My life with Skye: Chapter 6

Story by Snow34 on SoFurry

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#6 of My life with Skye

Skye thinks that Luxray is trying to kill. Is Adam safe, or is he not? Wait until chapter 7 to find out more.

Chapter 6: Skye and Lux

Adam opened his eyes slowly as he woke up. He found that Luxray was now on his lap. He stroked Luxray to see if it would wake him. Luxray stretched and woke up with a purr. He got off Adam, and Adam decided to say.

"How are you Luxray?"

"Lux, lux, Luxray!" Luxray said.

"I almost forgot." Adam thought to himself. "Lucario's like Skye can talk like humans. Other Pokémon like this Luxray can only speak in their own language. This will be a thing to go through every time if I ever get out of this forest." Luxray noticed this and cocked his head at Adam.


"Huh?" Adam exclaimed "Oh, I'm fine. I guess I was having a little daydream. Come on." Adam grabbed his bag and went on. "Let's go." Luxray followed behind him.

As they went deeper, the trees got thicker. And it was harder to see what was in the trees. They looked around as anyone could be following them. Luxray looked around as his eyes glowed. He saw something behind the trees. He fired a charge beam. But he missed.

"Whoa!" Adam looked behind and went in front of Luxray. He crouched down and looked into Luxrays eyes. "Hey. Was something there?"

"Lux, lux. Lux, Luxray!" He pointed his black paw at where the charge beam ended. But nothing was there.

"Are you sure?" Adam asked. Luxray nodded. "Are you completely sure?"

"Yes, I'm sure!" Adam got up and looked around him.

"Who said that?"

"I did." Adam looked closely around him.

"Where are you?"

"Right here, Einstein." Adam looked at Luxray and said slowly.

"Luxray... Was that you?"

"I thought it was obvious that it would be me. You asked me if I was sure and replied to your question." Luxray replied. Adam was puzzled, but went along with this oddity.

"Well, Luxray." Adam started. "Since now I can understand you. Do you have a real name?"

"Well," Luxray started, blushing a little. "When I turned into Luxray. People called me Lux."

"Lux." Adam thought about this. "I like Lux."

"Really?" Lux asked.

"Of course." Adam replied. "It's fits you really well." Luxray stared at him. "Also I think it's cute for someone like you."

"Cute?" Adam nodded. "*Sigh* Please? Can't you think of a better word than cute?"

"I think cute fits you." Adam chuckled. Luxray blushed as they continued their walk through the forest, forgetting about the mysterious figure. Which happened to be Skye? She looked at the ground where the charge beam landed.

"That looked like a powerful Charge beam." Skye thought to herself. "Imagine what could happen to Adam if that happened." She imagined Adam being blown to pieces."I can't let that happen I've got to get to Adam before Luxray destroys him. Or better, get out before Adam and Luxray do." She travelled through the forest closing her eyes, using the aura to guide herself out of the forest. As Adam walked through with Lux, he wondered where Skye was.

"Ever since I was here," He thought, "I have not seen Skye at all. I wonder how she is doing right now." Lux saw this and wondered something too.

"Adam looks like he is missing someone from his life." He thought to himself. "I wonder who that could be, But..." He looked around the dark forest with his gleaming eyes." I can't forget that shady animal I saw earlier behind us. I will protect Adam with all my power, since he seems to know where he is going. I have to keep him from harm so we can leave un-harmed. I wonder if his family misses him. If I ever lost my cub (that is, if I had one), I would miss them so much. And I would cry if I never saw them again. I hope his family is safe." They wondered those thoughts as they wondered through shadow forest.

My life with Skye: Chapter 7

Chapter 7: I believe in you Adam hummed a song to himself during his trek with Lux. "Hey Adam." Lux asked "What are you humming?" "It's a little song I remember when I was in my world." Adam replied. "It was called 'I believe in you'. " "How does...

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My life with Skye: Chapter 5

Chapter 5: Meeting Lux the Luxray Adam was looking around him as the forest seemed to go on forever. He looked behind him as he felt as if something was following him. Something was following him. But he couldn't see it because it seemed to turn...

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Chapter 4: My life with Skye

Chapter 4: It is only the beginning Adam woke up once again. He noticed the soft covers he lay underneath. He was here before. The same room. The same place. Adam once again rose from bed and left the room. Everything left intact. He went upstairs. He...

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