Poolside Encounter

Story by upsetbunny on SoFurry

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An adolescent skunk with a deformed leg finds acceptance in an unexpected place; a human in his 30's. It seems quite long and possibly should be edited and cut quite drastically. I hope you enjoy it.

Criticism welcome, and if you are scared to offend me with criticism, I tea-baged your mom last night. That should make you more comfortable. ^.^

Waking with a slight start at the sound of my name, I smiled and replied to Martins query, describing exactly the type of female anatomy I thought he was.

Attempting to summon a little animosity for my reprimand, the warm sun I was soaking up going a long way to quell my annoyance, drowsiness defusing the rest. The playful otter had an infuriating habit of calling my name just as I began to doze off in his presence, asking me if I was also struggling to fall asleep. Some days I could have wrung his elongated furry neck for him.

Not many humans had the honour of being accepted or even trying to be accepted by the genetically altered anthropomorphic community. Don't misunderstand me, Pineville was still dangerous to the unwary, Regardless of species. I am relatively careful though, rarely needing to use the potent pepper spray I keep clipped somewhere convenient.

Martin and I have been fast friends since school. It was grade 8 when two furr's were introduced to my class. This was the first time co-species were accepted in a human school. Martin was an otter that joined our grade 8 class, the other a dingo, Rowan if I remember correctly. I remember how scared Martin had been, a panicked look in his wide round eyes.

He was utterly adorable. Perhaps I first thought of him as a cute pet, not having built up much human prejudice yet, I liked him instantly. He had taken a seat diagonal to mine. I found myself staring, as were the others in class, and not all with the same level of acceptance.

I recall wanting to touch his sleek shiny pelt, wishing I was seated directly behind him for the chance to accidentally touch his tail, rather than in the adjacent row where I wouldn't even be able to attract his attention.

Making a shy effort to meet him during our first break, I approached him anxiously. He was sitting with another Anthro, a slightly younger Tod. Hitting it off was easier than expected and we have been friends since.

Post school studies separated us for a time, our business partnership bringing us together again several years later when I asked him on board my initially small import venture. Martin soon moved into my apartment, living with me for the better part of 3 years before meeting a lady otter and relocating an inconvenient distance to the outskirts of the city to start his family.

I now visit him on weekends, having no need to see him every day for work. We are fortunate to have a reliable team of managers and staff capable of running most operations.

Vicky, his silky otter wife had graciously accepted me into her family. She is a beautiful, easy going, bitch and understands the depth of our friendship. I have one of the spare rooms reserved for me, away from the 2 balls of mischief that tare around the house almost perpetually. It's very comfortable and I hardly mind the attention of the pups as they barge into my room early each Saturday morning, climbing on top of me as I struggle to shake off the hang over from our Friday night drinking and chatting.

Vicky was smirking at the ancient joke as we basked beside the pool; she, having been on the receiving end of it several times herself. I stuck my tongue out at the sleek otter and called her a bitch. Technically correct so it amused me. I received a spitty raspberry for my effort and I laughed drowsily.

I stared down at my reddening stomach as the three of us chatted; it was very flat at the time and needed some exercise to revive a little shape. Oh, I had also been slacking at the gym.

Vicky was keeping an eye on her mischievous girls. The two girls were more than capable of looking after themselves around water but tended toward trouble if left alone too long.

I started to mention that I was probably about done tanning when a sharp, "Yip!" caught my attention, the sound drawing my gaze to a young skunk lying on the ground. A large mastiff stood near with a mean look on his face, glaring at the crying girl while his family hurled insults at her.

Unsure of the circumstances, I asked Vicky without losing sight of the girl. Vicky pointed it out as the skunk stood and made a hasty retreat. Her leg was deformed, the foot practically facing the wrong way. I propped myself on my elbows and watched as the unfortunate skunk doe fled the dogs vicinity.

Sad at the unnecessary treatment I continued to watch her make her way around the perimeter of the pool, her right hip rolling slightly to compensate for the abnormality. She was treated with varying degrees of disgust and animosity from everyone, a skunk family throwing food at her when she drew near to them.

I will always be shocked at how cruel furr's can be toward others with deformities, in light of treatment they themselves have received from humans. Humans of course continue to be an equally hateful lot, a far older species that has still not managed to stop killing one another after millennia. Sure, recently we have united in hating the Anthro's, but that is hardly better.

Mesmerised, I watched the pretty young skunk from my towel, her bushy tail dragging as she sought an open patch of grass for her belongings. When her searching eyes met mine I beckoned, pointing to a gap on my left.

Martin rolled his eyes and asked what I was doing. I told him to mind his own beeswax. He muttered under his breath but quietened down soon enough. I greeted her as she neared. She nodded stiffly as she moved into the spot.

I guessed the girl was probably around 15 years old, she was almost all black with a striking set of white lines running parallel to each other from nose to tail. A thinning patch of fur on neck and snout exposed her cream white skin underneath and told of neglect. She looked withdrawn and sad. My heart broke a little for her as she was a beautiful girl despite the deformity. She may have been a little too skinny; though it was hard to tell as her fur was incredibly dense and softened her features.

Pulling off her short dress, the skunk doe settled herself on her towel. My breath caught as I studied her leg. It was frightening to look at. Not an excuse for the treatment she received. Nobody should be treated like that, let alone a pretty young girl. I bet she did well at Halloween parties though.

Her tense posture suggested she was very anxious so I asked how she was, attempting small talk, trying to ease her a little. She gave me a nervous smile and said that she was fine thank you.

I apologised for the behaviour of the mastiff and received a drawn out silence for my effort.

I learned her name was Liz. "Elizabeth?" I asked. She nodded. I told her I thought it a pretty name.

Abruptly, Liz stood. I wondered if she was going to move away but she snapped her towel out closer to mine. Martin shook his head urgently when I looked up at him, tapping his nose. I assumed he was warning me about her natural defence mechanism and I grew a little concerned when she lay on her belly, head facing the other direction to mine, her bushy tail hovering in the air. She didn't seem aggravated though and the warning puzzled me.

Liz grew less chatty, laying her head on her towel, giving increasingly shorter replies to my questions. They hadn't been very long to begin with. I assumed she was becoming drowsy like I had.

Sitting upright to apply another coat of sun lotion to my drying skin, a small whine caught my attention; I turned my head to look. I remember smiling, thinking her in a dream, when the sound came again. Her rump was raised slightly, legs spread fractionally apart and a wet sound emanated from between them. I snapped my head around to Martin, he rolled his eyes and nodded, tapping his nose again and mouthing "Heat!" I gave a start, a blush spreading up my neck as I glanced at the amused look Vicky was giving me.

Sex is treated differently in the Anthro community. They were seldom embarrassed by it and it occurred frequently enough in public, mostly within a single species but occasionally outside of it. It is one hang-up they have definitely not adopted from humans. Well, most of them. Even in an engineered species splicing together human and animal DNA, religion still manages to sink its hooks into a good portion of them.

I gazed back at Liz. Her bikini had slipped to the side, exposing the delicate pink line that parted with each movement of her soaked fingers. Caught between embarrassment and curiosity I stared at the spectacle, a faint tangy aroma reaching my nose. My eyes bulged as she slid a finger into herself, working at her little tunnel until a moist white froth gathered around her pink entrance.

Tearing my gaze away from her rear, I looked up to see her staring back at me, a pleading expression on her face.

I turned my head back to Martin, he shrugged. A, you started it! Look on his face. The hell? What had I started? It's not like I could smell her scent, nor had I been trying to hit on her!

I looked back to the skunk nervously. A rude sucking noise occasionally escaped when she was being less careful. Her eyes bored into my face.

Arousal taking hold, I reached over to her, placing a shaking left hand on the inside of her thigh. She squeaked in surprise, tensing for a heartbeat, followed by a little shudder. I slid my hand forward, spreading her cheeks apart for a better view. I glimpsed her pale white furless pucker flexing and winking at me, apparently all the skin underneath the fur was a chalky white colour, even her little starfish wasn't darkened like a humans. Below that, her finger worked into her silky hole, puffy lips opening almost imperceptibly outward every time she pulled her finger out, the sight scattered my resistance as I lined my index finger up with her wet hole. Pushing into her gently, she gave a wanton whimper, removing her finger to give me room. My stubby finger slid in deliciously, her tight hole a slippery rubber band around me, her walls drawing me in. My heart, by now, was trying enthusiastically to burst out of my chest, I explored, savouring her silky texture as I savoured her unusual anatomy.

Liz squeaked delightfully as my finger probed her. I remember wickedly running the tip around her slippery cervix, searching out every bump and texture inside her quivering flesh.

A wave of guilt washed over me and I jerked my head up to see if anyone was watching the 30 something human diddling an adolescent girl. Unable to find anyone interested I turned to Vicky, Instead of the disapproval I would expect in a human woman, I saw her mirth at my situation.

Swallowing with difficulty, I supressed my misgivings and concentrated on the adorable rump in front of me. Pistoning a little more vigorously, I placed a little downward pressure on my finger as I worked her twitching hole, stretching her gently until a small gap formed above my index finger, a little air sucking past the gap with a wet sucking sound, I almost came on the spot. Changing fingers mid stride, wanting the wider base of my finger to pleasure her, I slowly increasing pace again as she adjusted to me. Liz pushed back with her body, her rump now raised in the air, head on her towel, tail twitching suspended over her body and colliding with the back of her head each time she raised and dropped her hips to my movement.

The pressure in my trunks was unbearable, awkwardly, I used my free hand to adjust myself, my member now exposed embarrassingly, and spreading a slippery patch on the skin just above my navel as my friends looked on. I don't think I have ever been as aroused and embarrassed at the same time. The sensation was beyond intense. If somebody had brushed my arm I would probably have finished on the spot. I don't think I would even have minded. The view of her soft pink mound stretching to accommodate my digit, her cute tail hole winking in and out of view as she ground into my hand took me to levels of arousal I don't think I can ever hope to reach again.

Liz' mewling grew alarmingly loud as my thumb searched for her clitoris and I was grateful when she bit down on her towel, muffling her excitement. Finding the sensitive knot of nerve endings I gently rubbed a tight circle into her twitching flesh. Liz went silent for a heartbeat, muscles quivering around my fingers as she approached her peak. Arching her back as she came, Liz bit hard onto her towel as her body was wracked with ecstasy. Her hips jerked abruptly forward, her tail flattening to her back, Liz cried out as her tail hole flexed outward, unexpectedly emitting a stream of bright yellow, potent, fluid.

I pulled my arm away in shock. Martin shouted and landed on Vicky in his scramble to escape, pulling her after him. The Furr's closest to us were shouting as they evacuated our vicinity, some screamed but others laughed as they dived into the cold water of the pool to escape or ran around the edge to the other side.

I sat frozen, swallowing a little vomit as my stomach tried to evacuate. Looking down at my arm , I took stock of the damage, thankfully there were only a few droplets of the pungent chemical sparkling on my arm. Thank god no one had weaponised the skunk concoction yet.

Liz didn't fare as well as I. Several drops were seeping into the fur on her legs and butt. She hadn't moved except to tuck her head under herself, cowering. Her raised rump was still cute despite the situation.

Looking up, I glared at our jeering audience with a mixture of embarrassment and anger.

Standing, I moved to her front, kneeling beside her as I tried again to supress my gagging. I placed a hand on her shoulder, Liz cringed and fell onto her side, fear etched on her face. Concerned, I asked her if there was anything I could do to help, and received a surprised look from the doe in return.

"Aren't you going to hit me?" she asked.

Ah, she was afraid I was going to be angry, expecting my reprimand. "No," I answered, shaking my head, "we will need to get you out of here and cleaned up fast though."

Tension drained from her posture replaced by a defeated look. She nodded, standing up, her expression flat as she headed immediately for the exit. I reached out for her arm, stopping her. "You need your stuff." I reminded her.

She looked up at me gratefully as I scrambled for her belongings, stuffing my own towel into my bag. Everything in order, I held out her dress to inspect it, making sure it was not inside out and moved the tag to the back before pulling it over her head, threading her arms into place and draping her towel over her shoulder.

I placed my hand on her shoulder and walked her to the gate, doing my best to shield her from the cruel comments coming from our audience.

Outside I found Martin waiting for me, making sure to stand a good distance from us, an amused grin on his face. He had rallied his family and was ready to leave. Vicky was folded over in her seat, jerking erratically; I thought she might be trying to supress her own vomiting. It dawned on me she was actually trying to hide her laughter. I stuck my head in the window and blew a loud raspberry; she was laughing hard and struggling to take a breath.

"Martin, I need some help!" I implored.

A startled expression crossed his face, "I'm not taking her in my car! If you want to take her somewhere, do it in your own!"

I shook my head. "No Martin. She needs to be cleaned up before I take her home. I need a can of Skunk-Away." (Fuck you reader! If you can think of a better name for it put it in the comments! ^.^)

His eyebrows rose at the request, it would be fairly difficult to find. Still new on the market, the product was making waves in the furry community recently, breaking down the putrid chemicals to quickly and efficiently remove the scent with a minimum of elbow grease and almost no lingering smell after and as yet untested long term harmful effects on the skin and respiration. "I'll make a few calls; see if anyone I know has it."

Grateful, I walked up to him to pat him on the shoulder and he jumped out of reach.

"There is nothing on this hand!" I laughed.

Martin grinned, keeping a good distance from me. "Perhaps not, but I don't trust you as far as I can spit a rat." He danced away again as I chased him with my contaminated wrist. You had better cover you seat with towels, and hope that it's enough."

I nodded gratefully.

Looking at the skunk again my forehead creased with concern. "Sorry Liz, I never thought to ask what you thought was best."

Liz managed a shy smile "I don't want you to worry about me."

"Too late!" I replied. "Please let us help you."

She lowered her head and thanked me, taking my offered hand as we headed for my car.

Guiding her, I led her to my Merc, Parked in the shade of a dense acorn tree. As we reached the door she turned to me, shivering. "I can't get in that. It's too fancy! It will smell for weeks!"

"It's ok Liz. You can lie down in the trunk." She headed for the back of the car and I barked a laugh. "I'm kidding Liz! I will lay as much newspaper as I can on the seat and cover it with your towel. Besides, it will have been worth it I smiled at her."

Watching me ready her seat, Liz stepped in gingerly, keeping her arms tucked in close and holding her copious tail over her shoulder to her chest as I closed the door. Martin pulled in front of my car and leant out of the window. "Brad has a few cans. He hasn't priced or displayed them yet but he says we can have as many as we need. "

I nodded gratefully, "Better get 2, I'm not sure how many we will need. Never used the stuff".

Brad was one of our regular customers, a good looking Dalmatian, he owned a small chain of camping and equipment stores around the city.

"We will go sit on your lawn and wait for you. Are Vicky and the kids sure they don't want to come straight home with us?" I asked.

Vicky yelled something from the car, all I managed to hear were the expletives. I laughed and flipped her the bird to the delight of Amy and Jess sitting in the back. I spied Liz smiling shyly beside me.

Following Martin out of the parking, we branched off in opposite directions, the two of us moving deeper into the suburb. The houses grew in stature as we entered a more affluent area of Pineville. I wasn't aware of any super wealthy Anthros but a fair number of them had become sufficiently well off in the community.

Driving with the windows down, I leant into the wind as it flowed into my window. My mouth was bitter with the taste of vomit and I reached into the centre console to pull out a bottle of tepid water. I took a deep drink and held the bottle out to Liz; she took it from me, gripping it tight to her chest as I gunned the car down the street Martin lived in. I wanted out as soon as possible. Liz hardly had a chance to drink the water as I pressed the gate remote and roared into my covered space. Just about falling out of the car to escape, I breathed fresh air deeply as I rounded on her door to let her out.

Removing the towels and papers, holding them at arms length I informed Vicky that her towel was mine now. I saw her pained look and mollified her with the promise of either a new one or the same one returned after it had been washed. She followed me to the large wheely bin hidden behind the gate as I tossed the papers and then up the lush lawn to the garden behind the house.

Liz gasped at the swimming pool in the back yard. "Why on earth do you ever come to the public pool with this sitting here? It has two diving boards!" she asked with a tinge of awe in her voice.

I shrugged. "It's in the shade for most of the day and a little cool for me. The main reason I think is the girls. Their options at mischief are more limited here away from the public. Liz giggled and I directed her to take a seat in the shade of a young spruce. "I'm going to fetch a bucket for us and our clothes after. We can soak them when we are finished cleaning ourselves."

Returning with the bucket, a pair of sponges and a heavy brush I paused to stare at the little skunk. She had already removed all her clothes, placing them in a small pile next to her.

My heart race as I approached. Her markings were striking and her young body lithe as she lay naked on her back on the cool grass. Eyes moving down the young doe, I followed the velvet black curve of her chest, smiling at the slight suggestion of a belly under her thick fur and caught myself staring again at the swollen mound nestled between her legs. I had forgotten she was on her heat and felt myself become aroused despite the stench saturating the air around us. I moved to sit near her, unable to stop blushing as she watched me approach.

"I am so sorry Liz, I shouldn't have taken advantage of you at the pool. I swear I never meant to use you like that."

Liz looked nonplussed. "You didn't take advantage of me. I took advantage of you Colin! I'm in my third heat now and no one has ever come close enough to me to notice."

Cute, but not what I meant. "Sorry, not what I'm trying to say. I am an adult and should really know better. I broke the law."

Liz shook her head, a tearing up. "Please don't! That was the most wonderful thing I have every felt! We are not like humans Colin. You have no idea how strong our oestrus is. It's been driving me crazy not having a cock buried in me. I have only been through it twice and both times I scratched all the fur off my snout and neck from need. Doing it myself works for a while but it soon comes back. Thank goodness it only happens once a year."

So that was how she lost her fur. I sat quietly listening, trying to work it out. "How old does that make you then? 16?"

"Nah, I started a little early. I just turned 13."

I wave of nausea passed over me hearing it spoken. "God!" I cursed under my breath.

"I'm about ready to scream I want you inside me so badly." The patch of pale skin exposed through her thin patch of black fur turning an amusing shade of crimson. At least I wasn't the only blusher here.

Shifting my position quickly when Liz looked away, I relieved the pressure building in my pants. God, I wanted to bury my face in her cute butt. I tried to distract myself. "Does the spraying thing happen often?"

Her head dipped. "No. That's never happened before. And I have never heard anyone talking about it."

I was going to have to do some Googling soon.

"I thought I was going to explode earlier. I have never cum so hard in my life." She almost whispered.

Pleased, I had to remind myself that I was still taking advantage of her, even if that thought was slowly being choked out. Besides, it was probably her built up need that had done most of the work. Hunger is always the best sauce.

"Have you thought of buying yourself a toy to relieve yourself?" I asked.

She shook her head again. "I don't have any money and I don't think my parents will care enough to give me any. I have tried to get jobs around Pineville but whenever anyone sees my leg they usually shout and throw stuff at me."

Hmm, maybe I could help there. I would have to talk to her about it later.

Liz looked up at me with a pleading. "Please can I stay here tonight?"

I shook my head "Your parents will worry about you Liz, I can't do that to them."

She protested. "No Colin! They aren't even here this week. I can take you home if you want to see! They went to their timeshare!"

I winced at the revelation. What was I going to do with her? Well, apart from the delightfully obvious! How was I going to explain it to Vicky and Martin though? I wasn't sure my welcome extended to bedding young skunk girls in their house.

Nothing to do about it right now though, we would have to wash first and then decide what would happen.

The squeal of the gate interrupted my thoughts as it swung open, Martin and co were driving in.

Amy soon came tearing around the house, a yellow tin clutched under her arm, followed by a slower Jess, the two of them screaming with delight as they rushed to meet us. The moment Amy drew near enough the delighted squeals turned to a shriek, she dropped the bottle and hurtled back past Jess to a safe distance, flattening herself to the perimeter fence. Jess, confused at the reaction, approached more cautiously until she also caught a whiff. Her face crumpling with disgust and she made a hasty retreat into the house crying for her Mom.

I laughed at Amy, Inviting her to come rub the contents of the can onto us. Amy stood motionless, shaking her head vigorously.

"Then go show Liz how you can dive of the high board Amy."

Amy's eyes widened at the opportunity to show off but she replied, "Nope! I'm not coming that close to you!"

I laughed. "The smell isn't going to kill you and I'm sure the pool is far enough away that you won't even smell us." The pool was upwind in any case and I didn't really want her watching as I stripped sporting an erection. It was probably a futile gesture at modesty though.

Cautiously Amy slid with her back against the wall toward the pool. Reaching it, she sniffed the air, and then dived in. I could hardly see the surface of the pool ripple as she entered soundlessly. A second later her head popped up on the side nearer us and she cautiously took another whiff. I was right. The wind was keeping the smell away from the pool. Amy squealed in delight, the noise cut off as she sounded and pushed off the wall like a torpedo, powering a foot below the surface, making the water ripple on the surface behind her.

Liz clapped delighted. "Wow! She's fast!"

I laughed easily. "Yes, even for her species shes quick. The only stronger swimmer in her age is a dolphin boy." Amy launched out of the pool near the diving board, not even needing her hands on the side of the pool as she shot out landing on her feet. Liz clapped ecstatically and judging from the size of the grin on Amy's face, she was going to give a stunning performance for such an appreciative audience.

Amy stepped onto the 1 metre board, concentrating. As she focused on her task I quickly stripped, flinging my clothes all around me and poured half the yellow container into my bucket of water. Liz clapped when Amy surfaced from a double summersault, turning to see me lathering myself, her gaze lowered to my waning erection, her expression turned distant, mouth cracking open with her tongue hanging out the side.

I closed my eyes, trying to remain flaccid and grunted as my member rallied. I rolled my eyes at my weak willed body. I hadn't been this horny since college. I returned to my scrubbing, hoping to distract myself with the cold water when Vicky stepped outside.

"And for our next event! Colin with the pole vault!" She laughed at her own joke, hiding behind the glass door as I searched for something to throw at her. "At least you have somewhere to hang your washing from when its done!"

"Leave me alone Otter!" I pleaded

The commotion had drawn Martin and he piped his 2 cents worth. "God damn Colin, I thought carrying an unlicensed weapon was illegal!"

I cringed, thankful that my embarrassment was defeating my excitement as my pole began to lower again.

Vicky was having none of it. "You have to do Liz' back Colin, she wont be able to reach it herself."

I glared at the two otters, the mere thought of rubbing Liz' silky back tipping my internal battle again. Vicky squeaked in delight as she saw it happen. Defeated, I moved to lather Liz' back, working the foam into her long black fur. As I worked, her tail kept getting in the way, I grabbed it with my left hand absently, pulling it to my chest to keep it from waving around.

Liz gasped and almost stumbled. Poor skunk. This was probably more tortuous for her than for me considering her age.

I tried to remain focused but was losing the battle, my eyes dropped to her petite rear, the sponge working mostly on autopilot. Finished with her back, I moved on to her dense tail, pulling the fur apart to work the soap in effectively. I looked up at Martin. "Please can you find the spray nozzle and prep the hose? I forgot to get it ready."

Martin nodded, heading off to assist but Vicky chimed in. "Your nowhere near finished buddy! You have to wash under the tail too!"

What? Liz was quite capable of reaching there! "She can reach under her own tail!"

"Na-uh!" she giggled. "Liz has enough fur to worry about without working on the places she can't see."

I sighed, no dignity left to me anyhow. Besides, I couldn't possibly be hornier than I already was. Kneeling I used my left hand to lift the thick base of her tail. Liz arched her back moaning at my attention and improving the view tremendously as I started in between her cheeks, sponge roving over her crack and gently massaging the base of her swollen labia.

Maybe it was possible to be more horny after all. My penis felt so stiff I thought a brisk breeze would shatter it.

Liz was beginning to moan, her tail twitching with excitement. She thrust her rear further back, her rump now inches from my face. I started to catch a new scent breaking through the fading skunk odour. At least, I figured, the stuff was working, if I could smell something as subtle as arousal.

Vicky stepped around and peered under the sodden tail. "You need to get the soap into her pooter Colin, otherwise it's not going to stop smelling for days!"

Now she was pulling my leg, but I guessed the otter was probably becoming aroused herself she was far too interested in what was going on. I laughed and called her bluff. "Bullshit! Now you are just trying to make me squirm!"

"I had a skunk boyfriend in school. I know what I'm on about! Ask her yourself." she replied in a haughty manner.

Shocked, I looked back toward the skunk to see her nodding. God Damn it! "Please tell me its unloaded. I don't want to be cleaning the barrel when it goes off!"

Liz gave a small throaty giggle. Vix retorted, "If it goes off and kills you, at least we can tell people you saw the light at the end of the tunnel."

It was my turn to snort. I lathered up my right index finger and carefully pressed it into the shaking skunk doe. To my surprise it entered quite easily. "You obviously have at least one toy at home; your tail hole is not nearly as tight as the other."

Liz gave no reply. Her shiver was turning into an erratic shudder as I probed her warm waste chute.

"Colin, she's a skunk and needs a fair amount of dexterity with her anus muscles to be able to control and direct her weapon."

Made sense I guess. "Seriously, there is no chance of her going off again is there? I don't want a repeat of earlier in my current position."

Vicky shook her head. "Nah. You probably drained her earlier. She won't be able to build up enough to expel it like that again for at least a day."

Martin returned with the hose, Grinning as he watched me moving my finger inside the skunk. "Better than what's showing on the tele tonight," he quipped, I felt another blush coming on.

"Martin, I'm not certain the hole show is suitable for the whole family." I nodded to Amy as she watched from inside the pool, only her head was visible above the tiles. Martin laughed and glanced over his shoulder at his daughter briefly.

Liz was shuddering and breathing erratically.

"Put the next finger in Col, she's ready for you" Vicky suggested. I damned well blushed harder if that was possible.

Amy, having been noticed and seeing she was not going to be sent away was approaching. She had her costume pulled to the side of her young otter lips and was pressing a finger into the sensitive mound. "What's Colin doing Daddy?"

Colin glanced at her. "He's cleaning her bum Amy, if a little too thoroughly." He answered, grinning at me.

I soaped up two fingers this time, pressing them into the skunk tail hole again.

Liz was shaking so badly by now, she could hardly remain upright. Whimpering cutely, she thrust her hand under her belly, and began grinding at her swollen sex. Vicky slid a hand underneath mine, feeling Liz' slippery hole and rubbing it wantonly, sliding a digit in and pulling the flesh open lewdly. What the hell was happening? My head was spinning, my brain refusing to operate under the onslaught it was receiving.

Vicky looked back at Martin, struggling to pull her pants down with her one free hand. "I need to be taken Martin! Do it now!"

Grinning, Martin freed his erection and stepped in behind his wife, pulling her jeans off roughly

"You need to take that little doe too Colin! She's not going to be able to hold on much longer." Vicky growled with arousal.

"I-Im not sure I will fit, she's so tiny! I stammered my head foggy with lust.

"At least give it a try! Just take it easy in the beginning." Vicky breathed

Vicky received Martins tapered cock with a small cry of delight, spreading Liz' entrance again, stretching the tight little doe's swollen lips. I started extracting my fingers from Liz' rear, Vicky admonished me, instructing me to leave my fingers right where they were.

Dizzily I rose to my feet, wondering if I was going to manage with only one free hand. Only one way to find out though! Bending my legs, I lowered myself into position for the doe's shorter stature. My legs were a little uncomfortable but it wasn't going to matter, I wouldn't be here long. Hell, at this rate, I wasn't sure I could completely enter her without finishing.

Placing my tip against Liz moist folds, I felt her leaning into me. Vicky tried to help, holding my member in place as the skunk pushed backward. The first three attempts missed as my thick tip slid past Liz' tiny opening. Liz reached under herself to help. She gripped me tight, better able to feel where her own entrance was. Slowly as a rose opening for the morning sun, Liz stretched to receive my throbbing pole. Dang, she was tight, Almost painfully so.

Liz, panting shallowly, was watching me over her shoulder as I braced to press myself further in.

I should mention: Skunk anatomy was hardly built to accept me. A buck skunks penis would likely be longer than mine, but a quarter of the circumference, and that as an adult, Liz was hardly an adult.

A nervous whimper escaped from the petite girl as I started to penetrate deeper, her walls resisting me initially as I stretched her brutally. Liz reached around herself to spread her cheeks wider in an attempt to relieve some of the pressure. It wasn't going to help. I was already past the entrance and she couldn't stretch her inner walls that way.

Concerned, I withdrew a little, giving her a brief respite. As she relaxed I reintroduced the pressure, my tip sliding easier this time, gaining a fraction more depth before pulling out to repeat the process. The desire to simply thrust my hips and bury myself in her was overwhelming. I wanted to rut the little skunk.

Vicky yipped in time to Martins thrusts, she was watching the Liz' entrance closely as I worked my way in.

I shuddered as I bottomed out into the young doe, her walls rippling around the massive intrusion. I would have to be careful about how hard I pushed the girl; I didn't want to damage her.

Young Amy moved to my right for a better view, quiet for once. Her hand resuming its exploration of herself, making her twitch with intense sensation as her fingers slid smoothly through her wet folds.

I must definitely have been an awesome person in a past life to be receiving an experience like this. I guessed I was coming back as a truck stop urinal next time around.

Shifting my weight again I pulled slowly outward, overwhelmed as her young muscles gripped onto my shaft. Quicker this time, I sank back into her, enjoying the sensation of being able to feel my penis through her slippery membranes. I settled into a gentle rocking motion to prolong my orgasm, watching the delightful expressions on the young doe's face.

Vicky was making cute chittering noises on my left as Martin jack hammered into her, his hand reaching around her hips to pleasure her clit, a mixture of concentration and desire evident on his face.

Beginning to lose the fight, I could feel my orgasm approaching, cock readying to unload into the diminutive doe. Afraid to finish first, I cried out in relief as Liz came for the second time today. She squealed in ecstasy, her walls clamping down around me, her extraordinary sphincter cutting the blood supply to my fingers as it spasmed and twitched.

Shuddering, I exploded into her tiny cave, coating her already wet insides with my copious seed. The orgasm shook me, blew me away. My mind reeling with the intensity as my hips gradually shuddered to a halt.

Vicky leaned forward to thrust her snout between myself and Liz, licking the mixture of lust and seed from my slick member. I thrust quickly back into Liz to recoat my shaft for her to clean. Clearly my orgasm was not over yet, the sensation of the otter tongue lashing over my penis was beyond intense. I cried out as another parcel of seed was delivered to the skunk, followed by another, until I thought my balls would shrivel up and fall off.

Vicky cried out into my crotch as she was overtaken by her own orgasm. I stepped away from Liz to let Vicky's long tongue lap at our juices as her legs bucked from her explosive orgasm, moaning into to the delicious tail region of the skunk girl as her lapping slowed.

Martin followed next, pulling out to finish, his copious seed spraying wildly as he tried to redirect the tip into Vicky's back door. Finding it at last, he thrust into her, a smooth movement that made the lady otter give out a muffled cry of pain, hands gripping onto the dark skunk fur. His member twitched as it pumped otter seed into her bowels. He was obviously practicing the pull out method of contraception.

I turned to see Amy standing beside me moaning in frustration, her trembling fingers inexpertly trying to relieve her own pressure, no less urgent despite her tender age. Using Liz' moist hole as a pot of lube for my fingers, I stepped behind Amy and took over her attempts. Finding her clit Easily, I concentrated on applying even pressure around her twitching bundle of nerve endings. Looking over to her parents to gauge their reaction as I worked, I was relieved to see that they were not angry at me. Amy soon peaked, her thick tail lashing wildly, her breath shuddering with previously inexperienced sensations. She hardly made any sound at all and she grabbed my wrist for support, almost falling down from the wash of pleasure. I held her gently upright, leading her finally to her mother to be looked after.

Vicky looked up at me growled huskily. "Fuck! That was the first time I have seen a human in action. Next time around it's my turn on that monster!" She pointed at my crotch.

I smiled, looking to Martin, he shrugged his shoulders but had an intrigued expression on his face.

After the assistance I had given their daughter I was ready to go again, my member standing straighter than an overachieving flagpole. "No time like the present! At least I won't finish so quickly this time, maybe we should dry off and find somewhere more comfortable though." I proposed

Vicky grinned and Liz whimpered in need, the young skunk was rolling my dripping seed in her fingers, savouring the texture and holding it to her nose to smell the aroma before sampling it with a cautious tongue. She pulled a face initially at the salty flavour but dipped her finger back into herself for another attempt. I guess she was wondering if she was missing something since the otter had been so eager to clean her dripping little hole out.

Vicky laughed happily. "It's an acquired taste sweetie." Martin and I laughed with her.

Slowly, we stood up to move into the house. The sun was beginning to set and it would be cooling off rapidly. We needed to dry off and begin the next round. I was looking forward to gripping Vicky's thick tail as I hammered her from behind and wondered how we would distribute the two young girls to make sure they would be satisfied.

That though, is another story.

The (no longer smelly) End!

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