Sirius Fun - Part 2

Story by Smokescale Aquatos on SoFurry

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#2 of Sirius Fun

Here's part two of the series. Further shenanigans are to be had. If you've read my other stuff, you can probably guess about how this will go.

Again, not much in the way of story, but certainly naughty. Hope you enjoy.

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The wolf woke the next morning with a wide yawn, extremely groggy but having slept extremely well. The vixen curled up within was still lost to the land of dreams, most of them rather moist considering her present location. Sirius sat up and stood from the bed, not hindered by the added weight or bulk, not even remembering he was hauling a lesbian vulpine around in his belly. He shuffled his feet along the floor, grabbing a pair of boxers and slipping into them before heading to the kitchen and fixing himself a bowl of cereal. It wasn't until he finished his breakfast and gave his tummy a firm pat that he remembered what had happened the night before. He blinked when the noticed the rather large swell, chuckling softly as the girl inside wriggled a bit in her sleep.

"Hehe, I forgot. You comfy in there sweetie?" The wolf rumbled away happily as he caressed the grand sphere he carried.

She didn't answer, still fast asleep. Realizing she was out like a light, Sirius grinned a bit, an idea forming in his mind. He dressed quickly, chuckling seeing any shirt he picked being unable to completely cover his plump middle, showing his navel and a few inches of fur. It didn't bother him in the slightest. Once clothed, he picked up Sasha's purse and pulled out her wallet. Her driver's license had her home address on it. If he left now, he might be able to get there before Nicky left.

He grabbed his keys and headed out, locking the door behind him. He paid a brief visit to the garage just down the street where he collected his car, a blue SUV. He chuckled softly to himself having to adjust the wheel for him to fit his belly behind it but before long, he was on his way. The trip across town was not terribly long and traffic was moderately light. Sirius arrived with little to complain about and examined the list just outside the door to figure out just which apartment number his 'baby' lived in. The trip to the twelfth floor didn't bother him in the least. He was fairly strong, carrying the bundle under his fur with ease. He did however rather like that each time he climbed a step, his thigh would bump his belly.

Sasha's door came into view quickly and the ivory lupine knocked on the door. A quiet chuckle escaped him as he felt the vixen within squirm again, taking immense pleasure in the sensation. His hands roamed over the bulge, giving it a gentle squeeze now and again. Each time he did, he felt the girl press again his hands and let out a muted, delighted moan. Oh he was loving this. Nicky could take just as long as she wanted answering the door.

"Just a second!!" The other vixen rushed about to cover herself and get to the door. It took a few moments but soon, she was standing in the doorway.

"Hello, how can I he- It's you!!" Her eyes went wide seeing Sirius in front of her.

He chuckled softly and nodded, "Yes, it's me. You must be Nicky, Sasha's girlfriend."

She nodded slowly, her eyes just as large as could be, "W-what do you want? Where's Sasha!?" Her question was answered as soon as she looked down to see the round bulge in his middle. The vixen gasped loudly and backed away in fear, "You ate her didn't you!? Spit her up this instant!!"

He made a face hearing her scream and zipped in, shutting the door behind him.

"Shhh!! I didn't eat her! It's okay, I promise. She's fine. Just please, calm down." He slowly approached the cowering vixen and gently took her hands in his, guiding them along the surface of his belly, allowing her to feel the motion under his fur. A soft moan escaped from within, a delighted moan. Nicky blinked, looking up at the canine curiously.

"W-what's going on? If you didn't eat her... then..."

The wolf chuckled and wrapped his arms around the frightened vulpine, trying to sooth her.

"I'm not exactly sure how it happened. She started licking and just kept going deeper and deeper and before I knew it, she had slipped all the way in."

Nicky just stared up at the wolf, trying to ignore the curious tickle between her legs building from the thought of her girlfriend being completely contained inside the gut she was being hugged against, "Slipped all the way in where?"

Sirius blushed furiously and nibbled on his lower lip, "I'm a hermaphrodite. I look like a guy, but I've got everything inside that you've got, and right now, Sasha's sound asleep in my womb."

Impossibly, Nicky's eyes grew larger still hearing all of this, somehow knowing he was telling the truth. She looked down at the bulge that was her lover and wrapped her arms around it, pressing a cheek against his tummy, nuzzling it affectionately as if it were Sasha herself. The girl trapped in the lupine's belly cooed and began to wake, stretching softly.

She pressed out against the walls trapping her, "Mmm, morning big boy. I slept great!"

"Sasha!? Are you alright in there!?" Nicky was mildly hysterical, but hearing Sasha's voice led her to believe what she had been told.

Sirius chuckled as his 'baby' giggled and pressed out against her lover's touch. She had not expected to be brought home while she napped, but it was just fine by her, "I'm great Nicky! Sirius here is one hell of a guy! Speaking of which, Sirius hun, can I come out? I need to stretch."

"Alright, hang on," He stroked his belly softly before switching his gaze to Nicky, "Mind if I use your tub? This could get kinda messy."

She nodded in amazement, leading the wolf to the bathroom where he stripped down and laid down carefully in the porcelain basin. Nicky watched in awe as he took a few breaths and began bearing down firmly. The vixen inside wriggled and pushed as best she could until her head popped out under his scrotum, giggling and smiling up at her girlfriend.

"Mind if you get me something to wear, love? Even if Sirius brought my clothes with me, I don't think it'd be too professional to do the walk of shame into work."

The other vixen nodded and ran off to gather something up. While she was gone, Sasha squirmed the rest of her way free of the wolf's loins, lying down on her back atop his chest. She cooed softly and sighed as she stretched out her limbs as far as she could. Sirius wrapped his arms around her, breathless, caressing the vulpine affectionately until he reached her groin. He blinked a bit as he found something that wasn't there the night before. She gasped and shuddered from the touch and the new sensations it brough, releasing a quiet moan.

"Ooo, Sirius... not right now hun. I just woke up." She wasn't even aware of the change.

He felt over the new formation liberally until he realized what it was, "Um, Sasha dear, have a a feel down there."

She chuckled softly and looked up at him, "You just can't get enough can you? You're almost as bad as Nicky when she's in heat, which should be happening pretty soon."

She winked at him as her hands slipped down to grasp his. It was her turn to blink as she felt the odd fleshy structure between her legs. Her attention shifted to her crotch and she gasped loudly, her eyes widening as she saw just what he was talking about. Almost immediately, she giggled and grinned broadly.

Sirius let his lips pull into a cautious smile, "You're not mad?"

Sasha shook hir head, "Not at all. I guess a lil somethin' from ya rubbed off on me. Don't tell Nicky, I wanna surprise her."

He nodded and kissed her cheek softly, massaging hir groin. He had a good deal of experience with those bits, and it made hir shiver and giggle.

"Turn the water and take a shower, I'll slip out and head back to my place. I'll see you two tonight after work." The wolf's voice sounded differently outside than in. There was more bass while curled up in his belly.

Sasha nodded and returned his affection with a cute like on the nose before standing and turning the water on after he climbed out. Sirius dressed again and headed out of the bathroom as Nicky walked back in.

"Here some clothes for ya." The visiting vixen set the bundle on the counter.

Sasha poked her head out and pulled hir lover into a deep, passionate kiss before slipping back behind the curtain, "Thanks love, I'll be ready in a bit."

After bathing, unable to get the canine's scent off of hir completely, which didn't exactly bother hir, shi climbed out and dried off, making a bit of a face when shi saw the conservative outfit Nicky picked out for her. It wouldn't do at all. She grabbed a towel and wrapped up, hiding hir surprise before making hir way to the bedroom closet where shi put together an outfit that was a good bit more revealing. It just barely met the standards of the office dress code, but only just. Shi moved on to assemble a few outfits in similar fashion and slipped them into a bag which shi slung over hir shoulder after dressing.

"Ready hun, let's head to work." The freshly showered lady strolled out of the bedroom.

Nicky frowned seeing Sasha in something other than what she had picked out, "Why'd you change? What was wrong with what I gave you?"

Sasha just kissed her on the nose and hugged her, "Sorry dear, I just... I wanted to wear something... ya know... kinda flirty."

Nicky's ears flattened out as her concern returned, "The boss is gonna be pissed."

Sasha giggled and squeezed hir lover, "The boss can bite me. It's not breaking the dress code, even if it's damn close."

The other lady rolled her eyes and chuckled softly before permitting hir to leave dressed in such a manner.

When they arrived, Nicky attended her meeting while Sasha sat bored at hir computer, playing solitaire, waiting for hir mate to return. When she did, she was greeted by a cute peck on the nose accompanied by a soft embrace. Perhaps a touch more than they should dare to show while on the office floor.

Sasha grinned broadly, "Hey hun, how'd the meeting go?"

Nicky's ears were drooping slightly a defeated look prevailed in her eyes, "They didn't listen to a thing I said. It was like I wasn't even there. Why do I even bother?"

Sasha frowned and squeezed hir arms around the other vixen's waist softly, "Because you get to go to work with me every day? Now, come with me. I'll make you feel all better."

Nicky furrowed her brow but followed obediently as Sasha herded her into the nearest ladies bathroom. The domineering vixen guided hir lover into one of the stalls after checking for others who might happen to be there. With the door locked and the stall door barred, Sasha pressed Nicky against the wooden division, kissing her deeply. The pinned vixen, utterly surprised by the sudden 'pouncing', squirmed and pulled away.

"What are you doing!? We could get fired!!"

Sasha just giggled and stroked hir love's cheek.

"Would that really be so bad? We both hate it here. I bet we could get a better job somewhere else. Maybe Sirius knows a few folks. Now just relax, I've got a surprise for you." Shi was certainly a good deal bolder than before.

Nicky whimpered a bit hearing such talk but if the girl who fended off the monsters from her nightmares had a surprise for her, it had to be something good, "Okay, okay, what do you want me to do?"

"Close your eyes and turn around." Sasha was grinning from ear to ear as hir lover did just as she was told.

Nicky stood there, wondering what was to come until Sasha reached under her skirt and tugged her panties down. She gasped and turned her head back, eyes wide, "Sasha! What are you doing!?"

A finger met her lips as the rather amorous vixen shushed her softly.

"Just turn around and close your eyes love." Sasha whispered huskily.

Nicky sighed and did so, shuddering a little from feeling the breeze between her thighs. There was something about the situation that made it rather exciting. Sasha grinned and lifted hir own skirt, moving forward. Shi pressed hir hips against the vulpine in front of hir, mashing something smooth and long against Nicky's crotch. The unwitting girl gasped and shuddered again, keeping her eyes closed as the probing object molested her. Sasha growled quietly in the other girl's ear and smiled, massaging hir darling significant other's chest, licking at her cheek from behind. With a soft arching of hir back, Sasha pressed the invading object deep into the poor unwitting vixen's passage, eliciting a sharp inhale followed by a gentle moan. She practically melted against the stall door, leaning heavily against it as Sasha sighed in satisfaction and pulled back, pressing her hips forward again.

A repetitive motion set in, the dominant fox pumping away forcefully, moaning in delight as hir lover panted, lost in the sensation. The room filled with their noises and scents, moisture coating Nicky's thighs and subsequently those of the vixen taking her from behind. Friction gave way to heat, stimulating the silky flesh within. Minutes passed seeming like only seconds before Nicky finally tiled her head back and loosed a quiet howl of pleasure, orgasm striking hard and fast. Sweet nectar flowed out like a waterfall around the protrusion lodged deep inside her, beginning to twitch and spasm. The invader's owner cried out in delight as a warm, sticky, gooey substance gushed forth, spurt after spurt, filling Nicky's tight, slick tunnel before leaving her limp and out of breath.

Sasha rumbled again and backed up, sitting down on the lavatory behind hir, pulling the exhausted vixen with hir, sitting her down in hir lap. Shi snuggled with the spent lady and grinned, "That was great. Did you enjoy it?"

Nicky's chest heaved as she struggled to catch her breath, "That was amazing! I never thought you'd sneak the strap-on into the office!"

Sasha giggled and grinned broadly, "It's not the strap on, dear."

"Then... what is it?" Nicky was quite puzzled.

Sasha grinned, "Take a look for yourself."

Nicky tilted her head curiously but pulled away from her loving roommate, reluctantly removing the object from her soaked thighs. She whimpered and stroked herself, missing the full sensation below before turning around and looking down. Her eyes widened somehow beyond the moment she realized Sirius was carrying Sasha around in his womb. The sight that met her was a plump, glistening shaft attached to the vixen she had fallen in love with. Sasha was a hermaphrodite now!

Preceded only by a deep gasp from the stunned woman, Sasha yelped in surprise as Nicky lunged forward, gulping the rod as deep into her throat as she could muster. She pumped her head up and down rapidly as her tongue caressed every surface of the deliciously musky phallus, a paw shoved between her own legs. Sasha moaned in delight as shi sat with hir legs spread, back pressed against the wall. Hir hands cupped about Nicky's cheeks, hir fingers running through her fur before shi reached around and pushed softly on the back of her head. Shi wanted to keep her planted firmly in hir crotch. The other paw, now free, slipped under and teased at both hir moist slit and two gurgling orbs shi'd grown in the night. Shi panted and thrust up into Nicky's maw until finally, shi cried out again soaking the inside of hir lover's mouth with the same creamy goodness shi had injected in the girl's tunnel. It wasn't quite as copious as the first batch, but with so little 'recharge time', it was to be expected. Nicky pulled back and licked her lips, sounding her satisfaction loudly as she stood and moved to cuddle her newly altered mate, elated by the transformation.

"Mmm, did mister wuffy give that to you?"

Sasha giggled quietly, "Well it wasn't there when I went in last night, so that's what I'm guessing."

The two kissed softly, the taste of the new hermaphrodite's male contribution lingering in Nicky's mouth.

The now well used lady grinned, "I can't wait to meet him under less time-constrained circumstances."

"You'll get to see him tonight... and all weekend long." Oh what a weekend it would be. Sasha was already conjuring up all sorts of plans.

The two giggled and exchanged affectionate licks and kisses for a few minutes more before deciding they should get back to work. Following Sasha's example, Nicky decided to go pantiless, stuffing the pair she had come to work in under her dress, lodging it in the middle of her bra as she had seen so many girls do with various objects. Sasha giggled watching her put them away before they headed back out.

The freshly creamed vixen held her tail in front of the hermaphrodite, hiding the bulge in hir skirt. Obviously, an erection wouldn't go away after just two orgasms. Shi would have to be discrete about hir trip back to the protective cover of hir desk. The rest of the day went by relatively quickly, a few well-placed gropes targeting either vixen kept them both entertained.

About ten minutes before five, the badger they both dreaded came storming to their cubical, catching them in the middle of a rather passionate kiss, cluing him into something he had not realized in the years they had been working there.

"Just what the hell do you think you two are doing!? Break it up ya dykes or yer fired!!" Not only was he rude, but he was a bigot too.

Nicky pulled away and cowered a bit while Sasha narrowed hir eyes and walked forward, the bulge in hir skirt growing rather rigid.

"Shut up fat-ass!! You can't fire us just 'cause we're lesbians! We could have you and the company sued black, white, and blue for that!! Now back the hell off!!"

The large badger growled and restrained himself from gripping the vixen's collar, half from hir attitude, and half from shattering his fantasy of one day screwing them both into the ground.

"I could have you fired for that tone, you little bitch. I've canned people for-"

"Never lead with your worst threat. You can only go backwards from there. And if you don't make good on a threat, then no one believes anything you say after that," Shi cut him off, and then moved on to strike a rather sensitive nerve, "You need us to finish your work, right? Well if you fire us, then your work doesn't get done."

He growled louder and poked hir shoulder firmly with two fingers.

"Watch your mouth you little whore... or I'll hafta show the little prono you two made in the bathroom to the board." He didn't quite understand the implication of what he had just revealed.

Sasha just smirked and crossed hir arms, "See? Nothing but back-peddling. Go right ahead, I don't plan on working here much longer anyway."

The badger crossed his arms, "Is that so?"

"Yeah, in fact, I'm giving my notice now. Monday will be my last day, now get outta my cubical you lazy bastard."

The badger was furious, his brain worked feverishly to come up with something to go out on, but it was futile. Shi had succeeding in pissing him off to the point where he was speechless. Instead of saying something threatening, he simply stomped off, metaphorical smoke pouring from his ears. The vixen smirked and everyone, who had grown quiet during the argument, applauded hir audacity. Everyone except Nicky.

"You're quitting!? What are we gonna do for money!? We both make hardly enough to pay for rent!"

"Don't worry, we'll be alright. Trust me. You should quit too. You don't need this kinda shit. There's so much more we could do other than sit around and do that jackass's work when we should get credit for it. Let's blow this joint, get out there and do something we'd have actual fun with!" Sasha was riding the wave the sudden boost in testosterone had provided, and shi was rather enjoying it at this point.

Nicky had always been the more timid of the two. The encounter with Sirius showed her girlfriend that shi didn't have to do what everyone expected hir to. Sasha could do what shi wanted to do and still be successful. Either that or more than just his dick rubbed off on hir. It was difficult to tell.

"Y-You're sure we'll be alright?" Nicky's voice trembled slightly.

Sasha nodded and kissed the frightened vulpine lovingly, "I'm sure, no matter what happens, we've still got each other and that's more than most can say."

Nicky nodded a bit and gave in, "Okay, I'll quit with you."

"Good, now go in there and give that jerk a piece of your mind!" The more confident of the two just grinned powerfully.

She whimpered a bit but nodded, walking towards their supervisor's office, a quake in her legs, and not from the fun they happened to enjoy earlier in the day. When the door was closed behind her, a number of shouts could be heard before the poor vixen walked out sobbing. Sasha was immediately overcome with a flood of rage, the new hormones threatening to take over.

Shi tried to sooth hir lover before stomping off to confront the monster, "You wait right here sweetie, I'll be right back then we'll take off. Your mate's gonna go kick some badger ass." Whispers filled the office as everyone watched hir march down the hall to the supervisor's office. Shi kicked the door open and stomped in, hir eyes burning furiously.

He growled, "Just who the hell do you think you are barging in here like that!?"

"Shut up!!" Shi walked forward, climbing up on his desk and yanking him forward by the collar of his shirt, seeming to have more strength than he gave her credit for, "You won't ever talk to her like that ever again!! If hear, see, or even smell you threatening to treat her like that, I swear I will bite off your balls and stuff them down your throat. I'll castrate you with a blunt, rusty knife. I will have a male prostitute come in and publicly rape you anally. Do you hear me!?"

The badger was speechless, never having been threatened even remotely like this before and for some reason beyond his explanation, he believed hir, even feared hir, "O-okay..."

"We've got one more day under your shitty ass supervision and you better be damned grateful that we don't stick around and expose you for the lying industrial thief you are. You think that lil tape of me fucking her in the bathroom scares me? I've got enough dirt on you to have you thrown in jail long enough to end up getting married to a nice girl named Bubba. You're gonna march your tubby ass out there and apologize to her. Right now!!" Shi had never felt so infuriated before, and it felt great to release hir rage on him, he deserved so much worse in hir opinion but shi was showing restraint.

When he refused to move, paralyzed by the rage exuding from hir deadly eyes, shi pushed him up out of the chair and bent his arm back behind him, pushing him out into the hall. Back in the cubical, Nicky was drying her eyes with the help of a couple of her co-workers, until she saw the massive badger shuffling towards her with Sasha pushing him the whole way. She blinked and backed away, not wanting another ear-full. "There she is assface, now apologize." Shi had lowered hir voice at this point, but still carried a great deal of force behind it.

He grunted and winced as shi twisted his arm tighter, "I-I'm sorry... for making you cry."

"Tell her she's a valuable asset... and embellish it. Make it sound good." Shi pushed harder up on his elbow.

"Ow!! Okay!! Okay!! You're one of the, ow!! Most important employees I've got. We wouldn't be doing as well without you."

Sasha twisted harder, "Tell her she's pretty, and be nice about it."

He yelped in pain and grumbled, "You're one of the most lovely girls I've ever met..." Another strong twist made him yelp, "And I'm sorry for calling you a dyke and all those awful names. It was uncalled for. Please forgive me." Tears were beginning to seep from the corners of his eyes, the vixen having put almost enough pressure on his shoulder to pop his arm out of the socket.

When shi was satisfied, shi let go of him and pushed him away with a kick, "Now get outta here before I slice and dice your sac."

He stumbled and crashed into the wall, resulting in a rather large knot on his forehead. He growled and limped back to his office without anymore trouble. Nicky was completely shocked as was everyone else. Another applause, far more heartfelt and noisy, filled the room as they cheered hir on. Shi smirked and gave Nicky a warm hug, kissing her cheek.

"Feel better honey?" She nodded still in shock, "Good, now let's get outta here. I'm in a good mood and there's only one thing we can do about it, and I'm sure Sirius wouldn't mind helping us."

They gathered their things and headed out under the shoulder pats and handshakes of everyone on the floor. It seems they all wanted to do something like that to the boss for years. The two left the building, an arm around each others shoulders, giggling over a few jokes about the emasculated badger. The giddy buzz lasted all the way to Sirius's apartment where the wolf was waiting, having had his daily 'injection' from his next door neighbor.

The door opened and there stood the ivory canine, grinning from ear to ear seeing both of the girls in such a fine mood, "Hello ladies, please, come in. Make yourselves comfortable. My home is your home."

Sasha grinned, "You saying we can move in with you?"

He chuckled and squeezed both vixens in a warm hug, "I wouldn't be upset."

He winked knowingly and the giggle fit began all over again. Dinner was delivered, a couple of pizzas, nothing terribly fancy. The trio exchanged jokes and anecdotes, getting to know one another better before they got to the day's events. Nicky told the whole story with great fervor, giving the juicy details where they applied and telling about the rude boss they used to work for.

"I came back in tears and Sasha here played the part of the warrior princess, broke his door down and dragged him back outside to apologize. Everyone heard it." She was still trying to absorb it all.

Sasha chuckled and blushed a little, "I don't know what came over me. It was like I was on autopilot. I liked it."

Nicky grinned, "I know what came over you. This thing right here." She slipped a hand under Sasha's skirt and gripped hir rock hard member, massaging it firmly. It was still standing tall from their fun at the office. Maybe giving the bastard badger a good threat and firm kick in the ass get hir riled up more than shi realized.

A playful growl came from the vixen and shi cuddled close, "Yeah, I guess so. Thanks Sirius. I dunno how ya did it, but I love this thing."

The wolf grinned a bit, "Glad to hear it. I dunno how I did it either."

Nicky let go of the vixen and stood up, "I'm gonna go use the bathroom, you two play nice while I'm gone."

They chuckled softly and nodded as she walked off. When the door was closed, Sasha leaned in close and whispered to the lupine.

"I think she oughta grow one too. What say we stuff her in where I was last night?"

The wolf grinned and nodded, "Not a bad idea. I'll go get ready."

They stood and took their respective positions, Sirius stripping down and laying down on the bed. The faucet in the bathroom turned off as Nicky dried her hands, stepping out shortly after. She was met by a deeply passionate kiss, Sasha's hands roaming all over her body. The surprised vixen moaned softly and accepted the attention, letting herself be drawn to the bed, not yet noticing the large, naked masculine canine. Sasha's hands slipped under the folds of the vixen's clothing, pulling it off as quickly as shi could. Nicky giggled and helped hir out of hirs as well, and before long, two nude vixens stood at the edge of the bed, already getting hot and heavy.

Nicky's hands caressed the length between her lover's thighs, wanting so badly to feel it lodged in her again and Sasha granted her wish. With two wonderful moans, Sasha hilted hirself in the vixen's warm, moist embrace. Carefully, shi lay them both down on the bed and cooed, kissing Nicky lovingly. Watching with great interest, Sirius drew them both closer, laying them down between his legs. When the kiss was broken, the fox on top guided hir lover's lips to Sirius's, specifically, the lower set, urging her to drink him dry if she could. Without hesitation, Nicky ran her tongue along the silky folds before her, nuzzling and murmuring loudly as Sasha began to thrust smoothly against her.

"Oh Sash... It feels sooo good." Already her voice was breathy and labored.

Sirius was enjoying himself as well, shuddering a bit as the vixen continued her oral caresses. Unable to wait any longer, he took her cheeks in his hands softly and pressed her deeper, her muzzle sinking out of sight. Nicky's eyes opened in surprise and she squirmed a bit, held down by the gentle loving motions of her mate. It slowly dawned on her that the two of them, Sirius and Sasha both, intended on stuffing her into the canine's womb. She continued to wriggle but by now, she was giggling, pushing up with her hips against the ravishing vulpine atop her, panting softly for air deep in Sirius's fragrant tunnel. Both wolf and fox moaned in delight as they played with their living toy, pushing her entire head in easily enough.

As Sasha grew closer to orgasm, shi moved up to lap softly as the wolf's rod, doubling his pleasure. Contractions rippled away firmly, dragging the poor girl deeper still, passing her neck and shoulders with a number of grunts and groans. All three were drawing so very close to climactic bliss. Nicky's chest passed from sight as Sirius's belly swelled strongly once more, a sensation he was growing to love. The feeling of his body stretching to contain the gorgeous creature slipping in, now that he was completely aware and focused on it, was quickly becoming one of his absolute favorite bedroom 'games'. Sasha gained speed and force rapidly, moaning as each thrust sent another inch or so into the canine's body. Finally, shi screamed in passion, flooding hir mate with sweetly sticky seed, filling Nicky right to the brim. She screamed in joy as well feeling the hot spurts coat her insides. Her toes splayed apart as her own peak struck, soaking the sheets under all three of them.

The subsequent force added from the deliciously decadent experience served to sink Nicky in up to the top of her hips. Sirius wrapped his arms around Sasha, pulling hir further up his body. The act helped to sink the vixen lodged in him even deeper, her hips vanishing followed slowly by her thighs. Sasha growled happily, cuddling against the plump canid, caressing his growing tummy. No longer held by the earlier embrace, hir shaft was now buried in him as opposed to the girl curling up in his womb. Sirius panted and moaned as he continued to gobble up the voluptuous girl, passing over her knees easily. Sasha grinned and reached down, pressing up against hir mate's paws, tickling them a bit. Nicky giggled and squirmed wildly under the wolf's fur, her motions only serving to trap her in her new bed. The last of Nicky's form disappeared from sight, Sirius's folds closing behind her as she rumbled in satisfaction. She found herself rather enjoying being curled up in the nice round dome of the belly her lover had spent the night in. Sirius was already relishing the feeling of being pregnant again.

Sasha giggled and caressed the swell lovingly, keeping hirself buried in his passage, "Mmm. You're just so versatile. I love it. Think I'll sleep just like this honey."

The wolf sighed happily, hugging the vixen tight against his round middle, "I'd love for you to. And you in there, sleep well, just give a little kick when you want out."

Nicky was already asleep, and sleeping deeply, obviously happy with her current situation. The vixen and wolf coupled together kissed passionately before settling in for a long night's rest. If the girls did move in with him, Sirius would be the envy of all his friends, sleeping with two lesbians. It was a guy's dream come true. Of course, that dream didn't include having one of them napping in his womb while the other blocked the exit with a rather impressively sized dick. Maybe it was more his dream come true, and he didn't even know he wanted it until it happened. Having managed to find great comfort in each other's presence, the wolf and vixen allowed sleep to claim them rather quickly.

What a weekend it was already shaping up to be.