My life with Skye: Chapter 5

Story by Snow34 on SoFurry

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#5 of My life with Skye

So we see that the stranger is a Luxray. But, why was it following Adam? Only time would tell...

Adam, Skye and Lux belong to me.

Lucario and Luxray belong to @Pokemon/Gamefreak/Nintendo

Chapter 5: Meeting Lux the Luxray

Adam was looking around him as the forest seemed to go on forever. He looked behind him as he felt as if something was following him. Something was following him. But he couldn't see it because it seemed to turn itself invisible before Adam could even to start looking at it. He felt uncomfortable as he had this nagging sensation at the back of his head. Adam kept looking back from time to time to see if he could see this thing for at least for a second. But of course, however he may try, he may never see it.

Adam decided to rest for a bit. There was nothing but a breeze through the trees. This was his chance, to see the unseen, to uncover the truth, to see the truth behind the myth. He closed his eyes and pretended to rest. Success! The unseen creature came closer to Adam as it smelt him. It decided to uncover itself. It was a Luxray! It's black fur sparkled dimly with electric sparks and it's gleaming yellow eyes stared right at Adam. It yawned as it started to rest, right next to Adam. Adam opened his eyes as he saw the luxray next to him. He smiled and stroked Luxray's fur. It purred in its sleep. Adam smiled as he decided to have a proper rest. He closed his eyes while stroking Luxray's fur softly.

Meanwhile in the Adam's world...

Skye was home.

"Finally," She started "after beating all those strange creatures. I return home." She went into the secret room. "Adam. I'm home!" No answer. "Adam, are you in there?" Still nothing. She opened the door. No Adam. "Adam, where are you?" She thought for a while. "Maybe, he's in that room." She gulped. It was Adam's old room. It's not normal, but Adam must be somewhere. She slowly went up the stairs, opened the door. The screen and the laptop were on the floor. The screen of the laptop was on the main screen. It showed Adam sleeping with Luxray. She looked at the screen. "Oh, Adam." She kept looking at the screen. "How did he get there?" In the picture, the background was dark. Adam was sleeping with Luxray by his side. Luxray's tail would glow when Adam was stroking him and would grow dimmer when Adam's hand left his body. Luxray was still purring in his sleep. Skye was looking at them both. "They both seem... Content." Skye thought. She would be content if Adam was safe. With Luxray, she wasn't sure if he liked Adam, or that it was an act, so when Adam let his guard down, Luxray would strike. Skye was uncomfortable. The screen shined brightly as Skye also flew through computer banks. Landed on the same field and went to find Adam.

Skye saw a forest in her way as Adam before her. The forest was called. 'shadow forest.' Skye closed her eyes and searched for Adam's aura. It was deep in the forest. But it was there. Adam's aura and Luxray's aura was stable. They weren't harmed in any way. Skye thought to herself.

"Adam seems to be fine and Luxray too." She thought about the name of the forest. "No wonder it's called shadow forest. It really dark in there." Skye looked at the sky. The hole from where she came was there. "Adam must have fell through here as well, wondered deep into the forest with Luxray by his side. But now..." She looked back. "As his mother... It's my duty to ensure his safety, no matter what the cost." She opened her eyes as she started to go deep into the forest, looking for her lost child.

My life with Skye: Chapter 6

Chapter 6: Skye and Lux Adam opened his eyes slowly as he woke up. He found that Luxray was now on his lap. He stroked Luxray to see if it would wake him. Luxray stretched and woke up with a purr. He got off Adam, and Adam decided to say. "How are...

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Chapter 4: My life with Skye

Chapter 4: It is only the beginning Adam woke up once again. He noticed the soft covers he lay underneath. He was here before. The same room. The same place. Adam once again rose from bed and left the room. Everything left intact. He went upstairs. He...

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Chapter 3:My life with Skye

Chapter 3: They're dead? Adam awoke suddenly. He felt that something was not right. He wonder if Skye still around. Nowhere to be seen. Adam felt better as he rose from bed. He looked at the table infront of him. He remembered the Sapphire that was...

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