A Little Fun After School

Story by reitechi on SoFurry

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#1 of From the Mind of One Very Horny Fox

My name is Edward. I'm just an un-average fox in an average world. Ever since I hit high school, I've become somewhat of an outcast. Maybe it's the white patch around my left eye, or because I find myself attracted to other males, or most likely the fact that I get boners all the time. I constantly find myself jacking off multiple times a day, especially after P.E. Oh my god! All those hot bodies in one room, naked and wet in the showers... It drives me crazy! I constantly undergo teasing because of my ‘problem'. I don't mind though, they can call me gay all they want, I already am anyways. Heh. Even the thought of that locker room is giving me an erection. Great, its 3:20, school's almost over! Just ten more minutes of this boring history class and I can get down to business. I don't even think I can wait until I get home today. Glancing down, I see that my dick is starting to strain against the tight fabric of my pants. I let out a soft groan, shifting my position trying to make it more comfortable. I glanced back up at the clock, 3:21.... What is that clock broken or something?! Jeez.... I'm never gonna get out of here. Taking a quick look around the room I noticed that everyone had their eyes on the teacher, who was writing tonight's homework on the board. Concentrating a bit I grab a pen from my bag and jot down what's on the board. To my left I hear a couple of girls giggling. Mandy and Lacey, the twins. They loved to toy with me all the time. It was because of them that my problem was announced to the whole school. When I turned my head to look, I saw that one of them was pointing at me. When they saw me looking at them they just giggled and looked away. I figured they spotted my erection. My pants were now tenting enough to almost touch the underside of my desk. More giggling came from their direction, I didn't dare turn my head to see who was laughing now. The teacher, who didn't seem to be bothered by the noise, just sat behind his desk twiddling his thumbs, watching the clock hoping the day would end as much as I did. As soon as he assigned the homework, class was over for him. Too bad I couldn't cut the last five minutes of class; he is such a stickler about people leaving early. I closed my eyes, seeing the football team naked in the showers. I remembered the time I started to jack off in the shower. One of the kids who saw me decided to tell the football coach. To my surprise, he was actually a nice guy, not typical for a guy with that kind of job. Fortunately enough, he let me off with just a warning. Any other teacher and I think I would have been kicked out of school. I felt a wet spot start to form in my boxers. Good thing I wore them today, or else I'd be leaking straight through my pants! RING-RING-RING!!! The bell went off, sounding somewhat like a telephone ringing. Quickly, I grabbed my bag and rushed out the door. I had to find somewhere to jack off! Rushing into the men's room, I found all the stalls full, not to mention it smelled like smoke. I guess this was the hang out for all those potheads. Groaning aloud, I headed back out to the crowed hall. No one would notice my boner here. With everyone bumping into each other, bookbags hitting kids across the face, and the loud conversations, I weaved in and out of the herd. I almost couldn't help myself. I was about to loose control; I had to find somewhere to go and quick. If I didn't I'd rip off my pants right here and rape the next kid who rubs up against me! The locker room!! Why didn't I think of it before? I looked down at my watch as I shoved my way through the crowd. 3:38... The football team should be leaving by the time I get there. Finally reaching my destination, I slammed through the locker room door. Yup, only a coyote remained now, and he was on his way out. He gave me an awkward look. "Forgot my notebook..." I mumbled as I passed him. Click. No sooner had the door closed, had I taken off my shoes and pants. My boxers now had a big wet spot where I had been slowly leaking over the past 15 minutes. I slowly pealed them away and tossed them next to my pants. Freedom at last! I looked around the locker room one last time, just as a precaution. All clear, it was time to get started. Straddling the wooden bench in the middle of the room, I raised both my feet onto the bench. My socks were still on them, keeping those precious treasures hidden away. I reached my paw down, and grabbed the rim of one of the socks. I pulled it down oh so tantalizingly slow. I loved to tease myself. One sock now off, I bent in and gave the soft soles of my feet a lick. Mmmm... They tasted so good! I nurtured my sock free foot, licking it multiple times as best I could. I was only so flexible you know? But flexible enough to do many of the things I loved the most. Oh my! I almost forgot. Reaching down, I grabbed my bookbag, frantically searching through the contents. Alas! I found it, the purple dildo I bought the other day. I had been so worked up all the previous times I masturbated that I forgot I even had it in my bookbag. Mmmm.... I took the purple monster in my mouth, imagining it was one of the jocks. Oh my cock quivered at the thought. A sizable puddle of pre was now forming just below me on the bench, so much in fact, that it was dribbling over the side, and onto the floor. I let out a moan as I slurped my tongue around the dildo pretending to give it a rather messy blowjob. With a wet pop, I let it slide from my muzzle, and rubbed it on the bottom of my foot. It felt so cool to have a cock between my toes, all lubed up from my saliva, I slid my foot along the dildo, pushing it through my toes every few rubs. Oh how amazing it would be if it were real. I could almost feel the cock pulse under the weight of my foot. I let out another load moan. With no one in the room, I could be as loud as I wanted. I'm getting bored with this. I want it in me! I brought the dildo back to my mouth, lubing it up one final time. I could almost taste my feet on it as I drooled all over it, getting as much saliva on it as I could. I moaned in anticipation as I lay back on the bench, placing the dildo just behind my tailhole. Having a little trouble aligning myself properly, I jabbed myself a couple times before finding the whole. I moaned again as it began to penetrate my ass. I pushed it in nice and slow, bringing it back when it started to hurt. Soon I began pumping away at my own cock while I began to fuck my ass with the dildo. It felt just like I imagined it. I had fingered myself a couple times before, but not to much satisfaction, I found it hard to keep my fingers in my ass. Too much work really, that's why I bought the dildo. I was now pistoning the dildo in and out of my ass, trying to reach that "itch" deep inside. I couldn't quite reach it yet, but I knew what would help me. Stopping what I was doing, I carefully slid off the bench, and onto the floor, putting my ass up against the lockers. Grabbing my bookbag in the process, I placed it behind my head as a cushion, as I lifted my body against the locker bringing my dripping cock in front of my face. I licked my lips. It was quite amazing if I didn't say so myself. Full with a knot, it was at least eight inches long! I reached out my tongue licking the tip as my body began to adjust. With a couple of pops from my back, my dick was mostly accessible now. Reaching up and grabbing the ignored dildo, still partially lodged in my ass, I began to pumping it again. Each time I brought it down, my dick seemed to come closer and closer to my muzzle. Years of practice allowed me to be flexible enough, not only to suck myself off, but to swallow it all the way down to the knot. I started off by taking my dick in my mouth, running my tongue all around it. The taste of my somewhat salty pre had been constantly drowning it ever since school got out. I sucked hard on my shaft, coaxing a big glob of pre out of it as I did so. Still furiously pumping away at my ass, I whimpered as I felt it near the base. Almost there! I slammed my hips against the locker in joy, making a loud bang. Moaning, I began bucking my hips trying to shove my cock further into my muzzle. I was starting to make a lot of noise, but there was no one to stop me now. I figured the football team was well into practice, and everyone else was long gone now. Oh well. I finally felt the dildo slip into my ass all the way. Letting out a moan around my cock, I began to hump my face as fast as I could, trying to do the same with the dildo in my ass. Had I been paying attention, I would have heard the door open. Had I been paying attention, I would have noticed that coyote walk back in. I would have heard him drop his bag, while he gaped speechlessly as I sucked myself off. "What are you doing!?" He shouted, startling me. Right then, I feared my fate. What if this kid told on me like the other one had done? Trying to think rationally as I sucked my dick, I decided to do whatever I could to keep this between us. I thought and thought as I looked at him upside-down, as he just stood there. I didn't have much time, and that's when I noticed it. He was getting a boner! Hah, score! Moaning as I took my dick out of my mouth, I shouted back to him, "I'm sucking my dick. Like what you see?" He continued standing there unsure of what to do. "Well, you wanna watch or what? I was about to cum when you walked in... You might get a nice show if you stick around." With a smirk, I turned my attention back to my dick. I began to lick it again, giving the coyote a nice little preview of what was to come. I had never had an audience before, and it only made me more excited. I heard him moving behind me. Glancing back I saw he had moved to the bench, and was in the process of dropping his pants. ‘Mmm, your not too bad stud' I thought to myself when his semi erect dick flopped out of his boxers. I stuck my cock back into my muzzle and began to suck when he looked back up. I watched him as best as I could as he began to masturbate. His paw moved up and down his shaft at a rapid speed, the likes of which I'd never seen before. Not in all the porn I'd watched when I was younger, had I ever seen a paw glide along a dick that quickly. His face was contorted with joy as he watched me. I breathed heavily over my dick, I had been working it a long time, only to have this interruption when I was about to finish. Working my way up to an orgasm again was no trouble. I tried pressing down on the dildo that was still in me. It was just enough to hit that special spot I had once read about. It was wonderful! I felt my ass clench down around the dildo as my orgasm started. Letting out a load moan, I wrapped my muzzle around my dick. I felt the first shot of my hot cum hit the back of my throat. My mouth soon filled up with more and more cum as I kept shooting load after load. I heard a moan behind me. I guess my orgasm sent the coyote over the edge. Closing my eyes, I imagined it was him stuck deep in my ass. I bet every inch of his dick was flawless. I enjoyed the last few seconds of my orgasm as I thought about it. Relaxing, I let my dick slip out of my mouth. Both saliva and cum dribbled out the sides of my muzzle. Looking back I saw the coyote had cum all over his shirt. He was just sitting there watching me, now unsure what to do. I only laid there for a minute, to regain my breath, before I slid off the lockers, and onto the ground. From there I stood up, feeling the dildo still in my ass. I reached back to take it out, but it was stuck in there firmly. I'll worry about that at home, maybe I'll have some fun in the shower. As I put my clothes back on, I felt my dick slip back into my sheath. Finally grabbing my sock and shoes, I sat down on the bench next the coyote. He still hadn't moved. I waved my paw in front of his face; I guess he was dazed out. When I had everything together I stood back up, looking at my watch. 4:52!! Oh crap! "Hey dude, the football team is gonna be back any minute, you might wanna... fix yourself up." With a little chuckle, I wiped some cum off of his chest with my paw, licking it as I headed out the door. Heading out of the school building, I started to walk home. But not before a white van pulled up... * * *

Hope everyone enjoyed the story, as always critique is welcome.