Ch 1

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#1 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Everyone I'm new to this so please forgive any spelling errors or mistakes, I'm in the process of making my profile so bear with me but hopefully I'll be able to make more stories and hopefully you guys will enjoy them. So thank you for choosing this story and let the reading begin!

I do not own Pokémon

"Jay wake up, today is the big day!" my mother shouted

"Mom just five more minutes please!"

"No today is your first day to your new school!"

"Fuck me!" I said as I rolled of my bed. Oh yeah I forgot to introduce myself. Im Jay and I'm 15 years old. Also I think I forgot to mention I'm a Pokémon. Yep fully bred and extremely fit. My species I am known as a Dewott and my mom is a Rosarade and my dad is a Lucario. I have been trained to fight and take a hit. At the school I was at the past year I was the star athlete in track and field, football, baseball, and lacrosse. But as of this moment I am being sent away by my parents to a private school somewhere in the country and its supposed to enhance my ability to study and learn well. And I think my dad is sending me off to make new friends as well cause I'm a loner and I normally do things on my own. But now its time to get ready.

***Flash Forward and hour and thirty minutes***

"Alright son your mom and I are expecting great things from you."

"I know dad I know, I got this okay, I got this"

"We are going to miss you sweetie, I Love you" she said

"I love you too mom, ill see you guys when I graduate!"

"Make me proud son!" "and don't forget!" my mom said, "Use protection!"

"MOM!" I said blushing furiously


***On the Train***

"Finally some peace and quiet" I said to myself. I turned to lay down in the seats and I put my headphones in and listened to 300 Violin Orchestra. The train ride there was long and grueling. It took 5 hours for me to arrive at the train station and I fell asleep twice. After the train ride was over I came out with my luggage and looked around. "alright so where's my ride..."

"Hello sir, is your name Jay?"

"Why yes it is, and you are..."

"My name is Bruce sir and I will be escorting you to the academy"

He was a massive Machoke and was very well refined, he had a suit on that covered up his massive muscles and he spoke with a posh accent.

"Well okay then Bruce take me away!"

"May I take your luggage sir?

"No thank you Bruce I will put it in my self you can go ahead."

"Thank you sir and must I say how much of a gentleman you are."

"Thank you Bruce but im just acting like I normally do."

"Well Master Jay not many of the men and women I pick up are as kind as you."

"Really?" I thought "That's weird." We arrived at the academy at around 12:45 and it was beautiful. The entrance was had a luscious garden and was covered with flowers. A massive arch way lead up to the main gate and was motion activated. The inside of the building was amazing as well with the front room covered in a luscious velvet red and chandlers hanging from the ceiling. "Wow," I said "This is just the dorm building!?"

"Yes sir it is and here is your room key and your lanyard for class."

"Cool!" I said "This is pretty cool actually."

"Yes sir it is and you also have a roommate."

My face dropped and I said "What?"

"Yes sir you do and he is your guide for the school and dorm building." Bruce said

"Oh okay where is my room located Bruce?"

"It is on your card and is on the third floor Master Jay."

"Thank You Bruce I shall see you later then."

"Yes Sir and enjoy your stay!"

I took the elevator up to the third floor and navigated my way down the halls till I found my room. "Room 353 then? Well here we go." I opened the door and found that the room was a complete mess and wrappers and bottles were scattered everywhere and I found my roommate under a pile of clothes. He stood up and said "Welcome Jay I was told you were coming."

He stood up and he was a massive Quilava almost as tall as me and his flames were massive and burned to the touch.

"My name is Scott, I'm 15 years old and I'm your roommate for your next four years, I'll try to be a friend to you as well. That bed is yours and this one is my bed." He pointed to opposite ends of the rooms. "this is our T.V. and connected to it is our Xbox and PlayStation. Over here is the bathroom including a Jacuzzi and a massive shower. And here is our fridge stacked with soda food and beer. And we have a stereo system that can be heard throughout the entire floor.

"Wow, this is.....AWESOME!" I screamed

"I know right?" he said. After we talked some a bell rang.

"What's that for?" I said

"Oh that bell is signaling that our break is over."

"How long is our break?"

"About an hour long, and we basically do what we want."

"Sweet and why schedule like for classes?"

"Oh yeah you are in all of my classes so just follow me okay?

"Okay what class is right now?

"Gym, man" he said.

When we left the dorm building we crossed into the school building and it was massive. It had massive halls and tons of lockers the walls were velvet red and he saw so many Pokémon there as well. All kinds and types were walking past him. "Hey, zone out over here!" Scott called. I ran over to him and followed him down to the gym. "We have Gym with Male and Female Pokémon so don't be too shocked if there is a battle of the sexes thing or whatever."

"Ha ha wow, you guys really do that yeah but since your new we are just mixing it up today. Today's activity is dodge ball. So be prepared to get your ass kicked once you get in there. We play dodgeball very differently here, we use our moves to throw the ball instead of our hands.

"Cool, I've never heard of playing dodge ball like that before."

"Yeah man, it's the coolest. But looking at you you'll get your ass wiped off before you know it."

"_If only he knew" _I thought to myself and I chuckled.

We changed our clothes and went inside the gym. It was massive and had two hoops and stands stretching for about a quarter of a mile. The males came out of the door to the right and the females on the left. As I came out I noticed most of the girls staring at me and giggling. I looked down and noticed that they were staring at my body. Blushing slightly I covered up my stomach hiding my abs and turned around not to be embarrassed. Then one of the girls came up to me. She was an Espeon and moved towards me slowly. "Hello" she said

"Hey, nice to meet you I'm Jay. What's your name?" I asked her

"I'm Samantha, your new here aren't you?"

"Yeah I just got here about thirty minutes ago. This place is amazing!"

"It is but just wait a little bit then it will all be the same."

"Heh okay, so you ready for a game of dodge ball?"

"Absolutely" she said, "especially if you're on my team" and she winked at me.

I blushed saying "well then time to start"

The teams were split into two parts I was captain and Scott was as well. Samantha was put in my team and Scott winked at me. I rolled my eyes and we started.

***15 minutes later***

"Well" Scott said, "I'm surprised you lasted this long Jay."

"I forgot to mention I held all of my old schools sports records" I shouted.

Samantha lasted this long because since she is a psychic she used her abilities to block all the balls that were thrown at her. Then everything went to shit. "Hey Jay try this on for size, I'll take you both out!"

"Huh?" I said

"Eruption!" he screamed

"_Oh Shit..." _I thought.

The explosion missed the ball and was heading straight for Samantha. "Look out!" I screamed and jumped in front of her. I used water pulse to cover her in a cloak of water to protect her. And the Eruption hailed down on top of me. "Jay!" I heard someone scream before I blacked out.

***Several Hours Later***

I woke up in a bed in a white room and I had some bandages on my head. Sitting next to the bed were Scott and Samantha.

"Hey man you okay?" said Scott "That was a powerful Eruption I hit you with man I'm sorry..." he trailed off.

"Hey bro it's okay no need to worry" I said then I looked over at Samantha. She was tearing up and was scared. "Hey are you okay?" I asked and she jumped. "Are you? I didn't want to see a friend to get hurt."

She blushed and said "I'm fine, thank you for w-w-what you did back there...for me."

"Sure." I said "I would do anything for a friend."

She blushed even harder then she leaned down and kissed my cheek. As she did this she leaned down lower and whispered in my ear "Come by room 472 so I can thank you properly." She said seductively. She was leaving and said "See you Scott." And then she looked and me and gave me a sensual look and winked.

After she left Scott said "Dude she wants you bro." he said with a chuckle.

"Shut up man." I said and punched him in the arm.

"So what did she say to you?" he asked

"Nothing" as I said this I turned away and blushed.

"Hey let's get out of here "he said "time to go back to our room school is over.

"Okay let's go man." As we walked out of the room everyone in the hallways stopped and stared at us. "Dude why are they staring at us?" I said

"Well first off they aren't staring at me, they are staring at you."

"What!?...why?" I asked him

"Secondly it because no other guy in the school would have done what you did, reason why is because none of them are open like you. You came to this school because you were offered a scholarship. They are all here because their parents pay the school to come here. And you come from a different society than them. It's different for them to experience this" "Especially the girls" he whispered and I looked at the girls and they all giggled and blushed at me.

"Wow" _I thought, _"This is a weird but awesome feeling." I chuckled to myself and we walked back to our room. When we got back I changed and took all of my bandages off noticing that I have healed. "Hey" I said "I'm going out for a while don't wait up on me"

"Okay, and tell Samantha I said hi okay?" he said with a light chuckle

I blushed and ran out the door.

Well that's the end of chapter 1! What do you guys think? If you guys have any ideas PM me and leave reviews ideas would be great Ch.2 Is coming very soon and lemons will start soon too as well. Tell me some pairings if you want to see them and such please ideas are needed I just finished writing chapter 5 so I need some more ideas so PM and Reviews PLEASE but its all coming soon very soon so till then see you guys.