Five Dragons: TLoP: Chapter 4: The Shadow Site of the Capital

Story by Lorddaventry on SoFurry

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Five Dragons: TLoP:

Chapter 4: The Shadow Site of the Capital

  "What do you mean with gone?" Daniel asked curiously as

he turned on the driver's seat.

"She's ..." he broke off as he had

found the back seat empty.

In fact, the female

dragon was gone. "She is

determined around here." he tried to reassure him. Daniel threw the boy

to an encouraging

look, but he still looked frantically up the road. Fear for his companion was

written literally into his face. Roland shook his head in despair. "Where could she have gone? She was

since the first meeting always by my side." he thought to himself.

The boy was confused

and lowered his face down thoughtful. But suddenly he was startled. He

again had this uncomfortable

feeling, as if he would remain

off the air, only this time it was more intense. Frantically,

he breathed in and out and sank exhausted on his knees. His whole body began to tremble. He did not know what hit him. A slight panic nestled

in his thoughts. Daniel looked aghast at the downcast boy. With one leap he

jumped from the carriage

and walked hurriedly approached Roland. He

lowered to the height and put both hands on his shoulders. The boy was

shaken. His arms were

trembling tense and his breathing

was more than irregular. "Roland everything with you all right?" he asked

nervously and jerked

the boy once. Roland

looked at him with wide eyes. Daniel looked into the open

blue pupils. Panic fulfilled them completely."Can not ...

..... barely ....

air." panted the boy trembling. "AAAHH!"

A loud anguished cry

let Daniel and

Tim startle at the same time.

Timmy looked puzzled

at the boy. "What is

happening with him?" Roland pressed his right hand on his left upper arm. His

fingers clutched the muscle and held him with tremendous force. "It ...

HURT .... stabbing

..... AHH!" Another

scream came from the boy. Daniel tightened his grip and held Roland with

narrow arms firmly. "What does all this only to mean?" he thought to himself,

his eyes always fixed on the trembling boy. Daniel

glanced up at Tim

and gave him a questioning look.

This looked back innocently

and shrugged, shaking his head with

his shoulders. Roland's thoughts were a mess. Some tried

to find a logical explanation for it, while another tried

to suppress the reaction. The rest was simply overwhelmed with everything at the moment. Around him veiled everything.

The blurred images

darkened away, until

only a void was around him. Daniel's voice fell into the background. But between the severe

pain, he heard a faint whimper. He listened in the

shadows. First, only a slight whisper, but which grew in intensity. Quiet

words could be heard in the weak

echo. The darkness lifted gradually and

he noticed a blurred image. But to see were neither

Daniel nor Timmy.

In the spongy appearance,

he recognized four indistinct outlines. Big

men in brown coats

stood opposite him. Two of the figures put

on tight chains, which led to his neck.

"Man! This thing is really strong for such a small beast!" was brought

by from one, who put on one of the chains. "You

can say that again!" came from the Second. One of the other

two walked up to him. "That will not be a big problem!" said the now standing before him

in shape. This pulled out by hand. Again, it

sent a wave of pain through his body and the image was increasingly blurred.Against

the pain fending he felt a

strong pull on the neck. It heaved him with powerful surges forward,

opposite the strangers. And then again

this enormous aching in his left arm. He shrugged again cramped together.The picture seemed to evaporate. One of the indistinct

outlines took the word itself. "Don`t make it more

hurt, as we already did!" sounded the

deep voice. "Otherwise, we

get no damn coin for this. And now go on!

Starting in the

box with it!" he went on abusing.The picture began to dissolve,

but very faintly heard Roland say a few words. "We'll wait until the soldiers have cleared

with the prison van, and then it goes to the camp." Then all was silent.

Shortly before ..... "Mhhmm ... Yes,

right there ..... huh?" Harrison winced slightly as he awoke from his

short dream. He exhaled

and tried with closed eyes to

remember to the dreamed scene.

But some voices caught

his attention. Curious, he

held his face between the barrels and looked out

into the alley. A large man in a brown coat stood

at the corner of the alley and

looked searchingly into the

narrow street. He then waved around the corner. Two more were added. These

wore the same clothes as the first one. They

pulled hard on two tight chains and moving

laboriously into the

alley. After a few moments was to realize

what was hanging

on the chains. A small orange red dragon was

dragged in the narrow dead end. The

iron fetters were

attached with thick iron rings on a metal muzzle.

The metal closed completely

around the snout of

the animal, which violently

fight back against the procedure.

The wide leather straps, that were tied around the back of the head and the

horns held the muzzle firmly to his position.

Another broad bondage

strapped to the

animal's chest, and thus fixed

the wings.The little dragon snorted

applied, this was clearly heard through the small slits in the metal device. The

rigid penetrating look of the deep blue eyes was

directed to the kidnappers. The pupils contracted as

dagger tips. Pressed

all legs on the

ground, the animal pushed hard

against the chains. The black

claws left numerous

scratch marks on the paving stones.

Both men were

taken by the force to the front.

"Shit!" was to hear from the first. "Damn!" of the second.A fourth companion came

to the group behind the corner. He stepped beside the struggling

dragon and pulled out a short, straight blade. With

a strong shock he sank his knife into the left front shoulder of the little dragon. Painful closed the animal his eyes and winced. But not a

roar, not once

a whimper was to hear. Only a hectic shallow breathing came through the muzzle.

The blade was pulled out just as quickly as it had passed through the shed. Blood flowed from the fresh wound and stained the

orange red shed of her left

foreleg with the deep

red tone. The dragon could not maintain his defense

and was pulled by

the two chains to the front on the floor. With a

slow pull they dragged the lying dragon in the

alley to the rear. The first of the

four men walked closer to the barrels, behind which are hidden Harrison. "Oh! Shit!"

it drove through the skull

of the boy as

he protectively crawled

under the covers. Hooked, he held his breath as the

menacing stranger approached to his hiding. But he made before

the barrels a step aside and walked up to a larger box. He Upset to the side and opened

the lid. Then he gestured to the others to put

the dragon in this

wooden prison. "This

probably seems to be the leader." thought Harrison, who has already put his curious look back through

the small gap between the barrels.The dragon opened his eyes again and looked at the open box. The animal sat up slightly

shaky on, and pressed

again violently against

the pull of the two chains.

The men were only hard able to hold on their legs. But the kidnappers seemed

now to have the

upper hand."Man! This thing is

really strong for such a small beast!"

was brought by one of them. "You

can say that again!" replied the second. With great difficulty they were moving the dragon in the direction of the box. The fourth step again

next to the orange

red animal. He stopped in front of it and looked briefly into the black slots

between the deep blue of the dragon eyes. "That

will not be a big problem." he said, and pulled at the same time with a fist to strike.

With a massive impact,

the fist of the fourth man bounced on the

forehead of the little dragon. The

animal shook confused his head and tried align his view again. At the same time, the blade of the unknown

dug again into

the open wound on the left

foreleg. The dragon fell exhausted back to the ground. The eyes half closed, his weakening view moved between the unknowns back and

forth. "Don`t make it more hurt, as we already did!"

ordered the leader. "Otherwise,

we get no damn

coin for that!" he bleated on. The big man took a step

to the side and gave the way to the open box free.

Energetically he waved

his arm once towards the opening. "And now go

on! Starting in the

box with it!" he grumbled. The fourth man stepped closer

to the leader. "There is

still a prison transport in front of the inn." he whispered to him. The

big remained thoughtful

his fist to the mouth. "How many guards?" asked the leader determining. "I do not

know." replied the fourth with a

shake of the head. "Maybe

two, or even four. I have seen none.""Good!" Began the great. "We'll wait until the soldiers have

cleared with the prison

van, and then it goes to the

camp." ...... Roland opened frantically his eyes. He looked into the

frightened faces of Daniel and

Tim. "Is everything alright?" hacked Daniel

by. Roland dissolved from his grip without

going to his question and stood

slightly shaky on. Tilted his head thoughtfully

forward, he went the

last pictures and sentences

by in thought. Slightly

reeling he made a

few steps towards the inn, always

holding on his left arm. He glanced at the car,

standing in front of the entrance to

the Iron Maiden. Mentally, he gave a scream. "Prison

van!" echoed through his head.He fell back to his

knees. Daniel was already behind him, supporting him off before he would be upset.

Tim watched silently,

his usually smiling face was wide now occupied

by a serious and concerned

expression. Roland still felt the sharp

pain in his left shoulder.

But there was something else. Something familiar. The boy closed his eyes and tried to concentrate

on that feeling. A

slight heat through him thought and he saw a

flash of a small turquoise

shimmer. Roland followed the short glimmer. An image

formed itself again from emptiness. He saw a narrow

lane which leads out onto a road. Four

figures stood before him. On the road behind the

strangers was only a horse

with a rider to see, this stood out in

the blurred image shown in color. The

animal had a brown coat and the rider was wrapped in a green cloak, a broad hat with the same color crowned with

a red spring fitted his head. Then there was darkness again. Roland

opened bewildered the eyes. "Four figures?

Alley? Rider?" Mentally he reflected what he

saw. He reached up with both

hands to his forehead. "Ahhh,

what does these pictures mean?" he asked desperately to himself. Daniel looked

at the boy distraught when he

again shook his head.Roland slowly lifted his

face. He heard the sound of

hooves. Frantic he moved his gaze to the road. A

brown horse with a rider dressed in green walked

past the small group. The wide

green hat with a red

feather on it confirmed his suspicions. "Alley!" shot through his

mind. He stood up

abruptly and walked slightly

shaky passing at Timmy

up the road, from where the rider had come. At the warehouse

beside the tavern, Roland went around the corner and

looked into the narrow lane that

led behind the inn. "Roland, wait!" came from the anxious Daniel, which was running towards the boy. But he was stopped by

Tim before he could reach him. Timmy's arm pressed

on Daniels chest and

pushed him back against the wall. The great saw

the thinning of scared. Tim looked

at him seriously and held a finger to his mouth.

A hissing "Schhhht." ended his act. Then

Timmy threw a

cautious glance around the corner

of the house. Roland stood in

the alley. In front of him were

four intimidating figures.

Their faces were hidden by brown hoods. Two

of them held a chain in their hands. In silence, his gaze followed the

connected metal rings. There she was!Kyndle lay on the floor behind

the strangers in front of an open wooden box. The

female had closed her eyes and

did not move. A large metallic object veiled her

muzzle and a broad belt held her wings strapped

to her back. Roland

looked in shock at the bleeding wound below the left shoulder. "Kyndle!" the boy cried desperately

into the alley. The four men turned in surprise. "Hah, only the boy." was

heard from the foremost condescending.

Roland ran toward the tethered female,

but was grabbed by one of the men and dragged along

the road. Silently, he pulled him across the floor. The boy reached with

a white bleeding look frantically in the air,

directed his right hand on the dragoness. "NO! Let her go! Stop it!" he cried, always looking at his companion. The stranger pulled him further from the alley out

until he noticed a

strange glow from the boy.

Roland's right hand back shone in a bright

blue shimmer. The man let scared off of him

and looked panicked in the eyes of the

boy. "What the hell is

wrong with him?" he asked, shocked his comrades, who

were also staring at the boy in surprise. Roland stood upright

of the unknown, the eyebrows pulled together

maliciously. His blue pupils darkened to

black circles and the glow back of his hand increased. "LET HER IMMEDIATELY

FREE!" boomed his words through the narrow

alley. His voice was accompanied

by a deep rumbling sound threatening. The four

hijackers were twitching all

together at the

intimidating echo.The air

around the young throbbed and a strong gust of wind flew over the rooftops. The man in

front of him pulled anxious out

his dagger. Roland looked at the weapon and

noticed the bloody blade. "YOU!" echoed his massive voice

again. The man winced

at the words together briefly and then

pulled out to

attack. The boy raised his right

arm against the attacker. A massive shock wave grow

around Roland and pushed the man back with tremendous might, and the other

three were thrown to the ground. The powerful

wave hurled the unknown with

great force against the facade of the warehouse. Motionless, he lay on

the ground. Tim pulled his head protectively behind the

corner of the house back, before the

dust cloud were nearly reached him. Timmy and Daniel

huddled breathing heavily in their cover and

looked at just scared.

"What is happen

there!" asked Daniel startled.

Tim looked at him innocently, as he shook his head. The three remaining men turned hard to and looked

in shock at the indented

point in the wall and to the stranded comrades. The pressure wave had produced a thick cloud of dust in

the alley. A small shadow came out of the fog, sank

exhausted on his knees and then

to the ground. The blue lights on the right

hand back from

dimmed until it finally

went out altogether. The leader of the stranger saw his chance. "Go! Get him and puts him

quiet before he does something like that again!" he told the other two. These

steps, as prompted on the unconscious boy."I

would be in

your place!" cried a new voice through the thick cloud of dust. "Who's there?" roared the leader and

made a big step on the veil. "Show

yourself!" he added determinative.

The shadow of a man made itself felt in the cloud and strode up to the kidnappers. The faint clatter of

armored shoes came in a slow clock through

the alley. The three figures

stood in a

row and pulled slightly

shaky their short

swords. The leader looked tense at the

shadow in the fog and swallowed once empty. Drops

of sweat ran down the strained forehead. A blue coat emerged

from the dust and stood

protectively in front of the unconscious

boy. The green eyes focused

on the kidnappers, he stood upright between Roland

and the unknown, as He did the veil. It was Mardon."There is only

one!" gave the leader of

himself with relief, and sat on

a relaxed face while

he exhaled. "And what will

you do? So all

alone?" he asked with a

sinister smile on his face. He

gestured with his hands to his

two comrades. "We are

superior to you, three

to one." he argued. "So you now go

back to where you

came from!" he added determinative.Mardon withdrew his right foot and was now

standing sideways to the unknown. Ready for battle, he raised his head and looked at the figures, smiling. "Then the fight is fair." he replied soberly."Finish him!" ordered the leader and set his

arm on the fighter. The other two did as they were commanded, and ran on to

Mardon.The first swung his

sword from the top down to hit

the shoulder. The fighter ducked, turned to the side and grabbed his own

weapon. He took the hilt of his

sword and drew it breaking.

The pommel of the weapon hit the attacker painful

in the abdomen, whereupon he writhed cramped. Mardon

had his sword disappear

in the sheath and brought in an elegant turn to hit from. His armored

glove met with great

force on the face of the unknown.The blood spurted from the broken nose and the

man fell backwards onto the floor,

where he lay motionless. The second

attacker joined with

the tip of his weapon at Mardon to skewer

him, but his aim dodged

skillfully. Mardon made by

a precision step aside on the blade joined

to him and struck the man sent in his

arms, followed by the handle on

the weapon of the unknown. With a strong step forward he grabbed the attacker

by the throat and hoisted him to the ground. He oppressed the man in

the mud and sank

the blade into his chest. Slowly the steel slid

through the body until it impinged on the floor. The

man's head stretched cramped

up while he struggled weakly for air. His eyes

widened in panic. A short time later slackened his movements and his

pupils grew dim. Mardon paused briefly

in his kneeling position with eyes closed and breathed out heavily. Then

lifted his head and threw at the remnant a demanding

look, accompanied by a faint smile.The leader looked scared in the end through rem green eyes and had his

sword going on. The clatter of the dropped weapon

echoed through the alley. Nervously, he took a

few steps back, his panicked gaze

always directed at Mardon. The fighter

stood up and took a step to the last hijacker. He

stopped and pulled his right foot

again to the rear. Again, standing sideways, he threw the last opponent to

a combat-ready look.

Panic showed in the eyes of the leader. He avoided the rigid looks of Mardon

and ran hastily past

him on the street. Timmy and Daniel stood

behind the corner and looked at the fleeing

shortly afterwards. Tim ventured another

glance into the narrow alley.

The danger seemed averted and both made

their way to the boy. Mardon noticed the

two. He turned to them and pointed with one hand on Roland. "Quick! Bring

him to the inn." he called on the two and then turned to the bound dragon.

A faint breathing could be heard through the metal muzzle. The orange red animal hesitant opened his

eyes and looked into a strange

face. Mardon looked tense in the sapphire colored pupils. He reached to the back

of the head of the female and

pulled out his knife. The dragoness woke up

briefly and gave him an anxious

look. Her breathing was also

hectic as she tried to back away. "Stay calm, it`s

alright." whispered the man.She

watched the short dagger, as it was slowly moved past her face. A

slight jolt was felt and the metal construction, which included her muzzle fell

to the ground. Again a slight

draw and her

wings were also free. Surprised avoided her gaze

from the underlying iron to the

stranger. This put

away his knife and looked into

her deep blue eyes again. "It's all right. Come on." he said to her and stood up. Mardon went out

of the alley, out on the street, where he

stopped and looked back at the

female dragon. This was still standing before the open wooden box and looked at her liberator questioningly

with obliquely held head. The man made a

beckoning gesture with his hand to himself and then walked around the corner. Kyndle closed her eyes and snorted

once when she saw the man disappear behind

the corner. Curious, she took a

few cautious steps. Her left

foreleg could not load properly, so she limped

slowly out to the

street and looked attentively

from right to left. On the left side she saw the man again. He stood before the entrance of a building. Above, a large sign was

placed. He looked at her briefly and then disappeared into the wide door. She followed him with hesitant steps.

The painful shoulder

sent at any load more

waves of the unpleasant feeling through her body. Cautiously she stuck her head in the tavern.

She sniffed a few times in the air and made the first steps into the room. Her liberator stood next

to a large fireplace in which blazed a

crackling flame. Daniel

was sitting on a chair and held his head thoughtful tilted forward, supported by his hands. Timmy had

sat down at the bar and closed

his fingers around a filled glass, another man stood behind the counter.Kyndle saw Roland.

The boy lay on a table near the warming fire. A

woman in a green dress holding

out a cloth on the forehead and

looked slightly scared at the dragoness

as she backed away from him. Without hesitation Kyndle jumped forward on the table. She

licked him once on the cheek, rubbed her head

against his and snuggled down next to him. Protective

she put one of her dark wings over his

body and placed her head on

his chest. She heard facilitated his heartbeat and purred softly.Tamara took a relieved

breath and walked confidently

toward the boy. Kyndle raised her head hastily

and turned her gaze to the unknown woman.

With big ears, she moved her pupils together to

slits. The mouth opened slightly,

enough to see the many sharp teeth. In

addition, was heard a low growl from the dragoness.

The lady was startled at the menacing look

of the female and let fall the damp cloth from

her hand. Mardon pulled Tamara

quickly back a bit. Daniel, as well as Tim gave

their attention also jumpy to the

dragoness. Kyndle moved her gaze more steadily

between the people back and forth. No one was allowed to approach her companion. As again

was enough distance between them,

the growl of dragoness

ceased and she

lowered her head again on Roland's chest, where she purred softly. ...... The little Harrison was left

alone in his hiding behind the

barrels. With open mouth he stood still and could not believe what had just happened. He pinched himself

in the arm. "Ouch!" he winced. His eyes widened

at the realization that what he

had seen not was a dream. "No

one is going to believe me that!" he thought and walked with cautious

steps past the remnants of the fight. ..... "An orange red dragon, you say?" asked a dismal shape. He was dressed in

a red robe and holding a golden staff in his hand. The tip had the form of

a fire-breathing dragon head. "So

it is." came the reply from the unknown person.

The man in the red robe rose from his stone throne

and made some small steps on the messenger to.

Two violet flames shone forth from

the empty eye sockets of the silver mask.

"And he belongs to the boy?" The stranger turned his head slightly to the side and looked a little nervous in the threatening glare.

"It seems so." he answered

with slow words, the second question. "What an unexpected twist of fate." boomed the deep voice from the mask. He turned to the messenger to his back and walked

closer to his throne. "This will increase the effect even more." he muttered under his breath. "My plan has just changed

now." he added coldly.

The red figure turned around and pointed his bony

hand on the unknown. "Find this dragon." he ordered, as the

lights grew brighter in his eyes. "And bring

him to me." "What about the boy?" said the stranger quite decisive. The person

behind the silver mask walked back to the throne

and sat down. He held the withered hands

together in front of his face. "Do not worry about the boy." he

began. "You take care

only of the

dragon." The messenger held his arm bent forward and bowed

to the seated person. "The

Guild is pleased to be allowed to continue assist you, but that, as usual, not in vain."

he said encouragingly, and rose again. "This is

not a problem." replied the silver mask. He hit with the

golden rod twice on the floor.In the dark corner a

rattling noise was noticeable. Like a faint creak.

Hooked saw the

messenger in the shade. Two

yellow dots appeared in the void and the

strange crackling grew louder.A pale skeleton

stepped slightly wobbly

out of the dark. In

the empty eye

sockets glowed a menacing yellow shimmer.

The skeleton walked upright to connect with the stranger, on the right hand

it balanced a

silver plate while holding the left mainly

behind the back. For

each placement of the bare foot bones they cracked noisily

on the stone floor. On the silver plate was

a leather bag. The stranger looked skeptical at the summoned butler and took the bag hesitantly from the offered plate. The

skeleton made with the skull a forward-leaning gesture and step

cracking back in the shadows from which it had come. "I expect your successful return." started the person

in the red robe. "A

failure of the guild will not be tolerated! Ensures that this remains the case." he added, looking determining with the pungent purple

sheen to the messenger seriously. The stranger bowed again. "Your

trust is in capable

hands Lord Kargesh." he said

before he got up and walked to the door.As he

stepped into the bright glow of the setting sun, his necklace glared in the

golden rays. An upside-down

triangle with three circles on it, in the middle shone

an open eye. Kargesh sat on

his throne, the violet flame

of his eyes blazed ominously behind the silver

mask. "What an unexpected twist." he said, followed by a diabolical laugh, which echoed

from the high dome of the roof. ..... In the Iron Maiden, there was still

a tense atmosphere. An awkward silence filled the air. Mardon was standing in front of the fireplace and looked thoughtfully into the flames. Timmy sat at the bar

and looked at the man behind it,

with his head held

at an angle. "You do

not talk much? Huh?" he

asked him softly. Martin looked at him seriously

and nodded once silent. Tamara sat down to

Daniel at the table, still propped his head. She

looked puzzled at the boy and the female dragon,

which guarding him. Daniel lifted his head and broke the silence. "Who were these

men?" he asked into the room. Mardon turned

from the fire and walked towards him. "Probably black market bandits." he began. "Would not be the first time, that they lay

hands on hatchlings." he continued, as his gaze moved to the

growing dragoness. "Who is the boy actually?" asked Mardon and looked at seriously

Daniel. This returned the stare and took another

breath. "He is the son of Lady

Catherine's sister." He turned his eyes to

the boy. "His name is

Roland." he continued. Mardon raised eyebrows

in surprise. "Then you're from

Ironwing?" he asked after determining. Daniel nodded

once. "So it is."

he replied. "Interesting." thought the

fighter and looked at the boy again. After

a short commemorative time

he turned back to the man. "And now,

explain me what I saw in this ..." he

broke off and looked puzzled

at the front door. A small person entered

surprising the inn. "Hey! You'll never guess what ... Whoo!" The voice trailed

off as the boy saw the orange red dragon on the table. The animal lay protectively next

to a boy, and made a menacing

look on him, followed by a

silent snarl. The

black slots of the sapphire-colored

dragon eyes met the

boy with full effect. With open

mouth he was

intimidated in front of the female."Harrison! Come here!"

Tamara said demanding and beckoned the boy to

herself. Harrison shook his head

and walked with the greatest possible

distance on the dragoness over to the woman, his eyes anxiously on the

female. "Where were you?" asked the woman. "I

had you applied to clean up the warehouse." "I was busy with that." Harrison began to explain. "When I ..." "He was hiding behind the barrels in the alley and observed

the fight before."

interrupted Mardon. The boy saw the fighter in

surprise. "He saw me there, even though he was busy with the unknowns?" he thought to

himself. "What were you doing there at all?"

asked Tamara curious in between. The boy winced

at the sharp question.

All persons now looked

at the boy. Harrison looked slightly nervous in the many faces. He

tilted his head forward and let out indignantly. "Ok."

he began. "I was in the alley before that happened. Behind the

barrels I have done a nap, because I had

enough of the warehouse work." Tamara rolled on its remark

with the eyes. He'll get a short breath. "And when I woke up I heard voices. A man came into the alley and ............ "Harrison began to describe his observation. All listened attentively to the short story. ...... In Ironwing, a

carriage drove up. Koris descended from the passenger

seat and opened the side door of the car. He held the lady, who got out

a helping hand against. "Be greeted Lady Catherine." Said a servant, who strode out of the door of the house, and bowed saluting. "Hello Sasha."

replied the lady with a warm smile.

"Is Daniel already back?" she asked curiously. Sasha once shook his

head. "No, my lady. The

group has not yet returned."

he replied. "Good." she began as she walked through the

entrance. "Bring Gustav

a message. I want to see him immediately." she added, and went on her

way up the stairs. "Without delay." Sasha replied

with a bent-over gesture

and closed the gate behind him. ..... Roland opened his eyes slowly. "Kyndle?" he exclaimed as he stood up frantically. But no one was there. The

boy looked nervously around

the room. He sat on

a stone pedestal in the middle of

a large hall. The artfully worked ornaments of the platform resembled to dragons, both also

the imposing mosaic

pattern on the floor in front of

it. A cone of light fell through a round opening of the ceiling on

the image. Magnificent tapestries hung from

the walls. With orange red paint, a familiar symbol on the white fabric was incorporated.Numerous wooden benches were arranged in a semicircle around the base. Five silver

brazier were symmetrically

distributed around the stone podium and gave the

room a little extra light and warmth. Roland ran a

strange shiver back up as he looked around in

the hall. "This is the room

in which I found the

dragon egg!" he thought to himself

astonished. He climbed down from the ornate base

and was now standing on the

mosaic dragon on the ground. He looked back

at the podium. "Just there was it." he muttered

to himself. But now, it was different since

the last time he was here. No battle scars were

present and also the cold an otherwise gloomy

cave was not felt. This place was inhabited without a doubt. But by

whom, or what?"You

still have much to learn, companion!" echoed a deep voice across the room. Roland jumped startled

and turned to the source of the echo. A person in a splendid

armor stood suddenly

behind the pedestal. An orange red cloak

fell over his shoulders

down, pulled the hood over her head. At the side of the fabric, the boy recognized the

emblem again. The

silver plates of the cuirass

ornamented with the image of a dragon. Greaves inserted

themselves into the armor. The small plates coated

over each other like dragon scales. Big dark

leather boots gave the Imposing appearance

maintenance. The sword of the stranger caught the boy's attention.

In the hilt, an

orange red gemstone was embedded.

The handle kept this firm like three dragon claws.

In the transition to the blade, a

dragon's head with open mouth could be seen. In the eyes were also red-orange

gems to be found. Two wings spread out and formed the hand guard. The

black scabbard was decorated with numerous runes. "Why am I here?" asked Roland the shape and looked in the faceless shadow of the hood.

The stranger lifted his head. "Because I want it that way."

he gave as an answer as he strode around the

base onward the boy. The figure

raised his right hand and held it

in an open attitude to the boy. "Was an

exhilarating feeling? Not?" he asked. Roland looked at

him slightly confused. "What a feeling?" replied the boy ignorant. The man pulled the leather glove

from his fingers and turned the back of the hand on the boy. Roland widened

his eyes with astonishment when

he saw the burnt mark on his hand. "The

same emblem as I have!" he

thought. The shown symbol began to glow in a bright blue glow. Roland's

sign shone too. The

boy felt a strong pulsing inside him, as

if he had included a powerful

force in himself. Roland looked nervously back

to his hand and threw a questioning look again to the unknown. "Who

are you?" "That's not important

at the moment, companion." gave the armored by

himself."Did Kyleth sent you?"

asked the boy. "No."

said the stranger. "I am here at my own request." he added, lowering his gaze slightly. Roland took a deep breath and pushed the air with a straight dash off again. The pulsation, which rumbled

in his interior rose. The air around him seemed

downright to vibrate. "What is that?" the boy asked, slightly confused. "You opened your access

to the magic of this world.

Your fear for your

companion has unconsciously

causes this." said the figure. The stranger turned his hand on the

boy. "But be warned."

he spoke, and the

lights dimmed with

the pulsation from. "Magic is not like

a weapon which you can use so readily."

he continued. "It is subject

to rules, has its limits." "What limits?" said Roland in between. "Each

spell saps the willpower

of the caster." began the stranger. "Some

makes you weak, others prefer

the life force from the body."

The figure turned his gaze to the boy. "And

if you expects to yourself too much,

you lose the consciousness. As you have already

experienced yourself."Roland breathed heavily,

than came up the

memory of what happened in the

alley. "But I did not want

that yet." he admitted, slightly

mournfully by himself.

"These men had caught Kyndle! I just reacted."

he explained. "Whether intended

or not. The risk remains the

same." added to the stranger."And how do I know the limit?" the boy asked curiously. "You'll have to find out yourself." the man replied dryly. "Nevertheless,

caution is advised. If you cast a spell of

your powers far superior." The shape briefed

the blank look on Roland and held out his

arm. "It can cost your

life."The light

that shone down from the ceiling began to flicker and a cold blast

of air pulled through the

chamber. Roland winced. The stranger turned his gaze to the ceiling. "It is time."

he said, turning back to the boy.

"We will meet again." he added. The chamber trembled and the air shock

increased. Roland went up to the stranger with big steps. He held the

outstretched hand to the man.

"Wait, I have ...." He broke off when he saw the figure dissolved

into a flame. The boy looked

frightened in the

fire. The light around him

was weaker. He

felt a jolt as he

was falling backwards. And then there was silence. ..... Harrison

had finished his story and looked tense now

in a serious round.

"So, and then I came in here."Mardon grabbed his

chin thoughtfully. "But

that still does not explain how the boy has managed to

produce such a shock wave." he

began. His gaze wandered again

to Daniel. "Where

does this boy come from? Who are

his parents?" hacked the fighter determining after. Daniel looked at him somewhat

at a loss and took a hesitant breath as he lowered

his gaze back on the table. "His

mother is. Uhm. Was Lady Claire from the house of Daventry. She had resided

in Kams in Ordenary. "He took a short break in the air. "About his

father, I can`t say anything. I had never met him."

Tamara walked closer

to the two. "But there has to be some ....."

She stopped when she heard some sounds from the dragoness.Everyone in the room gave the female their attention. Roland came to himself. With eyes closed, he waved his head slightly back and forth. He felt that there was something on his chest. It radiated

a warmth and gentle vibrations were felt. Without

opening his eyes, he knew that this acted to

Kyndle. This he

felt deep in his consciousness.The dragoness lifted

her head in surprise and looked her companion in the face, when she noticed his movement. She cooed

softly and nudged with her snout gently

on his nose. Roland

slowly opened his eyes. His slightly blurred

pupils found themselves in deep blue dragon

eyes. In them, a

gentle turquoise shimmer glared against him. Without a word to lose he closed his

arms around the female and held her close. Kyndle

licked his cheek and

rubbed her head against his

while she purred happily.Roland pressed some

tears of joy from his closed eyes.

He could hear her

heartbeat and could feel the warmth

of her body. Kyndle snorted softly and

snuggled closer to her companion. From her also closed eyelids the moist substance of her happyness found the way out. She

lowered her head again on Roland's chest, purring quietly on, while she

listened to his heart.They were together again. A moment in which the time seemed to stand still. Roland

felt again clearly

the deep connection to her.Tamara's views began

to get wet, as she both looked so. She smiled and held

on to Mardons hand firmly while her head lay

on his shoulder. Daniel threw his thoughtful expression from his face and put on

a happy grin. Tim

looked abandoned by his stool to the boy

and silently nodded to him once, while he raised

his glass. Kyndle slowly dissolved from the tight embrace and

rose from Roland, but remained at

his side. The boy sat up and looked somewhat cumbersome in many faces. He sat on the edge of

the table and lifted slightly

surprised his eyebrows. "What

happened?" he asked the others."You don`t remind?" said Daniel

easily confused. Roland

closed his eyes. In his mind he walked back some time.

"There was an alley." he

began hesitantly. "Four men.

They had caught Kyndle." His breathing became more hectic and drove

his pulse into the air. Kyndle stood behind him

and snorted softly. She began to purr, stuck

her head under his arm and

placed it on his thigh. Roland felt her warm

breath on his back and took

favorably knowledge by her touch.

He held out a hand

to her forehead and stroked her

gently on the head."One attacked me and

then there was a loud bang."

added the boy. "It was not a

bang. That was magic!"

said Mardon between. "And now tell me

how a boy like you was able to use that." The green eyes were fixed on the boy. Roland looked

back and saw at the man seriously. "Because I am a companion." he said determining. "WHAT!?" thought Roland to. "Why did I just said that!?"

he complained to his

mind. Mardon widened with

astonishment his eyes. At the moment, speechless, he looked at the boy for a long time. Tamara also did not know what

to say now. Daniel quickly rose from his chair and walked between Mardon

and Roland. "Please, keep this information secret."

he said determining. Mardon looked at the man questioningly. "Why should I?" said the fighter and looked at him tense. Daniel

looked him seriously in the eyes. "Because the companion has so decided."

he explained. The fighter avoided the gaze of the man and strode

toward Roland. Mardon looked at the boy for a long time in silence. Finally, he knelt in front of him and lowered his forehead. "Well,

if this is the decision of the companion. So I'll add

myself to." he spoke. ****** "Oh,

don`t tell us such a nonsense!" said a slightly annoyed voice into the

narrative. "Ten years ago, that's certainly not have been so! That you've just all up!"

added the stranger vigorously

and pointed a forefinger on the narrator. This

sat calmly in his

chair and looked at the man

calmly, he held

his hands together on the

tabletop. On the right hand

back a sign was

burned. Behind the narrator was a large

orange red dragoness on the floor and looked

around the people, which sat

at the table. The animal was in

about the size of a small horse. Dark

orange red scales retired to the elegant body

of the female dragon. A darker

discoloration could be detected in the transition to the gray chest scales. Black

claws adorned the massive paws and strong hind

legs pointed to a

skillful hunter. Two long wings with dark gray membranes

were folded placed

on her back. The tail end was provided with a

bony tip which can

be divided as a pair of scissors.

Two black horns perched

like a crown on the head of the beautiful dragoness, each with a smaller underneath.

The ears were like little wings, which have grown to the magnificent head.

Deep blue eyes stood

out from the orange red color. The dragoness turned

her gaze to the hecklers. The pupils contracted to

small slits, as she lifted her mouth slightly and

showed her numerous teeth.

With big ears she accompanied a low growl to her gesture. The troublemakers

saw strained to

the female and let open his mouth. "Kyndle is there probably in

a different opinion." said the narrator

and smiled at the man with inclined head held.

This straightened up and raised both hands, his face turned slightly to the side. "Ok, ok. As you

wish." he began slightly indignant.

With one hand he struck down once on the table and

with the other he pointed to the

people who also sat

at the table. "You guys can leave persuade you

further. I am finished with this

fairy tale here."

he added, and walked vigorously through

the door outside. "What

a crock! Companion and such a sh.....

" he muttered annoyed before he was

gone.A woman dressed

in green walked into the inn, shortly after the heckler had left it. She looked at her lap at the table and walked

up to the teller. "By The Fives. Roland!

How many times I had already told you to keep your Dragon

outside?" she grumbled slightly.

Roland smiled at the

woman with inclined head held. "Yet she is

not too big, to fit through the door." he replied amused and scratched the dragoness

lying behind him under

the chin. Kyndle looked at the woman and also

drew attention to the remark made by

Roland, a nodding head motion, followed by a confirmatory "Churr". The lady was smiling

shaking her head and past them in the direction of the bar. "Just continue

your stories." she added, waving with

one hand. Roland turned his

gaze back around the table, which

was waiting eagerly that he told more.

"So, where was I? Oh yes." He put his hands back on the plate and took a breath.

"We were able to convince Mardon

and Tamara to keep the secret.

Then we parted our ways again. Mardon had to

hand over two prisoners, while we were on our way

back to Ironwing. On ....... "****** On the

estate, a rider is made ready to

leave. His horse was standing

ready in front of

the stairs of the entrance. A

woman came out of the house and

walked beside the animal while the rider sat on the saddle. She held the man

firmly by the hand and looked at him

from below with moist eyes. "Thank you for

doing that for me Gustav." she began. The man nodded to the lady again.

"You need not thank me mistress.

I gave your sister a promise." he looked the woman straight in the eyes. "And I will hold it." With this sentence he pulled the reins and gave the animal

to feel the spores. Catherine left the hand

of Gustav as the

animal rid of straightened. The horse lifted both front

legs in the air and did a little leap forward. With a fast gallop, the rider disappeared behind the bend of the road. Catherine stood in front of the stairs and looked slightly sad on the road. With her head lowered thoughtfully, she

entered the house. ..... "Greetings to you Mardon."

came from a large corpulent figure, which

passed through the open iron gates of the dungeon

entrance and walked with wide legged steps on the prison van. He towered over the fighter with a whole

head height. The big man was wearing a wide skirt,

which was decorated by numerous blood stains

and splashes. Coupled with the two black gloves, his clothes gave him more the appearance of a butcher than a jailer. "Still all complete?

Korban?" said the fighter against the greeting of the jailer and held out smiling an open hand. "Of

course, there are all there!" Korban

said with his loud voice and clutched Mardons

hand. He pulled him to himself

and patted him brother like on the back. Mardon did

the same. "Just as you

even know, there

are only two ways out of my

little kingdom." Korban

grinned widely at him and held up two fingers

extended. "As a free man, pardoned

by the King." He jerked a thumb over his shoulder. "Or as crate behind

there." he added amused and pointed to some

wooden coffins, which were lying on trolleys by

the entrance. Both looked at each

other with a smile, shaking the head until they found themselves in a loud laughter.Korban took a deep breath and hit Mardon with his

fist in the upper arm. "Nice

to see you again big brother."

The fighter kept a

hand on his shoulder, was based on the strong welcome of his brother back

up and smiled at him with a slightly warped face.

With his head he

pointed to the transporter.

Korban curious step

closer to the car and looked through the bars. "Did you bring me some

new toys?" said the jailer joyfully. "You could say

that." said Mardon while he looked at the two prisoners. "They belong to the hunter order." he began. "The

king wants to know what they

search here in Parem."Korban opened the rear door

of the car and pulled the unconscious

men out of the cell. "Watch out. One of them is a magician." Mardon began to explain. "And I do not know what he can

do without his staff."

Korban put both bodies

over his shoulder and walked with heavy steps back to

the dungeon entrance. "HA!

Magic they can forget

in my kingdom. The walls are in fact reinforced with arkansulfate." he said grinning. "No problem Mardon." he said as he paused

and turned around, smiling. "I`ll tickle the info out

of them." he spoke in amusement and turned

back to the entrance. With his

free hand he waved to him yet. "You hear

from me." still came by

before he disappeared in the shadow

of the gate. A loud metallic crack

was heard and the large iron gates were

locked. ...... A few

hours had gone, as the small

group reached the estate. The sun had already set and the cold of night

crept across the landscape. Timmy sat on the passenger

seat. Crossed with both arms,

he was shaking slightly in the cold breeze

that flew across the street. "If only I had merely taken a cape." he

complained to himself. Daniel

turned his slightly annoyed look on the

passenger. "If we had not

dawdled earlier than

you absolutely had to eat something, we were

already at home." he bleated at him.Roland sat with

Kyndle on the back seat and held his companion close

embrace. He leaned his head against her, listening to her relaxed

breathing. The cool night air did not seem to

disturb him, because the warmth

of his dragoness protected him

successfully before. A feeling of security went

through his body. Kyndle locked him in one of

her wings and purred softly in

close contact. The vehicle pulled into the driveway of the

property. The gate was closed

and two uniformed men came to meet the

group with torches in hand. "Stop!"

said the first

guard. "Who ...?

Oh! Daniel."

he added in astonishment as

he recognized the driver's face in the torchlight. "Your return is already

eagerly anticipating." said the second

guard and walked to

the gate. A heavy crack was

heard and the iron gate halves opened with

a faint squeak.The car began to move. "May

I ask what has kept

you?" asked the first guard,

which whirring next

to the vehicle. His companion,

meanwhile, closed the door wide again. The noisy snapping of the

lock confirmed, that it was closed again."I'll explain everything after I have spoken to Lady

Catherine." Daniel said to the uniformed man. This

quietly nodded once

and then walked

to his post at the gate back to his comrade. The car stopped in front of the short flight of stairs at the entrance. Timmy sat

up, still trembling slightly,

and was about to climb down from the wagon. "Wait!" Daniel said and grabbed his arm, which

he withdrew in the front bench. He

shook his reins and

snatched the bundle of letters which he had received

from Barnabas. "You now bring the car back

to the shed and the

two horses in the stable."

With a straight face he looked at the dunes

and then hopped down from the coach. Timmy threw

a slightly mournful eyes towards heaven, as if someone up there just laugh at

him. Indignant, he exhaled and let his

head fall forward. Roland noticed that

they had arrived. Slightly hesitant,

he broke away from the embrace and stood up. Kyndle

looked at him with half-closed eyes and gave a slight

"Chirp" of herself. The boy was lost shortly

smiling in the

turquoise light touch

of her pupils. Slowly he climbed from the car and

took the first steps on the lower levels

to. The female jumped

off of the back seat and settled elegantly glide

with the wings on

his side.Daniel had already arrived at the door, but when

he wanted to open it, someone came him before. A thinner tall

man stuck his head between the

gap of the door outside. He wore a black jacket with

a white shirt underneath. Dark

slippery shoes were among the also black pants. The white

gloves sat down color

on the clothes. The

light gray hair could not hiding his age, since

the density of hair growth

already retired. The tired eyes regarded the big guy at the door

and the boy with his female dragon at the foot of the stairs accurately. He wrinkled his nose and

looked at Daniel

determinative. "You are late." he spoke

calmly and pulled

the door open. With a bent-over

posture and an

arm in the room pointing he invited the

group to enter. "Lady

Catherine is in

office." he added as Daniel walked past

him. With the bundle in his hand, he went

silent on the way

to that region. Roland also entered

the hall, followed closely by

Kyndle. Sasha closed

the door behind them and turned upright

to the two. "I

would recommend a

visit to the bathroom before

going to bed." he said,

pointing with one of his white

gloves on the dirty

front leg of the dragoness. He looked at the boy soberly.

"You look as if you had the need to." he

added. Roland glanced down at himself.

The battle scars from

the alley were still clearly

visible. Also some blood from Kyndles wound had

found the way to his clothes. He looked at his companion and smiled at her. "Well?

Fancy a bath?"

he asked with a playful wording.

The female cooing once, closed her eyes

and made a nodding head motion, followed

by a confirmatory "Churr"."If the gentleman and dragon

would please follow me." said Sasha and marched straight ahead.

He held his hands mainly on the back,

while he led both high the stairs. Silently

he walked past the

aisle with the numerous paintings

on Roland's room. By the time they arrived at the end of the corridor. A straight staircase led down to a door.Sasha stood before it

and opened it with his left hand. He entered the bright room with the

other two. Roland looked around slightly tense.

Kyndle poked her head

up and sniffed excitedly. The humidity was

high and glazed oil lamps donated the room

a warm glow. Sasha opened one of the cabinets and pulled out some folded

towels, which he

laid on the table next to the

sink. He turned to the boy.

"I'll retire. A good night's sleep." he admitted with a bent-over

gesture and strode from the room. He closed the door behind him. Roland looked around the room. He stood in

the middle of the wide space. Big tiles

on the floor were a blue red tiled pattern. The walls had a gray color, which

was out getting brighter

to the white ceiling. A soothing warmth filled the air that came through the floor. The large marble

basin in the rear area was

filled with water,

which leaked steaming

from a wide opening on the wall. At the other end of it flowed down

again before it threatened to

spill over the edge. Roland step closer to

the big tub and

kept checking a

hand in the water. The liquid exuded a

comfortable temperature. "Just right." thought the boy smiling

and looked to

his companion.Kyndle gave him a playful

look. Lightly tilted her head down, she looked directly at him. The slight

twinkle in her eyes shone brightly in it. Her

tail waving slowly

back and forth. Teasingly she stuck out the tip of her tongue and purred softly as she

walked a few small steps toward Roland. The boy looked at the female smiling, until

he noticed her attitude. He held up both hands and

took a big step

toward her. "Ohh no! OHH NO...! "Too late. The female made a great leap forward towards

her companion. Kyndle landed on his chest and

chatted with her front

legs on his shoulders firmly, also closed the

wings around him. Roland could not oppose

much to this force and fall, with the female on him backwards into the

large pool. A noisy splashing

echoed through the room and a wet shaft waterlogged the soil. Roland

sat in the tub, his

slightly angry gaze

stubbornly on the

dragoness. Kyndle poked her head out of the water and cooed happily. With eyes half

closed, she looked at her companion and gave him

a warm look. A cheerful "Chirp" she added. The turquoise touch

of her eyes reflected

in Roland's pupils.

She came closer to him and licked her tongue

once across his cheek. His serious face cleared

suddenly and a

broad smile escaped his mouth. Roland got out of the pool. Kyndle threw

him out with a

slanted head held

and a slightly puzzled look, accompanied by a rather

plaintive "Meep". Roland turned around

quickly to face her. He made a rising and

falling hand gesture. "Calm

down." he said softly. He walked closer to the

low table next to the tub and pulled his wet shirt

off, followed by the dropping

pants. He grabbed a washcloth from

the table and

returned to his dragoness. Back in the tub, he was

greeted by Kyndle with a cheerful "Chirp". Roland knelt in the

water beside the female and dipped the cloth

once under. He

pushed him off briefly and grabbed with a hand gently to her left foreleg.

He started rubbing the now somewhat softened residual

blood from her front leg. The bleeding had stopped just a few hours ago, but

that did not change the fact that the wound was still sensitive.

Roland held her foreleg

and freed it from

the overlapping of the traces of the injury. Kyndle

felt the hands of

her companion and gazed with moist eyes in

his face. He kept his head down and focused on her treatment. She

winced as he

rubbed the cloth over

the healing wound. Roland felt it a slight tingling in his

left shoulder and glanced up at her. She

closed her eyes halfway and began

to purr softly. He smiled and looked

deep into her blue staining. The turquoise is shining brightly

at him. Roland lost

himself in the strong look.

He let the cloth

fall into the water and ran his hand over her shoulder slowly up the neck.

Kyndle tilted her head slightly as she felt emphasize his hand gently on her scales. She

purred softly further and came closer to her

companion. The dragoness closed her eyes, moved her head slowly to his and held him while

inclined to since. Roland could not do anything else, as

reciprocate her gesture. In the

next moment he felt her lips on his. The velvet

shed lay on his

mouth and he could feel the intense

vibrations of her purring in his head. Just

an incredible feeling. He held both hands to her head

and leaned slightly

stronger into the close contact. After a moment he broke the loving kiss

and looked slightly confused at the female

before him. Kyndle closed her eyes again

and snuggled her

head on Roland's chest. Purring softly she lay silently

one of her wings around him. The boy took his

dragoness in the

arm. The last

moment forgotten shortly, he was just happy that

she was back with him. Together they listened to the silence of the

moment. The gentle surge of warm

water accompanied the gentle

purr of the female. Roland closed his eyes

relaxed and enjoyed

silence her tight society. ...... In the

study, Catherine sat on the big chair

and let concentrates

the letter, which was delivered to her

by Daniel. "He?! A

Companion?" was astonished

by Catherine. She lowered the message of Barnabas

from sight and looked

confused at Daniel.

He nodded wordlessly.

"And Kyndle is to be a descendant of the Five?" she added. "I

know it sounds unbelievable,

but after what I

saw today, I am fully convinced."

replied Daniel. "Who else has knowledge of that?" hacked the

woman after determining. "Except for the mentioned persons of Barnabas."

He collected his thoughts shortly. "Tamara, the

landlady of the Iron Maiden,

Mardon a fighter in

the service of the King and Timmy."

He looked at his

mistress confident and raised a hand. "Do

not worry, my Lady. All had agreed

to keep the

secret, until the other companions rises."Catherine looked thoughtfully

at the paper in her hand. "Then

we'll have to trust on the advice of Barnabas and Roland`s decision." ...... Roland was freshly

dried in his bed.

Kyndle was also

under the covers and snuggled up close to her

companion. Laid her head on his chest she purred softly in

her sleep. Roland was awake and had his

arm around her. He glanced down at her

smiling as she

slightly winced at their dreams. In his mind he repeated the strange kiss

from earlier. Thoughtfully, he

looked up at the ceiling of the

room. "What did it only

to mean?" He

asked himself. "Was it simply

a thank you from her? Or, or was there

more? "His mind could be difficult to deal with mixed feelings at

the moment. His sense provided

him with no clear answer. Torn slowly came over

him the fatigue. His eyelids were

heavy and his mind's voice trailed off. Roland asleep. ...... The sun rose quickly over the horizon and donated their light shine over the

almost cloudless sky.

The warm rays forced

their way through the wide window

and tickled Roland

gently from his sleep. Slowly he opened his eyes. But something was missing. The warmth of another

body that had laid him to rest last

night was gone. Frantically,

he straightened up and looked around. Kyndle was

gone. An unpleasant shiver ran

down the boy's spine. Tense

he looked around the

room. He felt a slight breeze in the room.The glass door to the terrace was open. He

hastily got up from the bed

and slipped into fresh pants. Then he walked quickly to the outside. He looked at the magnificent garden of the property and examined this specifically for something orange red

from. But nothing

was to be discovered. No movement was held in

the beautiful Botany. A slight

panic came up in

him and he began to breathe heavier.But since. A

little girl came running out from behind a hedge.

The woven hair in

a braid could infer that it had to involve

at Rebecca. She

ran with quick steps across the grass and held

one blue ball in her hands. After a few moments came a little out

jumped behind the green leaves wall. Orange-red

scales shimmered in

the sunlight as the essence of

the shadows came. Roland breathed out calmly and let himself

fall with the

arms on the railing. He watched

the dragoness as she ran to the girl.

Roland sat up again and looked suspiciously

at the scene. Before the dragoness reached

the child she made a great leap into the air and carried herself with

a few wing beats before

Rebecca. She landed a few steps in front of the girl and took an aggressive stance. The child stopped abruptly and

fell on her knees."Kyndle!" he exclaimed frightened

and ran back into

the room. Shortly donned a shirt he was quickly on

the way out. He

jumped down the long stairs and sprinted breathing heavily through the front door. Another jump over the few steps in front of the property and he was in the driveway. After

another short sprint he reached

the lawn next to the garden,

but he found only Rebecca ago. The girl looked at him slightly confused and

kept doing her head tilted to the side. "What has chased you to?" she asked with a wide grin. "Me?" replied Roland, breathing heavily. "Probably you!" he added, pointing a finger at her. Rebecca saw

in quite taken aback with her two colored

eyes. The right green and the left turquoise. Her eyes widened

shortly thereafter. "Oh!"

she admitted knowing of herself. "You mean your dragon. No panic."

she reassured him and smiled. "We only played catch." she added amusement.

"And she's really good at it." "Aha." replied Roland left. He saw Rebecca with a

raised eyebrow. "Why is she out here with you?" he asked curiously. She held

out a blue ball. "This landed on

the terrace of your room."

she began. "I first knocked on your

door a few times. But you did

not respond." Roland glanced to the side and rolled his eyes slightly. Rebecca grinned at him. "Fortunately for me, your room was not locked. That's

why I came in and sneaked to the terrace.

You and your dragon have still been

asleep."The boy

looked thoughtfully into her two colored eyes. He really had not noticed that someone had come into

the room. "That with the

unlocked door will change in the future." he thought to himself. The girl held her head slightly inclined and saw him still smiling at. "So

I'm gone on the terrace and collected my ball, as

suddenly your dragon stood

behind me." She put a more serious face

on. "I was so

scared that I accidentally

threw my ball over

the railing." She paused and

breathed. "The dragon glanced

at me funny and then looked

behind the ball. Without

waiting a long time I'm outside again had to fetch it again." Rebecca began

to grin again. "I

was quite surprised when I came to meet your

dragon with the ball in the mouth. She probably

wanted to apologize to me for

the fright." She stood up and put the blue

ball on the ground. "Since

that, we're out here." she

added. "Oh. And where is Kyndle no... Uff!" Before he

could utter his question he was thrown from something

heavy on the floor. The boy frowned slightly

his face and opened intently exhaling the eyes.

A light turquoise shimmer flashed at him,

what was accompanied by a welcoming "Meep".Roland saw Kyndle

with a warm smile and stroked her with

his hand on the cheek. "Who do we have here?" he said smirking at

her. The female was lying on

his chest and cooed

happily, while slightly

nudging his nose with

her snout. "Do you

see?" came laughing by Rebecca, which stood

next to the two of them, propped her arms on her

hips. "I told you she

is good at it." The boy looked at his companion with a smile. "It seems so." he gave of himself and

placed the dragoness

a kiss on the nose. Kyndle cooed happily

and closed both eyes at his touch. Roland only

now noticed that something was

different about her. The female was wearing a beautiful floral wreath on her head. The woven

flowers wrapped around her big black horns,

like a yellow crown.

The sweet fragrance of the colorful leaves his

nostrils. "Who made you so pretty?"

he asked his companion and smiled at her.

Kyndle purred softly

at his comment and

gave a pleased "Chirp"

of herself. Then she

turned her eyes on Rebecca. Roland also

looked at the girl. "I

have made it for her." she said,

grinning happily at the dragoness. "Why that?" Roland asked curiously. The girl turned her gaze briefly on the ground. "I wanted

to apologize so." she began

hesitantly. Roland widened slightly surprised

his gaze. "For before yesterday." she added. "I was probably a little jealous, or something." The boy saw the girl slightly

suspicious. "Did your mother

told you to apologize?" he asked smirking slightly.

The child kept her eyes obstinately bent to the side, slightly grimaced. "Yes."

she gave upset

by herself.Roland smiled quietly to

himself. "Jealous of me?

Why?" he hacked at. Rebecca once shook her

head. "I do not

know. All have suddenly made just

for you." Her view more slightly sad to

bottom. "And no one has noticed me."Roland took a deep breath. "That's no reason to

be jealous." he began

calmly and smiled

at the little girl. "Just

look at it from the better side. If I had not come here." he paused for air. "You

would not have now such a great playmate." Rebecca lifted her slightly sad

look and began to smile. "Does that mean I should continue

play with the dragon, uh I mean Kyndle?"

The girl looked at him with big eyes. Roland view

more briefly to

the dragoness, this

looked back with half-closed

eyes and gave with a nodding gesture a

cheerful "chirp" of

herself. Roland shrugged. "Why

not?" he said soberly. Rebecca came up to him

and hugged him briefly.

"Thank you!" she gave pleased by and walked

closer to Kyndle. "Come on, I'll show you my favorite spot in the garden!" she said to the female

dragon and ran ahead a bit. Kyndle looked

questioningly at Roland. This crossed his arms and

smiled warmly at the

female. With closed eyes, he

gestured with his

head behind the

girl. The female cooed happily and gave a

cheerful "Meep" of

herself before she followed with rapid steps Rebecca.

The boy

looked smiling at his companion, until

she disappeared behind the hedge. Suddenly he noticed a strange

hand on his shoulder. Easily

startled, he turned his head to

the person. Sasha

looked at him with his tired look. "I would

advise you to

wear suitable shoes for outside." Roland

looked slightly confused

at the man

before he noticed

it. He looked down and noticed only now that he

stood barefoot on

the grass. He closed his eyes

and grinned, exhaling to himself. ...... "Alright." Catherine said to the group, which

had gathered in the study. "You know now all

about the current situation and how to proceed about

it." Questioningly looked at

the faces. Koris, Daniel, Loretta and

Timmy nodded wordlessly.

"Then that would be released." she said with relief. "Ah, and something

more. Is now a place to sleep for

Kyndle been set

up in the stables?" she asked calmly. Tim raised his hand and

took a breath to begin

a sentence. "That

will probably not be necessary."

drove him Daniel

in between. Timmy sniffed and grimaced,

shaking his head. "Oh. And why not?" asked the

lady. "I think Roland

want to have the

dragon in his vicinity, and after the recent events

I can also understand

that." He saw at his mistress

with eyes open. "The two are anyway difficult to

separate." he added. Catherine

looked back at him with a slight smile.

"His room seems probably to have enough place for both." she began with a smile. "Even if she will be determined

still greater." She added. ******

"And so remained

residents of Ironwing.

The secret of the boy, about his determination well cared, the days passed." said the narrator. "Days became weeks. And weeks turned in years." he continued. "Wait a minute!?" was a listener in

between. "Is that already

the end?" he hacked at.

The narrator shook his head with eyes

closed, followed by a dry laugh. "The

end? No." he replied. "This is just the beginning."

he added. "I thought, you tell us about your education?" asked another audience.

Roland slowly raised

both hands. "Just be

patient, my friends." he said calmly. He scratched his chin thoughtfully. "The training began about five years later." He took

a deep breath and turned back to

the attentive table round. "In recent ...".****** In recent years, Roland

had settled in well on the beautiful property, made it his new home. A warm sunrise started

the new day. A messenger rode swiftly

approached the gate of the house.

The guard at the passage

raised his hand, whereupon the rider stopped. This

reached into his pocket and pulled out

a rolled letter which he handed to the uniformed

man. The guard brought

the document with hasty steps to his

mistress. Catherine took the

letter and looked a little

scared on the

tape to the role. The seal of the king was depicted.