Emotional Bonds Part III: Lovers Purity

Story by MechWolf on SoFurry

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After the hugging was done Mitch picks up Tanya in his arms, her body still covered in the white liquid, lying against Mitch's chest. He takes her to the bathroom and turns on the water, placing the red fox gently into the tub and removing his black leather, fingerless gloves. He removes the detachable showerhead and quickly washes down Tanya, giving her the showerhead to clean her more sensitive areas.

As she cleans herself, Mitch watches her; he had a concerned look on his face

"I'm proud of you Tanya...you showed you could resist her long enough for me to get there...I know it may have been hell but you did it, you helped bring down a dangerous person" he says as Tanya gazes up at him "It felt...it felt wrong Mitch...and now...now I feel like I've been tainted...I need to be purified." She says looking at Mitch; he gives her a stare, "what?" he goes completely dumfounded as the fennec grabs him and brings him right to her, chest against chest as she gives a quick kiss

"Do...me...purify me...now," she says as she literally drags him into the bathtub while she kissed him. He splashes into the tub, his clothing getting wet as Tanya softly gazes into his eyes. Mitch pulls away

"Whoa Tanya...take it easy" he says standing up and backing up. The red fox only smiles as she gets out of the tub

"What's wrong...aren't you attracted to my figure?" she says as the male fox only backs to a wall.

"Uh...Tanya...are you ok?" he says as the fox steps closer to him and kisses him passionately "I'm fine...now that you're here" she whispers into his ears as she pushes him out of the bathroom into the main room "just let me have my fun now" she adds as she slowly takes his hand and makes him feel her firm tits.

"That means...I'm turned on by you...I always have been ever since I first met you, I've loved you..." she says leaning against him with a big sigh, and then look into his eyes, moving his hand onto her pussy she gasps again "so warm...you like it don't you?" she says as Mitch only breaks out in a sweat "uh huh...." He nods as she lets him finger her pussy, she only moans softly as she continues to lean against him.

After awhile she moves his hand away "now that your acquainted better...why don't you get intimate with me." She adds slowly taking off his vest and then removing his shirt, the blue fox gets more relaxed now that she had calmed down and wasn't as flirty. He helped her take off his pants only leaving his boxer/briefs on, she pushes him onto the bed and gets atop him. She feels up his firm cock and rubs it.

"My, aren't we happy" she says with a smile as she removes his last undergarment slowly, and then kissing him as she continues to feel up his cock.

"Tanya...I've always loved you as well...I cared for you and always look out for you...I was just shy to tell you" Mitch confesses as Tanya looks at him

"That's ok sugar...I was shy to...until you saved my life" She passionately kisses him, it seemed like forever, and she never wanted to let go.

After they pulled away, Tanya moves down to Mitch's cock and puts it into her mouth, giving him a grade A blowjob she thrust her mouth on it back and forth, first softly, then faster. Mitch only breathed in heavily and sighed big every time "I didn't...know you were...so good" he said between surges of pleasure. The red Fennec only smiles "I never knew you were so well built...rawr" she says sexily as she moves back up and begins to kiss him, this time pressing hr pussy onto his cock...she gasps as it goes in and jerks around a-bit, thrusting up and down on it as Mitch held onto her. It goes harder, faster, Tanya moans so loud, and then with a squishing sound she hits ecstasy again, but this time...she loved every minute of it. Sighing and falls onto Mitch, looking into him

"I went again," she says looking at him tiredly as she kisses him one last time before falling into a sleep. Mitch brushes her hair slowly as he lays looking up.

"Good night Tanya" he says "I will never leave your side again." He whispers as he turns off the lights...and too falls asleep...Tanya in his arms.

Emotional Bonds Part II: The bad side of love

Tanya makes it home just as the sun finishes setting over the park as Tanya arrives home that evening, she was exhausted, but also somewhat upset for what happened, had she embarrassed herself in front of Mitch with that kiss may have given him a bad...

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Emotional Bonds Part I: Secret Passions

(note) Ok this is my first Yiff story, the first part dosent have alot of Yiff in it, but the other 2 parts after it do...so dont expect much out of this, just read this so you can get an idea of who the characters are and how they feel towards...

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