Ch 20

Story by The Chronicles of Jay on SoFurry

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#20 of Make Way For Jay! Year 1

Jay, a 15 year old Dewott is sent to a private school by his parents where he lives a highschool life where he and his best friend Scott, a Quilava, are bombarded by hordes of girls who think Jay is the perfect guy. Rated M for multiple lemons, language, and extreme violence. Do not read if you dont like lemons.

Hey Guys I'm Back With Chapter 20! Our Milestone Chapter contains massive amounts of breathtaking scenes and the introduction of Jay's Rival(s). Side Note: Check out my other Story; Solomon's Champion Road: A Gallade's Tale. And go check out Sega Nesquik. He is a good friend of mine and we will soon be working on a great story for you guys together so keep an eye out for it! As always thank you guys for all the support that you have been giving me, it has kept me going and I have learned so much form it as well. I hope you guys will be sticking with me for a long time and that you keep up the support. Now enough of my lame preamble, let's get to the story...Shall we?

I Do Not Own Pokémon

I woke up in the grassy field of the park and looked at my watch. "What the hell, how is it already 4:00!?" I sat up and looked at the sun. It was slowly going down and I knew I had to make my way back to school. As I made my way back to my room I looked at the schools entrance and saw a figure about the same as my build and I felt a power emanating from him. I couldn't see what or who he was because of the way the sun was setting a shadow was cast over him. I tried to get a good look at him be he seemed to see me looking at him and he shot quickly down the road. Even after he ran off I couldn't get a good glimpse of him or his face. i just shrugged it off and kept on towards the dorm building. I passed Bruce at his desk and gave him a smile and a slight nod. He did the same back and I took the elevator up to my floor. I flopped onto my bed and I noticed that I was the only one and Scott was out. "He's probably out with either Sunny or Angel." I thought this to myself and I chuckled at the thought. I walked over to our massive stereo system and turned it on. Justin Timberlake's Summer Love came on and I moved my head to the beat. I smiled as I did so and I sat down on the massive couch. I lay back on the couch to my favorite singer and closed my eyes not thinking that I would once again fall asleep and dreamt of all my friends and my girls having an extremely fun time together. I woke up a few hours later and felt as my body got heavier. I leaned forward and rubbed my eyes and my vision started to clear up. As my vision returned I noticed that Sammi was in my room and was on top of me. "Oh...hey Sammi..." I said trailing off then I noticed what she was doing and then I cried out, "SAMMI, WHAT THE HELL!?" she was on top of me alright. She was on top of my dick! I held myself up with my forearms and gave her a look of shock. She was bouncing up and down on my hard member as fast as she could go and she was moaning very loudly. She was so wrapped up in ecstasy and pleasure that apparently she didn't notice that I had woken up. "How in the hell did I not fell or hear this?" I questioned myself in my head. I just shrugged my shoulders and just went with the situation inquired. I grabbed Sammi inside her thighs and flipped her down onto the couch. This took her by surprise and she let out a little yelp.

"Oh, look who's finally awake." She said purring and she brought me downward for a kiss. I smiled and said,

"Well for now on you should ask before doing something like this." She giggled and said,

"Well I just couldn't help it. I came by to see how you were doing and you were asleep on the couch and I noticed that you were dreaming about...pleasurable." I blushed at this and she continued. "And so since you were having so much fun in there I felt like I should have some fun out here." My face became red as a Cheri Berry and I started to pound her pussy in. "Ah!" she screamed and I smirked at this. I quickened my pace and she started to moan even louder than before. "Oh wow Jay, it has been a while!" and I stopped moving then. I flipped her around so that her ass was facing my pelvis and I plunged my cock deep into her ass. "Oh My Arceus Jay!" she cried out in pain and pleasure. I had a massive grin on my face and started to pound her as hard as I could. "Ohhhhhhh...Jay harder please harder..." she said trailing off.

"What was that?" I said, "I couldn't hear you." I slowed my pace and she started to beg me.

"Please Jay, I want it...I want it all inside of me. I want your seed inside me Jay!" she cried out. I leaned forward and started to play with her breasts and she moaned softly.

"I don't think you want it that badly," I said, "I'm not convinced that you truly want it." I smiled evilly and she begged me even more this time.

"Please Jay I want you to cum in my ass! I want it now Arceus Dammit!" I smiled and thrusted harder and deeper this time. She cried out in ecstasy and I turned her around on my member. I picked her up and she wrapped her legs around my waist and I pounded her ass while I was standing up. "OH MY ARCEUS!" she cried and I gave one last thrust before releasing my load into her waiting anus. She slipped off my cock and landed on the couch, my sperm slowly flowing out of her ass. Then her legs tightened up and she moaned loudly and then let out a cry of pleasure. "I'm Cumming!" she cried out and her body seized up and massive amounts of juices poured from her pussy and she exhaled in pleasure. I grinned and fell to my knees and bent forward to suck out all of her juices. She forced my head downward and I stuck my tongue deep inside her. She moaned even louder. "Jay I'm cumming again!" she released more of her juices into my mouth and I swallowed it whole. I smiled and said,

"Well I think that is enough for today." I leaned forward and kissed her. She willing received the kiss and shoved her tongue inside my mouth. We lay next to each other on the couch kissing for what seemed like hours. I sat up and looked at my watch and noticed that it was 9:13 and I looked around for Scott who still had not returned. I just shrugged my shoulders as this really was meaningless. "He will probably just come back sometime soon, it's not like he is gone forever." I rolled my eyes, picked up a worn out Sammi and carried her over to my bed. I slid her body under the covers and I kissed her forehead. I crawled under next to her and I fell asleep for the rest of the night.

***The Next Day***

I woke up and found Sammi still sleeping next to me. I looked over at the clock beside my bed. "Wow it's 11:00, I really must have been tired." I got out of bed and hopped into the shower. I got dressed and woke up Sammi. She kissed me as she woke up and I helped her get dressed and I brought her back to her dorm. After I dropped her off at her dorm I took the elevator back up to the dorm so I could eat some breakfast. "Fuck," I thought to myself, "We don't have any more food after that party. I probably should find Scott so I can ask for some money to buy us some food." As I thought this to myself the elevator doors opened and I saw Scott passed out on the floor and he was bleeding profusely from gashes in his body. "Fuck, Scott!" I screamed and I ran over to him. I turned over his body and saw that he had dark bruises all over his body and gashes all over his abdomen. I felt a weird power emanating from the cuts, the same power I felt from the figure outside of our school. "This can't be a coincidence." I thought to myself. His hands were covered in blood and some of his fur was singed as well. I stood up and summoned the two-handed Normal type sword to my side and I held it up and cried out, "Heal Bell!" A loud ringing could be heard and the sword shone a bright white. Scott's body started to heal quickly. The cuts closed up and the bruises faded away. His fur started to grow back and the blood coming from his mouth stopped flowing. I knelt back down and the sword faded away. I picked up his body and sat it down in one of the many recliners in the room. I brought him a glass of water, but instead of having him drink it I motioned the glass at his face causing the water to splash all over him. He woke up with a jolt and was screaming bloody murder as if he just saw a ghost. His face went pale and he brought his knees towards his body. He wrapped his arms around his knees and rocked back and forth continuously. I was taken aback by this situation and stared intently at him in shock as I had never thought I would see this. He was muttering to himself and was making weird noises. After a minute or two of this I moved slowly towards him. "Scott," I said, "Is everything okay buddy?"

"B-B-Bra-Bran...." He said sputtering out of his mouth. I held both of his shoulders in my hands and tried to look him in the eyes. I shook him a couple of times and said,

"Scott...Scott...SCOTT!" I said in his face and he violently turned his head to face me and he was shaking with fear. Then his facial expression relaxed.

"J-Jay...Oh My Arceus Jay I am so glad to" he trailed off and his eyes started to water. Tears started to pour down his face and he turned away so he wouldn't seem weak. "I'm had to see that..." I maneuvered around him so I could look him in the eye but he just turned away.

"Dude..." I said, "What happened?" at first there was silence and then he started to speak.

"I was out with Angel on a date and we went to Pokelantis, the place where we had our first date. After a few hours I took her back to her dorm and it was about 4:00. I was walking to the market because I noticed earlier that we are out of food. And then all of the sudden I was jumped by a figure the same size as you but he was faster and I couldn't see who or what he was, but I can say this...he uses Aura weapons Jay. He uses Aura weapons, and specifically Aura swords. He knocked me out and slipped a black sack over my head. I don't know how long I was out but he slipped off the sack and started to ask me some weird questions. Stuff like do I know you, how close are we, what do I know of your family, stuff like that. Then after that they beat me to a pulp and he slashed my with the Aura blades and then they knocked me out. Then before I knew it I woke up here." I stared at him with a mixed look of fear and anger. I stood up and I started to pace and I said to him,

"Are you sure he didn't ask you anything else or tell you anything else?" I stopped and looked straight at him my eyes full of darkness. He stared intently into them and then his face dropped down. Then he gathered himself and he stood up, walked over to me and said,

"No." I didn't question him any further and I knew then I could still trust him.

"How can he be here, is it even possible that he could come to this school?" I thought to myself.

"I don't know," Jason replied. I gave a little jump and he continued. "But if he is back you better be prepared for a battle that will be unforgettable Jay, you remember how relentless he was when he was younger, imagine him now." I thought about this and shuddered a little bit.

"Well then, we have to keep our guard up I suppose." And after that I helped Scott into his bed and he fell asleep within minutes obviously from being tired. I sat down on the couch and then I realized, "We still haven't bought any food for our fridges." I face palmed and went through Scotts stuff for his wallet. I took out a couple of hundreds and took the elevator down to go to the market. After going to the market I came back with loads of bags and looked at my digital clock by my bed to see that it was about 2:17. I unpacked all the bags and loaded our fridges with loads of Coke, Root beer, cheese, milk, eggs, water etc... basically all the necessities to live. After this I went over to the massive T.V. in the middle of the couch and played Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 for the rest of the day till 9:00 when I went to bed because the next day was a school day.

***The Next Day***

I woke up to the sun coming up and I knew that I was time to go back to school. I woke up Scott who had a hard time walking but he said he was alright. He went into his shower on his side and I did as well in mine, after we got out and put on our school clothes and took the elevator down to the first floor to the main entrance where our school was connected to the dorm building. Since we are considered the pinnacle of our school we are always bombarded by either requests to hand out with people or girls throwing themselves onto us, but we also try really hard to avoid all of this so we run as fast as we can to our homeroom. As we sprinted down the hall I ran right into Gloria, wearing her normal mini skirt and glasses.

"Oh, hey Jay," she said as I bumped into her, "I was looking for you, I was wondering if you would like to..."

"No time." I replied quickly, "Run!" she looked behind me and saw the crowd of students chasing us. I helped her up quickly and we sprinted towards my homeroom even faster. After we ran down the hall we bolted into the room, slammed the door and locked it. We collapsed to the ground with our back s on the door and we all laughed nervously. I leaned to my left and kissed Gloria. "So what was it you wanted to talk to me about?" She giggled and said,

"Oh nothing I'll tell you later." We talked a little more and the bell rang. The students crowding around the door left and Gloria left the room with a kiss goodbye. The second bell rang and our homeroom teacher came in and took role. After she took role she put down her IPad, which she was using to take role, and faced us.

"Class, today we have a new student." And she gave us a great big smile. We all looked at each other with a mixture of puzzlement and excitement on our faces. Scott leaned over to me and said,

"Why would a kid join the year this late man, I mean we have what 4 months left?" I just shrugged my shoulders and said,

"I don't know man, don't look at me." Then the teacher said,

"Well everyone, I would like you to meet Brandon, come in Brandon!" she called out and the door opened and I nearly had a heart attack. "Fuck Jason, he is back!"

"Jay...this is won't end well will it?" He replied sounding a little nervous. I shook my head and thought,

"No, it won't" Out in the real world, not in my head, I had the biggest look of shock on my face.

"Jay," Scott said, "Are you okay man?" and he waved his paw in my face. I shook off the shock and leaned over to him.

"Dude I know that kid." I replied to him. He scratched his head and looked at me in confusion.

"How do you know him?" he asked me.

"Just listen to him, he will probably tell you because he hates me so much." He faced Brandon and I faced him as well.

"Hello," Brandon said, "Obviously my name is Brandon, I am 16 years old and I am a Frogaider. My Father is a Greninja and my mother is a Serperior and I have lived here in this region for all my life. I have transferred here this year because I wish to receive a better education, my best friend and I decided to move here and I heard that one of my family members goes to this school and has made quite a name for himself." He gave an evil smile at this and I thought I heard him give a chuckle. Scott turned towards me with one of his fingers pointed at me and then back at him, then I heard Brandon say, "Isn't that right...Jay?" And then he really showed a massive grin. the entire class turned to look at me in shock and I rolled my eyes and then I turned towards Scott whose face was full of shock and then I said to him,

"Dude just saying, he's the guy that beat the shit out of you and threw you back into my room." then his face wasn't so shocked anymore. He pointed at him and then I nodded back. He quickly jumped out of his chair and he cried at the top of his lungs,

"YOU SON OF A BITCH!" He started to make his way toward Brandon and I had to hold him back. I jumped quickly out of my chair, grabbed both of his arms and held them behind his back to keep him from moving forward. He was struggling violently and trying to break free, and the teacher was infuriated by his actions and his words.

"Scott!" She cried out, "Watch your language!"

"I'm gonna rip you to pieces you bastard!" he roared at him. I pulled him back and gave him a stern look.

"Dude calm down okay? Take a few deeps breaths." His breathing started to slow down and I walked over to Brandon. He smiled and said,

"It's good to see you again cuz." He brought me in for a hug and I whispered into his ear,

"You know you will still lose, no matter how hard you try you will lose. You lost then and you will lose now. You still don't have control, the only thing that drives you is anger and it also blinds you as well. Even if you do challenge me to a fight I will still kick your ass." He pushed off me and cried out,

"No Jay! This Time Is Different, I Will Win!" we stared at each other intently fire burning in our eyes and then Scott came between us with a big grin on his face.

"Well obviously we have a little rivalry going on here," then he looked at the teacher and the students looked at Scott, "How about we finally settle this on the battlefield outside the school. The teacher thought about it for a moment and said,

"I will not have the decision put on me, I say that whatever our champion decides we do." I stood there pondering the decision and Jason started to talk.

"Jay, are you sure you want to go through this? This may even be more dangerous than your battle against Scully." I thought about this and then I ignored his warning. I turned towards Brandon, fire still in his eyes and I said,

"You, my rival, have yourself a battle." And I held out my paw. He gave me a weird look then he reached out and we shook each other's paws. I looked over at the teacher and said, "Make an announcement over the intercom, if the students want to see their champion in action, make their way to the battlefields outback." She shook her head and left the room.

"To the battlefields!" Scott called out and the class cheered in excitement and they all bolted out the door. We heard the intercom come on and heard our teacher make the announcement.

"Attention all student's Jay, our school champion, has been issued a challenge by his own family member Brandon, our newest addition to our school. If any students would like to attend this battle please make your way to the battlefields out behind the school, thank you." And then the intercom went dead. We heard students rushing by our room to make their way outside to the fields. Brandon and I both looked at each other and then back at the crowd. We both laughed at this and then relaxed a little. After all the students made their way outside we walked out together side by side from the room towards the battlefield. Even though we were life-long rivals and enemies I started a somewhat friendly conversation with him. "So, how's the family man? Are they alright?" he nodded his head and said,

"They are perfectly fine man. Everyone in the family is so proud of you and the accomplishments you have made here. But as always I am always below you in everything we do." He clenched his fists tightly and clenched his teeth as well. Fire burned in his eyes again and we walked towards the battlefield in silence. As we opened the doors we were greeted by the entire school, Freshmen, Sophomores, Juniors, and Seniors all crowded around the battlefield in the middle cheering for us as we exited the building. I held up my hand in confidence and I waved with a smile. The crowd roared even louder and the blood started to rush faster in my veins. I looked over at Brandon who did nothing to entice the crowd, but instead he showed a face of confidence and I thought to myself,

"Maybe this time could be different..." I started to doubt my own abilities as a fighter, but I shook it off and showed a face of confidence as well. Brandon took the side of the field closest to the building and I took the one towards the trees. We took a battle stance and I shouted over to him, "Since you are the challenger, I oblige you to make the first move!" he smiled wryly at me and said,

"With pleasure." He once again took a battle stance and he shouted out, "Water Shuriken!" He held up both of his hands and massive shurikens appeared between all of his fingers and he swung both of his hands in an X formation at me. I bent backwards and I bent low as well. The blades flew over me and I watched them go by in a slow motion kind of way. I leaned forward and thought that they all had gone but one hit me directly on the face and I created a clean cut across my right cheek. I shook off the attack and ran at him screaming,

"Extremespeed!" I ran even faster and I hit him once from the front, another time from the back, and the last time from his left. He flew off into the crowd and the crowd dispersed to let him hit the ground. He shook off the attack as well and got back up. He walked over to the field and with anger in his eyes he cried out,

"Aura Sphere!"

"What!?" I thought to myself and he shot the hurtling ball of Aura at me. I had to think quick then I remembered something I did when I fought Scully. "Bone Rush!" I cried out and I ran directly at the flying sphere and everyone had a confused look on their faces. I swung the massive bone in my hand at the ball and the ball ricocheted of the bone and back at Brandon. The Sphere hit Brandon with more force then he threw it at me with. He went flying into the school building and hit the concrete wall hard. He stood up and cried out,

"Bone Rush!" a massive light blue bone appeared in his hands and I focused my power into my hands. As he was about to make contact I side stepped and he hit the ground. I sliced downward at the down with a flat hand and the bone broke in two and disappeared. "What that's impossible!" Brandon cried out. Then I leaned towards his ear and said,

"Not if you are Tier 3 Aura." I stood up tall, smiled and said to him, "Let's cut to the chase shall we? I know that you are Tier 2 Aura so you have to have weapons of some kind, so let's see what you got." I gave an him an evil smile and he cried out in anger. His arms flew up in a U shape and his Aura shone brightly in the area. The Aura blew me backwards into the trees and then I died down. I stood up and shook off the blow. I looked up at him and I saw that he had two swords in his hands...and they were both flowing with electricity and bright yellow. "Oh Fuck" I thought to myself. Brandon laughed evilly, consumed by his own power and said,

"Prepare to Fucking die Jay!" I gulped and just sat there in shock at my cousins' power and then he held both swords close together and cried out, "Zap Cannon!" a massive ball of blue and yellow electricity began to form between the two swords scaring me half to death. My mind was racing and I didn't know what to do. Then the massive orb of currents shot right at me and then I held up both of my arms to protect myself and waited for impact. I waited a few more moments and then realized that I was blocking the attack not with my arms but with swords! I looked at my hands and saw two dual-wield swords reflecting the suns' morning rays. I smiled to myself and thought,

"Steel type swords, sweet!" the orb was spinning rapidly against both swords and I swiped my arms downward. The electric ball exploded and sparks flew everywhere. My cousin took a step back in fear and I smiled. I charged straight at him and cried out, "Metal Claw!" I ran quickly and jumped into the air with my weapons directly above my head. I came crashing down on him swung the swords downward. His body hit the ground then bounced right back up with the amount of force my attack gave him and he spat blood everywhere. I landed behind him and turned around. I held out both arms with swords in hand and I ran directly at him and shouted, "Steel Wing!" Both swords glowed brightly and I made a direct hit him crumpled to the ground and struggled to get up. I was back on my side of the field now and I had a great big smile on my face thinking I had won...I was wrong. He got up slowly, his legs shaking beneath him and he said,

"Sorry Jay.....not today." I gave him a look of shock as I was surprised at his strength to keep going and then he held out both of he hands. A massive sword two-handed sword started to form by pulling dirt from the ground and then he held the sword up directly above his head and then it formed fully. It was an Ground type sword, and boy was it intimidating. I stared in shock as he brought the sword straight down and drove it into the ground. "Earthquake!" He said with a smirk and then entire field shook violently. I felt my legs buckle under me and I cried out in pain as my head was being shaken inside out. I clutched my head to keep it from moving instinctively but I was no use. As the earthquake died down I began to stand up and then he pushed deeper into the ground and said in a low and booming voice, "Fissure!" a massive crack came directly at me and I was frozen in fear. The crack opened a hole in the earth and I fell in with one last massive shake from the earth. I started to fall and cry out in anger.

"Brandon, I will Fucking Kill You!" I wasn't thinking clearly and then I thought of a great solution and a powerful one too. "Jason, hurry I need your help. We need to switch now and I need you to stop us from falling even further and climb us out of the pit!" at first there was silence then I heard him.

"Alright then, let's do it, I don't want to die at such a young age after all you know." Then he gave a cackling laugh. I rolled my eyes and then closed them. I felt a force pull me backwards into my own body and then Jason appeared. My body jerked violently and my mouth opened showing my sharp teeth. Then another row of teeth started to appear and my first set grew even sharper. My mouth became wider and Jason gave a massive evil grin. My eyes got bigger and turned black with red pupils. My body grew longer and my muscles got bigger as well. My fingers jerked, spread outward and massive long and sharp claws protruded from where my lame and dull claws once were. my body was shrouded in a very dark black and red Aura and my head was brought forward with a massive jerk and Jason opened eyes wide and smiled. "Well then," he said, "Let's play" He glided my body over to one side of the massive crack and shoved his claws inside the walls and cried out, "Metal Claw!" The claws glowed a silver color and he started to quickly climb up the walls. He was going so fast it was hard for me to keep up with him inside my own head. Then as he was reaching the top he hopped to the other side then back to the other and shot out of the crack. He shot high into the air making everyone stare up at him in awe. Brandon looked up in anger and cried out,

"WHAT THAT'S NOT POSSIBLE!" Jason landed right in front of his face and stood up slowly. He gave a toothy grin and said,

"Hello." Brandon stared at his face in fear and his entire body shook. Jason brought his claws up and screamed, "Shadow Claw!" He brought both of his arms downward and Brandon went flying backwards into the building making a massive hole in the wall. He stood up and blood was pouring from his mouth. He spat at the ground and looked very, very pissed off. He charged at Jason and his sword changed completely becoming one handed and it turned a very, very bright pink. Then he jumped up and swung at the ground crying out,

"Fairy Wind!" The gust of powerful wind blew downwards towards Jason and I blew Brandon backward higher into the sky. Jason just rolled his eyes and just moved out of the way. The gust hit the ground and Jason jumped as it did. The wind blew him upward and higher than his normal jump and he hovered in the air for a few moments with Brandon. Brandon, his face now in fear, stammered, "Wh-what a-are you...wh-who are y-you?" Jason smiled and cried out,

"Slash!" He swiped towards Brandon and collided with his head. Brandon shot straight towards the ground and hit hard. As the dust settled a massive crater was in the middle of the battle field and Brandon was in the middle of it. One of his thighs had a massive gash in the side and he was bleeding from the mouth profusely. There were cuts al over his right arm and he was spitting blood everywhere. Jason landed next to him and the crowd watched and stared in shock and awe. Jason leaned down towards Brandon and said in a quiet and disturbing voice, "I am Jason..." then he let out a booming evil laugh and clutched his abdomen as he did. Then he said, "Well, it's time for me to head out, I've had my fun. Now it's time for Jay to return." He smiled and I smiled as well. Then he hung his head back ward and closed his eyes to perform the switch. I was pulled back into my own body and Jason inside me. The claws in my hand retracted and so did my teeth and second row of teeth. My muscles became normal size again and my eyes became their dark blue again. I shrunk a few inches and the switch was complete. I rolled my neck, sighed, and smiled down at Brandon who was shaking violently in fear. I leaned down towards him and then I said,

"I will show you pity and not finish you off as I used to when we were little. Scott come over here will yah man!?" I cried out. Brandon's eyes became wide and he started to shake his head violently.

"No please man, don't let him do it, he will seriously kill me instead of knocking me out!" I just gave him a smile and Scott slid down the crater walls and ran up to me.

"Hey man, what did you need?" I stood up turned around and said,

"You get to finish off this bastard, I won't cause I'm tired of playing this stupid game of his." Scott laughed and said,

"With pleasure." He walked up to Brandon and Brandon gulped loudly. He tried to crawl away but Scott stopped him by stepping on his bad thigh. He screamed out in pain and reached for his thigh. Then Scott said, "I'm going to enjoy this you Son of a Bitch." Scott daggers appeared in his hands and he flipped them so they were facing left and right from his body. They glowed a brown red color and he smirked at Brandon.

"That's Not Possible! Only One Person Has The Ability To Use Daggers, Only One Person Has That Power!" I noticed what Brandon had said quickly but apparently Scott didn't and he punched down at Brandon and cried out,

"Drain Punch!" Brandon shielded himself with his arms and the crowd around the crater roared and just as Scott was to make contact a yellow blur flew between both of them and Brandon's body disappeared. Scott's punch collided with the ground and he looked to his left the way the blur went.

"Fuck," I thought to myself, "She's here and will probably kick the shit out of Scott." Scott looked over and as the dust settled from the blur he noticed a Female Pikachu tending to Brandon's cuts and bruises. He looked very confused and pointed to me then at her. I nodded and said, "That's his best friend, she's been with him since elementary." He looked over at her again to get a better look at her. The fur on her head covered her right eye and she had a really slim body. Her breast size looked like it was between a C-cup and a D-cup. She turned around for a moment to brush off her tail and he noticed that she had a nice perfect and round ass. She was in really good shape and almost my height. Scott looked like he was salivating at the mouth. I ran over to him and slapped him in the face. "Dude snap out of it, you need to go over there and get Brandon so we can finish this battle." He nodded and said,

"You're right man and besides this is getting kinda boring." He headed over towards Brandon and the girl and I noticed that he licked his paws and fixed the fur on the top of his head. I rolled my eyes and face palmed at his. I hung my head in shame as he has learned nothing when it comes to focus in battling. He stopped as soon as he got to then and he said, "Um excuse me, we were kinda in a battle and we need to continue it please." After I heard this I just fell backwards and rolled my eyes again. Without looking up at him she said,

"Sorry no can do, I need to help my best friend heal here."

"Thanks Felicia, you know you really are the best friend I got." Brandon said.

"And the only friend too, now shut up, I need to focus as I tend to your cuts." After hearing her name I sat up and said,

"So that is your name huh? After all these years that you wouldn't tell me Brandon finally lets it slip!" She gave a heavy sigh, rolled her eyes and said,

"Yeah okay, that's my name, it's not the greatest name but I don't like it!" And she continued to tend to Brandon's wounds. Then Scott crouched to the ground and said,

"Well I think it's a pretty name, for a pretty girl." And he smiled. Her face turned red and she started to look up at him and she said,

"Look if you are gonna start lying to me you better leave before I...I..." She finally looked at Scott and was in shock, her face redder than before. I was confused why she was acting this way and then I realized why. I broke into laughter and fell to the ground. I was belly laughing so hard I thought I was going to throw up. Then Brandon called out and said,

"What's so funny Jay!?" After a few moments of laughing so hard my breathing slowed down and I said,

"I just love how she falls for Scott immediately when meeting him by him just using his charm and she still hasn't fallen for you after how many years!?" I broke out into laughter again and by his reaction of silence I could tell he was pretty pissed off at this. Then I looked back over at Felicia and Scott and Felicia's eyes were glazed over and a smile appeared on her face.

"So," Scott said, "Can I please have him so that I may finish the battle?" and he gave her a good looking smile. Even though she was kinda under the spell of the fact she just fell for him she snapped out of it and said,

"I'm sorry I can't he is my best friend and I can't just give him to his rivals best friend and maybe my future lover." And she winked at him. Then Scott put on a face of total seriousness and he stood up and said,

"If you don't give him to me I will take him by force, I'm sorry but I cannot forgive him for what he has done to Me." and he summoned his daggers.

"How do you have the ability to use daggers, only one other can use those."

"Excuse me," Scott said clearly not paying attention, "Did you say something?" Then her face froze and her eyes closed. You could see her eyes moving very fast under her eye lids and then she opened her eyes and said,

"Never mind, as I was saying before, if you're gonna get to him you gotta go through me." And she smiled. Then Scott replied,

"Fine by me." And he uncovered his Poison daggers and cried out, "Poison Jab!" He moved at incredible speed and precision and delivered multiple blows to her abdomen before the final blow threw her to the wall of the crater. She got up, smiled and said to me,

"Hey Jay, don't think it's just you and Brandon who has power!" I looked at her in shock and then I yelled at Brandon.

"What the Fuck man why!?" then he started to make up excuses.

"Well she wanted to learn and she had the potential too so really it was kinda almost inevitable." I held up my hand and said,

"Look man you can't just go around and teach others that, it's dangerous, the power could have consumed her!" After that I looked over at Felicia and noticed that she was summoning her power. Then two massive Steel swords appeared in her hands and she lunged at Scott with even more incredible speed.

"Metal Claw!" She cried out and she swung the blades at Scott to the side and he flew far across the massive crater and continuously hit the ground. He stood up and threw her a complement.

"Wow, not bad. I have never met a girl as powerful as you are right now." And he smiled. She giggled and blushed at this complement and then she said something that stunned me.

"I have an idea. Since we are both of equal power, I say that we wager this battle." I thought about it for a minute and then I said,

"What are we wagering?"

"Well if Scott wins you guys get Brandon and you get to beat the fuck out of him all you want and I won't stop you. And if Scott also wins he can choose to have me or not." At this she winked and blew a kiss at Scott. Scott shuddered with delight and then she continued. "And if I win I get Scott for an entire day starting tomorrow we skip school and go out." And she gave us an even bigger smile. Scott smiled and looked at me and said,

"Well the funny part it either way I win, and actually no one we care about comes out a loser except for Brandon."

"Hey," I said, "I care about the guy, he just pisses me off that's all."

"Hello!" He said, "I'm right here! Why don't I get a say in this!?" then Felicia looked down at Brandon and said,

"Well it's because right now you aren't in walking condition and you are too weak to do anything now please shut up." I heard him give a heavy sigh and then I said,

"You got yourself a deal, Scott," I looked over at him and said, "Try to win." He nodded and said,

"Don't worry, this will be cake." And he took a battle position. "Ladies first?" he said.

"Big mistake." She said and then she ran directly at him and yelled, "Volt Tackle!" she turned into a massive ball hurtling at great speeds towards Scott giving him no time to react and hitting him dead on. He flew backwards and static charges kept him from moving.

"Fuck, I'm Paralyzed!" He choked out and then she hit him again.

"Thunder!" Strom clouds formed above her and then she shot a massive bolt of electricity at Scott. She hit him dead on again and he cried out in pain as his fur was being singed off and blood was seeping through. I knew that he was done but just shrugged it off knowing that he basically won anyway. After the massive blot hit him in the face he could no longer move and he lie still against the wall of the crater and then Felicia ran over to him. "Oh My Arceus Scotty are you alright!? I didn't mean to hurt you this badly!" she held him close in a tight hug putting his face between her breasts. I just laughed at this then sighed. I looked up at the crowd who watched in awe and then they all started to move away. Then I noticed Scott's girls sliding down the crater all worried sick as they saw their beloved being destroyed but then taken care of. Angel, Kathy, Jessie, Maddie, and Sunny all came down to care for Scott. I could have healed him with my Heal Bell but I thought that would take the fun out of it. I watched as all the girls carried Scott up the crater and into the dorm building to our room where they could take care of him. I laughed at this and noticed that they all left Brandon in the middle of the crater still needing to be taken care of. I walked over to him and bent down and said,

"Win or lose I'm still taking you out."

"Wait come one reall..." Then I punched him out. I picked him up and slung his body over my shoulder and climbed out of the crater to the nurses office in the school.

Well Guys After A Long Wait Chapter 20 Is Done! I hope you guys enjoy the story as much as I do and please go check out my friends Sega Nesquik, NoobKillerPat2011, and EeveelutionLover they will be collaborating with me on a story very soon and I hope we can entertain you guys by writing it. I will try to be posting normally again soon school and stuff keeps me busy so please keep your eye open for new Chapters. Please PM or post reviews if you have any Comments, Complaints, or Ideas. So till next time guys PEACE!