Just Another Saturday Morning

Story by Argentuscale on SoFurry

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This is based on my Quality Father-Son Time stories. I DID NOT write this story; it was written by Rosewolf with my permission and was edited and posted by me with his permission. His profile can be found here: http://www.yiffstar.com/user/Rosewolf

Jared woke up feeling pretty damn good all over. Even his sore rump felt better after the pounding from his dad the night before.

The one sad part of him waking up was waking up to find himself alone in the king-size bed Stark had bought for the two of them. Annoyed, Jared got up out of bed to find the sexy beast that had him embraced within his older and muscular warm arms just hours before. He stretched and flexed every muscle from head to toe, loving even the intense soreness of flexing his steel buttocks.

Jared and his dad have always kept up their daily routine in their home gym. However, both of them got a little dissatisfied with how fast and huge their muscles were getting. So they decided to slow it down and actually lose some muscle. Stark reluctantly ordered his son to settle for a body smaller than his, since Jared was already built like a studly High School football player. Stark himself kept a larger body (to show off and let Jared know who was boss) that was of a moderate pro-wrestler.

Stark had one-way viewing windows installed, and paid to have their home labeled as private property (with some exceptions towards friends and family; just as long as they call in advance). Due to this they both had little to worry about walking around their home, naked, teasing each other. So Jared just headed downstairs, thinking on his way down how their love life had progressed since his mother found a new home.

It had been two months since Jared and his dad got Resa, Jared's mother, to move out. Though they did eventually allow her to visit, it was very infrequent and it was no more than a couple of hours. Each visit got slightly less awkward, to the point where even Jared could speak to her without gritting his teeth. Once, Resa had jokingly called Stark and Jared "lovebirds" because of how close they always were to each other; they laughed while she sat there, completely in the dark.

Since their first time together, Stark and Jared spent every night with each other. Pounding each other's asses, and sucking each other off until they erupted like Mount St. Helens. Stark had always kept himself from using full force on his son with the concern that he might hurt Jared, but during the past couple of weeks, Jared's dad got more comfortable gradually going just a little bit harder each night. Now Stark takes his son so hard it sends Jared into a screaming fit of pleasure-- one might consider it rape.

Jared found his dad in the kitchen facing away from him reading the newspaper. A steaming cup of coffee was on the table in front of him. Stark was wearing nothing but a silk, jet black robe, one that Jared had come to love seeing him wear in the morning and at night before their bonding. Jared easily slid under the table in front of his dad, Stark being too busy with reading the news. Even when Jared brushed his hands up his dad's iron bronze legs he only uttered an appreciative "mmmm." Jared knew his dad wasn't trying to ignore him--if he didn't want his gorgeous son pleasuring him he would have simply rubbed the top of his head, smiled at him while looking into his eyes, and said "Later."

Jared got up to the inside of his dad's thighs and he parted the flaps of the robe keeping his dad (and that monster of a cock) hidden from Jared's desiring view. Stark was several feet longer than the average adult male horse, Jared was about half as big as his dad but still moderately over average for a horse his age, too. His dad always kept himself limp and hanging so his son could stiffen him up and get him excited. This was always their morning ritual. Jared started by taking his stallion of a father in his hand and licking from his base to the tip while slowly stroking him with both hands.

Stark folded his newspaper in half so that he could stroke his son's beautiful head and gorgeous mane and read at the same time. This was part of their little morning game that they referred to as the "Try to distract daddy from reading" game. It did not take long for Jared to get his dad to start "Waking up." Soon Jared was able to suck on his dad and stoke him with his right hand, while slipping his other hand down and around his dad's huge right leg to grope and caress his right ass cheek of steel. By then Stark had a hard time focusing on his paper, and was moaning quite loud. Jared knew this meant his dad was getting close to ordering his son up onto his lap. Jared sped up his stroking and started using his tongue more affectively and thoroughly, slipping his dad's cock out of his mouth to lick in the dead center area between his dad‘s massive balls (which were about the size of oversized plums) and the balls themselves. Stark was lovingly rubbing behind his son's ears, his eyes closed tight and his head pointed strait up to the ceiling. He was practically yelling by the time he decided to get to the part that he and his stud of a son were dying to get to. Setting down his paper, Stark untied his robe and opened it wide, holding his arms out invitingly and ordering his son up with a firm "get up in your dad's lap, boy."

Jared almost leaped into his father's welcoming embrace. They hugged and kissed each other for several minutes, letting their tongues wrap together in their mouths. Difficult though it was (with both Jared's weight and the aiming of his horse cock), Stark managed to lift and spread his son's ass cheeks and guide his cock up in his ass while still sitting down, while Jared held and aimed the long, thick, juicy horse sausage that made him into his willing entrance. Jared was moaning all the way down his dad's thick meat. Even after continuous and endless nights since Jared's mother moved out, Jared was always tight when his dad mounted him (but neither of them complained). Stark quickly but smoothly glided his son all the way down till he was literally balls deep in his only and fabulous child that he loved both sexually and as a parent. They stayed in that position for several minutes, during which Stark took the time to cover both himself and Jared in his robe, tying the silk straps to keep them covered and tied together.

They loved being in this position, covered and bound together in Stark's silk robe with Jared in his father's lap and Stark balls deep in his son. After a couple of minutes, Stark groped and squeezed his son's ass cheeks, pulling him up slightly off his engorged stallion cock (not being much space to go very far up due to them being tied by the robe), then quickly but smoothly let Jared fall all the way back down onto it. Jared was rock hard, his balls pressed firmly against his dad's lower stomach just above where his daddy's member was repeatedly forcing its way into the ass of its offspring. Jared's own engorged cock pressed firmly against his dad's stomach and chest as he bobbed up and down. Jared was in a state of indescribable pleasure, moaning loudly and releasing sudden gasps each time he was forced all the way down to his dad's balls. Precum seeped from the tip of his penis and coated Stark's abs.

They kept this up for about fifteen minutes, Stark pumping and pushing his horse cock harder and more passionately into his son, while at the same time pulling his son off and onto him. After fifteen minutes Stark decided to quit being nice. He stood up, his cock still buried deep within his son, pushed the chair away from the table, grabbed his cup of coffee and the newspaper (setting them both down on the counter), and laid Jared over the table on his back. They were both still bound within the silk robe, Jared's arms wrapped around his father's back on the inside of the robe and his legs locking together around Stark's massive waist, both their heads over each other's shoulders. Stark started slowly but firmly humping his stud of a son's firm, beautiful ass.

Jared was in between moaning and yelling from intense pleasure, feeling every bulging vein of his father's massive stallion cock pulse against his insides. Stark started slowly, quickly speeding up his pace as his son loosened. He spread his legs wide in a horse stance with his robe draping down his muscular rump as his left arm went across his son's broad shoulders. His right arm was wrapped around Jared's left arm, across his back, into the left side of his robe, and gripped the right side of his son's ribcage. Both son and father were moaning so loudly that they could be heard throughout the house. Stark finally got to their favorite part: He started pounding violently into the tight entrance of his offspring's rump, not letting himself pull out more than an inch from his son, all the while asking things like "Who's daddy's good little boy?" and "You like it when daddy rides your ass with his big sausage? " To which Jared would reply with a pleasured "Oh, yes, daddy, ride my ass! Hump me harder, daddy horse, harder!"

Jared was almost screaming from pleasure, and slightly pain, though it was a good sort of pain. Stark was moaning, and snorting hotly from pounding into his son's warm, tight ass. Soon Stark began practically jack-hammering his beloved child. The table had moved several times, so Stark had to keep stepping forward. Jared remained flat on his back throughout the whole thing. Only difference now was that he was screaming from such pleasuring treatment. A few months ago, Stark would have made himself swear never to go this far. Now he couldn't resist taking his son like a real bitch. It was a whole hour before they reached climax, having practiced holding out during their sessions trying to make the experience last without things like Viagra. It was intense; Stark pulled his head back and looked up to the ceiling, eyes closed, while still holding his son close to his body. Jared's head was up tight against his dad's broad, muscular chest.

Both horses exploded at the same time, Stark filling and quickly overflowing his son's ass with his seed. Much of it spilled down onto the kitchen floor. Jared threw his head back against the table, both moaning and even sobbing "Oh, daddy" from climax while his cum shot out, covering himself and his dad from stomach to face with horse seed. They collapsed with Stark resting on top of his son; head over Jared's left shoulder, and Jared lying with his back on the table looking straight up at the ceiling. They stayed like that for five minutes, letting the afterglow settle. Stark, panting heavily, whispered into his son's ear, "You make me so happy and proud, son."

When Jared didn't answer Stark pulled his head up to look down at his passed-out son with a smile on his face. Stark whispered to himself, "Guess I've made you happy and tired." Picking his son up, still tied to him by the robe (which, miraculously, didn't even untie), stood up and carried his son back to bed.

Putting the robe on the floor (it would need to be washed later), Stark climbed into bed butt-naked and pulled his son up onto his body. Jared was lying on top of him with their chests up close against each other, and Stark pulled the blankets over them. Smiling to himself, Stark fell asleep with his son, not worried about anything disturbing them since it was just another Saturday morning. He had big plans for the upcoming summer holiday week with his son.