Odd night in a camper van alternative

Story by koukytails on SoFurry

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#2 of vore

This is the alliterative version to odd night in a camper van this is the macro version starts out the same but changes from a point

this was a little more difficult to write as it involved added characters

night in a camper van

Ben and Jordan where good friends and after doing what they had always wanted, purchasing a classic camper van to travel, they went on many short trips to different places. Jordan was a young husky with white and blonde/ginger fur and was about 5.2 foot in height and at 18 he was two years younger than ben a shorter than unusual horse with black fur who stood at 5.9 foot. Both knew each other from camping trips they used to take together when they where younger with their families and had stayed good friends ever since however Ben's thoughts towards Jordan began to change as he got older and started to slightly fancy Jordan. they spent most days together when not stuck at work Jordan working towards being a builder and Ben being a photographer and short film maker. they both spent most of their time together at the gym not trying to be buff or body builders but trying to stay health whilst gaining a bit of muscle along the way. So these short trips away where great times to relax and get some peace from their busy lives.

This was their first camping trip for a while and their first in the new van they had saved for, however Ben had more planned to this weekend that Jordan could imagine. Ever since they where young teenagers they used to spend thursday evenings at the local swimming pool and aways enjoyed getting out before everybody else and sharing a shower and changing room, though at that age neither knew why they did this. But this carried on as they went to the gym they would share a large shower fitted changing room this was just the norm for them, but as they got older Ben's urges changed and he couldn't help checking Jordan out whilst he was drying himself. Occasionally ben would catch a glimpse of Jordan's sheath and squishy rump, and Ben being a horse couldn't exactly hide it well when he started to get aroused but all the times he thought he'd gotten away with it. When back at home after gym sessions Ben would imagine what it would be like to feel those parts of Jordan taste them, he had strange fantasies about how he could do this his favourite being to shrink down to about 4 inches and hide in Jordan's boxer shorts all night having fun with Jordan being none the wiser. But this could never happen write, WRONG see Ben is also a member of a secret small group of people who fantasise about this stuff and for ages had been studying what could help them live out there desires. One was this growth liquid which was supposed to be for plants however the formulae was for living organisms which didn't limit the use on furs. However it was banned because it was created to cheat at gardening shows and other competition events, though the group had some which they had stolen a while ago before it was fully cracked down on. They had been working on ways to make the solution reverse and make people smaller micros if you will as turning into what they called macro furs would expose them for sure and destroy there group. After months of trying they had done it and a select amount was given to each member to use as they please.

Ben had saved his for this very situation a time when he and Jordan where alone, and as they set up for the night Ben couldn't help but feel a little exited whilst Jordan was none the wiser.

"A little pent up there" Jordan asked as he could see Ben's short looking a little tight around the groin.

"yh i guess so...h..he..he" Ben replied nervously

"Well its been a while since I've seen you with a girl you mustn't have gotten off in a while...just a quick favour keep the jerking to in the showers, don't wanna wake up to a tent pole in the covers again"

Ben started to calm down a little to his relief and continued helping Jordan set up the caravan for sleeping in as they had gotten there a little late and darkness was drawing in and after driving for 5 hours they where looking forward to an early night to have a full day exploring tomorrow.

"good night" ben whispered

"yh night" Jordan said as he set his phone alarm to 5:30am

Ben turned over and tried to pretend as if he was asleep for about a hour or two playing on his phone with the brightness down as not to disturb Jordan. After a while he gathered that Jordan had nodded off sleep and Ben reached for his small bag behind his pillow and reached for the small bottle that contained the shrinking solution. Before downing it he read the label which read 'the only way to return to normal size is for another person to tell you to grow'

"hmmm...that seems odd, dam!" Ben said rather loudly quickly covering his mouth with his hands. "this was supposed to be a secret how can it stay that way if he has to know" he thought for a second "ah i'll just act as if i don't know whats happened then in the morning when Jordan wakes up ill get him to say for me to grow.....somehow"

Ben took the liquid and drink it quickly gulp down the whole lot. He lay there for a bit and nothing happened "typical it doesn't work, what a l....a le.....wait?" It worked but something wasn't write, instead of shrinking he started growing. Quickly he leaped from the bed and opened the van door to get out which woke Jordan.

"hey ben whats wrong?"

"Oh nothing just going to use the toilets"

Jordan just turned over but he could still hear ben making an awful amount of noise. Ben's growth had speed up dramatically, so fast his new hight made him light headed and dizzy, but he came to attention when he heard the door to the van open again and saw Jordan's head pop out. The look on Jordan's face as he stepped out the van told ben everything he needed to know but his concentration was taken away as his growth turned into overdrive and soon enough he was 100ft tall no 150ft tall. The growth seemed to stop and Ben was now a fully grown macro fur an to be honest this kinda turned him on a little, even though this isn't what he wanted his new size made for some interesting thoughts and ideas. His ideas would have to wait as he could hear Jordan's cries for help.

"what do you need help for you silly husky" said ben reaching down and grabbing jordan between two fingers and lifting him to his face.

"You...Your massive whats happened"

"I..i...well i don't know how to" then the sound of ben's stomach growling from below interrupted them. "well i guess i'll have to explain later first i gotta get me some food" with that a looks of fear struck Jordan's as Ben gave a predatory look off into the distance"

"whats a guy your size gonna eat" The nervousness of Jordan's voice meant he didn't even need to say what he was thinking.

"Oh don't worry a cute guy like you isn't on the menu"


"yh so don't worry your self i just have to find somewhere safe to put you whilst i look for something (cough cough) or someone to eat"

"someone... your kidding right?"

"of corse not you said it yourself what is a guy my size gonna eat well I've read other furs are the best little snacks for macros like me"

"But Ben those where just things in those stories odd fantasy stories we used to paw off to when we where younger"

"yes but I'm proof those fantasies can become realities, now enough talk where can i" Ben looked down then looked up to Jordan with an evil grin. "I know exactly where to put you" but Jordan got the wrong message he thought Ben was referring to his stomach growling.

"No please...please i thought you said you weren't gonna eat me please I'm your friend"

"don't worry i aren't gonna eat you, i just have to get you all nice and wet for where i have desired to put you" and with that he threw Jordan into his maw and closed it shut. He suckled on Jordan's body getting his fur all nice and lubricated, but at the same time couldn't help but to taste him and boy did he taste good. Ben's stomach started growling again longing for some food and he thought to himself as his power hungry urges stared to attack his thoughts of reason. His mind thought of just having Jordan as his late night snack there and then but his mind told him no he's more than that so before he lost control he let him out.

Jordan was a little dazed from the experience and before he could come to his senses he felt himself in the grasp of Ben's fingers yet again. A sudden tightening around his legs brought him back to and the shock of the sight he was greeted with was unbelievable, From his feet to nearly his torso where submerged into the gooey slit of Ben's massive cock and his fear only grew as he felt himself being slowly sucked in.

"what are you doing with me"

"oh well when i read about this they always said how good it is and they weren't wrong, plus my balls are a great place to keep you safe till i need you"

"need me for what?"

"you'll see, but for now i need you in there" with that ben took his finger and pushed down on the top of Jordan's head. "while your going down do a friend a favour and squirm like hell it'll keep my cock happy and make your decent down my shaft a little easier." with that ben gave one last push and saw as the bulge in his cock started to descend. "God he feels so good in there, if he keeps squirming like that i'll need to find a new place to keep him." Ben's stomach growled even louder than it had before he needed to get Jordan down quicker so he could go look for something to eat, so he used his fingers atop of the bulge and started to massage it down. "Sorry buddy you do feel amazing in there but I'm hungry so gotta get you down quick" with that he pushed Jordan through the base and into his left ball sack. "OOO felling a little heavier down there, enjoy the private pool little guy"

Ben looked over to the campsite that caught his attention earlier, thinking the large tent on there must contain some tasty treats for him to snack on. He walked over to the tent as gently and as quietly as he could, which wasn't easy for somebody his size, plus every step of two he'd get a jolt of pleasure through his cock from the little captive hitting the walls of his sack as he moved. "mmmm dam he's still getting me going from in there, wow i think i need a little sack slave all the time it feels pretty good." as he got close enough to the tent he leaned down and looked through a small crack in this teepee style tent. Inside there was what appeared to be some sort of scouts group but they seemed too old around 17-19 in age but what they where doing came as a shock. In the dark ben could make out there different species two where otter boys, what seemed to be twins, a rather chubby bear a zebra and a chubby crocodile. Ben could see that where all naked from the waste down cocks in hand all pawing off to what looked on the laptop to be micro vore porn videos. Ben couldn't help but to get a little exited to see these teens getting off to something he also enjoyed, but then the thought of his hunger came accompanied with an idea.

"He he they like vore, good guess i can show them what its like to be the little guy in those videos"

Quickly he sat around the tent making a circle barrier with his legs and grabbed the tent at the top lifting it like a lid to reveal the group inside. "Hello boys nice to see you enjoy a bit of macro micro play, but now its time for you to experience the real thing and satisfy me! Now who first?" the boys huddled together in fear of what was about to happen. "YOU the nice plump bear i wonder how you taste" Ben reached down and grabbed the bear who out of fear didn't move. Ben brought him up and placed him half way into his mouth leaving his head sticking out for his friends to see, he used his tongue to taste the lower half of his body whilst the bear slightly and embarrassingly started to enjoy having his cock and rump lapped at but the giants tongue. The bears face showed it all as he let out a small whimper as he sprayed his cum into Ben's mouth. "MMMM tasty little snack aren't you, SHLURP" the bear disappeared into Ben's maw followed by an audible GULP! and a bulge in he macro horses throat made the small onlookers cringe in fear for there friend. Before they had chance to recover from the experience another yelp came from the croc as Ben grabbed him and tossed him in the air opening him jaws awaiting its next meal. SNAP! GULK! it was over so fast they didn't notice Ben's paw reaching for them again this time he grabbed both the otter twins brining them up to his face. "hmmm brothers i presume?" they both nodded "well its only fair to let you go together but how to do it" they both hugged each other tight as if to say a final goodbye to each other. "Thats it thats how you'll go in a brotherly embrace" ben brought the pair up and like a slide slid them from him hand down his tongue and let gravity do the rest as the two slick otters slid easily down his throat. "BURP! wow what a mean bear starter, crock main and otter dessert yum" Ben looked at the zebra standing in the middle of his legs supporting a massive erection. "So stripes your the only one left"

"what are you going to do to me"

"Oh don't worry your not going the same way as your friends yet first your gonna help a friend of mine" Ben grabbed the zebra and brought him to his cock, it was throbbing and ready to blow after all the things he had done that night had gotten him so worked up he needed to release his load. "your the little extra stimulation i need to let off this long overdue paw off." He wrapped his hand around his shaft pressing the little zebra to in and started to jerk up and down. Pre leaking from the tip gave a good sticky lubrication to stop the zebra sliding all over the place and made each pump of his cock that little more satisfying. Soon the build up was too great and he felt the cum rise through his shaft and with a few last pumps he blew his load. Cum flew all over his chest followed by a little husky that landed on his stomach. After recovering from the orgazm he had just gone through ben lifted his hand congaing the zebra to his open maw and licked and the content only leaving the lower half of the zebra hanging out. As Jordan came to he looked to the face of his giant friend to see the zebra hanging out. "what the fuck have you been doing?"

"SLURP GULK! well i did say i needed to keep you safe whilst i went to get some food"

Odd night in a camper van

this story contains Vore Shrinking CockVore Cock play amongst other things night in a camper van Ben and Jordan where good friends and after doing what they had always wanted, purchasing a classic camper van to travel, they went on many short...

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