The Brood - Chapter 4

Story by ZeeRabidMonsta on SoFurry

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#4 of The Brood

GREETINGS! I am separating the original the story into individual chapters so that it will be easier for all of you to remember where you left off! Please PLEASE stay tuned as I will be working hard to add many more chapters until I am satisfied the story is told and I can send it to a publisher! I am counting on all of you to keep me informed of how the story is coming along in your eyes. Critique is most welcome!

The car was roomy enough for all five of us. We rode in silence to the address the wolves' new alpha had given Donny. My mind was on so many things all at once. My old life, my new one, and more. How was I going to deal with all of this? Would I just break all ties with my old life? Would I try and juggle both? Or combine the two? I would figure all that out later. I would take one problem at a time. For now I would see where tonight took me. I had at least left messages with my mother. Oh god. I need to deal with that bit ASAP

Pulling up to the address I gazed out of the window at the sea of vehicles and at the large home on its expansive property. The place was packed. We got out in the cool spring evening air. The sun was setting fast.

Two men came out of the house and jogged towards us. They seemed tight with worry and stopped a few cars away. Their eyes landed on me then each other and back again. I rose a brow. "Why are you two looking at me like that?"

One spoke up. "We just didn't expect...someone so small." He crossed his arms.

I huffed and crossed mine too. "Bully for you. Where is your alpha?"

"He's inside. We will take you to him." The second man stated. They turned and we followed.

One held the door for us as we followed the other. The small den area was shoulder to shoulder with people. Then it was as if someone had grown two heads with how silent it got when I walked in. I felt all their eyes on me. A shiver went through me and I felt them. I could sense their beasts. Figuring it was normal I sighed. "If you people would stop staring at me, I'd like to get this over with before I get old." It was stifling in the room. This house was not made to have so many people in it.

A woman pushed through the crowd.

"Who do you think you are coming in here barking orders! You are not one of us. You don't have the right!" Her tall frame came right up to me. I felt compelled to stand my ground.

"No one was barking orders lady. I was asked to come here. I don't appreciate being gawked at like I had a tree growing out of my neck. So I suggest you back off." I growled that last part.

Which surprised me a little, but I tried not to show it.

She took another step forward, effectively invading my personal space, and I'd had it. I felt a rise of anger, like a tidal wave, crash over me. Then power. It flowed so fast, filling me up and up. So much so I knew I had to do something with it or I might pass out. So I shoved it out and into the woman. All I saw next was her eyes going wide. My hand came up and grabbed her by the throat. I froze, staring at her. Inside I was screaming at myself to stop. I felt as if my eyes were on fire. My skin felt tight, almost as if it would split. No one moved. Not even the woman in my grasp. She was far taller than me yet she didn't try to fight. "I said. Back. Off." The next moment I looked up and found her in the wall. Staring at me wide eyed. I broke their wall. Great. And how the fuck did I do that?

"It's official. I'm impressed." A deep husky voice came from the top of the stairs. "Although, breaking my wall wasn't very nice. No one has ever put her in her place before. I will see to it that the rest of my people don't make the same mistake she did."

I stared at him. Just plain gawked. The power in me froze and all I could do was stare. He was for the lack of a better word, a hunk. Five ten. His hair short, wavy, and blonde. Boy was he built but not to much. His lips were full and pink. His eyes a hazel with blue the dominate color. His nose on the larger side but it gave his face character. Muscles rippled through the tight tank top he wore. Loose fitting jeans, boot cut, and ending in a pair of black steel toe work boots. His physique was not of a bodybuilder but of someone who worked for a living.

As my eyes traveled back up to him I could see something on his face now. He was as shocked as I was about something. Everyone was dead quiet watching us. No one had bothered to help the woman who had harassed me. She had gotten out of the wall on her own and was seething with anger but her ego was too bruised to do anything about it.

He started to walk down the steps and never once took his eyes off mine. The energy in me that had frozen before was buzzing. I could feel it all under my skin like that feeling you get when your arm falls asleep but this was all over. I had a serious case of goose bumps all over and a quick glance told me that he had them too. I could not take my eyes off him for more than a second. Something about him kept pulling me back to those perfect eyes.

His brows pinched together and he stopped. The energy between us frozen again. "What the hell is going on? Someone explain to me why I can sense her beast?" He couldn't take his eyes off me but no one answered. Just a collective gasp.

"That is unheard off. Impossible!" That woman from earlier. "Cane get away from her! She's a witch!"

I think he had the same thought that I did when he made a signal with his left hand. All I could hear was her protests and screaming as someone threw her out of the house.

"I'm going to call Bastian." This from Donny as I heard his phone dial out.

"Bastian! Something's not right over here. You might want to come see. Hurry." Donny said hurriedly.

"Ok I'm on my way." I could hear Bastian say. Wow, I could hear his voice as if he were right here.

"No one makes a move till he gets here." I say. "Every time you move my skin feels like it's going to vibrate right off. I'd rather it not till we know what's going on." I say to Cane.

"I agree. The same is happening to me." A man of few words.

"That's right. Cane has never had a mate before. That's what happens when you find your mate. What I don't understand is why her?" One of the men from before spoke up.

"Marko, that is impossible. Our beasts are natural enemies. I don't understand." Cane said as our eye contact never broke and he took a step forward. We both shivered because it felt like we were walking through a million strands of spider silk laced with static electricity. It felt very good but I was freaking out and so was he.

A few moments later I heard a car door and the stomping of Bastian's booted feet up the walk. Within moments he was in the house and he yelped. "HOLY SHIT!" He skidded to a halt feet from us. "No freaking way. This is not happening but it is. Oh shit...."

"BASTIAN! Just spit it out dammit!" I screamed. I was getting really annoyed now.

"Well. I am as stumped as you guys are. Tell me what you are feeling my lady." He goes to touch me.

"I wouldn't do that Bastian." Marko grabbed his wrist. "Who knows what might happen. I think they should let it happen. Whatever it is. Their spirits are connected already. If they fight it, who knows if they could survive it. No one fights a mating. They shouldn't either."

"But its unheard of Marko." Cane said softly. He stood there, back straight, and his gaze locked on mine.

"Let it happen Cane. There is nothing any of us can do about it now." Marko softly said back.

"Let what happen, dammit! Someone tell.." That's when Cane made his move. His walk brisk down the stairs and strait for me. I gasped as he stopped inches in front of me. I held my breath and squeaked when he grabbed my shoulders.

"Just tell me no. And I won't do it." His voice vibrated down my spine and I went weak in my knees.

"Fuck." Was all I could say.

He chuckled loudly then he pulled me into his arms. My limp legs dangling as the larger shifter kissed me. His thick hot lips against mine, kissing me so softly. His tongue probing and I was his. My power exploded. I could feel my beast charge his. Her large frame nearly as big as his beasts'. I could feel her stretch out of me and into him. Our spirits crashed together between us. Nothing existed but us now. They ran together. He chased she ran. She chased and he ran. I could see his beast too. A wolf man covered in snow white fur with a wide solid black stripe from nose tip to tail tip. They tumbled and played and romped. I felt her joy and his confusion. His beast was just as joyous but so very confused. My beast couldn't care less. All she cared about was that we had found a mate. I wanted to protest but every time I tried, I'd be yanked back to reality and the luscious feel of his lips and arms.

"Cane you have to accept her!" I could hear a voice scream. It was Marko.

"I am trying! My beast is confused! Give me some time dammit!" He was screaming in my ear I winced and let him.

"Let me." I whispered.

I felt Cane tense. Damn men.

"Just let me try." I pleaded.

I felt him relax a fraction and said. "Ok."

I focused on our beasts still romping around together in the metaphysical world they resided. I caught my beasts attention and urged her on. She tackled his beast and stopped the play.

I heard her voice then. "Do not fight us wolf. We are linked now and forever. Why fight."

His beast said in return. "We are trying. It's just so strange and new and wonderful. We are afraid."

"Do not fight us. Do not fear something so blissful. Silly wolf." Was the last things she said before she took his throat in her mouth and bit down gently. The bond set at that very moment. Cane's wolf accepted her and our power melded into one. That immense power filled the both of us in seconds and had nowhere else to go but out. Like a shock wave it burst from us, hitting everyone in the room.

We melted to the floor in a panting little pile. After a few minutes I found it in me to look up.

Everyone was wide eyed and on the floor. Fifteen or so of my people and his sitting and staring at us. Some gripping their mates.

Marko attempted to stand up but apparently his knees were jelly and he tumbled back and onto the couch behind him. "Unf!" He grunted as he crashed into a pack member.

I blinked at Cane and then at Sebastian and my rats. "Someone..." Pant. "I need water." I felt canes arms squeeze me and the memory of what had just happened finally caught up to me. I could feel my heart racing back into full freak out mode. I stood up and stumbled to my knees. Pushing Cane's arms off.

"I gotta...I gotta get the hell...Away from you. Even for a little while." This was all just too much too fast in one day.

I heard unsteady footsteps as Donny and Sebastian came to my side to help me stand. We all leaned against each other for support.

"Wait...Stay. We can all talk about what..." Cane started to say.

"NO! No...This is just too much right now. IT was amazing but If I don't get away from...I might explode from this day's overload of info. Not to mention...I just want to jump your bone right in front of all these people and that's just not going to happen. Please...I just." I turned and we all slowly walked out of the house and down the drive.

A few moments later, at the car, I was just about to get in when I hear boots thundering down the drive. "Just get me out of here." I squeaked.

I got in and we squealed away. I watched in the rear view mirror as Cane stood in the middle of the road and watched us go.

I felt something in me pull tight as if Cane was holding a rope connected to me and the further we got away from each other the more strained it got.

"Hnnnng" I grunted and pressed a hand to my chest. "Fuck. Fuck. Fuck."

"What's wrong Tara?" Donny asked as he reached from the back seat behind me and grasped my shoulder. His touch comforting, even if I didn't truly understand why yet.

"Nothing. Just stress causing me heartburn." I lied with a sigh and settled back into the seat for the ride home.

The Brood - Chapter 5

Pacing back and forth across the den's floor. My mind was racing. Its been less than twenty four hours and I've gone from waking up as a were to suddenly having a mate? Then there's the dozen people who are looking to me to be their leader. When I woke...

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The Brood - Chapter 3

Chapter Three The rest of the evening I spent all day with Chloe ordering things and sitting in the den. For some reason all that had happened felt completely natural and it filled me with a strange sense of joy. The smell of delicious food brought me...

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The Brood - Chapter 2

Chapter Two There was much to be said about just how nice this house was. There were more than a few rooms. A large living area and kitchen. Dining room as well as a pool out back. I was impressed. The entire property was bordered by the forest. I...

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