Lessons for Hunters: Give and Take (CH 1)

Story by Clawdragons on SoFurry

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First chapter in a (probably) two chapter story.

This is a spiritual successor to my Ludroth Story, though perhaps it won't be apparent why until the second chapter. Hell, maybe even it won't be apparent even then, but the point stands.

Any writing advice, criticism, or so on is appreciated. Any feedback at all, really. I love to hear what people think, so speak up, if you're at all willing.

Ever tried sprinting with a set of broken ribs? Not fun. That's why smart hunters avoid getting hit. I wasn't smart the first time I fought the Lagiacrus. Thought I was though. Thought I was damn clever.

I'd figured out how the thing lunged, how she bit, and how she thrashed her tail around. Felt pretty confident until she lifted herself into the air and body slammed me. Learned a few things from that day. Don't underestimate your opponent. Adrenaline's a pretty good painkiller, but it doesn't last long. Broken ribs, however, do.

I've wondered if there's such a thing as karma. But not often. If karma existed, my legs and arms would have broken too. Which, they have, I guess, but not all at the same time. That's the thing - breaking a monster's claw, slowing it down, making it stumble, is pretty effective. You sort of lose your taste for it though, when the same thing's happened to you enough times.

Like I said though, I wasn't too smart yet, so the lesson didn't sink in. Soon as my ribs healed, I was back out, looking for a rematch. Second fight went better. Injuries from that one took half the time to heal as the ribs had. By now, a few lessons had begin to sink in - none of the important ones, mind you, but enough that I won the third fight.

Well, I say that, but the Lagiacrus got away, though I'd given her something to think about, anyway. And apparently she did, because the fourth fight was a tie. Something to keep in mind: you learn more from a loss than from a victory. That's why cowards can make the best hunters. They're cautious enough that they can keep their losses from being permanent.

Me? I survived by dumb luck - something I share with the Lagiacrus, I think. She had the dumb luck to fight a sucker of a hunter. Fifth battle was a thrashing. Found her cave of a home, and caught her sleeping. Fight went in my favor from the start. She got a few good hits in, but the end result was clear from the beginning - except the part where I didn't strike the finishing blow.

I'm not even sure why I didn't. You could say that I spared a worthy opponent - but no, she barely touched me that battle. You could say it was empathy - but I attacked her in her damn sleep without an ounce of remorse. I think it was simply, I'd been either fighting her, or healing up to fight her, for the last few months now. Hadn't really even thought what I'd do if I won.

But I said I survived by dumb luck, didn't I? Well, it's true, and for the same reasons. She healed up pretty well, all things said and done. I'd been making a point of fighting her on land, as much as possible, up to this point, but she caught me in the water. The battle ended on land though, but by that point I wasn't in any condition to take advantage of it. I remember her claw on my neck. And then, it wasn't. She was walking away.

I remember my own teacher, telling me that whatever a monster can do to you, you can do to them, and vice versa. He was talking strategically, I think, and not so much about the possibility of being an idiot and having it pay off from a monster with a sense of reciprocity, but I guess the point stands either way.

You'd think this would be a good place to stop, if neither of us were going to finish things. But, like I said, I think I just didn't know quite what to do if I quit fighting this Lagiacrus.

Those first few fights - and yeah, at this point, six counts as just a few - I remember pretty well. Each one seemed pretty significant, what with life and death on the line and all that drama. But after that, our battles seem less distinct. I know somewhere in there, she started softening her lunges, and I started using the dull edge of my blade, and we tended to end up less in the way of injured and more in the way of just plain exhausted, but I have trouble picking out any details. I'd say, probably, that I won a bit more than half of the fights, but that's probably what she thinks too, so don't put too much stock in it.

The next thing's a pretty significant development, and I'd like to have some lead-in to it, but for the life of me, I can't remember a thing about the fight, or even the time leading up to it, beyond what I've already said. You might as well imagine something dramatic, I guess. Lightning crackling from the heavens. The spirits of my ancestors imbue my sword. We fight for weeks on end, as even the gods hold their breath in anticipation, before I am struck down by a mighty blow and fall upon the cavern floor, at the mercy of my assailant.

Really, I'm sure it was just like any other fight we had, except maybe I didn't eat a good enough meal beforehand, or she got in a few good hits in succession and I ended up dazed. Either way, I was on the cavern floor, and at her mercy, but that's nothing that hadn't happened plenty of times up to that point by now. The difference was... well, I'll just get on with it.

I don't know if you've ever seen a Lagiacrus's teeth, but they're pretty wicked. Usually, in a battle, they don't get a good grip, what with the target being so mobile, but they're the sort of teeth that are great for ripping meat off an Epioth, or, in this instance, ripping armor off a human. A big strip of armor, from about my waist to my knees, got ripped off, and a good amount of the clothing underneath. I expected a second bite to take off the same amount of skin, but no.

She walked a bit forward, and then dropped her crotch to mine, and began rubbing herself up and down. Sorry if you felt like I just dropped that on you out of nowhere, but imagine how I felt, with what she just had dropped on me. Her crotch, if you've somehow forgotten. I don't know if it was the suddenness of it all, but my body reacted pretty quickly, and before I even had time to register what was happening, I was stiff enough that I was inside her. She moved herself up and down a bit more, but soon enough, dragged her body off mine, and dove into the water and disappeared.

I went back to the village, but I stayed pretty quiet about the whole thing. I may have gotten some strange looks from the villagers, but I'm not sure. I think I may have been a bit distracted, if you can believe that.

Hell, I know I was distracted for the next fight, because it wasn't long before I was on my back again. I did have enough energy to pull my own armor off when the Lagiacrus came at me with that same look on her face. I was already in backup armor. I didn't need another set ruined. She picked up where she left off, dropping herself onto me and rocking her crotch against me. But, same as before, she stopped soon enough, and left.

Look, I'm going to skip the boring parts, okay? Two days later, another fight, but this one I won. She lay panting along the ground., body in a half-circle. Our rule, by this point, seemed to be reciprocity, and I followed it. Her back legs were heavy - it's amazing how you can feel like you're tossing a monster around in a fight, but when it comes to something simple, like lifting a leg, you realize just how heavy they really are. Anyway, left flipped over, her own genitals were exposed. They had the same beige scales as the rest of her underbelly on the outside, but the inside was slick pink skin. I'm not sure what I expected, really, but that somehow drove home what I was about to do. But I was never one to back away when it came time for action.

My pants were down already - my hands had gotten started on their work while I had been staring - and so, I climbed forward and slid myself into her. Male Lagiacrus must be far larger than I am, but she still didn't feel loose at all. Muscle control, perhaps? Yeah, definitely muscle control. She clenched her body, pressing her entire pelvis forward, pushing my entire body upward, but keeping the relevant bits fully inside her. On the second of these motions, I pushed myself downward, getting myself as deep as possible. And, amazingly, the clenching was even more prominent further in. When it released, I pulled back, and then moved forward again,

Her actions were rhythmic. Clench, unclench, clench, unclench, but mine were more erratic. It followed a thrusting pattern, but the angle kept changing, allowing my member to explore her insides. And no matter the angle, it felt like she was clenching down, tightly, right at the tip. I looked up. She had twisted the rest of her body, in almost an "S" shaped curve, looking at me. Seeing her focused like that... it's hard to explain, but I began thrusting faster. I pressed my palms against her stomach, and realized she was warmer than I had ever noticed before. Her insides especially.

I found myself panting, and switching from looking at her face to looking at her vulva, and my member moving in and out of it, and back again. I was thrusting as fast as I could manage now. My left leg began to feel weak, so I dropped down, straddling, and gripping, her body with my legs, as I pushed myself back and forth. I realized my climax was imminent, and thrust myself deep. Her rhythmic clenching didn't change, but my body adjusted, giving a spurt each time she unclenched, followed by a quick movement backwards, before pushing myself deep once more for the next.

The Lagiacrus was breathing a bit heavier, but had moved surprisingly little. I exited her, and she slowly rolled over. A small dribble of semen flowed from her onto the rock. Her eyes never left mine. During sex, you never think of how you're doing, you just go with what your body tells you. Or, at least, I did. But as we've been over a few times now, I still wasn't too bright. There's probably another lesson there for you, if you want to find it and put it among the others.

Anyway, I left the cave - which, by the way, had another advantage. The water passage was great for a quick clean-off. Not very relevant, I know, but to this day I still appreciate the convenience.