One and Only Chapter 4

Story by danybw on SoFurry

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Oki Doki. So i was thinking of making 2 endings for this story. I thought of doing it for Unexpected Love but then i thought that Brian's ending is perfect and there is no need to ruin his ending. x3 Please tell me should i make two endings for Jason and for Julias. If not , tell me in the comments which of them deserve to get the main ending. I won't continue unless you tell me! x3

I walked to the classroom. I collected stares as i walked to my desk. What's up with that? I thought as i sat down. Jason was right beside me. A brown otter infront of us turned around. "Did you really fought Jason?!" I looked at him for a split second and then the teacher came in. We had Art. The Art teacher was a tall lizard from the dragon kind. One of the many teachers wich were poisonous for humans. Why do they have so many teachers wich contain poison? Do they spit the venom at the students when they don't listen? The class went by more boring than ever. We talked about the history of art. We didn't draw. Next class was Sports. When i heard that we were going to share the terrain with 10th grade i wanted to escape but if i had ditched class my mother would be angrier than she was yesterday. I knew that Jason was going to be there. I wasn't worried how i was going to spend 50 minutes with him. I was worried what was going to happen in the locker rooms. I went through the doors and saw Julias running to his locker. I went to mine wich was by the entrence and started dressing up. Before i continue lemme say how this works. So ... 8 students in the school share the same lockers , because there wasn't enough money for all the lockers and there always happens something to dissapear so that's why they thought of that. While i was pulling my shirt off i saw Jason barging in. He looked at me with one large grin. He started walking towards me. This is going to be annoying. I thought to myself but to my suprise he passed me and opened the locker next to mine. He took his shirt of first , showing his abs. I stood there and took a long stare. I had abs too but not really visible. Everyone were already outside and it was just me and him. I put my shirt on. As i turned around to walk away i felt a strong grip.

"Where do you think you're going." said Jason "First you look at my muscled and then you play innocent?" i felt his breath on my neck. I once again felt heat building to my face. I was blushing. After few minutes he finally released me. I looked at him like i was ready to murder him. He saw my red cheeks and walked pass me. All i heard was a giggle from him. Jason then came in.

"Are your comming? Class started before 5 minutes." i followed him outside. The Sports class was mostly playing soccer and taking short glances at Jason. I could see that he was staring at me aswell. The school day went by. I wasn't suprised that our Music teacher was a scorpion though she was very small woman wich I guess was normal for scorpions. When i started walking home , ignoring the bus , Julias chased after me.

"Hey Dan! What was this whole Jason thing that otter was talking about." he asked me but didn't give me a chance to answer "Hey i thought you would want to sleep over at my house? Maybe help me with some of the homework?" He smiled akwardly

"Maybe if you gave me a chance to answer. " I looked at him sarcastically. I killed his gaze aperently. "Ah ... alright. " I said to cheer him up. I felt his tail hit my back because it was wagging from happiness. I have never seen a dragon doing that , but from what i heard was that his mother was a canadian husky. I guess he learned it from her. We started walking down to his house.

To be continued