Chapter 3: Best Friends Forever Part 2

Story by Taur Caliso on SoFurry

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#3 of A New Region, A New Love

A New Region, A New Love

Chapter 3: Best Friends Forever Part 2

Taur: "Whoop-pow! Ola! Welcome to the third Chapter of A New Region, I'm glad that I feel that I can write again."

Lopunny: "Yay!"

Taur "Hehe, anyway, Chapter 3, Bruce has recovered but what has become of Blazie? Does his new Trainer Teacher Tablet give him any skills? And will those Poochyena be brought to Justice? Find out in this Hot new Chapter!"

Lopunny: "Also yay!"

Taur: "Hahahaha! Enjoy the chapter!"

I awoke as I was met with the Hospital Ceiling as I sighed, 'I miss Home' I thought as I remember waking up to having Blazie warming my side and seeing the Wooden Ceiling, but I still remained in the bed as I sat up, I noticed my stomach didn't hurt as the Pink outline of the cuts, but instead were replaced by purple lines, now sealing my stomach together.

"Woah..." I gasped as I poked it lightly as it responded with a light sting. 'It must be still sensitive ' I thought as I crawled to the edge of my bed, I could see a few Pokemon and People lying on the beds, some with a lot of Bandages, some sleeping Peacefully, I turned to the table next to my Bed as I picked up the Teacher Tablet, turned it on and started reading.

When I finished reading it was 7:30pm, I think I'd read through the Tablet in six hours, but still, I think I understood how to battle instead of copying people, I put the tablet down as I remembered one of the lines from the book, it just seemed... pretty right actually.

"No matter how strong or experienced the Pokemon, it's nothing without a proper bond, Friendship with your Pokemon will provide the true power you'll need to be the best... like no one ever was." I remembered as I smiled a bit, It seemed like such a weird but right thing to put in a Trainer Teacher Tablet. Nurse Joy walked in as I put the Tablet back on the Table.

"Bruce, you must feeling better if you can sit up." Nurse Joy smiled as I nodded and showed her the healed scars as she inspected them, running fingers outside of the Scars.

"Don't touch them please, they still hurt." I warn her as she nods and continues inspecting the wounds before standing back up as I pull my Hospital Gown down.

"Well, it's good that you're recovering Bruce." She chimes as I nod too before remembering Blazie, Joy must've seen the look in my eye because I swear she frowned for a split second.

"Blazie, I want to see Blazie." I said in my most serious tone as shadows hid Nurse Joy's eyes.

"...I suppose you've healed up enough to see her." She said quietly as I got off the bed, I stumble before gripping the bed again, 'Ow... Guess I'm not used to walking yet...' I groaned in my mind as I shakily walked to Nurse Joy before she gave me a Cane to help balance myself, even If I felt like an old man, it helped me keep up with her as I followed her to a darker section of the Pokemon Center, I felt myself to get scared as Nurse Joy kept going effortlessly. I followed her to a large steel door with a small porthole window as I tried jumping but the jump wasn't big enough and I stumbled when I landed before Nurse Joy found a step ladder and helped me up.

"Thank you. " I said as I peered through the hole, the dark making it hard to see before my eyes adjusted as I saw dim lights circling the room with a Stretcher in the centre of the room with Large machines shadowing it as I saw an I/V tube from the Machine leading to Blazie as she laid motionless, her beak covered by an Oxygen Mask and her fur with a faint red from a rushed wash... Maybe.

"She's in a stable condition but she hasn't woken up yet..." Nurse Joy commented as I sat on the Step Ladder.

"I... don't get it, we were both hit weren't we? And yet I've woken up twice. Why?" I asked Nurse Joy as she sighed.

"Tor- I mean: Blazie's body is far smaller than yours Bruce, those scars on your Stomach may have covered the front of her whole Body... and she didn't have any Pokeball to go into Bruce, when a Trainer is heavily injured, their Pokeballs lock so no one steals their Pokemon while waiting for us... But, the system also has a drawback, any Pokemon left out: Blazie for example, would have to fight 4 strong Poochyena without any Trainer to guide her or any chance to return to her ball... Bruce, she not only did the Flamethrower attack to protect you, she did it because she would have died if she didn't use it." Nurse Joy warned as looked at the floor then back at Blazie.

"Nurse Joy... Am I a bad Trainer?... I wanted to be like Dad when I grew up, but i don't want the Pokemon I catch to end up like this." I explain as I point to Blazie, the sight making me worried and slightly upset.

"You had a spot of bad luck Bruce, It wasn't your fault." She comforted as I heard her tone change, 'She... She's lying to me! I really am a terrible Trainer!' I realized as I leapt of the Ladder as Nurse Joy took a step back.

"Lies! You think I'm a Bad Trainer! Well I am ok?! I tried to fend off those Pokemon but I couldn't! I didn't know my Pokeballs would lock and I didn't want her to end up like this!" I shouted as People looked over before Nurse Joy grabbed my arm.

"Bruce, you're being silly. Go back to your room before you embarrass yourself." She whispered as I yanked my arm away from her and ran to the locked door of Blazie's room, holding onto the handle.

"No! I'm not! I may be a bad trainer but I'm not gonna let my Pokemon out my sight again! She's my friend and I know she thinks that of me too!" I shouted as Nurse Joy was about to say something before two Men walked in.

"Who said my Boy was a terrible Trainer?!" Dad yelled as Nurse Joy started to sweat.

"N-No Mr Wilson! That's not what I meant!" Nurse Joy stuttered as he walked to her while another man stood in the shadows, watching the two.

"Then what did you mean?" Dad growled as she pointed to Blazie, as he looked at Blazie before back at Nurse Joy.

"That's no reason to call my Son a bad trainer!" He growled once more as Nurse Joy shook her head.

"Nononono! That's not what I meant at all! I'm sure Bruce is a great Trainer but he wasn't ready for an Attack like that! 4 Poochyena's that were 10 Levels higher against a Level 6 Torchic? I'm sure it'd be difficult for any Novice Trainer! Even your son!" She whimpered as he turned and walked to the Porthole window, I watched my mouth agape. 'They... They were 10 levels higher? Then I wasn't a bad trainer...' I realized as Dad back around to Nurse Joy.

"True... I suppose he and Blazie lacked the Experience to fight all of them off... I'm sorry for raising my voice." He nodded as Nurse Joy bowed.

"It's ok Mr Wilson." She sighed in relief as Dad walked over and hugged me as I hugged back, while he was barely around, he really cared, thankfully.

"How's my Ace going? I'm sure you've gotten better." He asked as I lifted my gown to show him my healed scars as he chuckled.

" 'Atta boy, already back to fighting shape, and he's got some scars to show to the Ladies." He winked as I blushed a little, embarrassed by Dad and talk of girls.

"Daaad, stop it..." I looked away as the Man in the suit turned to Dad.

"May I talk to him?" He asked, his voice was gentle, and somewhat calming I noticed as Dad nodded before hugging me and walking back to Blazie's Window as the Man stepped out of the Shadows, revealing himself to have pale Blue hair, a Red Ascot and a Black and Purple zig zag suit.

"Hello Bruce, Do you know who I am?" He asked as I nodded with a huge smile. 'OF COURSE I KNOW WHO YOU ARE! You're Steven Stone! The Pokemon League Champion!' My mind shouted before I shook my head and tried to be less excited.

"Yeah, you're Steven Stone, The Pokemon League Champion, A competitor made it to you last week on the Pokemon League Gauntlet Show-" I was cut off as he raised his hand.

"Yes I am, you certainly sound like a Fan, Bruce." He noted as he put his hands in his Pant pockets whilst I scratched the back of my head.

"Well... Yeah, Me and Blazie are your biggest fans, we watch your show every Wednesday!" I admit as he checks his Pokenav.

"I see." He said before shutting his Pokenav as I looked me in the eyes as I saw his shining Blue eyes.

"Bruce, you and Blazie are all over the News, Are you a trainer?" He asked as I nodded.

"I am but... I'm not as strong as you... We need Experience, maybe have another Pokemon but one day we'll be strong!" I promised as I frowned slightly. 'If Blazie gets better.' I thought as Steven held his chin.

"Hmmm, Bruce? How about I give you one of mine?" He asked as I blinked before asking him.

"Pardon?" I ask as Dad snapped his head to Steven.

"I said, How would you like a Pokemon from me?" He replied as I felt myself bounce a little.

"Steven... I'd be honoured!" I laughed, 'If this is a dream, don't wake me up.' I thought as Steven smiled a little before handing me a Pokeball and nodded to the Large Hallway.

"Go on, Throw it and see what it is." He encouraged as i turned to the Hallway, expanded the Pokeball and threw it.

"Go Pokemon!" I called the Pokemon out as the Pokeball grew and opened.

"Beldum." It announced as I stared at it, it looked familiar.

"Do you know what Pokemon that is?" Steven asked as I stared at it, it was blue with a single red eye with a black Iris, it's body was slim and it had three Steel claw tips on the bottom of it.

"Ummm, Beldum? Sorry Steven, I haven't seen a Pokemon like this..." I admitted as the pokemon kept levitating and floating as it looked around, Steven crossed his arms and smiled lightly as we watched the Iron Ball Pokemon.

"Bel-dum." It said as it looked at the powered off Heart Rate Monitor.

"That Pokemon Bruce is a Beldum, It is a Rare Pokemon and it's the Original Pokemon before evolve into a Metang, then a Metagross." He explained as my jaw dropped, 'Th-That can evolve into a Metagross?! A-A Metagross?!' I thought in shock and disbelief.

"St-Steven... Metagross is your best Pokemon, th-this Beldum could be a Metagross, a big... powerful and intelligent Metagross, and you're giving it to me?!" I asked, still in disbelief as Steven nodded whilst Beldum floated back to us and tilted himself, it looked curious.

"While I know you're only a novice Trainer, your father told me about how you grew up around Pokemon as well as your Father's Pokemon, your Mother explained that you've used Blazie to fight and win against wild Pokemon, they also told me how much you've been reading those 'Trainer Teacher Tablets' and how you treat your Pokemon." Steven revealed as I looked to Dad, he was watching from across the room with his hands behind his back as Beldum whirred and tilted it's head at me as I held out my hand before Beldum rubbed it's eyepiece on my hand, enjoying the feel.

"Well... I wanna be the best one day... Just like you." I whispered quietly as Steven raised a brow, I felt embarrassed.

"Bruce, I'm the Champion of this whole Region, I've battled 4 of the Strongest Trainers this region had to offer as well as the Past Champion, do you really believe you can be like me?" He asked whilst watching me as Beldum watched as he said his name slowly. 'I... I dunno... I mean, Steven could do anything... What can I do? I lost to 4 Poochyena... My best wasn't enough... Maybe I shouldn't be a Trainer... I'll hurt my Pokemon...' I thought as I frowned before glancing to the Pothole Window, I thought about Blazie, I remembered all the fun stuff we did, we played games together, we fought a Zigzagzoon out of the House, Mom and Dad were proud of the stuff we did and sometimes: we got the sheets from my bed and some sticks from outside and made our own Secret base... 'Blazie... We're best friends forever... and even if we get in trouble, hurt ourselves, or even... end up like this, I'm not going to give up on our dream! We're going to be the best! Together!' I motivated myself as I looked back at Steven, he grinned slightly.

"Yes! Me and Blazie have a Dream! And when she gets better, we're going to kick those Poochyena's butts so hard they'll fly into Outer space! Then we'll get stronger and stronger until we can kick your butt!" I yelled as Dad chuckled from the other side of the room, Steven closed his eyes.

"Well then Bruce, you've got a lot of Spirit, that'll take you far, maybe further than me. Ok, you can keep the Beldum, I expect that I'll see great things from you." He nodded as he opened his eyes and turned to Dad.

"Oh, and have the day off Drake, I'm sure he'd like to talk to you about how he'll be better than you one day." Steven thought aloud as Dad nodded, walked over to me and grabbed my Shoulder, it didn't hurt but it was a strong grab.

"Don't worry, A Son of a Dragon Master is bound to be great, as is any Wilson!" He bragged as Steven laughed slightly.

"Oh I'm sure he will, Goodbye Bruce, make good use of that Pokemon I gave you!" He waved as me and Dad waved before he waved back before adjusting his Ascot as he went up the Elevator. Dad looked at me before kneeling and hugging me.

"You're pretty lucky you know? You get your own Pokemon from the Pokemon League Champion and from what I heard, you're almost ready to go home!" He grinned as I nodded and grinned back, whenever he grinned his silly Moustache would move with him.

"Yeah, I'm feeling a lot better now." I said as Beldum now decided to join the hug as Dad looked at him."

"Hmm... Are you going to give Beldum a nickname Bruce? How about Beldy?" He asked as I tried to hold back my laughter but gave in as I fell on the floor laughing, Beldum looked to Dad with an angry look and jabbed his cheek lightly with one of his Claw tips.

"Never was good at nicknames..."Dad complained as Beldum floated to me before I stood up, still giggling at the stupid name as I sighed and thought.

"You know what? Beldum doesn't need a Nickname, he's cool the way he is." I thought as Beldum cheered and flipped in the air as Dad nodded and stood up.

"Now... Your Mother and I have been talking-"

"And we think it may be time to go home." Mom said as I felt my heart drop.

"B-But Blazie isn't healed yet!" I felt myself stutter and get angry as Mom crossed her arms.

"Bruce, Blazie is going to be fine, but you're healed, you're ok now." Mom said calmly as I felt my fists clench and tears roll down my cheeks and onto the tiled floor.

"But she's not! It's my responsibility as a Trainer damn it! She didn't leave me to die and I won't leave her! We're best friends and I'd be the worst friend if I left now!" I shouted as Mom stood back and Dad got angry, grabbing my arm tightly.

"Bruce! Stop it! You're making a fuss about nothing!" Dad growled and I yelled and hit his arm before stepping back to Blazie's door.

"You think Blazie's nothing?! Some kind of toy that you can buy again if it breaks?! No! She may be a Pokemon but she's still my Friend!" I protested as Mom and Dad stood and looked at me disappointedly, Nurse Joy soon ran up.

"What is all this noise about?" She asked as Dad turned to her.

"Bruce doesn't want to leave Blazie behind and he refuses to go home." Dad said quietly as I still stayed close to the door, holding the column tightly as I shut my eyes tightly, I heard Nurse Joy walk closer as I gripped the column as hard as I could, she stopped short of me.

"Bruce? Are you ok?" She asked, 'No I'm not ok!' I thought in anger.

"No." I simply replied as I kept holding the column tightly.

"Are you scared of leaving Blazie here?" Nurse Joy asked as I peeked a little, I could see her, bent down to see me as I shut my eyes.

"Yes." I said quietly, I didn't like feeling scared.

"Well, You're all ready to go, but Blazie isn't... so, Angela and I have been talking, your dad will stay here and keep Blazie safe and you can go home tonight and visit tomorrow, Ok Bruce?" She smiled as I rubbed my eyes free of my tears, slightly hearing Dad sigh in frustration for having to stay here. 'I don't wanna leave Blazie... But Dad's watching her...' I thought with Hesitation as I let one hand go of the column.

"Dad? Are you sure you're gonna watch her?" I asked.

"Yes Bruce." He nodded. I held out my hand.

"Promise?" I asked as I stared Dad in his eyes as he grinned and shook my hand.

"Deal." He said as he grabbed my hand and shook it, his grip was hurting my hand but he shook my hand as he sat on the Bench as Mom offered her hand as I looked back at Blazie before looking to Dad and Mom. Confident that Dad would kick butt if anyone went near Blazie, I held Mom's hand and I let go of the Column, Mom looked down and smiled at me as I held her hand, we walked to the Elevator as I looked back to see wave before letting out his Shelgon with a Yawn.

Later as we walked back Home, I could see Squirtle walking ahead of us as I trudged home, still wondering how Blazie was feeling as Squirtle used Water Gun on a Poochyena who was sniffing the ground in front of us.

"Mom, do you think Blazie is gonna be ok?" I asked as Mom kept looking forward.

"I don't know Brucie, all that matters is that you're safe with us now." She said quietly as we reached town, I looked down at my feet. 'Sometimes I think Mom doesn't care about Blazie... I think she lies sometimes...' I thought as mom stopped, kneeled down and held my chin up.

"Brucie... I know that you probably think that I'm a bad person for not fighting for Blazie as hard as I could... But I've only got one Son like no other and his name is Bruce. And I love him." She tried to compensate as I tried not to frown.

"I've got only one friend and her name is Blazie." I replied as Mom tilted her head.

"What about Sapphire? I thought you two were friends as well as neighbours." She asked as I shook my head side to side.

"She is, but she likes to get all... clingy and likes to see everything I've done and it just... it gets annoying." I confessed as Mom smiled a little.

"I think someone's got a crush on Bruuuuuce~" She teased as Squirtle laughed, I blushed slightly but I help but smile at their reactions, 'Sapphire has a crush on me? Nah, no way!' I thought as we head inside, I went inside and Mom went into her room.

"We'll visit Blazie in the Morning, ok Bruce?" Mom purposed as I nodded and headed for the stairs.

"Night Bruce." Mom called as I went upstairs.

"Squirtle Squirtle!" Squirtle called as I took my shoes and lied down on my bed.

"Night Mom, Night Squirtle!" I called back as I lied down and shut my eyes before I heard a familiar cry in the distance. I bolted up and looked out my open window, but there were no Pokemon out except for a few Zubat in the distance and a Shelgon near my Mom's win- 'Wait, A Shelgon?' I looked down again as it soon ran off into the grass at a casual pace.

"Huh..." I said aloud as I was met with a cold breeze, I shivered and shut the Window as the breeze stopped instantly as I trudged back into bed. My body met with the cold sheets and the mattress as I shivered again, it wasn't normally this cold, 'Blazie helps by heating the sheets... But she wasn't here tonight...' I sighed and rolled on my side.


I sat as I saw the Shelgon have something roll off it's back as it looked at me, before bowed as I sat in awe. 'A Shelgon? Why would that be- Oh, It's probably Drake's... still wouldn't Drake be here too if she was healed? Hm... Maybe Darling fell asleep and Shelgon came to tell me something...' I got out of my warm bed to meet the cold embrace of the room before opening the windows as Shelgon jumped in surprise.

"Shelgon? What are you doing here? Did Drake fall asleep?" I asked as Shelgon nodded before I noticed what Shelgon was protecting as It slid off and ran behind the house.

"Is that..." Shelgon nodded once more.

"Shelgon." He nodded as I heard Bruce's footsteps, he must've heard Shelgon.

"Quick, go back to Darling and wake him up!" I whispered as Shelgon nodded before hopping back to Oldale Town, I quietly shut my windows and went back to bed as I saw an Orange blur zip past the kitchen, I smiled and covered the sheets over me.


It started to get a bit warmer but the room still kept it cold as I shifted in discomfort. I heard something come up the steps as I sat up, hoping it was Mom and not another Zigzagzoon before I saw Yellow and Orange feathers, by the time the Pokemon had made to the top of the stairs I was already out of bed. It turned to me.

"Torchic?" She asked, I saw the leg on one of her Talons was casted and her chest was wrapped in bandages.

"Blazie! You're alive! Haha! I knew it!" I said with glee as Blazie ran to me as I fell to my knees, as I hugged her, she was so warm but it felt so good to have her back.

"I nearly thought you died..." I said quietly as I felt her small wings on my stomach as her warmth soon made me feel drowsy.

"Blazie, we should go to bed..." I yawned as Blazie nodded before yawning too.

"Toooorchic..." She yawned as we both climbed into my bed and drifted to sleep with my best friend in my arms. I felt the world blur as I soon awoke from my flashback.

"B? Are you still alive?" Rayquaza asked i rubbed my eyes.

"Yeah Yeah I am! Just had a... flashback. Memories returning basically." I explained to Rayquaza thought about this new term.

"And this about how you and the Blaziken developed your bonds?" He asked as I nodded.

"Yeah, we got attacked when we were little by Poochyena and we became stronger to beat the Poochyena then along the way, Blazie fell into heat but didn't tell me before she forced herself on me, I was a little shocked at first but I got over it and well... we've been Mates for a year now." I told Rayquaza as he grinned slightly.

"I heard the allure of Heat Season is a powerful one, do you truly love her or is it her body you love?" Rayquaza asked, 'A Legendary asking me about my relationship... Completely normal...' I thought in sarcasm.

"I love every fibre of her, Rayquaza, and perhaps even more. Arceus strike me down If I'm lying." I promised as Rayquaza growled slightly.

"Bruce, I respect you enough to let you capture me but do not get Father to strike me down with you as the Lightning rod." He growled as I chuckled slightly.

"Sorry." I sheepishly apologized as I soon saw Lillycove City and the Docks, a Ferry Liner was ported there as I pointed to it, Rayquaza nodded.

"There's your Location?" He asked.

"Yeah, I can go from here, Thanks Rayquaza!" I said as I stood up on the Serpent.

"No Problem B." He nodded as I jumped off, briefly enjoying feeling the rushing wind passing me as I descended as I sent out Salamence below me as I landed on him, him taking some of my impact as he dived low before spreading his wings as we flew across the water towards Lillycove, Salamence's speed leaving a lined ripple after him as we flew up before slowing and landing at Lillycove City while some onlookers blinked a few times before clapping briefly. I jumped off Salamence as I let everyone else out.

"So, I'm going to go get supplies before we head out, Does anyone want anything before we leave?" I asked as Blazie and Salamence shook their heads while Metagross nodded.

"Yes Metagross?" I asked as Metagross looked to Salamence who looked back curiously.

"Can you get a bucket for Salamence to drool in when he falls asleep?" Metagross asked, we stood in silence for a moment before Blazie burst out laughing followed by me as Metagross chuckled, Salamance growled before looking away.

"I do not drool in my sleep..." He muttered as Blazie soon slowed her laughing.

"Sure Sure Salamance, I'm sure you learning how to use water gun instead!" She laughed as Blazie soon fell over laughing, Metagross catching her as Salamance decided to fly to the Chimney of the Ferry while I helped up Blazie.

"I'm sure he just wants to be alone, come on, We'll buy him a bag of Tauros Jerky to cheer him up." I compensated as Metagross nodded while Blazie hugged my arm as we strolled through Lillycove City to get it's Department Store.

???'s POV

I put down my Binoculars as I typed where the Target was heading as Absol tilted her head.

"If he thinks he going to last on that ship, he going to hit an Iceberg, a big fucking Iceberg named Agent H... I'm not fat like an Iceberg but I'm refering to my power-"

"Absol." Absol silenced as I held my forehead.

"Right. Right. Stay focused."

Taur: "And that's that! Would you believe I was crazy enough to write this during exams? Eh, probably, so, Why did Shelgon accompany Blazie? Who is the Mysterious Person following Bruce? And does Salamance drool?"

Lopunny: *Giggles* "Probably."

Taur: "Heheh, I hope you all liked that but now I have serious question! Should the Story take place after Pokemon Emerald or after Pokemon Omega Ruby/Alpha? The decision will affect the decisions and plot of the story but anyone who read the original back on FFN shall not need to fear, it'll be largely the same, just some changes, hopefully for the better."

Lopunny: "Pssst, Say ORAS so I can get my Mega evolution!"

Taur: "Lopunny!"

Lopunny: "What? Don't you wanna see me in some, tight, butt hugging leggings?~"

Taur: "W-Well-"

Lopunny: "There! I knew It! You perv~"

Taur: *Sigh* "Vote what you like Ladies and gentlemen (Also anyone inbetween), I will not judge your answer and I'll put a link to the original once this rewrite is complete. Taur away!"

Lopunny: "Adventure!"

A World Above and Below: Chapter 2: Pride and Agony

A World below and above Ch2: Pride and Agony Taur jumped out of the way as the Troll's colossal Wooden club struck the ground, leaving a dip in the ground as Taur looked for a weakness as the Troll raised his Club once more before attempting to crush...

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Chapter 2: Best Friends Forever Part 1

A New Region, A New Love Chapter 2: Best Friends Forever Part 1 **_Taur: "Welcome back to Chapter 2 of my Story! I hope you enjoyed the first chapter as much as I did and I cannot thank you enough of your reviews and support for the story, I...

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Chapter 1: A Vacation?

A New Region, A New Love Chapter 1: A Vacation? **_Taur: "I...It's been 3,000 years, HAHAHA! Sorry readers, I'm Taur Caliso and I used to write over at before Critics United bullied me into either scrapping my stories or having my...

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