Don't Tease Girls

Story by Coyote Time on SoFurry

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#1 of Fire Down Below

A cautionary tale about why you should never, ever...ever tease girls. Or a satire of cautionary tales. Or something.

Featuring peripheral characters from the slowly-expanding Curious Times universe.

Also, a lion gets hit in the beanbag, and that's funny.

"Why are you in your swim suit?" The young lioness scrunched her muzzle at her older brother as she wandered into the living room.

"Why are you in Sarah's pajamas?" Max snickered to himself, folding his ears back. Her brother was plopped on the simple beige couch, focused on his video game. His eyes were locked on the TV, his hands around the controller.

Sally looked down at herself. The lioness was indeed wearing her older sister's pajamas. Sally liked them though, they were cute. Both the top and baggy pajama pants were a powder blue color. The top had the most adorable little cartoon kitty begging for ice cream. Sally liked kitties, and Sally liked ice cream, too. Besides, the outfit wasn't that big on her. The shirt hung down a bit further on Sally than on her sister. The pants were a little too long and enveloped her feet. That was alright, Sally thought it was a cute look. The young lioness's curves didn't fill out the clothing as well as Sarah's did. Not that Sally cared. It wasn't like she was trying to impress anyone lounging around the house at night.

"Because I like them, duh," Sally said, giggling. "Sarah says I can wear her stuff whenever I want."

"Whatever," Max replied, licking his nose. He leaned to the side, jabbing his thumbs at the controller. Images from the TV reflected on the young lion's glasses, hiding the blue of his eyes.

"So?" Sally asked. She put her hands on her hips, making a point of looking her brother over as if questioning his choice of attire.

The young lion named Max was dressed only in a pair of dark blue swim trunks despite the fact it was the middle of the evening. Just like both his sisters, Max's body was covered in velvety soft straw-golden fur. Unlike his sisters, Max had hints of a scraggly, reddish mane just starting to come in around his neck. Max also bore a pair of wire-frame glasses perched on his short, leonine muzzle. With his glasses, love of gaming, and his scrawny frame Max was certainly the nerdiest of the three lion siblings. Nerdiness didn't stop Max from being convinced that having a few years and a few inches on Sally meant he got to boss her around. It drove Sally crazy.

Sally was shorter than her brother, with a short but tapered feminine muzzle, rounded ears and pale blue eyes. Where her brother's body was skinny and her sister's was curvy, Sally was somewhere in the middle. She put her hands on her hips, glaring at her brother while he blatantly ignored her. After a moment, she stomped her foot, golden furred toes peeking from beneath the overhanging hem of her powder blue pajama pants.


"What, Sally!" Max huffed, pausing the game for a moment. He glared at his sister, his own half-rounded ears pinned back. "What is so important?"

Sally took a deep breath and let it out in a long, frustrated sigh. She rolled her eyes, stomped her foot again. "Why! Are you! Wearing! Your swim suit!"

Max blinked behind his glasses, then looked down at himself as if just realizing he was half naked. "Oh. That. Cause I might go swimming tonight with Adam and some of his friends."

"Oh." Well, that explained that. Max and the other nerds went night swimming a lot this time of year. "Is Sarah going?" Sometimes the older girls went swimming too.

"I dunno," Max muttered, going back to his game. "Now leave me alone."

Sally was about to do no such thing. She flicked her tufted tail, caught it, and began to knead it in her hands. "Is James gonna be there?"

"I dunno," the young lion said again, growling in frustration. "Quit being annoying."

"You're annoying," Sally said. She flopped down onto her knees in front of the sofa Max sat upon. The couch was beige with lightly textured cushions, nearly matching the plush beige carpeting. "What game are you playing?"

"The new Battlefield."

Sally twisted herself around to watch the screen for a moment. Looked like a whole lot of shooting and explosions going on. "What do you do?"

"What's it look like?" Max shook his head as if ashamed of his little sister. "You run around blasting each other!"

Sally kneaded her tail again. Looked kinda fun, actually. "Are you winning?"

"Duh." Max flicked his own tail tufted against the couch. "Me and Adam are the nards at this game."

Sally burst into giggles. "Nards!" That word always made her giggle. She leaned forward a bit, peering at the screen. "So Adam's on your team?"

"That's what I said. We're kicking butt!"

Sally grinned, pointing to the score markers. "Looks like you're losing to me."

Maxwell bared his fangs. He hadn't expected his sister to figure that out. "Shut up."

"Can I play?" Sally grinned at him, reaching towards the controller.

Max held it up out her reach. "No way."

"Aww, why not?" Sally's ears dropped, her shoulders slumped. "Just for a minute?"

"No, Sally." Max glanced at her as he waited to respawn. "You can start your own profile and play it when I go swimming."

"Why can't I play on yours?"

"Cause girls suck at video games! I don't want you messing up my profile with a million deaths." Max grinned at her, sticking out his tongue.

Sally growled to herself, scrunching up her muzzle. She pinned her rounded, golden-furred ears back, narrowing her pale blue eyes. Her brother was such a jerk sometimes. For a moment, she just sat there feeling sorry for herself. Then she growled again, balling up her fists. What would her older sister Sarah do? She'd get back at him, that's what. Sally wanted to get back at Max too.

Sally sat up on her knees, balling up her fists behind her back. Her eyes flicked to Max's scrawny golden furred legs and his blue swim trunks a moment. Sally knew just where to hit a male of any species, and Maxwell had left his male lion weak spot wide open without even realizing it. She glanced back up at her brother's face before he caught her sizing up her aim.

"You know what girls don't suck at?" Sally giggled, swishing her tail.

"Nothing?" Max laughed to himself, not even looking at his sister.

"Actually, girls are really good at doing THIS!"

From her spot on the floor, Sally had a crystal clear shot at her brother's crotch, and she took it. The lioness slammed her little golden-furred fist between her older brother's legs with everything she had. There was a loud SMACK as hard lioness knuckles impacted soft lion testicles. With such an easy shot, her aim was dead on, and the young lioness' fist buried itself into Max's furry scrotum. Sally felt the little rubbery grapes bulge out and squish to the sides beneath her fist, blue swim trunks rippling around her hand.


The young lion yowled in sudden agony, doubling over so fast he ended up tossing the controller across the room. His hands flew to his groin, his eyes looked like two jumbo blue marbles behind his glasses. His whole face scrunched up and his ears flattened. He gasped, eyes rolling back before he flopped face-first off the couch and onto the floor.

Sally watched, breathless and wide eyed, as her brother crumpled to the floor in utter defeat. He took a few ragged breaths, and then began to groan as the sharpest pain faded and the hot ache really began to set in. Soon the young lion was squirming on the floor like a worm in the hot sun. He clutched his throbbing kitten-makers in both hands, twisting around on the carpet, muzzle scrunched and eyes squeezed shut behind his glasses.

"Nnrrrrrrhhh! NNRRRH! Uhhhrrrnnn!" It seemed all Max could utter were incomprehensible moaning sounds. "Awrrrrhhnnnnn!"

Sally finally burst into a wicked fit of the giggles. She cupped her muzzle in both hands, bouncing in place alongside her stricken brother. It just never got old hitting boys there. "See Max? Girls are really good at hitting boys where it hurts!"

"Oooh....Oh God!" Max managed to put a few words together. He rolled back and forth, starting to cry. "Oh God! My nuts!" The young lion's growing testicles were both aching relentlessly. "My aching nuuuuuts!"

Sally only laughed harder when she saw the tears wetting the fur of her mean older brother's cheeks. She was practically rolling around herself, clutching her sides as she laughed and laughed. All the funny noises and faces males made when they got hit in the nards were just too much. When she caught her breath, she pushed herself up onto her feet, giggling.

"My nuts," Max sobbed, now rolling around on the floor at her feet. Both his hands were cupped between his legs as he flopped from one side of his body to the other. His face was a mask of young male lion pain, all flattened ears and bared fangs. "My nuts, my nuuuuuuuuts!"

"I know," Sally said as she teased him, her hands on her hips. "Your nuts, your nuts!" She leaned forward, sticking her tongue out at him. "They feel weird, you know. Kinda squishy."

Sally stepped over her crying brother, and fetched the game controller. Then she returned to the couch, pausing to kick Max in the butt on the way. He barely seemed to notice. Sally flopped into his spot on the couch and began to play his game. Just as Max expected, Sally was terrible at it. Not that she thought he should blame her. She'd never played it before. She had to learn somehow, after all.

After about ten deaths, Sally glanced down at her still-writhing brother. "This game is hard, Max! I keep dying!"

"Stop...playing," Max groaned.

Sally giggled, watching Max squirm. Her character soon got blown up, but she paid it little heed. It was much more fun watching the show her nut-cracked brother put on. Most of the time he just rolled from one side of his body to the other. Sometimes he bent a leg at the knee and lifted his foot, other times he pulled a knee up towards his chest. The funniest was when the nerdy young lion rolled to his belly, then arched his back and shoved his butt up into the air. Then he sat in that position for long moments, trembling in pain, his tail hanging limp. Now and then he actively caressed whatever lay inside his swim trunks. Sally could the faintly oval shape of a lion nard bulging out now and then.

"Gross," Sally giggled. "Quit playin' with yourself!"

"Shut up," Max whimpered between sobs, his muzzle pressed to the carpet. Tears stained his furry cheeks. "You dunno how it feels!"

"Nope!" Sally replied, sounding quite cheerful. "Cause I don't got those dumb things."

"Well it's horrible!" Max tried to shout at her, but it came out as a loud, garbled whimper muffled by the floor.

Sally just giggled. So long as Max was going to stay in that ridiculous position, Sally was going to take advantage. She fetched her phone from the nearby table. Sally snapped a picture of the geeky young lion with his face in the carpet, his butt in the air, and his balls in his hands. She giggled at the picture, and though it was quite clear what parts of him were aching, she made sure to attach some text to the picture.

"Got him right in the boy buttons!"

Then she sent the picture to her older sister Sarah, as well as Sarah's best friend Melissa. It didn't take either girl long to text her back. Sarah's text simply said "HAHAHAHA! G8t job sis!" A moment later, Melissa's message chimed in. Sally read it, giggling to herself. "Awesome! Get him again!"

Now that was an excellent idea. She set her phone down, still giggling. Then she went back to playing Max's game, though now she was using it for cover. At least getting killed a lot on Max's profile amused her. She glanced over at Max now and then, waiting for him to move his hands so she could nail those silly things again. Oooh, this was gonna be fun.

After about fifteen minutes that felt like fifteen hours, Max finally stopped crying. The little lion rolled around a bit more, then began to try and rise. He started standing, flopped back down, and then made a second effort. This time Max pushed himself up onto his hands and knees. He whimpered, his tail sagging down. He bit his lip, pinning his ears back.

"Oooh...God." Max reached back with a hand to rub his golden furred privates through his swim suit. "My friggin' nards."

Max crawled a few more feet away, now facing away from his younger sister. Sally sat on the couch, giggling. As Max crawled away, his trunks shifted and she could see the rounded bulges of his leonine testicles sticking out against the fabric. She clapped a hand to her muzzle, eyes wide. Nards! Well...nard outlines, anyway. The silly things looked like they were just sitting there under his butt, daring her to try and kick them into lion-berry jam. Or would that be lion nut-butter?

Either way, Sally wasn't going to pass up such a perfect opportunity to really make her older brother's things suffer. She hopped off the sofa, and hoisted up the bottoms of her pajama pants from around her feet so she wouldn't trip. Then before Max had a chance to realize what was about to happen, she ran up behind him. Just as she came up behind the older lion, Sally launched her foot for the scrawny feline's unprotected balls. Sally put her momentum into it, rocketing her bare, golden-furred foot up under her brother's butt at nearly lion-neutering velocity. The top of the lioness' foot smashed straight into the nerdy lion's already aching grapes, crushing the poor things against his pelvis. Both furry balls took the brunt of the kick, squishing out to either side of her foot.

Max screamed like a little girl the moment his sister's footpaw crashed into his privates. "AAAAAAAAAAAAAAH!"

The lion flopped right back down onto his belly, tears springing anew and quickly soaking the fur of his cheeks. He curled up, cupping his battered kitten-makers as loud sobs wracked him. This time he didn't roll around as much. He flopped back and forth a few times, then ended up in a tight little ball, crying his eyes out. Max's face was so scrunched up Sally could see almost every sharp tooth in his muzzle.

"My nards! My naaaaaaaards!" Max nearly shrieked.

Sally nearly dropped to her knees herself she was laughing so hard. She clutched her aching ribs, wobbling around as tried not to suffocate amidst her giggles. "Oh my God, Max! You should have heard that scream! I think you almost shattered the TV!" She planted one of her feet atop Max's hip, grinning down at him. "I think that was even louder than you scream when Sarah kicks you where it counts!"

Max squirmed beneath his sister's foot, whining and crying. "It's not funnnnyy," the nerdy lion managed to moan out between sobs.

"Yes it is," Sally giggled down at him, wiggling her foot against his hip. "There's nothing funnier than kicking a boy in the nuts!" She tilted her head, giggling. "At least to me. And Sarah. And Melissa. Heck even Adam whacks James in the nards."

"Oooooooooh," Max groaned, cradling his battered feline nuts. The nerdy lion's little furry jewels felt like they'd never stop aching. He curled tighter, squeezing his eyes shut again in a vain attempt to staunch the flow of tears. He rubbed his thighs together around his hands, the material of his swim trunks rustling. "Ooooh, my nuts! My nuts, my nuts! Ooooooooh, my nuuuuts!"

"Yup, that's what I kicked!" Sally grinned, watching her brother squirm. She perked her ears, giggling. "I could feel them and everything." The lioness lifted her foot, pulled up the leg of her pajama pants, and wiggled her golden furred toes at her brother. "They squished on my foot. They felt funny, like squishy rubber grapes!" Sally scrunched her muzzle. "Nuts are weird."

Sally ears flicked at the sound of a buzzing phone. She turned around, and spotted Max's phone rattling against the table at the end of the sofa. She picked it up, and a quick glance told her that Max had a message from Adam. So Sally opened it up, glancing at her brother. "Adam says they're on their way to the pool. Don't worry, I'll tell them you'll be late."

Sally took another picture of the nerdy young lion holding his nuts on the floor, his facial fur streaked with tears. Then she sent that picture right back to Adam, along with a message that read, "Max will be there when he stops being a crybaby about getting kicked in his kitten nards."

A moment later, Adam's reply popped up. "No kittens for him." And a little frowny face and one too many "LOL's".

Sally giggled at that, waving the phone at Max. Not that he could make it out. "See, Maxy? Even Adam thinks its funny." She smirked at him a moment. "Maybe I should go swimming with you boys sometime. See how many males I could kick between the legs!"

Perking her ears, she glanced at the phone again. She just couldn't help herself. Even if she didn't get to join them at the pool, she could still get someone else in the nuts. With a little help. "Hey Adam. Is James there?"

Adam's reply popped back soon. "Yup! Huskybutt's here."

Sally licked her nose, a devious grin spreading over her muzzle. "I DARE you to knee him in the balls and tell him its from Max."

Then Sally skipped off to her own room with Max's phone in tow. Any moment now Adam might send her a picture of a cute husky rolling around on the ground. Then maybe James would get Adam. Or Max. This was already turning into a fun night.

She should interrupt Max's gaming more often.

The Sleeping Bag Game

"This game is so stupid." James laughed as he knelt on the beige carpet of the living room floor. The young husky tried to unjam the zipper on his old red sleeping bag. As he tugged at the stubborn metal tab, a dopey grin spread over his tapered white...

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