Love & Understanding

Story by ShinyGallade on SoFurry

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#1 of Love and Understanding

Overview of my stories theme.

A/N: Just to clarify, what you are about to read has nothing to do with how I live my life or what kind of people I spend time with. This story is about a kind of FICTIONAL love that is shunned in FICTIONAL society and details the struggles of those who refuse to let fear overtake them In pursuit of this love. I am not saying I condone love "outside the box" HOWEVER...I am also not condemning it due to the fact that history has shown that being different has its merits, no matter how minuscule. Again, this is simply a story I made in an attempt to make manifest the ideology that our differences are what make us unique, no matter where they are found.

Love and Understanding is the story of a young boy named Michael Kramer who grew up, for the most part, without a mother and had no worthwhile human contact due to his "condition." It wasn't something that could be caught by others nor was it technically something that requires a cure. Michael's brain could process information faster and more thoroughly than the average adult at age four. He could hold conversations with those much older than him wnd the concept of doing things kids his age were supposed to be doing didn't appeal to his heightened brain capacity. Unfortunately Michael still crave human connections, it was only natural for a boy his age to seek out and make friends.

There lies the dilemma that faces young Michael.

Constant criticism and repeated isolation greeted him whenever he would try and be around other kids his age. Early on it was simply being ignored, sometimes it would turn into hurtful words or angry stares. As the years went by it became all too clear that human socialization simply was not meant to be for young Michael.

Despite this the growing boy did his best to adjust and make do with what little human contact he had, specifically his father, who happened to be a Pokemon trainer in his younger days. Figuring he had nothing to lose Michael began socializing with various Pokemon, hoping to find the one thing that had eluded him thus far- a friend.

What he found was something much, much bigger, however. What he found was a Pokemon that not only understood his emotions and conflicts but also displayed the same amount of passion for life as he did. What resulted was the birth of a friendship beyond comparison, which then became something much deeper...

The world he lives in is harsh and unforgiving, the rules set by society state that humans and Pokemon must not ever be allowed to be more than battle partners. For most that is acceptable but, to the few who have discovered the more "human" side of their Pokemon that task is substantial.

This is the story of a young boy who grew up in unfortunate circumstances and met a Pokemon who later became his one and only friend. Their friendship blossomed into something forbidden by the rules of society- love Between human and Pokemon. Consequences must be faced and allies are few and far between but the fight must be won no matter the cost.

The fight will come at the cost of friends, family and his own humanity, yet Michael is determined to prove that love comes in all forms and to try and prevent it from happening is far worse than letting that love into our hearts.

"How can something be deemed as wrong when all it has done is bring happiness to everyone involved?"

Now that I have gotten that little speech over with I must remind you all that what is contained in these pages is purely fictional. I own nothing within except the words imprinted on the paper and my OC, Michael. This piece of work is solely made to be read by others and because I was bored out of my mind.

If you have something positive to say then by all means share your thoughts.

If there is something that left you unsatisfied then let it be known so that I may do better next time.

If you are simply here to complain for the sake of complaining then I suggest going outside and experiencing life. It is far too short to be negative all the time. With that being said...Enjoy!