copulation would occur between them.

After finishing hard, Jamie sighed and fell forwards, pulling Tori close to him and kissing her one last time. "Amazing as always..."

"Noonnnee...," Tori replied back, snugging close to him back. They then both collapsed and let their exhaustion take over...letting them go into a deep sleep...

...but what they didn't know was that they were actually being watched from afar.

A small, pink colored female Pokemon had been curious to these two for some time. With a small flash, it teleported quietly into the cabin and floated above the two dozing lovers. It couldn't help but look them over, the smell of a recent mating high in the air.

Well, well. It seems I was right about these two... it thought to itself. _They do genuinely care about one another...unlike some other instances where I find a pair like this. _ It had been curious to the recent events that took place between the Pokemon trainers and their partners...from a sexual standpoint. At first, the Pokemon had been quite appalled by the idea. However, once she'd seen and gotten used to the idea, she found that in certain cases that the bond that was formed between trainer and Pokemon could grow into something more than she ever could've thought.

Lately, she'd been following this certain pair, and had been pleased to see that Jamie was a worthy lover towards Tori. She'd also heard about how this had been a recent 'anniversary' since the two of them had met. The thought sent a devious idea into her head.

No...no I couldn't possibly... It looked over the sleeping pair again. Hmm...well...what better way for them to celebrate? They're gonna be SO surprised!

The pink Pokemon then began to glow, concentrating it's energy towards the pair. Jamie and Tori began to glow brightly, stirring in their sleep but not awaking as the Pokemon watched on.

This is gonna be good...

Jamie groaned as he suddenly felt himself stirred awake. He turned, looking outside to see it was still dark outside. He leaned over, stroking Tori's flank. He smiled, leaning in and kissing her. "Wonder if I should...?" Suddenly, he gasped in realization at something.

My voice...it sounded like a...a...

"No...no way!" He clutched his throat, only to find his hands weren't his at all. They were much more thinner than usual. Not only that, but his hair was long enough to reach his chest.

Speaking of his chest...he put his hands there and gasped sharply. "What the...?" Breasts? He had...breastss???

Jamie shot up and covered her emouth, muffling a loud scream as she panted through her nose. What was going on? Was he dreaming? Yes, this had to be a dream...some whacky and messed up dream.

Jamie slowly leaned down next to Tori, lightly shaking her. "T-tori! C'mon, wake up! Wake up!" The Linoone groaned a little, curling up and trying to continue to snooze. However, Tori eventually gave in and woke up, looking Jamie in the eye...

...or at least...who she thought was Jamie!!

Tori leaped up, baring her teeth and rumbling a deep, deep growl...much deeper than her ordinary growl...

Jamie put up her hands. "No, no Tori! Stop, it's me Jamie! Your Jamie! It's ok! Just calm down, please!"

Tori tilted her head, looking over the girl. She sniffed her several times and widened her eyes. There was only one person with this smell...but it couldn't be...it just couldn't be!

While she could tell Tori was clearly confused, Jamie couldn't help but look over the Pokemon. Tori seemed a little more bigger and huskier than she remembered, her muscles much more built up.

"No way...," Jamie then realized. "It can't be...you too?"

"Li?" Tori asked, only to clasp her claws around her throat. That wasn't her normal voice tone! Shivering, Tori felt her own body a little bit before doing the ultimate test, looking between her legs and finding a...a...

Jamie and Tori looked at each other, both in complete disbelief. "Li...noone?" Tori asked.

Jamie nodded back. "Yeah...this is probably some really...really weird dream that one or both of us is having. How else do you explain this, right?"

Tori thought it over a minute before nodding back. Jamie was probably right. She was probably just dreaming...though it had never been something like this before...

...nor had it ever felt more real.

Jamie sighed, reaching over and asking permission to pick Tori up, to which the Linoone allowed her to do. She pulled him close, his body clearly much more different than she was used to. "Well...at least we know what we'd look like as...you know..."

"Li...linoone," Tori replied, finding that Jamie's skin was much softer than normal.

Jamie looked down, nuzzling Tori's head. "And you know...you still look beaut...or should I say handsome?"

Tori chuckled to himself, looking up and tracing the lines of Jamie's new body. He couldn't help but feel the same way...and that was the least of it. As a girl, he'd hardly had a chance to look at a human girl's breasts before. Now that he was next to them and feeling how good they felt, he couldn't help but blush at the feeling. He put a claw next to one of Jamie's nipples, feeling it as well.

Jamie gasped, a crazy new feeling rushing through. "Wh-whoa there, Tori! That's kinda new..." She began to blush too, feeling those very nipples start to harden at her Pokemon's touch. Tori leaned up, sniffing the flesh before he began licking along the hardened nipple some more, instinct beginning to take over.

"T-tori...wait a second...we shouldn't be...doing this...," Jamie gasped back, but she did nothing to stop him as he began to work on her new body parts. She immediately felt a new warmth spread through her body like wildfire, from her head all the way to her...her...

Jamie looked down beneath Tori to between her legs, where she got the first view of her brand new sex. To her surprise, she found her lips were already beginning to wetten from newfound excitement. "Whoa...," she said as Tori kept going on her breast. She reached down with a finger, slowly touching those lips and gasping at how sensitive they were to her own touch. So that's what it feels like...I wonder...

Eventually, Jamie felt something poke against her stomach, making her gasp. She peered down from beneath Tori's tail, her eyes widening when she saw her Linoone's brand new sex as well. Instead of a small opening between her legs, there was a throbbing piece of red fresh with a blub at the very base. Jamie gulped, not able to take her eyes off of it. Curiousity getting the better of her, she took a reluctant Tori off of her and laid him on his back. It was then that Tori saw his new cock for the first time as well, eyes wide in disbelief. He squirmed a little under her touch, very embarrassed to be seen like this, but Jamie was able to calm him down.

"Tori, it's ok, really," she said, surprised at how much smoother she sounded. "If this is a dream...why not relax and...enjoy it a little bit?"

"Noonnee...," Tori replied, too curious to say no back to his trainer. He remained still and watched as Jamie reached down, her delicate hand wrapping around his flesh. He gasped, moaning loudly as the sudden rush of pleasure ran through his system.

"I bet it feels good, huh Tori?" Jamie asked, a giggle escaping her throat. "I bet I know first hand how good it will be...when I do this..." Taking a deep breath, she leaned in with her face. To her surprise, she found his male musk quite more delightful than she thought. Jamie then stuck out her tongue, leaning in and taking his head into her mouth for the first time.

"Nooonnne!!" Tori cried, squirming out. This felt good...really, really good! Jamie giggled at his response, slowly licking more and more of his length, even rubbing the newfound knot at his base. Tori began to pant, the situation turning more and more arousing by the second. So this was what males felt like when being pleasured...

Jamie kept it up for a couple more minutes, hesitating a little whenever Tori let loose a little pre from her tip. She slowly and surely got used to the taste, making it easier to take more of Tori's cock in her mouth. Not only that, the idea of actually giving a blowjob was something that didn't disgust her either.

_Guess this is what a girl thinks like during sex..._she thought to herself.

As Jamie continued to pleasure Tori, she could feel her new vagina begin to wetten even more, wanting some attention itself. Jamie grunted, reaching back with a finger and feeling around her lips again. She rubbed herself a little bit before she decided to go further. Keeping two together, she slid her digits inside her, squealing at the intense feeling. Tori looked down, his eyes widening as Jamie began doing those things to herself, his arousal getting even higher at the sight. He caught a glimpse of Jamie's sex...a new desire creeping up inside him...but what would she think?

Jamie then pulled off for a second, kissing Tori's tip. By now, her head was swimming in arousal of her own. As much as she was curious to keeping exploring her new body, she also couldn't fight this new feeling that was driving her mad. And from Tori's expression, he was thinking the exact same thing.

Jamie shivered a little as she leaned back. "T-tori?" she asked, cautiously. "W-would you like to...?" She spread her new, slender legs apart, revealing her sex to him.

Tori looked at her body, crawling over to give her his answer. He gulped a little bit, a million questions running through his head as he sniffed her sex eagerly, Jamie's arousal giving him the initiative he needed to go for it. He leaned up onto her belly, aiming his cock towards her sex, looking up for permission to go.

Jamie panted a little bit, wondering how actually being the one being penetrated would feel. Still, this was something she was too curious (not to mention horny) to try. She reached down, patting Tori's head. "Be gentle...," she said softly.

Tori nodded to her. Both took a breath as he rubbed his penis against her opening before finally taking the plunge inside her. Jamie and Tori cried out as they both experienced a new side of sex for the very first time. Jamie panted out loud as Tori's thick girth spread her insides open, causing her to feel a little uncomfortable at first. Her body reacted to the intrusion, squeezing Tori's member against her new walls quite tightly. Tori grit his teeth, holding onto his lover hard as he felt the feeling of a woman around him for the first time. It was so unique and different, but a good different. It felt so tight...but also so wet and soft...

"Noone...," he moaned loud, grinding a little bit against Jamie. The girl continued to grit her teeth for a few seconds before the new feelings began to fill her nether regions. She moaned loud as she felt the pleasure began to rise slowly but surely.

"W-wow...," she gasped, leaning down and clasping one of her breasts again, nipples quite hard from her arousal. "Tori..."

"Noonnee...,"Tori replied, beginning to pull out softly before he slammed back into his lover, causing them both to yelp in surprise. He repeated his actions slowly, but awkwardly, trying to find the right rhythm. However, it went somewhat unnoticed by Jamie, who felt the waves of pleasure rush through her body with each push of Tori's cock through her opening.

"Tori...k-keep going...this feels good!" Jamie cried, rubbing her breasts with one hand scratching Tori's head with another. By now, her walls were more than adjusted to Tori's cock, and they were now more than receiving of him.

Tori on the other hand was soon able to find the right rhythm. He looked up momentarily, seeing the look of pleasure on Jamie's face and smiling widely at how much she liked it as well. He held onto her body tighter, his legs beginning to go harder and harder into her pussy, her body more than able to take it.

Jamie squealed louder and louder, her chest heaving from the immense feelings she was having. She'd always thought what girls felt during sex...but she'd never thought it was anything this intense.

"Oh Arcecus....oh Tori!!"

"Noonee! Linoone!"

Tori pounded into Jamie for a minute more before she put her hand on his head. Reacting naturally, he stopped. A panting Jamie then pulled him out of her briefly, making him whine loudly. He was having too much fun for it to end now...

However, what Jamie did next was more than enough to make him forget about it. She turned herself over onto her stomach, raising her plump rear into the air for him. She looked back at him again, eyes filled with desire. "T-tori...claim me...please..."

Tori's eyes narrowed as he quickly jumped on top of Jamie, immediately plunging back into her warm depths. He wrapped his claws around Jamie's stomach as he began to pound into her now, his cock driving into her body.

Jamie nearly screamed out loud, hands clutching the sheets below her. This was something so new and bizarre...but also so hot. It felt so, so right in this new body, and the fact that the amazing male was her Tori only made her feel more hot. "Oh, fuck yes! Yes! Fuck me harder, Tori!"

"Noonee! Noone!" Tori cried back as he began to breed her, his testes beginning to slap against her entrance as his tail swished out crazily behind him. He loved everything new about this situation as well. The feel of a willing female below him, hearing her cries of joy below him; the power he felt from being in complete control. It was so, so divine!

The two continued their passionate romp for a couple more minutes before they both felt a brand new warmth spread through their lower regions. Jamie gasped as she felt that certain bulge now throbbing against her entrance. A part of her was nervous knowing what he'd do with it, but she was too far gone to care at this point. Plus, she was so close that the very idea of being knotted was what may drive her over the edge.

"Mmph...T-tori...please...fill me up! I need it so badly!" Jamie cried.

Tori growled lustfully behind her, humping rapidly into her body as he felt the spike in arousal race through his lower region before it crashed down on him like a surf attack. With a large howl, he hilted deep inside Jamie as deep as he could go, knot forcing it's way past her lips as he let loose his seed from his tip for the first time.

Jamie screamed loudly as she felt the knot split her wide open. Just as she predicted, it was more than enough to send her over the edge. "Tori!!! I love youuuuuuu!!!" she screamed as she came hard, her walls tightening around Tori's length. She felt her own feminine fluids flow around him as the warmth of his seed started to fill her womb. She moaned loudly at the feeling, finding it so erotic that the idea of getting pregnant with his baby crossed her mind for a few moments...

Tori panted as he kept going for a few more seconds before he felt his stream die down. He collapsed on top of his female, panting hard against her back as she too eventually slumped against the bed as well. He felt himself try to tug himself loose from her, but found himself unable too due to the knot inside her. Jamie groaned at the feeling as well, but didn't object too badly, too lost in the afterglow to even care at the moment.

The two layed like that for what seemed like hours, the immense feel of their deed flowing through them. Eventually, Tori was able to finally pop out of Jamie, their combined fluids slowly seeping out of her and onto the bed, causing her to coo at the feeling. They finally turned and faced one another, both looking each other over and laughing hard at what had just occurred before Jamie leaned in and kissed Tori hard, both enjoying each other's company intently.

"Well...," Jamie giggled when she pulled back. "How did you like that, Tori?" The Linoone growled happily, nuzzling her back to give his answer. "I know...I feel the same way." She pulled him closer to him, both too exhausted to continue for the moment. "Definitely...the best dream ever..." she thought out loud as they both gave into the feeling and passed out.

Meanwhile, that certain Pokemon looked in again from a far, a large blush on it's face as it looked over the couple one last time. It couldn't help but giggle happily as it floated all around the cabin.

Oh wow...this worked out even better than I thought...they don't even realize that it's all real...

The Pokemon sighed, happy to see that the two cared enough about each other to stay true to their lover despite the unusual circumstances. That left only one problem now for it to decide next....

Should I change them back now...or do I keep them like this a little longer...?

A Messy Little Secret

_Hey everyone! I suppose it's been long enough since I have uploaded a story here. Well, you know how I said I was now taking commissions? Well, here is one done for Anonymless, a very nice guy and fellow author. Hope you enjoy the first...

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Aaron's Little Mermaid

_Hey there everybody! I know, it's been a really long time since I updated any kind of story. Sorry! X3 _ _I hope this story in particluar will make up for it, as it features one of my all-time favorite Pokemon. And fyi, I think it is VERY underated...

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A Legendary Encounter

_Hey all!_ _I bet some of you aren't so happy about me not posting anything for a while...well...being a college student can do that to you...:S_ _Anyways, to make it up to you, here's a story I wrote for another author about his character with the...

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