Birth of a God

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#1 of The Gods

Follow the story of a man turned god, and his conquest to rule the Raz system and destroy all who oppose him.

Birth of a God

All characters belong to: David Wesker Story elements belong to: David Wesker Everything in this is copyright (c) Black-Tyrant Studios 2014




Transformation Gore Moderate Hyper Macro Corruption Cub Tentacles Lactation Pregnancy M/Solo Rape M/F

If you do not like, are uncomfortable, and/or disturbed with any of these then leave now. This is not the place for you. If you wish to read on then go beyond the lines below

PAY ATTENTION TO MY WARNINGS No longer putting anymore, this is my last






You have been warned.


The universe is a strange place filled with wonder, mystery, and treasures. It is a place also shrouded in darkness, and great evil, spanning hundreds if not thousands of worlds and systems. We descend to one such distant planet, on the farthest reaches of the galaxy called, Raz one, known for its bountiful harvests, beautiful scenery and peaceful society...

A Utopia untouched by such darkness... until today, that is.

The planet was under siege by a dark force, one of great evil and strength. The town of Raktor was one of many victims, they were attacked and slaughtered like many of the cities and settlements... unfortunately they were not all killed, many as much as a thousand were taken prisoner by the enemy forces and brought to large buildings taken over.

The sky was a dark red/orange hue that spread across the entire horizon, seemingly radiating evil from the heavens above. What survivors that were luckily hidden away in bunkers called this Judgment day, others called it the Purge... really that's all it was. The Purge...

A great enemy known as Amadeus the Conqueror invaded this peaceful world, attacking it without any provocation or warning of any sort. It was swiftly dealt, the military of this world, albeit small and ill-equipped fought to the best of their abilities only to parish in the end, or becoming one of the enemy soldiers. You see, Amadeus's military is not one of any natural species, not anymore.

Her entire military is of a parasitic nature, an ancient race whose name is lost in time. Many of the Grunts of Amadeus's military patrolled the streets, their hideous and grotesque forms lurching about searching abandoned buildings for survivors and possible 'hosts' for the queen herself. One such survivor who was hiding in the hospital, was caught by a squad of grunts.

A Raichu morph named Jack Cisco, a farmer from the countryside. Several grunts drug him outside by his tail. Kicking and screaming, he tried his best to fight them off but it was pointless. The biggest grunt, once a wolf of some sort now decked out in parasitic armor and wielding a weapon of some sort grown onto his arm was the one dragging him outside. His eyes glowing a disgusting and evil purple along with several parts of his body, his limbs and body mutated from the Purge Parasite that infected him.

Jack was scared out of his mind as he was dragged to one of the transport ships, a large ship taken by the Purge forces. It was once a prison transport used by one of the prisons, now it was used for transporting hosts and survivors to Purge facilities. It looked like a cross between a UNSC Pelican and a NASA Shuttle, colored a dark grey with a black trim and heavily tinted windows.

The Raichu was thrown into the back of the ship, along with six others. The door hissed to a close sealing them within while the ship took off heading to one of the facilities that was recently transformed into changing ground for the newcomers. Jack had heard of several people turning into monsters, much like the ones that attacked his farmland, mangled monsters with no free will and no disregard for their own life. He would have fought back if it were not for the surprise attack on his house, he lost it all. Including his family, they were taken away to one of these places, just like he was.

He looked around the inside of the compartment he was thrown into, he saw the others who were taken and once he saw their frightened looks he gulped. They all looked like they've been through hell, their clothes were burned and torn, and their bodies covered in scars and bruises. One of them was a little girl, a very familiar little Pichu girl with blonde locks and a pink bow, "Amy?" he choked, seeing the young girl's bright blue eyes.

The girl came out and hesitantly walked forward, "daddy?" the Pichu whimpered, stumbling out of the dark shrouded corner. Jack noticed a rather pronounced limp in her right leg, as well as a crudely made bandage and blood staining her golden fur.

The father shot up from where he was thrown and made his way over to her, embracing her in his arms as she cried into the crook in his shoulder, "I thought I lost you," he muttered, holding her tightly. He could feel her rapid heartbeat and feel the fear radiating from her body "what happened?"

She pulled away from him and sniffled, her bloodshot eyes staring into her father's, "t-the monsters c-came to my s-s-school, they... they attacked t-the other s-s-students and took some of them," she sobbed her lips quivering as Jack did his best to soothe her, but it seemed pointless, "where's mommy?"

Hanging his head the Raichu sighed, "I-I don't know honey." He admitted, it's been two months since he's seen his wife after the first attack. He prayed to the gods she was alright, and unharmed.

The two stayed near each other for the duration of the trip, Jack holding his daughter close as he kept his eyes on the landscape outside the small window. The buildings were on fire while others were being destroyed by massive monsters four stories tall, twisted and wicked abominations created by Amadeus herself.

He watched as they destroyed what used his home world, building by building, block by block, city by city. They flew above an old district he knew well, the one where he met his wife Lea, inside of a grand ten story hotel. He saw it in ruins, several grunts pouring into the building's first floor and attacking whoever was inside, their screams and wails as loud as a concert.

He closed his daughter's ears as he heard the screams, she doesn't need to hear them. She's too young for all of this, "it's okay, Amy, just try to block it all out, kay?"

The girl nodded wordlessly as the ship increased its speed, the transformation area coming into sights.

Once Jack looked out his window for the hundredth time, he saw the 'prison' they were being taken to. The Raktor Football field, a large green field lined with white and several wooden bleachers, however it looked different. The grass was burned away from fire, one of the bleachers was destroyed and the other was holding strange darkish purple objects, in the field sat several of the enemy fighters and the pilots.

Sitting near the front of the field, was Amadeus herself!

Jack growled when he saw the so called 'goddess' sitting on her throne, his line of sight on her was soon cut as the ship turned away and soon landed with a thud. The back door hissed open and the Raichu moved to the back of the ship, holding his daughter behind him to shield her from the beasts that were coming for them.

The first one walked inside and one of the other occupants, a large beast of a Rhino tackled him to the ground, the other five jumped out as well, attacking the grunts. Jack figured that they had planned this when they were caught a while ago like he was, Jack was about to help but the sight of a behemoth outside grabbing the rhino and tossing him away made him rethink his plan.

He sparked as one of the grunts came inside, aiming its blaster at his skull, "moooove or diiiiie~" it hissed, its eyes dripping acidic like fluids and pieces of its skin falling off hitting the floor with a slop sound.

Standing up and keeping his daughter close, he hesitantly started moving forward as the grunt eyed him. Tilting its head and keeping its arm blaster locked on the Pokémorph's well built form, he smelled of death and evil. The Ex soldier knew any frontal attack wouldn't work on these things, running wouldn't help either, their speed was great on the ground even better in the air.

"What are we going to do?" he wondered, Amy's hand tightened its hold on his once they were ushered into a line, other people just like him were brought before the queen herself and her personal guards. It was a long day, unlucky souls being convicted of crimes and sentenced to certain punishments given by the goddess herself. He had heard of Amadeus turning most prisoners into more soldiers, now that he's seen the objects on the bleachers he know knew how that was possible.

The pods that looked almost like stasis pods he's seen in the hospital were actually some kind of Transformation Units, how they worked though was a mystery. The pods were about as big as a life boat, the base was a disgusting dripping black-ish purple with vain like protrusions jutting out from the back feeding into the front which was a clear pus like color, the entirety of it had small purple veins spider-webbing across it. Inside he saw a wolf, a female, she was thrashing about inside trying to free herself but it was no point.

"Is this our fate? To become one of these things?" the farmer wondered as the two were brought before the queen, and she was a doozy.

Amadeus was quite a sight, she sat on a massive throne no doubt brought down from her Mothership. Adorned in a black leathery design and several skulls, it was a throne fit for an alien, such as Amadeus. The goddess herself was dressed in her 'royal attire' which consisted of black leather cape hanging off of her left shoulder held on by a rope, a circlet over her forehead adorned with a single cracked ruby, and over her legs she wore a long and rather see through skirt made of a black fiber, her chest was in full view however, her D breasts hanging freely and in the open. Her scales were as black as night and her reptilian tail snaked around behind her as her purple eyes stared down Jack as he and his daughter approached, "Hello there my children," she greeted, leaning down and looking closer, she was easily a good ten feet tall, "kneel before your goddess."

Jack gulped as Amy held onto her father's ripped shirt tightly, soft whimpers came from her as the Raichu growled, "no."

The massive dragoness growled back, a deep guttural growl that made Amy cower away, "you dear defy your god?" she questioned, an evil tone to her voice as four grunts came to her side, "hmm?"

Jack stood back, "you are not our god." He spat, "Mew is our goddess, you cretin!" he shot at her, pulling off a necklace and showing it to her, it was a small pink circle with a small bright sapphire in the middle.

Amadeus frowned as one of the guards snatched the necklace from him and crushed it in his palm, "Mew is no god," she told him, her eyes glowing and her voice distorted, "she is a false god."

Jack let go off his daughter and round house kicked the grunt in the head its helmet smashing to bits, "Lies!" he yelled, rushing her only to be grabbed and held up.

She had shot up from her throne and moved like a blur, she held him by his throat and glared into his eyes, "you..." she held him close and inhaled his scent, "you are different," the dragon pulled away and expanded her wings, they were a massive thirty feet, "how is that?"

Jack kicked at her arms futilely, but it was like hitting a brick wall! "Let me go you bitch!" he choked, clawing at her hands.

She grinned, "take the child," she ordered her guards, they were on Amy before anyone could blink. They surrounded the poor Pichu and grabbed her, she screamed and yelled as they took her away somewhere, probably to another set of pods nearby.

"NO!" Jack built up his thunder abilities and released an electric shock at Amadeus, the dragon did not expect it to be so powerful, and she was so surprised by his attack breeching her tough skin, she dropped him to the ground and he took this opportunity to go after Amy, "Amy!"

The goddess Amadeus watched as he fought off the grunts, utilizing various close combat techniques and his own electric attacks to fend them off. He moved gracefully, parrying and dodging and striking with deadly precision, it was quite a sight to behold. His palm strikes and iron tails were effectively used, Amadeus was impressed, she moved forward towards him as the father protectively got in front of his child, "impressive," the dragon capped her hands, "you certainly are a _very_impressive species."

Jack growled deeply, what was she on about? Impressed? "step back!" he yelled to the dragoness, his fists sparking from the electric current running down his arms, his long sleeve shirt was ripped apart as the current burned it away, showing rather impressive muscles and a nicely toned physique.

The more Amadeus saw the more she was impressed, "he will make a perfect guard... perhaps even a breeder~" She stepped forward, ignoring the electric shocks cascading across the grass and scorching the dead grunt bodies, "You impress your goddess more and more," she said, eyeing the Raichu lustfully, "I just may turn you into my personal breeder," the dragoness suggested, "I would certainly love to carry a child of your seed~"

Jack stepped back further, Amy following his actions. The young girl had no idea who or what this person was, all she knew was that she was scared and wanted to go home. "Daddy," she cried softly, "I wanna go home."

"We will," Jack reassured Amy, orange/yellow sparks flying into the air and burning what was left of the grass surrounding him. But before he could even think of attacking he felt a sharp stinging sensation in the back of his neck, spinning around he saw a large tentacle running up out of the ground, the end of it a sharp looking stinger much like that of a wasp. He suddenly felt his legs weakening and his heart slowing, "A-Amy, run!" he managed to choke before falling to the ground, his vision becoming blurred.

Amy didn't want to leave her father but if he told her to run then she should, turning around she bolted across the field, running as fast as her legs would carry her. Her heart was beating hard and fast, but her escape was short lived as three tentacles sprang up from the ground and enveloped her, she cried out but was quickly silenced as they sedated her. Her eyelids fluttering close as the venom worked through her system effectively knocking her out, "daddy." Was the last thing she managed to say before falling unconscious...

Jack was already out by the time Amadeus walked over to him, her eyes locked on the middle aged man's form lustfully, "mmm, you're going to be fun to have around."

Time Skip: Five Hours

Five hours have passed since Jack was knocked out by the evil goddess, now I think is the time for him to awaken. He coughed several times, blood coating his mouth and the floor of the room he was inside of. His body was wracked in wounds both old and new, massive scars and bullet wounds from wars pass. He managed to open his eyes and once he did he regretted it as a bright light burned his retinas, closing his eyes he struggled to stand up from the cold slimy floor.

But after several attempts he managed to sit as his eyes began clearing up, what he saw was a grim sight. The room he sat in was large, spherical and filled with an oozing purple substance, long tendrils snaked around the room connecting to pods and other objects. A deep vibration could be felt in the floor, and a light humming noise from outside.

Jack looked around more before standing up, his legs quaked and beads of sweat trailed down his brow as the door in front of him opened, revealing the goddess herself in all of her glory, sans clothing of course. It would seem she had discarded her clothing and decided on a more... lewd look. "Where-" he coughed violently, clutching his chest as blood coated his hand, "-where is my daughter?" he questioned, glaring at the dragoness.

Amadeus smiled, "she is... occupied at the moment." The dragon told him, walking over to him and holding up her hand, she appeared to be wearing a single black glove with a black orb on the top part. The orb shone brightly and the Raichu suddenly felt weak, his legs gave out as pain shot through his system, he yelped as he clutched his stomach, "it's time for you to," she knelt down next to him, "become one of us~"

Before he could try to attack he was pushed to the ground, and immediately straddled by the dragoness. He felt her push against him and hold her hand out to his face, pushing her palm down on his head the Raichu felt something wet, then heard a shlick sound from behind the Dragon, "g-get off of me!" he yelled, clawing at her hand.

She grinned before moaning lightly, arching her back as something snaked its way out. Once Jack got a look at it, he gawked. It was some kind of... snake! A closer look would have shown the almost, parasitic like nature of it. It was long and slender, and had orange glowing eyes that pierced into his own as a strange glowing ooze dripped from its body sliming up the dragon's back, making her coo ever so slightly.

"Say hello to your new friend~" she introduced as the parasite wrapped itself around her neck a long tongue stuck out and the creature licked her cheek before snaking the muscle into her mouth. The two tongue wrestled on top of him and needless to say he was disgusted, and strangely turned on, "enter his body." She ordered the beast as its tongue left her maw, a trail of purple goo connecting the two.

The snake fell off of her neck and onto Jack's body, he felt the wetness and tried to squirm away but couldn't, the dragoness then held down his arms as the creature looked the Pokémon in the eyes. An insane amount of evil glinted in its shiny orange orbs, "Sssss~" it hissed, dripping the purple-ish ooze into his mouth, he spat it out as his lips started feeling numb.

"Get this thing o-bleghr!" he choked as the Parasite suddenly entered his mouth, cutting off what he was saying and causing his entire throat to go numb. He tried to bite into it but its body proved to be tougher then his fangs, if anything it helped the snake burrow down into his throat. Soon enough it tore a hole through the back of his throat and moved along his spine, he screamed in pain and agony. This feeling of something foreign moving through his system hurt beyond anything he's ever felt, getting knocked off of a tank from a bomb and burned was better than this.

The parasite eventually moved up his spine, curling around and piercing small spines into the bone and nervous areas before burrowing its head into his brain, digging into solid bone and extending several small tentacles into his brain tissue. The Raichu couldn't take it anymore, he felt his body shut down as something took control of him. Before he knew it, he lost all feeling in his body before blacking out.

What he didn't know was that his eyes changed color, going from a crystal blue to a nasty purple color. His body remained the same however, except he no longer put up a struggle. Jack was no more, instead there was something else.

The dragoness seemed pleased, and let him go. But she still sat on him, the dragon becoming more turned on the more she waited, "Al'tesh," she spoke, caressing the side of Jack's face, "are you there?~"

He focused his eyes on Amadeus, he taking on a seductive look before answering her, "I am my queen." Propping himself up on his elbows he eyed her body before adding, "what do you wish for me to do, my queen."

Her answer to that was her grinding her hips against hid lower body, moving her hips in a sultry motion and grinding against his growing erection. The corrupted Raichu responded by taking off his clothing and allowing his member to be free of its confines, his chest was something she marveled at. Chiseled to perfection, and covered with scars, "the host must have seen a lot of military action~" he figured, from what she read from his mind. Sadly just as he was hard enough for her to start her fun something happened, the Raichu grasped his head and yelped, his claws digging into his hair as the dragon held his head, "the host is strong, but you mu-"

"AHHHHH!" he screamed, breaking free of her grasp and sending her stumbling backwards, her eyes were wide as the Raichu held onto his head in pain, "something... is... happening!" he yelled, trying to fight against whatever it was, but it was no use. He fell to his knees as whatever was happening overcame him, his arms falling to his sides.

Amadeus was trying to figure out what was going on, this wasn't normal! "what is happening?!"

Inside of the former General's body, little did anyone know that inside of this morph's body was a virus... but not just any virus... the virus responsible for wiping out sixteen systems. A dormant strain, until now of course... After the Parasite entered his body the toxins and fluids the creature introduced somehow awoken it, spreading it throughout his system and adapting rapidly to the foreign object currently affecting the Morph's brain. Instead of killing both the host and parasite, the virus infected the creature making it loosen its control over the General, freeing him of his prison within his own mind and taking over.

The virus quickly adapted to the body of Jack, infecting the parasite and changing everything about his physiology from scratch, faster than anyone could possibly think. Jack realizing what was happening took advantage, unintentionally using a dormant ability to force the virus infected parasite to do his bidding, it gave in. Jack felt something he's never felt before, power. His body felt that of a younger version of himself, more so even.

He instructed it to give him power, and make him more powerful as Amadeus ordered her guards to subdue him. The Raichu stood up, opening his eyes revealing bright orange irises with a burning rage behind them. He held out his hand, looking at it he used a little of his power, orange/black sparks flew from his hand and came into contact with the floor frying it he smiled before turning around to face the dragon queen and her minions.

"Al'tesh?" she asked.

Jack bored holes into her eyes, "Al'tesh, the creature you put into me?" Jack questioned before laughing, he felt so alive, "he is... dead... I however am still here," he held out his hands to either side, letting his power flow out into the room, "feel my power."

Amadeus, knowing that this was pointless ordered, "Kill him!"

The four grunts rushed Jack, only to be thrown back against the wall and fried into useless heaps of corrupted flesh, the organic machinery that kept them alive sparking and catching fire. "Kill me?" he shook his head, "you cannot kill a god." he told her, "I am a god? ... I like that." the Raichu thought, he felt so much power coursing through his veins and body, and even more was stored away.

"I am the god here!" she screamed flicking her wrist and sending several dark purple orbs his way, he deflected them with a mere tilt of his head. "how?!"

"Prepare to die Amadeus, former god of the Raz system." Focusing his powers he seemed to levitate from the floor, his electricity sparking wildly from his body and hitting the lights and other pods as dark orange/black tendrils sprouted from his back. The tendrils moved like a wave, then by his force of will they shot out, impacting the transformation pods and infecting the people inside.

Instead of pain and agony like they've been feeling for the latter half of an hour, they felt... relief and pleasure. Instead of wails of pain and cries of torture, there were moans of ecstasy from both women and men.

Jack eyed the dragoness in front of him, "your reign is over, and it is time for a more... fitting god to rule."

She snarled before tackling him, she grabbed onto him and the two were thrust out through the wall and outside. As it turned out they were inside a hospital of some sort, turned into a transformation facility for soldiers. She picked him up by his neck, "there is ONLY ONE GOD! AND IT IS ME!" she screamed throwing him into a building with a primal roar, she smashed the crystal on her glove, it shone a bright purple before tendrils of energy forced themselves into her body, making her expand her wings and hold out her arms.

Jack recovered from the rubble he was covered in, and stood up to see what was happening. He saw a bright light and shielded his eyes with his arms as he felt the ground shake. He did not waver, nor tremble. No fear, no agony... only power. Jack saw Amadeus was bigger, and taller than before.

And she was only getting bigger, "that's a cute trick." He commented, smirking as she kept growing in size. She kept on until she was about three stories tall, her body had grown, her muscles and breasts were bigger and her wings were massive! With a death defying roar she aimed at Jack, she charged at him intent on tasting his blood.

Jack smirked as he turned around and fled, looking ahead he spotted one of the many subway entrances, he was heading for it as the dragon chased him. Breathing a purplish flame that set the very road on fire and snarling like a primal beast. The Raichu had no problem running, he was sprinting as fast as he could and before he knew it he dove into the entrance as her flames passed over him, burning the signs and cars above.

He rolled down the stairs and recovered in time, sliding to a stop near a kiosk. "Two can play at that game." Focusing his power once more, he began to change. His viral abilities growing with each passing minute, he was getting more power from his infection breeding with the parasite.

Jack growled cold-bloodedly as his body started rippling, viral tendrils cascading across his body and morphing his body in the most violent manner possible. His arms grew in size and his legs as well, he too was growing in size, changing and becoming something more. Spikes slowly grew from his arms and back, piercing flesh and bone and becoming sharp as knives. His eyes glowing a deadly orange/black color as his tail grew long, the thunder bolt shape at the end, becoming more like a weapon by changing into a harder substance and sharp. The Raichu shook the very underground with his primal growls and snarls, his teeth growing in length as even more tendrils grew from his back, falling onto the ground and helping him move.

With a deadly roar he burst through the ceiling and into the streets above, sending chunks of debris ad dust flying every which-a-way. But like Amadeus, he kept growing until he was of equal size as she was. That being over ten stories tall, he attacked her head-on. Leaving no time to think of any tactics, he wanted blood. Massive thunder bolts left his body, frying anything it touched. Light bulbs popped and car lights exploded, the power transformers imploded in on themselves, and electrical lines melted.

He stood his full height, only being hunched over slightly. His body was massive, just like hers. Covered in dense muscle-mass, and hardened skin and bone. The two had finally reached the last stage of their 'sudden evolution' in which they both now stood eighty stories tall.

It was like watching Godzilla almost.

"Where did he get this power from?!" the dragoness questioned mentally, as far as she knew only she could turn into this. Whatever was in jack's physiology must have changed him more then she expected... this wasn't good. Wasting no time she retaliated, slamming her fists into his back and kneeing him in the stomach.

The Pokémorph flew back into one of the skyscrapers, crushing windows and floors in an instant. Concrete debris fell onto his head, only pissing him off further. Getting up he charged an attack before launching a thunderbolt, this one shattered windows as it soared between the buildings and striking Amadeus, causing her to roar. The bolt fried scales and burned the flesh below, it was like getting hit with a thunderstorm on steroids. She shook herself of the proverbial cobwebs and took fight, opting to use wind to her advantage. Flying up high enough she flapped her wings hard and fast, sending gusts and hurricane torrents at Jack. Cars flew away and buses toppled, windows that were intact cracked and burst apart.

"Wind? How pathetic." Jack thought in jest as he held up one of his arms, lightening swirled around his arm with dark wisps of energy dancing with them, forming together and forming something evil. His eyes glowed as it shot into the sky, hitting the clouds and causing thunder to roll.

Amadeus looked around, "what was supposed t-" she was cut off as clouds gathered and formed, lightening hitting the ground and towers sending sparks everywhere, the wind picked up and in the distance she saw tornados, several of them ripping up the country outskirts, "this is... unreal." She couldn't believe the power coming from him, it overtook hers like it was nothing... he was more formidable then she was. The dragon had to get out of there, this fight was pointless, once she reached her ship she would order the planet destroyed.

Turning around to flee Jack smirked, his teeth showing as a hard rain poured down soaking the two. He gave chase, ripping up the streets with his massive claws and crushing vehicles and grunts beneath his feet. He let a roar loose as he chased her into the harbor, small yachts and large ships were still anchored and others were sailing out to sea, no doubt survivors trying to escape the doom.

Once she flew over the water Jack sped up, his very movements causing quakes. With one great leap he leapt at her, soaring across the ocean and grabbing onto her and pulling her down. The two fell with a screech and destroyed the bridge leading into the mountains, vehicles left on the bridge, along with Amadeus's grunts fell into the sea, drowning in the waves and sinking to the bottom.

Jack grabbed onto her and pulled her up as she punched him with a hard right, and she still had enough fight in her it seems. With a mighty howl he head-butted her, bloodying her snout and putting her into a daze. The two came up to about chest level when they stood in the water, but the Raichu had other plans for her... a devious plan. Throwing successful punches and hooks he kept on until she could barely move, and her wails and screams only fueling his twisted desires.

He held her by her neck, his left hand claws digging into her neck and ripping scales off, her eyes gazing weakly at him, she coughed up blood, staining her maw and chest as well as the ocean below, "y-you win..." she said weakly, "let me go and I will leave here forever..."

Pulling her close enough, her breasts touching his chest as he whispered, "I have other plans for you bitch," he growled, caressing her sides with his right hand as he felt his member grow stiffer with each passing moment, "you're done for."

Her eyes widened as he punched her once more, sending her stumbling back into the mountainside making fell onto her back and groaned. Pain shot through her body and she couldn't move let alone fight, she was helpless as Jack closed in on her. Tendrils exploded from his back as he loomed over the dragoness, her wings were folded up and the membranes torn and ruined. The morph's eyes glowed as he roared defiantly in her face, he was going to make sure she knew he was the dominant one here... not her.

Grabbing her arms he pinned them both together with the massive suspension cables from the bridge, ripping them off and tying her hands together tightly, and then looping it around her neck like a leash. A twisted smile on his face the entire time, he yanked it forward making her move forward only to push her back down before spreading her legs wide, showing her sex. Her pussy was massive, but he proved to be bigger than she was. His cock was huge, being almost as long as a skyscraper and as thick as his arms, massive pre leaked from his tip splashing into the ocean creating small waves.

Any time she tried to close her legs and get away he would yank the cable and slap her, the sound echoed across the sky like thunder and the tremors from her falling caused small quakes. Amadeus was helpless.

Moving close he grabbed onto his member and guided it to her pussy, the tip pulsating and throbbing as it touched her entrance. With one mighty growl he pushed into her, his cock spreading her lips wide as he buried it shaft deep within her folds. She screamed loudly, wither it was from pain or pleasure he didn't care, he wanted to ravage her, and he wanted to break her into pieces. Letting go of the cable he began groping her massive breasts, his claws digging into the sensitive flesh and leaving bloody claw marks. Pinching her nipples, suckling and biting, anything to make her scream, pain or pleasure.

Jack didn't stop there, he drove into her folds. Splitting her pussy wide and making her cringe, gasp and scream with every move in and out. His member seemed to grow in size and so did he, his body changing further as the Raichu took her. His cock seemed to change too, growing thick flesh spines and growing in length letting him plunge deeper into the dragon's womb. She couldn't take it, as she was about to scream once more he wrapped the cable around her maw, shutting her up as he drove into her fast and hard, cum from both her pussy and his shaft leaking out and flowing down the mountain.

With a few more punches he made it clear he was going to finish, and there was nothing she could do about it. She gave in and accepted her fate, lying back as he kept on forcing himself deeper and deeper until he hit the inside of her womb. Grabbing her breasts again he squeezed them hard, so hard that they began to lactate much to his stomachs desire, licking the bottom of her tits he grabbed her nipple in his maw and sucked hard, drinking her milk in massive gulps, this is probably the only sensual thing he's done to her.

She moaned lightly, feeling her breasts swell and grow a bit as her walls tightened around his manhood, forcing him even deeper into her. His cock was about as deep as it got, so the only thing it could do was pierce the womb, which it did driving it into her stomach. The pleasure she was feeling was so powerful any pain she felt was unregistered.

Eventual his fun ended, he pulled back from her breast and grabbed her hips as he started thrusting harder. He was getting close, and so was she. The earth shook with each thrust of his hips into her folds, blood, semen and pussy juice mixed together as it fell into the ocean, staining it and turning it into a brownish white color that quickly spread.

Clenching his teeth he roared one final time as he felt the sweet sensation of release, this one though was more powerful than any release he has ever felt. Jack shot his hot Raichu load into her folds, thick thick streams of cum coating her walls, filling her womb and stomach and spilling into the sea. His tendrils finally took action, wrapping around the dragon's body and stimulated her senses, as well as jack's sending them both into massive pleasure releases.

Amadeus screamed in release, her pussy tightening around his cock like a vice as she coated his crotch and legs in her fluids, she spasmed and writhed as she wrapped her legs around him, forcing him to keep going. Luckily for her he could he kept driving into her, his member throbbing wildly as he kept shooting load after load into her body, the dragon cumming along with him the entire time.

But all good things come to an end.

The monster Pokémorph pulled out of the dragon, his member making a shlop sound as it left her body and splashed into the cold water below giving him a nice cold feeling throughout his body. The tendrils from his body weren't done however, they dug into the dragon's body, piercing her flesh making her scream out, arching her back as they entered her body. Jack felt something strange, the tendrils were alive, he could hear then speaking, grinning madly he instructed them, "give me everything!"

Soon the Raichu's chest opened up, showing his ribcage and organs, all of them had changed and was infected with the virus in his body, they glowed a deadly orange/black color and throbbed, his blood gushed out into the ocean yet he didn't scream, nor yell. He stood there with his arms outstretched as more tendrils exploded from his body, his legs and arms, even his head!

Amadeus was truly scared right now, what was he! She felt herself being pulled closer to him! The long snake like tentacles ripping apart her body much like his, opened her chest, legs arms and head, she screamed in pain as her blood coated her body and the surrounding area, she kicked and flailed with newfound strength to escape but it was too late. Her organs were ripped violently from her body, blood flying and staining anything within reach, her wings were torn off, her eyes gouged out and her bones shredded apart into dust as they were brought over to the Raichu Viral monster.

He growled and groaned as the tendrils went to work, taking everything of Amadeus's and adding it to his own body structure, her blood, her own parasite, her bones and organs, everything was ripped apart and shredded and reconfigured, Jack's body was reconstructed with Amadeus's body parts. He felt nothing but ecstasy, his flesh coming apart and knitting back together, interwoven with the dragon's own flesh and scales, her organs mingled with his own making them thrice as strong.

Soon enough his body was back together and now that he absorbed the evil dragons body he was taller at least thirty stories bigger, and much, much stronger than before. His cock was longer as well, being as big as a monster dragon's if not bigger, and it was colored differently, being black/orange like his powers. And it appeared he was hard, wasting no time he grabbed onto his new equipment one touch from his hand showed it was sensitive. Jack slowly stroked his appendage, feeling it throb and twitch from his treatment, pre-cum leaked from the tapered hood and fell to the water below.

For a good long distance, cum, blood and debris floated in the ocean all the way to the harbor. Most of it washing onto the beach nearby, or mixing together.

Eventually the monster of a Pokémorph reached his limit once more and came, long thick spurts of cum shot into the air in streams coating the destroyed and bloody mountain side. As he was sighing in release he felt lightheaded, stumbling to his knees he clutched his head before his tendrils exploded from his body once more, burrowing into the earth and disappearing into the depths below. Arching his back he roared, the loud bellow echoing cross the valleys and city maze for miles as he fell into the water.

Time Skip: Seven Hours

"Is he dead?"

"No, he still draws breath."

"Awaken him... we need his guidance."

Jack stirred on the ground as someone gently shook him, his eyes opened up and he shot up grabbing the mysterious person by his throat. He snarled before one of the others said, "sir?"

He looked to his left spotting a grunt! He was about to attack her until he looked at her more clearly, instead of being the disgusting and mutated purple beasts Amadeus's grunts are, they were a mutant orange/black color, they weren't disfigured either, instead they were evolved. Their arms and legs covered in deadly looking curved protrusions, their bodies themselves were covered in a sort of mutated flesh, fur or scales depending on species. Their eyes were all a darkened orange, with only a slight glow to them.

Most of them possessed conventional weapons like assault rifles and shotguns, while a very few wielded energy based ones, probably taken from grunts. At least thirty or so men and women surrounded Jack, he wondered who they were until his instincts kicked in, they were his forces, created from his virus. He grinned and let the one he was holding fall to the ground with a thump, he quickly retreated away into the crowd.

The females of the crowd all eyed him lustfully, no doubt relishing in the sight of his member hanging free. Eyeing the horde of mutant viral monsters under his control, with an evil grin he ordered, "find the rest of Amadeus's grunts, and kill them in the name of your god!" he bellowed, the forces surrounding him did not waste any time, they quickly sprinted away in search of the grunts and other forces, intent on spilling blood in the name of their god, and king. Jack took this opportunity to leave the area, he felt no fear, he was just curious. He passed by several buildings as his own forces cleared them out, gunfire echoed from the alleys and explosions rocked the streets, "they work fast." He noted, he know knew his true purpose in life, and that was to take this world as his own.

Soon he came upon a store that sold clothing, and upon entering the shop he got a good look at the interior. The shops contents were ruined of course from the war, but he spotted a mirror, that was really what he needed. What did he look like? Ever since he woke up he's felt... different. Once the Raichu reached the mirror, he gazed upon the sight of himself, clearly impressed by the changes.

He was originally orange with a light peach color belly, but now he was different. His orange colors remained, and added onto his body was black fur that covered most of his back and stomach, as well as his head. His body was covered in a light scale like armor with tufts of fur poking out on his elbows, shoulders, and knees. His claws were curved like a dragon's, on his feet and hands they were black as night and sharp as can be. His eyes had changed from their blue color to a viral orange/black, making him look all the more deadly, and his hair was black, with a few orange streaks in it that pulsated. Swirls and twisting tattoos covered most of his body, most of them of a tribal design, the difference was that they pulsated as well, and they glowed a bright orange. And looking on his back he saw he had wings, these being much more demonic then Amadeus's wings. His cock was bigger as well, it being pitch black with ridges covering most of its length and small spines that had glowing tips, orange streaks covered it as well.

He truly looked the part of a god.

Leaving the shop he headed down the street back to the hospital, he had all of Amadeus's memories, so he knew where his daughter was now. Upon arriving he broke down the front door, inside several dead bodies lay. Most of them medical personal and military, shot down by dragon's queens forces, slaughtered like pigs. Holding out his hand he let expelled his virus, letting it seep into the floor and infect the bodies, they shook and seized before their eyes opened, glowing orange. They rose from the floors as their injuries repaired themselves and they mutated to adapt to their new situation.

As that happened he spread his virus throughout the hospital, the tendrils growing out of the floor and spreading up the walls and growing into pustules and vines that spread quickly. Dead bodies reanimated and joined the forces of Jack, cleansing the city of Amadeus's grunts and behemoths using whatever they had on them, guns and explosives and their own abilities given to them by their god.

As Jack neared one of the operating rooms he sensed Amy was close by, he could feel her near, feel her fear, and pain, and oddly enough her lust. He arrived at her room, the door was held shut by what looked like some of Amadeus's tendrils, waving a hand over the door his viral mist killed them with little to no effort, the door opened and he entered the room.

Inside Amy was strapped down to one of the beds, tendrils held the ten year old girl in place. Her clothes were stripped from her body showing underdeveloped breasts and a petite frame, her eyes were held shut as she waited for death. The Dragon/Raichu hybrid entered the room, his footfalls causing spirals of viral tendrils to shoot up and slowly take over the room, the door was shut tight as his virus infected the room killing any remnants of the Dragon queen's leftover parasites.

The hybrid towered over her, kneeling down he placed a hand on her cheek. "She is weak..." he felt, her heart was slowing down... she was dying, "you are not dying today." he whispered to her, kissing her lightly on the lips as several tentacles emerged from his back and snaked their way onto the hospital bed. They fell onto the girl's body making her moan ever so slightly, she was freed so she could move freely thankfully. Moving up to her nipples two of the tendrils teased the small pink nubs, she gasped lightly but otherwise did not wake, they traced light circles for a bit before one of them slid around her nipple and pressed its tip against the small Areola and pushing its way inside, the other tentacle followed suit. Both of the tendrils pushed their way into her breasts causing her to arch her back, instead of pain she felt pleasure as they burrowed through deeper into her chest.

Jack watched on as his extra appendages worked on his daughter, all the while his member grew in size and he idly played with himself as his daughter was violated.

Several more tentacles snake their way around her body, two of them teasing her small pussy and the other prodding her tail-hole. Amy bit her lips as her hands rubbed her clit, her fingers rubbing the small area, groans left her mouth as the two tendrils pushed into her folds and tail-hole, entering her depths and growing in size. The tendrils increased their size as small spines appeared, pushing into the flesh of her pussy and ass, stimulating every nerve possible, the same went for her small tits.

The Pichu cried out, her breasts grew in size, becoming perky and developing as her body grew several inches in size.

The Hybrid couldn't take anymore and got onto the bed as Amy's eyes opened, "daddy?" she questioned, her voice sultry and in need, "take me!" she begged, grabbing onto the Raichu/Dragon's body and rubbing his member.

He obliged her by silencing her with a deep kiss, his long tongue snaking its way into her maw and down her throat infecting her with more of his virus. She welcomed it as she guided his cock to her pussy, the tendrils holding it open so he could get in easier. Soon he pushed into her, his cock making her cry out once more, her eyes locked on his as she fought his tongue with her own. The two engaged in a tongue battle, spit coated their lips and groans filled the room as he thrusted into his daughter's pussy, filling her with pre and making her want more of him. She forced him deeper and deeper until she hilted him, her breasts wet with lactation and covering his chest, he looked at her breasts before drawing back from her mouth and dragging his tongue across her chest, licking up her milk as Amy guided his head.

"Mmm," she moaned, "yes!"

"You like that baby?" he asked her, dragging his tongue harder across her nipples making her lactate more, "you taste good~"

"Mm, keep going!" the Pichu cried, feeling her father's virus work through her system. Changing everything and making her into something else, she felt her legs morph, as well as her arms and pussy, she felt her whole body change as the two rocked the Hospital bed until it broke, sending the two into the floor.

Jack grabbed Amy and positioned her on all fours, and grabbing onto her hips he moved faster. Her small breasts heaving and swaying with each movement, she helped him along bucking her body into his. He moved his head down and licked her along her back until he was at her ears, "you will be my queen~" he whispered to her, making her groan in agreement as she snaked her tongue up to his mouth.

"Make me your queen!" she begged, feeling something explode from her back, draconic wings sprouted from her back as she felt claws grow on her hands and feet, her teeth grew sharper and her tongue grew longer and become forked, her tail grew in size and wrapped around Jack's body pulling him close as her cunt's walls tightened around his cock like a vice-grip, "ahh, ahh, AHHH!"

"Hnng, mmmm!" Jack choked, caressing Amy's body and locking his lips with hers, the two intertwining their tongues together and becoming something more than, father and daughter. With one final thrust he exploded into her folds, sending his seed deep into her awaiting womb, filling it to the brim to where it spilled out onto the floor coating the young girl's legs.

Amy came as well, her body shook and seized as her juices coated the Pokémorph's member and his seed warmed her belly making her cry in content, she breathed heavily as the two draw back from their kiss and small teams left her eyes. She fell onto the floor and rolled onto her back her breasts swaying with the movement, her tail whipped around happily as her wings expanded. The Pichu felt of her new body and relished in it, she felt so amazing.

Her golden fur was accented with the Orange/Black of her father and her wings as black as night, her neck fluff was more prominent and her breasts gone from an A to a perky and taught C her body was still small in regards to her age but she still looked like a super model. Her eyes orange like her father's, and her long hair now mostly black with several orange and yellow streaks that glowed brightly, and the young girl's body was now covered in a lighter scale like armor, and tattoos that swirled and looped around her body.

Amy sat up sighing happily as her father stood above her, he towered over her and she couldn't help but love him so much, more than before. Already she felt his seed take root, fertilizing her eggs and growing inside her. Standing up and embracing him she purred, "I love you daddy."

Jack held her back, holding up tightly as the two ventured upstairs to the roof, the two gazed out into the city as the sun rose up giving the sky a reddish hue. Several building fell finally from the war as others were still on fire, Jack's forces had finally killed all of the evil dragon queen's army and they now cheered on as they all looked on at their god-king.

Amy looked up into her father's eyes as she put a hand on her stomach, feeling the virus work in her system, "what do we do now?"

The Hybrid looked on at his forces, they all waited for his orders. Letting go of his daughter he walked forward, "my glorious army!" he bellowed, the army cheered as he continued, "today, we have won a great victory against the false god Amadeus!" he puffed out his chest in a proud manner, "now we rebuild, and grow our forces, and take over this pathetic planet! In the name of your god, LETUM!" he screamed as the army cheered loudly, their roars sounding for miles.

With Amadeus gone, Jack now known as Letum the god of blood and death, grew his army and slowly took over the pathetic planet of Raz one, enslaving the populace and turning most into his army, though many worshipped him enough to willingly join him, and do whatever he desired.

He now ruled over this world with an iron fist, can he be stopped?


I do not think so.