Chapter 59: Je T'aime Till My Dying Day.

Story by rocko wallaby on SoFurry

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#59 of Pokemon Rangers 2: Eddies: A pokemon story.

Many things about the entire situation remain confusing, even to this day.

As an example, after the initial fallout following their arrival had subsided, where did the creatures go? Given only speculation remains as to their eventual fate, was the government involved, or had they simply vanished as mysteriously as they arrived?

Or are they living amongst us still, hidden from the prying eyes of the general populace by those sworn to protect them?

Perhaps we'll never know, just as it's as unlikely we'll ever be told the real truth as to their mysterious presence in our world. The government has covered it up, the people involved remain mute, and the creatures themselves; these pokémon; are the biggest enigma of the lot.

At least their presence here has answered one important question that's plagued humanity since the dawn of its creation.

We are not alone.

Perhaps we never have been.


Chapter 59: Je T'aime Till My Dying Day.

DISCLAIMER: All publicly recognizable characters, settings, etc. are the property of their respective owners. The original characters and plot are the property of the author. The author is in no way associated with the owners, creators, or producers of any media franchise. No copyright infringement is intended.


Eddies 59

"It's time."

Raikou's deep voice penetrated the veils of sleep Chris had submerged himself in, and he struggled awake from within Skyy's arms, the chill early morning air a shock to his naked skin.

Skyy groaned from the bed beside him, ruby irises opening sleepily to voice a complaint against the rude awakening. Still, he didn't attempt further sleep, sitting up on the mattress beside Chris to stare blearily across the darkened room, where Raikou returned his look solemnly before slipping from the room to wake the others.

"Fuck, it's early. What time is it?" Chris grumbled, fiddling with his pokédex. The dim blue bioluminescent back light flicked on momentarily and he groaned again, rubbing his face as the time registered: 3.30am.

Skyy sighed from behind him, and Chris leaned back against the lucario, taking in a moments comfort from the warm body before staggering to his feet and making his unsteady way towards the small bathroom. Splashing icy water on his face did little to wake him further, and he rested both hands on the small porcelain basin, head lowered as he shut his eyes, trying to block out the day that awaited them.

But warm arms again wrapped around him, as Skyy pressed his face against Chris's back, giving what comfort he could to the despondent youth. Straightening, Chris cupped his hands over the pokémon's, and the pair shared a moment before reality intruded yet again, as Suicune put his face into the room, eyes downcast as he muttered something about Raikou wanting to have them meet in the Rec room before they joined the rest of the police downstairs, then leaving the pair again.

As Skyy stepped back, Chris turned, meeting his eyes as he said "Not coping well, is he?"

Skyy shook his head and replied "Nor am I, to be honest. He misses his friend."

"He still has us." Chris muttered, but took the lucario's hand and led him from the bathroom to get quickly dressed as Skyy stuffed their few belongings into their duffel bag, ready to leave.

By the time they made the Rec room, the others had already arrived. Storm, looking surly at the early morning start, sat on the edge of the pool table glaring over everyone, while Scott leaned on the mahogany edge beside him. Rodney, nonchalant as ever, had taken a seat near the balcony window ignoring the "no smoking" sign to draw occasionally on his cigarette. Entei and Suicune sat against the far wall, Azil and Jimmy nestled between Entei's huge paws as the legendary watched over them. Raikou remained standing central to the group, solemn even by his usual standards, and waited for them to settle.

Looking around, Chris didn't spot the young policeman and the luxray, and made mention of it to Skyy. Storm still caught the tail end of the comment, his excellent hearing picking up the question, and he winked at Skyy and Chris.

"Pair went AWOL last night, apparently. Few of the more anal types downstairs are in a right royal snit over it. Think they should not have risked breaking secrecy."

When Scott gave him a frown, wondering why he hadn't mentioned it earlier, Storm shrugged. "I didn't think it was our business! They're grown kids now; they don't need us telling them what to do. They'll be back before shit starts up, I reckon. They're both reliable."

Nodding slowly, Scott gave an uncharacteristic shrug and turned to Raikou, asking "So, what's the plan?"

"The plan is to get you home, Ranger!" a voice sounded from the doorway, and the group turned in surprise to see Cameron enter, Bill and Shadow in their wake.

Nodding at the police chief, Raikou stepped to the side, allowing space for Cameron to join him. Bill remained at the rear of the group, ignoring the questioning glance from Storm, who gave Shadow a sudden grin, returned toothily by the luxray.

"Good night?" he muttered in pokéspeak, and shadow replied quietly "Most enjoyable. Although if he ever tries to gets me to wear these silly human bikini things, I might need to object a little harder. For a while, anyway..."

Cheeks ablaze, Bill shot a horrified look at his partner, who returned his gaze innocently. Scott frowned at the pair of pokémon, unaware of the context of the conversation, but a giggle from Skyy had him rolling his eyes, assuming the worst.

Cameron chose that moment to address them, forestalling any further lewd comment from the typhlosion, as the policeman coughed, drawing their attention.

"We have two main objectives. Firstly, to handle the threat Sinnotech poses to this world, as well as your own and, secondly, defuse the situation evolving with the splinter army group. Sinnotech is the easier objective. We intend to give you the opportunity to enter the building and deal with the portal issue. If you fail, we'll follow and do it our way. I'm hoping that isn't necessary, as if the situation deteriorates that far, things will become harder to contain. As far as the army is concerned, I have them at a stalemate at the moment. The group following Jobes is smaller than first feared, numbering less than thirty individuals. They're what remain of his closest supporters, with the bulk of his division returning to the control of the heads of Army. Seems most of those men who had blindly followed him had no idea they were doing so outside formal orders, and were quick to relinquish their weapons when confronted by their superiors."

Sighing, he continued. "Unfortunately, those that remain are fanatical supporters of Jobes' ideals, and well armed and supplied. They hold to his views of the superiority of humans over our new allies here. They are highly trained, and highly armed, and we need to consider the threat they pose as extreme. Given it seems Jobes' main goal is to see you lot dealt with permanently, it's been decided the only way to settle this entire situation is to do our best to remove the source of the angst; namely, you lot; from anywhere near them. With that in mind, I'm intending for you to return through the portal to your world, where we can recommence communications on a more formal basis, and at arm's length."

"Yeah, but there's just a few small glitches in this plan, Cameron" Storm growled, lifting a clawed digit to tick off his points. "Firstly, we need to neutralise Sinnotech. Second, gain control of the portal. Finally, we need to get back home in one piece! This isn't gonna be a waltz in the park!"

Shaking his head, Cameron met the eyes of the typhlosion Ranger. "You're right, Storm. It isn't. But that's what our objective remains, and we need to ensure everything is done to reach it."

"Without the portal going boom, you mean?" rumbled Entei, receiving a dry look from Raikou.

"Yes, boom is bad, Entei. We get the picture" said Raikou wryly and Entei shrugged, unperturbed at his brother's sarcasm. "Just making sure we all understand the consequences if we fail, brother. Sometimes, humans are a little dense when it comes to the finer points of Armageddon."

Ignoring the pair, Scott spoke up and asked "So, what's the plan?"

Cameron looked at him in relief, uncomfortable with interrupting the two huge pokémon bickering, and said "It's been sorted. I'm bringing fifty of my men with us, mainly SWAT and anti-terrorism agents, who will assist you in gaining entry to the building. Another hundred will be stationed outside, blockading the area from everyone, including media and the general public. However, they aren't equipped to handle Jobes' men, so they've been instructed to stand down if they're confronted by anyone from the army."

"I will handle them, along with my brothers." spoke up Suicune coldly, and Cameron nodded, holding up a hand as he said "Fine! However, I don't want corpses, Suicune. Casualties are to be avoided at all costs. If the body count rises, any support for you and your kind will dry up fast, and we don't need to win the battle only to lose the war. Understand?"

At the pokémon's surly nod, Cameron sighed to himself in relief, having avoided another smoking gun. The three legendaries were always going to be the wild cards in the operation, and like any bladed weapon, could cut the hand that held it as well as their opponent.

"My only doubt is to do with our pair of young friends here," indicating Jimmy and Azil, who exchanged a confused look. "Do they stay here, or what?"

Indignant, Jimmy said "I'm staying with Chris!"

Shaking his head, Cameron said "Impossible! This is going to be highly dangerous. We can't allow kids running around risking themselves."

Azil jumped up, breaking into pokéspeak which Bill translated for his superior. "He won't be unprotected, Sir. Azil will be beside him, and he can take good care of the kid. Hell, I have enough bruises, as does Shadow, to testify as to his training. Besides, Paul and Gwen gave us specific orders to look after them, and take them with us. I don't plan on going against his parents express wishes!"

Azil nodded decisively, as Storm guffawed. "Seems he's calling your bluff, Cameron. I agree with the charmeleon. They belong with us. Can't be any more dangerous than what they might encounter if left here, alone. I say they come with us!"

Looking at his partner, the pokémon was somewhat surprised to see Scott nod. "Agreed. He's one of us. I think if Suicune and Entei look after him, the risk will be minimal."

"Me?" retorted Suicune indignantly. "I'm not here to babysit anyone!"

"You're here to do as you're told, for the good of all of us, Suicune! I don't plan on getting hurt cause you got a turd hanging half way out your backside!" said Storm gruffly, staring down the blue legendary, who turned away angrily.

Chris looked at the legendary, who met his eyes a moment before turning away. Sighing, he returned his attention back to the briefing.

Cameron continued. "I don't have authority on this, so I leave it up to you. Can't say I approve, but provided you do your utmost to ensure his safety, I accept your choice."

"Don't need a bloody babysitter!" Chris heard his brother mutter angrily to Azil, and he gave his sibling a grin, well aware of the feeling himself.

Cameron concluded the briefing. "For secrecy sake, we're not going to finalise any details until we're underway. I still can't trust everyone even within my own forces, much to my regret. It'd only take one slip of the tongue to have us meet a mess of trouble. So, in an hour, at 0500, we will get underway, and we will begin transport to the Sinnotech site. The operation against them will then formally start at 0600. Are there any questions?"

"Are we going to be fed before we leave?" demanded Entei, and Cameron laughed.

"Yes, my friend. The canteen has been well stocked for you all, so we won't let you starve before we go. Besides, I find myself needing a coffee rather badly. Let's retire and get a few minutes break before we start."

No-one objected, and the informal meeting broke up as they left for the cafeteria downstairs.


With the rest of the group heading downstairs, Chris placed a hand on Skyy's shoulder, whispering to the surprised lucario "Give me a few minutes, would you? I'll be down in a sec."

Nodding, the pokémon trailed after the others, head turned as he watched Chris step back into the conference room, to join the sole occupant within.

Suicune hadn't risen, still sitting on his haunches staring morosely out the glass windows, although his ears twitched as Chris re-entered, signalling he'd heard the human behind him.

Chris had thought he might object to his presence, so approached the legendary cautiously, but he needn't have worried. Suicune didn't stir as Chris dropped against his chest, nestled between the huge paws where they rested on either side of him.

"Suicune..." he began, but stopped as the pokémon shook his head.

"Don't, Chris! I don't want your pity." he said, oddly distant as he refused to meet the human's gaze.

Chris shrugged, nestling in the warm furred chest, and said softly "I wasn't offering it, Suicune. I just wanted to see if you were alright."

Laughing harshly, the pokémon blinked, finally twisting his head down to meet Chris's gaze. "Stupid question, even from a human, I would have thought. No, I'm not OK. I don't think I'll ever be OK again, Chris. I'm sick and fucking tired of not being OK, and I'm tired of Raikou and Entei, and that blasted smart arsed typhlosion, and... And everything!"

'I note I've not been included in that list, then?" Chris asked, and the pokémon turned away again.

"No, not you. I think you understand more than all of them what I'm feeling."

Nodding, Chris sighed, massaging the muscled forearms on either side.

"Yeah. Yeah, I do at that. So does Skyy. We understand."

After a long pause, in a more meek voice, Suicune said "I want to go home. I don't want to feel like this anymore."

"Because of Tony?" Chris asked, unsurprised when he felt Suicune nod.

"In part. But I'm tired of feeling so helpless. So... fucking lonely."

"You're not alone." said Chris gently. "I promise you, I'll always be there when you need me. You're part of my family now. I love you, big guy, just as I love Jimmy, and my folks, and Raikou and Skyy. I'll always be there for you. Always, no matter what."

Suicune didn't respond, but wrapped his paws around the human and held him close.

"We're going to die today, Chris." He muttered. "I can feel it. The thousands of years I've been alive, I've dreaded this day, and I know in my gut I'm out of time."

Chris was quiet a moment, before speaking harshly. "Horse shit, Suicune! That's pure, unadulterated horse shit!"

Confused and a little hurt, the pokémon froze, dropping his head to look down at the young human. "What...?" he began, only to have Chris grab his cheek fur roughly.

"Don't speak like that!" Chris said again, shaking the big head before letting the stunned pokémon go. "I don't give a flying fuck about that. I promise you, if I have to kill every one of those bastards, I will come through this alive, and I'll be bringing Skyy, Jimmy, Raikou and you with me. Comprende?"

Nodding wide eyed, Suicune looked at him mutely. Chris dropped his head again. "I'll tear out Darkrei's throat with my teeth before I give in to that bastard! We will live, we will win, and by all the Gods, we will come through this unscathed!"

Relief, surprising in its intensity, flooded through Suicune at those words, and he hugged Chris again, even as the young human said "Besides, what would Arceus do with you in the afterlife? You'd annoy the shit out of him so badly, he'd have to send you back to me, just as punishment!"

Sniggering suddenly, Suicune muttered "Oh, the respect you have for me!" cut off when Chris planted a soft kiss on his cheek. Stunned, he stared at the human in shock as Chris patted his face gently again and said "You're loved, Suicune. Never believe otherwise!" before standing up and stretching, to head towards the room exit.

"Coming?" he asked, and Suicune nodded, silently following in his wake as they rejoined the others.


Scott joined Storm and Rodney in the cab of the aboriginal man's cattle truck, the three legendaries safely loaded again in the covered rear. Chris and his brother had agreed to remain with the other pokémon and some of the police force in one of the several dark blue police buses Cameron had supplied, which could be seen dimly ahead through the dense fog that greeted the operation as they left the police compound and joined the convoy heading deeper into the city towards their objective.

Even Storm was unusually quiet, nose wrinkled as the reek of cigarette smoke swirled through the cabin, Rodney's open driver's window doing little to clear the air.

"Do you have to smoke that shit in here? It fucking stinks!" the typhlosion complained and, surprisingly sombre, Rodney shrugged, nipping the lit tip from the cigarette and stashing the usable end back in his shirt pocket.

"Sorry. Helps me relax, brother." he apologised, and Storm nodded, turning away to glare out the window.

"Yeah, so am I, Rodney. Sorry." He muttered, and the human flashed him a toothy grin. "I'm a bit tense about all this. We haven't got a good record with these bastards to date."

Scott interrupted his partner. "Nor do they with us. We've hit them hard a few times. This will simply be the finale."

Storm didn't comment on his assumption, asking "So, the plan's as before?"

Scott nodded. "Yep. With a few minor changes. I'm going to have Raikou and Entei head down to the portal area, rather than Entei and Suicune. I think we need to keep a bit of a close eye on our big blue friend, in case he goes all postal and starts wiping out everyone stupid enough to confront him. He's been way too uncontrollable lately, and we don't need any unnecessary deaths."

Storm gave him an incredulous look. "You telling me you don't want anyone killed from their side, during this? Ain't going to happen!"

Scott shook his head, giving his partner a reassuring pat on the arm. "No, I expect everyone in the building who gets in our way is going to end up in a world of pain and suffering. But the army people are a different story. We don't need any media coverage of him slaughtering a platoon of the country's military, regardless of whether they've been authorised to be there or not."

"But what if they attack us, huh? Are we supposed to stand by and let them?"

Scott shrugged. "If they attack us, we wipe them out, this time completely and totally. But not for personal reasons or vengeance."

Grunting, Storm resumed his stare outside. "Who else you sending down there with them?"

Scott pondered. "Bill and Shadow, I imagine, along with the bulk of the forces Cameron is supplying. We'll only take a minimal group with us. Chris and Skyy, you, me, and Raikou. That should be enough to handle anything within the upper floors."

"What about me?" Rodney asked, darting his eyes from the road to regard the pair frankly.

Scott turned to him and appraised the man. "You still dead set on accompanying us back home, Rodney? It's likely to be a one way trip, and there's no way I can guarantee your safety?"

Rodney hunched his shoulders. "Know that, bro. I made my peace with my family and my ancestors before coming out here weeks ago with our big friends back there."

"It's going to be dangerous, Rodney." Scott warned, and Rodney shrugged again.

"I know how to handle a firearm, my friend. I'm a warrior, from warrior blood, and I have plenty of hunting experience. I won't be a liability to you."

Nodding, Scott said "Well, you'll be with us, then. Just so you know what you're getting into."

Chuckling again, Rodney said "Oh, it's going to be a crazy time. I think the real question is, do they know what's about to befall them? I think they have a somewhat inflated opinion of their abilities, in the face of such overwhelming odds."

Turning to the pair, he said finally "I think we're gonna wipe the floor with them, my friends!"

Smirking, Storm gave Scott a nudge with his elbow and rumbled "See why I brought him along? He's good for morale!"

Scott rolled his eyes, but didn't respond. He still had plenty to work out before they got there, and not enough time to do so.

Still, he hoped the aboriginal man was right. They needed all the positivity they could get.


In the police bus, Chris sat on a bench with Jimmy close to the back of the bus, as Skyy kept the charmeleon company in the seat ahead.

"Nervous?" he asked his younger sibling, and Jimmy shrugged "A little."

Chris grinned, and shoved him with an arm. "Me, I'm scared shitless. Don't kid me!"

Jimmy sighed and said "Yeah, OK. So am I, too. But we got Azil and Sky and the others helping us. We're gonna be fine!"

Chris gave him a long look and said softly "No, Jim. It's going to be bloody dangerous. Mum and dad know that, but they knew we couldn't stay with them. So, they're relying on us; both of us, alright; to keep safe. That means, you stick with Entei and Raikou, and you do everything they say! Everything!"

Jim sighed, but nodded to his brother. "I have to keep Azil and me safe, I know. I promise."

Wrapping an arm around his shoulder, Chris said "Good. If we get through OK, you're going to like it there. Place is fucking bat shit crazy! Pokémon everywhere!"

Giving him a hopeful look, Jimmy asked "Think I can become a trainer?"

Chris chuckled. "Dude, you already are a trainer! It's just how far you plan on going with it!"

A determined look crossed his face, as he said "I'm going to be the best trainer there is! I'm going to wipe the floor with that Ash Ketchum dick, and his retarded pikachu!"

Rolling his eyes, Chris said "Umm, you do know he doesn't exist, right?"

He couldn't stop a loud laugh as Jimmy looked shocked, and said "What?"

A few seats down, Shadow smirked at their conversation, turning to Bill and said softly in pokéspeak "I'm looking forward to going home for a while."

Looking away, Bill said "Think your old trainer will cause complications?"

Shaking her head, she said dryly "Not if he wants his balls intact."

When her words clearly didn't reassure him, she rested a paw on his leg and said "No, Bill. He will be fine. In the end, pokémon are partners to humans, not their slaves. Regardless what they sometimes think, we make our own choices, and I've chosen you. So we will be fine."

Wrapping an arm around her neck, he gave her a hug, mindless of the other police officers sharing the van with them. "Good! Cause you and me are a team, now and forever."

She didn't need to answer him, as the question was a moot point, anyway.

Changing the subject, she asked him "Will you stay with the Rangers?"

Nodding, he said "If you want to. I think it'll be interesting."

Snorting, she laughed. "You have no idea. Things are a little more primitive than your police force. But interesting is the word, alright!"

Grinning, he said "Good. I could do with a little interesting. Life's been way too boring lately for my taste!"

Shadow rested her head against his shoulder, and sighed. Still, he had a point. Life was certainly going to get interesting for them all, for a while.

She just hoped they made it through all the interesting in one piece.


Authors note:

As you can probably tell, work sucked today.

Not that it wasn't busy. Just really full of annoying people I managed to avoid.

So, another chapter done, and still on a roll. Chapter 60 is over 1/3 completed, too.

Charging towards the climax, and beginning to enjoy writing it again. A little gratuitous violence goes a long way.

Yes, I can't help the puns. Hell, this story is so serious sometimes, it even makes me want to puke ;) But, life without humour is... well... not life, really. I'm a terminal comedian at heart, and simply can't help myself.

*So, stay tuned. *

Oh, and the title is from yet another Enigma song, which has a long, sad association for me.

It's the first time I've been able to listen to it in about 6 years. At least, in full.

*Life is strange sometimes. *

Even stranger than my fiction.