Enochian: Book 1, Chapter 7

Story by Zerrex Narrius on SoFurry

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#7 of Enochian

Thankfully, he did have business to attend to, and that helped him avoid spending too much time mulling on things that had been, and that which could have been, facing forwards and into the wind to try and drown out memories and his mind. His body, at least, moved on autopilot, easily guiding the motorcycle through the hulking wrecks of vehicles and past corpses and smoking piles of debris... and then he ground to a halt, his mind instantly clear as his shocked eyes picked up on a figure he didn't think he'd see anytime soon.

Ravenlight-Xerrez glared at him from down the stretch of broken bridge he'd just rolled onto, the straight stretch of warped and cracked road high above a deep, sludgy river, the giant standing in front of a blockade made of ruined vehicles that were still smoldering. The monster was panting heavily, snarling and almost foaming at the mouth, and his insane eyes settled on Zerrex with what looked like glee, his body covered in hideous wounds, burns and frostbite alike having rotted away his scales and leaving only black smears around large chunks of bare flesh.

The creature roared, then it staggered forwards, half-dragging a leg that the Drakkaren could see chunks of bone sticking through, and then it yelled in a lunatic voice: "Finally! Finally, the blood I need to grow, to evolve! Zerrex, let us fight to the death, and let the winner take the other's soul!"

It laughed long and hard, then straightened, holding up hands that were covered in blood and rot, gazing hungrily at Zerrex as he revved his motorcycle and popped his metal cane out, a grim look on his features. "What, aren't you curious, oh sacred and great Lord Zerrex? Don't you have a cocky comeback, a bad one-liner?" A cruel laugh as it pointed at him, teeth glinting in the light. "The demons told me so much, have granted me such raw power, traitor child... I will swallow your soul!"

With that, it made a shambling charge forwards, leaning heavily to one side as it half-dragged its leg behind it, and Zerrex narrowed his eyes as he shot forwards on his motorcycle, roaring towards the monster as it rose one its claws to swipe at him... and then the Drakkaren twisted to the side, the bike leaning heavily and crossing to Xerrez's weakened right side as the creature's eyes bulged in shock, almost falling over as he tried to shift himself to intercept the attack... but Zerrex shot by at too fast a speed as his cane snapped out and into the creature's bad leg, making it screech and laugh in terrible joy at the same time.

He fell heavily to the ground, his leg flopping almost uselessly behind him as his claws dug into the cracked concrete, and Zerrex shot his good leg out into the ground as he twisted his body and the handlebars hard to the side, pivoting in a circle on the axis of his lower limb and shooting towards the giant's back.

Before it could stand, Zerrex smashed the back of its skull in with his cane, then he twisted to the side, tires shrieking to a halt on the concrete and looking over his shoulder to see the creature sprawled out on the bridge, unmoving and silent as blood leaked from its body... before the monster slowly forced itself up to his feet, a crazy smile on his features as his eyes burned brilliantly in his skull, panting hard as he climbed up to his feet and then roared again, arching his back, his muscles bulging before he looked towards the Drakkaren with a cruel smile. "Wonderful... it feels so wonderful."

The Drakkaren snorted, then he climbed off his bike, leaving it idling as he strode towards the giant and drew his eyes slowly over him with disgust. "You're no parallel or dark reflection of me... you're just a sick copy that's been twisted by the powers of Hell. You're being used, Xerrez, Ravenlight, whatever you want to be called... you may be strong, but you're no demon, and the energies of that world are killing you faster than I ever could."

The thing laughed, then it looked towards him, his eyes afire with lunacy as he held out his arms to the sides. "Look at me! Look at my body, my size, my power! The world trembles at what I can do, no one in this universe is a match for my power! I am undying and I enjoy all the pain you can fill me with; what are you but a pathetic creature who should be kneeling before a walking god!"

Xerrez swiped at him, and Zerrex blocked the blow with his cane, striking firmly into the giant's wrist as it snarled down at him, drool leaking from his mouth. The Drakkaren gazed coldly back up at him, then snorted and said softly: "Get out of my way."

The giant opened his mouth, drawing his claws back... and Zerrex snapped a hard kick out into the giant's side, ignoring the pain that flared up in his knee in favor of the dark pleasure he took in watching Xerrez stumble to the side, his arms flailing for balance as his damaged leg threatened to give out under him. It roared, eyes glaring down at the Drakkaren... and then Zerrex took his cane in both hands, choking up on it before stepping forwards and slamming it as hard into Ravenlight-Xerrez as he could.

It let out a shocked cry as it flew backwards before hitting the ground, its heavy body shifting the broken concrete beneath it as the entire bridge seemed to groan, and then it clawed at the ground before striking the narrow steel partition that was the only thing between bridge and thin air beyond over the vast river of sludge. For a moment, Zerrex narrowed his eyes, waiting for the giant to get up... but as Xerrez began to climb to his feet, snarling over his shoulder, the cracked concrete around the monster puffed up and shifted, and a moment later collapsed, the giant falling with a howl into the sludge below.

The entire bridge groaned, and Zerrex grunted as he staggered backwards, before turning and making a run for his motorcycle as the other end of the bridge cracked and began to sink slowly downwards, listing slightly to the side as the burning hulks of vehicles groaned and tilted with the structure.

The lizard leapt onto his motorcycle and spun around in a circle with a quick twist of the throttle, before racing off the bridge and then halting once back on safe ground, looking over his shoulder with a wince as it finally gave away and fell in pieces into the river below, the barricade of vehicles following chunks of cement and broken girders into the sludge some hundred feet down. The reptile made a bit of a face as he peered over the edge into the slime below, past the few wires and twisted girders still attached to the side, then he shook his head slowly, murmuring: "And yet somehow I think the bastard's still alive... I hope he chokes to death on something nasty down there."

A grunt, and the Drakkaren turned slowly around, heading back a few blocks and now making his way slowly for the main bridge to attempt to cross into the next district: the only problem was that the main bridge was guarded by a military outpost and required a special ID to enter. Flashing his sector pass around would mean putting a big target sign on his back to the Ire Hunters Division and whatever private military had just attacked his family... meaning he'd have to sneak his way through both sides of the enormous bridge somehow.

As he carefully guided the motorcycle down a narrow alley filled with refuse, he made a bit of a face: it reminded him all too well of Camelot Bridge and when the then-Lone had attempted to cut the poor completely off from Baskin's Grove by having checks, searches, and general inconveniences performed at the only thoroughfare between the two distinct sections of the city, Comfort Town and Apple Villa. The former had been for the poor, the latter the rich... and the civil war that had resulted inside the town had been nearly catastrophic and claimed far too many lives of the innocent, guilty, and simply-stupid alike. Ire was always bad for corruption, true... but now it's falling even deeper into becoming a desolate barbarian empire. I might be militaristic myself, but even I think they've gone too far with the way things are being run... people are more scared of the police now than they are of me.

The reptile peered out of the alleyway as he reached the end of it, his motorcycle grumbling quietly beneath him as he muttered and patted it gently: "Yeah, I knew you'd agree." A pause, and then he slowly eased out onto the road, noting the increase in soldiers at the checkpoint and the lack of much in the way of substantive cover, only a few cars waiting to get onto the bridge. Okay, so that's going to be impossible. High road's busted, middle road's blocked... low road it is.

Zerrex sighed a bit: he'd hoped to avoid getting dirtier than he already was, but as he turned down the road leading away from the bridge, he figured that was all part of the game of cat-and-mouse he'd been playing with the Irenic Military over the last few years. Another fifteen minute detour â€" this one filled with far too many turns and the reptile feeling vaguely confused at which end of the compass he was now facing â€" and Zerrex approached a moldy, stinking tunnel near where the burned-down port â€" Only in Ire, could you burn down a freaking port... â€" had once been.

The entrance had once been blocked off, but the fencing had long been torn down... and Zerrex carefully drove down into the darkness, flicking on his headlight as he smoothly rolled down the slanted concrete before making a disgusted face as he drove through a shallow puddle at the bottom that stank of refuse and death. He rolled through a few more ahead, then turned down a side tunnel and parked his motorcycle in the dead end, turning it off as he pulled his cane free and jingled his keys quietly in his hand.

He put the latter away after a few more moments, then strode carefully down the cement tunnel, letting his eyes adjust in this terrible gloom and making a face as he heard a few yells ahead: down here, the best rule was to expect anything. The Drakkaren slowly made his way down the tunnel until he reached a lip that bridged off into a section of old sewer covered in slime, muck still slowly filtering through along the bottom of the tunnel, then he paused and pressed against the wall, his eyes narrowing at the sight of flashlights on the wall...

And some kids pranced by before one of them shoved another into the quasi-toxic sludge in the river trench, and he began to yell and flail immediately as he leapt to his feet, the others cackling. The Drakkaren made a disgusted face, muttering something about ‘damn youngsters,' before stepping out into the sewers and reaching down to pluck the flashlight from the hands of one of the knit-capped morons, shouting in his horrified face: "Get the hell out of here!"

"Run, dude!" another exclaimed, and the group shot off down the tunnel the reptile had stepped in through, leaving their friend to stare and fall backwards in the muck again as Zerrex shook his head slowly and strode carefully over the cracked wooden bridge between the cement walkways, heading straight for the next tunnel and climbing into it with a grunt, ignoring the ruckus behind him. Maybe it hadn't been the most tactful method of dealing with them... but he had gotten a flashlight out of the deal.

He used this to check around the next tunnel, stepping around puddles and drips of sludge that rained down from the ceiling here and there through the occasional crack in the roof. The smell down here was perhaps the worst, a terrible, fetid stench that almost had the Drakkaren's eyes watering... and then he breathed a sigh of relief as he came to the remnants of a chain-link fence that had been slashed through, ducking through the large rip to walk up the other side of the ruined sewer access.

The Drakkaren squeezed through a broken set of boards placed over the top, then he turned the flashlight off and tossed it idly away, making a bit of a face as he looked slowly around the junkyard for a moment, then sighed and started between the piles of garbage for the gate leading out into the street, idly rubbing at his chest with one hand as he murmured: "It's going to be a long walk..."

Marina made a face as Cherry and Cindy both carefully glanced over her nude body, then she shot the former female a deadly look as her hands trailed over the youngest sister's breasts, muttering: "Just because they're not the size of watermelons doesn't mean they aren't good. At least the first question out of everyone's mouth isn't ‘are they real?'"

"It's a compliment... but it's no surprise you have a small rack with Cindy as your mother." Cherry shot back, then she coughed and looked lamely over at the other female, who threw her a sour look. "No offense meant, of course."

"None taken." Cindy muttered, then she drew back, tapping a few buttons on the pocket-sized medical computer she'd dug out of her bedroom and glancing over Marina mildly. "I want to do some basic tests, Marina... I can run some basic blood work here and check over your-"

"No." Marina glared from one female to the other, her eye twitching a bit before she sat back and crossed her arms as she sat back against the wall of her bedroom. After a short discussion, they had settled on it being as the best place to check Marina over â€" it would be the most comfortable environment for her, at least, but she didn't seem exactly thrilled to have her sisters there with her, despite the fact they had all slept together at some point... and in more ways than one. "Look. You've done your exam, you've used up your try. Now get the hell out of here and leave me alone... I want to paint something."

Cherry and Cindy traded a look, then stepped back and to the side, Marina immediately springing off the bed and opening her dresser to dig out some old clothes. They watched for a moment, and then Cherry grabbed Cindy's hand and pulled her out of the room and into the hallway, muttering: "This is pointless. She's never going to cooperate, and we don't even know what the hell we're looking for. For all we know, she could just feel like a bitch today, or she could be writhing in the effects of suddenly having ultimate super-powers."

The other female nodded slowly, then she sighed and crossed her arms, closing her eyes thoughtfully and muttering: "I just wish I knew what I was looking for... we might all be siblings but..." A bit of a smile as she glanced over Cherry slowly. "How well do we all really know each other? How well do we know Zerrex?" A quiet look down as she hugged herself, murmuring softly: "How well do I know my own daughter?"

Cherry frowned, making a face at this and looking uncertain with how to proceed, but a moment later Marina approached in a pair of ratty jeans and a black bra, standing in the doorway and looking hesitantly from one to the other. After a few moments, she finally bowed her head a bit, mumbled something that sounded like an apology before shutting the door quickly. The two older sisters traded a look at this, and then Cherry finally shrugged, saying softly: "Babe, Marina's fucked up. Even Marina knows she's fucked up, and she doesn't take any kind of shit from anyone, good, bad, or in-between. So I think that right there proves she still knows you're her mother as much as her bigger sister, Cindy... and once this all settles down, you can get back to trying to develop a relationship with her." A glance down. "We all can.

"But shit, when did this become a fucking talk show?" Cherry looked up with a bit of a grin, rubbing the back of her head as Cindy smiled faintly at her, before swaying back as the bigger female shoved her by one shoulder teasingly. "We'd better check on Mahihko before he drives off in that transport to do us a favor. There might still be some shit we can use in there."

Cindy nodded, and the two walked away... and a moment later, Marina's door clicked open, licking her muzzle slowly and breathing quietly as she murmured: "So very easy to manipulate..." A pause, and then she crept carefully down the hall, slipping past Cherry and Cindy as they left through the front door and moving into the kitchen, instead, waiting for the sound of them speaking to Mahihko before she gracefully stepped forwards and pushed her hands down into the counter as if it were a vault, diving through the window and landing in a smooth roll that took her up to her feet with her arms extended out to her sides, before turning and running smoothly down the alleyway at the side of the house.

Marina slipped down the side street at the back of the lot of homes, quickly moving into a set of townhouses as something compelled her to keep moving forwards... and then she came to a stop, feeling energy and excitement worming their way through her body as she approached a small glass ball filled with darkness hovering in a dead end, sparks of dark electricity travelling over it before a voice whispered to her: "Why does it call to you?"

"Because it would be a nice gift for my father..." Marina's eyes flashed, and she glanced to the side at a terrible beast clinging to the wall, but her expression was almost one of boredom as she looked over it mildly. "Don't interfere with me. This bauble is mine now."

The thing chittered, apparently laughing at her, and then it crawled a few feet down the side of the apartment complex, holding its arms out to the sides: the upper body was an enormous praying mantis covered in white bones overtop its own exoskeleton, the massive metal scythe blades extending cruelly from the ends of its arms and its burning red eyes the only things visible from beneath this terrible armor... and its lower half was a spider's body with long, tiger-striped brown legs and a pair of black pincers extending from its rear. It looked over her for a few moments, then said in a teasing voice that didn't match its horrendous form: "Little girl, it would be far wiser for you to step away and submit yourself to me and whatever I desire... your death will be far less painful that way, I promise you. Just be thankful I'm not from the Realm of Lust, or you'd have real Hell before you indeed..."

Marina looked up over it... and then she smiled, and the creature tilted its head before she said softly: "Your name is Relan... an ex-knight from old Ire, once a templar. You were killed on the field of battle... and every day you captured a mantis and a spider and made them fight while you took bets on whoever would win... your sin is Greed, and that's why you're damned in the form you have now. You're a low-level demon that they assigned to what they assumed would be a low-priority duty: protecting and keeping safe a Dark Bezoar, a stone culled from the stomach of a particular demon on a particular day during a particular moon cycle... but your own greed for prey seems to have gotten the better of you, cursed and damned one. And if I kill you here, in your physical form..." Marina licked her lips slowly. "You don't go back to Hell, do you?"

"I... I... what... what are you? You can't be a mortal..." the creature backed up a few steps, shaking its head quickly as its claws tapped against the brick, then it snarled and leaned forwards. "And you don't know anything about Hell, you... you bitch!"

Marina rose a hand, then idly flicked it over her head, and the demon was torn from the wall with a shriek to crash into the face of the building next to it, dust raining down from the bricks before the creature fell towards her, hissing and swinging its lower body down to crush her and catch her in its legs... but Marina leapt backwards as if about to perform a handspring, bringing her legs down and tensing her whole body before kicking upwards and shoving off the earth at the same time as hard as she could, her feet colliding with the monstrosity and sending it flying backwards to crash on its back, hissing and twitching wildly.

Marina landed easily on her feet, her hands out to the side as she grinned widely... and then she took a deep breath, closing her eyes and drawing herself up to full height as the spider-mantis demon managed to crawl up to its feet, turning to her with eyes blazing. Before it could move, however, Marina leaned forwards and roared, jaws opening wide and raw flames issuing forth in a raging, white-hot inferno.

The bug-demon screamed and shrieked, staggering backwards as parts of its body popped sickly in the fire, green blood splattering over the earth as it stumbled back and forth. After a moment, the fires went out, Marina slumping and panting hard, a snarl spreading down her muzzle as the demon staggered forwards once, twice... and then several leg joints loudly popped and it fell over in a smoking wreck, hissing weakly before it lay still.

Marina looked over the creature, watching small fires play quietly over its form for a few more moments before she straightened, wiping at her aching mouth with distaste: it was a talent she'd hidden from the others, including her father â€" but she'd judged it best for now. Ever since the demonic energy had washed over her, she'd felt not only her strength grow exponentially, but new things unlocking deep inside her body, and she'd been quick to learn how to harness them. Her fast learning was perhaps due in part to her powerful psychic abilities... but for the most part, she thought it was perhaps more because she was willing to embrace whatever she had to in order to draw closer to her father... and to ensure not just his love and respect, but his admiration, too...

She turned around, then smiled slightly as the black orb flickered with energy, reaching a hand out to touch it and loving the thrill that sparked over her body, almost stroking the surface and loving the feel of it. Almost like rubber, but somehow smoother... with no imperfections, and with that wonderful and terrible darkness inside it and spilling out over it...

She gently grasped it in both hands, and pulled it lightly out of the air, and for a moment the dark energy flickered down her arms... and then it seemed to calm in her grip, and she cradled it against her body as she turned around, smiling a strange smile to herself as she strode calmly over the body of the dead demon, its bones crunching under her feet as she headed back home, murmuring to herself quietly: "I'll make sure I give Daddy a hell of a show..."

Zerrex glanced upwards as he felt a chill roll down his spine, feeling as if that strange, terrible energy he'd felt in the Arctic had someone come back... and a moment later a gruff voice mumbled: "What, did a ghost run over your grave? Because the goddamn Phook Tung just rolled its way over mine, you old prick."

"Bite me, I'm in better shape than you. Now dispense with the ghost tank stories and move on to the interesting stuff." Zerrex replied morbidly, leaning forwards in his chair as he shot a look around the high-class, smoky bar before returning his gaze to the General carefully sitting down in front of him, adding in a mutter: "Besides which, you're as much a ghost these days as I am."

Former General Griswold Anderson Lyson made a face, but knew better than to argue: he still spent his days walking around in full uniform, but one arm of this was carefully pinned up to avoid his empty right sleeve blowing away: that had been the arm Zerrex himself had chopped off from the shoulder down. They had never been friends, and they never would be friends, but they had a mutually-beneficial relationship: Zerrex permitted Griswold to live and offered him sanctuary as a refugee to Hez'Ranna when things got too tough in Ire, and Griswold gave him information on the Irenic Military, including their oldest and most-secret operations.

The wolverine was ancient â€" Zerrex thought he was at least a hundred and twenty, and kept alive mostly by bitterness and scorn â€" but his clothing was pristine, and his eyes gleamed with intelligence and memories he hadn't yet forgotten any of. At his side he always kept an old revolver that would likely fetch at least five thousand dollars from any gun collector, and his uniform was the dark blue overcoat with the matching pants and cap from the old days of Ire, along with a silk white shirt beneath and a plain black tie that the Drakkaren still couldn't understand how the wolverine managed to put on with one arm by himself. A menagerie of medals dangled above his right breast, and the bars and symbols on his shoulders and left proudly displayed his rank... something Zerrex, in all honesty, had never understood, since he'd only been concerned with one rank over most of his military career: Captain.

They glared at each other for a few moments, then the old general pulled a cigar out of a pack at his side and stuck it in his scarred muzzle, before he produced a match and lit it with an easy flick of one thumb-claw. He rose this to the end of the cigar and puffed a few times at it, before smiling and crushing the match out in his hand, grunting: "You gonna join me in a drink of firewater, pussy?"

"Keep talking your crap, General, and I'll cut your other arm off, too." Zerrex responded irritably, but the old wolverine just grunted and shrugged a bit as the Drakkaren gestured around at the bar, a snooty-looking waiter in a red vest loitering slowly over. "And why the hell do we always have to meet here? It's crowded, smelly, and so posh that-"

"No one really gives a shit what you're talking about, unless it's about money." The wolverine took his cap off, placing it to the side as he glanced up at the waiter and grunted: "Vinegar and water for the douchebag I'm sitting with and a vodka stinger with a whisky back for me, no ice, no water. Got that, kid?"

"Of course, sir." The waiter nodded, forcing a smile through his culture-shocked expression: he had to be at least forty. Before he could walk away, the wolverine brought his cigar up and tapped the ashes off onto his tray, and the waiter stared before Griswold growled and waved a hand at him, and he let out a huff and quickly strode away.

"You got a better way with people than I do." Zerrex muttered, rubbing at the burn surrounding his eye slowly: it was like sitting down to dinner with Cherry, except worse because there was never a guarantee he'd get anything useful out of the general. "Are you going to talk, or waiting for the cancer to eat away at whatever bit of lung you have left working?"

The wolverine snorted at this, looking across at Zerrex distastefully and saying ironically: "You got a hell of an attitude, boy. Hell of an attitude. Is that why those tin-shits been chasing after your ass?"

Zerrex straightened a bit at this, and the wolverine's black-and-yellow teeth showed in a grin as he tapped his cigar off in the vase that sat in the middle of the table, before he stuck it back in his mouth and absently picked it up, dumping the water and flowers out onto the floor next to him as he continued: "Word along the grapevine is that they sent two attack teams and an officer of the special brigade in, along with three BAD suits. See, I was pretty damn sure it was you... but once I took a looksee at the mission briefing about a family of lizards using some coded satellite uplink from their home, everything clicked into place and I was damn sure it was you, Captain Ravenlight. I have to say, I'm mildly impressed... those BADs can be scary fuckers."

The Drakkaren made a face at this, then he rose a hand to the waiter as he began to put the beverage the General had ordered him on the table, declining it and saying mildly: "Have the chef fix my friend here a steak, eleven ounces, and make it blue, would you? I'm fine with nothing for myself."

The general's grin spread wider at this, then he blew a long stream of smoke out his nostrils as the waiter put the drink down in front of him before stepping in the puddle of flowers and water, closing his eyes and looking disgusted. "Sir, please, if you continue your behavior-"

"You'll what?" The wolverine turned and glared at him, and the waiter immediately shrank away. "Go cry home to mommy, shithead. And get me my goddamn steak." A pause as the waiter trotted quickly away with a chastised look upon his face, and then the general turned back to Zerrex, grunting: "See, that there's the whole reason we chose you to lead Project Scarecrow in the end. You got the brains to know when to use force and when to use other techniques to get what you want."

"Yeah, well keep talking or I'll get inventive and shove the salt shaker up your nose." Zerrex muttered, and the wolverine laughed a bit. "Was it a full-scale military operation or an on-the-side job? Was someone paid off to do it, and are they going to attack again?"

"I'd say the danger for you and yours, on a scale of one to ten, is about a three." The wolverine said dismissively, shaking his head and waving a hand as he blew a puff of smoke out the side of his muzzle. "Ire isn't going to take hostilities against you when they have the Black Holes to worry about... that scares the Republic Council a hell of a lot more than your family does, despite your connections to Hez'Ranna and the folders upon folders they have detailing your powers. By the way, some of those were accidentally misplaced today... say ‘thank you.'"

Zerrex grunted something that vaguely-resembled ‘thanks,' and Griswold smiled a bit, leaning back in his chair as he sipped slowly at his drink and said mildly: "Anything for an old officer that served under my command. You were one of my best, Zerrex... you and that crazy bitch, Cherry. I just wish things hadn't gone south so fast... I would've dearly loved to see you guys in combat against some other supersoldier projects at that time: you would've cleaned the floor with those fuckers."

The Drakkaren made a face, not knowing whether it was a true compliment or Griswold was just stroking his own ego: after all, the wolverine had been one of the masterminds behind Project Scarecrow: hence the reason Zerrex had cut his arm off when they'd broken into a military facility to stop a nuclear attack against Hez'Ranna a few years back. "You know, sometimes I think you're more bloodthirsty than me."

"Probably am." The wolverine admitted, then he smiled coldly and leaned forwards on his arm, his eyes glinting. "But you know what? I'm glad I don't have all the power you do. All my life, I've loved sports, see, and I like to sit back, relax with a beer, and watch two rival teams battle it out. The only games I like to play myself are chess and war from the tactics table, and they're pretty much the same, when you think about it." A pause, and then he shook his head slowly. "But I ain't never liked being out on the field myself... chasing after a ball to try and get it to the other side seems stupid, and running towards the enemy while they're launching guns and missiles and God-knows-what at you seems like suicide. But sittin' and watching from my box seat? That's a mighty fine position, if you ask me." He grinned a bit as the waiter set a barely-cooked steak down in front of him before scurrying away, and then he picked up his knife, saying mildly: "Bon appetite."

Zerrex looked at the wolverine for a few moments as he cut at his steak... then he said clearly: "You're a real sick bastard, Griswold."

"Yeah, well, take a number." The wolverine muttered, spearing a piece of meat he'd cut off from the steak and popping it into his mouth, juices and blood running down his chin as he added between chews: "But I bet you got some other questions, too, right?"

"Please don't talk with your mouth full." Zerrex made a bit of a face, and Griswold snorted and rolled his eyes, continuing to somehow chew and smoke his cigar at the same time. A moment later, however, the wolverine straightened and took the latter out of his mouth, tapping it against the vase and then puffing on it idly as he looked across at Zerrex for a few moments thoughtfully.

"You don't seem too interested in the Black Holes." he said finally, in a measuring, slow tone. "That leads me to think you already know about them, which leads me to conclude that the little trip you took up north recently had something to do with the whole Hell thing. Now see, the ‘Alternative Science Investigation Division' of Irenic had known for a long time about the existence of other planes... but ASID never really figured out there was a Hell until just recently, when we sent camera crews through a Black Hole on a hunch and came out in a very scary place. Plus, even though there are occasional demonic possession sightings and exorcisms done, we keep it all very under wraps.

"Myself, I say fuck ‘em. Let's ship a few nukes into Hell and see what happens." Griswold shrugged a bit, looking contemplative. "Who gives a rat's ass about damned souls in Hell, anyway? Probably all ghouls, ghosts and goblins. On the other hand, Hell's being very careful in testing our strength with that little zombie shipment they sent in earlier..." He paused, then took a last puff on his cigar before flicking it into the vase and taking a sip of his drink, swishing it around his mouth for a moment. "Even I'm worried about where we stand in terms of pure power versus power, and that's not even getting into the possible numbers there are stacking against ours.

"I think you'll understand this concept, Captain. When you get old... shit stops bothering you after a while. Sure, there's a whole period of ‘oh shit, what's gonna happen when I die,' but you get over that, and it's more fuck you and fuck everything and fuck off, I'll do what I want, because I've already seen everything life can throw at me." The wolverine chuckled a bit. "And me, I hate everything anyway, so I just wanna stay alive long enough to see how this all plays out. But Hell... that makes me queasy, fighting Hell, mostly because it's where I'm gonna end up and I don't see how that works out good on my end, since they'll probably be nastier down south to all the people who fought against them."

He halted for a minute to glance down at his steak and cut another piece of meat off it, chewing slowly and reflectively, and Zerrex remained silent, leaning forwards a bit. It was always best to let Griswold ramble... and it made the Drakkaren sad that this bastard, however cruel and possibly-evil he may be, had only his indifferent company every few weeks or perhaps months with no one else to harass. The general still wandered to and from military facilities as he pleased, but he had no friends, no family â€" and now he was just a crotchety old coot with no one to talk to and no place to go. "Listen, Captain.

"I know what you're interested in... Lunis Island, the privatized factory of Ire." the general said finally, leaning back with a grunt in his chair as he adjusted the empty arm of his uniform absently. "High Command has already dubbed it a near-complete loss... they're halting all shipping to and from the island, and doing their best to cut it off and quarantine it with Juggernauts they stole from the Hez'Rannan Military. Apparently, there's a super-sized Black Hole there, probably due to some of the gadgets the Irenic Military was producing out that way, and they got much more severe demons rampaging around than zombies, I'll tell you that. Now, my advice to the military would be to fortify and secure that island as quickly as possible... and most importantly, find a way to mend that tear in the fabric of space and time." Griswold looked deadly serious as he met Zerrex's emerald eyes with his own faded brown. "If we lose Lunis, they'll have gained a base of operations that even Patriarch Narrius was unable to take by force... completely unassailable by conventional weapons, and chock-full of lost technological artifacts and weaponry of its own, off the coast of Ire and worst of all... mobile."

"That's impossible." Zerrex said flatly, blinking and frowning. "I know at least sixty percent of the island's area is completely artificially-made, but there's no way something that big could be mobile-"

The wolverine smiled, interrupting softly: "Eighty-two percent of Lunis's total mass, not area, is artificial. It's all based around the core island, which is made of volcanic rock... and a few years back now, to avoid the same disaster befalling them as when Narrius set off the EMP and destroyed their technology, Ire instructed dive teams to locate the weakest fractures in the pillar that keeps Lunis attached to the seabed and blow it apart with explosives. Once they did that, they used chains to anchor it in place... and all they have to do is release the chains, and Lunis will begin to float of its own accord. I heard a rumor they had begun construction on a set of massive turbines around the island to guide it through the water, but I'm not sure if that's yet been completed... and I'm sure that either way, the demons will manage to propel it wherever they wish."

The Drakkaren lowered his head slowly, then he nodded a bit and stood, reaching into his wallet and tossing the two twenties he had left onto the table, muttering: "Thanks, Griswold. Enjoy your lunch."

The wolverine grinned a bit in return, grunting a goodbye as he pulled another cigar out of his sidepack, and Zerrex strode away with a grimace through the exit doors and back onto the street, glancing back and forth with a sigh as a truck passed by, dragging a flatbed behind it covered in zombie corpses. If they're cleaning things up, it means the military is probably still prowling around, looking for people to scapegoat... I'd better get home to the others and see if we can get in contact with Albatross again, dangerous as it is to use the satellite now.

It took him half an hour to reach the junkyard, and another good twenty minutes to reach his bike... where he dropped the flashlight, gaping stupidly before quickly running his hands over the poor, damaged machine: the kids had scratched up the black metal and dinged it pretty badly, and- "Where the hell are my keys?"

The Drakkaren picked the flashlight up, slapped it a few times to get it working again, and then looked back and forth around the floor before hitting the wall with his cane, yelling incoherently in protesting and then growling under his breath: "I'm gonna kill those kids." A pause, and then he grumbled angrily as he slid onto his bike, slipping the flashlight into his mouth to hold it in place as he carefully pried up the metal covering the ignition before fumbling with the wires inside for a few minutes, until finally they sparked and his bike roared into life, the Drakkaren muttering to himself as he spat the light out and backed carefully into the long cement passage, then he accelerated up the slope as he glared back and forth for any sign the kids might have left behind.

He shot out of the drainage tunnel and onto the road, looking back and forth furiously... then he continued to grumble to himself as he focused instead on heading home, trying to calm himself down and focus on the more-important crisis of Hell currently posed to invade Earth and what he should do next. Yeah, but on the other hand... those little punks trashed my poor bike. Those little arrogant assholes... I swear ,if I ever find them, I'll... I'll... hurt them and stuff.

"Smooth." Zerrex grumbled to himself, then he pulled up slowly to his home, and his rage vanished as he felt a chill and that now-familiar dark energy, straightening a bit and looking back and forth slowly as he noted both transports and the soldier's bodies were gone. The girls must have moved it all... but... "Hello? What's that?"

Silence greeted him... and the reptile reached into the ignition, wincing as he felt electricity spark over his fingers and down his arm before he managed to pull apart the wires he'd wrapped together, and the engine died out. He climbed off the motorcycle, walking it slowly back towards the side of the house before he pulled his cane free and strode over to the open front door, frowning a bit at this. Cherry's obsessive and Cindy's too neat... "Marina?"

A soft laugh, and he felt the energy increase as he stepped inside the house, Marina's voice calling gently: "Come here, Daddy... I have something to show you!"

He frowned again... then strode carefully down the hall and turned towards his private office, pushing inside to see Marina standing there with something cupped in both hands... a ball of some sort, radiating intense dark energy. It crackled over her as she looked at him, and she seemed to bathe in it, her body almost pulsing with its glow as her eyes opened and she said tenderly: "I brought this for you, Daddy... it's a Dark Bezoar."

A flicker of memories that weren't his, and suddenly Zerrex saw the Sisters, all of them standing with the same strange stones, polishing them before Fire spoke mildly: You feel that, Cherry? That's pure Hell essence coming off these things... every thousand years, just before the moon becomes full, they're produced in the stomach of the Pit Cow after it feeds on flesh and gemstones, unlike the bezoars on your plane that are produced in the stomach of some special goats. They radiate the energies of Hell... and some say if they're drained of the dark essence inside of them by a powerful creature, it will become a Hollow Stone that can-

The memory cut out as the Drakkaren gripped his head, grunting a bit... before looking up in surprise as Marina said gently: "It will become a Hollow Stone that can seal even the most powerful magical forces... so you see, Daddy, this isn't only a gift for you... this is to help us close the portal in Lunis you seem so worried about..." A slight smile as Zerrex blinked, his jaw falling slightly agape. "Yes... even only holding it in my hands, it's so easy to see every thought you have... to know what you want..."

She slid closer, and before Zerrex could protest, shoved the ball hard against his chest, and the Drakkaren automatically reached up and grabbed it before he could think. The dark energy crackled over him, and he winced, trying to resist the temptation to give in, hating how Marina's reasoning made so much sense... and so much more now that he was holding the terrible thing in his hands...

He tried to think, and Marina slid up and kissed him hungrily, her tongue twisting with his for a moment before she slid away, leaving his mind reeling and surprised... and then she leaned forwards, grasping the outside of his hands and pushing them tighter, the orb's dark power flashing over them both as she whispered with her voice and shouted with her mind: "Do it!"

"I don't even know what to do!" Zerrex responded in a cracked voice... but at the same time he did, his hands automatically twisting against the dark orb before he arched his back, his eyes bulging and a tear of blood leaking from one of them as pain shot through his entire body, his heart thudding to a halt in his chest for a moment... and then he leaned forwards with a cry of pain as that terrible energy flooded into his being, as he felt it twisting and writhing through him like a living thing and a dark voice telling him over and over to give in... and the Drakkaren gritted his teeth, falling to his knees then down on his face, his hands sealed against the orb as the dark lightning crackled over his body as an image of Xerrez's lunatic grin filled his mind...

And then it began to die down as he rolled onto his back with a groan, a bit of steam rising from his body as he managed to release the orb, now gripping the dull, rubber-looking thing in one hand as he lay sprawled on the floor. Marina dropped down beside him, touching his chest with her palm... and then he reached up and yanked her down into a passionate, hungry kiss, their mouths working together furiously for a few moments before he shoved her back by the shoulder and growled: "Do you know what I want?"

Marina licked her lips hungrily, her breath picking up as she looked at him with something like joy... before he shook his head quickly and groaned, wincing a bit as he fell back against the ground and mumbled: "I want you to stop pulling crap like this, Marina, because one day you're going to either kill me or corrupt me."

The female Drakkaren dropped her head a bit at this, flushing deeply... and then she murmured quietly: "I'm sorry Daddy. And I'm sorry for lying to you..." She kneeled quietly beside him, and he blinked dumbly before she took a deep breath, then he stared as she blew a small stream of flame. She coughed a moment later, and a burst of smoke came out instead of fire, the female flushing a bit as she lay down atop his strong body, stroking his abdominals gently as she whispered, a tear rolling down her cheek: "I didn't want to hide it... but I didn't want everyone to know... only you're supposed to know everything about me..."

"When did that start, Marina?" Zerrex asked quietly, rubbing a hand soothingly over her back... and she blushed a bit as she glanced up at him, murmuring what sounded like ‘a day ago,' but he couldn't be sure. So he only looked at her for a few more moments... and then she quietly slid on top of him, straddling him and picking up the orb from his hand to gaze down into it quietly at the nothingness it held inside, a large crack now in the glass-like exterior of the strange stone.

Before Zerrex could ask anything else, he glanced up at the sound of the front door bursting open and rapid footsteps down the hall... before Cherry cursed loudly at the sight of the stone, immediately stepping backwards and holding her hands up as she looked from Zerrex to Marina before settling her gaze on the latter and snapping: "Fucking Hell! Didn't we just have a talk about pulling shit like this?"

"Fuck off." Marina said distastefully, before she glared as Cherry stomped forwards, and the demonic female grunted, wincing and trying to push against Marina's telekinetic push before the younger girl hissed: "I said, fuck-"

"Marina, stop it." Zerrex said quietly, and immediately Marina calmed, Cherry falling forwards and squawking before she landed on the male Drakkaren, and he grunted loudly before glaring at her as she looked up sheepishly, wheezing: "You did that on purpose. Now get off me, you weigh a ton."

"I'll show you a ton." Cherry grumbled, then she sat up rudely on his chest, her large buttocks in his face as Zerrex flailed aimlessly with a wince, but she refused to budge as she looked across seriously at Marina, despite their awkward positioning. "Look, Marina. I know you meant well. But those things are rare, even in Hell... and the energy comin' off it was fuckin' malevolent. Do you really think you did the Boss a favor with that shit you just pulled?"

"All that matters is Daddy is the strongest and the best..." Marina responded softly, slowly rubbing at Zerrex's abdominals, her eyes locked with Cherry's. "By whatever means necessary. I don't care what happens to anyone else."

Cherry winced a bit at this... then stood quickly and glanced at Cindy as she stepped into the doorway, followed by a meek-looking Mahihko. "Marina forced the energy that was in that stone she's holding down Zerrex's throat... Hell's energy. You know, to make him stronger and speed up whatever changes getting hit by that radiation from the Black Hole is going to cause."

"Wonderful." Cindy murmured, then she sighed a bit, Marina glaring over them both and Zerrex rubbing at his head slowly, looking lost, before the middle daughter finally forced a smile and said after a moment: "Why don't I order in some pizza? It'll probably take a few hours to get here with the military action going on and the whole zombie issue, but I guess that's fine for everyone right now."

"Sure... but I need to talk to you all about Lunis, as well." Zerrex said quietly, and Marina stood as he moved a bit, before helping her father to his feet. He grunted, rubbing at his bad leg slowly, then glanced around the tense room before making a bit of a face. "But maybe we should all sit somewhere else."

Zerrex sat quietly at the kitchen table, eating a cold slice of pepperoni pizza and looking dejectedly at an old family picture he kept in his wallet, from the simple days when Marina had been a child. Sure, even back then she'd been a little tomboy and her father's daughter... but it had been Narrius who had truly destroyed the sweet little girl she'd been and turned her into the obsessive, cruel adult she'd grown into... not that she didn't have her good qualities, of course. But when she began to mix up the difference between being a daughter and being a worshipful slave... then things started to get complicated.

He'd gone over the information he'd gleaned from the general with them in the meeting room, the most neutral territory he could find in the small, ramshackle home they shared... and then he'd dismissed them to do various tasks, in the hopes they'd all cool down. Cindy went to the medical laboratory with Mahihko tagging along to find out what she could about the effects of the Black Holes' radiation, Cherry went cheerfully off to the local military complex to imitate a soldier and steal whatever files she could, and Marina took a walk around the city to see if she could find any information with her mind-reading on what the hell was going on. Zerrex then had taken the time to fiddle with the transmission frequency before contacting Albatross and going over what he'd learned, and they'd argued a bit about what to do before the Dragokkaren finally muttered he could probably have Zerrex and his family illegally transported on a small cargo vessel to one of the Juggernauts surrounding the island... but they'd have to figure out how to stowaway on the vessel themselves and moreover, reach the island without being blasted by either the gigantic warships or a submarine torpedo.

On the other hand, his idea didn't go over as well: Cindy returned in a good mood, and Cherry returned in a full-male form with a stupid grin on a now-his face, but then Marina returned with his motorcycle keys and three fingers from three different people, and Mahihko had promptly run to the bathroom and even Cherry had gaped dumbly, before the female had crossed her arms defensively and said darkly: "Don't give me that look. Like you wouldn't've done the same thing to the little bastards."

He'd had to stop a fight, and then they'd eaten together, glares flying around the table every so often before everyone had retreated to their rooms... and that had been it, thankfully, leaving him to sit in his study and look over the notes Cherry had brought him until he'd felt a bit more hungry than he had during the awkward dinner, and he'd decided to go and grab himself a bite to eat.

He straightened a bit, giving a sigh... and then Cherry wandered into the room and sat down at the table, still in the body of the male Drakkaren and grinning at him toothily. The now-his scales were dark blue and his eyes a matching aquamarine, just a bit shorter than Zerrex and wearing nothing more than a pair of jeans to show off his sculpted, muscular chest... and he looked at Zerrex with a gleam in his eye, saying teasingly in Cherry's natural voice: "I've never been fucked as a guy... wanna pop my black cherry, Boss? I can even make myself bigger if that gets you off."

"Not tonight, Cherry." Zerrex said morbidly, eating the last bit of crust before wiping his hands together and looking idly over him and frowning thoughtfully. "Did you go all doppelganger on someone to get that body?"

"Yeah, took out a lieutenant or some shit." Cherry shrugged a bit. "Just enough clearance to get me inside in his uniform, and then I stole some keycards here and there. Tell you what though, Mahihko got all hot and bothered looking at me... I almost reamed the little whore's bitch ass, but I really wanted you to get the first throw at me as a guy." He winked, leaning forwards and leering. "So come on. Looks like I just gave you some genius idea... now you have to have sex with me."

"Cherry, I'm not in the mood." Zerrex made a face at him â€" her? It? I'm confused. â€" and then began to walk past, when he heard the sound of her shifting before a pair of big, muscular arms wrapped around him and pulled him back against a muscular male chest with a teasing growl. The reptile struggled a bit, but he was held tight, and he tried hard to suppress a smile as he felt a tongue drag slowly against his neck, Cherry grinding his crotch and something amply-thick beneath his pants against his backside. "Cherry..."

"You know you want it... I know what you and Mahihko do sometimes, not just when he's a little bitch but when he's big... but even then, he's still a bitch, right?" He breathed against his neck, and then strong hands slowly caressed his bare chest, tracing gently along his scars as he added playfully: "Or what, are you begging for me to put this big cock up your ass, is that it?"

Zerrex grinned as he spun around in the male's grip, then he shoved a now twelve-foot Cherry back against the kitchen table with the body of his cane before tossing it away and pinning him with one of his hands on the muscular male's abdominals, drawing his eyes slowly over Cherry and the large bulge that was threatening to tear his jeans at the crotch, before he leaned in close as the male-Cherry grinned back at him hungrily, saying teasingly: "You are such a slut, you know that?"

"Hey, I can have it every way now..." His eyelids half-closed seductively, and he leaned upwards a bit, reaching one hand up to grasp Zerrex's shoulder as the other slid down to pop open the fly of his jeans, revealing nothing beneath as an already foot-long cock pushed free of its confines, already thicker than the Drakkaren's own was. "And I want it every way you'll let me take it, Boss... ‘cause no matter what I am, I'm still your second..."

"Mine..." Zerrex breathed softly, and then he reached down, stepping back as he fumbled at the fly of his own jeans, feeling his own member starting to grow erect as he quickly shoved down the fabric of his pants and boxers as Cherry tore at the now-his own jeans, his massive musculature tearing them and leaving flaps of pants half-hanging off his legs as the Drakkaren growled teasingly, leaning suddenly forwards and throwing one of the larger male's legs over his shoulder as he said teasingly: "Every time we screw lately, your clothes go up in shreds..." A pause, then he added in a growl: "Please me."

Cherry grinned as he looked up at him, then he slid back a bit onto the table, breathing a bit harder as his horns and fins pushed out of his head, scales changing and body bulging with greater muscle even as he shrank a bit, and Zerrex half gaped as he found himself staring once more at Cherry... except a male Cherry, breast-and-nipple-less, but with a bulging, massive penis that was quickly growing towards a full erection, thick and meaty, one of his hands gripping this as he flexed gargantuan muscles and looked up at him, saying in a teasing voice that still remained the same as it had always been: "How's this?" A pause, and then a wide grin. "Fuck, Boss, the fun we are going to have with what I can do with my body now..."

The Drakkaren licked his lips slowly, responding playfully: "Oh well, at least I'll never grow bored, yes..." A grin as Cherry snorted, and then he glanced down as his own shaft came to full erection, before he looked amusedly at the difference between their large penises: the same deep black in coloration, but his was at least a foot longer, and almost half as thick again around... and he leaned over the other now-male, growling down at him lightly as he looked back up hungrily: "Trying to outdo me with this?" He grasped the other's shaft and squeezed it firmly, causing Cherry to groan. "Or are you just that hungry for cock?"

"More the latter, I think... ugh... oh, Boss, fuck me... let me feel it..." Cherry panted up to him, his eyes alight... and the Drakkaren grinned as he drew back, grasping his shaft and stroking it teasingly before stepping close, and a moment later the other male paused as he felt his bulging head press against his tailhole, adding quickly: "Hey, maybe we should get some lube or I should suck you off fir-"

The Drakkaren thrust hard forwards with a groan of pleasure, both of his hands locking into the other male's waist, and Cherry let out a loud yell of pain and surprise, his back arching and his eyes bulging, yet his expression blissful as Zerrex let out a groan himself at the tightness that surrounded his massive shaft, before he pushed forwards again, sinking it more than halfway as a bit of blood spilled out around his shaft, and he growled hungrily, his muscular body flexing as he grunted: "There's your lube."

Cherry writhed on the table, and then Zerrex thrusted forwards a last time, sinking to the hilt and causing the now-male to release a long moan of ecstasy, Cherry's hand reaching down to grasp his own penis and begin to stroke it rapidly, the tip already leaking pre as Zerrex started up a rapid, hard rhythm in and out of the other male's anus, grinning down at him as Cherry's body flexed and bulged, the male's huge musculature causing the table to groan... or perhaps the hard thrusts as Zerrex kept both hands locked tightly into his hips, leaning over him with a growl as the other male looked up at him with a loud groan, their eyes locking.

He leaned forwards, and they kissed hungrily, Cherry wrapping his free arm around Zerrex's neck as their tongues worked and twisted together, the other hand still rapidly stroking his own hot flesh as he began to buck his hips against the Drakkaren's thrusts, working back against the thick meat ripping deep into his tailhole. One of his legs wrapped around the reptile's waist as the other bounced on his shoulder, the reptile's claws digging lightly into his hips as he grunted hungrily into Cherry's maw, and then the kiss broke as he arched his back with a long moan. "Fuck... fuck... fuck... oh fuck..."

Another groan of ecstasy, his back arching up against the reptile, and Zerrex felt the other male's hand scraping against his own masculine chest before he straightened and suddenly drew back, and Cherry stared for a moment as Zerrex stepped backwards before the reptile flipped him over onto his stomach and yanked him back off the table, feet scrabbling for purchase against the floor for a moment and his cock still in one hand before the Drakkaren reached a hand up and grabbed the back of his head, shoving him down onto the table as he repositioned himself with the other hand, grunting hungrily as the bulging head of his obsidian member shoved back into Cherry's wide-stretched rosebud, and he tore to the hilt in a single thrust, the now-male arching his back with a half-cry of bliss, releasing his cock in favor of grasping the table with both hands, thrusting instead into the air from the powerful pistons of the male behind him.

The whole table rocked with Zerrex's thrusts into Cherry, his hand sliding down to his upper back as the other almost-playfully slapped his ass hard, grinning down at him and growling over the sounds of the reptile's moans of pleasure: "Do you like it, slut? Is it everything you dreamed about, bitch?"

"Yes, oh fuck yes it is!" Cherry replied between moans, arching his back as he felt his own large testicles being slapped over and over again by Zerrex's, sweat beginning to bead over his body as he panted hard, his tail raised high and half-wrapping around Zerrex's waist as he groaned: "Harder, please! Oh, fuck me harder, Master!"

Zerrex was all too glad to comply, slamming his body forwards as he arched his back slightly, his hips sending his full plus-thirty-inch length into the male's tight anus with every thrust and drawing out over a foot with every pull back, his testicles striking with tremendous force into the now-male's at every piston forwards with a wonderful, thick slap of meat-against-meat that almost overrode the sound of him burying his cock into the fellow reptile's body. It was wonderful because it was feral, his body filled with ecstasy and his muscles bulging so powerfully they threatened to tear the tight hide of scale over his form, his grin wide and eyes burning with domination as Cherry moaned beneath him, his jaws agape with pleasure and her own eyes half-closed in what could be intense agony or unmatched bliss.

Zerrex lost track of time as he pounded him, slowing his thrusts every time either he or Cherry came close to orgasm: he would draw himself backwards inch-by-inch with cruel laziness, then push in with the same speed as Cherry would writhe against the table, sometimes gyrating his hips once he hilted and making the now-male beg for him to hammer his body with all the force he body could muster... but he would only growl teasingly and refuse. Finally, he sat back on a chair with Cherry's back pressing tight against his chiseled stomach, and he grasped his hips tightly, whispering beside his muzzle: "I'm going to take you all the way now, bitch... and once I start, I won't stop until I get my pleasure, too."

"Alright, Boss..." Cherry murmured to him, licking his own muzzle slowly and panting hard as she pressed against his back, then he wrapped an arm around Zerrex's shoulders, grinning as he reached down to stroke his own wet, pulsing cock slowly. "It won't take me long to get off..."

Zerrex merely grinned in reply, and then he began to thrust; slowly at first, almost teasingly, as Cherry groaned and worked his hips backwards in time, stroking his shaft in synch with their movements, before the Drakkaren gained speed a bit... and after a few minutes, Cherry was bouncing viciously, his head bobbing up and down with cries of pleasure as blood leaked out over the Drakkaren's testicles, the other male stroking his own cock as fast as he could as the steel-hard tower of black flesh penetrated him deeper than he felt he'd ever been in any other form.

His shaft felt like steel, hard and standing tall as a tower, the head slapping against his thickly-muscled chest and his body flexing to the point where his scales had broken in some areas simply from the muscle pushing against it, and his testicles jounced up and down so hard they were literally throbbing with pain... but the sexual bliss rising through his body outweighed it all, as he growled hungrily, begging for more inarticulately, Zerrex snarling beside him like an animal as thrust after thrust rocketed into his body... and then he arched his back, letting out a near-scream of pleasure as he forced his hand to stroke himself even backwards, bucking his hips wildly into his own hand as his orgasm hit and his seed blasted into the air, splattering all over his own face as he leaned forwards into the thick spray and almost reaching the ceiling with the force it had been fired.

Volley after volley fired out of Cherry's massive cock, splattering all over the lizard as Zerrex grinned widely and hungrily, his eyes burning as he leaned back and put his full force into releasing his own load, his own shaft rock-hard inside the now-male... and as Cherry continued to fire, the thick semen splattering all over the kitchen, Zerrex put all his efforts into getting himself off inside the male as his tight passage clenched around the reptile's shaft with his own orgasm.

Even as his orgasm ended, Cherry was still crying out as Zerrex shoved him forwards, landing on his knees and falling on his face in a puddle of his seed as the Drakkaren leaned forwards behind him, hammering his own shaft over and over into the male's anus in a kneel over his body, grunting hungrily as one hand rested on the now-male's back and the claws of his other hand sank into his hip, Cherry moaning hungrily and tasting his seed in his mouth as his sensitive cock throbbed painfully in his hand. Thrust after thrust rammed into him in a daze, time once more lost until his eyes bulged as Zerrex roared and arched his back, his massive shaft turning to hot iron inside his body as thrusts that were almost vicious hammered into him again, again, and again before the male began to pour his seed into him in volleys that felt like shotgun blasts.

Cherry cried out on the floor, body spasming and rocking with the Drakkaren's thrusts before he finally began to slow... and then Zerrex half-fell onto his back, panting hungrily as Cherry groaned loudly beneath him, and then he mumbled stupidly: "And just think... I can be anyone in the world for you, Boss, so we can do this every night."

"You wish." Zerrex panted softly, then he slowly extracted himself, blood and seed spilling out of the reptile's anus as Cherry fell flat, before crawling up to his feet, a mess of blood, sweat, and semen. He looked down at himself, grinned stupidly, and then Zerrex held up a hand as he opened his arms for a hug, muttering: "I will tear off your penis if you even think about touching me. You made the mess, you clean it up."

"Hey, you're the one who made the mess!" Cherry replied with a glare, and they looked at each other angrily for a few moments before Zerrex smiled slightly and Cherry shook his head with a faint grin, rubbing at one horn and grumbling: "I guess I can clean this mess up and shower... but I want to see you in bed in about an hour, asshole."

"Fine." Zerrex rose his hands, looking over Cherry with quiet amusement, then he made a face at his pants and cane, both of them splattered with seed. "Ugh... well... I'm going to go clean myself off."

With that, he half-limped off down the hall, Cherry mumbling something about ‘just a little mess on them' before going about the now-his own duties... before Zerrex blinked a bit as a hand reached out from his open office and grasped his still-erect cock, dragging him slowly forwards and inside.

The door closed behind him, and Zerrex fell back against it with a grunt as Marina looked up at him with a grin and her cheeks flushed, whispering softly: "Shut up and relax..." A pause as she looked over him, the Drakkaren looking half-horrified, before he groaned quietly in pleasure as she dragged her tongue slowly over the body of his shaft.

He clutched the doorhandle in one hand, the other pressing back against the wood as he tried to mumble something about that just being in Cherry's ass, and Marina said softly: "I know... I was watching you two..." She licked her own muzzle slowly, then pushed her mouth back against his steel-hard cock, lapping at it slowly and pushing her body close... and he realized a moment later she was completely naked. "Shut up, Daddy... just enjoy it..."

Her tongue travelled over his shaft, cleaning him thoroughly and lapping at every trace of seed she could find, pressing her muzzle and face against his thick, hard black meat with a quiet moan every so often as Zerrex felt himself breathing hard â€" after the massive orgasm he'd just had, his shaft felt surprisingly-sensitive, and he could tell Marina was exploiting that as she first teased him with her tongue like she knew he loved... and then, the moment she had thoroughly cleaned him off, she lowered her head to begin slowly lapping at his navy testicles and the base of his enormous cock, one hand reaching up to grip his hip and the other the top half of his member, stroking it slowly and occasionally rubbing along the flange of his penis.

He looked down at her, panting a bit harder as she continued to stroke and lap teasingly at him, feeling a flush rising in his face as his eyes bulged at the how quickly his second orgasm was approaching, before she shifted, drawing her hand over the head of his shaft and then releasing his penis, getting up on her knees with a quiet moan to finally settle her mouth over the head of the shaft, taking it down her throat as she arched her back and began to massage the sides of his gigantic member with her firm breasts. She moved up and down as he did his best to resist from thrusting, a stupid groan rolling out of his muzzle as he winced and fell slack-jawed at how good it was...

She moved expertly up and down his shaft, her breasts supported by her hands and tightly gripping the sides of his long member, her jaws easily taking in the thick, gargantuan black penis as her tongue worked and lapped at the head of his shaft inside her muzzle... and images flickered in front of his eyes of Marina doing all sorts of things to him... and him doing all sorts of things to her, but every one of them pushing him further and further towards the edge as she sought to make him orgasm.

It was almost like a battle he knew he was doomed to lose, as he grit his teeth and mumbled incoherently, closing his eyes and trying to drown out the thoughts he was having... but his mind had turned traitor and concentration was nowhere to be found as he felt her continuing to rapidly pleasure him, moaning quietly now around his girthy ebony shaft as at the same time he saw a clear image of her screaming in ecstasy with her hands shackled behind her back, as he held her outside over the railing of a tower and rammed her with his thick cock as she had orgasm after orgasm, all the while begging, begging to be used harder...

Zerrex's eyes rolled back in his head and then he groaned loudly, almost breaking off the doorhandle as he thrust weakly a few times, his shaft once more hardening past the point of comfort and becoming almost agonizing as he released a second orgasm only minutes after the first into Marina's maw, the female greedily swallowing his seed before drawing back and moaning as she stroked it rapidly over her face, gazing up at him lovingly as his eyes opened to gaze down at her with shock, seed that was barely a sprinkle compared to what had happened before spurting out several times over her features and bosom... and then somehow she managed to milk another sizeable squirt â€" and then two â€" out of him as she stroked him faster and more images spiraled through his mind, his testicles throbbing lightly as she murred hungrily, now splattered with a good amount of his seed before she stood up and kissed his dazed face.

His eyes widened as he felt his own seed being pushed gently back into his maw, as her tongue worked with his, and he groaned quietly into her muzzle as she squeezed his penis at the same time... and he swallowed his own stuff after a moment, blinking stupidly at her as she drew her lips slowly back, a streamer of drool and who knew what else hanging between their mouths, her eyes half-lidded as she murmured softly: "I love you, Daddy... thank you for that..." A pause and a slight smile, adding teasingly as she stepped beside him, the Drakkaren sliding along the wall away from the door: "I figured I'd share some of your own nectar with you, too... you make me so hot, after all..."

He glanced down, and she let out a soft moan as she spread the lips of her sex for him with two fingers, his eyes widening at the sight of her delicious sex and how wet she was, the liquid of what might have been an orgasm who-knew-when-ago-tonight still tricking down her thighs... and then she grinned a bit, sliding one of her fingers into herself, moaning and making a show of arching her back before stepping forwards, and he stared as she slipped a finger gently into his muzzle, and now the Drakkaren could taste her, could smell her, and Gods, it was shocking how sweet and wonderful it was... and then he bit his tongue as she reached down and grasped his still-hard cock, murmuring softly: "If you want to do more, I'm here, Daddy... I'm more than ready for you... and I can see in your eyes how much you want me, how much you want to taste me and then split me in half... and with a cock that big, you know you could..."

Her eyes positively sparkled... and with a great feat of willpower, Zerrex shook his head slowly, speaking quietly: "Thank you for the... the fun, Marina, but... not tonight. I need to clean off and..."

"I'll help you!" Marina said brightly, and then she hugged him tightly, the Drakkaren wincing as his erection ground between their bodies, the female murmuring: "I'm always glad to help Daddy, after all..."

Five minutes later, Marina sat across from Zerrex in the large-size tub that easily accommodated both their bodies... but she was sitting in his lap, even though he had thankfully forced his erection to go away by thinking of the general and his hideous teeth and temperament. Marina, however, obviously had changed her priorities, as she cheerfully soaped over his body, looking at him lovingly and she played her hands over his powerful musculature, the water stinging his wounds â€" but on the bright side, his body seemed to have healed faster than his already-very-fast normal, and even his stitches looked like they could come out now.

She smiled at him softly as he looked down at her, and this... this made him happy. It was sensual, sure, and it wasn't something that ninety-nine percent of society would share with their families â€" at least, not in the same way â€" but for him, it was right. Daddy and daughter, sharing a bath together, and for once not focused on sex or power or making sure that father knew which girl loved him most in the whole world... but just love and affection, as her breasts gently pressed against his chest, and then she slowly massaged over his back as she curled against him, her eyes closed as she drew soap gently along his spine at the same time.

Marina shifted backwards, and then they shared a chaste, light kiss before she wiggled around and held the soap over her shoulder, saying softly: "Do me, huh, Daddy?"

He smiled a bit, then nodded and replied gently: "Of course, Marina," before taking the soap and slowly rubbing it down her back. She breathed softly at his touch, letting out a relieved sigh, and he rubbed lightly over her back before pulling her tight against his body with his other arm around her waist, and slowly, gently, he rubbed over her stomach, her head lowering and eyes closing, before he trailed upwards and slowly over one breast, and then the other. He took his time with them as Marina moaned quietly in pleasure, before he rolled the soap over her collarbone and up to her neck, and then he built up a lather in his hands, placing the bar of soap aside for a moment before he gently grasped her swells and began to fondle them slowly, murring softly to his daughter as she pressed against him lovingly, nuzzling his neck tenderly as his hands worked slowly over her bosom, one thumb gently flicking a nipple as the other grasped the right swell and squeezed lightly.

After a few moments, he drew his hands away, then once more picked up the bar of soap and drew it down her stomach this time, over her waist and slowly down between her legs, rubbing it lightly against the lips of her sex and making her twitch with a half-grin and quiet grunt, before he leaned slightly past her and slowly rubbed up and down along her inner thigh. She breathed a bit harder, and then he smiled slightly as he turned her around for a moment, and Marina moved easily in his grip before leaning back for him as he spread her legs, raising one gently and slowly tracing the soap along the length of it and then gently back down.

He repeated the same with the other, then allowed her to turn back around as he placed the soap aside... and she leaned back against him immediately, the two sinking into the hot water with quiet sighs of contentment, the water quietly sloshing at the edges of the tub. Her hands gripped his sides gently, and his arms stayed around her waist, one of his hands slipping up to gently grasp a breast.

They lay there for a few minutes peacefully... and then the door opened and Cherry walked in before leering at them, and the two stared as the currently male version of the sex-crazed demon flexed his arms, his biceps bulging hugely as he growled teasingly: "Well, if the party ain't coming to me, I'm coming to the party!"

Forty minutes later, Marina stumbled out bowleggedly, looking tired and satisfied despite the fact she was still bleeding a bit, before Cherry and Zerrex walked out, leaning against each other and the former back in her true body, wincing and muttering: "I thought that if I changed out of male form, my balls wouldn't hurt anymore. But now I think my ovaries do."

"I didn't think you had ovaries. I didn't think you had a womb, either." Zerrex muttered in return, as they staggered towards their room and touching his own sensitive privates. "I thought it just connected to a bottomless pit. But don't worry, the joke's on her... it sucks for us now but Marina won't be sitting right for at least most of tomorrow, and we'll be fine in a few hours."

"Yeah, well, feel thankful I don't want you to bang me again." Cherry muttered as they walked into Zerrex's bedroom, and then she collapsed on the extra-large bed as Zerrex searched his dresser for a pair of boxers and pants, the female adding in a muffled voice: "I did clean everything up, though... I left your cane on the table and I'm not going to get it, I don't care how crippled you are."

"I hate you." Zerrex said morbidly, as he sat down on the dresser and carefully pulled on his boxers and pants, then he did up the fly as Cherry crawled towards the pillows, grumbling something back at him incoherently before she flopped over. He made a face as he slipped under the blankets, and Cherry immediately tried to steal it away from him, resulting in a short struggle before Zerrex finally sighed and allowed her to curl up on his chest, mumbling: "You know, this is going to take some getting used to. With your horns and those pointy fins, there's like... a ninety percent chance you're going to stab me through the jaw in your sleep or something."

Cherry made a face, then she fidgeted a bit to lay on her back against him, her horns on either side of the Drakkaren's muzzle, grunting in return: "See? The fins are pretty soft, they just look all dangerous and shit. And count yourself lucky... it's hard as balls for me to get comfortable enough to sleep with my head like this."

Zerrex made a random sound in return, and then they lay together for a few moments, one of Cherry's hands reaching down to settle quietly on his as they locked around her waist, and she finally said softly: "Do you think Lunis is going to hold out?"

The Drakkaren looked down at this, then he sighed a bit and shook his head slowly, murmuring quietly back: "I don't know, Cherry... but there's no point in rushing down there half-cocked. It's better we take another night to actually rest after what happened in the Arctic, and then we can arm ourselves up and take the railway tomorrow down south. It's a long trip across Ire, though... and even after that, we'll still have to figure out how to get to Lunis."

"But we do at least have the means to shut the Black Hole... assuming this Hollow Stone shit actually works." Cherry added, then she made a bit of a face, shaking her head slowly. "God-damn, Zerrex. Marina's behavior lately... it's... it scares me, you know? I think that Hell's wormed its way inside her mind..." A pause and a bit of a smile. "But you should have my memories locked away in your head there, right?"

"Yeah, but it's not like I actually... remember... them, so to speak." Zerrex shook his head a bit, and Cherry tilted her own curiously as the Drakkaren made a face. "It's like... I dunno. Maybe because we had to cover such a huge frame of time, I'm only actually seeing your memories when something triggers it... say, like... the type of a demon, like how I automatically knew you had become a Dius... but wasn't anything I consciously thought or understood until I said it. It's hard to explain."

"Alright... but if I prompt you with uh... say... Marina's really acting out her sins." Cherry said, brightening a bit, and Zerrex let out a soft breath as the sensation of déjà vu washed over him, and he saw what looked like a massive pit â€" and in the center of this, an enormous tower that stretched up to the sky, with some palace above...

"The Abyss..." Zerrex murmured, and then he nodded slowly, saying quietly: "Like she's being consumed by the powers of Greed and Envy..." A pause and a slight smile as he glanced down at Cherry, adding quietly: "Whereas you are Lust and Wrath... and if you'd spent more time in Hell honing your powers, you wouldn't have those aching ovaries, right?"

"Fuck that's some scary shit." Cherry said mildly, and then she grinned stupidly, looking up at Zerrex with bright eyes. "I just had an awesome idea. Let's go find the biggest sluts in the world and get Marina to rip their memories so I can have some extra masturbation material and fucking-style ideas."

Zerrex groaned loudly at this, and Cherry laughed, before the Drakkaren reached over to turn off his lamp, leaving them in darkness as the demoness mumbled something about him being a spoilsport. "Goodnight to you too, Cherry."