AbortUS strikes back 1

Story by Luksinatriks on SoFurry

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#2 of AbortUS strikes back

Yes yes I know, I said that I would upload it last week. But unfortunately when one is bipolar like me you can never be sure when depression or mania will hit. So to put it short YOU LITTLE @!#!@*!@# BETTER APPRECIATE THIS BECAUSE HANGING YOURSELF WHEN YOUR DEPRESSED IS STILL SLIGHTLY LESS DEPRESSING THEN SPENDING THAT TIME WRITING (pure 100% sarcasm :P)

Anyway now for the serious part. here is the first chapter of book 2 . I do believe you will like it. And of course as always many thanks to https://mirnehviir.sofurry.com/ for taking care of those little grammar problems for me.

"This doesn't make any sense!", Liura said as she pulled yet another poor dead soldier to the cart, just re-baptized as the death cart, by the surviving soldiers. The dead humans lay everywhere and the survivors were doing their best, to give them a proper burial. Unfortunately, this meant returning the bodies to their original villages, a task which proved rather difficult.

"I don't know, why the enemy suddenly departed like that", Arthur said as he carried two corpses with him, one poor man was missing his right arm, the other his head.

*Just a few hours earlier, at the very same spot*

"Feel the power of Slina!", Kole shouted as he slammed his staff to the ground and with it, a bright green flash of slina erupted, which engulfed the entire battlefield and which could be seen all across the isle.

After a few seconds of bright green light, which send everyone down to the ground and anyone around Kole at that point, was flying through the air, from the sheer force of sline, even Malion and his family were pushed out of the sky.

And just as swiftly as it came, the bright flash went away, leaving everything intact. The only difference was, that there were no slina soldiers on the battlefield, those who Kole deemed worthy, were resurrected by Slina and those who weren't, were transformed into puddles of Slina, which lay'd where their bodies were laying just a moment before. In that same instant, while everyone was blinded by slina, Kole teleported everyone away from the isle, leaving only the survivors of the battle dragging themselves accross the battlefield.

*The morning of the next day*

Arthur didn't sleep the entire night, despite the battle ending good into the night and before dawn and despite him not having enough sleep the previous day, he was too shaken by the battle, to have any rest. Just as dawn broke on the horizon, he left his sleeping bag. He was lucky to have a sleeping bag, since he was a general, most other troops slept on the ground, they all retreated less than a mile from the battle, just so they could lay their weary bodies and get some well deserved sleep. They battled for hours and it was only logical that they needed some rest. The kings apothecaries used what little and primitive medicine they had, to heal the poor broken bodies of the injured soldiers.

Arthur got up and stretched his limbs, which all felt sore.

"So the boy has become a man?", Liura said, hiding in the shadows next to Arthur.

Arthur was used to her sneaking around, from all the years he spend with her, so he just continued yawning and stretching.

"One of these days you're going to startle me and I'll mistake you for an enemy and kill you, you know", he said to her.

"As if! You couldn't raise your weapon, before you'd be dead!", she retorted, semi-laughing at his remark, "Anyway, get ready, your father is sending a messenger with an order, which I doubt you and your army will find... pleasant", she said and left.

"Wait what do you... mean?", he asked, but she was already gone.

Just a few moments later, the messenger which Liura spoke of, came next to Arthur. He was wearing the armor, which had the kings colors, he greeted Arthur with a bow and gave him the scroll.

Arthur broke the kings seal and what he read, made him annoyed more than anything. Dawn was breaking over the horizon and he had to wake his troops, which hadn't nearly enough sleep as it was.

Arthur went to Valorfar and woke him and he in turn, woke the entire army in less than half an hour. The sun was already in the sky, but most of the men (if not all) were annoyed beyond reason and some were even downright angry, that they were woken up.

"Alright men, it's time we do some clean up duty, the king has provided us with carts, it's your job now, to load your dead comrades onto them, so they could all have a decent burial back home!", Arthur told them, but it wasn't like anyone was paying attention, still, after they heard about their task, they all let out a grunt of annoyance. Despite sighing and moaning, they all got at it, the bodies of their allies were already starting to rot, because since the night before, the rain nearly flooded that part of the isle, the conditions were perfect for bacteria, pests and worms to set in and the bodies needed to be moved as fast as possible.

"Why do the dragons don't burn their bodies, it'd be a decent funeral...", Arthur moaned as he loaded the bodies onto the carts.

Speaking of dragons, the four of them (Malion, Elision and their parents) were sitting on the ground, next to the king.

The king was most pleased, even playing with his whiskers and smiling all the while he spoke.

"I can't thank you enough, dear friends! You have made my kingdom safe once more! With this threat annihilated, we can prosper once more! Consider yourselves friends of Detomia! You will always be welcome in my lands, with no fear from prosecution! I'll make sure, that the farthest reaches of my kingdom hear about your deeds!", he was barely able to contain his excitement.

You see, in the past, the king was a warrior in his own right, being the second son, he was mostly glad, that he didn't have to inherit the weight of the crown. But after his brother was assassinated, brutally murdered by the nobility and after he became king, got married and had children, he settled down quite well, he wasn't the same man, which he was 25 years ago. Yesterday, was his day to draw his sword and kill in the name of honor again.

"We thank you, your majesty!", Malions mother said and she made a bow.

"Oh no, I've to thank you, my friends! And please, call me Herald!", the euphoria didn't leave the aging king. He had decided, that a feast was in order, to celebrate his newfound victory, but at present, there was way to much to be done and so he was preoccupied.

Suddenly, a messenger came in and requested an audience with his king, the king motioned for him to wait.

"My friends, please excuse me, but I have to attend to my duties, feel free to stay as long as you like!", and with that, he left with the messenger.

"The king seems pleased dearest brother, and rightly so! Without us, he and his entire army, including his sons, would be dead!", Elison looked at his brother.

"WHICH brings up the question!", the mother of the two dragons spoke, "WHY DIDN'T YOU WARN US, MALION! WE GOT SO WORRIED!", she nearly screamed at him.

"Mother, please scream at him mentally, will you? Mortals can't hear telepathy and he has been embarrassed enough as it is", Elision tried to protect his brother.

"THIS GOES TO YOU TOO, HATCHLING!", she screamed at him as well, she was furious, even tiny bits of her spit landed on Elisions face, from her rage.

"Now dear, I'm sure they can provide SOME explanation for their actions. Isn't that right, boys?", their father asked, since he himself had many battles in his youth.

"We will, if you two tell us, how you knew what we were doing and how you arrive'd, just in time to aid us?", Elision retorted.

Their parents were caught by this and had realized, that they had to admit, that they've spied Malion out.

"Well, we had a metal link with Malion and we just... read his mind", their father put it bluntly.

"WHAT!", Malion nearly screamed.

"Oh come on now, Malion, you know you are not powerful enough, to even detect us, let alone block us! AND just look at that injury on your leg! We were right to come!", she then moved closer to Malion to instinctively lick his wound.

"MOTHER", he backed away, "IF YOU WANT TO TALK PHYSICALLY AND NOT MENTALLY, THEN PLEASE, AT LEAST TALK IN DRACONIC, SO I'M NOT HUMILIATED IN FRONT OF THE HUMANS!", he said to her in draconic, "and besides, it's just a scratch I got, when I fell out of the sky, when Kole hit me with that slina blast", he defended himself, "I'm PERFECTLY capable of taking care of myself!"

"I... I know son... It's just that... I'M WORRIED for you, you know how powerful and evil Kole is! Even we dragons, who don't care about mortal affairs, know to be careful around him! He is a GOD of slina and even if your father killed a god (which is a story for another time), I do NOT want to see you trying to do the same! Is that understood, hatchling?!", she also spoke in draconic.

"Now now, mate, I'm sure Malion understands, after all, if he wants to get that human princess to mate with him, he has to show his physical might", his father tried to protect him.

Elision eyed Malion with a teasing smile and a sly look on his face. "OHHH, so THAT'S what this is about! Malion has found himself a mate! You NEVER said anything about a human princess, when you talked to me dearest brother!", he teased.

"I CAN'T BELIEVE THE LOT OF YOU! FATHER! He will tell Eclipsion and Eclipsion will tell Kralarstrasz and soon enough, every single one of my brethren, will congratulate me on finding a mate! And for all I know, she may not look at me in that light!", his face went red hot, despite the fact, that dragons were coldblooded beings!

"He still thinks, that blowjob was a dream", his father mentally told his mother.

"Now, if you don't mind, I'm going to my lair, you can come with me, IF you promise, to behave at least semi normally... then again, even that's hard for you", Malion said as he rose his head in the air demonstratively. He stretched out and took off to the skies.

"And to think, we left the empire for this!" Elision laughed (will be explained in another book).

________________________________________ Lillian finally woke up (the second time) in the time about noon and she discovered that Marian was gone. After taking care of herself, that is cleaning up the mess that Malion made on her, she sat in a chair.

'This is the first time ever, that I have slept the entire day through', she thought.

"BY ORGAZMAS! MALION!", she ran out and asked the first person she saw.

"THE ARMY! HAVE WE WON?!", she nearly screamed.

"N-no my lady. There is no news just yet", the peasant responded.

She let out a sigh. "Thank you good man", she let him go and rushed to the entrance of the village.

She had to wait only for a few minutes, before a man on horseback was spotted in the distance, galloping at full speed towards the village. As soon as he arrived, it was obvious that he was a soldier, wearing a chainmail with the kings colors on it. He ran past Lillian, shouting:

"VICTORY! VICOTRY! THE KING HAS CLAIMED VICTORY! ALL HAIL THE KING! ALL HAIL THE DRAGONS! LONG LIVE THE KING! LONG LIVE THE DRAGONS!", he was shouting on top of his lungs. He continued to ride the full length of the village, shouting these very word over and over again. The people immediately took to the streets, at first the commotion was relatively small, with people talking amongst themselves, but soon enough, all out cheer broke loose. People were whistling, laughing, screaming and some were energetically jumping up and down, waving their arms. Hearing this, the innkeeper stepped outside, with a keg full of ale.

"FREE ALE! LET'S CELEBRATE PEOPLE!", He shouted and soon enough, cheer, merit, dance and all out happiness broke loose! People were dancing on the streets. The only people who were unhappy, were the wifes and mothers of the few soldiers, who were drafted from the village and as said, they were only few in number. Still, this didn't stop the women from locking themselves into their houses and wait with great pain for the news of their closest and dearest.

With this, a great burden was lifted from Lillians heart, but she still worried, what if one of her brothers was hurt, what if her father died, what if Malion perished. The thoughts of losing one of her closest, were thoughts she had hoped to never think up, still it persisted to bother her.

'No Lillian... they are all right, they won after all... and the rider, he didn't say anything of the sort, he surely would have mentioned it', she thought and comforted herself.

She sat on a small wooden bench, at the entrance of the village and she waited. It didn't take too long, before a familiar set of wings appeared on the horizon.

"Malion...", Lillian whispered.

The dragon was terribly annoyed by his recent encounter with his parents, he just wanted some privacy now. He wanted to get away from all of this. It isn't like he minded it, the whole event leading up to all of this, that is. He just wanted to take a break from all of it. A break from his parents, the humans, his family, FROM EVERYTHING!

As he flew over the village, he failed to see Lillian and all he could hear, was the laughter and cheer of the people.


In a torrent of pure joy, the people started cheering and shouting praises at Malion. He, despite being in a foul mood, made a grin and decided, why not? With that, he took a deep breath and let out a mighty roar. Though in his eyes, it was merely a growl, still the humans took it as the mightiest roar they have ever heard, which wasn't a lie. He landed in front of his cave, he was hungry, but he didn't care, he wanted some sleep. Yes, sleep will take care of all of this, he entered his home and went to his favorite part of the main chamber and laid down, curling himself into a ball.

What Malion wasn't aware of, was the fact that Lillian was running at the fastest pace possible towards his cave, she climbed the small road leading to his cave as fast as she could and shouted as she stormed in.

"MALION!", she shouted.

The dragon tilted his head upwards and whispered: "Lillian?", he got back up and made a few paces towards the entrance, when Lillian appeared.

"Malion...", she was panting from all the running, "oh Malion...", she hugged him strongly. Malion awkwardly lifted his clawed hand and placed it on her shoulder, "I was so worried", she said, blushing a little, ashamed at the fact that she slept through the battle.

"It was alright, really...", he said for the lack of the better words.

"Are you hurt?", she asked, still hugging him.

"No, just a few scratches and bruises", he replied as she let go.

"Malion, your leg!", she said with panic.

"Calm down Lillian, calm down", he soothed her, "it's all right, I am all right", she let out a deep breath as his words sunk into her.

"You're right... I don't know what came over me...", she was rubbing her templates, "and what of my father? And brothers?", she asked, trying her best to stay calm.

"They are safe, they are all safe", a feminine voice said. Lillian exhaled with relief, but then turned around, to find Malions mother entering behind her. Behind the large dragoness were two other dragons Lillian didn't know.

Malion tried his best, to hide his irritation. "Lillian, this is my mother Ljepostrasza", he said calmly.

The older dragoness made a slight bow with her head and said: "Pleased to meet you, princess Lillian, Malion has told me much about you", she didn't tell Malion, but in her youth, she learned some common human courtesy, which has gone unchanged, over the thousands of years of her life.

Lillian was taken back and barely had time to react. "The pleasure is all mine. To think, that only a few months back, I would've questioned the existence of dragons and that I'm now talking to the entire family of them is amazing, to say the least!", she replied with grace, trying to withhold her excitement. Little did she know, that thanks to the mental link they had with Malion, they knew her and influenced her much more than anyone else.

"This is my father, Velikialstrasz", Malion pointed to his father, 'please don't mess this up for me', he mentally told all of them.

"Ahh, so my little boy has finally made some friends. I'm glad to have finally met you, Lillian, I'm sure we will get along just nicely", he smiled and made a bow, his voice filled with manly charisma, which made Lillian blush.

"I'm sure we will, you have raised quite a gentleman, you should be proud of him", she told the elder dragon.

'And I sure am proud of you, son', he told his son mentally.

"And I'm sure you have already seen Elision, my clutch brother", Malion pointed to the yellow dragon.

"Ahh, lovely princess Lillian, you're as fair and beautiful as my brother had depicted you", Elision made a sly smile and bow.

This made Lillian blush strongly and made her look at Malion, "well, I'm sure he said the nicest things to all of you", she replied. "I can't thank you enough, for helping my father and my country, if not for you, we all would have been dead... or worse", she told them eagerly.

"Oh please, it was nothing", Malions mother waved dismissingly, "we despise slina and will see it burn one day!", she told her.

"Yes, we along with the forces of sustina, are one of the few things standing between slina and the rest of the world. This however, is a subject I do not yet wish to discuss, as it is foul and unpleasant", Malion stated with disgust.

"Brother, we might have left the empire, because of our hedonistic ways, but it's still our duty as members of the carski reptilus, to fight slina wherever it might emerge. Still, I agree with you, this is a topic, I don't have the mental strength to talk about", Elision quickly added.

"You're the last one, to talk about hedonism...", Malion said under his breath.

"Excuse me, but the empire? Carski reptilus? What do these things mean?", Lillian asked confused.

The dragons smiled.

"I do apologise, I forgot you are not... familiar with our history, but it's a big topic, which can't be summed in a few short sentences", Elision explained.

"Well, we are here now and have plenty of time, so go ahead, I'm curious, please explain to me the things you just said", Lillian said cheerfully, trying to contain her excitement.

"Well, then grab a chair, this will be a long monologue", Elision smiled and the dragons laughed.

"Where to start?", Malion asked.

________________________________________ On the field of battle, Arthur annoyingly loaded the last of the casualties into the wagons, the corpses already began to fester, rot and reek of death and slina. He was very glad, to be done with this.

"That's the last one... hopefully", Liura said.

"My armor has more blood stains of my dead soldiers, than it has of the enemy...", Arhtur sighed.

She patted his shoulder, which she was barely able to reach. "Come now, I'm proud of you, you fought well. The sooner you can accept, that you can't save all of your soldiers, the sooner can you save more of them", she smiled.

"I do think, that is the first sincere, friendly and emotional thing you told me, since I met you", he smiled at her sadly.