Chapter 3: Love and Understanding

Story by ShinyGallade on SoFurry

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#3 of Love and Understanding

Chapter 3 of Love and Understanding


"Normal Speech"

'Pokemon Thoughts/Pokemon _Telepathy ' _

'Normal Thoughts/Normal Telepathy'




Day turned to night as Angel soared through the crisp air on majestic beige colored wings. The massive bird Pokemon had been one of the first to be captured by Michael and served as an always-reliable form of quick transportation. Michael had captured Angel nearly a year after he was old enough to become a Pokemon trainer, that was seventeen years ago. Despite this fact she still retained the youthful spunk of her early days, not showing her age whatsoever. Angel had taken an immediate liking to the nervous boy even before she became part of his team. When she was captured as a Pidgey, which proved easy considering she could sense the boys good intentions as well as years of feeding her by hand, she immediately went to her perch on Michaels' bedroom windowsill.

On the flip side, flying Pokemon had always been at the forefront of Michael's mind even before he became a trainer. You could say his passion dated back to the time he first saw a Pidgey land on his windowsill when he was only four. He had tried to reach out to it but it flew away the moment it saw young Michaels' hand approach. Though disappointed Michael knew not to give up, it was all about earning a pokemons trust and forming a close bond with them early on.

Days went by and they soon turned into weeks as the same Pidgey would make her perch on the windowsill, and each time Michael would try new ways to earn the pokemons trust. Each time he tried he was met with disappointment until he made a breakthrough after a month of effort. Doing some research on Pokemon and what food they liked it wasn't too difficult to convince his dad to purchase some feed for Pidgey. That day she came to his window was one of the happiest in his young life, hearing the Pokemon coo with delight while eating out of his hand. It was the first time he had been so close to a Pokemon and he could already feel a bond forming between them. It was a bond built on trust.

As months passed and his Pidgey friend, whom he named Angel, continued to bond Michael had always wondered what it would be like to fly. He wasn't born with wings naturally and his child-like curiosity put thoughts and images of him flying beside Angel in the sky. Such thoughts, though cute at his age, would never come to pass and so Michael began thinking differently. He knew Pokemon could evolve when they reached certain points in their life, whether it be through battling or bonding, so maybe Angel could take Michael for a ride when she evolved.

It was a simple dream, one that many shared though perhaps not with the same amount of passion displayed by young Michael. Despite Michaels' best efforts to get Angel to evolve she wouldn't, causing the disheartened boy to wonder what he was doing wrong. His father, a trainer himself, specialized in flying Pokemon and told him that you couldn't force a Pokemon to evolve and to just let it happen naturally. Frustrated at hitting a snag in his plans Michael conceded and was soon content on bonding with Angel for the sake of friendship.

Years went by and Michael's dream came to life one fateful day.

After a lengthy business trip Michael's dad had promised to take him for a ride on the back of his Pidgeot as a reward for helping around the house while away. That day would etch itself deep within the young boys mind for the wrong reasons, though.

*Flashback: twenty years ago*

Eight-year old Michael Kramer was eagerly watching the driveway with baited breath, the living room window fogging up from the intensity of the boys breathing on the clean glass. Today was the big day, well for him anyway, his dad was returning home from his business trip and would deliver he promise.

'Dad is finally going to take me on the back of a flying pokemon! Wait 'till I tell the kids at school about it!' Emotions sped through Michaels head faster than he could replace them with, his own father taking HIM for a ride on the back of Sunny, the name given to Pidgeot by his father.

As his mind wandered a vivid memory surfaced, one that Michael was ever grateful for. It was the memory of the first Pokemon he encountered after seeing Angel land on his windowsill. It was also the first friend he had made.

*Four years earlier*

Growing up Michael was unable to make many friends due to his outgoing and energetic nature. It wasn't anything he could control as his mind was moving at speeds most kids his age weren't able to adjust to in conversation. Imagine trying to ride a bicycle with a car engine, that was how Michaels' mind worked. To an understanding adult Michael came across as happy and full of life but to those not rehearsed in the human psyche and how it fluctuates on a case-by-case basis it was an exercise in futility.

Eventually Michael's dad managed to find a home tutor for him so the pressures of school life wouldn't discourage him. The only downside to this was the lack of human interaction and companionship that every child his age needed to survive in the world. Fortunately Michael had been able to solve that dilemma on his own, whether he realized it or not.

While outside playing in the front yard with a few baby Pidgey Michael noticed a pair of Amber colored eyes watching him from Angel's tree. She, Michael assumed it was a girl, was slightly taller than him and had blue hair covering her in the shape of a helmet one size too large for her head. Along the front and back of her hair were two orange protrusions shaped like spikes, though they were dull along the edges. Her body was thin, borderline frail, and Michael immediately went to find some food for her. After a brief introduction and making sure she was properly fed Michael began trying to bond with the Pokemon the only way he knew how.

They would run around in the front yard and try to catch the other, Michaels body not used to the strain produced by excessive running and, as a result, found himself on the losing end of their friendly game on many occasions. It didn't help that she was a Psychic-type pokemon known as Ralts. She could read his mind and counter his movements before they were even initiated. Despite this Michael never let the disappointment show, it didn't feel right to show sadness or anger when he was around this Pokemon. Every time he would get close to losing his cool or becoming angry his mind would suddenly go blank and any negative thoughts were replaced with a soothing bell-like sound accompanied by a feminine voice echoing in his head.

Months passed and right before the summer of that same year ended Michael's greatest wish had come true.

" F-Friend! You...Friend!"

The pokemons voice was the most amazing thing Michael had ever heard, though this wasn't saying much as he was only eight at the time. Nevertheless it was the message in that voice that struck Michaels nerves the most and nearly brought him to tears.

He had a friend, a living, breathing, fully tangible friend. He had someone he could make memories with, share a smile with and lean on when tough times came around. It was the most important thing he could have gotten at his age considering he had never had it before.

The joy he felt was unlike any he had experienced before, his arms extending out to the sides hoping his offer was received with open arms as well.

He would not be disappointed as the pokemons feet shuffled haphazardly along the leaf-caked ground and her small arms wrapped around Michaels back, his doing the same.

It really happened and this was real, not a dream, this was actually happening.

The next thing Michael knew he felt a pair of hands drape over his shoulders and liquid emotion began forming in his eyes from the contact. 'Arceus, please don't let this be a dream...I...I...I have a friend now...' Michael couldn't keep the tears in anymore as he began sobbing on the pokemons right shoulder, sensing the same emotions running through the pokemons mind and mannerisms as well. That embrace the two shared had opened a massive door inside Michaels heart and tore down the heavy wall of fear that being alone in the world had created. It had finally been toppled in that one moment, That one blissful, life-altering moment. A thought came to the young boy and he opened his eyes to gaze happily into the pokemons own.

"This is rather embarrassing but I don't even know how to communicate with you...all I hear is your name and I want so badly to be able to talk to you and hear what you really sound like. Is there any way you can-"

Michaels question was suddenly halted as a sharp pain coursed through his head, lasting seemingly for an eternity until it ended just as suddenly as it had started. With a gentle nod the small Pokemon leaned in and pressed her forehead against Michaels own. What happened next shocked the young boy.



The tone of her voice was so gentle it reminded him of his mother, the sudden comparison causing a tear to fall from Michaels right eyes. a soft hand gently wiped the liquid away, emerald met amber once again and their friendship was made forever manifest so there would never be any doubt.

*Current day ( still in the original flashback )*

As a result of this Michael had taken to making friends with Pokemon instead of humans. What started out as natural curiosity quickly evolved into playful antics and joyful times spent with Ralts, whom he named Jessica that same day.

Michael sighed happily at the memories of the past four years. He truly was lucky to have a father as caring and gentle as he was while also living in a gated community, away from potential threats like the Pokemon fanatic group Team Rocket. How people could treat Pokemon with such indifference was something Michael couldn't understand, nor did he ever want to.

Feeling his happiness fading at these thoughts Michael shook his head and nearly jumped when he heard an engine roar near the house.

A loud rumble made its way towards the house as a yellow sports car with amber tinted stripes parked itself on the driveway. The windows were slightly tinted but Michael already knew who the occupant was; only one person could have a car with a unique shade of amber and yellow mixed and make it look good.

"Dad is home!" Michael yelled out at no one in particular, unlocking the front door and running out to greet his father who had just exited the car and locked it. Before the man could turn around Michael had attempted to tackle him around his legs but was unable to bring him down due to his much smaller stature. "How did your trip go, dad?"

"It went well! The Kalos region is still hesitant to share its information on Mega Evolution but I'm confident I can negotiate a fair trade in exchange. Can you imagine, Michael? Pokemon we have studied for years and years suddenly having yet another layer of evolution? Arceus...the world of Pokemon truly is neverending."

Michael gave an excited nod but it wasn't because of what his father had just told him.

"Alright, squirt, you ready to fly?" His father asked with a playful smile. The nickname "Squirt" was one of the few things Michael didn't appreciate, being that he was a bit on the short side as far as height was concerned. At only two feet seven inches tall Michael was actually shorter than most Pokemon but he never let his disproval show when his father was around, not that he would ever want to with both Angel and Jessica keeping him company all the time.

"You bet I am! I want you to go really fast too!"

It was truly amazing how sporadic the young boy was when he got excited. One moment he would be thinking and speaking at a level far beyond his years and the next he would sputter and throw out unorganized sentences regardless of who he was talking to.

"Well I can't go TOO fast or you might fall off, just keep your grip around Sunnys neck and press your body so that your stomach is resting on her back.

With a quick nod Michael ran out into the front yard and began jumping with joy at the realization his dream was finally going to come true. With baited breath the young boy watched as his dad pulled a red and white sphere from a chain around his neck and three it in the air, calling out his faithful friend.

"Let's go, Sunny!" His father called out with a booming voice, the red beam escaping the small devices and taking the form of a majestic bird. When the red glow faded Michaels eyes couldn't have possibly gotten any bigger.

"She's a-amazing! O-oh, WOW! Dad! She is totally amazing!" Michaels mind failed to produce anything other than "amazing" though it wasn't necessarily a bad thing. The young blonde-haired boy felt his heart beating a mile a minute, especially when Sunny focused her gaze on him...

Time seemed to stand still at that very moment, those piercing golden eyes of the towering bird Pokemon seemingly looking straight into Michaels very soul. The intensity in Sunny's gaze triggered several emotions in the boys mind, one of them seeming to come out of nowhere.


Why was he afraid? Why now? His dream of flying on the back of a Pokemon was within his reach yet now a dread without shape or form had manifested itself in Michaels mind. Why was that? Was it a precursor to something bad happening? Should he really get on Sunnys back? So many questions bombarded the boys mind yet one seemed to fester in the back, just out of reach of reason or explanation...

'Why did Sunny look at me like she did?'

Her eyes told Michael everything he needed to know but his still developing mind couldn't process the information accurately. Her eyes showed a terrible thing; there was no trust in them. The bond between Pokemon and human had not been solidified and, unfortunately, Michael was too naive to decipher the dangerous gleam present in the birds eyes.

"Squirt? Hey, Squirt, you ok?"

His fathers voice brought Michael back to his senses and away from Sunnys piercing eyes. With a new rush of energy the young boy held his hands out while his father pulled him onto the back of Pidgeots neck. After ensuring both he and his son were secured the older man gave a firm pat just above Sunnys ribcage, his signal to take off.

The next fifteen minutes would change Michaels life forever.

Five minutes into the flight Michael was still clinging onto Sunnys neck with his father seated behind him, both hands firmly grasping the soft beige plumage that gave the majestic bird pokemons body a heavenly glow. It was no doubt that Pidgeot were renowned for their grace and beauty, seconded only by their prowess in the sky. This prowess, combined with their unmatched agility made them one of the most sought after flying Pokemon in the world. On the flip side it was these traits that made them difficult to train.

On occasion Pidgeot would attempt to throw their rider off if trust was not fully manifested between them, something Sunny had never tried to do to her trainer even after fully evolving. It was this trust that led to the promise for her trainers son, made by the boys father. Sunny was not ready to trust Michael, however...

For reasons only Arceus could have known the giant bird Pokemon began accelerating and increasing the angle at which she flew. The first few moments were received without incident, though that dangerous glint in her eye was much more visible the faster they went.

"D-D-Dad! Can you get S-Sunny to slow down?! I'm having a hard time holding on!"

Michaels words awoke a nameless fear in his father heart and a gentle kick with his left foot was made just below Sunnys ribcage, it was his signal to slow down.

What happened next changed their lives forever.

Rather than slowing down Sunny continued to accelerate, the wind pressure tearing at Michaels face and body with hurricane force. The boy made a critical error as a result of the unexpected increase in speed and attempted to latch his legs around Sunnys ribcage, pushing his fathers legs to the side. Without its trainers legs wrapped around the pokemons body Sunny began to panic, unfamiliar with the new pair of legs that took their place.

With a shrill cry the majestic bird made a jerking motion with its body, causing Michaels arms to detach from their perch around Sunnys neck and dangle precariously beneath the pokemons belly.


Michaels voice was laced with terror as he was hanging on by a thread, his legs digging firmly into Sunnys ribcage as a final lifeline from the horrendous drop that awaited him.


Michaels father screamed as he attempted to communicate with his beloved Pokemon before his only son took a fatal plunge. Kicking with his left leg harshly, the signal to stop immediately. Rather then obey her trainer, however, Sunny jerked her body to the left with incredible force.


Tears were streaming down Michaels face as the fear in his heart caused his breathing to grow labored and unstable. Such primal emotion was not meant to be experienced by one as young as Michael, and yet it made itself known regardless...

'Arceus...p-please, save me! I promise I won't be so reckless again!' Michael pleaded in his mind as Sunny continued to jerk violently, ignoring his father for reasons he didn't understand. This was supposed to be a dream. He was supposed to be happy on a flying pokemon, not clinging for dear life!

At that moment Michael could feel blood rushing to his head from the unhealthy angle he was perched along. Seconds seemed like minutes as cognitive reasoning went out the window along with Michaels fading consciousness. Michael wasn't going to last much longer...

Then it happened.

Michaels legs lost their hold and the boy began plummeting to the ground.

The last thing Michael remembered was the look of sheer horror on his fathers face before gravity took over and his body began

'This can't be happening! This wasn't supposed to happen! Arceus, please! PLEASE! I don't want to die! PLEASE! PLEASE! PLEEEEEEAAA-ee-ee-eese...I...I just...I..."

Michaels mind went blank as his body was a mere three hundred feet from the ground...

Two hundred...

One hundred...

A low humming noise penetrated the depths of Michaels ears as his weight left his body...

Birds were chirping and a pair of voices were echoing in his head.


The noises began to mold and change in pitch.

"How could I have let this happen..."

' I?'

" Ral?"

'R-Ral? What's going on...oh...right, I was falling...'




' That voice...d-dad?'

I tried opening my eyes and met no resistance whatsoever.


The darkness began to peel back, replaced by a blinding light.

'The sun...'

"Michael! Oh, thank Arceus! You're alive!"

My vision began to clear and I saw my father looking over my prone form with tears in his eyes. The next thing I knew I was being tackled and clung to with an urgency I had never felt from my father. I was shocked to see myself alive, that was for certain but I had no idea how I had survived the fatal plunge.

" Ralts!"

I was brought back to reality at the sound of a voice I recognized, my head turning left and right until I found the source.

Our eyes met and I swear it felt as if a wall was being torn down. It was a Pokemon, but not just any. It was a Ralts...the same pokemon i befriended years ago...

The same Pokemon that my mother...


I felt a soft weight against my forehead and my mind began to flutter and throb with images surging along my vision.

Images of my mother ran through my head. Her Pokemon standing at her side even as life faded from her...her Gardevoir crying out in agony while her Kirlia and Ralts attempted to comfort each other...

My father was standing at her side the entire time, clasping her hand and kissing it tenderly before tears of his own began to fall...

Then it dawned on me that I had not been present when my mother had passed away. The memories were so vivid it couldn't be construed as anything except reality. The emotions were too real, too tangible to be made up and yet Michael had no memory of bing in the same room as them when his happened.

'How was I seeing this if I wasn't there?'

More memories began to flood my mind, a small Pokemon with a blue bob of hair in the shape of a helmet covered the upper half of her face and she had a thick orange spike protruding from the front and back of her hair helmet. Her body was covered in a dress made of some unknown substance and her small arms were barely visible due to the dress being so large on her. Her feet were completely hidden underneath the fabric of Her dress as well, the lining dragging along the ground yet somehow not getting dirtied.

I was running in circles with the Pokemon, laughing joyfully and sharing a wonderful moment as we embraced. A soft feminine voice echoed in the vision and I could faintly make out a few words.



"How about...Jessica? Does that name sound good?"

I felt a tugging on my mind as the images began to accelerate rapidly, creating a time loop that must have spanned years. The same Pokemon changed with the loop as well, it's body getting slimmer and more human-like. Near the end of the loop a tall blue-haired Pokemon stood before me, it's back facing me. A pronounced orange chest spike was protruding through its body yet it showed no signs of discomfort. My eyes were then moving to the back of its head and, as if it had sensed my presence, slowly turned around.

My heart skipped a beat as her amber colored eyes met my emerald ones.

Before I could say or do anything else my mind began to flow in reverse, the images I had seen being pulled back by an unseen force and dragging my consciousness with them as a fading voice echoed in my mind.


*End flashback*