02 A New Beginning

Story by Kalt on SoFurry

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Chronicles of Cold Winter - Chapter 2

Any and all feedback is welcome. Thanks.

The music was loud. Kalt was sure that it could be heard up the entire street. But, as he looked around the bar, nobody else seemed to care. He took a drink of the beer in his paw. It was just good to get out and be away from everyone he knew for the night, even though he knew he would be in trouble for doing so. Thinking about that put a smile on his face. The thought of Tag running round the city looking for him worried that something would go wrong. He couldn't help but smile at that.

"Sweet dreams of rhythm and dancin. Sweet dreams of passion through the night. Sweet dream are taking over. Sweet dreams of dancin through the niiiiiight", the new song blared over the room. It was an older song from when Kalt was a kid, but one he always liked. He couldn't help but to sway slightly to it as he leaned back on the bar watching the crowd dance.

Kalt felt a tap on his shoulder and he turned around. The bartender leaned over as far as he could and Kalt leaned up towards him as well. "It's been four hours since you walked in and I finally see a sexy smile on that sweet face of yours. It's about time." Kalt blushed and looked down as the bartender smiled at him. "What's your name?"


The bartender smiled. "Well, Kalt, the next drink is on me. What do you want?" Smiling at the gesture, Kalt politely declined. "Come on, buddy. How else can I get you drunk enough to let me take you home?" Kalt's jaw opened, he had no idea what to say. The bartender laughed. "At least you are cute even if you don't know how to take a compliment." He placed a new bottle of beer on the bar for Kalt. "Here, this is the same that you have been drinking all night. I'll be right back, I gotta go help them." The bartender walked off. Kalt picked up the bottle and toasted it at him, the bartender winked at him before he started taking orders from the other customers.

Looking at the bartender, Kalt started to think the shorter canine was cute. He had noticed him earlier when he walked in, but he was not looking for someone to chat with, or anything more for that matter, so he just pushed it aside. He looked like a husky or similar breed, but Kalt couldn't tell for sure. Well-built and seemed to have some good coordination going on with the way he danced while making drinks. Nothing like that bad Tommy Cruisin movie from the 80s, but he was a good show. His white and grey fur lit up well under the florescent lights of the bar making him look purple. Kalt looked at his own fur and saw the same was happening with him. He had been paying so much attention to the other patrons, he forgot to check himself out.

The mirror behind the bar showed the truth. Kalt was glowing like the bartender, a beacon in a dark room of darker furred people, or at least ones that were dressed in more than a tank top and shorts since it's about ten degrees outside.

Drinking the free beer he watched the bartender and the crowd and listened to the music. Through the night, the bartender didn't get much time to talk, but he did make an effort to be sure to give Kalt some extra attention. At closing time, he handed a note to Kalt. 'I will be here for a bit after closing. Maybe breakfast after. Meet me by the front door if you are interested. We can talk and keep getting to know each other.' Looking up at the bartender, it was clear he was nervous that Kalt would dismiss the note. Kalt finished his last beer of the night, put the bottle down and walked to the door with the rest of the exiting customers. He looked back and gave the bartender a thumbs up and smiled, which made the bartender smile even more.

When the door opened and the bar staff all came out, they were bundled up good and tight and some were complaining about the snow that had and was still accumulating on the ground. The bartender looked around and saw Kalt leaning on the brick a few feet away from the door. He walked up and smiled. "Aren't you cold?"

"Na. I like this weather."

"I do as well, but not this cold. You're just wearing a tank top and shorts. How can you do that?"

"I'm a superhero." Kalt said with a chuckle.

The bartender chuckled. "You're funny. My name is Apollo."

"Nice to meet you, Apollo." They shook paws. "Now, where is this breakfast place we can keep chatting?"

"Oh, just around the corner. It's a little greasy spoon that also serves salads if you are not into greasy food."

"I'm sure I could use some good greasy breakfast after all that beer I just drank. I'm not in any condition to drive right now though so I'm glad its close."

They chuckled together and they walked down the street. Passing a couple cars, one of the windows rolled down on an older van. "Hey, Apollo, could you give me a paw here. My car won't start."

Apollo looked at Kalt, "Sorry. Hold on." He walked up to the car, "What is wrong with it, Tina?" Looking in the car, Kalt recognized the squirrel in there as a waitress from the bar. "Oh, well, pop the hood and I'll see."

She noticed the white dog staring at her and she smiled at him. "Hi. I'm Tina. Didn't I serve you a few beers tonight?"

"Ya. I think so. What seems to be wrong?"

"My battery needs replaced I think, but try getting your car worked with what I make here." She lazily pointed to the bar. Kalt nodded at her. "So you and Apollo friends?"

"Uh, ya. Sure."

"Oh. I see." She smiled at bit before she looked back into her car at something. "Well it's about time that Apollo talked to someone other than me.

"Tina!". Apollo stepped out from under the hood of her car quickly and gave her a warning grin.

"What? You don't want me to tell this sexy guy that you are single and desperately in need of a boyfriend? I mean really, it's been almost two years, Apollo since you've even had sex, I'm sure your paw is the strongest one on the planet right now with how much jacking off you do."

"TINA!" Apollo's jaw dropped wide open.

"HAHAHAHAHAHA! WOW! You two must be great friends."

"Oh, he won't tell you this, but he's secretly a closeted straight guy and he loves me more than any one."

Apollo gave her another look to shut up. Even through all the thick fur, it was easy to see the redness deepening in his face as he was getting more and more embarrassed. "WELL, as for your battery, you need a jump start. Do you have any cables?"

Tina stepped out from her car. "Ya, I have cables. Where is your car?"

Apollo pointed down to his car parked with 4 vehicles between hers and his.

Kalt stepped up to the open engine. "Why don't you guys go get your car and I'll see if there might be anything else wrong in here."

Tina started walking towards Apollo's car while Apollo stepped up to Kalt. "Look, I'm not as desperate as she makes me sound. Really." He was really embarrassed and it showed very well.

"Don't worry, Apollo. I understand. I used to have a squirrel friend like her and I was embarrassed just like that one time."

Tina yelled back, "Hey, Apollo. I can't get your car without you so get your sexy tight butthole over here."

Apollo sighed and Kalt laughed. "Well, not that embarrassing, but close. But I think she's cool and I think you are too. Let's just see if we can get her car started and we can just forget what she said and we can take it on our own."

Apollo smiled. "Sounds great. I'll be right back."

Kalt watched him walk fast over to Tina and made sure they were both looking in the other direction. He looked around the street the other direction for anyone else watching. Seeing nobody, he grabbed the posts of the battery with his paws. His paws sparked, a pale blue glow emanated from them. The glow flashed up fast and bright but disappeared after a second. Bending down, he used some snow from the ground to wash some grease from his paws. As they were driving up in Apollo's mustang, Kalt was just reaching in and turning the key in the ignition. The car started up immediately.

The passenger door of the mustang opened and Tina ran out, almost slipping on the snow. "What did you do?"

"You had a loose wire going to your battery, but your batter does show signs of needing replaced soon. I'm not even sure it will start up the next time after you turn it off."

She stepped up to Kalt and punched him on the shoulder lightly. "Thanks, big guy. I owe you." She got in her car. "I need to get going then so I can be sure to make it home."

Apollo closed the hood on the van as Tina closed her driver side door. "Give me a text to let me know you are home, sweetie. I want to know you are safe."

"Sure thing, husky. But you don't have to do the same for me tonight. It seems you are going to be in some big strong arms tonight so I know I don't have to worry about you. The van started to pull out of the parking space and the window raised up. She didn't even look back.

Apollo looked at Kalt who was grinning really big at the husky. "That... that was Tina. She and I have been friends for about ten years now."


"Let me park my car again and we can go to that place I mentioned. Or we can go someplace else if you want."

"No, that place sounded nice to me."

"Ok. I'll be right back."

About eight minutes later they walked into Rhino's Grill. Their motto was repeated all over the red walls, "Big food for big appetites!" The place reminded Kalt of some other small diners he had been in before, mostly when he and his parents took trips and stopped for a late night meal to wake up before driving more. They were seated almost immediately and they had their sodas within a minute.

The menu offered salads, breakfast foods, lunch specials, and dinner entrees. One phrase that Kalt looked for was prominent on the menu, "We only serve feral meat." Places like this had a bad reputation decades ago of using prey citizens as livestock, but the People Accords banned that type of farming and moved the entire world to feral livestock. Though, Kalt knew you could still find some black market prey markets in some places of the world.

"What do you usually get when you come here?" Apollo looked up from the menu as he heard the question.

"Usually I have a pork sandwich. Surprisingly, the chefs here are swine but they serve up the best pork that I've ever eaten. It's a bit weird to me, but it is what it is."

"I was just looking at the steak and eggs for me." Apollo nodded as the waitress came up to take their orders. Apollo did order a pork sandwich and potato fries, and Kalt ordered the steak and two egg combo, rare and over easy. After the waitress walked away, Kalt looked at Apollo. "So, two years?"

Apollo growled a little and smiled showing off his teeth. "I thought we were going to forget that."

Chuckling Kalt sat back, "Sorry, but we have to start someplace and that seems to be a good place to start."

Apollo sighed, looking down at the table, "Well, my first and last boyfriend left me two years ago after seven years of being together. We were high school sweet hearts, but as we grew up we really should have ended it earlier. We were not right for each other." His voice was sounding a little weak. "He was a good guy, but he had a temper. If it wasn't for that, it would have been perfect."

"I'm sorry you had to go through that." Kalt's paw rubs on Apollo's paw for a second. "Nobody should go through that."

"It's ok. He wasn't like that until college. I think he just felt trapped after high school and that's what caused it. He and I are much better as friends now that we are not dating. I see him a few times a year just to get dinner and catch up. He's dating a deer now and they seem to be a great couple." He paused. "So, how about you? Are you seeing anyone?"

"Not right now. I met my first and last boyfriend kinda like we met. It was after my work one night and we hit it off well. He and I were together for six years and then there was an accident in his engineering lab and we both were hurt. I didn't see him until the day he died just over six years later." Kalt drifted off a little into thought, but he was quickly brought back by one of Apollo's digits wiping away a tear from his eyes.

"You going to be ok, big guy?"

Shaking the memories out of his head Kalt replied, "Ya. I'm going to be fine. It's just a difficult thing to talk about sometimes. To be honest, the last time I saw him was two years ago as well."

"Let's talk about happier things. Like funny embarrassing stories that we WANT to share without a blabby squirrel doing it for us, or any type of general information we want to share."

"That would be great."

The conversation flowed well. Apollo was 22, just four years younger than Kalt. He grew up in a small town outside of Springfield, Illinois called Petersburg and moved here for college looking to get away from the farming community. He was a husky after all, full blooded, but he was the runt of the litter and it was a surprise when he lived past the first few weeks after he was born, which probably contributed to his shorter size at five foot seven. He was a geek and for a while the conversation concentrated on comic book superheroes and the latest Trek movies that had been released.

The food was good, but after three hours of talking, the sun was coming up and Apollo was yawning and needed to get back home. They paid their check and tipped heavy because of the time they spent there. On the way out, Apollo pulled his jacket tight around him. "So, can I give you a ride home, big guy?"

"Na. My place is a ways away and I am not really ready to go back yet. I have some roommates that will be upset that I spent the night out without letting them know where I am and I don't really want to deal with them to be honest. Not yet at least, I need some space away from them."

"That's fine, but I wasn't talking about your home, but mine."

"Oh, uh, oh... "Kalt stammered.

"You don't have to if you don't want to, but I do think you are a sweet guy and I could use someone to snuggle with to sleep for the day." Apollo pawed the snow under his feet. "If you are into that."

"You know what, that sounds wonderful to me. If it won't be any trouble."

Apollo's eyes beamed and his smile grew larger than it had been all night. "Really? That's awesome." He looked shocked for a moment as Kalt smiled at him. "Well, I mean, that is cool. Follow me to my car."

Kalt laughed out loud. "I know it's really soon, but I think this is going to be a great friendship we have started here." He laid an arm across Apollo's shoulders as they walked to the car.

The trip to Apollo's home was calm as they continued their conversation about the geeky things they had in common ending up about their favorite horror movies when they pulled into the driveway that lead to Apollo's house. It was a three story house that impressed Kalt very well as he stepped out of the car. "Is this your place?"

"Kinda. My 'rents own it and let me live here, but I have to pay them what I can in rent. If it wasn't for their help with that and them giving me the car, there would be no way I could continue to live here. But, as soon as I can get back into school and get my degree in information technology, I'll have a better chance to get a job in that field around this place and not back home."

"I agree with that. They must be very well off themselves."

Apollo let Kalt in and locked the door behind them. "They do well. Most of their money they have is tied up on investments, but they have great monthly payments from those stocks to keep them living well right now." He yawned as he threw his coat over a chair. "It seems I'm fading fast so I'll be taking a shower and getting to bed as soon as that is done. It takes a while for me to wash all this fur you know."

Kalt chuckled. "Oh, I know. Have you seen mine?" He pointed to his body.

"Well, I have been staring at it since you walked in the bar last night." He walked up to the taller canine, laying his head on Kalt's chest his arms wrapped around him and hugged him tight. Kalt returned the hug and rested the bottom of his muzzle on the husky's head. "Maybe we could skip the shower and just go straight to the bedroom. Would you like that, Kalt?"

Pulling out of the grip and looking at Apollo directly in the eyes, he nodded. "Ya. That would be fine with me if that's what you want to do."

Leading the way, Apollo pointed out the kitchen and the bathrooms they passed in case Kalt needed to use either of them. They climbed the stairs up to the second floor. "I sometimes sleep here or up on the third floor, but today I'm gonna stop here. I'm starting to fade fast." Apollo yawned again. "WHOA."

Picking Apollo up, he looked at the startled husky eye to eye. "You point and I carry." Apollo pointed Kalt in the right direction and they went into the nearest bedroom. The bed was unmade and Kalt could smell that Apollo had spent some time in this room recently. He placed Apollo on the bed carefully.

"WOW, you are a strong dog, big guy."

"I work out." He noticed Apollo looking at his belly. "I know, the belly makes it look like I don't work out at all, but I do a few times a week, but this is just how I'm built."

"I think it looks wonderful. I like bigger guys." Apollo slipped off his shirt and pulled his pants off showing that he was not wearing any underwear.

Kalt looked away fast.

"I'm sorry. I can put something on if you want me to."

"No. I'm good. I just didn't want to see like I was staring."

The big smile appeared again on the younger canine's muzzle. "You can stare all you want, big guy. I don't mind at all." He laid back and put his paws up over his head. His sheath was growing slightly and the tip of his cock was slipping out. "Now how about you take your clothes off and we can both sleep naked."

Kalt reached down to untie his hiking boots and put them off to the side of the bed. His take pulled up and over his head easily.

"WOW, even your pits are colored the same as your sexy hair and beard."

Unbuttoning his shorts Kalt replied, "Well, if you like that, how about this?" He pushed his shorts and underwear down to the floor and stood up straight showing off the same blue streaked coloration on his sheath and balls.


Kalt climbed into Apollo's bed and lay next to him, one paw rubbing the husky's belly a little as the husky started to breathe heavier.

"Kalt? Am I already asleep?"

An inquisitive look passed on Kalt's face. "No. Not yet."

"Good. I was hoping you were not a dream." He looked down past Kalt's paw on his belly and at his cock, sticking half way out of its sheath. "I'm sorry, but I'm really tired. I know my cock says it's ready to go, but can we take care of that when we wake up?"

The older dog smiled. "When you wake up, we can do anything you want."

He smiled and rolled over facing away from Kalt, but pulling him up against him. "Can you sleep like this?"

"Ya. I will love to." Kalt yawned. "And it seems like I'm about to pass out as well.

Pulling a bed sheet over himself and Kalt, Apollo relaxed and snuggled back against Kalt's chest. "Kalt?" His voice starting to fade already.


"I... I ... I...", he started snoring.

Kalt smiled and kissed Apollo's cheek. Whispering he said, "Sleep well, pup. I'll talk to you when you wake up and I'll keep you safe all day long." Within moment they both were deep asleep.


"mmmm ohhhhh", Kalt exclaimed as he woke up. He looked down his body into the eyes of the husky who was licking on his cock. "Hey, husky." Apollo moaned a hello at Kalt then took the big dog's cock all the way into his muzzle. "aaaaaaaaahhh damn, that's a great way to wake up." One of Apollo's paws was on the base of Kalt's cock, the other was on his balls, just the way Kalt liked it. It didn't take long before Apollo was driving him wild and making him moan louder.

Grabbing the sheets and bucking up a little, Kalt gagged Apollo on his cock. The husky returned the action by wrapping his arms around the german shepherd and holding tight onto him, he loved getting gagged by the big dog. In one swift motion, Kalt rolled over, taking the husky with him, forcing his cock deeper into the husky's muzzle. He fucked his face and throat until the husky pushed against him. He pulled out and Apollo took in a deep fast breath.

"Damn, big dog, you've never did that before." He was panting heavy.

Sliding down the husky's body, panting heavy as well, he looked down at his boyfriend and smiled. "Well, I thought something new would be in order for a moment." He bent his head and licked on the perky nipples pointing up to the ceiling.

Apollo moaned. "Kalt, you know that makes me crazy."

"mmmmhmmm", came the only verbal reply. The rest of the response was given by a gentle bite on the sensitive nipple.

"Oh, fuck, yes"

Kalt smiled to himself and moved to do the same on the other nipple. He received a similar reaction. One of his paws took hold of the fully erect cock sticking out of the husky's sheath. The knot was already beginning to grow, and Kalt wanted to give his lover another surprise. Sliding up, muzzle to muzzle he kissed Apollo passionately while he moved his knees up, he sat back, one paw grabbing the cock behind him and guiding it in, he impaled himself on Apollo's cock. The husky's eyes widened then closed as he broke their kiss and moaned out loud. Once he was almost all the way in, Kalt forced himself down on to the knot and pressed it inside himself. It was very painful for him, but it was also worth it. He looked down and saw the big pleasured smile looking up at him. "Husky, now we are locked together."

"Oh yes we are." Instincts took over and Apollo lost control of his actions as he thrust his hips, pulling out and in on Kalt's tail ring. Within minutes he blasted a full load into the big shepherd, his entire body stiff and riding the feeling.

Kalt sat on him, keeping himself still, letting Apollo enjoy himself. He hoped that his husky dog was as happy as he had been the past year that they had been together. His paws gently rubbing the fur on Apollo's chest and nipples, giving the husky jolts of pleasure to add to what he was already feeling.

A while later, Apollo came out of his orgasmic trance and looked up at Kalt. He smiled big. "I guess we're stuck like this for a while longer."

"I'm great with that."

"Me too. Though, I believe...", he reached down and took hold of the cock throbbing on his belly, "that this needs some attention." Kalt moaned out loud as his cock was stroked by the paw. "Look, its knot is already forming as well."

"I don't it will take me long, husky."

"Good, I want you to blow all over me" He stroked the cock in his paw as the big dog on top of him twitched from the excitement. With the cock still inside him and the perfect way the husky knew to stroke his cock, Kalt shot fast, covering the husky's chest fur with thick jets of musky cum. "There's a good big dog."

"Woof" Kalt was exhausted and almost fell on top of Apollo. He was able to keep from hitting hard and lowered himself onto his boyfriend slowly. They kissed and hugged. When they broke the kiss, they nuzzled on each other.

A short while later, Apollo's knot had gone down and his cock slipped out from its warm hole. Kalt rolled over onto his back, one arm under Apollo. Apollo turned and placed his head on Kalt's chest and they hugged some more, listening to each other breathe.

A thought crossed the husky's mind. "Kalt..."


"Can you take me to work with you?"

"WHAT?" Kalt shot up and looked at Apollo directly.

"I don't mean for the entire shift, but just show me where it is. I mean the only think I know about it really is that it obviously pays you well enough and your Jeep is a company vehicle."

Kalt turned away. "You know I can't do that. We've discussed this. It's not illegal and it's not anything to worry about. It's a job and that's all." He got out of bed and pulled on some underwear.

"Ya, a job that takes you away for days at a time sometimes, and when you come back you sometimes have bruises and cuts. You don't think I notice them under your fur, but I do."

He turned back to his husky and sighed. "Husky, I wish I could tell you." He paused. "Look, I can trust you right?"

"Well, ya. And you know I trust you or you would not be living with me in my home."

"Ok." He paused to get up the strength to tell the dog he loved something to alleviate this problem between them. "Give me my wallet from the night stand over there." Apollo rolled over to the other side of the bed to get the wallet for Kalt. From the wallet, Kalt produced his driver's license. "This is not my real ID. It is but it's not my official one."

"Your 'official' one?" Kalt sighed. He opened up sealed compartment in his wallet and pulled out another driver's license and he handed it to Apollo.

"Military? You work for the military?"

"I'm a government sanctioned employee, yes."

"Why do you keep that so secret?"

"Because I work for a division of the military that doesn't have a publically known office around here. We work on some sensitive war equipment. Part of my job is to work on the programming for that equipment. If we were at war and another country knew where we did that work, they could destroy the building and that would set our defense technology back years."

"Cool. I've been dating a spy for the past year and I didn't know it."

"heh Nothing so glamorous. The bruises and cuts you see on me are from training we have to endure in case we are invaded some day and we are there. As for when I've been gone for days here and there, it's been because I was working on some sensitive projects that required me to be available at a moment's notice. I usually slept in the quarters with some of the soldiers that live there so I would still be available quickly. During those times, I can't call or receive any call from the outside world." He put his ID back into the hidden compartment and sealed it up again.

"Well, that's understandable. I don't mind all of that. I have just been worried after that last time when you were gone for almost the entire week and you came back hurting really bad. You tried to hide it from me, but you are a very poor liar."

Kalt smiled. "Thanks."

"So, may I ask you about something else?" Apollo grinned wide.

Sitting on the bed, expecting the next question to be less serious and playful like always.

"When are you going to tell me about your powers?"

Kalt's eyes shot open wide and he stammered. "uh... uh... pow... what do you... uh"

Apollo's paw rubbed up and down Kalt's arm. "It's ok, big dog. I know about them, I just want you to tell me."


"You know how people talk in their sleep when they have nightmares. You don't talk, you get really cold and you glow."

Kalt stood up, put on his tank top and grabbed for his pants. "I, I gotta get going."

"Kalt, what's wrong? It's ok. Don't go, please."

He stood in the doorway, facing out. "Did I hurt you?"

"Never. It's like you knew not to. Though, I didn't know you could hurt me."

"I am afraid I might. I didn't know that it manifested that way. It doesn't when I sleep in the barracks."

"You don't feel as relaxed there as here. You feel protected and able to let lose here and to show your true self. It may be dangerous, but I know you can keep it in check, and I know, even if I saw how dangerous it was, you would never let it harm me."

Kalt turned and Apollo could see the tears in his eyes.

"Oh, Kalt." He left the bed and joined his big dog at the doorway. "I'm sorry I made you upset."

The husky's paw was grabbed by the shepherd's, pulled up, and kissed. "You're so very sweet and awesome." He pushed Apollo back. "Now, stand back and watch."

Apollo stepped backwards until he sat could sit on the bed, never taking his eyes off of Kalt.

"Just remember, I could get into a LOT of trouble for everything today." Kalt's fur started to surge, illuminating sparks arched from him and out into the open air. Closing his eyes for just a moment he opened them and his fur surged more, giving off more sparks and more light. His eyes still the same cobalt blue color though they were glowing like the rest of him.

Apollo shuddered as a cold chill washed over him. "WOW." He looked at the puff of breath as it escaped from his muzzle. He stared at it and watched it disappear. He puffed another breath out and watched it do the same. "Are you making it colder in here?" Kalt nodded. "Amazing. You were not kidding when you said you were a superhero our first night together." He puffed out some more breath.

Kalt's power faded immediately. "You remember that?"

He could feel the warm air rush in and his puffs lost their visibility. "Well, ya. I remember. I thought it was funny, but for some reason the way you said it was more of you telling me than joking around."

Walking over to the husky, he sat next to him and hugged him. "I love you, husky. Thank you for understanding. It's difficult to be able to open up to someone completely like I have and not have to worry that they would run away from me once they see all of what I am."

"Don't worry, big guy. It just makes me love you more."

Breaking the hug, Kalt laid back on the bed with Apollo following him, laying facing him. "Well, we need to discuss one more thing then. You know I don't lie to you, and what I told you about my job was all true, but there is more to it. I do put my life on the line once in a while when I am gone for days at a time here and there, and I will understand if knowing that is too much for you."

Apollo kissed Kalt deep and passionately and kept it going for a good time. When they separated they both were panting and had a few tears in their eyes. "Somehow I always knew you were doing more than what you told me and I was worried more than I thought I should have been. And each time you came home I was so happy and felt so wonderful that you were safe even though I figured I told myself that I was worrying so much over nothing."

They continued to talk a bit more. They agreed to always keep an open communication with this. Kalt admitted that he would have to tell his superiors about disclosing everything, and even though they would be upset about it, there would not be any retribution. They knew better than to make him angry. Though, there was a small concern in the back of his mind about Apollo's safety and what they might do to him. 'Heaven forgive me if they hurt him.'

"You ok, big guy? You just stiffened up a bit."

Kalt hesitated before answering. "Ya, I'm fine. Just some things in my mind I need to remember and be prepared for when I let them know that I told you everything." As if on cue, Kalt's cell phone rang. He pulled it from the night stand and answered it. "This is Kalt."

Apollo laid back and tried not to listen in on the conversation.

Kalt sighed, "I understand. I'll be there as soon as I can get ready. How many days do you expect me to be out of town?" The husky laid his paw on Kalt's thigh to offer support. Kalt looked at him and saw the smile and nod of acceptance. "About a week. Ok. I understand. Ok. And, Tag... Apollo knows everything." Kalt sat there. He looked at his phone. "Tag?" He listened intently waiting for a response. He finally got one. "No, I think he is ok. I appreciate you doing that for me, but you know that if anything happens to him I won't be happy." Apollo pulled his paw away and sat up looking at Kalt. "I understand I shouldn't have, but he deserved an answer and you know I can't lie. Even with the truth I was able to tell him he figured out there was something deeper." He smiled. "That would be great. I'll talk to him about it. Thank you." He hung up.

"What was that all about? Do I have any reason to be scared?" There was a little fear and shakiness to his voice.

"No, hon. You don't have to be scared." Pulling the husky tight against him. "But you have been invited to come and see my office as a full VIP."

Apollo pulled away and gave Kalt an inquisitive look. "Whaaaaaaaaat?"

Kalt couldn't resist laughing at that. "You have been given an invite to see my office if you want to. Tag said he was already prepared for me to open up to you. I know he had you investigated when we first started dating and I told him I wouldn't stop."

"That's awesome. If you think it would be ok, I'd love to see it."

"I trust Tag with my life. I believe him when he says you will be safe. But he said that he wants to add some things to our place to help protect you now. I know he's wanted to do that for a while now, but I didn't think it was necessary until now."

"What kinds of things? Cameras and such?"

"Probably. Here and there."

"Well, I have not secrets to hide, but what do you think about them having cameras in here and they can watch us messing around?"

"HAHAHA It won't be the first time they have watched me get off. Alone or with someone else."

Apollo gave him a sly grin. "Really? Hmmmm I want videos of that." Kalt laughed out loud. "I'm serious. Can I get copies?"

"I doubt even I could do that, but you do realize that when you bring others back here while I'm gone they will be thoroughly investigated now."

"Hmmm hadn't thought of that." He paused a bit to think about it as Kalt stood up and began to dress. "So do they investigate the guys you play with or bring back here when I'm not here?"

"Yup. They always have and they always will. To be honest, it only takes a few minutes for them to find any trouble in someone's background. Usually, they message me before I can get too into the guy."

"So that means they didn't find anything bad about me when we met?" Apollo looked a bit worried.

"Nothing that would have made them tell me to avoid you other than you were a civilian. Though, unless you are a national or a security threat, they don't tell me what they find. It's still kept private." Kalt hesitated as he was tying his hiking boots. "Ummmm, is there anything I should know?"

Apollo smiled, "Just that I'm a spy that has seduced you into my heart so I can find a way to get into your organization."

Kalt stared at him and sat there.

"Kidding. Just kidding, big guy. It fit the situation so I went with it." He smiled big. "Now, how should I dress for this occasion?"

"To be honest, with the pix we've posted on the net here and there, they probably have don't care."

"They've seen those?"

"HA! They watch everything I do unless I can get under their radar." He stood up, wearing his usual dark tank top, denim shorts, white socks, and black hiking boots. He strapped on his collar he never left home without and his two leather wrist cuffs. "Now get something on and let's get going. I have to be there asap."

Apollo stood from the bed and dressed, putting on his own tank top, a button up shirt, jeans, white socks, and his own hiking boots. Going downstairs, he grabbed his coat and bundled up tight as it was again winter. "Well, now I know why you don't need a coat in the winter and why you feel so horrible in warm weather."

"I was like that when I was a kid. Well before I became what I am."

"How did that happen? Can you tell me?"

"On the way, sure. It will be a little tough, so bear with me as I do, ok?

"Always, big guy."

They left their home and drove to the base outside of the city. On the ride there, Kalt related to Apollo how he got his powers and all the details about his relationship with Baron before the accident that pertained to it. Some of the questions Apollo had about what happened after the accident and Baron were classified beyond Top Secret, so Kalt couldn't tell him that. Apollo felt a little left out because of that, but he was happy just knowing anything about his boyfriend's secret past.

The guard at the gate greeted them. "Captain Vetur. I wasn't expecting you back tonight."

Kalt gave the soldier a look of surprise. "It's Kalt for one. You know I don't like rank and I prefer you don't use it with me. And, why were you not expecting me? Tag should have sent word already."

"I'll call up to the mezzanine and find out what's going on, Sir."

Kalt sighed. Apollo chuckled. "Captain?" Kalt gave him a look that told him to tread carefully.

The soldier came back. "For some reason, Agent Tag was not available, but General Gentry said you are expected, Sir. Though you are not to use your standard entrance. Because of the civilian you are to go to the tunnel and enter that way."

"Ah. Ok. I understand." Kalt watched as the gate opened for him to drive through. "And, Davy, the next time you address me by my rank or call me 'Sir' I'm gonna freeze your nuts off in the shower next time I see you in there."

"Oh. No, Sir." He stammered. "I mean, Captain, er, Kalt, Sir."

Kalt laughed loud and boisterously, "Its ok, bud. I'm just kidding. But I do hope you drop the rank next time. Ok?"

Davy sighed, relived. "Sure, Kalt. I understand." He motioned for him to drive through. Kalt winked at him and drove on. Davy walked back to the station that controlled the gate and looked at the other guard in there.

"Did he say he would freeze your nuts off?"

"Ya. And he could do it."

"So that's the freak? I'd never let something like that near me in the locker room. It's horrible they would and that you don't mind."

"Hey! Don't call him that. He's a person just like the rest of us and a good guy as well."

"Not from what I hear, but you believe what you want. I just hope I can watch when they take care of him finally."

"What do you mean?"

"My last sergeant told me about him when I was assigned to come here a couple months back. He told me he was happy they were planning to take him out this winter because they had no more use for him."

"What do you mean?"

"I mean that a freak like that wandering around with the good normal people of the world is dangerous and he needs to be taken out before he hurts someone. After they found and killed his brother or boyfriend... yuk... a couple years ago he's useless now I hear. Hell, I wouldn't be surprised if they wouldn't try to do it tonight."

"Look man, you are new here and you don't know Kalt. You need to shut your muzzle... wait..." Davy looked at the cameras showing the roads connected to his gate. He saw Kalt's Jeep pass by the first check video check point near the beginning of the tunnel. "Oh my God." He ran through the back door of the station.

"What's wrong?" The other soldier watched the screens looking for whatever Davy saw.

Davy pulled out his cell and dialed. "Come on, come on. Get my call, pick up, please." The call was answered.

"Hey, Davy. Talk fast, just about to enter the tunnel and you know how the signal is in there."

"Don't go in, it's a trap, Kalt. Get away from the...." The explosion Davy heard came from the direction of the tunnel. He looked at the screen of his phone. The call was disconnected.

"Dude, come and see this. They did it. They blew up the tunnel with that freak and the other dog in there. It was awesome. YAHOOO! That's how you protect the USA."

Davy didn't answer or look back at the soldier behind him. He had to see what had happened with his own eyes.

01 It Begins

**_Forward_** "Agent Tag" The little mink called after the older bear and ran down the hall to him. "You sent for me?" The bear stopped looking back at her. His gruff voice stern and forceful. "Yes, I did. Took you long enough to get here." He...

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The Guardian Chapter 2: Longing with a Side of Hope

Chapter 2: Longing with a Side of Hope I stood there in awe. Where did it go? Who or what was it? I searched the area for several minutes trying to solve this...


Love & Faith Chapter 1: The Tag

Chapter 1: The Tag It was mid-December when it happened, when my life took its new turn. I was just a young dalmatian, and yet, I was more. I always had that feeling that someday, I would...

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