Furry and Proud: Chapter 9

Story by wolfnumber9 on SoFurry

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#10 of Furry and Proud

Sam is home

Why can't things change?

We reached our house at around 9:00pm. I was starting to visualize what Sam would look like, how angry she would be, when she saw me. I knew I messed up big this time and my excuse for not being there was even worse. But, you know what, I'm not gonna back down. I'm gonna to tell the truth. I'm gonna tell her everything. I just hope she understands.

I walked out of the car and headed towards the front door. My dad was right behind me, not saying a word. Once I reached the door, I paused for a moment and listened carefully. I could hear screaming inside. It was my mom and Sam arguing.

"You knew about this and didn't stop him?!" Screamed Sam.

"Now look Sam! Eddy would never do that! He loves you!" Screamed my mom.

I figured that now was a good time to step in. I grabbed the doorknob and slowly opened the door. I saw Sam standing up stiff with her arms crossed glaring at my mother who was standing right outside the kitchen door. Sam quickly looked at ma and pointed her finger to my face.

"You!" She said sternly. "We were supposed to be practicing, but where were you instead?!"

I sighed a little and said. "At Victoria's house."

"See!" Sam said now looking at my mom.

"Sam, you need to calm down." My mom quickly answered.

"Don't tell me to calm down!" She yelled. "Not when I'm being cheated on by some human trash!"

"Enough!" I yelled. Everyone was silent. "Sam and I need to talk alone."

Sam crossed her arms again.

"Hun," said my mom in a worried voice.

"It's okay mom." I said.

I then walked to Sam and lead her up the stairs. I tried putting my hand on her shoulder put she quickly pushed it off and started walking. I followed her.

When we entered my room, Sam sat on my bed looking away from me. I closed the door behind me and I looked at her. She was sitting upright and kept the same ticked off face she had downs stairs. But as I looked closely, I say tears in her eyes.

"Sam, " I said.

"No," she interrupted. "You don't get to talk first!"

I stood there silent and let her speak.

"Do you remember the first time we met?" She asked.

I nodded my head yes.

"You just moved in and you were alone and scarred...and when I saw you, I saw myself. Because I was scared too."

She then stood up.

"I was scared of the world we lived in, scared of the people around me, scared that one day I'm just going to be alone and have no one to protect me.......then I met you."

She began to cry.

"Every time I'm with you I feel safe. I don't feel like I have to be such a bully anymore. I don't worry anymore about going to jail like every other furry does..... I don't worry about that..... because I know that it is you and me against the world."

She wiped her tears.

"And now.... you're cheating on me with a human?! The one thing we go against?!"

I interrupted. "Sam, I'm not cheating you."

"Don't give me that!" She yelled. "What were you doing there that was so much more important than me?!"


Sam looked slightly confused. "You should be apologizing to me." She said.

"You're right." I answered. "I'm sorry, I should've been here, practicing with you. I was wrong for that and I'm sorry......but Victoria deserved an apology too."

Sam looked infuriated. "For what?!" She yelled.

"For the way we treated her."

"So what! She deserves it for the way she treated us!"

"That's the thing Sam, she didn't do anything."

"But what about what you told us at lunch?!"

"It was a lie, Sam!"

"So now you're lying to me?!"

I was now infuriated. "Hey!" I said. "How do you think I feel telling all my friends that I had a good time with a human! It was you guys who pressured me into saying those things!"

"You still lied to me!"

"Because of the way you're acting right now!....... look at you!"

There was a pause, and then I continued.

"Sam....Victoria was nothing but nice to you. All you're doing is making enemies for no reason."

Sam hesitated, but then she answered back with even more anger in her voice.

"I don't need a reason Eddy!" She yelled. "It's humans that make me scared to leave my home. It's humans that always judge us and hurt us.... it's because of humans that you moved to Chicago!"

"But it wasn't Victoria!" I interrupted. "She's different. You say that humans judge us, but you're doing the same thing. Blaming everything they have done on one person......that's not fair Sam."

Sam paused again, and then she pushed me hard into the wall.

"You just want to protect her!" She yelled.

"I just want things to change Sam!" I answered. "Why can't things change?"

"Okay!" Sam said. "You want change?! Fine!"

She then pushed me out of the way and opened the door. She looked at me with fire in her eyes and said two words that pierced my heart so violently it stopped my breath.

"We're through!" She yelled.

Then she slammed the door shut. I could hear her violent footsteps pound down the stairs and walk through the front door. And just like that.... We broke up. I sat down on my bed trying to process it all, but all I could think was. "What have I done?"

I looked down on the floor and as I looked I began to see tears slowly falling down on the floor.

"I lost her." I thought. "All this time, I thought I was doing the right thing and I lost the one thing I cared about the most."

I quickly tried to think of any ideas, and solutions, that would fix this. Anything to get Sam back. But there was nothing. In the end.... I got what I wanted. Now, people are gonna know the truth. I just.... I just don't know if it was worth it.

I laid down on the bed with my eyes closed, but tears still managed to come out. I heard knocks on the door.

"Eddy?" Cried a voice. "It's your mother."

I ignored her. I just wanted to be alone. That's all I'm ever going to be now. Alone. She kept knocking, but I didn't answer. I just.... laid there. Knock.....knock.....she called my name again......knock....knock.....

Furry and Proud: Chapter 10

Talent show I woke up the next morning after crying myself to sleep. Wasn't proud of it, but it was true. The sun lit my room a little with small beams of light going through the holes of my blinds. I was still in my clothes from yesterday. I never...

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Furry and Proud: Chapter 8

Apologies The days seemed to go by so fast. It was like I wasn't even there. I was just sitting back and watching it all go down. Isolating Victoria, doing everything Sam says, and putting on a fake smile to hide my shame. I know that I love Sam, but...

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Furry and Proud: Chapter 7

That awkward moment Waking up that morning wasn't fun. I felt worried and confused. Thoughts ran through my mind like wasp at a nest. I was conflicted, but why? I know why I was freaking out. Victoria tried to hit on me, but it was okay. I stopped...

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