To the night you stole from me..

Story by MixedUpPup on SoFurry

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#2 of If I could be your chew-toy: Based on a True Story.

***Stupid Disclaimer Thingy***

Everything you see here, came from my brain. The characters, the scenery, the situations... Everything. Any coincidences like character similarities, name usages, or scenes are utterly just that. Coincidence. Nobody likes getting ripped off.

Also, this story contains romance, love, and graphic interaction between members of the same sex. not your bag? I request you leave. Nobody likes hate-spam.

Otherwise Enjoy It^^.


I can't say that I felt totally happy that you texted me..

I wouldn't have minded if we just left it right there.

But no. You had to be persistent.

And I can't believe how much I started liking it...

That night was so... like a painting. As soon as I got his text it was like my cell phone could

have lit the planet on fire with the word "Hey [:" burned into the equator.

It took me a minute to realize that I wasn't dreaming. To make sure I hadn't blinked and realized I

was late for class.

Which wouldn't have mattered anyway. It was Sunday... but that was the farthest from my


"What the crap should I say back?" Was the closest. And so I stared at this portal to another

dimension, thinking it too small to even try passing through.

"Hey... there..." And then I looked at it. Was it symmetrical enough? Did it flow? Display my

opinion relevantly? Then I looked as my backlight went out. I looked at myself. "This isn't a fucking


That's when my door opened, which made me panic, which made me press the send button

with my stupid mutant huge paws...

"Hey," Came Alex's voice. It was a whisper, like smoke. "You seemed a little freaked out

downstairs. Everything okayâ€""

"I sent it..." I said, looking into my outbox. My phone lagged, so the suspense built up in my ears.

"I fucking... sent it..."

"Sent what?" Alex took a step in.

"Hey... there..." I repeated angrily, in a voice that mimicked me if I were a retarded water

buffalo on acid.

"...hi?" Alex started sounding worried. "Felixâ€""

"No." I cut him off. "That's what I sent... ISN'T THAT RETARDED?!" And then I went into a

splurge of imitations. "Hey there... Hey... there... HEY THERE..." With each sounding worse than

the last.

"Felix..." Alex finally sat at the foot of my bed. "You're scaring me.. a little bit."

But I didn't hear him. My phone was vibrating.

*Buzz Buzz*

The mother ship was calling me home. Or at least that's what it felt like when I flipped my phone

open again.

"Lawl, what's up?" I read it out loud, not really meaning to. Now I was in a bind...

"What should I say?!" I looked at what I could see of the bat, but there was a glowing rectangle

stapled into the center of my vision. "I mean... Wait, what time isâ€""

"Give me your phone," Alex groaned, placing his paw out. "You need to sleep now, Felix."

My jaw fell. "Excuse me?"

"Do you realize how much of a mess you've managed to fall into the past two days?"

I thought about it for a second. A good looong second. Had I really become so... Well, as he

said, a mess? Which opened up a whole bunch of doors with questions falling out.

"Why is this affecting me so much?"

"Why do I keep thinking about it?"

"Am I guilty?"

"Why won't this box get out of my way...?!"

I guess I must of paused for a second too long. He "Hmmed?" me really hard and stared at me

with his "heat vision" eyes.

Finally I gave him a "I guess I have been a bit... mess-ish?"

"I'll say you have," Alex replied, triumphant. "No give me your phone so you can sleep. I'm sure

Aiden will still be on the other end in the morning."

"Not...hing... trying... to... get... some... sleep... ttyl..." I sounded off like a drone before I

pressed send again. Then I gave in. "There."

"You're doing yourself a huge favour," Alex smiled a little as he swiped the device from my

fingers. "Now get some sleep. Tomorrow we'llâ€""

*Buzz Buzz*

He must of saw my ears perk as he looked at the thing that was lighting up in his paw.

"Don't," He warned. "Don't even start with the eyesâ€""

But start, I did. I gave him the most ridiculous puppy-dog face I could muster without pushing too

hard, because I always buy in to the "Don't make silly faces or else it might get stuck that way"


Yes. To me it's a legend. Could you imagine having puppy-dog eyes all the time? You'd be the

depresso-ball of any party, even if you were the only one dancing.

"Stop it. You can have it in the morning." And with that, he left without looking at me. He and I

both knew that all it took was enough exposure to that face and he'd be done for sure.


"Okay, yeah," I rolled over and whispered, sounding angrier then I probably was. "Get some

sleep, boyo while I take your cell phone away and not let you check messages." It was my water

buffalo on acid voice again.

"Guess I'll just have to sleep on it..."


"Yep... any time now I'll be dreaming of... ugh... getting my cell phone."


"Ugh... Just close your eyes... and fall asleep... It's not that hard..."




By 4 in the morning I had had it. Nothing was happening, which had never happened to me

before. I always slept like a pup. I could win awards. I could break records. I could make grave

occupants jealous...

But not tonight. Definatly not tonight. I had to get the thing back.

But Alex was in his room... probably with the door locked... with his... girlfriend...

The thought sickened me. What if she was naked?! What if HE was naked...? What if they

were having sex right now...

"Oh my god..." I groaned. "I have to call the ex..." And as I, out of habit, reached for my cell

phone (which should have been) on my bedside table I remembered the past couple hours and

felt like an idiot. "Okay," I threw my covers off me and scuttled over to my desk. My clothes were

still nice and warm from my body heat, although I could feel a draft that was quickly dissolving

that, but my laptop kept the underside of my paws toasty as I logged on.

I had made a mental side-note long ago to never say my passwords out loud while I typed them,

although it always felt like I had to bite my lips to keep them from opening, but soon the screen

reverted, blinding me with my pure-white snow background that almost sent me tossing out of my


"She better freaking be onâ€"" I typed in my MSN Messenger password, once again locking my

lips, and watched the two icons spin together in unison.

As luck, and predictability would have it, there she was. Jenna. Online. Ready for me.

Feel-Hex says: Hey :). Can you meet me somewhere?

Jen-Jen says: holy shit your online lol.

Feel-Hex says: Yeah. Now can you meet me somewhere?

Jen-Jen says: dude it's 430 in the morning? where do you expect us to go?

Feel-Hex says: I dunno? Anywhere lol. I can't sleep... :(.

Jen-Jen says: neither can I, but its cold and I don't feel like leaving.

Jen-Jen says: lol.

Feel-Hex says: He texted me today...

Jen-Jen says: WHAT?!

Feel-Hex says: Yeah I know...

Jen-Jen says: ill meet you in the lobby of your dorm. 15 minutes.

Feel-Hex says: Kay ;)

Jen-Jen is now offline.

And apparently it was that easy.


When I got down to the lobby, Jenna was shivering outside with her angry eyes set to full

power. I had preoccupied myself with some "video searching" which ended up keeping me in that

chair for about ten minutes longer then I should have.

"What's your deal?!" She shouted at me as I let her in. My building locks their doors at night so

crack-heads and other college kids don't get in. "Why don't you answer your freaking cell


"Alex took it away from me so I could get some sleep," I sighed, giving a bit of a stretch as she

went and sat on one of the big comfy chairs. "But it ended up doing theâ€""

"What did Aiden say?" Was what she cut me off with. "And it better be good, because I just

took a cab here and waited while you were probably surfing porn."

"He said "Hey"," I replied, plopping down on the chair next to her. "Then I responded with "Here

there," got a "What's up" and Alex took it from me."

"What an ASSHOLE!?" This was her trying to defending me already. "Taking away your only

contact from the boy you're going to fall in love with?!"

"Who says ANYTHING about love?" I said, feeling a little embarrassed. "I don't even KNOW the

guy?!" Then I stopped. "Kay, well, I KNOW him... But I don't even know if he's my type?! And like

I've said a million timesâ€""

"You can't afford to get with someone who's unsure of themselves," Jenna interrupted with

her monotone "Omg I know..." voice. "But Felix, you've got to take some risks, ya know?"

"It's not like I don't already know what love is..." Was my only response. "I've experienced it

before, ya know?"

"Right," She gave me a bit of a smile as she leaned in. "But you've forgotten how blissful it is, I

can tell. You barely smile on your own anymore, and when I see you with Alex and... that thing

that he's dating... you look like you'd give anythingâ€""

"Stop right there," I could barely stand it for some reason. What she was saying was making

perfect sense, but I hated when it was thrown out in front of me for everyone to see. It was

worse than her slapping me in the face for some reason... It hurt. Bad.

"I know you're hurting," Jenna persisted. "I know you hate being alone. That's why I think you

should give this some serious thought."

"Okay, and what do you call the thought processes that I've been giving it so far?

Semi-serious? Like... do I need to get a ring or something?" Oh sarcasm... My only defence

against her after she's proven everything is right and true, while I see it wrong as fuck.

She just stared at me with her brilliant eyes, full of feeling towards me, saying "Listen to me or

I'll kill you." Which usually did the trick in times like these. This was no different.

"Will you see him?"

"I think a little part of me always planned on it..."

"I don't think you'll regret it, Felix," She gave me the warmest smile. "And even if he does let you

fall, you've got me."

"And Alex," I finished, knowing that she cringed at the thought.

"No," She pointed a finger at me. "JUST... me."

And then she stood, turned on her heal and started for the door.

"Oh, and get your cell back today, kay?" She was talking into the door. "I'll need someone to

chat with while my boyfriend's in the hospital."

"What?!" I almost got up to run, but she stopped me with her words.

"His dad suffered a football injury the other day." She didn't sound too worried, so I fed off that

and felt better. "We're going to go visit him. And by "we" I mean "he" while "me" stays in the

waiting room for a million hours."

"Aren't you not supposed to have mobile's in the hospital...? Some crap with theâ€"" But she

shut the door behind her before I could finish.


By the time I got back upstairs I could have totally collapsed on my bed, which I had been

planning on to for about the whole elevator ride back up. But something caught my eye on my

bright-as-hell computer screen.

A little orange icon in the bottom bar.

(*)Aiden says: Lawl your up late? Or early? =)

(*)Aiden is now offline.

"Fuck!?" I shouted, not really meaning to. Then body slammed my bed after closing my laptop

screen rather harshly.

"What the fuck?!" I screamed in my head. "Does he like... UGH!? How could... WHY?!" Then I

sighed, really... really loud. "Whatever..."

And by then my eyes were closing on their own. It was over, the milk was spilled. Nothing

more I could do today except sleep and hope that for some reason Aiden thinks I'm dying and

comes into my room asking what's wrong. Then I could shower him in apology and let him take

me out to a movie so I can buy him popcorn of forgiveness...


"Ring ring," Was what woke me up. Not from a phone. A voice said it. "Ring ring, Felix, time to


"Who dares disturb my slumber..." I cut him off. "For he/she will have to suffer the

consequences of doing so..."

"Get up you lazy ass," Alex laughed, obviously noticing my Aladdin reference before improving

the consequences part. "Its 10:30 and I have a phone full of text messages for you to read."

What a bastard... How could he be so clever as to know my sudden weakness so well?? Sure

he knew that I was on thin ice with Aiden already (right?), but how could he all of the sudden

understand the power of it all... even I didn't because it had grown so quickly.

"What the fuck..." Was my summons before I shot out of bed, blindly grabbing for the flipping

piece of metal and plastic that was somewhere just out of my reach.

Like a jack-ass, he pulled it away. "Seven, to be exact. Follow me now."

"NO!?" I shouted. My angst was gripping me in the pants. "GIVE IT TO ME NOWWWW!"

"Holy shit..." Alex seemed to be looked at a train coming head-on, and I wasn't sure where this

other side of me was coming from, but it sort of felt good to shake him. It was hard getting under

his lid, but once you did it was only too noticeable.

"Fine," He threw it and I missed, hearing it whistle over to my sheets. "You need to calm down,

Felix. I know this is all a new feeling toâ€""

"NEW?!" I replied. For some reason I was in super hardcore defence mode. "I'll tell you about

new feelings, mate! Iâ€""

"I know you've been in love before," Alex cut me off, which didn't help.

"Love?!" I twisted my face entirely not on purpose. "Who said ANYTHING about LOVE?!"

"Felix, come on," I groaned. "Look at yourself! You've whining with your ass over the tea-kettle

at every single thing this boy contacts you with. YOU'RE LOSING SLEEP GOD DAMNIT!"

"It's not THAT bad!?" I did a double-take. "Is it?"

Alex only replied with a nod. "Yeah, it's getting there... Maybe it's because you've been so

alone. Maybe it's because you haven't gotten overâ€""

I thrusted my finger, feeling flames burning in my throat. "Don't you dare say it, Alex. I'm

warning you."

"I know, I know," Alex calmed me a little with his gestures. "But maybe you're going too fast.

What happened to "I can't afford to mess withâ€""

"Kay," I stopped him right there. "All it is is me feeling guilty for snubbing him. Then being a

complete jerk and not replying because of SOMEONE! That's all!"

Alex looked like he had to take a second to think, which was probably the most awkward

moment of my life up until that point. Then he gave a smile, walked a bit over to me, and sighed.

"Okay, Felix," He put his paw on my shoulder. "Just please... Be careful, okay?"

"I always am, Alex," I returned his eye-contact, which made me look to the floor again. "It's just

guilt. There's no feelings..." And with that, I retreated into my room, taking one last glance before I

closed the door.

I don't know if what I had just said was a lie. There was no way there could be feelings. I don't

even know the guy past the few MSN talks, the few hangouts a million years ago, and the one

phone call we shared for about half an hour.

But the thought of him sort of started to excite me for some reason.

Maybe it wasn't guilt...?

But it had to be. That's what I kept telling myself anyway.

Alex didn't lie either, my cell phone had seven new texts on it. The fact that only one of them

was from Aiden made my face contort at the other six, which were from Jenna asking where the

hell I was over and over and over and over and over and over again.

Aiden's simply said "Did you fall asleep? Lawl ttyl then =D" which I read about 18 million times to

find some inner meaning inside it.

But, me being a journalist, I only fell facedown and took it for face-value. There was nothing for

me to recognize. No hidden phantom that takes me by the throat. Nothing to make me sweat.

Which frustrated me beyond any conceivable outlook. "Maybe he does just want to be


*Buzz Buzz*

I almost threw it. It was so uncalled for, but the thought that it could be Aiden made me get over

that it about 0.5 seconds as I ripped the screen open.

From Jenna. "You should give Aiden more thought."

"What the fuck Jenna. How much thought do you think I'm not giving him? Honestly..." I

understood though. She's happy seeing me interested. So is Alex. Partly because it really has

been a long time. But still, fuck them for simply enjoying watching me squirm... Ugh.

I don't know if it was the suddenness of it all, or the simple glance at my clock, but everything

became a blur when i realized "Oh fuck... Class starts in exactly thirteen minutes."


There was no time for a shower. No time to even put thought into what I was going to wear.

Just a mad rush with my cell in my pocket, my iPod in my ears, and my wallet (with the exact

amount of change for a certain vulgar energy drink) in my bag.

Granted, ironically, I was thirteen minutes late with "Bawls" in my paw, but it didn't matter.

Barely anyone showed up for Essay History on Monday.

"Look who decided to be late, then?" Professor Speck eyed me with a ruler in his paw. He

always wore tweed blazers with blue jeans, which made him look like he should constantly be

smoking a cigarette while agonizing over his latest poem.

"Sorry Profâ€"" I tried to say before scanning the room.

Everyone freaking showed up.


"Excuse?" Speck smiled. He loved to terrorize his students. Especially me.

"Not really." I said, and for some reason I thought about spewing the whole situation to my

class. "I justâ€""

"Slept in?" God I loved it when he spat up excuses for me.

Even if he was right.

I nodded and took my seat. Next to Tiger with a Mohawk who only went by the name

"Nameless". He wore leather with Misfits patches all over it. I'm pretty sure he had doubles of

everything on his pants. But he meant well.

"Hmph," He nodded to me as he crossed his arms. His nose ring danced as he flared his


"Hey," I whispered. "Did I miss anything?"

He just shook a firm "No". I'm pretty sure I've never heard him utter a single word. But I've read

some of the things he's scratched into his desk with the knife he carries in his jacket. Pretty


"Now seeing as I've been rudely interrupted," Speck paused and eyed me one more time before

riffling through a few papers he had on his desk. "I guess this'll be the optimum time to return to

you your entry essay assignments."

I dreaded this assignment, which was probably shown by my loud sigh. Nameless looked me

up and down, and I'm not sure or not, but I think he gave me a supportive smile. The kind that's like

"It's okay, you probably aced it, even though I'm just lying to you".

Speck started going up and down the rows, handing out "constructive" criticism, along with a

couple sympathetic chuckles and "Why exactly are you here"'s. But it wasn't until he reached my

seat thatâ€"

*Buzz Buzz*

I've never blushed so hard in my life. Partly because I knew my Prof had heard it. Partly

because I know his policy on cell phones. And partly because it could be Aiden. Damnit again...

"What was that Mr. Felix?" He put on a wicked grin. "Because I could have swornâ€""

"It was actually me," A deep voice came up from behind me. I turned to see Nameless looking at

an ancient piece of junk, surrendering it to the wrath that could have been Professor Speck.

"Shawn..." Speck sighed, ripping the thing out of the leather-gloved paw. "I'm surprised at you!

You're always so... Quiet...?"

And he didn't say another word. He packed his books, kept his eyes to his feet, and shoved me

aside as he headed for the door.

Needless to say I was dumbfounded. First, this guy took the fall for me, then he storms out like

the name "Shawn" is some sort of abomination.

The whole room was dead, staring at, what felt like, was me. I didn't do anything but stare at

my knees as Professor Speck called everyone's attention back from WTF...?

"Well I guess I have to catch up with him later," He called out. "Mr. Felix," He took a few sheets

of paper out from the stack. "Nicely written. It seemed like you knew what you were talking

about." And then he moved on. Just like that.

I eyed my work, guessing it would range somewhere from 60-70.

"87%...?" I couldn't believe it.

Take that essay that made me stay up 3 and a half hours to write.

"Looks like it's time for a toast," I thought as I took my can of Bawls in paw, popping the tab

open before warding off my sudden exhaustion with a 30-second chug-fest that finished the


And when I looked around again, everyone was still eyeing me like a monster.

That's when my phone buzzed again.


"So what happened again?" Jenna was busy sipping while I paced back and forth.

"Kay," I ordered the story in my head. "So my phone went off in classâ€""

"And it was Aiden?" She interrupted me with her perfect voice.

"Yes it was Aidenâ€""

"And what did he say?"

"I'll get to it! So there's this guy namedâ€""

"There's another guy?! Holy shit Felâ€""

"No!" I had to stop. "There's only Aidenâ€"" And I stopped myself again. "NO! There's NOBODY!"

She smiled at me with her piercing "You're such a liar" face. "You're such a freaking liar..."


I paused in place, debating on taking it further. To plunge deeper into denial. "So this other guy

named Shawn totally took the heat for me today for no reason."

"What heat?" She seemed more interested in the other guy then the actual problem.

"Prof Speck heard my cell go off," I was using way too many gestures with my paws. "And


"Who's Shawn again?"

"He's this punk tiger guy," I rolled my eyes. "Ya know... COMPLETELY unlike your BOYFRIEND

and everything."

But she was purring at the thought. "I know... but punk... leather... dangerâ€""

"Yeah," I sighed. "Anyways, he handed over his cell phone and left because the teacher said

his name."

"Is he weird?"

"He's... deep," I thought about it. "Yeah."

"I could totally take that the wrong way, ya know?" She chuckled and sipped her mug.

"Kay do you want me to get on with it or not?" I groaned, still thinking about what I wanted to


"Because we can talk about your life, ya know?"

"Heck no," She said. "Nothing happens in my life. You're the one with all this drama building up?"

"Yeah," My ears lowered a bit. "I think it's just me doing it to myself, really."

She gave one of those "Awws" and rubbed my shoulder before changing completely back.

"Yeah you pretty much are." She smiled though, which made me feel better. "But hey, if you write

about it one day, it might just entertain someone."

"Like you?" I smugged, but she just laughed.


And we let those words mingle above us as we rated people who walked in, snuggling in the

same purple chair like we were in love for the very first time.


"Nah, more 7.5,"

"You think so?"

"I like his jacket..."

And it would just go on like that for hours.

"What do you think he looks like naked?"

"I wonder if he shaves hisâ€""

"Do you think he's bigger then you?"

Until finally we just enjoyed each other's breathing, and the fact that everyone was assuming

the same thing about us.

Not to mention the fact that everyone was dead wrong.

Friends could do this too. Friends can cuddle. And that made everything okay.

"So what did he say?"


"What did the text say, silly?"

I felt like an idiot for not telling her.

"He wants to hang out with me next Sunday."

"Uh oh?"

"No uh oh. He just wants to watch scary movies."

That's when she jerked a little.

"You know what that means, right?"

"... that he likes scaryâ€""

"Scary movies automatically equal closeness!" Then she pushed me off =(.

I felt unearthed. Confused and bewildered like I had just been taken out of bed and put onto a

stage. Naked. With my nipples set on fire.

"You don't thinkâ€"" I tried to flank the thought. To think of some other excuse.

"That's how my boyfriend got me, Felix," She stared at me long and hard, driving the nail of her

point into my skull with her hammer-vision.

"So should Iâ€""


I had never seen her so overjoyed by one turn of events before. It made me happy, I think. Just

because she was happy for me. And just because maybe Aiden did want me after-all.

"I guess it's a good thing I said yes then."

She just bathed me in her smile. And the sweet sweet smell of her scent as she pulled me

close again.


"It's not that I didn't expect this all to happen. I'm one to get my hopes up for things like these.

It just has to be the right person, that's all.

They say that there are five stages of acceptance. And it's not like I feel like remembering them

all right now.

But I think I've gone up a step.

I'm in denial. This can't be real anymore.

Just because why would you choose me over anyone else?

I'm excited though. I'm glad you did for some reason.

Everyone seems so happy because of it. And that makes me happy."

I couldn't help but smile. I had even begun trusting my blanket again.

For once everything was going okay and it didn't seem like it was hurting anyone.

All I remember from that night was laying there, staring at the ceiling and thinking with my paws

behind my head.

"Maybe I can risk it." I was already there. I was willing I think.

Sunday was going to be the best day of my life.

Is that wrong of me to think?

I'd go ask Alex... but he's busy railing his girlfriend next door.

That's the only reason I'm still laying here, staring at the ceiling and thinking with my paws

behind my head.


And so here you have part 2. Hope you enjoyed it, I really don't have much to say about it. I'm just excited to spill about the Sunday... xD
