
Story by Star Chaser on SoFurry

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#2 of Into the sunset

Hey everyone, sorry I haven't been on in a while but I've been busy as all hell. Here's the next installment of "Into the Sunset".

I sat in my seat staring at the clock, I had five minutes until and I forgot to eat all day. My stomach growled loudly as the time crawled by, it always slows down right before school let's out to taunt me. The teacher was babbling on about something having to do with the spanish inquisition but my mind was elsewhere, it's been months since I've met the guys. It was so strange to find them gone the next day, I didn't even get to ask why they were here and they just vanished.

Finally the bell rang and I slung my bag over my shoulder and headed home, even though it was still winter it was Florida and 70 degrees out so I just had on black shorts and a sleeveless shirt. My house was just down the street so I didn't really need to drive, and even if I did I didn't have my licsense. I'm not that good a student so insurance was flipping expensive, I was till single because just like in Colorado I was the only gay guy within miles of home. I got home and kicked off my shoes, "Dad, I'm home." I made my way into the kitchen and grabbed a soda. No response.

"Huh, must be with Missy." Missy was his new girlfriend, which was fine except for when she spent the night at our house. It's one thing to fuck your girlfriend, it's another to fuck her when your kid sleeps right under your room. I plopped down in my room and slid my bag next to my bed, I turned the t.v. on and relaxed taking a sip of soda. I could still remember Shale hugging Drake on my bed, my eyes started sagging as tiredness overtook me along with the noise from the t.v.

"Well, doesn't that look familiar." I almost reached for the knife under my pillow before I realised who it was, Drake and Shale were both standing in the doorway leading to the beach and smiling at me. I couldn't help but smile back.

"Surprised to see us? It's been a while since we met." Drake teased, his arm was resting on Shale's shoulder. I nodded and looked for the others "It's just us, the others aren't here."

"Well, come on in and get comfortable. It's nice to see you again." I sat up as they walked in and sat down, Shale next to me and Drake in the chair accross from us.

"So how have you been?" Shale asked me, he was wearing the same speedo from that night and this time had a short sleeved shirt on, Drake was wearing one as well. I wanted to ask them whhat happened to them but I didn't want to seem rude, so I just asked if they wanted anything to drink.

"Sure, do you have any bottled water?"

"Yeah, it's upstairs. Unless you're okay with energy drinks." I pointed at the mini fridge by the t.v. and Drake went over to it and pulled out three large cans of Monster tossing one to the orca and another to me. Using his claw, the dragonpierced his can and took a large sip of his beverage and ending it with a content sigh. "So back to business, how are you?"

"I'm good, you?"

"We're good, just been busy with some stuff. We'll tell you about that later." We talked for a little bit and sipped our drinks, a few hours had passed and it was dark out now. We were starting to feel the effects of the energy drinks kick in, I started to notice a strange smell coming from Shale that smelled kind of like body odor but it was strangly arousing and I noticed his slick black skin starting to moisten with sweat.

Drake laughed and gulped the last of his drink, "I feel like partying now!" His tail flicked around happily and tapped our legs, then he let out an agrrivated growl. "What's wrong?"

The dragon dropped the can and smirked, "We can't dance in you're clubs, military would be all over us and that would just ruin our fun." We laughed and the smell got stronger, I sipped some more of my beverage and an idea popped into my head and I got up.

"We could still dance, I have music on my computer. But we don't really have any room to dance though." I looked at my computer still wanting to play some music, I started playing some dance music and their faces lit up. They got up and started dancing together behind me, I wanted to join them but I can't dance.

"Come on, dance with us." Shale pulled my arm and yanked me close, the smell intensified but all I could do was smile dumbly andtry to explain that I couldn't dance to save my life. They ignored me and continued moving to the beat, their tails flopping and swinging as I felt a strange sensation take over my body. My torso began rocking side to side and my head bobbed up and down to the sound emmiting from my speakers, they murred and growled in approval at these movements.

"There you go, you got it!" exclaimed Drake, before I knew it I was dancing with them like I was a normal clubber. I didn't notice it at first, but I was directly in between the two and they were rubbing against me in the confines of the small room and I also didn't notice my shorts growing tighter. Drake grinded his groin hard against my leg and flashed me a sly look while Shale wrapped his arms gently around me, I could tell they wanted a little more than just a dance from this and I decided to have a little fun myself.

Once Drake stood back up, I flung my arms around him and started to lower myself onto my knees. I grinned deviously at the look of surprise in his eyes as I past them, once on my knees I split my legs to my sides and layed flat on my back, looking up I saw him lower himself onto his knees and strattle me. His crotch bulge was rubbing mine and forced my member to be painfully constricted inside my boxers.

Shale followed suite and knelt, still dancing to the music and put his beak dangerously close to my lips. Suddenly Drake pulled me up and looked me dead in the eye, his eyes were almost on fire with passion and Shale moved next to him giving me the same look. "Is something wrong?" they glanced at each other and nodded, the dragon's eyes seemed to soften after a minute.

"No, just relax and let your instinct take you." before I could ask what he meant, he pressed his lips against mine and kissed me. His tongue darted into my mouth and began exploring as I started to do the same to him, the orca nuzzled his way in and joined the kissing. My legs felt weak, so I felt around for the edge of my bed and sat down feeling their tongues traced my lips and started on my face, covering it with saliva.

"You look so cute with that collar, I don't know how we made it all this time without doing this!" Shale reached under my shirt and felt my abs, since we met I've been working out extra hard just in case this happened. He murred in surprise and slipped it off over my head before doing the same with his, Drake left his on and slowly eased me back onto the bed.

I watched eagerly as he spread my legs and started to pull my shorts off, savoring the moment that they've been waiting for. My member stood tall and proud once they were around my ankles, he took them off and tossed them over his head. He grinned at me and lowered his head towards my crotch, inhaling the scent as he got closer and he closed his eyes once he was inches away and took a deep breath of my groin, the look in his eyes was so warm and inviting. Shale got on top of me and started kissing me romantically, his musk a lot stronger and the sweat on his body was starting to emerge more and more.

Drake took his time taking in my scent before moving on to his original plan, he licked the inside of my crack with his long slick tongue making me squirm and buck in pleasure, it was restricted since I had a bodybuilding orca on me. His licks were slow and agonizing but started to turn his focus from licking the inside of my crack to my hole, lewd sounds began to sound as the tip started playing with my hole as I felt his hands on my inner thighs and massaged my groin.

Shale was pressing hard on my body and continued kissing me for a while longer, I wrapped my arms around him feeling his dorsal fin on his back and rubbed it, he moaned as I did this. I felt Drake stop and remove his hands, he must've done something to Shale because he got off of me and I was now looking at the dragon taking his shirt off, his bulge looked like it was about to burst through the thin fabric of his speedo. I sat up and grinned shyly, I felt a stream of pre run down my six inches and he smiled and with a claw tip he scooped up some of it and tasted it, "Mmm, this is going to be fun. Think you can do this on your stomach?"

I smirked, "I could do this with my eyes closed and my hands tied behind my back." He laughed and gave me a quick kiss and I turned over onto my stomach, Shale positioned himself in front of my face and I saw some pre leaking out through the fabric. I could hear rustling behind me and the music got louder, the orca gave his crotch a good squeeze and pulled his speedos down revealing his crotch slit and a good eight inches of orca pride plopped out hitting me on the chin and smeared the sheets with crotch fluid.

I felt Drake grab my hips and something hard and slimy was pressed against my virgin hole, when I though he was going to thrust and push his way in he pulled me up against his hot sweaty scaled body making the tip of his cock go in. "I have a better idea."

He turned us around and laid us both on the bed, me on top of him. Shale got up and knelt in front of us, his member dangling between his legs "Just let me know if it hurts." I felt him press into me and I tried to take in as much of his rock hard cock as I could, a good few inches slid in with our combined efforts and I could feel a large knot at the base of his shaft. just the thought of it plugging my ass made me shiver with delight. I noticed Shale bent over me, his penis rubbing against mine. He knelt back down and started to lick my shaft as I got aother powerful thrust from below, another inch or two got in and the knot still tempting my anus.

Shale started to lick a little more and coated my cock with saliva, but he stopped and the moment he did Drake sat us up and leaned against the wall. Shale tokk this oppurtunity to climb up next to us and with his hand he positioned his pride next to my face, I've been waiting for this all my life and I eagerly took it in my mouth and began to suckle it like a popsicle. His moans were music to my ears and I felt his hand on my head, his member throbbed in my mouth andshot some pre onto my tongue it tasted salty and bitter but still good. Drake's movements became more fluidlike and rythmic as he fucked my rump,his growls made his body vibrate and made my whole body tingle, they were low and rumbling coming from his throat and chest. "Oh god, you're so tight! It feels like I'm shoot any second!"

Shale started thrusting his hips and almost made me gag, but I didn't want this to stop so I just swallowed and felt him slide down my throat. He chittered in pleasure and thrust again, this time his ballsac whacked my chin and shot another jet of pre but I kept on orally pleasuring him, trying to make him happy. My whole body was aflame with ecstasy, Drake pounding my hole and prostate was enough to make me cum without my hands, but I wanted more, I wanted the whole length.

Drake grunted and panted trying to reach his climax, and with the caffeine running through him he was all to eager to get there. I got the timing down and when he thrusted again I pushed down with my hips and with a wet "PLOP" his knot entered and tied us together. I cried out in a mix of pain and pleasure, the knot was bigger than I imagined but it felt so good!

"Oh FUCK YES!!" I exclaimed, I rode his dragon cok as best I could feeling him thrust and pump. Shale let out a shout of pleasure and came in my mouth, shooting thick ropes of seed into my throat. Drake nearly deafened me with a tremendous roar, he pulled the knot out and slammed it back and I felt my bowels fill with the dragons cum. He unloaded what felt like gallons of seed with each jet, and gave one last forceful thrust shooting one last jet into me.

"That was... amazing! Too bad I can't tell anyone I made it with a dragon and an orca." I said, Drake wrapped his arms around me and squeezed.

"That's alright, we'll always know, and if you want we could make this a regular thing." he murred in my ear. His mouth opened and let out a huge yawn. "Uhh, I feel kind of dizzy."

I just snuggled against him and Shale laid on the bed next us yawning as well, "You must be crashing from the energy drink, I'm just gonna shut off the music then, if that's alright." He said it was alright so I got up and tried not to let his seed spill out onto the bed, a little oozed out but that was about it. I turned off the music player and then my computer, then I heard Drake urging me to turn off the lights and to come back to him so I did as I was told. I turned off the light and assumed the position I was in, his member was still hard and he guided me back onto it with ease.

"Thank you for that, you really are a nice guy." murmered Drake, Shale also thanked me as the three of us laid down on the bed. I turned the volume way down on the t.v. and relaxed, Shale laid on one side of me and Drake on the other, they both had me tightly bound in between them. They placed their arms on each other over me and closed their eyes, their breathing slowing down to a casual pace and their breath was directed at me making my face steam up. I could still smell their natural scents, both very musky, strong and earthy like body odor and sweat. I felt one of them grasp my cock, which had gone soft after we finished and I gasped in surpised.

Looking down I saw a black hand with it and making it hard again. Shale was looking at me with bright blue eyes and a tired smile, he whispered softly "Consider this a thank you." He moved closer and I felt him place it inside his crotch slit, it felt warm and wet but it was very arousing. He slowly rocked his hips and started to fuck me, my member was rock hard now and sliding along the top of his making soft squelching sounds. His beak touched my lips and gave a tender kiss, I felt like I was in heaven. I was going to shoot any second, but my concentration was broken by Drake shifting and laying his snout on me face so we laid cheek to cheek.

His knot wasn't as big but still tugged a little when he moved, that caused waves of pleasure to shoot throughout my body as I ejaculated into the orcas slit, he murred softly at the feeling and gave his large balls a squeeze and then mine. When I tried to pull out however, he stopped me and said to leave it in, with that he sighed and nodded off. I closed my eyes and started to drift off, some of Drakes sweat rolled off of his green scales and onto my body same with his partner. I was trapped in between the two and I didn't care, it felt nice.

As darkness overtook me, I could have sworn I heard them say they loved me.