Memorial Rebirth: Chapter 1

Story by Panfoxeh2 on SoFurry

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#1 of Memorial Rebirth

Sooo... This is a test chapter... If you guys like it please tell me. Give me criticism if you think it's a steaming pile o' shite and could be better. Just tell me your thoughts.

"Adrian 'The Gardener' Siorc, you are here for many crimes. Eight counts sodomy, twenty counts breaking and entering, ten counts impersonating officials, six counts terroristic bombings, ninety-nine count evidence tampering, even more counts of bugging offices in the Defense Attorney offices and Police Headquarters around the globe, and finally seventy counts murder in the First Degree. How do you plead to your crimes?" Said a chubby sheep wearing geeky clothing and a lab coat with round glasses.

"Oh, I did it all. I have no form of remorse for what I did. Those men deserved it all. I only feel guilty that I didn't lead the life my family would've wanted. But at least I killed more than seventy pedophiles, rapists, and sexual deviants. Others weren't criminals of the sexual nature but ones that hurt and stole from others with or without reason, murderers, and burglars. Although I wish I could've took my own life but hey my hands are red enough. They've been red and blackened from since the moment I left my family to die..." Said a muscular bull with a stocky frame. He had more muscle than fat. He had this hardened look in his brown doe eyes. He had so many scars over his body. Most were from self inflicted injuries and few and far were bullet wounds or remnants from a few bar brawls. He had only a pair of prison pants on as he was fully strapped into a chair.

"Please, elaborate on that. Most of our records have no data on you at all." The sheep asked calmly.

"No I won't elaborate on that, I'd rather keep them to myself. I'm at the end of my life. So come on burn out my consciousness and incinerate what's left. I can handle it. At least then I'd be able to face my judgment properly." He scoffed out. His eyes seemed to soften at the thought of seeing his family in the afterlife. Even, though they were probably just gonna see him judged and then cast down to hell.

"Oh, we'll be doing none of that. Instead I'll just erase who you are memory by memory. Then I'll make you better, rebuild you if I might say. Turn you back into a doe eyed eighteen year old again. But I can't turn your age back, I'll settle for some thirty-four year old man." The sheep sighed and scratched the back of his head. He began to mumble something about him and body differences. He was lost in his thoughts till the bull began to thrash around at his binds and roaring with a completely feral look in his eyes.

"FUCK YOU! You think taking my memories will make me better?! I'LL STILL FUCKING REMEMBER ALL THAT SHIT! You haven't had any experiences like me. You didn't sully your hands with the blood and sins of what I've done to try and fill the void that was left in me! That hole that was a seemingly empty pit of despair that I endured all my life after that day. I lived and they all died! Raped and murdered with all priceless and sellable things stolen! They stripped my house fucking bare! THEN TORCHED IT ALL TO HELL! I made them their own fucking graves!" He was out of breath and panting. His eyes still radiated a evil glare that made anyone near him cringe and shuffle away.

"Oh, come now no memories of all that should sound pleasant. I know I'd be glad to lose that and live a whole life. In fact you should thank me. Or you can forget about any anesthesia, because we don't know if it'll be painful or not." The sheep said with a sadistic smile.

"Go to hell with me. Because I can guarantee that if I remember you, we're going down with two tickets to that fiery paradise. And if I can't kill you I'll just take solace in blowing my brains out in your presence. I may have been a killer but this is worse. Ripping away whole lives and then leaving just a husk. That is not something furs should do. And for delving into something like this know one thing. I was a murderer in a physical sense, but this is complete mental murder. And this will always be worse." He said with a low snarl and a cheeky smile. He glanced around as all the people in the room had a look of questioning. He glanced at the sheep and he remembered something. He immediately lost that grin as he felt something poke around his mind. He then started screaming in pain as certain things were ripped out from his memories. There was nothing he could do, but convulse and reflexively cry from the flooding memories and their loss as he felt his whole personality come undone. He was awake through the whole procedure, not even allowed the solace of unconsciousness as he felt what was left being taken from him. He cherished little and loved even less, but his only treasure left was his memories.

He tried focusing on where he remembered a sheep from. It was at the tip of his tongue.

"Daniel 'Fairy' Berns... Damn how's that for irony? Should I be ashamed of..." His last words were cut off as a pained grunt escaped his lips. What words he did say were said in an extremely pained voice. He then bit down on his bottom lip, and began to grind it back and forth with tearing force. He had clenched his eyes shut as he tasted the metallic tang of his blood. The only problem with that was it made him nauseous, from the taint his mind had associated his body with.

The sheep just stared at a screen with gruesome images reflecting into his glasses. He yawned and scratched his dark chestnut colored beard, as his other hand zipped over a keyboard pressing buttons at a rapid pace. He stopped scratching his beard and returned his other hand to its task. Eliminating memory by memory. That's what the others thought he was doing, but in this rushed job experiment; he only had the time to make a machine that separated and buried them away. Piece by piece destroying what held the memories to his mind and then storing them in a metaphorical chest. While it wasn't as effective as destroying them out right, it would get the job done till he made the finished product. And with how much of a success this will be he'll get that research grant for the necessary things to make that finished product. He grinned at the prospect of making this old acquaintance into someone much more to his taste.

Daniel watched from a one way mirror. He smiled down at the things he held. He looked at the genuine diamond rings, the several necessary documents to make the bull's new identity stick, and a pair of clothes for him. But for now he would watch his sleeping form.

"See you soon my dear, ..." His last words were said too quietly for any of his lab assistants to hear, but they shared a common thought.

'What is the Chief planning?'

Meanwhile the bull was starting to stir in his bed. His doe brown eyes shot open. He stared at his surroundings wildly as he ripped needles from his veins, and a few from his head. He gripped his stomach as it did flips from suddenly sitting up. He had no clue where he was, when he was, and who he was. He sat up and on shaky legs walked around. He looked at one of the only doors in the room. It had a keypad next to it. He had a brief thought of testing to see if he could randomly guess the code but then thought against it. He didn't know what would happen if he got it wrong. So he turned to the second door he saw. After pressing a button and watching it slide open with a slight space age 'whoosh' for effect. He saw it was just a bathroom and immediately remembering the acrobatics his stomach did he raced to the toilet and threw the lid up and hurled. He then felt what could be the single most painful headache he ever experienced come on.

'Pathetic...' Said some voice at the back of his head. He tries to recognize it but it was too faint and too clouded with a painful noise for him to hear it clearly.

He rested his head near the toilet as he kept dry vomiting. It felt as if there were saw blades slicing up his innards. He then felt the soothing touch of someone rubbing his back in a circular motion. His stomach slowly calmed after half an hour, and with teary eyes he looked at the person rubbing his back.

It was chubby sheep that he didn't know at all. But, somewhere he felt like he should've known this man. He took in the man's image with a tiny bit of infatuation. His full head of black and slightly graying head fur was styled in a nice comb over that those 'hipsters' or whatever wear. It connected down to some nicely trimmed sideburns and a beard and goatee combo. His head fur stood out against his cream-ish white body fur. His dark blue eyes were hidden behind a pair of dark grey metal framed glasses.

"Feeling better dear? You must be dehydrated by now, it's not really healthy to be vomiting dryly like that." He just looked at this man trying to piece together the connection he had to him. After several misses he focused on one of the words the man said.

'He called me 'Dear', are we dating or something... Maybe we're married... Wait is that legal? I don't remember anything at all! Damn it! Damn it all to hell!' He looked at the sheep's hands and saw that on his left ring finger was a beautiful diamond ring. And then he looked at his left ring finger and saw a ring indentation in his fur there. 'Was it taken off and given to him while I was sleep? I really don't remember anything... Maybe I should stick with this guy just till I remember everything again...'

"Water... Can I have some water?" The bull asked in a dry and hoarse voice. He then shakily got up to his legs and looked in a mirror. He didn't realize he had sweat so much while he was having his moment of shame. Did he get drunk and was hit by lightning or something? Because, everything in his brain just felt fried to kingdom come.

"Sure, do you need help brushing your teeth at all?" He shook his head and watched the panther leave out the key padded door. The sheep's perfect smile and caring attitude made the bull wary of him.

'No one's that nice without a motive. I really don't want to go with this guy but it's really my only option at this point.' He let out a sigh and stared at himself. Dark brown fur all over his body with black head fur covered with liberal sprinklings of gray that was currently clinging to his. His beard and goatee combo had the same salt and peppered color scheme. He stared at his widow's peak, it was dyed a dark blonde color. Under his doe brown eyes were bags. He must've been sleeping horridly to have bags. He took careful stock in his perfectly sculpted body. Being a bull he knew he was predisposed to having a muscly body, but he also knew he was gonna have a slight bit of fat to him as well. But, he saw that it really worked well on his approximately self guessed six foot four tall body. He was getting a toothbrush ready while he checked out the rest of his body.

He noticed his body piercings a bit too late for his liking. He saw his black gauges and kinda liked them. A gold ring piercing in his right eyebrow looked nice and matched his ornate gold ring septum piercing. He stuck out his tongue and saw an onyx piercing in the center of his tongue. He began brushing as he felt cold metal against his body. He looked down his hospital gown and saw two gold ring nipple piercings, and if that wasn't embarrassing enough he had a gold Prince Albert.

'The hell is with all the piercings?! Am I some retired rock star or something?!" He mentally screamed.

He realized he had taken enough time for the sheep to comeback with four bottles of water from a vending machine. He spat out the contents in his mouth into the sink and rinsed out his mouth and the sink. Taking a bottle and downing it quickly then reaching for another; pretty soon he had drank all four waters. He turned to the sheep and had a slight urge to ask for a hug. He didn't know why but the sheep gave off this air of comfort and security. Kind of like the feeling he gets from himself.

He then mentally slapped himself. He absolutely could not let himself think like that. He didn't know this man no matter what clues led him to believe they had history together. Memories or no memories this man couldn't be trusted.

"Well, Sigil should I leave you to get dressed or do you need help?" The sheep said. And this finally made the bull speak several thoughts that were swirling in his head.

"Who are you, who's 'Sigil', and just who are you to me?" He said in a calm and calculated voice.

"Well that hurts. You don't even remember me, thanks a lot. Six years of a loving relationship and one year of marriage down the toilet from one bit of your drunken escapades." The sheep took off his glasses and cleaned them with his messily tucked in dress shirt hidden under a geeky sweater vest. "I'm Daniel Berns, a doctor that mainly specializes in anything dealing with the brain and all its intricacies. You're Sigil Berns ahigh school teacher, school counselor, and my husband." He paused to turn away and chuckle before continuing on. "And you were blushing so badly when you proposed. Still don't know why you always bottomed. With that third leg of yours I wondered why you never asked to top. But then again it was cute when you moaned after each thrust on our honeymoon. And ever since then I kept wondering how you never had sex before that night." By then Sigil (since that was his name apparently) was thirty shades of red from his (apparent) husband's little story.

"Please... Don't tell me things like that..." Sigil said looking away from him.

"Would you prefer I demonstrate them?" He looked at the chubby sheep in disbelief. This damn husband (why is that word making him feel an emotion) of his is stripping off his clothes.

"No! Put your clothes back on! ...At least not here..." Sigil was so red faced he couldn't believe he had said that.

'I still don't trust him but, it's like there's a string tying me to him...' He thought while looking away. Then he felt Daniel turn his head towards him. Sigil was about to protest towards the action but couldn't even saying anything. Because at that moment Daniel kissed him lovingly on the lips. Somewhere in the tiniest portion in the back of his mind he felt something pounding at some form of mental cage. It was painful but he was to wrapped up in the most loving kiss he ever had. The fact that he had no memories helped the fact that he was getting attached to this man. He'll try to stave it off saying the three words his heart already wants to say till he can fully remember his husband.

'Damn it all!' Screamed that voice from before but again it sounded so far away and clouded over with noise.

'Best not to think about it...' He thought. He came back reality and felt Daniel pull back from the kiss. Sigil couldn't hold back a small whimper at the loss of lip contact.

"Don't fret we'll kiss more than that. I remember you being more closed up about your feelings, maybe this time around you won't be embarrassed about dating me." He chuckled and then handed Sigil a bundle of clothes. "C'mon we have to check you out of the hospital." That smile Daniel gave him was starting to make him smile.

Comments and criticism is appreciated greatly!