Ch 10

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#10 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys the Conclusion to Chapter 9 is here with Chapter 10! Like I said thank you for the support and reviews that I've been sent. You guys are awesome and you guys keep me going so thank you! Now it's just not the battle this chapter it's also something bigger, something shocking. So let's continue where we left off, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

I stood there as Jackson jumped at me with Aqua Jet. "Just a little closer," I thought, "Now!" I quickly dodged out of the way making Jackson collide with the trees behind me. "Well Jackson, I expected more out of you, people tell me you're the best battler in the school. I'm finding that hard to believe right now. He recovered from the collision and stood up growling at me.

"Well," he said, "The fun has just started. Water Pulse!" he screamed as he shot the massive ball of water straight at me. I side stepped and it collided with the stands covering everyone with water.

"This is too easy for me Jackson. It's hard for me to call you a rival." I said with a grin on my face. He started to fume and his face turned red. And he cried out,

"No one makes a fool out of me and gets away with it! Sonicboom!" He shouted shooting them at the ground and they started to become bigger and bigger.

"He's concentrating them at the ground so he can launch a bigger one. God I hate this guy." I thought.

***Somewhere Deep Inside Jay's Consciousness***

"Why have I been Awoken!?" the creature shouted. It looked over to its right and saw a Buizel and understood. "So this is the Infamous Jackson that Jay Hates. Well I'll be there when the time is right. But for right now let's watch this battle." it said with an evil laugh. "It's only a matter of time before I'm needed..."

***Back on the Battlefield***

Jackson shot the Sonicboom at me with full force and I felt the power emanating from the move from opposite of him. I knew what I had to do to break this move. I held out my fists together and took a deep breath.

***In the Stands***

"What's Jay doing just standing there?" asked Ellie to Scott. Scott saw me put up both my hands and close my hands.

"Well Ellie he's about to destroy that Sonicboom." He said with a chuckle.

"But that's impossible to do," she exclaimed, "No one has the power to do that."

"Wow I thought he told you a long time ago." Scott said, "So you don't know what is going on right now?"

"No clue, why don't you tell me?" she asked

"Why tell you," Scott said, "When you can witness it for yourself." He said and smiled.

***Back On the Battlefield***

I took one last deep breath as the Sonicboom was closing in and cried out, "Bone Rush!" the massive bone appeared in my hand and as the Sonicboom was closing is I jumped and slashed down with the Aura bone. I landed on one knee and as the smoke cleared the move was gone and I stood standing without a scratch.

"No Way," Jackson cried out, "That's not Possible!"

"Oh," I said, "But it is" and gave a sly grin. "Extremespeed!" I said and was gone in a flash. Jackson looked around searching for me everywhere.

"Where are you!?" he screamed in panic.

"Dynamicpunch!" I said from behind him, and punched him launching him into the air. I jumped after him and screamed out, "Force Palm!" and the aura move chased after him, and landed a direct hit. His body fell limp to the ground as I landed opposite of it.

"Ugh." He grunted and stood up, "Like I said, the fun's only begun. Rain Dance!" he screamed and shot a Water Pulse into the sky. The rain came down hard hitting my scalp like small pebbles. I looked over at Jackson who shook of the rain smiling as I saw the water being absorbed into his fur. "One, thing I have an advantage over Jay," he said, "Is that my ability is Water Absorb." And he laughed evilly.

"Fuck," I thought, "I thought he was done for sure"

"You know Jay," he said, "I know why you hate Me." he cried over the rain. "It's because I have Ellie and you don't. You love her but she loves me. And after this when I kick your ass I'll tell her how much you begged for mercy and asking me to stop the pain, she's mine, not yours." He said.

"How dare you treat her like an object!" I screamed at him, "She's worth more than your own life and you treat her like you own her. How dare you!" I cried out. "Aura Sphere!" I cried out my most powerful attack. I launched it through the rain and heard an explosion. But I didn't see Jackson anywhere near the attack.

"Close Combat!" I heard him cry out, as multiple punches were delivered to my body. I recoiled and my body flew backwards and hit the school building. "Swift Swim is also one of my abilities." He said shouting at me. He ran over to my body and said to me, "Time to finish this, Ice Beam!" he cried out.

***Jay's Consciousness***

"Well," the creature said, "It's time to come out and play" it said with a dark laugh.

***Back on the Battlefield***

"Ice Beam!" Jackson cried out as the beam was forming in his mouth.

"I will...not...LOSE!" I thought. "AHHHH!" I cried out as a white light appeared around my body and then subsided. I woke up a few moments later in a dark room with a massive moving picture to my right. "There's Jackson," I said as I saw him fly back from the explosion from my body, "But where in the hell am I?" I looked around to see that it was never ending darkness and that there was a throne and a screen. "So, if I'm in here and I'm not controlling my body... then who is?"

***On the Battlefield***

"What was that?" Jackson said as he stood up on his end. "Huh?" he said as he looked over where my body was. It was gone and I was standing on my end as well. But I had changed. "What the Fuck!?" he shouted as he noticed my change in appearance. My body had gotten bigger by about a foot, and the claws in my paws were extremely long. When I smiled I had more teeth and the smile was wide. My eyes were bigger and my teeth were 10,000 times sharper than what they originally were. The beast opened its eyes and they were a blood curdling red. Jackson shook with fear when he saw the eyes of what looked like Darkari himself.

"Jay, can you hear me?" Jackson said with fear in his voice.

Then the creature in my body cried out, "Jay is not here..." and laughed a dark bone chilling laugh.

"Jackson!" I heard Scott scream, "Don't fight him! It's not Jay!" I heard Scott warn him.

"So, do you still want to battle, you pathetic waste of a battler?" the creature said.

"Oh Shit," said Ellie, "Jackson is screwed because of his arrogance."

"Why do you say that?" Scott said confused

"Well whenever someone challenges Jackson he never backs down. Damn his arrogance!" she shouted

"No one insults me and my pride and gets away with it!" Jackson screamed as he headed straight towards me. "Aqua Jet" he cried out.

***Jay's POV***

"Stop Jackson!" I cried out with all my might, "RUN!" I screamed. "Stop this whoever you are!" I said.

"Well Jay I can't and I won't because I'm doing what you wanted to do Jay....kill Jackson." And he let out an evil laugh.

"Don't do it! Please don't kill him, Ellie will never forgive me." I fell to the floor and my eyes started to water. "Please don't," I said, "I'm begging you please..."

"Are you positive Jay? If you want me to kill him say it now!" the creature said

"I don't want him dead but," I said, "You can injure him to where he gives up. He eventually will because he is so arrogant and self-righteous."

"Alright then, I just want to have some fun that's all" I heard a laugh then there was nothing but silence as I watched the screen.

***Back on the Battlefield***

I watched as Jackson became enraged and headed towards the monster at incredible speed. "Mega Kick!" he shouted as he jumped in the air.

"Slash!" the monster shouted out as he jumped in the air and knocked down Jackson with one hit. "Shadow Claw!" it screamed and headed straight towards Jackson hitting him with incredible strength and power sending him flying in the air. "Now let's finish this off! Dragon Claw!" it screamed as it hit Jackson's limp body straight towards the ground at an incredible speed. Jackson's body hit the ground hard and did not move. He was alive but barely breathing. The creature laughed and roared in triumph. "Now Jay do you understand what I am?" It asked me.

"Not really, I'm still trying to think what and who you are." I said.

"We will meet face to face in a few minutes, but now come back to this world and enjoy yourself." It said with a cackling laugh and I was sucked into the massive picture and back to the real world.

"Woah," I said, "That was weird." I saw Ellie running from the stands and cradled Jackson in her arms. I ran them to try and help. But she saw me coming and screamed at me saying,

"STOP JAY STAY WHERE YOU ARE!" I froze in my tracks and started to apologize.

"I'm sorry Ellie I wasn't in control of my body, it wasn't me who did this I promise!"

"Stop with the lies Jay, just....go away...I n-never want to see you again." She said with her eyes starting to water.

"But Ellie..." I said, "Please..."

"No Jay," she said darkly, "" I collapsed to my knees and started to sob. I didn't know what to do. Whatever this thing inside me is just took control of my life.

"What do you want with me!?" I screamed in my head.

"Nothing Jay," it replied, "Just wait, for a friend."

"Huh?" I said back

"Jay! What the hell was that man?" Scott said as he ran up to me

"Now let this meeting get underway!" the voice said and I was sucked back into the darkness and he replaced me. "Well Scott, it's finally nice to meet you." The monster said.

"Huh?" Scott said, "Oh.... You're the creature that took over Jay during the battle aren't you?" he said darkly. The monster nodded and said "Now that you're here this meeting can start."

"Wha..." Scott was about to say, but was stopped by the monster as it plunged its claws into his side and blood squirted out of Scott's mouth. And he crumpled to the ground. Then the creatures eyes rolled back into his head and his mouth began to fill with blood and collapsed on the ground as well.

***In the Consciousness of Jay's Mind***

We both woke up and heard a voice say, "Welcome to my humble home" it said. we turned around to see a figure sitting in a massive throne with a black cloak on and two red eyes staring at use from the darkness of the cloak.

"Who are you!?" I shouted, "And why did you do what you did!" as I accusingly pointed a paw at him.

"Why Jay," it said, "What do you think I am? Because I am what you call the opposite of you, an evil twin perhaps. Maybe even a doppelganger." It said, "But I am neither, I am the Negative Aura inside of you, and I was created when you first released your Aura when you were just a little child. I grew up like you and learned everything you did and more. Because Jay," he said unveiling the cloak that covered his head to reveal his face, the face I saw on the battle field that almost killed Jackson.

"No!" I shouted, "That's not even possible!"

"But it is Jay! I am you! The Negative you created by your Aura so long ago. At first I was a dual personality, the opposite of you. But when you released your Aura it gave me life, and now I am the Negative Aura." I stared into the void of nothingness and collapsed to the ground sobbing calling out Ellie's name

Well guys that was the end of Chapter 10! What do you think about this Chapter is it a good Milestone chapter? PM me or review for comments and questions. I will try to post Chapter 11 tonight and if not tomorrow! Well I hope you guys enjoyed this one and the more to come and till then PEACE!