Figments of My Reality (Poetry)

Story by Aeneas Lopez on SoFurry

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#6 of Miscellaneous Works

Last poem, I promise. It's more of a free-write that I put into a slightly poetic form, but yeah.

Figments of My Reality

A sea of broken traffic lights,

The lone flag in the distance,

The slowly setting sun:

All figments of my reality.

I can't count the times

When my heart was crushed:

It feels too constant.

Too steady, too easy.

It all decays.

It's natural so I'm told.

Part of growing up.

Time passing.

The whole nine yards.

If so, why am I alone

Here, sitting on a staircase

Wondering whether home is home?

Is it? Who knows.

I escape to the less practical,

The majestic, the fantastical.


Because I can't be bothered there.

Who can interrupt my dreams then?

No one.

No one but me.

I can get in my own way.

I can curse myself for it:

"Damn it all, I fucked it up."

Laugh at my own jokes!

Why not? No one else will.

"Is that really what you want?"


"Can't you just do better?"

Of course: how simple!

"Just walk out the door!"

Simple as that, huh?

The real world isn't a textbook.

No practicing: you get one shot.

One wrong step and you lose.

So why risk it?

The rush,

The thrill of the hunt,

The emotion you call fake?


There's the rub:

How much are you willing to risk?

Next time, I'm saying 'fuck it.'

And throwing in all I've got.

Flux (Poetry)

The banks empty: Lost, forgotten. There never was Anything there. Could I step once Over that mount? Like the prophet, I fear I won't. Ends are certain. The middles, not. That is a truth. Or so I'm told. I grow too old. And yet I'm...


Wait (Poetry)

Wait What was I to do? Wouldn't it all have been in vain? So all I did was...Wait. I was feeling blue. It all was always the same. Could I do anything but...Wait? That's all I knew. I knew I couldn't handle the pain. Shouldn't I...


The Quest for the Lost King: Chapter 4

I walk into Gaia's tent, knowing that she'll want to discuss what we had just finished talking about. The tent is completely covered in maps and strategic data for their war against my former nation, the Southern Republics. Being in this room, I feel...

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