Ch 3

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#3 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey everyone it's time for chapter three. Sorry about the Lemon last time it was a little carried away but I think I'll tone it down. This time around we see Jay with Sammi after their hot and sweaty night and Jay realizing his opportunity at this school and with what Scott and he could accomplish. Let's check in on him.

I Do not Own Pokémon

"Whoa... what a night." I said as I sat up in Sammi's bed. I looked around and noticed that someone was missing. "What's different in this room?" I thought. Then I hit me like a slap in the face "Shit Angel never came back last night, I hope she would be alright with this happening in her room." I gathered my clothes and walked back to my room on the third floor. When I opened the door I quietly tip toed into the room and into the bathroom. I took a quick shower and put on a fresh new pair of clothes putting on cargo shorts and a light blue t-shirt, after all it is a Saturday. As I proceeded to leave I heard a voice from the dark.

"Going somewhere?" said the voice.

"Shit, busted." I thought.

The light was turned on and it was Scott. Sitting on his bed and he looked tired and really pissed off. "Dude look I just have to say one thing bro."

"Here it comes, the wrath of Scott." I thought then all of the sudden he shocked me.

"Tell me man what do u do to get all the ladies to love you cause I gotta say they just flock after you like herds of Mareep. You gotta tell me your secret." He pleaded. "I mean for Arceus sakes yesterday was your first day here and you already got laid! Tell me please!"

"Okay I'll think about it but right now I have to take care of something." I said and I bolted out the door.

I took the elevator downstairs and I found Bruce. "Bruce!" I said, "is there somewhere in the build that the students can let's say "drink there sorrows away" I said.

"Yes sir as a matter of fact there is." He replied. "Just down that corridor to your right you will find a pair of doors which leads to a place known as "Newmoon", it is one of the biggest clubs that this establishment has to offer.

"Thank you Bruce, so much. You have no idea how much you've just helped me."

"Anytime sir anytime." He said as he smiled and walked away.

I ran down the hallway in to the doors which lead me into the club "Newmoon", and man was it massive. The room had to beat least a mile wide and a mile long with poles, speakers, and tables everywhere. And wouldn't you know that I would find no one other than Angel passed out at a table. I was surprised I thought I would never see this side of such an attractive bunny. She wore a tight white tank top with short jean shorts and leggings that showed way too much fur. There were five empty glasses in front of her and her makeup was watery like she had been crying. I sat down next to her and put one arm around her and whispered in her ear, "Wake up Angel I'm here to take you back to Sammi." She started to wake up and with her eyes still closed she shivered and shook out her fur. She opened her eyes and gave a shrill yelp when she saw me. "Gotcha!" I thought, "Right where I want you!"

"O-o-oh, h-h-hi J-j-jay" she stuttered and blushed intensely.

"Oh Angel you look like a mess. What happened to you?" I asked

With a nervous look on her face she said "W-w-well last night my date, a really nice, or so I thought, Sawk took me out here and when I went to get drinks I came back and found him locking lips with...with" she trailed off.

"Who was is Angel?" I asked "Who?"

"Oh why do you care!?" she snapped at me. "I though you and Sammi were a thing?" she said now starting to tear up.

"About that," I said, "We really aren't together so it was kind of like a one night stand I guess."

"Really!?" she said and her ears perked up.

_"Yes, hit the right spot!" _I thought to myself, "Really we were never a thing she thinks I love her but I don't. So I'm living the single life."

"Well" she said, "O-okay I guess. He was cheating on me with a Medicham. Apparently he's been with her for a long time now." Then she started to bawl and she put her head on my chest and sobbed.

"It's okay Angel everything will be just fine, just fine I'm right here okay, I'm right here." I stroked her fur for what seemed like hours. Then I said "Why don't you come with me up to my dorm? How's that sound huh?" she gave a light nod, so I paid her tab and we left "Newmoon". When we got outside my door to my dorm I knocked and Scott screamed

"Dude your back! Are you gonna teach me your....oh" he said "I see do you want me to leave or..."

"No I think your fine for right now. Scott this is Angel, Sammi's roommate. She's had a rough night so take it easy on her okay?" I said

"Yeah sure man no problem. I keep an eye out for her." He said

"Thanks man I really appreciate it. You know maybe if you help me with her I'll take you in as a student in learning to well how should I say this... be a gentleman."

"Sure man I'll do it!" he rushed over to the fridge and got some cokes out. He tossed one over to me and then he offered Angel one. She took It and the two really hit it off.

"Well after all he is helping me so I guess I'll let him have this one. I mean you can't have them all right?" I thought and gave a slight chuckle. "Hey Scott come over here." I said

"I'll be right back," he said to Angel "What is it man, and I just gotta say she's a looker."

"Are you ready for your first lesson?"

"Yes sir!" he said and stood in a upright position.

"Alright first off you don't say she's a looker every girl is unique, and they are not objects. You treat women with just as the same respect as you would your parents or someone in authority. So far she seems to like you but what I want you to do is right after I leave I want you to take her out. Ask her out and take her somewhere nice to make her feel special. I'll tell you my plan of what is too come this year for the both of us but for now I want you to ask her out okay? Make her feel special, she deserves it I just met her but she seems like a nice girl. Oh and by the way don't burn her."

"Yes sir!" he said and he went to sit back down with Angel. She really seemed to like Scott, she was constantly laughing and smiling and she was enjoying her time here.

I thought. "Alright Scott I'm going out for a while so don't wait up!" I said winking at him and gave him a thumb's up.

"Alright see you later!'

"And Angel" I said, she turned her head in hearing me "Take care of him will you he's a little clumsy" she giggled and said

"Don't worry I will I promise" she winked at me

"Hey I am not that clumsy!" Scott tried to justify but he just blushed.

Well that's the end of chapter 3! What do you guys think, PM me or message me through reviews to tell me if you want to see certain pair with Jay and Scott. Ch. 4 is coming real soon so hang tight! Till then peace!