Servants of the Earth Chapter Four: History Lesson

Story by Rathe on SoFurry

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#4 of Servants of the Earth

DISCLAIMER: There is m/m furry yiff here, so if you are underage, dont get caught. Enjoy, and comment if at all possible. Words from readers, whether they be positive or negative, do make a difference, thanks.

"Once upon a time ago in a land not so far away, before there were any furs living in the world, there existed a completely separate race, known to the masses as humans. They were the first Servants of the Earth" the husky said as Jesse the tiger shifted himself more comfortably in the canine's bed. Tanner glanced at the fidgeting feline and Jesse in response gave a nod to continue as he snuggled closer to his mate.

"Alongside the Earth there was a parallel world known as Niflheim, the world of demons. There were eight Demon Lords who conspired to rule not only their own hellish domain but the humans and the Earth as well. They raised an army of warriors wielding diabolical strength and traversed through the threshold of Niflheim. Each of the Lords emerged from a different opening, scattered about the planet and as they entered our world the environment changed around them. Plants withered and died, leaving twisted skeletal remains. The water was polluted and poisoned with corruption and hate. The animals, our ancestors, were enslaved and imprisoned by the eight Demonic Lords. But the humans were the worst. Because when the Lords infiltrated Earth, they brought with them a new kind of poison. The toxin was airborne and it entered the human's hearts and minds and filled them with evil and they themselves became mere puppets for the demon race."

"However, a higher power, known to us now as the Creator, intervened when all seemed lost and spared eight humans from the wicked blight that spread across the world destroying and corrupting all in its path. The Creator had foreseen the Demonic Uprising and instead of acting directly he appointed the eight humans as the Servants of the Earth."

Jesse looked up from where he was nuzzling Tanner's chest, his eyes gleaming with a sudden thought. "Eight humans for the eight Demon Lords?" he questioned.

"Precisely. The Creator bestowed each of the Servants with a legendary weapon, which would bestow upon the humans extraordinary powers. Their strength increased tenfold, as did their speed and reaction time. Each weapon governed a different aspect of nature and gave the Servants a variety of elemental attacks."

"Eight elements of nature?"

"Yes. The eight are Earth, Fire, Air, Water, Ice, Lightning, Shadow and Light. The battle axe, Terrayus was granted to the human who was the most stable and the most stubborn, who like the rock that governed his weapon, he would not budge and continue to be firm in his resolve. The gauntlets and greaves, Pyrus, were given to the Servant who was the most unpredictable and had an extremely short fuse. His heart would burn like an inferno with the intense desire to protect his friends."

"The twin daggers Zephos and Phyria were presented to human who was the least hesitant. He had a resolve which continued to press forward, like the very wind itself, his perseverance and determination were relentless. He was the type to never give up. The long bow Scialis was bestowed upon the wisest human, the most serene and calm. Like the water she was patient and calm under pressure, but if you angered her to her breaking point she could become a torrent of devastation upon her foe."

"The twin flails Cleave and Staffin were given to the human who was the most volatile. Like the ice, the human had several states, any of which could become the dominant personality at any time. However the only thing that remained constant was his icy demeanour. The bardiche, Omega, was given to the human who was the most hyper, the one with an almost infinite supply of energy. This human, even on his deathbed, relied upon his reserves of energy to devastate the foe."

"The double ended spear, Chasm Streak, was granted to the human who had the most inner demons. While he understood what was right and what was needed of him, he had conflicting emotions and a maelstrom of dark thoughts locked deeply within his heart. And lastly, the long sword Angel's Fang, was given to the human who was the most pious, the most faithful in what he believed. The Servant of Light was the most idealistic and strove to make a better world without the evils that the demons brought along. And thus the Servants of the Earth came into being."

"That's really cool" Jesse squeaked as he gained a new appreciation for his mate. "How long have you been fighting demons?"

"I awakened five years ago, around the same time as Zach and Melody. I am the Servant of Earth, Zach of Fire and Melody of Water."

"So you're like a bunch of superheroes then. That's so awesome." Jesse purred as he felt the canine's heartbeat throb lightly against his head.

Tanner nuzzled the tiger's head as he replied, "Well I'm glad you approve, because you've been awakened as a Servant of Light."

The tiger looked up into his mate's hazel eyes, the orange spheres bursting in waves of excitement and ecstasy. "You mean I'm gonna fight demons too? I get to have cool powers and say catch phrases like, ‘Fall before the Light', and stuff like that?"

The husky's eyebrows nearly disappeared into his headfur as he repeated what his mate had uttered. "Fall before the Light? That's kinda cheesy. We're gonna have to work on your catch phrases."

"Oh come on, Tanner. You'll hafta hear it in combat, only then it'll be cool."

The husky sighed as he closed and rolled his eyes before placing his tan furred arms around the tigers back and pulling him in as close as possible. The feline intertwined his legs with Tanner's and they laid there for a bit before Jesse piped up.

"So what happened with the Servants?"

"Well," the husky continued, "the Servants went to various entrances that the Demon Lords had emerged from, and each of them fought a great and epic battle that changed the metaphysical make up of the environment. The elements of the Servants reshaped the landscapes into unconventional environments that still exist today. Those entry points are now referred to as Shrines."

"Shrines?" the tiger repeated, trying to recall where he had heard about Shrines recently.

"Anyways, each of the battles was close but the Servant's managed to gain the upper paw and the Demon Lord's retreated back into Niflheim. Each of the Elemental Shrines was guarded by wards that the Creator put into place, but demons still manage to get through. So the Servants' job was not yet done, and they continued to patrol the Earth and protect it from demonic threats. They did so for fifty years and as they wielded the Servants power, they did not age or weaken in any way. In fact, they only became stronger."

"The Creator made a crystal that the Servants dubbed the Sorialis crystal. Whenever a demon makes it through one of the shrines, the crystal senses it and transports it and us to a parallel universe that is exactly like our world, except for the fact that it doesn't have any furs in it."

"Wait, what?" Jesse asked, his voice raising slightly as he felt like he was thrust muzzle first into some bad scifi movie.

"Basically, the Sorialis crystal prevents any innocent furs from being harmed by teleporting us to a realm that looks exactly like our world. The demon's energy and ours is on the same wavelength, therefore all of us are trapped there until the demon is destroyed. Then we are teleported back to the same spot that we were in the alter-realm."

"Seems pointless."

"It basically functions to protect everyone else as well as our identities. If the Sorialis crystal ever fell into the wrong paws, of the demon kind, then demons would roam among furs, killing those who aren't able to protect themselves. It is for this point that it was made and why we have hidden it away. And for some time the humans used the Sorialis crystal to great affect."

"However, a day came that changed everything. None of us have ever been able to find out the specifics of what happened but one day there was a great plot to annihilate the human race. The Servants went to stop it. They failed and died; and the rest of humanity with them. The Servants' power remained dormant within the Earth, with no entity to claim it."

"However, the Earth still remained, and the Creator saw fit to make new life out of the only living creature left; the animals. And thus, from non-sentient four legged creatures, anthromorphic creatures were born and we picked up living where the humans left off, but the majority of us had our memories erased and forgot about the humans and the sad state of the world. The Creator was certain that with new sentient life the Servants power would once again manifest itself in the populace when the Earth was under threat from a demonic invasion. Four of the eight Servants have been awakened, which means that there will soon come a time that will call for the Servant to arise and unite and protect our home. Therefore it is our primary duty to find and awaken the dormant Servants, wherever they might be."

Jesse's body shot up, his eyes widening and realization. "Tanner, do you know a vixen by the name of Madam Sylvia?"

The husky frowned from where he laid, his eyes searching the tiger for answers. "No, I can't say that I have. Why do you ask?"

"She came to me three times in my dreams, each time she was talking to me of the Servant of the Earth."

At this the husky also sprung up, the covers twisting around their naked and cum covered bodies. He was listening intently as the tiger continued.

"She said that we had to awaken the other Servants and close the shrines or else all furs will perish." The feline's ears lay flat against his head as he looked at his mate, scared. "I think that whatever destroyed the humans is coming back to finish the job."

Tanner placed a gentle paw on Jesse's trembling form, calmly whispering, "Shhh. Its okay, we're not gonna let that happen. We will defeat any enemy and stop every threat that comes our way. That is the job of the Servants of the Earth."

"Sylvia also told me that the next Servant to be awakened was the thief."

The husky's eyes brimmed with confusion as the tiger explained. "She said that the other four servants are the thief, the sibling, the human and the traitor."

Tanner's eyes shot wide open and oddly enough Jesse could pick out that the canine's heartbeat had become rapid paced. "Those are the exact character types that she said? Are you sure?"

"Yeah, why?" the tiger asked looking perturbed.

The husky fell back down on the bed, a paw across his forehead as he sighed.

"It's nothing to worry about at the moment. Anyhow, we have to look for the thief. But first things first, we have to go to school."

"School?" Jesse asked, his voice laced with disbelief. "The world and the entire fur race are on the brink of destruction. There are demons roaming around, up to God knows what, you nearly died, I'm s'pose to be a goddamn hero and you want to go to school?"

"We have to keep up the pretenses that we are regular teenagers. Furs might start asking questions and we can't have that. There might be demon spies in our midst and we must act like we are ordinary until the times come when we must fight the good fight against the threat of Niflheim and the Demon Lords."

The tiger groaned out in a mixture of aggravation and surrender as he flopped back down on the bed, landing on top of Tanner. "I think I'd rather fight demons than go to school."

The husky let out a small chuckle as he closed his arm around Jesse pulling him into a loving embrace. "I'm there with you hon, but a furs gotta do what a furs gotta do."

A playful growl escaped the tiger's lips as the husky cast a quick side glance over at his clock and let slip a playful smile on his tan muzzle. "However school is over for the day and..." with an acrobatic one eighty flip, Tanner turned so that he was now pinning down the tiger beneath him. "My parents won't be home for another couple of hours."

Jesse, already covered in both his and Tanner's delicious aromatic seed glanced down their furry cum covered bodies to see the husky's doggyhood recovered from the last bout and ready for more action as it poked the tiger's striped thigh. The feline couldn't help but hide a smirk. Over the past few weeks that Jesse had gotten to know the canine, he had come to terms with Tanner's industrial sex drive. The dog was capable of up to twelve orgasms in one day (at least that's how far they two got to, his true limit? Nofur really knows). However, being prodded by his lover's spire of flesh caused the tiger's hormones to race and his own shaft pulsed with attention, not being able to stand up straight as it was caught between the two mates.

Tanner glanced down at the pulsating cock, dripping with preseed and couldn't help but hide a snicker as he pressed his furry well toned abs against Jesse's hardness and humped the feline's cock with his furry stomach. The feline groaned out as the canine's fuzzy midriff massaged the hardened slippery dick. Jesse couldn't help but thrust his hips up into the canine's stomach, grinding his cock into cum covered tan fur. Tanner lowered his head to the side of Jesse's neck and gently nibbled and licked up and down drawing guttural moans from the tiger. Jesse's breathing drew short and ragged and as he furiously humped and grind his cock, his eyes closed and ecstasy as the canine played his neck like a violin with his tongue. Two orange and black striped paws made their way around Tanner's back, claws making light furrows through the tan fur as Jesse writhed in bliss under the administrations of the canine. Jesse felt a pressure on his backside, realizing that the husky's well sized shaft was rubbing on the inside of his thigh as he stomach humped the feline's cock.

Jesse smiled to himself as Tanner rhythmically massaged the tiger's cock in his stomach fur as well as his own hard maleness against the feline's thigh. The husky's paws roamed up and down the sides of the tiger's body making magic wherever they touched and caused ripples of pleasant sensation to rush through Jesse's body. The husky was obviously an expert at pleasuring others as he pulled out nearly all the stops in wracking his mate into oblivion (otherwise known as paradise). The low soft moans, the long blissful groans, the motorized purring; all these were indications to Tanner that he was succeeding in his massage of the tiger beneath him. Once Jesse's side of the neck had been bathed properly, Tanner transferred his muzzle to the other side to continue in his torture.

The feline's limbs thrashed about underneath the relentless assault of the horny husky. Tanner couldn't hide the smile that grew across his muzzle as his kitty cat squirmed below, a heated blush spreading across his visage as the canine pampered the tiger's neck with his tongue and the tiger's prick with his muscular stomach. The heated pressure was building in Jesse's cock as Tanner stomach humped the throbbing barbed shaft that was spurting pre like a malfunctioning sprinkler. The canine reached down with a paw and fondled the feline's musky and sweaty sack, rolling the balls around in the palm of his paw, which elicited yet another elongated moan from the tiger. Jesse's sack tightened against his body and the tiger's paws swiftly guided the canine's head back to his maw, locking muzzle in a passionate kiss as Jesse shot his gooey load all over their stomachs.

While the tiger climaxed his spunk into the two mates' already spooge covered fur, their tongues furiously clashed within their interlocked maws. A wandering orange and black paw gradually made its way down the husky's thigh, feline claws making little furrows through the tan fur as Jesse found what he was searching for. The canine tensed up as his doggy dick was roughly seized in Jesse's paw. The tiger pumped the leaking shaft furiously, attempting to milk Tanner for all he was worth. The two mates broke their kiss with strands of saliva still connecting them. Jesse noticed at once that there was a mischievous sparkle in his mate's eyes and braced himself for whatever the canine had in mind.

Tanner hooked his arms around the tiger's waist and stood up, hoisting Jesse into the air. The tiger wrapped his legs around the canine's waist as his arms hooked around the husky's neck. Tanner licked at the end of the tiger's nose as his right paw drifted down and positioned his slick shaft at the base of Jesse's already used and abused pucker. There was absolutely no resistance as the cock slid straight in to the stretched tail-hole and Jesse shifted his weight so that he the whole length of Tanner's prick was deep inside his ass.

As Tanner supported his mate, he wrapped his arms around the small of his back and thrust deep into the velvety warm caverns that are otherwise known as Jesse's bowels. The feline's purring only grew louder as his mate took him yet again in one of his more favorite positions. The husky's muzzle found the feline's maw and the two embraced in yet another passionate kiss, this one more rough than gentle. Tanner's tongue probed into Jesse's maw as he continued to thrust up into the tiger's ass. A mewling escaped from the tiger's muzzle as the canine pushed Jesse up against a wall and quickened the pace of his thrusts.

A snarl escaped from Tanner as he jack-hammered into the feline's entrance, his tennis ball sized knot slapping at the sore pucker as he started taking his mate roughly. All Jesse could do was moan out in bliss as his insides were ravaged by the meaty prick he knew so well. The tiger squeezed his legs tighter around Tanner's waist as the husky drove his piston over and over again, plundering the moist inner bowels of the tiger. The tip of the prick kept gliding along the prostate, sending chills into Jesse's stomach and shivers of pleasure up the tiger's spine. The husky's claws scratched lightly along the feline's back as sweat from their love session started sticking their fur together. With an extra forceful thrust, Tanner's knot snapped in with an audible "pop", tying the two lovers together.

The husky carried Jesse back over to the bed and gently laid him down as he started to furiously hump as best he could, what with his knot locked into the tiger's anal cavity.

Jesse moaned out as his mate short humped him, "Oh, god...yes Tanner, yes. Fuck me! Harder. I want you to breed me and fill me with your spunk. Shoot you load into my gut."

Tanner smiled as he listened to the antics of his mate. He thrust deeper, harder and faster than he ever had before in compliance with Jesse's wishes. The tiger's purring and moaning reached an orchestra level as Tanner slammed forward with a massive grunt. And as Tanner unleashed a barrage of massive cum into the feline's ass, the door opened and in walked Zach.

"Hey, guys, I was just wondering if you were hung..." the fox stopped mid-sentence, (or did he?) and his jaw nearly collided with the floor as he just stood and stared as the husky climaxed into the Jesse's finely muscled ass. A heated blush ran across his visage as he and the tiger exchanged stares; the husky had his eyes clenched and was oblivious to all as he went through his colossal orgasm. Tanner continued to hump into the bowels of Jesse until he was milked for all he worth and didn't open his eyes until the feline tapped him on the shoulder. The tiger motioned to the vulpine who was watching the two tied furs, a hard-on clearly evident in his tented shorts. It seemed like an eternity as the three furs exchanged looks while husky-seed gushed out of the doggy dick and into the kitty's ass.

After a while, Zach oh so subtly backed out and closed the door, pretending like nothing had happened. The vulpine leaned on the wall outside the door and took a couple of deep breaths as he looked down at the hardened shaft that could clearly be traced through his rather tight shorts. His own cock was massive at eleven inches long and filled up the entirety of his shorts when he became hard.

Various thoughts went through Zach's head as he rushed to the Barrons' upstairs bathroom to relieve himself of the pent up pressure now residing in his foxy cock. When he reached the bathroom, he unsnapped his shorts and they fell around his knees as he took his massive cock into both of his paws and got to work.

While the fox was pleasuring himself to the thoughts of other males in compromising positions, mostly raccoons, Tanner's knot shrank and he was able to untie from Jesse beneath him. The canine rolled over to the side and collapsed against the tiger who was panting lightly as husky cum leaked from his raw pucker.

"Wow..." Tanner panted, "That was kinda awkward."

"No kidding. Hey did you see the baseball bat that Zach was sporting in his shorts?"

"Yeah," the husky replied, his eyes glinting in delight as the new thoughts that roamed through his mind. "I never knew Zach was into guys, huh. I think we should have a little fun with him."

"Tanner!" Jesse exclaimed as he playfully shoved the canine off the bed.

"What, what?!" Tanner asked, feigning innocence as he stood up, his shaft now flaccid. "Aww, come on. I bet you always wanted to be in a threesome as well."

The husky was more right than he knew. One of Jesse's more prominent fantasies which he had yet to share with his mate was to be in a threesome where he was taken from both sides and filled to the brim with tasty warm seed. However, now that there was no more cum in his sack, the hormones ruling his brain abdicated and he was able to think clearly again.

Fortunately before the tiger could answer his stomach came up with a witty reply, "gurglegurglegurlgegragahlagleggomyego" growled the insatiable appetite that plagued the furry being known as Jesse Butcher.

A husky ear cocked forward and Tanner's face lit up as he caught the feline by the paw and dragged him towards the door. "First things first. You need to eat. You haven't had any food since the encounter with the seventh class entity." Tanner shoved the feline towards the door. "Now open the door."

Jesse grabbed the doorknob and twisted, but the door refused to budge. He slammed his body weight against it and still nothing happened. He looked back at the canine who was watching on in amusement. The husky tilted his head to one side and raised an eyebrow, which prompted the tiger to examine the door.

There had to be some sort of trick to it, the tiger thought. He remembered that Tanner always waved a paw in front of the door to open it. With a flourish of his paw, the door clicked and opened. He gasped out in awe as the canine came up behind him.

"Cool, huh? All of us have archaic locks placed on our doors that can only be opened with a surge of servantine energy."

"Serva-what?" asked the tiger in confusion.

"Servantine energy is the energy that makes it possible for the Servants to use archaic techniques that belong to the Creator and his angels. For Zach, it allows his to harness and utilize fire, creating it out of thin air, magnifying and redirecting it. For Melody, she can summon tidal waves, maelstroms or floods just by willing it. And for me? It allows me to manipulate any earthen element; stone, wood, rock and so on and so on."

"What about me?"

"If I had to guess? I'd say with enough practice you could redirect and intensify rays of light, so that their as destructive as high tech lasers."

"That's fucking cool! How the hell do I learn how to do that?"

"With patience," Tanner said with a chuckle as he guided the tiger out into the hall. As he did so his ears picked up the fapping sounds of Zach and his cock coming from the bathroom down the hall. The canine grinned as his sheath shifted. He looked down in surprise and redirected the tiger back into the room. "And before we eat, we need to get redressed," the husky said, throwing the feline a fresh change of clothes."

Jesse caught them and smelled them. He caught Tanner's scent on them and sighed. He loved the way that the husky smelled, just like he tasted; like carrots and honey. Hurriedly he put on the clothes over his cum coated fur and walked out the door, Tanner swatting his ass as he did so. The canine put his arm around the tiger's shoulder and they strolled down the stairs, enjoying each others company.

As they entered the kitchen, the dragon was sitting at the kitchen table drinking a steaming mug of what the tiger assumed to be tea. She glanced up from a tattered leather book she was reading as the two furs walked and smiled, her blue eyes shining with serenity as she asked "So did the two of you have a good rest?"

The tiger and the husky looked at each other slyly as a blush spread across their faces. The smaller feline rubbed his head underneath Tanner's chin as the canine wrapped his arms around him in a loving embrace. "You could say that" the husky said as he licked at Jesse's nose. The feline licked back in retaliation, but before he could attack the canine with his tongue, the husky pulled him into a deep kiss. After it was broken, Jesse went to sit down at the table opposite from Melody as Tanner scurried about searching for breakfast of some sort.

As the husky started scrambling eggs and frying bacon, Melody started up a conversation with the beleaguered tiger. "So are you feeling any better, hun?"

"Yeah, thanks for asking," was the feline's meek reply.

"So, what has the wonder chef told you about what we do?"

Jesse glanced over to where the canine was cooking, a dangerously sized fire blooming from the grill, and replied, "That you guys, I mean, that we fight demons. We stop them from hurting innocent furs."

"And you are aware of your part in all of this?"

"I'm the Servant of Light."

"Hmmmm," the dragon mused. "Ever been in a fight before?"

Sadly the tiger shook his head.

"Well you don't need to worry none. After school tomorrow, we will have the whole weekend to get you started on your training. You will be one of the pros before you know it."

"Until then," Tanner interrupted bringing over a steaming plate of breakfast food, (yes, it's in the afternoon), "I think you should eat up and recover your strength. You're going to need it for your regimen."

And with that said three teens fell upon the food like a pack of cheetahs on a sickly antelope, merciless and relentless, leaving nary a crumb for the fox pawing off upstairs. (Meanwhile, duh duh duhhhhhhh).

Zach himself was furiously working his cock, hooking both his paws together to slide around his coke-can thick cock. The crimson vulpine stopped his administrations and spit into his paws, lubing up his meaty spire with saliva and lube as he imagined a certain raccoon was pawing him off. For the longest time Zach knew that he was gay. However his parents were fiercely religious and imprinted on him that "fags like your friend the husky burn in hell". However, he never truly believed that, but was afraid to come out to his parents. He was even afraid to come out to Tanner, even though the canine himself was gay. The fox just wasn't ready to unload that burden from his shoulders.

At Jacques High, there was a classmate who the fox couldn't take his eyes off of. The coon, to Zach at least, was one of a kind. Although he liked to hang out with the wrong sorts of furs and had a penchant for thievery, the vulpine just couldn't keep his amber eyes that finely muscled ass that the raccoon kept flaunting as he strutted up and down the hallways at school. In the locker rooms, wondering fox eyes always found their way towards the raccoon thief when he disrobed. Zach couldn't help it. There was just some mysterious allure that attracted the fox to the coon.

And as the vulpine paws hooked around his thick meaty cock, Zach imagined the raccoon naked in front of him. His black and white sheath seated over his loosely hanging balls. The fox started to work his shaft faster as the imaginary raccoon knelt down in front of him, and licked his muzzle as his eyes shimmered with lustful abandon. Zach groaned out as the coon of his dreams opened his muzzle and licked up and down the eleven inch vulpine cock, the vulpine moaning as the coon tongue swirled around the slit at the top, lapping up a stray bead of pre. In reality, Zach's paws furiously worked up and down the slick shaft, pre-seed lubing up the huge meaty spire of flesh as in the fox's fantasy, the raccoon had his way with it.

The coon nuzzled the leaking shaft with his short snout, pre smearing across his face as he worked his way lower to where the fox's dangling sack swung over the toilet. Like a vacuum, the coon quickly sucked up the vulpine's left ball into his maw, gently sucking and nibbling on it as the fox continued to paw himself off at a Servant paced speed. (When one has super strength and super speed, it usually makes for rather intense paw off sessions). Zach closed his eyes and groaned as the fantasy coon continued to suck on his testicles, exchanging one for the other as he bathed the fox's musky scented scrotum.

Zach was panting something fierce as he worked his thick cock and when he felt the tingling sensation buildup in his crotch, he clenched all his muscles to hold back his orgasm as long as possible. And when the urge became too great, the fox came like a fire-hose, torrents of cum splashing him in the face as he rolled back his eyes and slumped on the toilet seat. His shaft let out twelve super blasts of seed that mostly clung to his face and upper fur, (he likes to paw off naked). Swiftly, Zach recovered from his horse sized climax, cleaning all the spunk off his muzzle with his tongue before licking the rest of the spooge from his body.

The fox stood up from where he was sprawled across the toilet seat, the fantasy coon fading back into his mind as he looked down at his limp spent cock, which hung like an elephant trunk. Zach's eyes shot wide open as he realized that he just pawed off in a friend's house and that he had climaxed all over his body. The fox scrambled around through the bathroom cabinets until he came across what he was looking for. He took out an aerosol can and liberally sprayed himself down with the pine scented air freshener, trying to cancel out the smell of sum and musk that circled around his body like flies on a particular tasty looking ham and cheese sandwich. He then took out a stick of New Spice Deodorant and rubbed that all over his sticky fur and then he sprayed cologne on afterwards.

When the fox walked out of the bathroom, a cloud of aroma that followed him was interesting to say the least. And when Zach walked into the kitchen, all heads turned towards his body, with curious looks on everybody's eyes However, one angry glare from the amber eyed fox turned everyone's heads away, but Zach couldn't hide from their knowing glances and mirthful grins.

Later, after Zach and Melody had excused themselves to go home, the husky and the tiger said their farewells to each other. Jesse didn't want to leave his canine after only recently getting him back from the brink of death. But they reluctantly parted from each other's embrace and Jesse began to make the long lonesome trek to his own home, (that resided about ten yards away).

The feline was tired. There was no other way to put it. Not only did he survive a class seven demonic attack, awaken as a Servant of the Earth and learn that his newly acquired mate was also one of said Servants, but he also had been fucked up the ass twice! And so it was that an exhausted limp tiger made his way into his room and collapsed upon his large bed, and a dreamless calm sleep overtook him.

The next morning...

A green blur of fur pounced on top of the sprawled tiger and a thirteen year old medium pitched voice shook the tiger from his state of contented slumber.

"Heeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeey, Jeeeessssseee!" James screamed as loud as he possibly could in the tiger's ear.

With a yowl, the feline shot up three feet into the air and landed with a tumble on the floor, amidst the strewn covers. Jesse scrambled from the blankets and glared at his brother, the tiger's fur poking out every which way, (a terrible case of bed fur).

"You fucking little twit," Jesse screamed as he extended his sharp obsidian black claws and rounded on his younger brother. "What the fuck do you think your doing?"

James was taken aback at his older brother's display and cowered back as his ears plastered against the side of his head. "I'm sorry," the lynx/tiger/squirrel muttered, on the verge of tears.

Jesse took one look at the state that his brother was in and sighed. His anger dissipated but that didn't stop James from flinching when a big tiger paw came soaring down on to his head. Instead of getting smacked, however, James just got a head rub and looked up at his big brother confusion swirling in his glistening emerald eyes. Jesse smiled at him and put a paw around his shoulder, gently guiding the hybrid out of his room and into the spacious kitchen that the Butcher's had recently acquired. The two chose a spot at the kitchen table and ate in silence as James wondered what was going on with the stranger that had replaced his big brother. In the past, he would have always gotten hit or swat if he pissed off Jesse, but this time the tiger was acting different and he was going to make sure not to do anything to piss him off anymore. No sense in taking any chances.

However, James couldn't help but smell a peculiar scent on his older brother. A scent he couldn't quite place, but he knew that it was male and that it didn't belong to Jesse. A sudden realization hit the lynx/tiger and James gasped as he felt his own sheath stir at the possibilities that had opened up to him. But, the young hybrid figured, it was better to make absolutely sure first before his attempted anything. And so, he kept his thoughts to himself and ate his Syrupy Clusters of Grain in silence until the older tiger got up and went to go shower.

Once Jesse was done cleaning and grooming himself, and after he got the scent of his mate out of his fur, much to his chagrin, the tiger scrounged about and put on some clean clothes. After which he put on his backpack and walked out the door, absent mindedly forgetting to say goodbye to his parents as he headed for the house next door and the eagerly waiting husky.

Tanner grabbed the straps of Jesse's backpack, which were around his shoulder and pulled him in for a good morning kiss. The familiar feeling of their maws connected again and tongues explored the cavernous inner workings of the muzzles as the tiger and husky held each other gently and lovingly, each giving as good as they received. Little did they know, there were prying eyes watching their make out session. (Cue dramatic music, da da duuuuuh).

The ride to school was uneventful, as the husky demonstrated from the day before that he knew how to drive just as well as a blind one pawed mentally challenged tripping rhinoceros, who believe it or not are some of the more safe drivers out there. When they arrived to a skidding halt into Tanner's designated parking space. Acrid smoke drifted up from the tired as the two furs hopped out of the worn down Mustang, (the vehicle, not the horse) and strode towards classes.

Unfortunately, due to the events of yesterday, Jesse hadn't been able to go to class so he needed to fabricate a plausible excuse that would satisfy his teachers' irritable moods. The feline followed the canine to the front office where Zach the fox and Melody the dragon waited for them. All four of the walked into the office simultaneously and meandered up to the front desk. There, slumped behind the desk was Betsy, according to her nametag, who was busy stamping a pile of papers. (And before you ask, yes, Betsy is a cow).

The bovine glanced up at the four waiting students and waved them an oak door in the back of the office. "She's been waiting for all of you. Better not keep her any longer. Y'all know how she gets."

A piercing beep emanated from an intercom on the desk, and a melodic feminine voice echoed from the machine. "Betsy" the sweet voice snapped, "have the truants arrived yet?"

Betsy winced and glanced nervously around before pressing a button and replying, "Yes ma'am. They have just entered."

"Then send them back, pronto."

"Yes ma'am."

With a gesture of her head and a flick of her eyes and the four Servants hesitantly made their way down the narrow water stained hallway towards the door in the back. A single bronze plaque decorated the rather plain door with the words:

Sheila Riverspike: Principal

Tanner sucked in a breath as he put a paw on the door knob and wrenched open the principal's door. A frigid draft of air collided with the four furs as they winced from the frigidity and made their ways into the depths of the principal's lair. As they made their way in they spotted two furs in the middle of a one sided heated conversation.

A raccoon, about the age of seventeen or eighteen, was standing nonchalantly as a female otter berated the coon. He wore a black leather jacket that had seen better days and black denim jeans that looked to realistically cut to be designers. The raccoon had four loops in each of his ears and a couple of studs in his eyebrows. He wore black combat boots that were oddly polished and reflected most of the interior of the principal's office. Jesse was able to get a look at his eyes from where he was standing on the side, waiting for the otter to notice them. The raccoon's eyes were, how to say it, constantly changing colors; or at least so it seemed. First they were gold, but they faded to a neutral brown and then would explode into a bright green. From there the green would soften to a calm blue then deepen to an intense violet. What was extraordinary was that the raccoon's eyes seemed to be natural. They seemed to change color depending on how the angles of light hit them.

The female otter was quite the opposite. Well dressed in a red blouse and a matching red skirt, she looked as if she belonged in a Prada magazine. She wore high heels and fishnet stockings, and her make-up was applied just right, neither too much nor too little. Her own eyes were a familiar shade of indigo that Jesse could have sworn he had seen somewhere before. Elegant jewelry hung from her ears and she also wore a woven tail-ring around her rudder like tail. And her muzzle seemed to be going a mile a minute.

"I don't give a rat's ass what your reasons are Mr. Lagot. There will be no fighting in my halls, period." Ms. Riverspike accentuated every word with a slap of her paw against her other paw. "This is the fifth time that the teachers have caught you picking on other students."

"The teachers need to learn to mind their own business" muttered the coon. Jesse, Tanner and Melody were standing by nervously, but Zach was transfixed upon the raccoon, as he oh so subtly licked his chops.

"The teachers" Riverspike said, her voice dropping to a deadly calm, "are the law among these parts." The otter prodded a forceful paw into the raccoon who had to take a step back. "And unless you wish to continue to incur my wrath, you will learn to stay in your place. Understood."

Lagot glanced at the floor and muttered under his breath.

Riverspike glanced up harshly, her tone taking one a frigid bite. "What was that Mr. Lagot?"

"Nothing" the coon said and then added on a harsh "ma'am" as an afterthought.

Riverspike pointed towards the door with an angry paw and Lagot begrudgingly left. As he passed the anxious group of furs he cast a sly wink at Zach, who in turn had a deep blush burned onto his visage. The door slammed with the exit of the coon, and with him went the frigid temperature, leaving the principal's office to be more humid than a hot Floridian summer day.

Riverspike put a paw to her head with a sigh and with a shake of her head she collapsed in her nice leather chair.

"What am I going to do with that kid?" she asked to herself, oblivious of the Servants' presence in the room.

That was, until Melody let out a subtle cough to let the otter know there were other furs in the room. Riverspike's head snapped up as she saw the furs standing off to the side and with a sigh she beckoned them forward. Thinking that the otter had calmed down a bit, they approached with relief. Unfortunately, they soon found out that she was just getting warmed up.

The four furs shuffled over to the middle of the room, standing nervously as they dared not breathe too loudly lest it incur the wrath of the otter. Riverspike cleared her throat as she glared at the hapless students before her.

"I'm not sure if you were aware," the otter began. "That classes started yesterday."

Tanner looked down and shuffled his feet as Zach and Melody looked the other way to avoid the otter's fearsome gaze. Jesse, however, was looking straight at Riverspike, trying to recall what was so familiar about her. He caught the headmistress's attention and she turned on him.

"What's your name?" she inquired, her bladed tongue sharpening itself for a good old thrashing.

"Jesse, maam. Jesse Butcher."

An eyebrow raised as Riverspike looked the feline up and down. "The transfer student? I'm not sure how your old school tolerated this nonsense, but I'll have you know that there will be none of it at my school. Understood?"

Jesse nodded meekly, a blush burning across his visage as the otter's indigo eyes burned into him.

Suddenly, those same fiery maddened eyes softened and Riverspike let out the smallest of smiles. "Very well, Butcher, I'll let you off this once. However, the other three of you," she spat with a sharp twist of her head towards the other three innocent furs, "should know better by now. Especially you Mr. Shaw," the otter added towards Zach. "I'm very disappointed in you. I want all of you to stay after school today so that we can discuss an appropriate punishment." Zach, Melody and Tanner groaned out in unison as they surrendered to the hard rule of Riverspike. "Now be off to classes." And with that she pointed sharply towards the door and the four furs made their way out, back down the drab hallway and out the office door, not even grabbing the attention of the bovine at the front desk.

Zach and Melody parted ways with Tanner and Jesse and the canine guided the tiger to his first class, which happened to be homeroom. Furs of various degrees were seated in a myriad of postures and talking in different degrees of volumes. Unfortunately, there where only two desks left and they were across the room from each other. The canine and feline looked at each other, sorrow filling their eyes as they parted and Tanner moved across the room to take a seat. Jess plopped down in the empty chair nearest him, his eyes never leaving the husky.

"Is he your boyfriend?" asked an equine lounging in the chair behind him.

Startled, Jesse turned to view the horse who was inquiring. The tiger looked at the husky out of the corner of his eye and smiled.


The horse snorted and turned his gaze somewhere else, other than the meekly smiling tiger.

Jesse shrugged off the reply and continued to think of his husky and of the burden placed before him. He wasn't sure if he could do it. Being a hero wasn't something that he was cut out for. And while he was thinking, time flew on by around him and the school day ended with a brrrrrrrrrrrrrring.

As the hubbub of furs hustled and bustled about trying to be the first to get away from the torture of academics, the feline waited patiently for his friends to gather.

However, they never showed, and Jesse realized that they were no doubt being kept against their will in the confines of detention. The feline shrugged and decided to walk home. It wasn't too far away and he memorized the path that the husky had driven. Or so he thought (duh duh duuuuuuh).

Five minutes passed since the tiger began the perilous trek back to the security of his home and he was already lost in the streets of Jacksonville. The area he was in was seedy, and had the feeling of corruption and sinister floating around. And as Jesse looked around for some sort of landmark that he recognized, he noticed a movement out of the corner of his eye. The tiger hurried his pace just a little and the furs behind him advanced as well. Jesse's orange eyes swept across the trashy desolate road looking for some sort of relief but nothing came to him. So instead, the tiger turned down a side alley and waited for his pursuers to catch up to them.

And as they turned the corner, Jesse got a good look at them. One was a jaguar, his fur so dark and oily that no light reflected off of it. One of the jaguar's eyes was sapphire blue and the other was emerald green. His clothes were in decent shape, except for the solitary stain of creator knows what. The fur to the jaguar's right was a leopard. The leopard's fur was a brilliant gold-orange but there were no spots on him at all. Where spots used to reside where chalk white marks, the evident result of bleaching fur. The leopard's eyes were pale green, the color of dried grass. And as he smiled, he showed the sharp curved fangs that jutted from his muzzle.

The final fur was behind the leopard and off to the right. She was leaning against the wall with a quiet calm that belied the fierce look in her eyes. For a lioness, her appearance was unique. Steel skull earrings hung from either ear and she had two piercings through her left nostril and another through her lower lip. Her headfur was electric blue and the rest of her fur was divided into two colors. Her right side was bleached white while her left side had been died black, making her look like a pierced yin yang symbol. And her eyes. Fierce blue eyes looked up from the mismatched appearance, and they also revealed a sharp wit and intelligence that one would not attach to her appearance.

And she was the first to speak.

"Well, gents," she spoke with a slight British accent, "look what we have here. A new kitty to play with." Her companions snickered as she continued, "Seeing as how we know all of the felines in Jacksonville, and that we don't know you, you must be new around here."

As the lioness continued to speak, the other two furs crept there was around the Jesse the tiger until the three delinquents surrounded him. The leopard's eyes sparkled with a hungry gaze as he rubbed his paws together fiercely and licked his chops.

"Can we take him, Domino? Huh? Can we?" the spotless leopard asked in a whiny raspy voice.

Domino, the black and white lioness glanced aside at her bleached companion and clucked her tongue in a disapproving manner. "Now, now, Spots, what kind of furs would we be if we didn't extend an invitation to this cute looking feline." Domino turned her blue dyed head towards the tiger who was tensed up and waiting patiently. "Well, how about it tiger? How would you like the honor of joining the prestigious Kit Kat Gang. We rule the west side of Jax with an iron paw and here, the felines rule."

Jesse cast a look at the crazed looking leopard and the stony features of the jaguar and returned his sight upon Domino, who had walked up and stood in front of him, purring slightly as her tail twitched back and forth.

Jesse shrugged his shoulders and said, "Heh, sorry, but I think I'll pass on the offer."

Domino shrugged her shoulders and commented matter of factly, "Hey, it's no biggie. If you don't wanna join, you don't wanna join. However, we can't have any loose felines come strolling about our turf and acting like they can do as they please." She snapped her paw at her comrades. "Spots, Shade, take him down." With a glance towards the tiger she turned her back and strutted away as the jaguar and the leopard closed in on the Jesse. The feline extended his claws and bent his knees, ready to pounce and kick some pussy, (da da chhhh).

Jesse smirked as he said, "Heh, you'll find that it's a bit harder to take me down than you realize. After all, I'm the Servant of Light and challenging me to a fight, no matter how unfair the odds, you have just signed your death warrants."

Domino turned around with a less than amuse look spread across her face and said "Is that so?"

And the jaguar Shade pounced. He was fast. Faster than should be normal for an average fur and for some reason Jesse couldn't follow his movements until it was too late and he was pinned on the cold hard pavement underneath the dual eyed black cat. With a quick motion, the tiger slammed his knee into Shade's crotch, sending the jaguar yowling and tumbling backwards.

Jesse stuck out his paw and cried out, "Angel's Fang!" in an attempt to summon his weapon. But nothing happened. At least not until Spots tackled him from behind and sent them both tumbling to the ground. And the crazed leopard was on the tiger, slashing with his claws and tearing gashes into Jesse left and right.

Blood welled up and flowed freely as the ground was painted with the tiger's blood. As the jaguar was fast, the leopard was strong and Jesse couldn't move his body as Spots straddled him, slashing into his body with his serrated claws. The tiger was losing consciousness fast and was fading out as he heard a new voice in the background.

"I call upon the crushing depths of darkness," the voice called out in a clear ringing tone. Spots, Domino and Shade looked around to find the source of the voice, but no fur was in sight. "to drag my enemies to the brink of despair," continued the voice and it sounded as if it were coming from somewhere in the alley, but still there wasn't a fur in sight. "and hurl them into an eternal plummet into the torrent of oblivion!" And as the voice finished speaking, light left the area all together, immersing the immediate area in a shroud of pitch black fog-like darkness. And then Jesse heard the three furs scream out in pain and fear, as well as the sounds of scrapping and fighting. And right before the tiger faded into his own inner black, the darkness lifted and he saw the outline of a large black furred wolf lift him up and carry him out of the alleyway. And then, his mind slipped into a dreamless unconscious as the strange black wolf carried the severely bleeding tiger to creator knows where.