Ch 18

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#18 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm Back with Chapter 18! The conclusion and your choice for who Jay is going to battle has been chosen by you guys! Thank you for voting, it has really given me a lot to think about and has been easier for me to write the story as well. Thank you all for the support and love for the story! Now without further ado, let's get to the conclusion, shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

"Well Jay it's time to meet your maker." Scully said. I looked on the other end of the battle field and saw a massive black dragon with a blue belly and horns on his shoulders. The insides of his wings were blue and the flame on his tail was also blue, he also had flames coming out of the back of his head and the sides of his mouth. The monster roared and the ground shook tremendously. Some of the people in the crowd fell over and some of the girls fell over as well. I bent down on one knee and kept one hand to the ground to keep my balance.

"Jay, that stone was Charizardite X. It gives Scully the ability to turn into a Dragon/Fire type. He will be much tougher to beat and his attacks will be 500 times more powerful." Jason said with a sound of fear in his voice. I smiled and thought,

"Well fire types are still weak to water." Then all of the sudden a light blue sword that had waves moving on it appeared in my hand. I smiled and stared down Scully. "Bring it on you Son of a Bitch!" He gave a bellowing laugh and charged at me screaming,

"Flare Blitz!" He came at me at great speed and turned into a massive ball of fire. I held up my sword swung it once above my head and cried out,

"Whirlpool!" A massive stream of water came out of the tip of the sword as I pointed it toward the middle of the battlefield and it started to swirl and form the massive whirlpool. Scully stopped his attack and stood there for a moment thinking. I hopped onto the whirlpool and began to ride it. He looked up at me and smiled as he saw me riding the whirlpool. Then he did the impossible; he jumped up and landed on the whirlpool and started to ride it as well! i continued to move in the whirlpool but with a look of shock on my face. I regained concentration quickly and jumped at him with the water sword in hand. He looked up at me jumping and screamed out,

"Hyper Beam!" I didn't see the beam come at me and it made a direct hit. I was launched backward and away from the whirlpool. I hit the ground and my left arm took the impact. I screamed in pain as I hit the ground and clutched my chest where the beam hit. I tried to stand up but my right leg faltered and I collapsed to the ground. He flew over to me and slammed one massive foot on my chest and I cried out in agony. He gave out a booming evil laugh and said, "Surrender Jay! Surrender and you wil no longer feel your pain!"

"Never!" I will never surrender to you, you Son Of a Bitch!" he smiled wryly and said,

"I thought you might say that." He turned his head toward Scott and the girls and screamed at the top of his lunges, "Overheat!" He glowed a bright red and he let out a massive roar and a massive flame burst out of his mouth and engulfed Scott and the girls in one hit. They all cried out in pain as they were given a direct hit and collapsed to the ground and lay still.

"You Sick Bastard What the Hell is Wrong with You!" I screamed at him with tears starting to form in my eyes. I cried out in anguish as I saw my friends on the ground not moving. He bent down to me and said,

"I plan to break you Jay, I plan to break you so hard that you won't be able to get back up. Your main weakness is your friends, and the ones you love. I'll find them all Jay, and they will fell pain, pain beyond imaginable. And once you are gone, I'll become so powerful, I'll be as powerful to take down Arceus!" he broke out in hysterical laughter. I closed my eyes and I laid my head back on the ground. I cried out in anger and opened my eyes to reveal that they had turned a bright white. I screamed even louder and a massive beam of light enveloped me and shot into the sky. Scully was thrown backward, and used his wings to keep his balance. The light expanded and enveloped everything in the courtyard. The light died down and I stood in the middle with my head hanging down. I looked at my body and saw that my Aura was now a really bright color of white. Scully looked at me in fear and whimpered, "What are you, what is this power..."

"You threatened my Family," I took a step forward towards him, "The Girls," I took another step forward towards him, "MY BEST FRIEND!" I screamed in rage and held out both arms. A gray two-handed sword appeared in my hands and I charged at Scully and screamed, "Giga Impact!" I jumped towards him and the purple and orange coating covered my body at the tip of the sword. Scully gathered himself and charged at me and screamed,

"Flare Blitz!" he jumped and turned into a massive ball of fire that hurtled at me. We collided and the explosion was massive. The explosion covered the courtyard of the school and the crowd ducked for cover. The trees surrounding the area were fried and burnt to a crisp. The windows on the first and second floor windows were blown out and glass flew everywhere. After the explosion subsided I landed opposite from where I started with my right knee bent and keeping me balanced and my knee bent towards the ground and the sword still in both of my hands pointing straight in front of me. I stood up and turned to look at Scully he was in the same position I was in and then he threw up blood all over the ground where he stood. He collapsed to both knees and kept spitting out more and more blood. I smiled and then I doubled over and spat out blood as well. My output of blood was not at extreme but still a lot of blood spilled to the ground. I wiped my mouth and walked over to him to see his face in complete shock as that he knew he had been beaten. I kicked him and he rolled over with his stomach facing up. His face was covered in his own blood and he was gasping for breath. He started to breathe faster, and then his breathing started to slow down. I bent over and said to him in a dark whisper,

"Listen closely because I'm only going to say this once," he looked up at me shaking with fear, "You come near me, the school, or anyone I care about ever again, I swear I will beat you up so badly, you will be begging me to die." I stood up more confident than I was before I arrived and started to walk away until I felt a claw grab my right leg. I turned around and I saw Scully grabbing my leg with a look of anger on his face.

"I'm not done with you yet, you little Shit!" he started to use my body for leverage and slowly started to get up.

"You just don't know when to give up...DO YOU!" I flew into a rage and the sword in my hands disappeared. I held out my right hand and a dark, black one-handed sword appeared and black waves flew up off of it. Scully started to really shake with terror and had a look of fear in his eyes. He opened his mouth to scream in terror but I beat him to it. I struck the blade of the sword into the ground and said in a low booming voice, "Dark Pulse" a massive blast of dark energy enveloped Scully and he cried in pain. The energy blew him backward into the school and he blew out through the wall. After the dust and rubble from the building cleared away his body was on the classroom floor and lie still. A white orb enveloped his body and died down quickly transforming him back into a regular Charizard. I walked over to Scott and the girls and the dark sword disappeared being replaced by the massive Normal type sword. I pointed it to the sky and said, "Heal Bell." A loud ringing sound was heard and Scott's body started to heal as well as the girls. Their skin started to patch up and the bleeding stopped. The fur on Scott started to grow back as well. After a few minutes of all of them lying on the ground they all started to wake up shaking their heads and rubbing their eyes. The sword faded away and I helped them all up. I smiled seeing that they were all okay. "Sarah," I said, "Take us home babe." She perked up at hearing my voice and then instead of teleporting us out, she, Sammi, Ginger, Gloria, and Ellie all jumped on topo on me and started to smother me with their bodies. At first I was okay with it, but then I started to run out of breath and I was waving my arms signaling them to move. They didn't seem to get my signal and they all bombarded me with complements.

"That was amazing Jay!" Sammi said.

"It really was, thanks for saving our asses out there." Ginger said with a smile.

"Maybe later if you give us a chance we could save you?" Sarah said seductively.

Gloria licked her lips and said, "Ladies, I think this man deserves a reward." Then I heard Ellie say,

"I don't know girls I don't think he can handle It." she said teasing me. I pushed my way out of the pile I was being buried in and said sarcastically,

"Ladies...Ladies...I think I can handle this, the question is, can you handle all of this?" and I gestured to my entire body. They all laughed and looked at each other and said in unison,

"YES." I rolled my eyes and looked over at Scott who was hugging Kathy, Angel, Jessie, and Maddie. I chuckled to myself and looked over at the crowd. They were still staring at us with their mouths open and in complete shock that their champion was beaten by someone who had no chance in winning. I looked at them, smiled and waved at them. I looked at my watch and looked in shock as I noticed that it was 4:00. The day was almost over and we had to deal with this Stupid Shit. I quickly motioned my finger in a wave above my head and said,

"Sarah," I said for the second time, "Take us out." We all huddled around her and she cried out,

"Teleport!" and we disappeared in a flash of light.

***4 Hours Later***

We all were in the Jacuzzi in Scott and my room. Scott and I sat at opposite ends of each other with the girls sitting next to us left and right. I looked to my left and Sammi was under my left arm. She was wearing a bikini that was too small for her and pushed out her cleavage. Her C-cup breasts looked like they were trying to break out of the bikini top as she pushed her breasts on the left side of my chest. I looked over to her left to see Gloria who was wearing a really tight string bikini that hugged her D-cup breasts and she was trying to push past Sammi to get to me. Under my left arm I had Sarah who was wearing a black bikini and was also pushing her breasts onto me except she was climbing onto me and pushed her boobs into my face. I had to constantly push her off so I could talk to Scott about our plans for Finals and the New Year. And finally to her left were Ellie and Ginger. I looked at them and saw that Ellie was moaning softly and Ginger was moaning as well as she played with her C-cup breasts. I gave a look of confusion and looked down at where Ellie was sitting. Ellie was sitting on the jet and the jet was pushing water against her pussy and Ginger was playing with herself because she was turned on by it. Ellie's face turned red as a Cheri Berry when she saw Ginger. I laughed and looked over at Scott who was being bombarded by the women as well. Angel opened her legs and sat on one of Scott's legs and moved back and forth moaning in pleasure. Jessie was putting her massive DD breasts onto Scott's chest and was telling him something. Kathy and Maddie were both on opposite sides of Scott and were licking his neck. Scott and I were both trying to talk about our plans once more but all of the action around us just was overwhelming and we just let the girls do their thing. The girls started to pile onto us and pushed us under the water and enveloping us in one massive evening of pleasure that Scott and I would never forget.

Well Guys that's the end of Chapter 18! I hope you guys loved the battle scenes as much as I loved writing them. I want to thank you all for the support that you guys have been giving me for this story. Without you guys I couldn't have gotten this far! Shout out to NoobKillerPat2011 for collaborating with me on a future story being a great pal. Go check out his story I highly recommend it. I am taking a week break from the story because I am in the process of writing another one and it is coming out soon so keep an eye out! I would also like to ask if anyone would make any fan art of Jay, Scott and the Girls. I think it really would be great if I could get some fan art. It may sound cheesy, but I tried doing it myself and I came out really bad. So please if you can try please! Anyway look out of the next story and the next Chapter for Jay coming out soon! So till then I bid you farewell Guys PEACE!

P.S: I would like to apologize for the Chapter being so short I just ran out of what to put in this Chapter that I will be putting in the next Chapter. Again sorry.