Keeping Warm

Story by AstroSecant on SoFurry

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#2 of AMS Trio

The second of three parts of a trilogy that started with Mind Over Muscle. Though only one of the players in that one is present here, it'll come back together for the third, whenever I get myself around to actually finishing it (it's partly made already, but as usual, I haven't been able to really buckle down on it).

Anyway, hot (or maybe cold) Pokémon smut. This also takes pairing inspiration from a piece of artwork I saw years ago, which I can't remember anything else about besides the Pokémon involved.

OBLIGATORY CONTENT DISCLAIMER: This story contains sexual acts between two males, a fair bit of (mainly physical) dom/sub, rough sex, and atypical (yet effective) ways of staying warm.

At this point, he didn't think things could go much worse. If his luck didn't turn soon, he was going to be in for a rough ride in town.

Brace's arms wrapped around him as he shivered madly in the cold, whipping wind, trudging through the snow on the way to meet his contact. So far the whole ordeal had definitely been one to forget - his flight up had been on a Skarmory, which could tolerate the cold better but were an uncomfortable ride at best, and he'd been dropped off several miles from his target location so as to not arouse suspicion, which meant a long walk through the snow. On top of that, he was supposed to get a special scarf that would keep him warm, but for some reason the person providing the flight and supplies had decided to give him some kind of charm instead, and all that did was prevent the cold from harming him while doing precisely jack shit for the feeling of being cold. So now he was shaking from the madly unpleasant air, each step in the snow painful on his feet, and he had no idea how far away he was from where he needed to go.

I am never doing this again. I don't care what kind of crime's being committed, they can send someone else!

The Machop stopped suddenly as he felt something slam into his back and bounce off, barely even budging him off balance. He turned back and saw the black-furred projectile sitting up on the icy ground, rubbing his face. Ordinarily he'd have been more aware of his surroundings, but the distraction of the cold wasn't good for that...nor for a pleasant greeting. "...So, a-are you my c-c-contact, or j-just an-n id-d-diot?"

"Judging from that, maybe a little of both..." The Sneasel snickered as he stood up, offering a hand to the Machop. "Name's Satch. I take it you're Brace?"

"Yeah." Brace met Satch's handshake rather coolly. "So, am-m-m I out-t-t here f-for t-t-torture, or is th-there some purp-p-pose to this?"

The Sneasel raised an eyebrow. "Jeez...I wasn't actually trying to attack you. You don't have to be such a sourpuss about it."

"It's n-not a p-problem with you..." Brace sighed wearily. Taking a deep breath, he tensed up, compelling the shivering to die down for a bit so he could talk more easily. It wasn't exactly pleasant, consciously trying to keep the shaking down, but with a tightness in his voice it allowed him to get through it. "Just that and it's cold as shit out here and I n-never got the scarf I was supposed to get to k-keep me warm. This stone keeps it from actually hurting me but it does f-fuck-all for warmth."

"I'll get you something better, we've got loads of stuff around here. Can't have ya freezing on us before we get the job done, right?" The Sneasel snickered again, earning a glower from Brace; it was really irritating him that Satch was completely unfazed by the weather that was giving him hell. Nonetheless, he began following as his contact started leading him onwards, to what he hoped was their destination.

"I'd d-damn well better not. Getting shuttled out here in the snow and c-c-cold, it had damn well better be worth it."

"We're stopping an illegal Pokémon shipping ring, I'd say it's damn well worth it!"

"Only worth it if we're successful and we c-catch the bastards. And personally, then only if I can get b-b-back to warmth before I get stuck out here in this godforsaken p-place."

"Ah, you heard about the big storm that's coming already, huh?" Satch faltered for the first time, which didn't go unnoticed by Brace.

"Hard not's all everyone was yapping about when they sent me up here. They said they won't even be able to check on me because c-communication lines will probably be knocked out, which, you know, is always the best scenario."

"Yeah, well, the blizzard coming in kinda messed with all of us. And I'm not just talking the good guys." Satch took a deep breath. "There's been a slight change of plans. We got a hot tip that the drop-off time was changed to Thursday evening."

Brace stopped dead. "You're sh-sh-shitting me."

"'Fraid not, buddy. They may be criminals but they aren't stupid enough to try to make the exchange in weather like that. We're gonna have to lie low for a couple days, and it can't be in town. Someone's gonna get suspicious...they've got prying eyes and ears, if not some mind-readers. I'd be fine, but you'll stick out like a sore thumb up here."

"Well, th-th-that's j-just fuckin' p-p-perfect..." Brace grumbled as he tensed up again, regaining control over the shivering. "Where are we gonna stay?"

"Well, if we want to avoid the worst the blizzard has to offer, I found this cave that'll keep the worst of the snow and wind away. Won't be the warmest place but I've got a couple things that might help ya bear it out."

Brace groaned, knowing it couldn't be helped but loathing that fact. "Fine, lead the way..."

"An Abra? Really?"

Brace punched a rock in the sheltered cave, sending a few shards flying off. Satch had provided him with an armband that helped disperse the cold somewhat from his body, but it didn't go quite as far as making him feel comfortably warm, so he was trying to achieve that through his usual means of exercise. All this while maintaining a conversation with Satch, which had somehow gotten towards his encounters with Axon, something he'd been needing to get off his chest to someone. "I wouldn't be telling you if it wasn't. Not like I'm happy about it or anything."

"But...wait a tick, I thought you guys had those chips installed to block their attacks. It shouldn't have been any problem."

"Yeah, that's what I thought, too. Except this fucker can fight. I swear, he puts a lot of my sparring partners to shame. He's quick and he hits way harder than an Abra should be able to, and that's before he charges his energy into his limbs."

"Charges it...what the hell kind of Abra is he?"

"Hell if I know." Brace hit the rock harder, creating more shrapnel, and Satch found himself scooting a bit further away. "All I know is that I can't beat him. And every time I lose, he does the same's not enough that he screws the daylights outta me, but he makes me fucking beg for it!" His fist slammed into the rock again, leaving a sizable crack in the body. "And to top it all off, he's not some pencil-dicked wuss, he's actually got me beat in size, so it's not like he can't make me feel anything. And the absolute worst part about it"

"Is that you enjoy it like nothing else, right?"

Brace yelled and punched hard, cracking the rock into several large pieces which went tumbling away. Satch was on his feet, ready to scoot, hoping he hadn't just invoked a dangerous temper tantrum. But the panting Machop's anger seemed to end there. "...Every fucking time. And the bastard knows it, he knew it after the first time he did it. I've fucked other guys, I've been fucked by other guys, and I've never had a single round that measured up to anything he's ever done to me. I swear to hell he messed with my brain, because that just isn't right."

"But...that chip..."

"Must not be working properly, or he used some low-level manipulation on me that it didn't catch or something." He slumped down to one knee, as if he already realized how feeble his excuse was. "I know I shouldn't be excessively proud or anything but...for crying out loud, I'm a Fighting-type Pokémon. I've got a body like a tank and I can hit hard enough to break down boulders and bend steel girders. Sure, we're weak to Psychic attacks, but part of our pride is that their bodies are still weak and feeble, nothing compared to ours. Getting beaten by one in a fistfight is a huge disgrace. And then submitting to him sexually...and enjoying it! Because, fuck, as much as I hate to say it, that's part of why it's so goddamn mind-blowing, is him tearing my damn pride to shreds. And that's just wrong...we're supposed to be the powerful, dominating ones, we're not supposed to get off on being turned into mewling little bitches!"

"Ah, c'mon, now, you're honestly gonna say you've never seen a Fighting-type Pokémon take it from another Pokémon?"

"Of course they do! But they're always just as forceful and driving when they're bottoming as when they're topping! They can handle anything and give it back to you. But no, not with Axon, he makes me his bitch, makes me give in and submit weakly, and there's not a damn thing I can do about it because I can't fight both him and myself."

"Fuck, man...well, at least it gets over quickly, right?"

Brace let out a hollow, sardonic laugh that echoed in the cave. "You fuckin' think so? Like I could be that lucky. No, the bastard makes it last, and he's just as good at that. Every time he makes it go on he's testing to see how long I'll let him keep doing that before getting a hold of myself and fighting back."

"Longer and longer? He's an Abra, he can't have that much stamina. He's gotta be warn out after he busts, maybe get two if he's on a good day."

Brace let out a wry laugh. "Try five times."

"Now you're shitting me."

"I wish. That was last time, and that was just what he got...I couldn't even count how many times he got me off. And I'm pretty fucking sure he could have gone even longer, and he just let me go for whatever reason that oversized brain of his conjured up. Satch, I tell you, that Abra is so far from normal that you can't even see normal from there...and I don't know what I'm gonna do because he's got me wrapped around his finger. I can't even just avoid it because I want it too badly to control myself."

Satch didn't reply; it was hard to say anything to that. The silence began to ring as Brace got back to his feet, muttering unpleasantly. Thinking about the Abra wasn't helping his mood, but the cold was still the more immediate culprit; he wasn't shivering, but he was in that spot where he wanted to but was feeling just short of cold enough to make it happen. "Gah, why can't these assholes do their business in the tropics?"

"You seemed like you were doing a little better before. Why not break some more rocks?"

"Because I saw how nervous you got with all the shrapnel flying around. Every reason to be, too, that shit's dangerous for anyone, especially someone who's got a weakness to rock. Wouldn't want to hit you with any of it."

Satch smirked. "Courteous of you. Well, if you need some physical activity, I know one that you'll enjoy."

"Yeah? What's-EEP!" Brace yelped as the Sneasel's arms circled around his body, fondling his slit. "Wh-whoa, what're you doing, Satch?"

"Oh, I'm pretty sure you know," Satch replied deviously, running a claw along the inside of Brace's slit and getting the Machop to moan. "Best way to get a workout, in my opinion. And a buff, strong guy like you, you're too sexy for me to pass up. But don't worry, I ain't a controller like that Abra guy...'n fact, I'm really hoping you decide to take the lead, 'cause I really wanna feel those muscles taking charge of me."

Now this was something Brace could get behind; after all the frustration with the Abra the idea of getting back to a role he liked to play was thoroughly enticing. He let Satch tease him, drawing him into action, those cool paws not seeming to dissuade his member from growing to its full size; then, without warning, he grabbed the teasing arm and pulled hard, getting the Sneasel suddenly out in front. Another moment and Satch was on his back, looking up at Brace as his arms were pinned by the Machop's superior strength, his expression surprised but not unpleasantly so.

Already well-teased by Satch's adroit fingers, Brace had little patience for further preparation. He worked the tip of his dick into the furry rear, not bothering with slickening it up, though Satch wasn't complaining in the slightest. The Sneasel squirmed as Brace entered him about halfway, letting out almost squeaks of joy and eagerness. He tried to relax himself, letting that pole work it's way deeper, trying to push it in further with what little purchase he had.

Brace's grip on the Sneasel tightened; this felt amazing to him, and since Satch could clearly handle it he decided not to hold back any longer. He bucked hard, his hips smacking into Satch's butt as he embedded himself fully into that tight hole. It was like a bomb going off in his mind, a sudden rush of euphoria as he felt everything he could of the Sneasel's insides. He couldn't find the restraint to hold off the next phase, and pulled out and shoved back in without giving Satch the chance to catch up.

Satch was in heaven, panting and moaning in utter bliss as he was forcefully taken by the Machop, legs spreading wider to beg for more. He was no virgin, but his experiences had all been with Pokémon less endowed than Brace, and he'd always wanted to know what more felt like. It was proving as amazing as he'd hoped, driving him to new levels of euphoria with every thrust. "B-Brace, h-harder, please! G-give me more!"

Brace obliged, gripping harder and bearing some more of his weight down on Satch in order to angle his legs better to slam into the Sneasel, huffing and growling as he ramped up the force behind each thrust. Satch moaned louder, claws scraping against the ground as he tightened up reflexively with each blow, only increasing the tension in his ass and the pleasure that came with it. Yet Brace still plowed through it effortlessly, the only effect being a pleasurable tightening around his pole as he reamed the Sneasel.

They both came fast, and at the same time, that final thrust that hammered his prostate way too much for Satch as he yelled out loudly, convulsing as his spiny dick let loose its load all over him. It was hardly a match for Brace's, though, as the Machop's quieter but more powerful climax hit him hard, gunning wave after wave of thick semen deep into the Sneasel's tailhole, some of it leaking out around him as it flooded his insides.

As their shots tapered off, Satch felt Brace pull himself out, that thick pole leaving behind an emptiness as it vacated his insides, one he longed to have fulfilled once again. It was a wish that was about to be granted as he was suddenly yanked up and slammed against the wall of the cave, pinned painfully by his arms while the rest of his body dangled freely. Brace's eyes glittered with power as he worked his feet a bit into the ground, getting them braced firmly in place, his still-hard, dripping cock poised at Satch's leaking hole. Without any further warning he slammed in, taking Satch to the hilt and beginning to pound away almost immediately, the Sneasel gasping and crying out as he was impaled over and over again in the most overpowered way he'd ever been before.

If Satch had thought it couldn't get better, now he was being proven wrong. It felt like Brace was hitting deeper within him each him, and certainly harder than before, especially with his full strength imposed of the Sneasel. His own hardness was forced rapidly back into action, unable to deny the rapid blows to his prostate that were triggering thunderbolts of pleasure into him at all angles.

Without question Brace was having the time of his life as well. Finally having an encounter that was more suited for him was such an immense source of relief and joy that he was rather letting himself go, losing control of himself a bit to prolong that high. All thoughts of the cold were gone, so focused was he on driving his cock into that tight orifice, getting and giving as much as he possibly could. And he was giving plenty, Satch being tossed hard under the force of each thrust even under Brace's tight grip. It had to be hard on him, but he wasn't protesting, in fact he was begging for it, when his voice was able to even form such an idea.

They almost never wanted it to end, yet when that sensation began bubbling up within each of them, they couldn't imagine not taking it to the conclusion. This time both of them cried out loudly as they unleashed their loads, Satch making a mess over the both of them while being pumped with his second round of Machop jizz, the volume seeming even greater than before as it both forced its way in deeper and spurted out of him around that big dick, covering the ground in white. The intensity had gotten Brace to pull slightly away from the wall, supporting Satch only with his own strength; the Sneasel could only cling to Brace as they rode out their climaxes together, only the rigidity of Brace's body keeping them upright. And as their highs ended, so did that rigidity, and the two tumbled to the ground, still holding tight to each other.

After a couple minutes on the ground, Brace pulled himself out of Satch, the immense feeling of satisfaction making him want to go again, yet his body had reached the point where it needed a break, to say nothing of Satch's exhaustion. He sated himself with the thought that they had a little more time before they could get to work, perhaps enough for another romp. Gently, he raised Satch to an upright sitting position against the wall, which he hoped would be more comfortable than just laying on the ground.

"" The Sneasel was almost fully out of it, feeling halfway rocked into complete loopiness, part from the fantastic pleasure and part from a couple knocks on the head during the rough treatment. He couldn't even look over at Brace, his eyes unable to focus properly to do so. "You really know how to fuck a guy."

"Glad you think so," Brace chuckled back, putting an arm around the Sneasel to help keep him upright. The work had done its trick, he felt quite a bit warmer now...perhaps Satch was reason to think his luck wasn't all bad.