
Story by Smiling Wolf on SoFurry

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Well this is my new story, sorry it took so long. Here is Sabre.

Caleb stood by the counter slicing carrots with even rocking strokes, he watched as Tomas and Frederick placed a small piece of grease on the poker to stir the fire. He sighed and walked over and pulled the poker away from the fire and wiped the grease off, why did the Matron have to put those two with him? What did he do to deserve that? He was coming up on his twentieth birthday having almost completed the two year apprenticeship with the castle cooking staff.

He signalled one of the apprentice chefs who were just starting their training "If you watch those two till my shift ends I'll mark you down as having done your shift" he offered holding the twins by the scruffs of their necks.

Thankfully the apprentice accepted and Caleb went back to prepare his soup once this shift was up he was done for the day. With the twins safely confined the rest of his shift flew by and as always his soup was much anticipated by the Earl, he always got a warm little glow when the Earl expressed his absolute delight in Caleb's creations.

He went back and collected the twins from the tired looking apprentice "Thanks mate" Caleb said and true to his word signed the apprentice's shift off he looked at the tired expression and signed him off for the rest of the day.

Caleb grinned at the shocked apprentice "No one is going to know mate but believe me unless you fix up your frying skills the master chef is going to have words with you soon. Go home and cook for yourself, your skills will improve dramatically if you do" he advised.

The apprentice hurried off and Caleb picked the twins physically off the floor, he found it was simply easier to hold them and somewhat safer to hold them like bags of flour, Caleb carried them to the Matron and deposited them in front of her "Ma'am I must insist you cannot keep giving them to me, they could have set the entire cauldron area on fire if I hadn't been watching them" he protested.

As always she just raised an eyebrow and pointed out of the room, Caleb rolled his eyes and walked out. He sighed as he entered the courtyard, tomorrow was the Day of Choosing in which the Masters of the Castle would choose their people to work with them but Caleb had bigger plans than spending the rest of his life serving soup to an Earl on the outskirts of civilization.

He watched the Swordsmaster practicing with one of apprentices, Caleb could see straight off where the apprentice was being drawn in and just as he predicted the Swordsmaster pulled the apprentice's blade out of his hand and followed through with his wooden practice sword letting it crack impressively against the youth's ribs.

Caleb snorted with laughter unfortunately for him the Swordsmaster heard him, "Caleb, I didn't know that wolves sat tamely on the sidelines while others fight?" the badger challenged.

Caleb growled dangerously "Don't impugn my honour, Master Toran, or you will find yourself regretting your words"

Caleb stepped onto the practice field and picked up a practice sabre, all self-respecting furs practiced with blades but Caleb chose to practice with something a lot more serious than a foot soldier's blade. Caleb practiced with the classic cavalry weapon, he had lost his parents in a stupid clash with a rival Earl, they were part of castle's cavalry and the entire stock of horses as well as all the members of the cavalry had been slaughtered during the fighting. Most people mocked him for using the blade, called him arrogant and said he was living in the past but Caleb was deadly quick with the weapon. The Horsemaster, old as he was, was the only person in the castle better than him with the heavy blade. He used his father's blade to venerate his parents' memories but the practice range did not allow sharp weapons so he normally practiced alone.

For the Swordsmaster to insult him in such a manner to call him and his parents' cowards was an insult Caleb could not and would not bear. Caleb did not tap his blade to the Swordsmaster's in the traditional sign of respect for an opponent, the winded apprentice scrambled out of the practice area fully aware of what was transpiring.

"Shall we to nine touches?" Caleb asked in a loud voice raising the level so high that the Swordsmaster could not back down without losing face. Nine touches was the official duelling count and by putting it at nine he also announced his intentions to the Swordsmaster.

There weren't many people watching but at the mention of nine touches people went running to fetch their friends, they were all aware this was going to be a fight to remember, something that would be retold around bar tables for years to come.

The Swordsmaster put his normal practice sword away and took out a practice longsword, the blades were traditionally opposed weapons the sabre represented the cavalry and the nobles while the longsword represented the foot soldier and the commons.

A crowd steadily gathered and the Earl appeared at his balcony, Caleb grinned at the Swordsmaster and saluted the Earl with his sabre. The badger merely scowled and raised his sword above his head into the ready position for the duel to begin, Caleb drew his sabre back into the ready position and the fight commenced.

Normally blows to the head were frowned up but that did not seem to bother the Swordsmaster, Caleb leant back and let the blade pass over his head "Bit high there" he snarled before using the hilt guard as a knuckle duster when he punched the Swordsmaster in the jaw.

The crowd gasped, the first touch was to Caleb and it was distinctly evident that the rules were off. The Swordsmaster began a rapid stabbing attack forcing Caleb to weave back but while the Swordsmaster's attacks were focussed on Caleb's front Caleb spun to the right and unleashed a devastating cut to the Swordsmaster's ribs.

Two points to Caleb and the Swordsmaster hadn't even scored a single hit yet, the badger unleashed a series of looping blows that almost caught Caleb but while he rolled away from the attack the badger's boot caught his jaw and stunned him for a second.

Out of reflex he brought his sabre up and just in time too, those bar brawls he had been in had saved him, the badger's blade was two inches above his face "You are scum!" Caleb snarled and kicked up with a leg catching the Swordsmaster in the groin. He followed up with a left hook to the face and shoved the badger back Caleb pulled the stunned badger upright and did what was known as the Duellist Grand Finish.

He drew the sabre back and slashed it straight across the badger's throat luckily the practice blade's blunted edge prevented him from killing the Swordsmaster but it was an irrevocable act. Caleb finished the fight before nine touches by landing a killing blow and to make matters worse, Caleb had demonstrated his skill with the sabre in front of the entire castle and shamed the Swordsmaster, he glanced upwards to see if the Earl's reaction.

The tiger's face was clouded, Caleb shrugged and threw his sabre aside and walked out of the practice ring leaving the stunned and choking badger to the audience.

Caleb walked back to the kitchen, he saw the apprentice he had let off earlier that day talking to the Master Chef, the otter glanced up "Caleb, it seems you saved me some time by telling this young man what I had already planned to tell him" the otter's voice took on a more serious tone "I had my doubts about you staying but those are gone now, I don't think you can stay after that little debacle on the practice field. What did that bastard say that was so bad?"

"He insulted the memory of my parents" Caleb said calmly.

"Ah" the otter said then turned to the apprentice "You'd best go now lad, come and see me after the Choosing"

The young cat fled out the door and the Master Chef turned to Caleb "I think you certainly defended their honour today but did you have to use the bloody Grand Finish? Who the hell even taught you that?"

Caleb cracked a rare full smile "My father's journal, he always bemoaned the fact that he never had the opportunity to use it upon someone"

The otter laughed "That sounds exactly like your father. Look we all have to bow to the Earl's wishes and it might be that he decides that you have to go if he does I can get a friend of mine, Leo of Kingscliff, to take you in during your journeyman's stretch but if the Earl wants to keep you he will have to offer you an official role now or the Swordsmaster will be too humiliated to remain and we won't let him go. A bastard he might be but he is a true veteran. If he does offer you an official role you can't refuse, it would be a stain on his honour that would not come off till you were dead and I know the Earl he isn't the type to take no for an answer. There are some things you aren't ready to know just yet about the Earl. If you do stay on I will tell you them and something about your parents too"

Caleb groaned "I want to know more about my parents, if I have to leave I have to leave. Will you tell me if I am forced to leave?"

"I don't know whether I should if you were here I would because I could keep an eye on you but once you are gone I can't moderate your actions" the Master Chef said "By tomorrow we will either be equals or firm friends, call me by name, we hardly need to stand on formality anymore"

"Alright Scarlet" Caleb replied "You are going to have to tell me where you got that name someday"

"The name is William Scarlet" the otter replied "Just Scarlet makes me sound like a boy on the streets of Mandalay"

"Well see you tomorrow Will" Caleb said.

On the way out Caleb grabbed a bottle of red wine usually used for seasoning some dishes, he had always enjoyed the robust flavour and the Master Chef had never commented on it and after today Caleb definitely need a good drink.

Caleb climbing into the bell tower of the castle, the bell was only ever rung during an attack and no one ever came up here. This was Caleb's home, he hadn't slept in the dorms for over two years now and the Matron said nothing about it. Technically he was still supposed to report to her but he had never gotten along well with her probably why she stuck the twins with him but tomorrow that would all change.

Caleb reverently took his father's cavalry sabre down from its hiding place he tied it to his baldric and felt its familiar reassuring weight on his thigh, he sighed and took a long drink from the red he looked at the bottle and laughed. Instead of grabbing the seasoning wine he had instead grabbed a very fine red wine "Ah well who is going to know?" he said to himself.

Caleb spaced out his drinking of the wine, savouring every mouthful but eventually he finished the exquisite wine, he sighed and tossed the bottle from the bell tower over the battlements to shatter somewhere in the woods.

He climbed up into the bell tower window and stared out from the bell tower onto the moon lit forest, he wished he could walk away right now and leave the drama that would happen tomorrow behind but he could not bear to abandon any information about his parents.

Caleb got comfortable in the stone arch worn by smooth by his presence over the years, he was just relaxing when he heard a hand on the trapdoor, everyone knew he slept here and he wouldn't put revenge beyond the petty Swordsmaster.

Caleb slid silently off his perch and retreated into the shadows and drew his father's sabre an inch out of its sheath, he watched the figure coming out of the trap door, far too thin to be one of the castle's swordsmen. Caleb sheathed blade and walked forwards "What the hell are you doing here?" he demanded.

The person started at Caleb's sudden appearance and he finally saw the figure's face, it was the apprentice from the kitchen "Oh I" the cat stuttered.

Caleb put a hand over his eyes "Mate I highly doubt I will be here tomorrow, say what you have to"

The apprentice leaned forwards as if to whisper something in his ear and went Caleb leant forwards as well the cat kissed him, Caleb started back from the whisper of a kiss.

The apprentice blushed bright red and Caleb was speechless "I ah see your point" Caleb said trying to gather himself.

Caleb desperately tried to think of something witty or smart to say but words had utterly left him, he could only manage "How long have you?"

"Since the start of my work in the kitchens" the cat answered.

Caleb thought for a second and put two and two together, the soup area was not all that far from the frying pans, the reason for the cat's indifferent fried food was not a lack of skill but his lack of attention. Caleb cracked an awkward grin "You've been watching me make the soups haven't you?"

The cat nodded shyly.

"I never got your name" Caleb said.

The cat blushed harder "My name is Kathandrion but everyone just calls me Kat"

"Your parents were from Alterion weren't they? Only those people can string a name like that together" Caleb said "Well Kat..."

Caleb couldn't finish the sentence instead he kissed Kat the young cat melted into his embrace and even began to purr. Caleb felt a warm glow and though it might be the wine starting to affect him he liked to think it was the feeling of being loved.

Caleb untangled himself from Kat and took his baldric off and put it back in its hiding place, he glanced at Kat to the young cat already trying to rapidly undo his shirt. Caleb grinned and slid his shirt off from over his head and walked back over to Kat, he pulled Kat's hands away from his shirt and kissed him again and while Kat purred Caleb undid Kat's shirt and pulled it from his shoulders.

Caleb felt Kat's hands fumbling with the knots on Caleb's trousers, Caleb again pulled his hands away gently and undid the knots and let his pants fall to the floor. Caleb gasped as he felt warmth engulf his cock, he watched as Kat played with his member.

Kat lapped at the tip of Caleb's cock and as more emerged he began to stroke Caleb's shaft, Caleb panted lightly as Kat sucked on the tip of his cock.

Once Caleb was fully erect Kat stopped sucking on his cock, Caleb glanced down to see why Kat had stopped, Kat was struggling with his trousers. Caleb dropped to his knees behind him and pulled Kat's pants off Kat got up on his hands and knees before Caleb.

Caleb lifted Kat's tail up and looked at his tailhole, he cautiously gave Kat's tailhole a lick and grinned as Kat moaned submissively, the taste was definitely different and Caleb used his tongue to lube Kat's tight hole. Caleb stopped licking and shuffled closer on his knees behind Kat, Caleb put his cock at the entrance of Kat's tailhole and slowly pushed in, Kat moaned softly as Caleb opened him up.

Though Caleb would never admit it he was still a virgin and the sheer pleasure of entering Kat was pushing him dangerously close to the edge, he forced it back as far as he could. Caleb eased his way into Kat and when his hips meet with Kat's ass he began to withdraw faster, Caleb could not bear it any longer and began to thrust harder into Kat.

Caleb wrapped his arms around Kat's chest and began to thrust as hard as he could into Kat's tailhole, Kat moaned loudly as he was forcefully fucked by Caleb, Kat rocked back into Caleb's thrusts driving Caleb's staff as deep as it would go inside him.

Their grunts and moans, gasps and groans filled the bell tower accompanied by the sound of Caleb hips slamming into Kat's backside, they rocked back and forth their sounds of pleasure growing as both got closer to their limits and their litany of lust began to rise towards a peak.

Caleb felt his knot starting to form as he pounded Kat's ass, he panted as he pulled his cock out with more effort and had to force it back in with more strength with every thrust. Kat whined as he felt Caleb knot being pulled out of his tailhole, he felt strangely empty until Caleb pushed his cock back in again.

Caleb strained to force his knot into the tight cat and with a loud mewl from Kat he pushed his knot into the cat, Caleb thrust fast using what little space he could with his knot swollen up inside Kat, he felt his orgasm coming fast.

Caleb howled as he came inside Kat his cum splashing inside the kitty, Kat shuddered as he felt the hot cum rush deep inside his body. Caleb shakily reached around Kat and began to stroke his cock quickly and after all the stimulation and Caleb's cum warming his guts Kat's cock spurted onto Caleb's hand. Caleb raised his hand to his muzzle and licked Kat's cum off, he grinned at the salty taste.

Caleb rolled onto the ground taking Kat with him since his knot was still swollen up in Kat's ass he sighed and held Kat as the two of them drifted to sleep in the bell tower.

Smiling Wolf

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