The Dress
He held this image in his mind, even as he held the dress in his hands, and suddenly she was wearing the dress, though it hung awkwardly on her.
The Dress
#23 of bunny games how to dress. written 2021. it's a beautiful dress. purple roses climbing up from the hem, reaching for two big, purple bows.
Dress to Impress
And all of them, like their master, dressed in the finest and most fashionable attire. to seduce, one had to whisper with luxury with every movement, every seemingly-careless gesture.
To Dress a Pig
#1 of to dress a pig in a world where everything seems perfect, there is always a dark secret lingering in the void. **chapter 1: private affairs** "oh! mpfh! deeper, garth!
Dressed for the Occasion
"well..." the tiger replied, stretching out just a little bit more, his paws so much extended that it seemed that even his claws might be coming out, "since you are so aptly dressed at the moment, i think i must show something to baikal
Dress Rehearsal
"this dress is different. this dress has a purpose." she gestured to the room broadly, "you're at a dress rehearsal. you got a part."
Getting dressed
I look up at the large catperson who protects me from everything. He smiles back at me, and he holds up a thickly padded plush costume, and says, "We are going out now. There is much danger out there, and I want you to be safe." I smile, blushing deep...
A New Dress
She asked as she started to peal the upper applique portions of the dress from her feathers covering the sticky backing with the plastic pieces, quickly stripping down to nothing as the dress seemed to be the only thing she was wearing to start with."
Magic of the Dress
So he took that one off and got dressed in his boy clothes again. he hung the three dresses bang on their hangers and walked out of the dressing room. he put the green and the purple on the return rack and held on to the red cocktail dress.
Dress Code
I don't want to have to ask you to leave my lectures and i'm not going to pretend i have any right to tell you how you should dress, either.
Dress for Success
Out of the corner of his eye, he saw a cougar, of medium build, dressed in a fine tuxedo much as evan and the other guests were.
Dressing Room
He got up and headed into the corridor of the dressing rooms. he quickly spotted the horns over the divider, and knocked gently.