Chance Meeting on Halloween

Story by MishkaHusky on SoFurry

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Ok, so here's my Halloween themed story! I wanted to try creating a horrific scene, and I feel like I failed. But "Ben's Story" is the horror section of the story. Criticism would be appreciated, and a part will be posted before the 31st! Enjoy!

As a sidenote, i'm sorry if I failed miserably at the horror section of the story.

Sara sat on her bed crying... The young tabby had her knees hugged close to her small chest, crushing the cheap chest of her Halloween costume. She lowers her head and sobs, not hearing someone step out of the darkness of her closet... A lone figure, a succubus gently walked over to the bed. Her name was Rika, she was mostly human, she had red eyes, soft white skin, and has 2 black marks on each cheek. Her forearms and lower legs seemed more lizard like, with soft red scales to match her lizard tail and horns that curved back from just behind her hairline toward the back of her head. She was hoping to eat some terrified memories tonight, but she felt too sorry for Sara not to help. Rika steps near Sara and reaches out, but stops her hand and sighs softly. She whispers gently, "Don't cry..."

Sara looks up, her eyes red from crying. "Wh-Who are you..?" she gets out. Rika offers a gentle smile and sits with the kitten. "I'm Rika, I was wandering the city but I felt so much sadness coming from here that I just had to come see why such a cute child is crying so hard on Halloween."

The Tabby kitten was too young to understand why Rika was dressed the way she was, but she tells her her story. How her single father worked so hard to make her a costume and even took her to a party hosted by her school. Sara even told the demon why she was crying. A group of older children on the campus thought it would be fun to humiliate her by splashing some water on her then putting her in the spotlight saying she peed herself. Rika listened to the young kitten's story, never interrupting or losing interest. Once she finishes Sara starts crying again, but Rika gently gives her a kiss on the cheek. Rika lays back and rolls to face Sara, telling her some stories from her own life to help amuse the kitten. Eventually though it gets late and Sara starts to get drowsy... Rika smiles, "I'll make you a deal. You get a good night's rest, and tomorrow, nobody will even remember what happened. And no bullies will bother you any more... Okay?" Sara lets Rika lay her down and cover her with her bedsheet, "Okay..." she replies with a sniffle. As Rika goes to leave Sara sits up, "Wait!" Rika turns back, Sara smiles, "Thank you for being so nice to me. I'll repay you someday, I.. I'll be your wife!" Rika blinks but smiles and chuckles. "Then I look forward to that day, little one." Rika gives Sara a wink as she walks out of her

Rika was true to her word. The next week at school nobody even mentioned what happened. But the boy that orchestrated it was absent from school for a week, when he finally returned he was different, he seemed very paranoid, jumpy. Sara didn't take much notice of it, she just spent some time wondering about Rika. She was so beautiful, yet childishly playful as she talked with Sara. Sara couldn't wait to meet her again!

9 years later

Sara stood in front of her mirror wearing a lovely Victorian dress, she even had a fancy mask to go with it. She looked over her body where the dress hugged her, she loved how her body filled in over the years. This was her first Halloween party in her new town, so she couldn't help but be nervous. Sara sighed softly and smiled, heading for her apartment door to head out.

Having an apartment was cheaper than the dorms, and it gave her the freedom to live alone. Only problem is that it took awhile to get to campus, which meant walking 10 blocks in her dress to get to the party. Wasn't much of a problem for Sara, she was athletic, and well built. The tabby walked along humming, in a college town the outfit wasn't unusual, especially not tonight.

Ever since she was a kitten Sara had a love for Halloween. Movies, Games, Stories, she loved all of it! Nothing made her more excited on this night than to curl up on the couch and watch some terrifying movies! But for some reason she was never scared of them. Wasn't a big deal, she still enjoyed the stories and experience. Sara looked up as she approached the college campus. It was nice going to an out of town university, but things still felt so different than her hometown. As she stretched she thought about how comfortable her freshman year had been so far. Sara made friends easily, was somewhat popular, it was a good college life.

As she walked inside the building Sara saw a German Shepherd she knew from class moving a dolly toward the cafeteria. Sara didn't have any real attraction to men and everyone knew it, a bunch of guys wanted her but she would always gently turn them down. Being such a nice girl Sara walks up to him, "Hey Ben, what'cha moving?" He looks up and smiles, the dog ironically dressed as a werewolf. "Grabbing more drinks, party's already started after all." As he pulls the dolly off Sara follow shim, offering to help him move the drinks faster.

The kitchen was lit solely for people to get drinks from the refrigerator. It was eerily quiet as the pair entered, Sara walked over to the fridge and pulled the door open, not suspecting anything as shes suddenly grabbed from behind! Sara thrashes, realizing Ben has her in a hold as she suddenly slammed against a table, her head pushed down against it! Sara tries to push away from the table, panicking when she hears a belt buckle rattle... "W-Wait don't!" she cries out! His paws leave her as he cries out in pain behind her, a sickening crack filled the room and silence......

Sara turned around, tears starting to well in her eyes as she looks back. She had never been this scared, she finds Ben laying on the floor, his cheek swollen, his arm obviously broken. Standing over him is a familiar figure... Sara swallows hard, backing up, but her back only meets the table, gasping as a pair of red eyes meet her own. Sara trembles, the memories of when she was 10 coming back... "R-Rika..?" The woman lets out a small chuckle, at least this time she was properly dressed, wearing a dress fitting for a party. "Hey there kitten.. I told you no bullies would bother you anymore." Sara chokes out a laugh, she steps forward and gives Rika a hug, "Thanks... Its been so long." The succubus wraps her arms around Sara's waist and pats her back gently. "I know, but I was keeping an eye on you." Sara moves back some, but keeping her paws on Rika's hips, and shakes her head. "You haven't aged a day.." Rika smirks, "And you aged like a fine wine." she replies with a smile.

Rika looks over at the drinks. "How about we get these and leave this pile of crap here?" Sara looks down at Ben, she stomps his back with her heel, hard. "Yeah, lets go ahead and get out of here."

Rika moves the drinks for Sara, the feline still a little shook up from nearly being raped by someone she thought was a friend. Rika pushes the dolly along, reaching over to grab Sara's paw and pull her along to get her attention. "So tell me, how did a pretty thing like you end up without a date?" the succubus asks. Sara squeezes Rika's hand and laughs nervously.. "Nobody that asked interested me." She replies. Rika Hmm's to herself before asking, "So what kind of person does interest you?" Sara pulls Rika back to stop her, looking up into the demon's eyes, her gold eyes meeting Rika's red ones.. "A certain demon with a heart that saved me from what would have caused me to be depressed for years... A certain demon I've waited to meet again." Rika just stares back, slightly shocked by those words. Rika releases the dolly and gently takes Sara's other paw, leaning in slowly, just close enough... "You know, most people run from demons..." Sara squeezes Rika's hands. "I guess I just have a good reason not to fear them." she replies, only moments before Rika leans forward and presses her lips to Sara's, making the feline moan as she pushes back gently, willingly giving her first kiss to Rika.

Several minutes later the drinks are left with the person selling them, Rika and Sara heading out onto the dance floor. The Succubus would never admit it, but she was nervous, everyone could see her. Everyone could see the demon, some were freaked out, but thankfully it wasn't a big deal on Halloween. Rika pulled Sara close to herself, falling into the gentle rhythm of the music...

And they stayed like that, Sara laying her head on Rika's larger bust, listening to her heartbeat. The tabby was finally where she always wanted to be. Rika let Sara's paws rest on her waist, wrapping her own arms around her loosely, slowly dancing with her...

_ Ben's story _

Ben laid in a puddle of vegetable oil, spilled from his short fight. He groans as he stands up, looking around at the dark, eerily quiet room. He looks over at his arm, he could have sworn it was broken but it seems fine. The Shepherd groaned as he walked toward the door, looking for the light switch. Had the party ended and nobody ever went looking for him?

It didn't matter, he grabbed the small box and flipped the switch. Nothing. The canine sighed and moved along, the emergency lights in the halls were on at least, he spots a shadow in the corner of his eye! Ben turns quick just in time to see a bit of red move around the corner. It was the bitch that beat him wasn't it! _"I would have had that little slut's pussy if not for her..."_he though, he took off after her, spinning around the corner and yelling out, "HEY, BITCH!" But nothing... Nobody was there, the lights dead. Ben groaned and moved along, heading toward the gym to see if the party was still on, he might as well grab some soda and a snack since he isn't getting any pussy.

Ben walked along for an hour, he must have gotten clocked good if it was this hard to find the gym.. He suddenly stops when his foot bumps something. Looking down he sees a dismembered arm, but shrugs it off as a lost decoration and continues on. Eventually Ben finds the gym and stops...

The auditorium lights were all dark red, at least 200 bodies hanging from the ceiling, dripping blood... He would have shrugged it off as an elaborate decoration scheme if he hadn't seen the body of one of his friends dangling, his arms gone, and severed at the waist, legs laying beneath him. As Ben looked around he saw a table, a white light shining down on it. As he moved closer, heart pounding, breathing heavily... When he was close to the table he recognized the corpse, it was that bitch Sara... Her dress was ripped, she was naked, blood and semen dripping out of her, along with both soaked all into her fur. Ben stepped back, starting to panic as he looked along her, there were dozens of stab wounds in her, along with her throat slit, eyes gouged out...

Behind him Ben felt 2 hands touch his back, then slide to his shoulders, a deep, sultry voice filling his head. "She didn't have to die. None of them would have died if you hadn't touched her." Ben spun around swinging his fist, but nobody was there...

"She could have survived. She would have survived. I didn't have to do this... But because of you I was forced to."

Ben grabbed his ears, looking around with wide eyes, trying to find her! "SHUT UP!" he screams, he sees the door and runs for it!

The doors open when Ben rams against them, but he skids to a stop when he sees an Officer's body on the ground, chest ripped open. A demonic feral canine over him ripping out and dining on his innards...

Ben slowly backed up, but sees the cop's car door is open. He makes a break for it! Ben can hear the dog give chase, but he dives into the car, grabs the door and pulls it closed!

He manages to move over to the driver's seat and takes a moment to wipe the sweat from his fur... Finally he's able to take a moment to stop and think. Ben leans back on the chair and stares out the window, "Man, I didn't even get her dress pulled up and this is happening..." As he looks over at the rear view mirror, getting ready to take the car and drive off, his blue eyes meet a pair of bright red eyes. A solemn face. HER face. He stares several, nearly endless moments. Her soft skin. Her horns. The marks on her cheeks. Her smell... She stunk of burned Sulfur and death... He suddenly turns around, "WHY ARE YOU FUCKING WITH ME!? WHERE AM I!?" he yells at the top of his lungs, finding the back seat empty, he takes a deep breath and turns around to face forward.

Finding the keys in the ignition he grabs it and tries to start the car... Nothing. He grabs the shotgun strapped to the console and pulls back the slide. Empty. Today sucks...

Ben sees the dog is gone and steps out of the car. As he looks down the street he sees the same dog, snarling...

Suddenly the car door shuts and locks! Ben grabs the handle and pulls at it in vain, the dog takes off running straight at him!

Ben falls and screams, hearing nothing for several moments he finds himself back in the kitchen... The lights dead, a faint glow coming from the hallway, same as before...

_ End Ben's Story _

The night was amazing for Sara. She got to dance with Rika, go home with her, and had the night of her life... Sara let Rika come to campus with her, heading toward the cafeteria for breakfast, barely remembering the previous night. When they arrive they find the staff outside the kitchen, a pair of officers watching the door as a paramedic comes out. He looks at the older officer and shrugs.. "Honestly? He's traumatized. He's convinced some kind of demon is after him because he raped and murdered some girl named Sara? We finally calmed him down but this sounds like a Halloween prank gone too far to me." Him and the officer exchange notes, moving so 2 more paramedics can wheel someone out, Sara sees its Ben, his eyes wide and red, he happens to glance over and screams, "THATS HER! THATS HER!" The officer looks over at Sara and Rika while Ben is rolled down the hall toward the ambulance waiting outside. The officer shakes his head and walks over to the girls and just stands there a moment examining Rika. His eyes then turn over to Sara, "Well, you must be the Tabby he kept going on about. You don't look raped or murdered to me."

Rika slides between him and Sara. "Well, whoever that was was crazy. Don't really need to believe him to we?" The cop sighs and rubs his head. "Don't leave town. Alright?" Rika nods, letting the cop get back to work as she turns to Sara. "So exciting. I only just got here yesterday." Sara looks over at her newfound lover with a worried look. "You did that didn't you...?" Rika looks back over, then looks away.. Finally she looks back up to meet Sara's eyes.


4 - Forbidden

Not much to say this time. Aside from that there may only be one more chapter. I REALLY wanna get this done so I can work on other projects, but if anyone reading this would prefer, just comment if you'd like 2 more instead of 1, I'd love to get your...

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Concealed Desires

So yeah! A little personal story I wanted to write. I wanted to try a twist ending, and I think I kinda failed, but i'll let you guys be the judge of that. I wasn't to hold on to the mystery of the female lead, so her real name isn't mentioned....

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3 - First Time for Everything

Part 3! I had my heart set on uploading this tonight so I'm half asleep and may have missed some errors, i'm pretty sure I got them all. One thing I Wanna mention, the fight scene is actually like a deleted scene kinda. Avernakis wanted it to be......

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