Ch 17

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#17 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm back with Chapter 17! We now have a school rivalry going on but really it is one sided I suppose. Jay needs to get the act together or he is screwed! Anyway, thank you everyone who has been sticking with the story this far. Thank you for the support and nice reviews it keeps me going to wake up and write these stories, you guys have made this happen for me and I really appreciate it. Now enough with my drivel chat, let's begin, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

"Hey Scott," I called out to him after our rigorous training session, "Let's pack up for the day, I'm beat and wanna go eat some pizza!" he landed with one foot planted on the ground and one knee bent towards the ground after doing a spin in the air with his fire daggers, trying to master Fire Spin.

"Sure," He called back, "I am a little hungry myself! Wanna order it to our room? I really don't want to go out to eat." He asked me. I nodded and we packed up our things and walked back to the Academy. Once we got there I told Bruce that we were going to order pizza and to let the pizza guy in if he comes to the door. He smiled and said he would. We took the elevator up to our room and plopped down on the couch. "I'll call the pizza guy and you can get some drinks." He said pointing to his fridge. I walked over to his fridge and grabbed a Coke and Root Beer. I walked back over and sat down. "Alright thank you." I heard Scott say and he hung up. "The pizza will be here in the next 20 minutes." He said and smiled. I laid back on the couch and said,

"Did you call your dad about expanding the school's dorm building for us?" I asked him. he pondered for a second and said,

"Yeah I did when you were in the shower with Gloria and Ginger. Why do you want a dojo and an arcade?" he asked me.

"Cause," I replied, "I wanna train in here instead of outside because I don't want to get in trouble with park officials since we've been slicing up their trees, and I just want a hangout place for whenever we get bored of the 360 and shit." He laughed and said,

"Alright, I'll make sure my dad's contractors do that and maybe some extra space when we want more places to have fun." And he smiled. About ten minutes later the elevator dinged and a Sableye came out with a pizza box. He looked around for a moment in awe and finally said,

"Delivery for Scott, a large pepperoni pizza with a side of breadsticks?"

"Yep that's me!" Scott said and he jumped over the couch to get the pizza. He paid the Sableye and he left still looking around in awe. I chuckled and we ate the pizza on the couch.

"Also tell your dads contractors to install a really sweet kitchen and with a sick inside grill." I said to Scott who smiled wryly at the idea.

"Alright man that sounds like a plan!" and he took a massive bite out of the pizza.

"So," I said in between bites, "How are you and your girls, specifically Angel." He blushed and said,

"Well Angel and I are trying to find sometime for ourselves you know, but the others keep coming to visit me and it eventually ends up like 3 of us having sex or 4. By the second girl man I just get so beat, I can barely walk." I laughed at him and fell on the ground in tears. "What's so funny about that man, I love the sex but it just wears me the fuck out!" I laughed even harder and he said, "What have you not experienced this yet!?" his face full of embarrassment. I shook my head and said,

"Nope, the most I've had is Gloria and Ginger." And I smiled at him. he screamed in rage and then started to cry a little bit and said,

"That's not fair man! I just want it simple you know? I love all the girls with all my heart, but they just need to control their Arceus Damn Sex Drive!" and he put his face into his hands. I put an arm around him and tried to stifle a laugh. I then said to him,

"Look man, you have to be assertive, but not all the time or they will think that all you want from them is their bodies. Just stay calm and when they all do this agin just explain to them how you feel about it." He took a deep breath and said,

"Alright...Alright." He stood up rubbed his eyes and said, "Hey, how about we play some basketball before we hit the sack?" I stood up met him in his eyes and said,

"Alright but loser has to clean up this shit hole." I pointed to out beds and the floor. The floor and beds were covered in clothes and food. The pizza box was already lying open on the floor and the empty bottles of Coke and Root Beer. He looked at me back in my eyes and said,

"Deal, but be warned I have yet to beaten at baskeball." I laughed and said,

"Well, tonight is the night you will be beaten smartass." He gave a slightly evil grin and said,

"Don't count on it." At the end of the game the score was 42 to 37...Scott won and I had to clean up the room. He cracked open a bottle of Coke and lay on his bed with the upper part of his body propped up against the pillows. "Oh, you missed a Reese's wrapper right there." He said smartly. I gave him a dirty look and continued to clean up. After I was done I checked my watch.

"Dude I know tomorrow is a Saturday but I'm gonna hit the sack, I don't care what you do just leave me out of it." He yawned and said,

"Actually I'm going to bed myself. So I guess I'll see you in the morning." He threw off his clothes and fell asleep immediately in bed. I fell asleep in my school clothes and thought to myself,

"That Alex guy was pretty serious about that fight, way too serious, but also he was way to easy to beat. There is no fucking way that he was the best Pristine has to offer. Something is up, and I think it's gonna affect the entire school." And I fell asleep with that as the last thought in my mind.

The next morning both Scott and I woke up bright and early at around 8:00. I yawned at said,

"Dude what day is it again," still waking up.

"It's the 28th of September man" he said in a yawn and a stretch.

"No I meant the day, but I just remembered it's Saturday, come on man, we got to have some fun today!" We showered and got dressed for the day. I put on black cargo shorts and a red t-shirt. I wore a pair of Air Jordan's that were dark purple and had light blue stripes. Scott wore camouflage green cargos and a white t-shirt. He also wore a pair of Air Jordan's which were black and had orange stripes on them. I looked at him and looked down at me and said,

"We need to stop going all out like this man." And he grinned saying,

"Yeah, we don't need all this gear to look great. I mean maybe you do but..." I pushed him and said,

"You are one cocky bastard you know that?" And we both laughed. "I think I'm going to spend the day with Ellie," I said, "What about you?" he smiled and said,

"I think I'm gonna spend it with Maddie, I haven't spent a lot of time with her cause she's always working. I asked her why her and her sister works there and it's just like Gloria, they give service to the school and they get to stay."

"That's pretty cool actually, I didn't know that the school would be so generous." I replied. I shrugged it off and called Ellie. She picked up the phone and said,

"Well hello hot stuff, what's up with you." Her saying this couldn't help but bring a smile to my face and I said quickly,

"Nothing much babe, you wanna hang out today?" I didn't get an answer immediately but then she said,

"Sure, where do you want to meet?" she said seductively.

" about your dorm?" I asked her. This time there was about a 5 second pause and then she said,

"Ummm...give me a second to get ready and then I'll see you in a bit."

"Okay then I'll see you in a bit, bye." I said

"Love you!" she said

"Love you too." And I hung up. I took the elevator down to the 9th floor. I walked down the corridor to room 979 and knocked on the door. "Ellie, it's Jay babe, I'm here to pick you up!" then the door swung open and Ellie jumped onto me kissing me vigorously. I started to run out of air and I pushed her back. "Well someone is a little wound up aren't they?" I said to her.

"Well I couldn't help it Jay, I just can't stop thinking about you." She said as she cupped my face in her hands and she kissed me again. I got up and helped her off the ground and said,

"Well what shall we do today?" she stood there thinking for a moment and said,

"How about we go to the movies, I heard that there is a new Thomas Reach movie out in theaters." And she smiled at me. I stood there thinking,

"Oh yeah I almost forgot, Scott's dad is Thomas Reach." I just smiled back and said, "Sure why not." And we walked arm in arm out of the building.

***About 3 hours later***

I walked out of the theater with Ellie following behind me. She jumped on my back and giggled. I ran into a sprint to the park and stated to spin around with her on my back. She giggled and let go of my neck and leaned backward and she swung freely on my back. I stopped and she grabbed my neck again. She loosened her grip on my neck and I turned around. She stood on the ground and I leaned forward and kissed her. The kiss was soft and sweet as honey. I pulled back and said,

"My Arceus you are beautiful." She blushed and moved her fingers up my chest.

"Well this beautiful girl wants to have some fun." She replied and she licked the side of my neck sending shills down my spine.

"Well then, let's go have some fun then." I pushed her behind a bush and took my shirt off. She purred and started to rub my abs. I pulled her in for a kiss and then all of the sudden I was pulled out of the bushes, shirt in hand and I was thrown towards a tree. "What the Fu..."

"JAY!" a loud booming voice said. I looked up and I saw a massive Charizard with a very angry look on his face as well smoke coming out of his nose. I stood up and brushed the dust off my chest and shoulders. I slipped my shirt back on and said,

"I'm sorry but who are you?" he laughed and said,

"Well Jay you are looking at the true champion of Pristine Academy! I...AM...SCULLY! I looked into his eyes and said in a smartass tone,

"Okay well Scully I'm kinda busy right now so can we do this another time?" his face filled with rage and severe anger. I started to walk away until he flapped his massive wings. I was thrown back into the tree but this time I destroyed three trees in the process. I slowly got up and said,

"I have no business with you so PISS OFF!" I screamed. Then he snapped his fingers and he moved to the side. I saw that Alex and the Fraxure from the other day holding down Ellie as she was struggling to break free. "Ellie," I screamed out, "I swear if you do anything to her..."

"You'll do WHAT? Come barging in our school in a rage of fury?" he leaned down towards me and said, "She's just an insurance policy so that you will come to retrieve her." He smiled and said, "Boys, let's go." He picked up Ellie and flew off with her to the north of our school.

"dammit...DAMMIT!" I screamed out and I started to cry.

***Back at the Room***

I came up in the elevator and stepped out looking down with a dark look on my face. Scott was in the room on his bed with Maddie, her top off and she was about to pull his pants down until,

"Holy Shit JAY!" I heard him scream, "What are you doing back so early?" still looking down I sat on the couch and said,

"they took her...they took her Scott..."

"Huh? Took who Jay? Tell me what's going on?" a tear streamed down my face and I said,

"Ellie....the real champion of Pristine took Ellie." He sat there for a minute then said,

"Maddie babe, put your clothes back on and call the girls. Jay give me your phone?" I gave him my phone and he dialed multiple numbers. "Hey ladies, listen Ellie is in trouble and we need your help, come quick." He hung up and about ten minutes later all of our girls showed up, Sammi, Gloria, Ginger, Sarah, Angel, Kathy, Maddie, and the Jessie. Scott told them what was up and I just sat there still in shock and sadness, then I fell over passing out.

***Inside Jay's Consciousness***

"Well," said Jason, "Why did you pass out?" I stood up shakily and said,

"Look it's not really any of your concern, I know we are the same but you do know." He moved swiftly over to me and said,

"Even if I don't know, I still can help in any way possible. After all you were the one who gave me life." I stood there and said,

"Send me back, I need to go back now, I'm going to save Ellie and kick this Scully's ass if it's the last thing I do. I will fight to my last breath no matter what it takes. I would do this for the ones I love, for the girls, my family, Scott, and her. So please send me back, I will also need your help soon." He smiled and said,

"Let's get started." Then he snapped his fingers and my vision went white.

***Back in the Real World***

I woke up and saw Sammi, Sarah, Ginger, Gloria and Scott all hovering over me. I sat up and Scott said,

"Dude are you okay?" I still had a dark look on my face and I looked up with a fire in my eyes and said,

"Let's go get Ellie back from that Son of a Bitch." He smiled and patted me on the back saying,

"That's exactly what I wanted to hear." Then he said, "Alright girls, let's move it!"

"Hold on," Sarah said, "I've got a better idea, everyone grab onto me." We all grabbed on and she said, "Teleport!" and we all disappeared in a flash of light.

***At Pristine Academy***

"Well they should be arriving anytime soon." Scully said with an evil laugh. Then all of the sudden in a flash of light we appeared. I looked around and saw that in the schools courtyard, tons of students had gathered to witness this fight. I rolled my eyes and spoke up first saying,

"Give Ellie back you Son of a Bitch!" he laughed and said,

"Oh I will, just not right at the moment." He snapped his fingers and his little cronies, Alex and his buddies appeared. I smiled and said,

"Girls, Scott and I will take care of Alex, go take care of the others please." They nodded and started to attack the others. "You ready to get your ass handed to you again?" I said and my Grass type Aura sword appeared to my side. He laughed and held up an item, "What is tha...oh shit!" I exclaimed and I saw that it was a magnet.

"This item gives me a massive type advantage," he said attaching the magnet to his left wrist, "And now you're going to get your ass handed to you!" and his body became shrouded in a yellow shade and electrical charges flew everywhere. The school crowd around us cheered and Scully gave an evil smirk. Scott pulled out his daggers and they changed to a pure flowing white. I laughed at him and said,

"Well Scott let's show this asshole who he is messing with. Extremespeed!" I screamed and I disappeared leaving a cloud of dust in my midst that was picked up from the ground. Scott ran towards Alex and jumped into the air and held the daggers backward screaming out,

"Wing Attack!" the daggers glowed and Alex smiled. He bent backwards using his flexible body to his advantage and Scott collided with the ground...hard. Alex laughed and I used all my force and made contact with his back. He flew forward and hit the school building forcing the crowd to move away from the rubble. He slowly stood up his arms hanging by his sides and he looked up, and with a fire in his eyes and raising his arms, he screamed out,

"Discharge!" and beams of electricity shot everywhere. I was able to dodge most of the attacks but Scott wasn't able too. He was hit with a direct hit as he was standing up and started to scream in pain as his fur as starting to burn and his skin started to fry under. A fire started to grow inside my gut and I screamed. The grass type sword in my hand started to glow a dark pink and grew about 2 feet. The sword became heavy and I had to hold it with two hands. The sword was pulsating and I realized,

"This is a Psychic sword..." I pointed the sword at Alex and cried out, "Psycho Cut!" I raised the sword above my head and crashed in down to the ground. A massive pink color slash rose from the ground and hit Alex with a direct hit. The electrical beams stopped and Scott fell to the ground on one knee. I ran over to him and helped him up. "Are you alright man?" I asked him. He gave a weak smile and said,

"Yeah....I'm alright." We looked over at Alex who was struggling to stand up.

"You want the honors?" I asked him.

"With pleasure." And he raised his daggers with rage on his face his daggers glowed a red/brownish color and he held them with the blades to the sides. He ran directly at Alex who looked up and had fear in his eyes. Scott punched forward with the dagger in hand and cried out, "Drain Punch!" The move was a direct hit and energy was being sapped from Alex's body. Alex screamed in pain as a massive light enveloped him and Scott's fur and skin began to heal. He took a deep breath and Alex's body crumpled to the ground and lie still. The crowd around us stared at Scott and I in shock and took some steps back. I heard clapping and a voice saying,

"Bravo...bravo!" and I turned around to see Scully gliding down from the top of the building with Ellie in one hand and his claws out in the other on her neck. I gave a stunned look at him and screamed at him,

"Why don't you fight me fair and square you coward!" he looked into my eyes with a cold dark stare that sent a chill down my spine. He bellowed a ground shaking laugh and I shook with fear. "What is this power emanating from him? Jason do you have any idea?"

"No I don't, I don't think this is a good idea to fight him Jay, this is really strange." He said with fear in his voice.

"No! We are not backing down now, not after we have come so far! I'm doing this for the girls, for Ellie! We will not give up hope not now!" Jason laughed and then said,

"Alright then, I'm with you all the way too. Let's crush this Motherfucker!" and he gave out a cackling laugh. I smiled and said,

"Well Scully why don't we start this to end this, here and now." He stopped laughing and opened his wings. He threw Ellie to the side and Sammi and Ginger ran over to help her. Then he screamed at me,

"Well Jay, let's get started shall we?" he charged at me and started to fly and he screamed, "Steel Wing!" he wings started to glow and he flew at an accelerated speed. I moved the side as fast as possible and one of his wings clipped my upper left arm. I grabbed it in pain and I had anger in my eyes. I stood up and turned around to see that he had stopped and was on the ground. "You're pretty fast Jay, actually I thought you would be faster!" And he laughed at me. I ran towards him and screamed out,

"Water Pulse!" I launched the ball at him and he swatted it back with his wings. I countered it by catching it in my own hands and then I screamed out, "Aura Sphere!" The Aura Sphere mixed with the Water Pulse and I could fell the massive power and energy from it. I launched it at him and he tried to swat it again but he failed and it covered him in a massive explosion of energy. He flew back ward and fell to the ground. He stood up and shook of the blast like it was nothing. "What the Hell that attack should have weakened him some!" I screamed in my head.

"Do you want me to give it a go Jay?" Jason asked me. I paused for a moment then I replied,

"Yeah, go ahead." He gave a cackling laugh and said,

"Alright it's SHOW TIME!" then the rush of the transformation came over me and I was sucked back into my consciousness. My body convulsed and the claws in my paws got longer. My eyes turned dark red and I grew multiple teeth that were hundreds of times sharper. I noticed that Jason's Aura was now black and I smiled. Jason gave out an ear wrenching laugh and said,

"Now Scully, it's time to finally meet your maker!" he jumped into the air and his claws glowed with a Dark Aura around them and he cried out,

"Shadow Claw!" Moving at a great speed he came down upon Scully for a direct hit. Scully's body slammed to the ground then flew back up from the force of the hit. He cried out in pain and Jason cried out, "Crush Claw!" His claws became massive and hit clamped them both onto Scully. He again cried out a gurgling scream and Jason threw him into the school. The crowd moved out of the way as parts of the building came crashing down. He fell towards the ground face first and lie still. Jason landed on the ground and laughed. "Well Jay, That's that!" he started to turn around till we heard Scully laugh again. He stood up slowly and opened up his wings and jumped into the air and can hurtling towards Jason. Jason stood paralyzed in fear and Scully screamed out,

"Mach Punch!" and made a direct hit on Jason. Jason flew backwards and bounced on the ground continuously and came to a halting stop. He grunted and tried to stand up but failed and collapsed back to the ground. He started to accept defeat and said to me,

"I'm sorry Jay, I couldn't match his power." I sighed and replied,

"Hey man, it's okay you tried your best. Come on let's switch back and I'll take out this fucker myself." I was dragged back into the real world and Jason slipped back into my consciousness sleeping off the damage done. My body retracted its claws and my teeth shortened and the second layer of teeth retracted. I rolled my head and said,

"You're gonna pay for hurting my friend!" and I ran towards him and screamed, "Bone Rush!" the bone formed in my hands and I jumped up and spun it over my head. I gave out a loud war cry and brought the bone down upon him. He blocked my attack and screamed out something I would have never guessed in a million years.

"Blast Burn!" he cried out and massive fiery explosions came out of the ground and engulfed me in burning hot flames causing my skin to give out and bleed profusely. The flames kept on coming and then finally a massive explosion happened and I was thrown backward my body as limp as if I were dead. I grunted and spat out blood towards the ground. I started to slowly stand up and I moved my head backwards. I spat blood in his direction and he gave an evil smile and laughed. "Well this is shocking," he said, "No one has ever survived my Blast Burn attack in a long time! Well then, I think it's time to crank this up a few notches!" I reached into one of his pockets in his pants and pulled out a shiny orb/stone that had a DNA strand inside of it and it glowed as the sun started to set. "Well Jay, can you defeat me now!?"

"Huh?" I said quizzically and then he put the stone to his chest and he started to glow. A massive white orb enveloped him and I could feel massive amounts of incredible energy emanating from the orb. "What the hell is this!?" I thought to myself.

"Jay get out of there!" I heard Jason say.

"Why do I need to leave?"

"That's a Mega Stone, I don't know which one but you need to run! He will be a hundred times more powerful than you could possibly imagine. Your chances of winning this battle are starting to dwindle Jay run!" I shook my head and said,

"No I'm staying! I will not lose to this arrogant bastard!" the crowd around us stared at the orb in awe and Scott and the girls did as well. I yelled over at the girls and Scott saying, "You guys need to leave now!" he looked at me puzzled and said,

"Why!? Jay what's going on!?"

"Look," I said, "It's not safe here anymo..." then the orb exploded and I was pushed back from the explosion and hit the ground hard. I looked up and saw the most fearsome creature I have ever seen.

"Well Jay, it's time to meet your maker." Scully said

Well Guys that's the End of Chapter 17! I really hoped you guys liked it as much I loved writing it. Please vote in the polls to decide which Mega Evo. Jay will fight. That you for the support and love for the story, to know that many people enjoy this just makes me very happy. Now I will come out with chapter 18 soon either today or tomorrow so keep an eye out! PM me or leave reviews if you have any comments, complaints, or ideas for the story! So till then guys PEACE!