Head over feet

Story by ShadowFox on SoFurry

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Ahem, this story contains sexual situations and general romantic fluff between males in a non straight way, so if the idea of making love to a biped fox or just in general m/m offends you in anyway or your under the legal porn looking at age of 18 then your in the wrong place. (even though the I'm just 15 :P But to those of you who remain, read on :3

Head over feet

written and directed by ShadowFox

I lightly tapped away at my keyboard, a long ways off from finishing my homework. And of course my mind was elsewhere, last month was my birthday, I was so excited about turning 18, it meant I could legally do what I had been doing ilegally for awhile, heh, though when my birthday came I was quite depressed. I don't have many friends so I celebrated my birthday alone. Guess I'm always alone cuz I'm shy, though I really want that to change, I don't think I could stand being alone for too much longer. I tiredly pushed myself out of my computer chair and walked over to the window. Looking down at the streets I wondered if there were any night clubs near where I lived. But what would I do in there? what would I say to someone? Hi your cute can I be your mate? I chuckled, ek, she'd slap me in the face, I'd look like a fool. "Ahh the pleasures of being a shy, anti social" I thought, I just find it so difficult to talk to people. I am brought out of my deep thought as I see a pair of giggling furs walk down the street, arm in arm, a male feline and a male buck. I longingly gazed on from my second floor apartment room. "Why can't I be happy like them?" I thought. I had thought about m/m relationships before, infact I considered myself Bi. I longed just to experiment, to see if that is what I liked. "Ok, thats enough" I thought. Tonight, I'm going to a club, and for once in my life I'm going to live. With a tinge of excitement I went to my closet and pulled out a pair of black jeans, black t-shirt, and a leather jacket. I combed my hair so part of it hung off to the right of my face, typical 80's style, an era I never lived but wished I did. I sprayed a little cologne on and looked myself over in the mirror. I was never one to think myself handsome. I hated myelf, couldn't imagine why anyone would even want to talk to me. no, no, no. Everyone finds flaws with themselves, I mean I wasn't ugly. 6 feet tall medium build, brown hair, brown eyes. I'm......ok looking, I guess. Satisfied with my outfit and hair, I Grabbed my wallet and watch and headed out the door.

The night air smelled so good, fresh and crisp after a good rain. the street glistened and reflected the moonlights gaze. "Screw school, I oughta come out more often" I thought zipping up my jacket. And started to walk. I remember some friends from school mentioning a night club downtown. Not too far a distance from here. I began to walk in the general direction of the club I heard of. I think it was called "Remixed" or something similar.


"hey, two martinis on the rocks and a bloody mary" the Fox said leaning on the bar. His white fur reflecting all the colors of the lasers and black lights. The bartender produced the drinks on a tray and the Fox thanked him and carried them across the dance floor to his pals over by the booths. "Alright guys here you go, hey wheres Regina?" The fox said sitting down grabbing his own drink. "Oh, she met her ex, I guess there not ex's anymore" said Randy, a black wolf "Oh hell, I bet half of the people here are an ex of her's" replied Drake, one of Sam's human friends, They all laughed "So how are you doing Sam? Meet anyone special yet?" asked Randy taking a sip of his drink. Sam blushed a bit. His friends knew he was gay, and they teased him now and then, sometimes flirted with him, all in affection though if anyone tried to hurt him they'd be there to help him out. "nah, not yet" sam replied smiling, not so much talking to his friends but staring intently at the human boy who just walked through the entrance, he didn't look to sure of himself, must be his first time at a club Sam thought, he watched as the boy grabbed a stool at the bar and looked around a bit. He was quite handsome looking, though he looked sad and distant, the fox felt a bit sorry for the lad, or maybe something more. "helloooo, anyone home?" asked Randy, bringing Sam back to reality. "What'cha lookin at?" inquired Drake "not sure" Sam said as he got up from his seat, tail steadily swishing behind him. "You guys mind if I go off" Sam indicated with his hand to the rest of the club. "No, sure go ahead" Sam's friends said motioning him up.


I took a sip from my drink. "Well I'm here" I thought, now what. I looked down my left at the others at the bar. They all seemed busy, talking to friends or closer friends. And a girl all the way in the corner against the wall with some guy making out. "Wow" I thought, now those two must be ex's. I could hear soft, mixed dance music behind me. Maybe I'll go out there and dance a little. I don't even know how to dance! "I shouldn't have come here" I thought feeling embarresed and ready to leave, but then I felt a gentle touch on my shoulder.

I turned around and I saw the most beautiful creature. A white/silver fox, Tight leather pants over long legs and smooth thighs, a short sleeve, black silk shirt which showed his cool white furred arms with the black fox gloves, and his face was soft and gentle something that just soothed me instantly. caught in his gaze, in those deep blue eyes, staring right at me! eep "Hi, is this seat taken?" he said smiling at me. What do I say! What do I say! Move your lips you FOOL!!! "I uh, um, no, it's not" great, he thinks I'm a babbling idiot, I thought. He just smiled and sat down next to me. "you new here? Haven't seen you around before" He said leaning on the counter "hehe, yeah it's my first time in a club" Why am I so attracted to him? I thought, staring into those beautiful eyes. His eyes lit up an idea coming to mind "Would you like to dance?" eep! I thought "Uh, I don't, I mean I haven't, I've never" I stammared. His smile faded, and it was torture to see such a charming fox sad. "Oh, I'm sorry, I didn't realize, I thought you were interested" And he got up to leave. "Shit" I thought, I blew it! But he's a guy, I've never felt like this about anyone. I can't believe I'm doing this, I thought. "Wait" I said, and I held his hand. Which sent an electric thrill through me. he paused and looked at me. "I'd love to dance with you" I said, slightly regretting using the "L" word. He smiled again, and it warmed my heart. "The name's Kyle" I said shaking the paw in my hand. "Friends call me Sam" Said the charming creature. Sam led us to the dancing floor, Gawd I was so nervous. But he was calm and gentle. And put his muzzle to my ear, which made me blush and whispered in that soothing voice of his. "Relax, Just let the music take you" He held my hands and we started to dance letting our bodies move to the rythm. When he thought that I was doing fine, to my dismay he let go of my hands. But then the dancing got interesting, it involved alot of grinding of body to body. I was the most aroused then in my whole life. Seeing his hips sway back and fourth, his tail gently swaying. I was being so gently tortured. I don't remember how long we were dancing, but we eventually stopped for a breather. I myself would need a cold shower. I was sitting with him at the bar sharing a few drinks, talking about our interests and hobbies. "So what made you come to the club tonight?" asked Sam. "Oh, well, I just got so tired of being alone, tired of all those lonely nights crying into my pillow cuz I didn't have anyone to hold or nuzzle me, I was just so sad before I met... you..." I trailed off, "I can not believe I just said that, how corny eh?" I added a little bit embarassed. "No not at all, I can relate, through high school I was shunned and alone because of who I was. Your not as alone as you think" Sam added, and met my hand on the counter with his. Highschool I thought, "Wait a second" I said, "Now that I think of it you look really familiar" I said. "hehe, I was wondering when you might recognize me, remember 9th grade history? I was basicly the only Artict Fox there silly" he chuckled. "Oh, thats right, in Mrs. Yentz class, you sat somewhere off near the windows, I remember cuz I used to stare at you sometimes, the way the sunlight played on your fur" I blushed "Didn't quite understand what I was feeling at the the time though" I added. He smiled gently and sat closer to me, I was getting that excited electric thrill again just every time he brushed against me or touched elbows. We talked for hours at least until it started to get late, or early by my watch. And the club started to empty out, until only a handful remained. As Sam and I were talking a Black wolf and and a guy walk up. "Oh Kyle these are my friends Randy and Drake" "Hi" I say, introducing myself. "Well, we saw you and sam, but we didn't want to disturb you guys" I blushed "But it's getting kinda late now and I'm going to drop Drake off. Do you need a ride Sam?" Sam looked at me for an answer. "um, I'll drive you home Sam, if you want" He smiled brightly, and said goodbye to his friends as we walked out of the club arm in arm towards the parking lot. It sent thrills of excitement just holding him, such a beautiful person. I do believe I'm falling head over feet for him. When we finally got to my indian I searched for the spare helmet I knew I had somewhere. Giving it to him and putting on mine, we got on the bike and were off, along the way I felt Sam's muzzle on my shoulder. Awwww, I thought. Sam gave me directions along the way to his place. I loved the sound of his voice. After awhile we finally came up to the curb of his apt. complex. "Can you help me with my helmet it's stuck" said Sam struggling with the clips. "Oh, that happens here just let me.." without realizing it I was nose to nose with Sam. Then I kissed him, it felt incredible his gentle lips parted allowing me to probe with my tongue, he met my tongue with his own and gently suckled at my tongue. I just moaned and whimpered. Wrapping my arms around him. After awhile he broke the kiss looking deep into my eyes.

"Um, would you like to come inside with me Kyle?" Sam asked still holding me close. I smiled and layed my head on his shoulder which he cradled with one hand. "I would love to Sam" And with that he led me up the flights of stairs until we reached his door. I took this time to admire his sleek fox form, watching his hips sway from side to side, that beautiful bushy tail swishing with anticipation. When we finally came to his door he caught me staring at him again. "hehe" he chukled. "Is that how you stared at me in class?" I blushed, "Well, actually, yeah sorta" I said rubbing the back of my head. Sam's warm soothing smile flashed. I mustered up some courage and said "Actually I have kind of a thing for foxes" I added blushing furiously. "aww, never had anyone say that to me before" said Sam with a broad smile. He playfully swished his tail back and fourth as he pulled his keys out, now aware of the thrills it sent me. Opening the door and leading me inside, Sam went off to the bathroom. "Nice place" I called out "Thanks" I heard followed by pouring liquid which I tried to ignore. He came out later and found me looking at his drawings on his desk. I looked up seeing him. "These are beautiful" I said stunned. Sam just blushed and walked up next to me. "Do you really think so?" said Sam slipping an arm around my waist as he stood next to me. "Yeah, I mean look at this one, I've never seen anything so life like" I indicated to the colored pencil of two furs making love in a field under the moonlight. He blushed furiously at that one. "Thank you Kyle, your the first person to see my sketches" I smiled looking at his eyes. "They really are nice, you have talent" I said placing the sketches back on the desk. He smiled and gave em an affectionate squeeze around my waist. "you know" I started "this is my first time with another guy" I said quite shyly. Sam traced a hand over my chest. Then softly spoke into my ear. "Then I'll make this all the more special for you, to make up for the time we missed" Then gave me a playfull lick on the nose and walked off towards the bedroom, swaying his firm hips and tail as he walked, the tight leather clinging to his thighs. I gulped, and followed. When I reached the bedroom Sam was waiting, he closed the door behind me and embraced me. I met his kiss, tongues probing tasting of eachother, in our passion Sam moved us onto the bed and slowly broke the kiss. I went to kiss him but he placed a finger on my lips as he lowered his head, tracing along my chest and to the zipper of my jeans. He slowly undid the button and the zipper and pulled out my already erect cock. He breathed on it softly, I moaned in wanting. Then Sam began to lick my entire cock eliciting a gasp from me. After giving my cock one long lick up to the tip, I watched as it slowly dissapeared into his mouth, I gasped again. His warm muzzle surrounding my entire cock like a warm embrace. Sam then began to slowly bob his head in long suckling strokes. I moaned and shuddered under his touch, in complete ecstasy. With every slow stroke of his muzzle my orgasm was quickly building. "Oh sam, I'm gonna.. mmm" Sam suckled harder hearing my moans, my orgasm was upon me as my body shuddered and then suddenly my semen exploded into Sam's mouth. My first load shot strait down his throat the others started to fill his mouth. Sam kept on suckling in long strokes trying to milk my cock of all it's seed, as I heard him gulping and swallowing. I moaned and shuddered at his mercy. When my orgasm finally subsided and my entire cock had been licked clean, sam climbed up onto the bed and lay over me, he leaned down and kissed me, I eagerly sought his tongue, to suckle on it, I tasted some of my own cum in his mouth, I didn't care, it didn't taste bad, actually mixed with Sam's saliva, it was a sweet nectar which I eagerly tried to suck from his mouth. Sam pressed against me during our tongue suckling. His warm body pressed against mine, almost immediatley got me arouse again. Even if I was milked of all my cum, I didn't want this to end. Sam broke the kiss, and I as well as Sam stripped off all our clothes. He really was quite beautiful, the moonlight shining through the window almost gave him a blue aura. Sam climbed back on the bed with me after we undressed and kissed me again. Sam rolled us over in our embrace so I was on top. He broke our kiss and almost panting "Kyle, I want you inside me" Sam looked deep into my eyes, lovingly so. And tentavely gave me an encouraging lick on the cheek. "Oh Sam" I said in suprise and excitement. And returned his lick with a deep kiss. Sam wrapped his arms around my back and wrapped his legs around my waist pulling me to him. Feeling Sam under me like that, his own hardon pressing against my abdomen made me so hard for him. I groped for his hips, my body grinding against his meanwhile. Then I guided my cock down between his legs, and with my hands on his firm hips, I guided myself into him ever so slowly. I wanted the sensation to last forever. Inch by inch all seven inches of my cock slolwy enetered his soft warm ass. The fur on is cheeks squeezing my cock as I pressed inward trying to get all of my cock inside. Sam moaned and shuddered under me. tightening his legs trying to pull me into him. After i was fully inside I tried my hardest not to cum again right there. I just layed there on top of him my cock throbbing inside him. After I calmed myself down so I wouldn't come yet and gotten used to the incredible feeling of Sam's warm insides, I slowly began to pump him. Oh I loved all the little sounds Sam made as I slowly but firmly pumped inside him. With every thrust Sam tightened his legs trying to force as much as he could inside him, I placed my hands at his sides feeling the fur under my grip as Sam let me take him. For quite awhile we went at it like that, the soft grunting and moans in the dark as I pumped him with every thrust. The feeling of his soft fur to my skin was driving me mad with ecstasy, my orgasm quickly building. With every thrust Sam dry humped my stomach with his own meaty erection. I loved the feeling of his cock pressed against me, next time I wanted him to be on top. My orgasm was drawing near, I started to pump harder into my loving fox partner, who moaned and tried to pull me to him hard with every thrust. "mm oh Sam, oh Sam ungh" my second orgasm rushed me as I shot load after load deep into my fox lover. I kept thrusting as Sam's warm ass milked my cock as he had before. Finally spent I collapsed ontop of Sam who held me close letting me rest my head on his chest. I stayed inside Sam as long as I could before I finally softened up and pulled out. Sam nestled up against me as we spooned, I had never felt so wonderful and at peace in my life. His back fur against my chest felt so good, I tentavley kissed his neck. Sam cooed, "mmm, and to think we could have been having this much fun in the 9th grade" I smiled and hug him close, "yeah, but it all turned out" Sam was soon asleep in my arms, I curled up closer to him. Went to a club met a fox, and fell head over feet, was my last thought before I drifted off to sleep with Sam, new friend and hopefully mate.

Authors note: Wow my first story, well I based it off of two of my favorite songs, He's so shy by the poiter sisters and how soon is now by tatu, listen to these songs and you'll definitely see a connection. :3 please send any comments even flames to [email protected] Also I'd like to thank FuzzyWuff (no relation to Fuzzwulf at yiffstar) for being there for me and helping me break out of my own shell. Thanks, your a good friend. (sniffle) dammit I promised myself I wouldn't cry :P lol