Faraways (Working Title) - Chapter Zero: Aniro Sukuro

Story by Aniro on SoFurry

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This is an origin story of sorts. One of a strange being waking up in an alleyway in a big city. This may become something at some point, but here's the run up to it in the meantime.

This goes along well with reading on the character bio for Aniro, which you can find here. This is someone that I've developed over the last eight years and now I can feel comfortable starting something with him at last.

Here's to more to come.

(Temporary thumbnail image by Danji Isthmus.)

Where am I?

I look around to see where I am, my surroundings and my scents being overwhelmed with the obvious unfamiliarity of where I am. I felt weak, just waking up from whatever it was that hit me or put me here. My head throbbed, unable to comprehend exactly what was going on or my current setting. Oh gods, I hurt all over. I thought to myself as my eyes tried to focus, the bright lights in the distance finally coming into view in this dark, smelly pit.

The sky was different, darker, with less stars and only a moon. On top of that, there were buildings all around me, but these were immensely high, almost like a citadel...but much more gritty just from how it looked. It took me longer than it should have to soon realize that it was a city I was in, but not of a normal sort. It smelled very off, the scents more sour and the noises very unusual. Sirens and footsteps accompanied these along with strange honking noises that only added to the immense confusion of where I ended up.

"ACK! Wh-wh-what the hell are you?!" spoke a voice deep in the end of this littered pathway. I looked behind me to see a being...and to my disdain, it was a human. "Wh-wh-where did you come from?!" said the human, clutching what appeared to be nothing more than an old cane. His haggard appearance and overly unkempt composure told me that this human had seen better days. I put that thought aside as I tried to say something, but my voice was gone! Great, I see a human and I can't even talk to them...not that it would matter around a member of the most manic and panic-filled species to ever grace the void.

"IT'S A MONSTER! Wha-what are you, y-y-you thing!?" he screamed hysterically, bolting for the bright lights up ahead. I didn't bother to follow, even though my morbid curiosity pleaded otherwise. Something told me it was a bad idea to follow the human. At the same time, it would also be a bad idea to just let the human find me. That's when I just had to run for it, my wings started to creak out behind me, stiff, almost as if they hadn't been moving for quite a while. I had to at least get to higher ground, as my wings stretched out so slowly, almost unmoved by the absurd reasoning for my urgency.

I heard the human returning, presumably with someone else.

"What do you mean, a monster?" I heard a different voice in the depths of this pit, my ears twitching at the commotion down there.

"Officer, I tell ya, it's a monster! Look!" he said, looking on at the other man.

"Honestly, you're an old bum, so tell me why I should believe you!" he replied back, his disbelief at the other human giving me more time for my wings to stretch out entirely, the tips reaching out to the buildings being separated by this path. I found it hard to flap them, the motions making me sore. In the back of my head, I wondered how long I had been unconscious, how long it was since I last moved. It didn't bother me much as I continued to moved those achy, rusted joints, trying to take flight.

"Th-there it is! THERE IT IS!" the original human shouted, my wings giving him notice as to me moving. "IT'S TRYING TO GET AWAY!" The other human, clad in blue, pulled out what looked like a fairly small weapon. The loud pop it emitted made me frantic as I tried faster and faster to get away. "Stay where you are, whatever you are!" he shouted. "Dispatch, this is 10-87! I've got a...a...well...I don't know what the hell it is!" His nonsense shouting was unheard to me, as I finally managed to start taking off from the ground, wings still heavy.

"I'M NOT LETTING YOU GET AWAY!" shouted the older human. I paid no attention to him, my instinct screaming to fly away. That by itself seemed like much more of a challenge than I could remember. The last thing I saw from those humans is the old man trying to run after me, but I got away just in time. Wherever I ended up, I was sure that my presence was not going to be taken lightly. As I reached up into the sky, more buildings appeared that reached immense heights. The humans had made this place their home, as I had seen more, looking up at the strange flying object that only two of them knew was me.

It hit me then and there that I was no longer home. The smells were unfamiliar, with more scents that reeked of humanity's mark on this vast land. The further upwards onto the sky I flew, the more and more I could see it. The glowing lights, some moving, some stationary, dotted the landscape for eons upon eons. Further out they dissipated somewhat, the dark moonlight barely making that visible as the glare of the concentrated light made it hard to see beyond it's glow.

My wings were getting tired fast, and I couldn't stay up for much longer. I reached out onto the tallest building; a jagged, stair-shaped one that was the tallest that I could see. They folded back as I barely managed to make it, exhausted. "It's been....too long." I whispered to myself. I took another look at where I was, another smell of everything. Everything smelled off, like it wasn't where I belonged. Humans were everywhere, as well as everything that they make and destroy. That was when it had finally hit me.

I had landed on the human world. The world that even though I couldn't understand or remember how I ended up here, was one deep down that I grew up to despise. The humans called this their home, but to me, it was a landfill.

Here I was, a wolf warrior, on Earth, the human waste dump where they live, breathe, breed, and die. I was most certainly an outcast just by being here. Where I came from, humans were to be despised and rid of in any way possible. They were our naturally sworn enemy just from how cowardly and reactive they could be to anything non-human.

I was stuck here. My wings in pain at the stiffness of their joints, the rest of my body also aching at the lack of movement. I couldn't leave, nor could I be seen. But I had to find answers.

How did I get here?

Why am I here?

Who brought me here?

Could I go home?

Character Bio - Aniro Sukuro

Full name: Aniro Sukuro Titles: "The Midnight Warrior;" "The Wolf Warrior" Origin: Not of Earth origin, actual world currently in development. Apparent Age: 23 Actual Age: Unknown; rumored to be at least hundreds of Earth-years old. Sex:...

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