Fair is Fair
#1 of Random Ramblings (Adult)
7777 words long. My single longest individual piece yet. Please leave a comment.
Fair is Fair
Aedan shuffled blindly through the knee deep snow, hugging himself and hunched over half way against the freezing wind that had covered his fur and armor in a layer of ice. Everywhere he looked, there was only white. He had been caught completely by surprise by the blizzard that had moved in within minutes and dumped a foot of snow in just an hour. The entire forests was now a death trap as he could no longer see the road that he had been following. He was unable to tell that he had gone off the path and was now venturing further into the wilderness.
"I should have stayed put." Aedan whimpered to himself as he tried to stop the wind and snow from batting him in the face with a raised arm that was nearly too heavy to lift due to the clumped snow that was accumulating on his armor.
He was wearing a full set of steel plate armor that weighed nearly eighty pounds. It clinked and groaned in the cold and provided little insulation and now that it was frozen to him, it was slowly sapping the heat from his body. The thought of discarding it had crossed the grey wolf's mind several times, but the idea of letting go of such an expensive piece of equipment that had cost him nearly a year's wage stopped him. If he intended to complete the task that he had set out to do then he would need every bit of protection he could get because he had come out to hunt a dragon.
The mythical creatures were prized for their magical properties. A single scale, when crushed into a powder and mixed into a tea, was said to cure nearly all ailments. The meat was nutritious and enhanced vitality. Every part of the dragon was used when one was successfully hunted and would sell for enough to let a person retire for life and live in absolute luxury.
The problem was that dragons were extremely elusive and were the most dangerous creatures alive when confronted. Some could freeze men solid with a single breath while others would boil foolish hunters alive in their ovens. Only the most skilled or the most lucky of people got away alive to tell the tale and even fewer even got the chance to land a blow.
Aedan had come out to test his luck and his mettle and so far his luck was faltering. It should have been a clear day, that's what his almanac predicted. He knew he shouldn't have trusted the locals. They merely wanted to laugh at the misery of unprepared outsiders who came in with their chest puffed out with pride and left in despair or simply disappeared, never to be found again.
They had told the wolf that the windy and barely recognizable trail he had lost would take him up into the mountains where it was rumored a large dragon lived. They hadn't lied either, the trail would have taken him right into the heart of the mountains since the locals used it to gather the rare herbs that grew there. They had only failed to mention that they only went up there during the summer since blizzards hit the area daily.
Aedan looked tried to look around through squinted and swollen eyes. Each direction looked exactly the same. There was nothing but white and the occasional tree trunk. The only verification that he had that he was going in the right direction was the slope of the land which was slowly rising up.
Mountains have caves and caves meant shelter. Aedan reasoned and continued to trudge his way up the slope, all thoughts of the dragon gone. He just wanted to live through the blizzard and get back home to the warm and lush country side where he had hunted smaller creatures for a living. He was good at that. He was the village hunter who went out to hunt ogres, trolls and even the occasional small wyvern that came by. He had let his relatively minor successes get to his head and inflate his ego. He had no idea that the wyverns he had brought down weren't even fully grown and that dragons were an entirely different story.
Aedan dug into his leather satchel that loosely hung from his side and pulled out a flask that contained a devilishly red liquid that bubbled even in the freezing cold. It was his last heat potion, the others had been drunk down and the four other flasks littered the area behind him. He popped the corked with numb finger and quickly drunk down the liquid which burned as it went down his throat. It tasted like piss, but it would save his life. He cast the empty glass flask into the powdery snow which consumed it, like how it was consuming him. Immediately he felt the potion settle in his gut and from there a warmth spread through his entire body. It would keep him from succumbing to the cold for another hour. He hoped to find shelter by then.
With new strength, Aedan quickened his efforts. He didn't know exactly where he was going, but as long as he was going up, he no longer cared. He kept his mind focused by counting each step he took and setting simple goals such as making it to the next tree or making it another hundred steps. Anything to keep him moving forward.
Half an hour passed and the storm hadn't let up in the slightest, it was actually coming down harder and there was still no sign of any kind of shelter. Aedan kept pushing forward and kept telling himself that there was a nice cave just beyond sight, just beyond the next tree that he had set as his next goal. It was a thick pine tree whose branches were bent to face downhill from the wind. There was a small patch of exposed ground beneath it where the tree had provided cover. Aedan would have simple stopped there if it wasn't for the body.
Upon reaching the tree, he realized there was a strange growth coming out of its base. A lumpy shape that curled around its trunks that gleamed when the light hit it. Upon closer inspection, he saw, to his horror, that it wasn't a growth but a body that was frozen to the tree.
It was another hunter who had been unfortunate and unsuccessful in his own search for proper shelter. Like Aedan, he had come out to hunt a dragon and like Aedan he had been tricked by the locals and was caught by the storm. In his last moments, the fox, whose fur still showed off a vibrant orange under his leather jacket, had huddled under the tree and fallen asleep and never woke up. There was no sign of decay or carrion on the body for the fox had died only two days before Aedan had arrived. The body gleamed due to the ice that had completely encapsulated it.
Looking down at the body, Aedan wondered if he would end up the same way. Eyeing a satchel similar to his own that laid haphazardly across the dead hunter's chest, Aedan decided that he needed supplies more than the fox. Sadly, there wasn't much in the way of survival equipment. Anything that would have been useful had been used up by the fox before his last moments. There was some beef jerky wrapped in butcher paper and a few herbs that would be useful if he had an infected cut. There was nothing else on the body and Aedan left it behind where he found it, where it would remain until the animals got to it.
Aedan didn't make it more than twenty yards before running into a massive cliff face that went up and disappeared into the whiteness above. In the cliff face was a dark cave. The fox had given up well within range of safety. If it wasn't snowing, he would have seen it, but now it was Aedan's salvation.
Aedan ran towards the gaping rocky hole. He tripped at the mouth in his excitement and scrambled inside on all fours, his metal kneepads clanking and echoing into the deep dark.
The cave went into the mountain far, going straight and at a downward angle, the end couldn't be seen. It was tall enough to fit a cottage in it comfortable and the walls were smooth like marble while the floor had a more grainy texture, giving Aedan sure footing even when stepping on ice.
Out of the snow, Aedan noticed that there was a large difference in temperature. The ice that was in the cave stopped thirty paces in and at another thirty paces the cave was completely dry and strangely warm enough that his breath no longer misted.
Aware of the unnatural aspects of the cave, Aedan immediately went on the alert. He pulled his large curved rectangular shield off his back and a four meter lance which he held in his right hand. With his shield up and covering all but his face, Aedan slowly stepped further into the cave. He was tired, but wanted to make sure that the cave was safe before he fell asleep. There were places that had natural hot springs and if he could find it, then that would explain how the cave was so warm. If he didn't then... it was a dragon's lair.
Dragon's, being a reptile, desired warm environments over cold ones and would use their fiery breath to create their own warm environment. Ice dragons had fur as well as hardened scales to insulate their bodies and would migrate to warmer climates during the winter months. If Aedan did find a dragon, it would be a fire breathing one. It didn't matter, both were equally dangerous.
With soft steps to dull the noise of his steps of his metal cladded feet, Aedan crept into the tunnels that snaked into the heart of the mountain. Even if there was no dragon, there were other beasts that lurked in the dark and he would need to be ready for them.
The cave was empty as far as Aedan could tell. He didn't dare go farther than the light from the entrance went. He stopped when he could barely see more than half a meter in front of him and decided that it was clear. He didn't see any hot spring, but the rising temperature and increasing humidity did hint at it.
It was enough to convince him that he would be safe for a night. He wanted to wait for the storm before he went back down. He didn't have the supplies to continue on further. If it was warmer and there was less snow on the ground, he would have been fine.
Setting up where the cave was dry and warm, Aedan had a firing going, made from the scraps of wood he found littering the floor near the entrance. He sat huddled next to it with a wool quilt draped over his shoulders and a piece of the jerky he found off of the body in his hand, half eaten. His armor laid on the other side of the fire where it was drying to prevent rust and letting him walk freely without its weight holding him down. The entire trip had gone wrong from the very beginning, but he was alive and gracious for that. He had a perfectly fine life at his home. He regretted coming here when he had no right to. In the morning, before the next storm moved in, he would head home. At least he would be able to resell the armor to cut his losses, it would take time to make the rest, but it wasn't a major issues. Hunters were always in high demand.
Tired and stomach somewhat filled, Aedan stretched his arms up into the air and yawned before resting on his side and falling asleep with the fire still burning strong.
If it wasn't the breath that wafted over him, then it was definitely the smell of rancid meat that woke up Aedan. He wrinkled his nose and sneezed. The smell was powerful and nearly made him gag. Opening his eyes to see where the smell, he was met with large glowing yellow orbs that resembled a cat's eyes. Confused and disorientated from being woken up, Aedan looked up to see that the orbs that were the size of two of his heads were indeed eyes and they belonged to the largest living creature he had ever seen.
"Vermin." A deep rumbling voice came from the long red muzzle that was but an arm's length away. Another wave of nauseating stench washed over him as the dragon that was large enough to swallow him whole spoke.
Aedan scooted back until his back was up against the wall and the yellow eyes followed him. The dragon was massive. His body would fit in its mouth without a problem. From the tip of its nose to the end of its tail, it was thirty meters long. Its scales were red and glimmered like embers while its underside was a deep maroon that was more dull and leathery than scaly. It took a small step forward with its paws that could easily crush him. Black claws stopped at the base of Aedan's feet, each one was as long as his leg and twice as thick.
"You have crept into my home like a rat would into yours." The dragon hissed at the frightened man who looked desperately for his lance and shield. They were under the dragon, on the other side of the ashes of the fire than had a scaled paw atop of it. To get to it, Aedan would have to make a dash.
Better to go down fighting than to die lying down and cowering. Aedan thought this before he leapt to his feet and dove forward.
He heard a hearty chuckle coming from the dragon and saw the lance getting closer before everything went dark and wet.
Aedan didn't even let out the slightest of noises as the dragon effortlessly intercepted the desperate wolf with his mouth. Taking a step back with enough speed, the dragon bent its long neck down and scooped him up.
With all light gone and the hard floor of the cave gone and replaced with a soft spongy material that coated him in a thick and wet substance that immediately coated him from head to tail. He noticed the smell again and it hit him that he was in the mouth of the dragon. A sudden terror over took him and he tried to squirm his way out, but the tongue that he was laying on belly down pressed him harshly against the rough roof of the mouth. There it squeezed him until he stopped.
Thoughts of being swallowed and painfully digested filled Aedan's head. Never in a thousand ages would he imagine himself being eaten alive and he closed his eyes as he prepared himself for the cruel fate. It never came, there was no contraction of muscles that would effortlessly slide him down the tongue and into the gullet of the beast. No razor sharp teeth to eviscerate him into unrecognizable meat chunks. He felt a slight jarring of movement, but nothing that hinted that he was some morning snack.
Outside the mouth, the dragon began to walk into the deepest parts of the cave where it lived, bringing along the hunter it had trapped in its fleshy cage. The cave was dark, but the dragon knew its way for it had traveled the path down into the bowels of the earth many times. After some time and nearly a mile of walking, the cave began to show light again. Several times, the wolf had tried to squirm around and each time it did, the dragon used its tongue to squeeze any resistance out of it.
It had been a complete surprise to the dragon to see the tiny slumbering wolf at the entrance of the cave. He had known about the fox that had died for some time and ignored it, but to have another foolish creature attempt to hunt him down so soon was as maddening as it was amusing. So many had tried to hunt him down and yet this wolf was the first to make it to his lair alive and in a rather good state of health. He didn't kill the hunter right away because he was no threat, the puny lance he had wasn't even enough to piece the webbing between his toes. The dragon didn't understand why so many had come before him and why so many died in their attempts and he intended to figure it out.
The dragon wandered into a cavern that was lit by a glowing fungus that gave off a bright blue hue. It was large enough for him to move around comfortable and bed whenever he came back from a hunt. It was his home.
Tipping his head down, the dragon opened his mouth and let the wolf that had been marinating in both his breath and saliva slide out onto the hard floor with a thump. The wolf immediately got onto his feet and looked up at the dragon before making a run for the exit. It was rather amusing to see it flee even though it had no chance to escape unless he let it.
Aedan didn't take the time to survey his surroundings. He didn't know where he was, but like when he was in the snow, he saw that there was an upward incline that led to a tunnel. The dragon was off to the side, giving him a clear view of the exit. He bolted for it and when the dragon didn't immediately step on him or scoop him up again, he felt as if there was a chance. That feeling disappeared as an armored tail slammed down in front of him, forcing him to change directions and slide since the bottom of his feet were covered in saliva that slid on the floor.
The dragon nearly broke out in laughter when the wolf slid across the floor to get around the tail. He hadn't ever done anything like this before. Whenever he was bothered by hunters or other creatures, including dragons, he usually either left or returned the favor with a blow of his fiery breath. Now that he was in control, he didn't mind toying with the thing for a bit before he got serious.
Aedan was nearly around the tail, his legs moving faster than ever before to carry him to safety when the end of the tail flicked his feet from under him. He stretched out a hand and rolled to avoid breaking his arm. Disorientated, he got back onto unsteady feet and ran in a random direction. Anywhere to get away. A clawed paw then came crashing down in front of him. It shook the ground, causing Aedan to stumble and fall. He didn't get up this time, he knew that escape was pointless. He sat on his knees and glared up at the dragon who looked as if it had a smirk on his face.
"Well!" Aedan yelled at the top his lungs. "Finish it." He didn't like being toyed with and would rather it all be over than to be continually humiliated.
The dragon looked down at the sulking wolf who had just yelled at him. It was odd to see something so small make such a demand of him with so much hate. He decided that he had his fun.
"I do not wish to kill you." The dragon lifted its paw up and took a step back to reinforce the point.
Aedan didn't trust it one bit. "Then why all of this?" He demanded. "Why torment me?"
"Torment you?" The dragon couldn't believe what he had just heard. "You torment me." He roared and the wolf cowered back. "For centuries your kind has continually tried to murder me and now that the tables are turned you accuse me of tormenting you?"
The wolf scratched the back of his head, seeing how he had set up a double standard with his accusation.
"I will not torment you any longer."
Aedan raised his head at that and the fury that had erupted in the dragon's eyes was gone. "Then what will you do to me?"
"You will explain yourself." The dragon told him. "Why does your kind hunt me and my kin?" He leaned head in to get a better look at the wolf. He wanted to hear everything he had to say.
"A... We..." Aedan stuttered. He was at a loss of words with the sudden request to justify himself.
"Spit it out." The dragon barked, a flicker of flames licked at the back of his mouth. "And do not think to lie to me. I have no patience for liars."
Seeing the flames that would turn him into a pile of ashes in an instant, Aedan told him everything. "It's for fame." He cried out. "For money, recognition... greed." He looked up into the eyes of the dragon, trying to discern any emotions from them. They merely looked at him, calculating and stern.
It was exactly what the dragon had thought. He had lived long enough to know about the greed that drove the little beings he shared the world with. Empires and kingdoms rose to fulfil the greater good and the need of the people only to come falling down due to the corruption and greed that spawned from the power that was given to its rulers.
"Don't hold me here any longer. I won't bother you anymore." Aedan pleaded on his knees. "I won't bother you anymore." He meant every word of it too. He just wanted to get home and away from this terrible experience.
"Not so fast." The dragon sat on its haunches. "After everything that has occurred. I cannot let you simply walk away."
"What?" Aedan exclaimed.
Ignoring the wolf's displeasure at the situation, the dragon continued. "We dragons like to play games."
"Oh now do you?" Aedan sneered sarcastically.
"Believe or not, but is true. I have a game for you. If you win, I let you go right then and there. If I win, I have for a bit longer." He gave a toothy smile at the wolf.
"I don't have a choice now do I?" The dragon was in the way of the exit and all previous attempts had failed. It was a rhetorical question.
"What do you think?"
"Fine." Aedan got up onto his feet and crossed his arms. His fur was a mess now that the saliva was drying and was feeling oddly light headed as well. Dragon saliva had a weak numbing agent in it which was used to slow down prey. Simply licking the prey shouldn't have done anything, but Aedan had been completely covered in it.
"I want you to try and force me to move from this spot." The dragon tapped his finger on the ground. "I will not stop your attempts and you are allowed to try anything you want since I know that you are incapable of harming me."
Aedan looked up at the towering dragon. "You're massive compared to me." He stated the obvious and the dragon raised his scaled eyebrows.
"Does that mean you forfeit already?" The dragon purred, the vibrations from it tickled the tips id Aedan's ears. "You species is supposed to be stubborn, but if you..."
"I never said that?" Aedan jabbed a finger at the dragon and began to walk around it. He couldn't push him, not even a hundred men could do that. There had to be a way, dragons of old were thought of as fair creatures who never made a proposition that completely favored one side. He just needed to find a way to get him to move off of his fat ass that was planted firmly on the ground.
Walking up to one of the massive claws, Aedan tested it with a kick. It was solid, he expected nothing less.
The dragon looked down and gave the wolf a cheeky look as he walked around. He had it in his mind that he would get up if he was asked to move. Though few would rarely think to look for such a simple answer. The wolf tested each toe and even tried a good shove that the dragon barely registered. He had to admit that watching it was cute. He meant it when he said he did not tolerate liars and he would not lie to himself. The wolf had a certain kind of spunk to him that attracted him. He had grown tired of things cowering before him and now one of the tiny little creatures was walking around him and scrutinizing him.
Aedan couldn't think of a way to move the giant wall of muscle and scale, not with force. He needed to think of something cleverer. He reached up and scratched his chin while leaning on the dragon's toe. The numbness was being replaced with the sensation of pins and needles which nipped at all of his extremities. It was difficult to concentrate and that gave him an idea. If he couldn't force the dragon to move then he would make it so he didn't want to stay in place.
Picking up a heavy rock in his hand, Aedan gauged the distance from him to the dragon's face. It was a ways up there and if he could bop the lizard on the nose a few times then maybe it would do something. Having nothing to lose from trying, Aedan heaved the rock as hard as he could upwards.
The dragon saw the stone fly up and arc several meters and come crashing back down to the ground. "Are you trying to humor me?" He chided the wolf who walked over to the stone and picked it up.
"You said I can try anything."
"Indeed I did."
"That didn't work." Aedan said to himself, but he hadn't given up on the idea. The head was simply too high, but there was an entire dragon to throw rocks at so he did just that. The first throw was aimed at one of the toes and it bounced off and rolled off to the side. The dragon didn't even notice, it was no longer watching him, instead it looked ahead and yawned.
"Scales are too tough on the feet." Aedan observed and ran a hand along one of the red scales that radiated heat when he got close to it. "Need to find something more sensitive." He looked back at the dragon and his cheeks reddened at the thought. There was a slit as tall as him right in between the dragon's legs. It didn't take a genius to know what it was. Without a second thought, Aedan got within ten meters of it and threw the rock with all of his force, hoping that if it did get a reaction, he wouldn't pay for it.
The dragon was starting to get bored. As fun as it was to watch the wolf go around and throw rocks at him, it was getting old. He was about to tell him that time was up when a sudden sharp pain hit in the groin. He immediately got up and leapt away, thinking that something more sinister had crept in when he wasn't looking and had taken a stab at his vulnerable parts.
The reaction was almost immediate. The dragon roared and leapt away, the gust of air threw him back half a meter and onto his ass. He was filled with a mixture of awe at the sight of it moving so gracefully and fear at the sight of seeing something so big move so fast.
The dragon scanned the cavern for any signs of unwelcome guests only to see the wolf grinning at him. He had been duped realized. "That was foul play." He growled, but was actually impressed by the tenacity that the hunter. He knew of no one else that would even think of hitting him in his genital slit, let alone actually do it.
"You said I can try anything." Aedan insisted and stood his ground.
The dragon backed down with a bow of its head. "I did and you have won."
"I can go?" Aedan asked. He was unsure since it seemed sudden. The dragon was just letting him go, it seemed too good to be true.
"Yes. That was the deal." The dragon confirmed. He could feel the rock where it was lodged in his slit. The pain had faded and each time he moved, a slight but pleasing sensation filled his loins.
Eyeing the dragon whose back legs were quivering, Aedan began to walk towards the exit of the cavern.
The dragon was somewhat sad to see the wolf go. He hadn't had that much fun in a long time and the sensation between his legs was filling his head with other ideas. He sighed, a deal was a deal and he would not go back on his word.
Aedan noticed the dragon sigh in disappointment as he reached the exit. He couldn't see the exit and he, like the dragon had gotten other ideas. "Hey!" Aedan cupped his hands over his mouth and called out to the dragon who let out what Aedan thought was the cutest chirrup he had heard. It reminded him of his cat whenever he petted it when it was sleeping.
Giving a cough to try and cover up the high pitched noise that had erupted from him, the dragon answered back. "Yes."
"It's been an exciting day and I'm guessing it's a long hike back to the surface so do you mind if I rest up a bit before I go."
A sudden rise of excitement rose up in the dragon's chest, but he pushed it down for the sake of dignity. To dragons, dignity was one of the most important qualities they had, they were proud creatures who hated to be embarrassed. "I would not protest." He answered back flatly and the wolf walked, almost skipped back into the cavern where he sat in the middle and looked at him with wanting eyes. He walked over and lazily laid himself on his side, close enough to read the wolf's facial expressions, but not so close that he was intimidating if that was possible.
They both sat in silence, avoiding each other's eye contact. Neither one knew how to proceed. The eagerness of the other had not been missed by either of them.
"What did you plan to do if I lost?" Aedan asked quickly to break the ice.
"I had not thought of what I would do." The dragon answered truthfully. The wolf was a curiosity that he wanted to keep around to watch and study. Now that he had him for a bit longer, he still didn't know exactly what he wanted. He felt some sort of attraction, but the idea of a dragon falling for something other than another dragon would appall most of his species. There were places where dragons lived peacefully with the small people, but it was out of mutual gain. Humans would provide food to the dragon and it would protect them from neighboring kingdoms and monsters. There was never anything other than that.
"Well, maybe I should get that rock." Aedan suggested. His hands were clammy and it had taken all of his nerve to ask the simple question. He had enough trouble talking to attractive women back home, this was on a whole new level.
The idea of having the wolf climb up on him and dig the rock out with his hands was an enticing offer.
"I did it to you. Only fair that I fix it." Aedan bit his lower lip. His heart was about ready to burst out of his chest.
"Fair is fair." The dragon confirmed, trying to hide his own excitement, but a small smile was etched at the edges of his lips.
With permission given, Aedan got up and walked over to one of the dragon's massive legs. He began to climb, using the scales as hand grips, all the while being close fully and lustfully watched. When he got on top of the leg, the dragon slowly began to roll onto his back to give better access. From there, Aedan walked up to the massive slit that he worried would suck him in if he fell. Getting on his hands and knees, Aedan got to work. He used both of his hands to peel the lips of the slit to the side, rewarding him with an approving grumble from the dragon. He couldn't see the rock so he began to work his hands in. He had given the rock a mighty throw and it had lodged itself deep within the dragon.
He wasn't even sure if he was searching in the right place. His entire arm was coated by the clear lubricating substance that seeped through the inner walls of the dragon's opening that hid its massive cock from sight. Aedan could see the very tip of it peeking through the flesh and thought about touching it.
"After the rock." Aedan reminded himself of the task at hand and slowly worked his way along the entire length of the slit until he found the rock which slid beyond reach when Aedan tried to grasp at it. He would need to go in deeper to get to it.
The dragon happily enjoyed the sensations of having the wolf rummage around he member that was swelling up and would soon creep out of its hiding spot. Although most of the dragon was covered in a thick layer of protective scales that dulled sensations, the genital region more than made up for it. The wolf was tiny and yet he felt everything from the searching claws that moved his flesh around to the arms that had only succeeded in pushing the rock further into him.
Aedan gazed into the pink fleshy canyon that laid before him. It was plenty warm so he decided that he no longer needed his cotton clothing since they were ruined anyway. The clothes peeled away from like glue and soon he stood at the edge of the slit completely naked. He was getting properly aroused and the red tip of his own cock peeked out of its sheath.
"Here we go." Aedan took a step forward and fell in feet first. The walls closed in around him and his supply of air was cut off. He had taken a breath in and twisted around so he was head first. He couldn't see and reached out to find the rock. He was running out of breath quickly and began to struggle as his lungs burned. Being eaten alive was suddenly sounding more pleasant than drowning inside the genitals of a dragon.
The sensation was more than the dragon could handle. He let loose a short roar. The wolf was squirming around and it was enough to finally get his erection to its full state.
Aedan's head began to swirl. He had the rock in one hand and was now trying to climb his way back out, but the walls were too slippery. Suddenly he felt something beneath him begin to rise and before he knew it he was free and in the air, suspended on top of the dragon's ridged cock that towered meters into the air.
"I got the rock." Aedan lifted up the rock into the air as if it was a prize and coughed up some of the lubricant he had swallowed. It had a sweet taste to it that was appetizing, but instead of swallowing, he had inhaled it.
"I see that." The dragon could not help but smile at the sight on the wolf who was perched on top of his swelling pride as if he was riding like a horse. "Now what are we going to do about this?" He nodded his head at himself.
It was only then that Aedan saw where he was.
"You did cause this." The dragon inquired. "It's only fair that you fix it." He repeated the words that began all of this.
"Fair is fair." Aedan looked down. "How am I going to do this." He ran his hand along the smooth surface that was covered in the lubricant. His own erection was now out of the sheath and prominently showing. It was comically small when compared to the dragon. Aedan tried to wrap his arms around the girth of the dragon, but couldn't even do that. It was simply too big to handle.
Seeing the predicament that the wolf was in, the dragon had a plan. "Let me help with that." He put a palm next to the wolf who got the idea and climbed on. He set it down on the ground off to the side and where the wolf got off and watched in awe as the dragon began to shrink. It was silent as every part of the dragon slowly came down to size until it was no large than a horse.
"My god." Aedan held a paw up to his mouth as he gasped at the sight. "How did you do that?"
The dragon stretched his arms and legs. The shrinking process always caused all of his joints to tense up as they were compressed. "You would call it magic."
Aedan walked over to the dragon. The ground was still warm where its massive body once laid. He reached out tentatively. Seeing was believing, but touching was the truth. "Amazing." With the scales much smaller, Aedan could feel the rough texture of the dragon's skin. ""Where does all of the mass go?"
The dragon tilted his head sideways in his version of a shrug. "Now." He nuzzled the wolf in the neck. "Where were we?" His nuzzling grew stronger until he pushed the wolf onto his back, glaringly red cock beaming.
"I think I was about to take care of the little thing I made." Aedan reached under the dragon and grasped its warm member which was dripping onto his chest.
"I have been without a true release in forty seven years." The dragon whispered into the wolf's ear. "Let me mount you."
Aedan looked down at the cock in his hand and then at the dragon who gazed at him expectantly. He wouldn't force himself onto him without permission. It was a chance that he would never get again and he wanted to experience it. He nodded and was immediately pounced upon and found himself on his hands and knees after some nudging.
The dragon positioned himself behind the wolf who had his tail raised high to give him clear access to his hole. He didn't waste time with games and walked up so that his front paws were on either side of the wolf's shoulders. His member lazily bobbing up and down against the shivering wolf's cheeks. Gently the dragon lowered his hips to the point that his tip was lightly tapping at the willing entrance. "It will be tight and painful at first." The dragon warned.
Aedan heard the warning, but dispelled any second thoughts. He had never felt so horny in his life, nor so willing to bottom. There was something about the dragon that kept him here. Some pain was worth it. He nodded his head and felt himself being spread wide by the dragon.
The ridged cock slowly penetrated the wolf. Each ridge tugged at the pink hole that was being forced open far wider than it had ever been before. The dragon was still the size of a horse and was similar to size in every way.
The burning sensation from his complaining anus brought tears to Aedan's eyes, but he held in any moans of pain. Behind the pain was pleasure like none he had ever felt before. The ridges massaged his insides and touched all of the right places.
Inch by inch, the dragon pushed himself in farther until he was at the hilt of his knot. He let the wolf settle and stretch more in preparation of the pounding he was about to receive. The dragon took in a deep breath and blew warm air out onto the back of the wolf's head. He did this three times and on the third, the dragon pulled back until only his tip was still inside and then he pushed forward, burying himself in one thrust that rocked the wolf.
It hit Aedan hard. He had anticipated it, but was in no way prepared. He cried out and groaned as the dragon bottomed out to the knot.
"Shall I stop?" The dragon asked, not wanting to cause any permanent damage.
"No." Aedan begged. "Keep going. I can handle it." He wasn't sure if he could, but he wanted to go as far as possible. He didn't feel anything tear or break inside, only the hot sensation of the dragon's meat filling him.
The dragon didn't reply back, instead he pulled back again and forced himself into the wolf with the same ferocity and speed as before.
Aedan didn't cry out this time. He concentrated on the dragon's breath that was panting and blowing warm air into his fur.
The dragon continued the rhythm of out and in until he just couldn't help himself. With each thrust, he pushed a little harder to get more of his knot into the wolf. He could not release until he had knotted, it was a biological trigger that had prevented him from even pleasuring himself for so long. Dragons were rare and females even more rare, keeping to themselves and rarely allowing males near them. Some dragons went through their entire life times without ever having a chance to reproduce.
Aedan could feel the dragon's knot grinding against the walls of his opening. Each thrust pushed it a millimeter further, millimeters were not enough and the pain was getting to the point where he would have to stop soon. Not wanting that, Aedan time a push of his own so that when the dragon pushed in, he pushed back. With a roar, he slammed himself against the knot and felt it pop in. All of the pain was replaced with an intense pressure as the knot took up a large amount of space inside of him.
The dragon felt the feeling that he had been devoid of for decade and gave out his own mighty roar to match the wolf. His body naturally reacted and he felt his testicles that were kept within his own body clench as he began to pump his seed into the wolf. With nowhere to go, the seed flooded the wolf's intestines. A bulge began to from which grew larger with each powerful pulse from his cock.
Aedan began to worry that he would pop. It felt as if the dragon was simply peeing in him and his distended belly was stretching more and more. It was so warm though, the internal temperature of the dragon was many degrees warmer than the wolf's, giving the feeling that he was actually being pissed in.
All of the sexual tension that had been built up over time was gone in a cascade that was now deep within the wolf. His jets of cum began to slow down as his climax subsided and soon it was over. He was breathing hard and nearly collapsed on the wolf who had yet to blow his own load. He tilted to the side to lay on his side, using an arm to stabilize the wolf that was attached to him now. He embraced the wolf who felt more like his kin than any other dragon he had met.
"Are you not going to finish as well?" The dragon asked the bloated wolf.
Aedan looked down. "I can't even see my cock, but I think that I would be set off even if I were to breathe on it." His stomach was so bloated with dragon seed that he indeed could not look past it. The movement of his head to look caused the cum to swish around inside of him. He relished it now that there was no threat of popping.
"Allow me." The dragon reached down with a paw. He didn't have thumbs, but he was familiar enough with the act of masturbation that he managed to grab a hold on the canine cock and began to stroke it.
True to Aedan's word, he almost immediately climaxed. A shot of jizz shot across the belly bulge and landed squarely on his face. Several more came after it and painted his stomach, the white fluid mixing in with the score of other fluids that he was still drenched it.
"How long am I going to be like this?" Aedan asked. He had no idea how long he had been down in the cave now. There was no sun to count the hours with.
"We dragons remain tied for six days."
"Six days!?" Aedan exclaimed. "I'll die of thirst." He tugged at the base of the dragon's meat to test the knot. It was planted firmly inside of him and his man handling only caused another pulse of dragon seed to shoot inside of him.
"Do not fret little one." The dragon reassured him. "My seed will sustain you for the entire time. It had everything you need to live healthily."
Calmed down by the words, Aedan leaned back into the dragon's chest. It's hearth thrummed as a slow pace, much slower than his own. "I guess I should introduce myself then."
"Ahh." The dragon had completely forgotten the age old tradition of introducing myself. "Where are my manners?" he chuckled since manners were obviously not the main concern.
"I'm Aedan."
"I have many names, but your kind calls me Felix."
"Nice to meet you." Aedan took one of the dragon's paws and shook it. Both of them laughed at the silliness of it.
The dragon was happy and Aedan no longer worried about the hunt. He had mated with him even though there was no chance of an offspring. The wolf was his lover and he was his.
The End