The Brood - Chapter 5

Story by ZeeRabidMonsta on SoFurry

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#5 of The Brood

GREETINGS! I am separating the original the story into individual chapters so that it will be easier for all of you to remember where you left off! Please PLEASE stay tuned as I will be working hard to add many more chapters until I am satisfied the story is told and I can send it to a publisher! I am counting on all of you to keep me informed of how the story is coming along in your eyes. Critique is most welcome!

Pacing back and forth across the den's floor. My mind was racing. Its been less than twenty four hours and I've gone from waking up as a were to suddenly having a mate? Then there's the dozen people who are looking to me to be their leader. When I woke up this morning this is not how I thought this day would end.

The others seem to be giving me some space to sort things out. I stopped my pacing and looked at the hallway that led to the kitchen and heard shuffling and quite voices.

"Gavin?" I called out.

He came down the hall and up to me. Standing near me with his hands in his pockets. His dark blue dress shirt loose at the neck and tucked neatly into his black slacks.

"It's a lot huh?" He asked.

"Yeah no shit." I stared up at his dark eyes with a silent plea. "I don't know what to ask. Or what I should say. I feel like I was just hit by a bull at full speed." Not to mention my skin still felt tight as if I was being stretched far too thin.

He nodded and lay his large hands on my small shoulders. "Tara. We know this is a lot. We had no idea that the thing with the Alpha would happen. No idea." He squeezed my arms a little.

I strangely felt comfort from it and was able to relax a fraction.

"Thats what you have us for now. We are your foundation." This was coming from Josh who was standing in the entry to the kitchen. Donny and Chloe behind him.

"I don't know if you are our Matriarch but I am not the kind of man to stand by while one of our kind is struggling. We are a family now regardless of your possible rank." Donny this time.

The others coming to support me felt so much better than being alone with this.

A moment later found all of us in a group hug of sorts. The longer this went on the more I could think and the calmer I felt.

I looked up and towards the massive windowed wall and it was pitch black. I suddenly felt very tired.

"I think I need to go to bed..." I said softly and freed myself from them.

Donny sat on the massive sectional. Its dark grey fabric framed his pale skin nicely. "If you need anything at all, do not hesitate to ask any of us." His voice soft and assuring.

"I'll remember that. Good night." I turned toward the end of the house my room was and headed that way.


I just could not find my room. I wasn't quite used to the place yet. No matter how natural I felt around the others, it would take time to get used to things. There were so many doors to rooms it was on the edge of just ridiculous. So I stopped and took a deep breath. It was is someone had heard my plea for help and around the corner came Chloe.

"Oh thank god. Why is this house so big." I groaned.

She just chuckled, took my arm gently, and led me to the center of the house where there was two massive flights of stairs in a elegant U shape.

"You're the only one here who has an entire suite to yourself. Up and to the left." She smiled in sweet understanding with her almond shaped eyes full of mirth. I unconsciously stroked her midnight black hair. Half way I froze and yanked my hand back.

"That. Is going to take some getting used to. Thank you so much Chloe." Thank god I had remembered her name.

She nodded and left the foyer. I looked up the smokey grey and white marble stair case on the left and just a few feet to the left was my room. I remembered it now. In the chaos of what happened at the Wolves house it was as if my memory was failing me to add to my stress.

I pushed open one of the solid oak french doors and closed it behind me with a soft click. I took a deep breath and looked around my room. It was just perfect. A massive platform bed to my left covered in a very nice teal and brown comforter set with matching pillows. The hardwood floors now accented with matching teal and brown patterned rugs.

Stepping further into the room I spotted my L shaped desk in the far left corner with my old computer set up next to my new one, ready for my use. To the right of that desk were the white glass doors that led to my personal balcony. It was massive as well and empty at the moment.

"What...a day." I grumbled and hustled to the bathroom to the right of the balcony doors.

I hustled to the bathroom and stood in the middle of it and just took it all in. It was massive with a walk in showe, huge claw foot tub, and a an expansive granite top with two sinks and plenty of storage space. I spotted a rack with big fluffy towels on a rack.

I was seriously impressed.

Stripping off the t-shirt and panties and throwing them in the hamper along with the jeans and socks. I set water in the tub to the right temperature. Pouring in some bath salts thats smelled wonderfully off lavender I stepped into the wonderfully steamy water and just wilted into bliss.

My bliss did not last long though. I sat up as a strong feeling took me by surprise. Loneliness. Thats what it had to be because my heart ached. Where was this coming from and my curiosity was just as strong so I focused on the melancholy feeling. I sat there, my hands gripping the edge of the tub one each side and concentrated. In my mind I could see the lines and glowing forms of each of the people I was now connected too. I turning my thoughts to each one in turn I eliminated the prospect of one of them projecting that feeling to me. I watched them for a while making sure each one was ok.

I looked at the lines that led to me and where they were faint the first time I saw them they were far more clear now even if they weren't quite solid yet. That made me feel a little sad but that was my own feeling and not the one that worried me. Then I noticed it. Where my broods colors were of a teal color this one that left off into the distance was thick, solid, and emerald green. I stared at it. Where the hell had that one come from? It wasn't coming from any of the wererats....

So I followed it with my thoughts and after a few minutes I got to the end of it and there he was, Cane, forehead against a fireplace mantel and a drink in his hand. That feeling of loneliness so deep it hurt my heart was coming from him! Suddenly he looked up and right at me as if I were there. Intensely beautiful hazel eyes boring into me. I gasped loudly and shook my head. Then just like that I was back in my bathroom up to my small chest in cloudy hot water.

"What the everloving...." My heart was pounding and I squeezed my eyes shut. I blinked and sat like that for a while.

Later I was digging through the boxes of my things wrapped in a fluffy green towel. I dug out all I needed for grooming and walked back to the bathroom. The large mirror was steamy and I wiped it with my hand so I could see as I set my toiletries and hair products around the right side sink.

Brushing out my short dark reddish brown hair and styling it. Standing there a giant fluffy green towel. A soft knock on the door.

"Come in." I called.

Chloe entered slowly head down. "Are you decent my lady?"

"Yes, Chloe. Do you guys really have to call me that?" I asked as she looked up. A soft smile on her face.

"I just wanted to check and make sure you found everything ok." Her voice soft.

I had a compulsion to go up to her and stroke her hair. I resisted.

"Oh, thank you. That was nice of you." I smiled warmly instead. That seemed enough because I wasn't quite ready for all these new compulsions and instincts just yet. I made towards the door to my room and Chloe stood aside.

"You know, all of us, are anxious to make you feel at home. Even if some of us aren't so good at showing it. We were all shocked by what happened with the wolves alpha." She said softly.

I had walked straight to my closet and was digging in them for night clothes. I turned to her and she was standing near the door that is the exit to my room. Seemingly ready to leave if I asked her too.

"I figured that." I pondered for a minute before going back to digging and talked. "It has just been a very eventful past twenty four hours. This entire situation is a lot to take in. Once all this new info has processed in my brain....I am sure I won't be as panicked as I am sure I look." Grabbing up the silly cupcake and kittens pajamas and underwear I left my closet. Which was bigger than my old apartment.

Setting them on the bed I turned and sat on it gazing at Chloe.

"I just need to sleep. Time to just forget what happened with Cane." I stood and slipped on my panties under the towel and let the towel fall to the floor with my back to Chloe. Quickly covering my small chest up with the obnoxious pajama top and then my lower half with the bottoms.

I turned and saw Chloe's eyes staring at me.

"What?" I asked indignantly.

She smirked. "Nothing." She said quietly. "I'll let you get your sleep." She turned and opened the door. "Sleep well my lady."

I could hear her giggle quietly as she shut the door behind her.

"Damned pajamas." I grumbled flicked the lights off and climbed into the lush folds of my bed. I lay there for a while and all I could think about was Cane. Dammit. I pushed the thoughts as far as I could, which wasn't very far, to let sleep take me. I did not dream that night.

The Brood - Chapter 6

The brightness that was invading my eyelids was intense. Groaning loudly I burrowed deeper into the blankets and pillows. I sighed heavily and tried to go back to sleep but it was as if the sun and the day had other plans for me. I had no control over...

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The Brood - Chapter 4

The car was roomy enough for all five of us. We rode in silence to the address the wolves' new alpha had given Donny. My mind was on so many things all at once. My old life, my new one, and more. How was I going to deal with all of this? Would I just...

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The Brood - Chapter 3

Chapter Three The rest of the evening I spent all day with Chloe ordering things and sitting in the den. For some reason all that had happened felt completely natural and it filled me with a strange sense of joy. The smell of delicious food brought me...

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