Behind The Door

Story by TheSarcasticBandit on SoFurry

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#2 of Of Fur and Broomsticks

Whoo-hoo almost to the adventure part!

Kalmithe awoke rather early, ready to begin her day. Her faithful servant, however, was not. She stared at him from the foot of the bed. "Wake up." She tugged lightly at the covers on top of Samuel. "C'mon!" She shouted, pulling the blankets off of the rabbit entirely, but he stayed fast asleep. Kalmithe, curious and better able to see in the light of day, looked over her bunny's body. Kinda scrawny, twitching tail, his white fur was speckled with brown spots and his neck was adorned with a blue ring around it that when viewed carefully looked as if it was made of tiny dots. He twitched a little and turned over and she noticed his sheath, with a little pink peeking out. Kalmithe leaned out over the bed to touch it, for a moment she faltered pressing hard against the furry sac above his sheath. She jumped as Samuel grunted loudly and tensed up, his balls seemingly disappeared. The witch was more than interested by his reaction and so she sat down next to him, looking closer at his rabbit anatomy as his balls slowly returned to the surface. Kalmithe clamped her fingers down on the tender orbs, trying to keep them from their retreat.

"Oooowww! Stop it!" Samuel woke up, screaming.

"Be quiet. I'm just playing with them." She rolled them around in her hand, this felt a lot better than her pulling and squishing. "See? You like it." Kalmithe grabbed his growing erection with her other hand, stroking it lightly until it was completely exposed. Then she squeezed his balls again, making him scream and try to cover his abused testicles. "No. Lay down." Sam's body held him to the bed. "Yeah, it's gonna be okay." She was really enjoying the feeling so much control brought her. Her hands stroked and teased some more until she felt his balls trying to pull against his body, then she squeezed again and he writhed against the bed, practically in tears. "Shh, shh, shhh..." Kalmithe let his balls retreat into their hiding place and she played with his cock some more, a finger teasing the place just inside his sheath until he finally came hard across his stomach and chest. "Now, you need a bath, bunny." She rustled his head fur with a messy hand and with a flick of her finger Samuel followed.

Kalmithe filled the tub with water from a seemingly bottomless bottle, and it came out steaming. She pulled off her night wear as Samuel entered the bathroom. "I'm sorry! I couldn't stop myself." He looked away, expecting harsh words or an unsavory squeeze, but instead a light touch on his muzzle turned his head toward her.

"I thought we could share a bath, actually." Ever the gentleman Samuel tried and failed to keep his eyes at her eye line. How could he help himself from at least peeking? Her pale skin was accented by pink, hard nipples on her perky breasts and a slightly darker purple in between her swollen pussy lips. "Is that okay?" The rabbit swallowed heavily and nodded. He stared as she sunk slowly into the tub, relinquishing a sigh of great comfort. "Come in." The walk to the tub seemed dreadfully slow and she directed him to sit between her legs. "See, isn't this nice?" The witch scrubbed shampoo into his head fur, careful to keep it from dripping into his eyes, and helped him rinse it out with the bottle she kept handy. Her nails scritched gently down his chest fur and when it trailed to his stomach he kicked a bit, his large foot causing a small wave in the tub. "What was that?" Kalmithe giggled.

"I dunno." She tickled at the same spot and the rabbit kicked and laughed. "Hey! Cut it out."

"Why, does that tickle?" She punctuated the sentence with another tickling fit.

"N-no!" Samuel choked out between his chuckles as he splashed water around the room with his bucking feet, which made Kalmithe practically cackle. When the laughter died down she was holding him as he panted, and when he looked into her eyes he saw a side of her he hadn't before. She seemed vulnerable. Slowly he pulled himself up until his lips met hers and when he pulled away she wanted more. Samuel turned over and she swept the floppy ear from in front of his face before pulling him to her, her tongue forced in before he relaxed. His paws were rough against her back as he returned the kiss and grinded his erection against her mound. Her hand tugged at his tail as he teased her.

"I want it..." Kalmithe huffed between kisses. She helped guide his pink length to her hot, tight entrance and with one thrust he broke her virginal seal. She cried out as blood spread through the tub of water.

"Are you okay?" He stopped and looked at the pained expression on her face.

"Yeah, just go slow. Please." He pulled out and pushed back in, slowly going faster and faster. Her hand fell back to his tail squeezing it each time the pain hit its peak. With time the pangs of pain became pleasure, hitting her deeper than any before. Samuel couldn't take it anymore, his thrusts came faster and harder. His lagomorph balls bumped against her clit each time sending a jolt of pleasure that made her bite her lip. Her muscles seemed to tighten to try and keep him in. "Oh Gods..." She moaned before her back arched and Samuel hilted her. She felt his animal seed fill her. He offered a quick kiss before he let his body rest atop her's and they laid together, panting in the hot water. She felt strangely empty as his dick slipped back into its hiding place. "Okay, bunny. Get up, now. I have to get dressed to go into town. "

"Do you have to? I don't think I can go back to the city like this." Samuel lifted himself from the water, the cool air sent a chill down his spine.

"We need food and money, besides I have some less than perfect potions to get rid of." Kalmithe smiled and pulled herself out of the tub. "And you have some messes to clean." The rabbit's head sunk, when the witch pulled it up to look at him he noticed she was dried and dressed. "Don't forget to throw away the rags. Bunnies don't wear clothes." She left him, dripping on the already soaked floor.

Looking around the house Samuel saw how much damage he had done to the place, broken glass, sticky residue and bits of tattered cloth in the living room. Some crusty spots on the sheets covering the bed upstairs, not to mention his discarded clothes. He supposed the water spattered all over the bathroom was also somewhat his fault. He sighed as he set about gathering his clothes and the remnants of his shoes and the glass vial in the dust bin. She'll probably use the clothing for kindling if tonight was cold. Once he said goodbye to his tattered shirt and pants the whole experience went much faster than he anticipated. He didn't have to go to a pump to get water to clean the sheets or floors, thanks to the enchanted bottle and she had showed him where everything was the night before, although it took a moment to push aside other things from that night. In fact, he decided to clean more than his share. After all, he was her familiar. Even after organizing her books as best he could, though they were in some strange script, putting up her preserved specimens in a cupboard and watering her plants he found himself with time alone. It was something that didn't happen often in his life and sitting in the living room grew tiresome quickly. Samuel gave the outside of the house a once over. The cellar had bottles of wine in it alongside some unmarked bottles. The hedges were well trimmed. The inside was tidy as well. He checked everywhere for something to do. Everywhere except the door she neglected to show him during the tour. He stood in front of it, somehow it seemed bigger than the rest. He told himself he shouldn't open it. That there was a reason she didn't show him it. But his paw clasped the handle anyway, to his surprise it was unlocked. It swayed open with a creak and what he saw puzzled him. It was an ordinary bedroom. There was a half melted candle on the nightstand, a large bed, illustrations of a strange beast and a beautiful woman were pinned to a wall, there were notes scattered about the desk by the window and it all seemed covered in a layer dust.

"Hello? I didn't know what you'd like to eat so I got things that bunnies like!" Kalmithe's voice rang out, practically singing. Samuel panicked and rushed out of the room as her steps up the stairs grew louder and he slammed the door shut behind him. She found him, his paw clutching the door handle. "Why were you in there? You're not supposed to go in there." Her eyes were fierce, piercing.

"I don't know. I was bored and-" The nervous rabbit muttered.

"And nothing! If I wanted you intruding I would have told you please, snoop around in my parent's room! " The silence grew deafening.

"What ha-"

"Shut up. Get the bags. Put the food up in the pantry." She didn't even look at him. So, silently he put away the food items she had bought. Mostly vegetables, perhaps for his sake. Then he found her in the living room looking over a text he couldn't read and handed her the sack of things he hoped wasn't food. After that he watched and waited. "Move that stack of books into my bedroom. " The witch sounded annoyed as she gestured with a nod. Samuel had no choice, but to obey and carry the heavy pile of books into her room upstairs. When he was finished he continued watching her. "You know what? Bring those back down." The rabbit scurried up the stairs, his back ached as he descened them. That was the first of many arbitrary tasks the poor rabbit was made to do well into the night. "Stop." His sore arms were glad to drop the heavy table as he had just rearranged the living room several times beforehand. Kalmithe got off the chair she seemed to prefer and walked towards the rabbit who looked somewhat frightened. "If there was a way to make you human again, would you like that? " Samuel nodded vigorously. "It might take a lot of work and it may be dangerous, can you handle that?" Her palm touched his cheek as he nodded again. "You can talk now."

"How? What do I have to do?" He was more than eager to get of this fur and be rid of those ridiculous ears.

"There's an amulet of a peculiar power, it can return one's true form. We would have to travel far away for just the hope of finding it... are you sure it's what you want?"


"Alright, we can leave in a few days." Her thumb stroked the fur on his cheek back and he felt warm inside.

They ate quietly and prepared for sleep quickly, although it would come readily to neither. One thing seemed to keep them up. "Kalmithe, if you don't mind me asking, what happened to your parents? " The lamp flickered on and she sat up.

"They loved each other very much... My mother was a human and she fell in love with my dad, a warlock. She loved everything about him and wanted to learn more about the unseen world he lived in. They set off together, documenting the other worldly events and creatures they saw. Somewhere along the way they had a daughter and they both loved her very much. Then some hideous beast wiped my mom from existence and in a rage my dad struck down the beast. He's still searching for a way to bring her back." With that the lamp flickered out and she laid back down. Samuel drifted off to an uneasy slumber to her muffled sobs.

The New Familiar

Samuel was thrown out of the orphanage the day after his seventeenth birthday. He spent so much time learning to survive inside he hadn't considered how hard it would be outside. The people were mean, especially to beggars in ratty clothes. So, in...

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