what next?

Story by lilgabu on SoFurry

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#5 of digi love

Parents' day has finally come everyone, everyone but gabumon parent, this was the day when student can show off how good there are school works, but suddenly everybody heard loud noises going from the hall way, they heard two digimon voices and wonder who it was, but gabumon knew who those voices belong to, gabumon kept thinking "Please don't let it be them," then the door slapped wide open and everyone in the room saw a shadow weregarurumon and a black garurumon looking drugged up. Gabumon just put his head down and did look at them, and then Growlmon asked them "Who parents are you?"

"Where the parent of the no good disgrace son gabumon," said shadow weregarurumon

"Oh ok, sorry I asked," said Growlmon

"You better be sorry," said black garurumon

Growlmon walked back to the front of the class and explained how parent day work but he was disturb but gabumon parent making noises, everybody thought "I feel sorry for gabumon for having these two for parents," so Growlmon continue to explain how thing works, the student take their parent with the to their class and the parent watch them work. Then suddenly shadow weregarurumon shouted out loud "You got to be joking that boring,"

Gabumon just stood up and walked to his so called father and said "Will you shut up and stop disturbing the class,"

Shadow weregarurumon didn't like what gabumon just said to him and picked gabumon up by his shirt and slapped him "Don't you talk to me like that you little punk," everybody in the room witness this event and thought "How can he so cruel, doesn't his mother defend gabumon," after gabumon got slapped by his father his mother just said "Don't you ever talk to like that or I'll do thing more horrible to you," everyone gasp they didn't dare to say anything, but gabumon just said "Fine, just don't cause chaos ok," both of his parent said "Yeah whatever punk," gabumon just went back to his seat, agumon just l looked at gabumon worrying about him, gabumon tried not to cry but agumon just watched him hold it in and couldn't bare seeing gabumon to be hurt first thing in the morning, then the bell went everyone went to their first lesson, Growlmon asked gabumon to stay behind without his parent, so gabumon parent decided to wait outside while gabumon and Growlmon talked.

"I'm sorry about what happen sir," said gabumon

"It's ok I just wanted to check are you all right, after what your just did," said Growlmon

"I'm fine sir this is nothing, after today I won't see them again," said gabumon

"All right anyway you better go to lesson before you're late for lesson and try to have a good day ok gabumon," said Growlmon

"I'll try sir and thank you for being concern," said gabumon

So gabumon walked to lesson with his parent following him, black garurumon said to gabumon "Where are we going to now fatty (Gabumon parents doesn't know that gabumon is pregnant),"

"We're going to music," said gabumon

"There better be good music be played for I'll just fall asleep," said shadow weregarurumon

So they walked to music all of gabumon friends were talking to him because they were him, gabumon parent just said "Move it pit sheiks," and pushed them out of their way, all the other parent was annoyed of that they just said so gabumon apologize to them all then shadow garurumon said "What the point of apologizing to them it won't mean anything to us or them," gabumon was a shame to have his parent to be causing trouble before the lesson started, so in music shogungekomon planned the lesson to be an eventful lesson, every student will play a piece of music that they have been working on, for every student played they're music piece and all the parent was enjoying it but shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon was complaining, saying it to boring or it suck making that student feel down, gabumon was getting really angry, shogungekomon was pissed off with their complaining, and other parent was giving them evil stares. So gabumon went to play this piece of music but he didn't play the song he was working on, he played the song that he performed for the basketball team and the music department, when gabumon was about to start black garurumon shouted out loud saying "You suck get lost,"

"Ha you got that right love," said shadow weregarurumon

Agumon stood up and said "Shut up he hasn't even started yet,"

"Yeah that right just chill out," said guilmon, both of gabumon snort and gave them evil stares both of agumon and guilmon parent was watching gabumon parent hopping that they wouldn't do anything to they're kids. So then gabumon just played his song but shadow weregarurumon was just throwing paper at him gabumon stopped playing and walked out the room then out of the music department and screamed out loud to let his anger go away, then he went back to music, then black garurumon tackled him into the wall and said "Don't you dare embarrass us front of your class,"

"Don't worry your doing it yourself," said gabumon

Then shadow weregarurumon picked him up from the shirt again but instead of slapping gabumon this time he punched gabumon in the face, everyone could bare to watch gabumon getting beat up by his parent, but suddenly the bell rang saying it was the end of the lesson, everyone stayed where they were expect for gabumon parent who went outside and laugh their head off, shogungekomon got a first aid kit out and tended to gabumon wounds, everybody was talking agumon ran over to gabumon on held onto gabumon.

"Don't worry none of us is going to them get away with this," said agumon

"Yeah that right," said the other student digimon

"Don't their my problem and I don't want anyone to get hurt because of me," said gabumon

"It is already our problem now, gabumon none of us think this is right," said greymon

"Yeah your parent isn't setting a good impression on us," said metal Growlmon

"We all think this way," said shogungekomon

Everybody nodded to show that they agree, gabumon was touch by their concern and started to cry, "It all right were all here for you gabumon," said agumon hold onto gabumon, everyone agreed not interfere unless they had to, so the day went and it just got worse and worse for gabumon in math, gabumon parent was complain to datamon (math teacher) staying the question was too easy for the student, so datamon put up an hard universality question up and everyone was stuck on it expect for gabumon. "So does anyone know the answer to this question?" asked datamon

So no one answer datamon look at the parent digimon and none of them knew it was well, then datamon asked black garurumon do to it but she didn't know the answer, gabumon just smile but shadow weregarurumon said "I think we should get the idiot of the group to do it," and he pointed at gabumon, datamon knows gabumon might get it because gabumon was the only smart one in the group, so datamon agreed to what shadow weregarurumon said and asked gabumon to go up front and solve the question, shadow weregarurumon was smirking because he thinks gabumon is an idiot but to his surprise gabumon solved it and he was speechless, black garurumon was thinking "No good punk, no going to make a fool out of me," so black garurumon smacked gabumon on the back of his head really hard making gabumon fly to his seat, gaomon was getting really angry to see this happen to gabumon, then gaomon mother shouted out loud "Start this childish be heaver, black garurumon"

"What it to you gaogamon? He not your child" said black garurumon

"He may not be my child but he still a part of my family," said gaogamon

"WHAT, did you say gabumon part of our family mom?" said gaomon

"Yes gabumon is one of our distance cousin," said gaogamon

"No way so me and gaomon are cousin, I didn't know that," said gabumon

"Shut up gaogamon were not family at all," said black garurumon

"Face the fact black garurumon you are," said gaogamon

"A ham if you don't mind me stopping your conversation but it lunch time, so get lost all of you," shouted datamon

Everyone in the class room ran out of the room, gabumon had to stay with his parent due to parent day so he couldn't be with his friends, however everyone in the lunch hall gave evil stares are gabumon parents, but shadow weregarurumon shouted out loud "What are you looking at?"

"Hay punk go get us lunch we have no cash on us," said shadow weregarurumon

"I'd didn't bring any money with me," said gabumon

"What did you just say?" said shadow weregarurumon

"I don't have money," said gabumon

"Then what are we suppose to eat," said black garurumon

"I don't know but I got to work now to see ya it your problem," said gabumon

Gabumon ran off because he had to go tutor falcomon, gabumon went outside of the dinning to wait for falcomon where they normally meet, falcomon was there with his parent waiting and having lunch at the same time.

"Hay falcomon are you ready for your lesson?" asked gabumon

"Oh hay gabumon yeah I'm ready, oh I want you to meet my parent his is my mother peckmon and my father crowmon," said falcomon

"Nice to meet the both of you," said gabumon

"No the pleasure is ours gabumon," said crowmon

"I heard you're a good tutor gabumon," said peckmon

"No I'm not I just try my best to help other digimon if they're struggling with school work," said gabumon

"Well you a big help to our son we thank you it nothing," said peckmon

So gabumon started teaching falcomon in English which he is stuck on the most, gabumon was taking it easy on falcomon with the tutoring because gabumon didn't want to work to hard because of his pregnancy.

"Hay gabumon aren't you going to eat anything?" asked crowmon

"No I'm going to eat when I get home," said gabumon

"How come?" asked peckmon

Before gabumon could answer he heard shadow weregarurumon from behind him he said to gabumon "So there you are you punk," gabumon just turned around not giving a damn.

"What do you want? I'm teaching here," said gabumon

"We want so cash that what you idiot," shouted black garurumon

"I told you I don't have any money," said gabumon

Shadow weregarurumon didn't believe gabumon so he grabbed gabumon legs and tips him upside down, and started shaking gabumon until his wallet fell out, black garurumon pick the wallet up and saw there was some money in there and took it out and she said "I got the money let go," shadow weregarurumon throw gabumon into the tree that was behind falcomon parent and he said "That what you get for lying to us," gabumon hit the tree so hard he started to cough out blood, falcomon ran right over to gabumon and said "Are you ok gabumon?" gabumon was holding onto his stomach, gabumon was more worried about his baby then himself, falcomon parent didn't like the way how gabumon was treated by his parent, everyone in the dinning saw it and then agumon, guilmon, gaomon, renamon, biyomon and gotomon ran out of the dining hall to check on gabumon, they were worry about the baby as well, gabumon just continue coughing out blood, then crowmon just said "Someone but gabumon onto my back I'm flying his to the hospital,"

"No I'm ok," said gabumon

"What about the baby gabumon," said agumon

"WHAT!!!" said peckmon

"Oh yeah I forgot to tell you gabumon pregnant," said falcomon

"Then get him on were going to the hospital to get it checked out," said crowmon

"No it fine, I'll go later," said gabumon

"Why are you being so stubborn gabumon it not like you," said gotomon

"Because of them," said gabumon, as he watched his parents spark up a cigarettes near the door of the dining hall while eating.

"But gabumon we can take care of them," said guilmon

"No I understand what gabumon this is family issue right cousin," said gaomon

"Hay wait a second when did you guys become cousin?" asked biyomon

"Well we just found out a while that me and gaomon was distance cousin," said gabumon

"Yeah we both were kind of shocked about it, but we'll get use to it even if it kind of ark word at the moment," said gaomon

Everybody look confused about it but gaogamon came out and explained it to everyone and they understood, about gaomon and gabumon being cousin now. The bell rang and everything went back to being bad agumon asked gabumon what was that money for?

Gabumon told agumon it was the bill for his flat, agumon told the rest of the group and they understand and they got kind of mad at gabumon parents for doing such a horrible thing, they could never imagine them being this bad compared how gabumon told them a few months back. They are far worse then what gabumon told them, agumon just went to his parent and also to guilmon, they were worried for gabumon because of his parent, thought everybody hated them by the way they acted so far, thank god there was only one lesson left for the day and that was ICT, with andromon, hopefully gabumon parent wont cause trouble.

The only thing that was going though gabumon mind was how does his parent know that it was student day at his school and how did they get here? Gabumon was scared to ask so he didn't ask his parent or he might get another beating from them, so he would ask one of his teachers later. Gabumon was just glad he in the same lesson with agumon, guilmon and gaomon so not much trouble could happen he hopes. But gabumon parent just throw gabumon of his computer and just started to watch porn online and andromon was really annoyed with that because that was not appropriate to do in school and not appropriate to watch in front of the student. Gabumon just put his head down with shame wishing that his parent was not like this, gaogamon took gabumon outside of the classroom so that they can talk greymon went out as well to talk.

"Gabumon don't worry about them, after today you won't hear from them again I promise,"

said gaogamon

"Thank you auntie gaogamon," said gabumon

"Gabumon are you alright, how is the baby?" asked greymon

"What this your having a baby gabumon, how and who?" asked gaogamon

"It a long story, to put it short gabumon got rape by a blackveemon and that how," said greymon

"Oh ok I understand, don't worry gabumon if you ever need anything just tell me ok," said gaogamon

"And you can count on me," said greymon

"Thank you so much, both of you," cried gabumon

Gabumon just hugged both gaogamon and greymon then suddenly they heard shouting going coming from the classroom, all three of them knew something bad had happened, everyone was at the other end of the classroom shock because shadow weregarurumon started getting drugs out and black garurumon was smoking and drinking something, everyone knew this wasn't good andromon told the both of them to get out of the school ground immediately, gabumon looked at them disappointedly, shadow weregarurumon just smirked and grabbed gabumon coaler and said "Your coming with us punk," black garurumon then said "It time to be punish for running away from us," gabumon was trying to get free from shadow weregarurumon gasp, gabumon was dragged to the front of the school and he was getting beating up by his parent, gabumon was getting punched and kicked in the stomach, gabumon was crying because he knew his child wont survive for long if this keeps us, everyone was watching and no one could bare to watch it anymore so all the parent of the student stormed outside making them stop what they were doing to gabumon,

Shadow weregarurumon then said "What do you lot want?" as he dropped gabumon onto the floor, gabumon was coughing up blood again.

"Were stopping you before you seriously hurt gabumon and before you kill his baby," said gaogamon

"Ha he's not pregnant he's just fat, like every gabumon," said black garurumon

"That what you think hurry someone take gabumon to the hospital," shouted greymon

Peckmon ran in to get gabumon but shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon wasn't going to make it easy for her, but greymon and metalgrowlmon had her back covered, so Peckmon picked gabumon and ran to crowmon and put gabumon onto his back, "Hurry crowmon," crowmon nodded and took off and flew all the way to the hospital, while crowmon is flying to the hospital, all the parent and student digimon and all of gabumon teachers all surround shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon, hoping that they will give up, and do things nicely, but they didn't, which means shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon was going to fight everyone thinking that they will win. So everyone jump them and started to beat them up until they couldn't move another inch.

"That what you get when you hurt your child in front of all of us, when your making yourself looks like idiots" said gaogamon

"Don't forget your also blaming him for it," said greymon

"And also attacking him when he pregnant," said agumon

"Let get going everyone we have to see gabumon," said gotomon

So everyone that was fighting shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon ran to the hospital, expect for the teachers they stayed at school making sure that shadow weregarurumon and black garurumon get arrested by the police.

Mean while at the hospital, crowmon got gabumon to the fastest doctor available, because gabumon was blooding heavily, from his stomach and he was also coughing up a lot of blood, centarumon was the fastest doctor ready for gabumon, centarumon was shocked to see what had happen to gabumon, so centarumon took gabumon into the surgery room immoderately, to do a full check you and gabumon and his baby. Crowmon went outside of the hospital to wait for everyone. 10 minutes had past and crowmon was called into sign some paper and he was shocked to see there was an abortion paper, "What is with this abortion paper centarumon," asked crowmon, centarumon put him head down meaning bad news.

"I'm sorry the child that gabumon is having didn't make it," said centarumon

"But how long has it been since gabumon been pregnant?" asked crowmon

"Nearly 5 months," said centarumon

"No way this can't happen, does gabumon knows that the baby didn't make it," said crowmon

"No gabumon doesn't know yet," said centarumon

"Why doesn't he know, it going to break his heart to find out later," said crowmon

"Gabumon doesn't know yet because he a sleep right now." Said centarumon

Crowmon was angry and went outside and started to head butt the wall, because he knew he couldn't do anything but then he heard loads of digimon shouting his name, Crowmon looked to see who it was, it was all the student digimon with their parents.

"How is gabumon dad?" asked falcomon

"Gabumon a sleep right now but he fine," replied Crowmon

Everyone was relieved to hear gabumon was ok, and then gaogamon asked about the baby, Crowmon put his head down and didn't answer, and everyone knew it was bad news, then suddenly centarumon came out and said "Is anyone here related to gabumon?" then gaogamon walked toward centarumon and said "I am," centarumon wanted gaogamon to follow him to sign some paper works.

"Gaogamon I need you to sign these papers," said centarumon

"But this is an abortion papers, what happened to the gabumon child?" said gaogamon

"Unfortunately the child didn't made it, the child in gabumon stomach took too much damage, but if we get the child out gabumon will still be able to have children someday, if you leave the dead baby in there it will be a low chance for gabumon to have children at all," said centarumon

"I don't really want to do this but if it will bring gabumon a better future I will take the chance," said gaogamon

So gaogamon since the abortion form and centarumon went to get himself ready for surgery, gaogamon walked out of the office looking down, knowing gabumon might not forgive for this but she knew it was the right choice for him, gaomon and agumon looked at her, greymon said "It was the only thing you can do wasn't it?" gaogamon nodded her head and started crying for gabumon, guilmon ran out of the hospital because he was upset to hear that gabumon is losing his child, all of gabumon did the same expect for agumon, agumon just stayed by gabumon side holding tight to his paw, knowing gabumon would be heartbroken when he finds out his child had died. None of gabumon friends could stand it so they did the same thing as guilmon and ran out of the hospital, the parent couldn't bare it so they went after kids so that they could take them home.

So while guilmon is walking around feeling really depressed he didn't notice where he was going and he ended up at the primary school where gabumon little brother and sister at beside his own little sisters, guilmon saw all the little digimon coming and playing about because it was home time guilmon was just stood there watching them play around making guilmon think "Life would be like this to be and parent I never knew it would be this good,"

Guilmon looked around and he was his friends round and they all had the same idea as guilmon by the look of it. Parent all around came as well, looking at their children and gaogamon "Life is wonderful isn't it, to spend it with your love one" everyone nodded their heads and just looked at the primary school digimon playing about waiting to home.

Gaomon saw koromon and dorimon looking for someone, they must be looking for gabumon that what Gaomon thought, but then koromon and dorimon ran over to him and guilmon.

"Hay have you guys seen big brother?" asked dorimon

"Well you see he's um..." said guilmon, guilmon couldn't bare to tell them that gabumon in the hospital about to have an abortion done.

"Gabumon in the hospital again," said Gaomon

"WHAT" shouted koromon and dorimon

"What happen to big brother gabumon? Gaomon" asked dorimon

"He's losing his baby," replied Gaomon with a sad face.

"We have to stop him from doing that," said koromon

"No it not that gabumon doesn't want it," said Gaomon

"Then what is it then?" cried koromon

"The baby has died," cried guilmon

Dorimon and koromon was shocked to hear what guilmon just said they both broke down and started crying and saying why do these thing always happen to their big brother, Gaomon knelt down and held onto them to that they can let it all out, guilmon did the same and so did all of gabumon friends because they shared the same feeling, all the adult digimon just stood there crying because they saw show compassionate their children where.

Meanwhile in the hospital gabumon was rushed into the surgery room agumon joined centarumon to help get the baby out of gabumon, gabumon woke up just before they were about to start the surgery, gabumon looked confused and asked what was going on, centarumon explained everything to gabumon, gabumon was shocked and agreed with the abortion, so agumon help onto gabumon paw to let gabumon know that he is not alone going though with this, so the surgery began centarumon got all his medical equipment ready to start but it was going to be hard for gabumon since he was already 5 month pregnant, so the baby would be nearly completely formed, it took an hour but they got the baby out of gabumon, it was a baby chibomon which was formed completely, centarumon washed the baby for gabumon and wrapped it up in a blanket and handed it over to gabumon. Gabumon held onto his baby and started crying his eyes out because he knew that he could raise his child and he wouldn't be able to be it father to raise it. Agumon just held onto gabumon and his child and started crying as well, they both cried in each other arms, centarumon left the surgery room to give them some time to let it all out.

"Why did this have to happen, why do I have to lose my baby" cried gabumon

"I don't know but I'm letting you parent get away with it," cried agumon

"I hate them so much for doing," cried gabumon

"I understand how you feel, I was looking forward to raise this child with you but now our chance is gone because of them," cried agumon

"I never want to see them again ever," cried gabumon

"Me to," cried agumon

So they both cried their eyes out for a while, centarumon came back in with a basket and said "We're going to hold a funeral next for your child gabumon," gabumon nodded his head and didn't say a word to it, agumon lifted gabumon onto a wheel chair and took him to a room where gabumon can rest, centarumon rang up the police to see if gabumon parent was arrested, and they were arrest but centarumon wasn't happy with the arrest so he asked to take it up to court, and so the police told them they will do it but it will be in 2 weeks times centarumon was ok with that, so he went and told gabumon and agumon, they agreed with the court but then blackveemon, walked in and said "I heard you lose your child what a shame,"

"I know please let not talk about it," said gabumon

"I just want to know is it your child agumon if it is what a laugh," said blackveemon

"No it wasn't my child it was yours blackveemon," said agumon

"What, no way why didn't you tell me it was my child gabumon," shouted blackveemon

"I didn't want you to know because you would told me to get rid of it like you told me to get rid of my brother and sister," said gabumon

Blackveemon just stayed silence because he just lost his child, he broke down and started crying and said "Who killed our child," gabumon was shocked to see blackveemon was being kind, so agumon said "It was gabumon parent who killed your child," blackveemon ran to go and look for them to take revenge for his child, gabumon then asked agumon a question.

"Why did you tell him?" asked gabumon

"So that he would leave us alone," replied agumon

"Thank you agumon," said gabumon with a happy and cute looking smile

Agumon just blushed and said "No problem my love, anyway do you want anything to eat?"

"I love to as long as I'm with you," said gabumon

So agumon ran out to go and get some food, centarumon was thinking "Agumon is so thinking of sex right now," so centarumon stayed and talked to gabumon about some issue about his parents. But gabumon didn't want talk about so centarumon didn't talk about it, but instead they talked about gabumon future.

"So gabumon what do you plan on doing now gabumon?" asked centarumon

"I don't know yet, but all I want to is live my life happily now, and hopefully have a good summer," replied gabumon

"So who do you want to spend your summer with?" asked centarumon

"My family and friends hopefully with agumon as well." Said gabumon

Agumon came back into the room with a bag full of food centarumon just got up and left and said "I'll see you both later." Gabumon and agumon waved good bye to centarumon, went centarumon was gone agumon went and lock the door and close the certain so no one can see what they were going to do, but gabumon wasn't ready for what agumon had planned since he only gave both a little bit ago. Agumon brought out load of fried food and a bottle of red wine.

"Agumon what are you doing?" asked gabumon

"Making a romantic dinner for us?" said agumon

"Awww aren't you sweet," said gabumon

"I know it fried food but it better than hospital food," said agumon

"Yeah your right, thank you agumon," said gabumon

"Its ok as long as we're alone it ok with me," said agumon

" Yeah we haven't had a meal by ourselves before so this will be a first," said gabumon

"Yeah I know," said agumon

So agumon and gabumon started eating their dinner that agumon bought and had some wine, but gabumon was a like weight drinker and he can get easily drunk after one drink (agumon doesn't know this) gabumon drink three glass but put his sorrow away, but agumon tried to stop gabumon from drinking the whole bottle so agumon put the bottle into the bag and put it away, somewhere gabumon wont get his hand on it, so agumon started thinking, "Since there isn't a lot left I might as well dump it down the sink," so agumon when to the bathroom to get rid of the little bit that was left, but when agumon came back to gabumon, gabumon was stripped naked in his bed.

"What are you waiting for hot stuff," said gabumon while he was in a drunken state, agumon couldn't keep his eyes of gabumon, gabumon has such a nice body which agumon would love to have next to his own, but agumon could do it because he knew it was wrong to take advantage of gabumon like this, so agumon walk over to gabumon and put a blanket over gabumon, but gabumon resist what agumon was trying to do and just fell on top of agumon.

"Now your mine, mine alone," said gabumon

"No gabumon I cant not like this," said agumon

"I don't care I wanted you so long I cant wait anymore," said gabumon

Before agumon could reply gabumon kissed agumon passionately, agumon tried not giving the same feeling gabumon was in, but agumon gave into gabumon kiss because it was gabumon his lover, agumon broke the kiss and said, "I cant do this gabumon," but gabumon wasn't listening so then gabumon unzipped agumon pants and took of agumon pants and underwear, "What are you doing gabumon," said agumon

"I having some fun," said gabumon

Gabumon started licking agumon balls sack and then agumon started moaning because it felt so good, but agumon know it was wrong, but agumon was getting harder and more harder until is cock came out, it was about 5.6 inch then gabumon started to like agumon from the side making agumon feeling really horny, gabumon then started to suck agumon cock from a slow pace then into a fast pace agumon just held onto his mouth, so no one will hear him moan out load, gabumon increased his speed, but then agumon tasted the taste of agumon cum, agumon had cummed in gabumon mouth, gabumon just gulped it all down his mouth, "Did you like that gabumon," asked agumon. Gabumon just nodded his head and came closer to agumon face and kissed agumon passionately again, slipping his tongue init as well, agumon did the same, agumon could taste his own cum in gabumon so he broke he kiss off, gabumon was exhausted and laid on top of agumon, so then agumon stood up put his pants back on and carried gabumon back to his bed and put his clothes back on before putting the cover over gabumon body, then agumon unlocked the door and went back to grab a chair and sit next to gabumon, while he was sleeping.

2 hours later

Agumon was asleep on the chair next to gabumon dorimon and koromon came in with guilmon and gaomon, they saw gabumon sleeping but he also looked sad, beside that gabumon mumbling, dorimon and koromon went close to gabumon move to hear what gabumon was saying, "Agumon please marry," (Repeatedly) dorimon and koromon was shocked to hear that beside that gabumon breath stinks of alcohol, so dorimon looked at agumon koromon jumped toward guilmon, and told guilmon, guilmon was shocked to hear that, so guilmon told gaomon, gaomon just smile and said "I think gabumon really need agumon right now since he did lose his baby, but then agumon woke up and saw dorimon right in front of him. Agumon was so frighten from seeing dorimon right in front of his face he fell of the chair.

"Ouch what are you guys doing here?" asked agumon

"We came to check up on you and gabumon," said guilmon

"Oh sorry I forgot to tell you I was staying by gabumon didn't I," said agumon

"Don't worry about it, we kind of guess it," said gaomon

"Agumon can we talk with you," said dorimon

"Ok, what is about?" asked agumon

"Something personal," said koromon

"Ok but what is it about?" asked agumon

"You'll find out but were not talking here ok, oh guilmon will you stay here and look after

gabumon," said gaomon

"Sure no problem," said guilmon

Guilmon kissed gaomon and sat on agumon seat and watch over gabumon, so gaomon, agumon, koromon and dorimon walked out of the room and into the hospital dinning hall where they could talk.

"Agumon what do you think about marriage?" asked gaomon

"Well I would like to get married but I not sure I'm ready yet," said agumon

"Would you like to marry big brother?" asked koromon

"I do love gabumon but if was marry gabumon I think I would be rushing our relationship a bit," said agumon

"But you do want to marry him right?" questioned gaomon

"Yeah I would, why are you asking me these question anyway," asked agumon

"Well big brother was mumbling in his sleep saying "Agumon please marry me," so I think he want to stay with you all the time," said dorimon

"No way it can't be," said agumon

"Or that he drunk, and having a dream," said koromon

"Oh yeah I think he is really drunk," said agumon

"How do you know?" asked gaomon

"Because we were drinking red wine," said agumon

"Oh so that would explain it," said koromon

"Yep" said dorimon

"Anyway please think about agumon we don't want gabumon being hurt anymore ok," said gaomon

"Please agumon we know big brother and to be with you," said koromon

"And we love you to be our older brother as well because your fun to have around," said dorimon

"Yeah I'll think about it," said agumon

So gaomon took koromon and dorimon back to see gabumon "So do you think agumon going to do?" asked gaomon

"I think agumon will ask big brother to marry him," said dorimon

"I don't know, I think big brother will ask agumon," said koromon

"Well we will just have to find out and wait to see who make the first move," said gaomon

"Yeah," said dorimon and koromon

So they carried on walking to gabumon room, they arrived to gabumon room gabumon just got up and he was still drunk, gabumon leaned over to guilmon and kissed him and said "I love you agumon" guilmon said to gabumon "I'm not agumon it me guilmon," gaomon went over to help guilmon but gabumon did the same thing to gaomon, but the gabumon just sat on the floor and start crying and started saying "I hate you, mum and dad," and he carried on crying, koromon and dorimon just held onto gabumon and tried to calm him down, agumon was walking pass and saw gabumon crying on the floor with everyone trying to calm him down. Agumon ran over and held onto gabumon paw and said "calm down I'm here nothing going to happen to you while I'm here, come calm down my baby," gabumon then started to calm down and looked into agumon eyes and smiled. Everyone was relieved that gabumon calmed down and it was thanks to agumon, gabumon just fell back asleep on agumon, guilmon and gaomon helped get gabumon off agumon and put gabumon back to bed.

"Hay thanks agumon," said guilmon

"Oh it no problem," said agumon with a wondering look going on his face

"Hay what wrong agumon?" asked dorimon

"Oh I just thinking what you told me before," replied agumon

"Oh ok," said dorimon

"So if there anything you want to talk about?" asked guilmon

"No I'm ok I'm just going to go home and think about it," said agumon

"Oh ok we'll catch you later," said gaomon

"Yeah bye agumon," said koromon

"Later guess," said agumon

Agumon walked out of the door to walk home, agumon was thinking to himself, "I wonder what life would be like if me and gabumon got married, I know we been going out for a few months but wow marriage," agumon walked passed a ring shop and agumon saw a really ring that would suit gabumon so much, but it cost too much for agumon. So agumon decided to walk into the ring shop and have a look around to see what other rings are there that he can afford to get. But agumon saw a nice ring he like and it was also cheap and he hope gabumon would love it. Agumon asked the shopkeeper to hold onto that ring for him until he get the money for it.

shocking news

The next morning koromon and dorimon was worried because gabumon didn't pick them up from agumon and guilmon place, "I'm worried about big brother," said dorimon "Yeah he never done anything like this before," said koromon "I'm sure he just...

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A blast from the past

The day of the basketball match, everyone from the basketball team was getting ready for the match with a full day of practise so they don't have to go to lesson, gabumon felt so bored without agumon, guilmon, and gaomon in lesson with it wasn't even...

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the begining

A normal school day in the digital world, in a high school full of digimon, but this was a special day because there was a new transfer student from a different part of the digital world. Everyone in this school was wondering what this digimon was...

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