That's What Brothers Are For - Brotherhood

Story by Atheos on SoFurry

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#6 of That's What Brothers Are For: Part One

Chapter Six! Finally, the three of them together. Sorry for the wait, guys.

Corey's eyelids were heavy as he peeled them open. It was the sound of soft footfalls on the wooden stairs. As the blurriness of sleep faded from his vision he saw his brother standing at the base of the staircase with a tray. "Morning, brother," he said sweetly as he brought the tray of food over.

Steam rose from the meal that sat upon the tray; two fried eggs resting atop slices of brown toast beside a rasher of bacon and a glass of orange juice. Nishi sat it down on the end table and sat at his brother's bedside. The slender white wolf wore nothing more than an apron. "I would have made you a coffee but I read that it makes cum taste worse." He winked at Corey.

Corey thanked his brother for the food as he sat up and pulled the tray onto his lap. As he folded the toast to contain the egg he took a large bite. Nishi smiled and stood. "I'll be upstairs." He walked off slowly, making sure to give his brother a good look at his uncovered rump.

Corey couldn't help staring at the cherry shaped wolf butt; captivated by its hypnotic walk. Nishi grinned to himself as his butt passed out of view. He stepped through the door at the top of the stairs and into the opening hallway. He wandered down the hall and into the dining room. The tablecloth was still a mess from their passionate moment the previous night.

The thought that he'd made love to his brother was exhilarating but the thought that he'd done it on the very same table that his family usually dined at was something else entirely. He couldn't help but smirk and chuckle as he passed it into the living room. As he sank into the dark leather couch he contemplated this past week.

The day his parents left, he expected a little more liberty in his home life, but he hadn't expected the reality of what actually happened. He'd lived his entire life up until the beginning of the week as a virgin, aside from a brief thing with the neighbor's dog. But as the week had progressed he'd slept with both of his brothers in two deeply passionate different ways. He'd also come very close to revealing his little secret to his best friend, Cooper.

Before his brothers opened up with him sexually, he had the biggest crush on young Coop. They went to the same high school and had been friends for nearly ten years. Every time he slept at Cooper's house he grew a little closer to showing him. Nishi had never actually shown anyone; up until that week only his parents knew. He had gone so far as to leave the door unlocked while he showered in hopes that Cooper would just barge in. It never happened, however.

Nishi briefly returned to the dream he'd once dreamt. In it Cooper had opened the door to Nishi's bedroom very suddenly and, looking upon the sleeping Nishi, had climbed on top of him and had his way with the boy. Nishi's waking dream was shattered by his brother thanking him again for the food. Corey was naked as he was the night before and his limp cock swung between his legs as he walked over and sat beside his apron-wearing brother.

"Have you just been sitting here, bro?" He said when he noticed the static blackness of the television screen. Nishi turned to him and nodded. "Righty-o, then," he reached for the remote and clicked the TV on. "Have you seen Ty this morning?"

"He went out," Nishi leaned against his brother as Corey's arm came down around him. "Don't know where or why but he was really excited."

"Hmm," Corey thought for a moment before taking a deep breath. He scrunched his eyebrows in an inquisitive frown and sniffed like the wolf he was. It only took a moment for him to turn to his brother. He sniffed Nishi's face. "You weren't just sitting out here." He took his sniffing down the apron; taking the deepest whiff where it bent to cover his thighs.

Corey licked his lips and slid off the couch onto the wood floors. He scuffled his feet along the ground until his head sat above his brother's closed legs. They shared a glance; Nishi smiling and blushing while Corey stared him town with a dominant, lascivious grin. His thin white legs opened and between them sat a moist, puffy pink pussy.

Corey spent one moment looking at the juvenile nether lips; they stood out against the white fur. It looked really tight where he sat, but Corey knew better than that first hand. A thin pink slit on a mound of white flesh; puffy and enticing. It radiated heat, redness and the unmistakable aroma of arousal.

The older wolf indulged his tastes for sweet pussy with a run of his tongue. The wet red muscle slipped between his brother's folds and tasted his juices. The apron draped over his shoulders and head; covering him as he ate out his little brother.

He didn't confess that he'd only ever done this twice before and it had been many years. He licked Nishi's clitoris; inciting a moan from the teen. Nishi opened his legs further and threw his head back as the sensations from his brother's tongue took him. He kept licking along Nishi's cunny; stopping only to give his slit a sloppy kiss. His fingers quickly joined his tongue inside the wet opening. One finger slipped inside him; gliding up his moist vaginal canal with ease.

He pulled back a moment to lick his own soaked lips before diving back in. Recalling what his other brother had told him; Corey decided that now was good a time as any to be a little adventurous. He raised his other paw and slid a finger from it in his brother's wet hole.

With both of his paws crowding the young pussy, he had nowhere to fit his head. He sat back and watched as they moved in alternating rhythms; milking the sweet spot for all the juices it could create. Once both of his fingers were slick, he pulled his left paw from his cunny and he resumed his oral treatment.

He reveled in the taste. It was significantly sweeter than he remembered. His free wet finger found its way to the other hole Nishi had to offer. For a moment he teased the pucker; rubbing little circles around the tight pink hole. Nishi cried out when he pushed a finger into the intersex boy's anus.

Corey's tongue moved fast as he pushed another finger into his brother's pussy. Where his right paw fingered the hole with fast repetitive movements, his left pushed itself further and further; exploring the road less taken. He found something that surprised him; a hard spot within the rear passage. He would have smiled if his mouth weren't occupied.

He massaged his brother's prostate with one finger as his others worked on probing every point in his vagina within their reach. He felt his brother's paw on his head; it was far more forceful than he'd come to expect from Nishi. "Oh, Corey," he cried, pawing at the strap of the apron with his only free paw.

He managed to pull the fabric off his brother and over his neck. Part of the teenager's mind told his hips to rock forward and they did; uncontrollably but slowly at first. They forced the fingers deeper and deeper in each of their holes. "Corey," Nishi moaned loudly, "I'm..." The next word was obscured by another noise; somewhere between a moan, a cry and a squeak.

The hip rolls grew more and more intense with each passing second. His cunny grew wetter and wetter until he finally let out another noise; almost the same as last time only far, far louder. Both of the lithe, white wolf's paws gripped his brother's head and held it against his sex and it finally took him.

The pleasure surged through his entire body like a burst of flame. Though the fire burned within him, he felt only warmth and a tingling sensation as the blaze burned close but just out of reach. The erotic conflagration burned hottest between his legs. Energy drained from him as quickly as the heat had entered him.

Corey found himself locked against his brother's love-tunnel as the thin white canine writhed around him. Nishi's legs wrapped around Corey's shoulders as the flood gates ripped apart. The orgasmic fluid of the younger wolf gushed forth around the older's muzzle. He opened his mouth to take as much of it as he could, but before he could swallow his mouth was full and the viscous liquid flowed over his lips and down his chin.

Nishi's paws went limp as his whole body did. Corey pulled his face away from the puffy wetness and licked his lips with a lusty grin. Corey sat up and Nishi noticed how hard he'd become. His foreskin had been pulled all the way back behind his tip and it stood straighter than Nishi had ever seen it. "Sorry, big boy." Nishi said unapologetically. "That'll have to wait until this afternoon."

"What?" Corey looked very disappointed.

"I've got school, I'm almost late."

"You couldn't even just suck me off?" Nishi shook his head.

"He could." Nishi said as he stood up.

"Nice to see that you two hit it off," Tyler stood in the doorway, fully dressed. Behind him were several white plastic shopping bags. Tyler kissed his younger brother on the cheek as he passed him. "Are you going to need me to deal with that or are you okay?" Tyler gestured downward but Corey didn't need to follow his pointing finger.

Corey stood up. He closed the distance between him and his brother in only a couple of strides and laid his paw on his shoulder, pushing down softly but dominantly. Tyler gave him a quick peck on the lips. "Good morning to you too," he said playfully.

He obediently dropped to his knees before his brother and opened his mouth for his meat. Of the three brothers, Tyler was easily the most sexually experienced. He claimed that he got it all from experimenting with himself in the privacy of his own room with toys, but judging by how well he could take a dick in either of his holes, Corey had to be skeptical. He seemed to know exactly which penile buttons to press.

Corey looked down at his brother as he took the entire shaft. He held his face there a moment before pulling a mobile phone out of his pocket. He lifted it up and accessed its camera function. He looked at the camera, trying to look as cute as he could with a jaw full of thick cock. He snapped the shot and then pulled back, exposing the now wet cock to the cold air.

He stuck his tongue out and let the member rest on the end of his tongue. There he snapped another shot. "Those are going on the website." He whispered loudly enough for Corey to hear him. Corey shut him up by thrusting into his jaw.

A high pitched car horn resounded from outside that told Nishi that his ride to school was here. A moment later Nishi re-appeared from the hallway. "Alright guys, I'll be back this afternoon." He winked at his brothers. Tyler was rising and wiping his lip, while Corey stood with a smile.

"I've got something special planned for all three of us this afternoon." Tyler said with a smile. "Just be ready for anything when you get home." Nishi looked at him and giggled.

"Bye, you two." He said as he disappeared into the other hallway.

Tyler took his brother's wet cock in his hand and held it there; waiting until he heard the front door close and the tires crunch the gravel of the road. "So," he gave a long, slow stroke before dropping the softening cock, letting it fall slowly before twitching back up again. "Tell me everything." Tyler led him by the paw back to the couch.

"Well," Corey began as a hot blush burned beneath his fur despite his interesting situation. "The time I spent in the basement just made it worse and worse. I could barely hold myself back when I heard him enter the door. He walked up to the table and I just... mounted him right there." He held an invisible butt above his crotch and pulled it back in an erotic gesture. "It was the most intense orgasm I've had in a long time."

Tyler shot him a look. "Sorry, Ty, you know what I mean." Tyler grinned and put his paw on his brother's leg. There was a moment of silence and Tyler's paw slipped off the thigh and he stood, "came all over his back." The young wolf choked back a laugh as he pulled his shirt off over his head.

His pants quickly fell to his ankles and revealed what could have been the most sexual pair of underwear Corey had ever seen. "What do you think?" Tyler bent over and showed his brother the full extent of his rear. "I got them today." As he bent down and then straightened his back Corey couldn't help notice that Tyler had a similar butt to Nishi and his thoughts wandered onto what his own butt looked like.

"They're amazing." They were lace; a deep and seductive red that left almost nothing to the imagination. "How much did they cost you?"

"Nothing," Tyler said happily as he rubbed his own crotch through the lace.

"Another gift from your boyfriend?" Corey smiled.

Tyler paused for a moment, silent and unmoving. "Yes," he finally stuttered before walking off to the bags. Corey redirected his attention to the television as Tyler packed away the shopping he'd bought. "Ty," Core called out after a while. After he heard a reply he continued; "now that you know Nishi's secret, I know Nishi's secret, we've both been there, do you want to... I don't know, share him?"

Tyler laughed. "I think we already shared him, Corey."

"I meant at the same time." Tyler paused for a second and thought; the suggestion stirred something obvious in his panties. "That would be great."

Tyler's penis only grew as he walked over and sat beside his brother. "Has Nishi told you the story of his unofficial first time?" Corey shook his head and Tyler grinned evilly. "The neighbor's dog," he said quietly with a slight chuckle. Corey's jaw dropped but once he noticed, he closed it and looked away slightly. "No," Tyler said with a wide open grin. "You didn't!" Corey's head sunk and a blush burned against his skin once again.

Corey looked up just enough to see that his brother had his hand on his barely covered cock. "Could I really be the only one who hasn't?" He said with obvious excitement. Tyler leaned over and whispered in his older brother's ear. "I'm pretty sure they're at work all day today..." Tyler stood up and Corey followed wordlessly.

As they stepped into the backyard still wearing nothing or near enough to make no matter, Tyler turned to Corey. "How old were you when you did it with him?"

"It was before I started playing around with you. I only jacked it off a couple of times." Tyler smiled and the two reached the fence. Climbing over it with ease, they landed in the soft grass of the well kept back yard.

True to what Tyler had thought, the house was closed and the lights were all out inside. Upon the patio was a kennel and inside a sleeping German Shepherd. The dog lifted its head as it heard intruders land on his lawn. He stood and upon noticing exactly who it was, ran over and jumped up on Corey. As Corey lowered the feral, his face came close to Corey's cock and he got a good whiff of the residual semen on his tip.

It was like a splash of oil on a fire; the dog became very excited and tried to lick and sniff the member. "Looks like he's already ready," Corey laughed as he pushed the dog away. "Get on your knees before he mounts my leg." Tyler dropped onto his paws and felt a little shaky with excitement.

He heard his brother directing the dog to his ready hole and felt the dogs tongue against it. He'd read that dogs were better at giving rim jobs and it was even truer for feral ones. His cock reached full hardness with the dog's coaxing and he fought back all the urges to touch himself. The dog stopped for a moment and then Tyler felt his paws on his back and his wet cock tip against his butt cheek.

The moment the deep red cock found its way out of the sheath, it began squirting pre cum on Tyler's ass. Corey adjusted the dog's position and it thrust up and into Tyler's hole. The first thrust simply jabbed the tailhole, the second penetrated it slightly and the third was the full thing.

The cock grew as he was bred with it; plunging deeper and deeper into his insides than before with each thrust. He felt the sheath against his tailhole and about three inches inside him as the dog got into a good, fast rhythm. In the following couple of seconds, he found that the three inches hidden with his ass doubled and the knot started to form inside the doggie's sheath.

Unlike anything he'd experienced before; this sex was nothing but primal, ball-slapping mating, and he was the bitch. With the knot beginning to slip free of its sheath; the spark deep within Tyler's insides grew and quickly became a wild blaze. The knot grew to its full size and came free of the sheath completely.

Tyler cried out as the knot forced itself inside him. The Shepherd climbed off him and turned around as Tyler felt him fill up his guts with raw, hot feral seed. With each twitch, the orgasm he longed for grew closer. He felt so full and the doggie semen just kept coming.

After the first few seconds of being knotted Tyler's floodgate broke and his cock throbbed madly beneath his body; firing rope after rope of thick seed into the grass below. The two just sat in their positions; the dog panting happily after his first orgasm in a long time and Tyler panting with an ass full of thick, red dog cock.

They were together for a good five minutes before the dog forced his knot out and reached his head back to give it a lick. His legs felt weak as they climbed back over the fence. "So, how was that?" Tyler could feel the seed running from his asshole onto his leg.

"Incredible..." He panted.

"You go upstairs and clean off," Corey put his arm around his brother as they walked.

Tyler left the bathroom feeling reinvigorated. He wore nothing but a towel hanging over his shoulders. When he stepped into the hallway, he noticed the door at the end of the hall hanging open. He walked quietly and peered through the threshold. Into his parent's master bedroom, he looked; half expecting to see his mother and father, back one day early, but instead, he saw a naked Corey asleep on top of the covers.

He smiled and walked into the room, discarding his towel on the floor, he joined his older brother in the bed. Lying beside his brother in the king sized bed brought back memories, but rather than dwell on them, he simply closed his eyes, rested his head on his brother's chest and let consciousness slip away.

The sun was high in the western sky as the car pulled into the driveway. Nishi thanked his friend for the lift and got out of the car; backpack strewn over one shoulder. "I'll see you tonight, Coop." He called out with a wave as he went inside. He dropped his pack on the kitchen table and called out for his brothers. He got no response. Furrowing his brow, he called again down the basement stairs and, upon hearing nothing but the reverberations of his own voice, went down the hall.

There he found the master bedroom open. As he stepped in, he smiled at his two sleeping brothers. He undid the buttons on his shirt and pulled it out of his pants. Tyler lay on his side, head resting on Corey's chest and Corey lay on his back, with an arm stretched out along the pillow. Both were naked as the day they were born.

Tyler's cock was hard and sat along his brother's waist. Corey's cock wasn't as hard as his brother's, but it wasn't totally soft either. Nishi crawled onto the sheets and took in a whiff of his brother's penises. Corey's had the slight scent of cum, while Tyler's smelled clean, like he had just showered. He took both of his brother's cocks in his hand and just let their heat radiate through his paws.

He took Tyler's dick in his mouth and sucked on it softly. The wolf's eyes eased open. "Welcome home," he smiled, still half asleep. He sat up and took his youngest brother's head; giving him a quick kiss. As he pulled away, Nishi was left with a blush. He moved to go to Corey's dick, but Tyler stopped him. "Put your pussy above his face," he pushed his hand beneath Nishi's waistband and gave his vagina a light rub.

Tyler helped his younger brother remove his shorts and panties and then the white wolf crawled over his brother and hovered above his face. Tyler gave a finger a suck and pushed it inside his brother. He felt his entire body tense up as Corey awoke to a pair of moistening pink lips in his face. "Well, hello, there." He groaned as he stretched.

Nishi turned around, leaving his crotch in Corey's face and giving himself access to the hardening cock. Tyler kissed and sucked on the bottom of the underside of Corey's meat as Nishi licked the tip. As the younger took the tip into his mouth, Tyler closed his lips around one of his balls. His finger was still buried to the second knuckle in his brother.

He ran a tongue up from Corey's taint, stopping to cover as much of his balls as possible, along the shaft as over Nishi's nose. Nishi pulled off the member and Tyler took half of it in his muzzle, bobbed his head a couple of times and pulled up. As Nishi massaged the wet cock with his paw, he gave Tyler a deep kiss. Their tongues locked together and a wet, sloppy embrace like Corey's tongue in Nishi's pussy.

The teen went back to his brother's cock, moaning with a full mouth at the cunnilingus he was receiving. Tyler stood up and walked over to the end table beside their parent's bed. Corey told Nishi enough and licked his lips. The white wolf repositioned his waist so it hovered over Corey's cock this time. He slowly inserted the tip and the slid along the shaft until he felt his brother's heavy balls against his perineum.

He bent forward and gave his brother a long, passionate kiss, trading Corey's pre cum for his own pussy juice in their mouths. He felt two cold fingers against his asshole. He didn't break the kiss and Tyler just kept lubricating the wolf's anus.

He prepped himself behind his kissing brothers and watched as Nishi's hips rocked on Corey's lap. He grabbed one cheek with a paw and pulled it away from the little pink pucker. He had to admit that it was one of the nicer holes he'd ever seen. He pushed his cock tip inside and let Nishi adjust to the feeling before proceeding.

Nishi moaned loudly as he was filled in both holes. Even when using two dildos, he had never felt so full. A powerful heat radiated around his crotch from his own arousal and the two hot sticks of blood and lust buried inside. Tyler was the first to move once the two older brothers were up to their nuts in the youngest.

He thrust slowly up into Nishi's 'virgin' hole. The first time the wolf had anything other than a silicone toy up his rump and it was on his parent's bed. He would have blushed were he not already burning with a permanent blush. Nishi couldn't move between both of his brothers, with Corey's hips rolling upward and Tyler thrusting into his rear, all he could do was sit there and enjoy.

And enjoy, he did. His entire crotch was alive with fire and liquid; natural liquid coming from his pussy and a synthetic being pushing into his ass. Each time Tyler reeled back for another thrust, he pushed against his brother's vestigial prostate, coaxing a soft moan and tight pulse from his younger brother.

Nishi stimulated his own clitoris as he felt the two penises moving in and out of him in different patterns and different speeds. He kept his own motions at a dissimilar rhythm to his brothers; the natural chaos kept him stimulated at every moment of their intense lovemaking.

Fighting back his orgasm, Nishi resisted slamming his hips downwards and hilting the two men inside him. As they continued to grind in and out of his sopping pink holes, he found the temptation harder and harder to abide. The smell of sweat, lube and arousal was thick and hot in the air and their moans rang out through the lascivious mists.

A couple of times, in his excitement, Tyler's cock slipped out of Nishi's tight little ass and slipped up between his cheeks; smearing the end of his tail with lube and pre cum. He always quickly rectified this and got back to rutting his brother's butt. This time Corey's thrusts were faster than his brother's. Nishi's breathing quickened and became spattered with moans.

With the long, drawn out thrusts in his ass and quick, short ones in his cunny, he lifted his head and moaned loudly. If he was tight before, Tyler was in for a surprise now. The walls of his feminine parts and the walls in his rear tightened together and pulsed as his orgasm took him. Through the tightening convulsions of his rear, Tyler found it harder and harder to keep his own orgasm at bay.

Tyler pulled out and pushed a finger into the hole. Nishi's body dropped as his orgasm waned. He sat on his brother and panted. Corey held his brother steady as he rolled them both over onto their sides. Tyler climbed on the bed and spooned his younger brother from the back.

He was reluctant, but he pushed his cock back into his brother and sunk up to his balls in the tight anus. He felt Corey's nuts against his own as the older male pulled out. His thick dick was covered in Nishi's juices and his foreskin was pulled completely behind a swollen and thick bell end.

Nishi rolled against Tyler and they both rolled, leaving the black wolf beneath the lighter boy. Tyler took no moment of respite before continuing to thrust up into his brother's backside. Corey quickly mounted the pair and filled the pussy again. They synchronized their assault and pounded their younger brother with all they had left.

Nishi tightened his muscles against the invading cocks; hoping to milk them of all their seed. Tyler closed his eyes and rutted against his brother, moaning in his ear. Both the black wolves began moaning and with each thrust the moans grew louder. Tyler thrust into him and held his cock all the way inside before reeling back and repeating himself.

Corey pulled back further than normal and began to pull out of Nishi's sweet hole. "No," Nishi demanded, pulling him in with his legs. "Inside." He said simply and Corey reluctantly continued his thrusts and moaned loudly. His moans and his thrusts built to a peak and he thrust up to his nuts in his brother and let out a moan that broke into loud panting.

Nishi's head rolled back as he reveled in the sensations of having his guts filled with his brother's seed. Rope after rope after rope after rope of thick seed filled his vaginal canal. A thick stew of feminine juices and wolf cum sat inside Nishi as Corey pulled out, allowing some of the erotic concoction to leak onto Tyler's cock.

Now that the endgame had come, Tyler severed all ties and thrust with lust and fury. One of Nishi's paws and one of Tyler's rubbed against the boy's clit. Tyler pushed up and moaned as he filled the as yet unspoiled cavern of Nishi's pleasure with cum. Tyler's cock popped out Nishi with a wet slurp and he slipped out from under him.

Tyler walked over to a dresser beneath the window and pulled a little black object off it. He took it to the foot of the bed and aimed it at Nishi's throbbing holes. Seed leaked from both holes onto the sheets. "Is that a camera?" Corey asked as he got a closer look at the item.

"Yup," Tyler said with a smile. "This one's just for my personal viewing pleasure, though. No website."

Nishi blushed. "Why didn't you tell me?"

"I wanted to capture natural sex. Whenever someone's in front of a camera, they change." He rested the camera back on the dresser.

"Come on, Nishi, we best hit the shower." Before Nishi could stand, Tyler moved his head between his legs.

He took in a deep breath above the hot crotch before taking a long lick from the sheet all the way up to Nishi's clitoris. He licked his lips and swallowed. He winked before walking out. Corey helped him up and the two headed for the bathroom.

Tyler relaxed in his bedroom, wearing a fresh set of clothing and browsing the internet. He was watching a video when his email notified him of another entry to his inbox. It was from one "[email protected]" an email that often appeared in Tyler's inbox. It hadn't been assigned a contact name.

He looked to the door and opened the email. It read; "Hey bud, miss u and ur sweet ass. Lookin forward 2 givin u some of my thick cock. Been getting busy recently?"

As Tyler began to write a reply, Corey stepped through the threshold. "With Nishi's friend here, I figured I'd give him full reign of the basement. Looks like we'll be bunking for the night, then, eh?" Corey put his paw on Tyler's shoulder in passing as he made for the bed.

Tyler quickly turned to the email and punched out a reply. "I miss you too. Can't talk right now, my brother's here." He left a few gaps in the email. "P.S. I'm really keen for that hot cock of yours too xx." He clicked send and pivoted his desk chair to face his brother.

The sound of a running faucet echoed throughout the small bathroom as Cooper finished washing his paws. The Siamese boy was Nishi's age and wore a button-up shirt and jeans. He had a light explosion of brown fur coming from his nose and two deep blue eyes.

"Hey, Coop," Nishi started as he sat down on his older brother's bed. He patted beside him. "There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about..."

That's What Brothers Are For - Wolf Things

Corey stirred in his sleep against his sleeping brother; their naked bodies entwined in serenity. The older wolf's eyes were flung open and he threw himself back from his brother's sleeping body. He climbed carefully out of the bed; avoiding waking...

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That's What Brothers Are For - First Time For Everything

Once again he threw his eyes open; desperately trying to sleep. The black wolf rolled over in his bed; moonlight coursing through the small window and onto his face. Visions and flashes of what he saw emblazoned on his brother's computer haunted...

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That's What Brothers Are For - Revelations

Nishi moaned as he descended onto the thick red dildo. He had never played with a dildo like this one before. This one shared the shape as a feral dog's penis; from the oddly-shaped tip to the large bulb near the base. He was on the bed that was his...

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