The Brood - Chapter 6

Story by ZeeRabidMonsta on SoFurry

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#6 of The Brood

GREETINGS! I am separating the original the story into individual chapters so that it will be easier for all of you to remember where you left off! Please PLEASE stay tuned as I will be working hard to add many more chapters until I am satisfied the story is told and I can send it to a publisher! I am counting on all of you to keep me informed of how the story is coming along in your eyes. Critique is most welcome!

The brightness that was invading my eyelids was intense. Groaning loudly I burrowed deeper into the blankets and pillows. I sighed heavily and tried to go back to sleep but it was as if the sun and the day had other plans for me. I had no control over the fact that my eyes plain refused to stay shut for more than a few moments at a time. I reached out from under the blankets and fumbled for my cell phone. Pressing the on button under the covers was just as blinding as the sun. I hissed at the sudden super nova.

The device showed that I had a few voice mails and a few dozen texts. All from my mother. I read through the texts before hitting the call button to dial her number.

It took two whole rings for her to pick up.

"Why haven't you been returning my calls!" She all but screamed at me.

"Mama...calm down. It's been seriously hectic the past couple days. Everything is fine I promise." My voice calm if not edging on annoyed.

"Are you sure?" Her tone understandably cautious.

"Of course mama. I don't want to talk about it over the phone but I promise to come by today and explain everything ok?" I slowly pushed the covers back and gazed around the room. Man...I needed some black out curtains. The sun rose right into my bloody windows.

"I guess that is good enough for me. See you then sweetheart." Her voice hopeful.

We hung up and i laid there and stared at the ceiling. It was a vaulted ceiling and very ornate so I studied it for a while. That is until something hit my nose. Bacon.

My stomach roared like it never has before and I actually lifted the blankets just to make sure there wasn't a dragon in there with me. "What the heck." I blinked and slid out of my bed. Gavin told me there'd be quite a few things different now that I am a were. I guess that means one of them would be an insatiable appetite. Slowly making my way to my bathroom I brushed my teeth and brushed out my hair again. There was no way I was going down there with my hair looking like I'd made out with a power outlet.

Going to my closet I found a sun dress. I could tell it would be a sunny morning and warm. Spring in Louisiana was more like full summer. You had no time to adjust from the cool days of winter before full on heat waves descended upon you.

I stood in front of the full length mirror near my bed and did a little twirl and watched the flowy dress flair. It went all the way to my ankles and it was of the sheerest most breezy fabric. The color a deep grass green with black flowers and butterflies all through it in an intricate pattern. The chest area was tight and form fitting yet stretching with spaghetti straps. I wore no bra, because honestly I didn't need one, only lacy black panties. I smiled at myself. I loved this dress.

After tying a black bandana around my head and slipping into some thick flip flops I exited my room and made towards the dining area.

Everyone was already sitting and eating at the long expensive looking table. They all looked at me at once and just like that my ears turned red along with my face. "What!?" I squeaked and looked at myself. "Do I look that bad?!" Suddenly I wanted to run out of the room.

"Shit!" Donny cursed and jumped up. Blotting at his shirt that now sported a fresh coffee stain. Chloe sputtered and began to giggle at him and was actually slapping her knee. I growled.

"Stop that right now Chloe. Are you alright Donny?!" I hurried to him. I knew that coffee had to be hot and had to hurt. I began to inspect him but he stepped away and behind his high back wood chair.

"I...I'm fine." He coughed.

"I think you look amazing Tara. Our Donny seems to approve." Gavin chuckled when Donny glared at him.

"Oh." Was all I could say as my entire face and neck turned hot. I nervously made my way to a seat and began to fill my plate with various things from the platters lined down the middle of the large ebony table. It smelled amazing.

"If I were any hungrier I'd implode." I said as I shoved an entire spoonful of grits in my mouth.

Gavin chimed in. "Well that is to be expected. Your body uses five times the energy it used to to keep you healthy and to keep your other half in check. Add to the fact that you are a queen among us I'm sure it will be a little more than normal."

"So you are all sure that I am your matriarch?" I mumbled around a mouthful of toast and sunny side up egg.

Josh came around to my seat and poured me some coffee. "There is no doubt about that my lady. When you touched us last night we knew it."

I choked on a bit of egg and quickly covered my mouth with a napkin. "That was real?! I thought I was dreaming in my tub. Oh. My. God." I went pale when the memory of me "touching" Cane came back to me.

"What's wrong?" Chloe asked as she placed a hand on my shoulder from her spot to the left of me.

"I think what happened with Cane was real too. I saw him in my head last night...oh crap, if you all knew what I was doing...Then he does too right?!"

Josh was putting sugar and two types of creamer near my coffee and I barely noticed that he still stood to my right.

"Then he is your mate now. There's no sense in fighting it and yes...he would know you saw him last night." This from Gavin.

I groaned and I put my face in my hands, elbows on the table. Bad manners I know.

I took a deep breath and touched Josh's arm. "Thank you. Go eat." And he did just that. I turned my attention to my coffee and prepared it in my usual way. Two heaping spoonfuls of sugar and two equally large spoonfuls of powdered creamer. I hated liquid creamer. All it did was take up space that could be used for more coffee. Not to mention that I was lactose intolerant. Maybe not anymore.

Taking a tentative sip to test the temperature I groaned in delight. "Mmm sooo good." I had my eyes closed and was slowly drinking when I felt eyes on me. Setting my cup down and looking at them I scowled.

"Why must you all look at me like that." I grumbled as I stabbed a link of sausage.

"We can't help it my lady. It has been ages since we had a queen and from what we can tell, well, you're amazing." This time it was Josh who spoke up. He'd been quiet so far since I'd came in the room.

I blinked at him. "How could you all possibly think that? I ran away from Cane like a coward." I sulked as I chewed on some bacon.

"I don't blame you one bit." Chloe this time. "That whole situation was just freaky. Not in a bad way mind you." She was sipping her coffee. Only a few items left on her plate.

"None of us blame you. Trust me." Gavin said around his own strip of crispy bacon.

I focused on my food now as I listened to them banter. Letting my mind wander on this new information. If I understood correctly that would mean I could do what I did last night any time I wanted. I shuddered at the thought as I finished my food. I wasn't exactly uncomfortable with the idea. The feeling was more of awe and a shock. It was an odd mix.

My musings were interrupted by a sound I assumed was the doorbell. I looked up to see Chloe stand and head to the front door. I just sat there looking at each of them. Gavin shrugged his shoulders and sipped his coffee. So I blinked and did the same.

A moment later Chloe was in the door way, eyes wide, and searching for words. I stood up and went to her.

"It's Cane." She said low.

"What?!" I blinked and peeked over her shoulder as if I could see him and I felt silly doing it. I sighed and went around her.

I walked quickly and with purpose toward the door. I wish I knew what that purpose was because I had no plan of attack. Was attack the right word? I didn't really know. I could see him now through the decorative full length glass set in the door and before I could stop myself I had opened the door and stared at him. Seeing him was like a punch in the gut and it took all I had not to double over. He seemed to be struggling a bit but doing a good job of looking calmer than I felt.

There we stood like a couple of idiots staring at each other. A few moments passed and I opened my mouth to say go away when he spoke up first.

"Let me start off by apologizing for last night. I knew there was a new Matriarch but thats all I knew. I had no idea...that would happen. So I thought I should bring you these." From behind his back he presented a bouquet of assorted flowers and I stared at them he held them out to me. I did not take them right away.

I jumped, I swear a foot in the air, when I heard a cough behind me. I spun on the offender and glared. "Stop DOING that!" I hissed at Chloe but somehow she knew I was not serious, just startled.

"Would you like me to take those and put them in a vase my lady?" She did her best to hold back a grin but was failing miserably.

I rubbed the bridge of my nose as my heartbeat began to return to normal. "Do what ever you want Chloe. I guess you should come in Cane. Or should you?" I raised a brow at him and he blinked at me.

"I assure you I am here under no intention of causing any trouble." He spoke softly and I couldn't stop staring at his lush full lips. The deep pink of them seemed to be only thing I could see at that moment.

When he licked his bottom lip I jumped and turned to Chloe. "Um.."

She smiled full and took the flowers from Cane as he walked into the Foyer. He looked around the large area and whistled low.

"This is a very nice place you have here." His voice husky and I watched him as I let the door shut behind him.

He was dressed in a comfortable looking pair of faded jeans, what looked like biker boots, and a button up black dickies shirt. His short wavy hair looked deliciously mess on his head and i bit my lip when he turned those hazel eyes my way.

"Uh..Yeah. I am still getting used to the place." I looked around for a quite place for us to talk and spotted the back patio and began to walk towards it. "Lets talk back there." I pointed to the back of the house.

"Alright." He smiled and right then and there I about melted into a puddle of gooey hormones. My legs were like jelly and I stopped walking in order to tear my gaze from him, squeeze my eyes shut, and gather my senses. It wasn't working very well.

When I I finally did open my eyes his own were right there gazing at mine from a about a foot away. I stumbled back a moment then hurriedly went around him. I heard him keeping up with my long strides to the patio and sensed he wanted to say something. He held back until we got through the massive glass doors that were a part of the long tall glass wall along the back of the house.

The patio was nearly as long as the house itself and went outward about thirty feet. The stone was dark in color and the pattern it made was pleasant. There was a sitting area to the left and one to the right. I chose the one to the right near where a bar stretched sporting a grill. Beyond the Patio was a rather inviting looking modern pool. It was not like most sky blue pools but a sapphire blue almost black one. Making the water look like glittery night in the bright sun. It even had a diving board to the left end of it. Which I assumed was the deep end. Unlike the patio the pool was as long as the house and was shaped like an elongated kidney bean.

I sat in one of the plush patio chairs and buried my face in my hands for a moment. Rubbing my temples a bit to maybe calm my nerves. It was no use. I looked up to find him sitting across from me in an identical chair across the coffee table. I looked up to the sky through the wood slats of the awning for a moment before looking back at him.

"So. You said you came to apologise. I need to apologise too..." I started to say.

"You have nothing to apologise for." He said looking a little confused when I finally met his eyes.

"Yes I do. I ran away from you like a scared little girl. Your whole pack was there, and I panicked." My hands flailed in the air a moment. I chewed on my bottom lip hard enough to sting because I couldn't stop this feeling that his lips would be so soft and taste like heaven. I shake my head and stand up, going to the bar, I looked around and spotted a mini fridge. Pulling out a bottle of water and cracking it open a frustrated grunt taking a long gulp of it before setting it down on the bar. Why was he doing this to me? I had never felt this way infront of anyone in my life. It was probably the whole being his mate thing.

"Do you have any idea what it does to me every time I even think about you? My god, I just met you!" I spun around intent on glaring at him. It did not go as I had planned. He was right there. Standing inches away. I was sure that I was to blame for that but that didn't stop me from stamping my foot like a child and skirting around him. I stalked a few feet away.

"Yes. I do have an idea because if it's anything like what I felt when I saw you at the door, like I feel right now, then I do." He was leaning against the bar now. Gorgeous arms crossed over his wide chest. It took every molecule of my being not to drool at those arms. Arms like that should be illegal.

Gritting my teeth for a moment I stood straight and stared at him. My mouth opened to protest and suddenly I had no idea what I was going to say. He pushed off the granite bar and walked cautiously towards me. The closer we got to each other that same sensation of static electricity intensified. Sucking in a breath as he stopped just inches from me. I looked up into his more than handsome face and just stood there like an idiot. He had to of been around five nine while I was an average five six. This info I held onto like a life preserver because If I let myself think of anything else I'd be lost. Images that pushed forward into my mind and held back by sheer willpower. These images were not the kind you act out on while standing outside on a patio.

"Please..." I squeaked quietly.

"Yes?" He tilted his head slightly and seemed about to reach out for me.

I stumbled back a bit and my rear bumped into a floor plant. "I can't be that close to you right now." My words coming out in a strangled kind of way. My hand going up to my chest in a feeble attempt to keep it from bursting right out of my chest.

"Ok, I can understand. Can I at least ask you to dinner sometime this week? Maybe Saturday?" He was smiling in an assuring way and damn if I did not want to lick those lips.

I made a show of counting on my fingers how many days away that was and I came up with three. I nodded not looking at him. I squeaked out. "Yeah, ok." I felt so stupid that that was all the came out of my mouth.

He reached out and took my hand and the shock of electricity made us both gasp for a moment before he slowly lifted my hand to his lips. As he laid a chaste kiss upon my knuckles, eyes intense, and lips so very warm and moist. I heard myself make a noise much like a whine. He smiled and chuckled softly; that chuckle made my spine twinge. All to soon he let my hand go.

"Saturday then. 7 pm, ok?" He seemed to bend at the waist sideways trying to get me to look at him. I refused.

Waving a hand at him. "Ok ok. Just go please." I felt foolish and rude for saying that but nothing else would have described how badly I wanted to be away from him. Even for a while. I needed to get my bearings.

With that he turned and walked back into the house through the large glass french doors. I looked up, my hands in fists at my sides, and watched him make his way to the front of the house. He exchanged a few words with Chloe who looked towards me and nodded. He was out the door as Chloe began to make her way to me. I let my fists go loose and flexed my stiff fingers.

"Are you ok, my lady?" She said softly and I nodded.

"I'll be ok. I just wish that I could stand in the same room with the man with out going jelly legged." I ground out the words in clear frustration.

"May I suggest we go shopping today, you know, to get your mind off things?" She touched my shoulder.

I looked up and blinked at her. "I have yet to ask where all this money is coming from. Seems like something I should have asked already." I talked as I went to grab my bottle of water.

"Yes of course. Our previous matriarch, as brutal as she was, was very prolific in her business dealings. She somehow could spot a good investment and focused on it until it was profitable in the long term. The bank account that was established long before her was and still is in the control of Bastian, Gavin, Donny, Josh and Myself. Believe me when I say she did her best to try and take control of it and remove us but that was impossible. The bank account was created back when Bastian was but a pup. He is the will be the primary holder of that account until he decides otherwise." She stood by the doors and held one openfor me.

Water in hand I considered this info and it made sense. "Remind me to let Bastian know that it would be a bad Idea to give me any control over that particular account." I laughed a little as we walked towards the front doors.

"Why is that?" She asked, curious.

"I am terrible with money. If I did not have all my bills on auto pay I'd have been homeless." I nodded as if were a sagely proclamation.

She laughed that pleasant laugh as she reached into a closet and retrieved our purses. "Then I will make sure he knows that. We will make plans to set up an allotment for you, then." Handing me my purse and shouldering hers we walked outside.

"Oh. Well that should be an interesting conversation!" I laughed, she laughed and we left the property in her silvery blue sedan.

The Brood - Chapter 7

On the way to Lake Charles to do the shopping that Chloe had mentioned I pulled out my phone and called my mother. I invited her to lunch at my favorite place in town. It was a seafood place that had the best fried catfish. I figured it was about time...

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The Brood - Chapter 5

Pacing back and forth across the den's floor. My mind was racing. Its been less than twenty four hours and I've gone from waking up as a were to suddenly having a mate? Then there's the dozen people who are looking to me to be their leader. When I woke...

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The Brood - Chapter 4

The car was roomy enough for all five of us. We rode in silence to the address the wolves' new alpha had given Donny. My mind was on so many things all at once. My old life, my new one, and more. How was I going to deal with all of this? Would I just...

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